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SLO Co. Social Justice eNews

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    Simpler Living Daily Nudges ENHANCED--Read a nudge each day or once a week, at your pace. Now each day is enhanced by bonus links. Throughout the year, the archive of SLW! blogs and podcasts from Jubilee OneEarth Economics and Simple Living Works! is offered. Forward to friends, who can subscribe by sending NUDGE to
  • Simpler Living Digest
  • San Luis Obispo County, Central Coast, CA. Social Justice eNews

    Updated as New Info Arrives

    In This Issue: Calendar of Events // Links // Blogs, Podcasts, Videos

    For the next Mothers for Peace meeting contact Jill Zamek at

    Local Meeting of Multiple Agencies
    You may join in person or via Zoom.

    Dam Builders, Water Bringers, Habitat Creators
    Welcome to the San Luis Obispo County Beaver Brigade! We are dedicated to educating folks in our county about the benefits of beavers in our rivers and streams. Stay up to date on events happening around the county.
    People of Faith for Justice
    Opening Doors of Interfaith Understanding

    Welcome! In this world, where so much is divided and uncertain, we have forged a deep connection and an ongoing, respectful and welcoming environment.

    Opening Doors of Interfaith Understanding is co-sponsored by People of Faith for Justice (PFJ) and the SLO Ministerial Association (SLOMA)

    Mission Statement: Our goal is to promote interfaith respect, empathy, understanding and interpersonal relationships between and among individuals as the group studies and experiences the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith traditions.

    Join us by Zoom
    UU, 2201 Lawton Ave., San Luis Obispo
    In Person--Wear a mask, please
    People of Faith for Justice is proud to bring our community together again on Martin Luther King Sunday!

    Join our pilgrimage on the Civil Rights Trail as we reflect on the power of non-violence over violence. How do we protect and advance MLK's legacy today?

    California's EPR would change recycling in three ways:

  • Establish a plastic pollution fee on all single-use plastic packaging and foodware produced
  • Require producers to reduce single-use plastic packaging and single-use plastic foodware sold in or into California to the maximum extent possible, and by no less than 25 percent by 2030
  • Require producers to use recycled content and renewable materials

    By shifting the cost of recycling from the consumer to the producer, the EPR measures will strike plastics production and pollution at its source. Producers will be incentivized to create sustainable packaging and disincentivized to continue perpetuating the single-use, disposable culture that has put the health of California's residents and environment at risk.

    Join thousands of Californians in pledging to support this critical ballot initiative to create a future free of plastics. We'll keep you up-to-date as the ballot measure progresses.


    Paso Food Co-op
    Join us every third Wednesday at our monthly meeting - see our calendar for upcoming events.

    Review all the details at our website:

    Virtual North County NeighborAid (formerly Womenade) Monthly Meeting. New web address: // Mailing address: 7343 El Camino Real #346, Atascadero, CA 93422. New email address: For details for last month's ZOOM, contact The North County NeighborAid Team (805) 540-0006. Please 'like and 'follow' us on Facebook and suggest friends, too. More followers means more donations and we need to be actively fundraising to meet our annual reserve goals.

    North County NeighborAid--Food, Love and Community Service

    Climate (Virtual) MeetUp | Citizens Climate Lobby Monthly
    Enjoy Being a Climate Solver
    Free Community Workshop
    St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, Los Osos Valley Road and Clark Valley Rd., Los Osos
    Learn what you can do to promote climate health for ourselves and for generations to come.
    Santa Lucia Sierra Club Free Online Events --

    To stay up to date on the local situation and when state, local, and Sierra Club policy may allow outdoor group recreational activities, we suggest you join the Santa Lucia Chapter Meetup group.

    Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter

    Join SLO Climate Coalition

    The health department of SLO County offers in-home vaccination for those people who are unable to get to a clinic for a Covid vaccine or flu shot and/or are considered homebound. In order to sign up please go to to sign up or call the health department at 805-781-5500 and ask to receive a home vaccine.
    Peace Tea And Talk Around the Table

    You are invited by Yes We Can Peacebuilders to the meeting of the Peace Tea Nonviolence Discussion Group at Estero Bay United Methodist Church, 3000 Hemlock Ave., Morro Bay.

    At our first meetings we talked about how fear, anger, and grief affect our daily lives as we look at a world in turmoil. We experienced a new understanding of violence doing the 'Violence Spectrum' exercise and discussed the three elements of violence on Galtung's Triangle of Violence.

    Now we will take our search for understanding further as we explore nonviolence through quotes from prominent people of peace and we will create a mind map consisting of our own descriptions of nonviolence.

    Then we will dig deeper into our understanding by exploring the words 'Free' and 'Equal,' as they relate to the choices available to us in our lives and our rights and opportunities. We hope you will join us!

    Discussions are held using the Circle of Trust methodology offering the participants the opportunity to dialogue without rancor, judgment, or advice on the topics of real world and community problems.

    Citizens Climate Lobby monthly meeting ONLINE, Unitarian Universalists San Luis Obispo, Lawton & South St. Email for more info:

    R.A.C.E. Matters SLO

    Our mission is to create artistic, cultural, educational and social experiences that amplify Black voices and matters of racial justice. Our guiding principles call us to prioritize the voices, views and needs of Black, and other people of color, within our organization and in our community.

    To those ends, we have partnered with Michelle Shoresman at the SLO Public Health Department to create a universal message encouraging vaccination against COVID-19 that we think you might find appropriate to share with your congregation. We would suggest showing this during your online services, perhaps posting it onto your Website, Face Book or Instagram page, or sharing it in any other way you think your congregants would be receptive to it.

    The support of the religious community is so important in this outreach effort. We know that our Black and brown communities are finding it more difficult to get vaccinated against COVID 19 than members of other communities in our county, and we hope this 3 minute PSA would perhaps encourage more folks to 'take the shot.'
    You can view the 3 minute PSA on R.A.C.E. Matters' Web site ( or here:
    We hope you are able to pass this along to your friends, networks and congregants through whatever means you think the most people will view it. Please feel free to reach out to me or Preston Allen, also a member of our board, with feedback or any questions you might have.
    In faith,

    R.A.C.E. Matters SLO // Gina Whitaker - 805 305-0612 // Preston Allen - 805 235-2028

    Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast Episodes

    Ep. 0122--Chuck Collins: The Industry that Saves Billionaires Millions

    Ep. 1221--Della Duncan: Renegade Economics

    Ep. 1121--Lauren Van Ham: Radical Inter-religious Cooperation Is Working to Save Life on Our Planet

    Ep. 1021--A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee

    Ep. 0921--Eric LeCompte, director of Jubilee USA Network, on Reducing Student Debt

    Ep. 0821--Brenda Wyss: Feminist Economics Is Creating Just Systems That Meet Current Crises

    Ep. 0721--Matt Brennan: An Advocate for Your Congregation and Nonprofit Installing Solar Power

    The podcast is on PAUSE. All 250+ episodes are available -- one at a time -- as part of a FREE Simpler Living Daily Nudge subscription. Send NUDGE to

    Climate Change Is Code Red for Humanity

    Petition to Government Officials from Mothers for Peace SLO


    Creating a Population Consciousness: Advancing Positive Conversations for a Sustainable Population


    Season of Creation
    Additional Resource Guide and Ideas
    Click Here

    Latest Podcast!

    New episodes every 4th Thursday!
    Local social justice issues and organizations explored.
    Visit our Web site

    People of Faith for Justice New PODCAST at or subscribe at iTunes -- CHECK US OUT on Apple, Spotify or Google (links below)! SUBSCRIBE NOW so you won't miss an episode! -- SHARE across all Social Media platforms, please!! New episodes every 4th Thursday! Local social justice issues explored. Visit our Web site Click on "PODCAST" across the top below our name Episode 001--What Is Restorative Justice? An Interview with Restorative Partners Links: Apple: Google: Podcast Website (for listening on your computer through your browser): Please share widely on all social media!!

    People of Faith for Justice is BLOGGING! Visit our Web site to see recent blogs by Gina Whitaker, Jason Sisk-Provencio, Rich Kurrasch More to come... We are grateful for your continued interest and support during the time we have taken to revive and refresh! Please consider making a donation to help us continue these new efforts and offerings.We greatly appreciate your generosity!

    People of Faith for Justice Podcasting and Blogging! New Monthly Episode each 4th Thursday. -- Find our podcasts at Click on PODCAST along the top menu. Subscribe for free and please SHARE! Also available at

    Courses from Pace e Bene--REGISTER HERE

    Please help us recruit more sponsors for asylum-seekers!

    We hope that one of Asylum-Seekers Sponsorship Project's recent "Sponsorship 101" sessions will be helpful in your process of deciding whether sponsorship is right for you or your congregation/community!

    Regardless of whether sponsorship is the right fit for you, we'd love to get your help in letting others in your network know about the program in case it might be the right fit for them! Below, I've listed the registration links for each of our next four orientation sessions, as well as shareable flyers for the May and June calls that you can post on social media.

    Thank you so much for helping us build out a bigger/wider network of folks who are opening doors and hearts to asylum-seekers each day!
    Many thanks,

    Heather Cronk <> (on behalf of the ASSP team)

    NAACP Healing Mondays, 7-8 pm, on Zoom.

    NAACP SLO County Website

    Population Matters is hosting a virtual live-screening of the population segment of the important new documentary ENDGAME 2050. Watch the full film for free at the link.

    Featuring musician Moby along with top scientists, and created by physician-turned-environmentalist Sofia Pineda Ochoa, ENDGAME 2050 is an urgent call to action to tackle the existential crises bearing down on the planet.

    Mondays--Unlearning Racism/Oppression Classes
    Racism is a construct made in the mind of the oppressor and projected into the minds of the oppressed; to be experienced in Fear, Anger, Grief, Boredom and Guilt... Creating self hate and sickness and bad habits.
    Weekly series of classes, Mondays via Zoom. Free Introductory Lecture (45 minutes) provides details about continuing class format, costs and materials.

    Reserve Your Space

    ONE-STOP SHOP of environmental webinars at .  With COVID, events and educational programs have moved online, and finding and keeping up with all of them can be challenging, so this makes it easier for people to stay informed and engaged.

    Receive the Informative SLO Co. eNewsletter "RESIST 45 GRASSROOTS ACTION CALENDAR." Send your email address to: John Lamb, Indivisible: Rapid Response Team SLO Coordinator; SLO Grassroots Action Coalition Facilitator  

    Worthwhile Colleague Organizations

    Extinction Rebellion US (Central Coast CA) // Mothers for Peace // Santa Lucia Sierra Club // // NAACP-SLO Co. Branch



    One Planet, One Child Campaign from Population Balance and The OverPopulation Podcast

    Recent Helpful Article
    12 of the Best Plant-Based Proteins Even Non-Vegetarians Should Eat
    peas / soybeans / plant-based beverages / pumpkin seeds / almonds and walnuts / beans / chickpeas / lentils / grains / chia seeds / nutritional yeast / plant-based meats /
    Invitation to Read and Sign OneEarth Jubilee Covenant for 2022 and Beyond

    Jubilee OneEarth Forum--First Saturday of each month, 9am PT, no charge, contact for Zoom link.

    OneEarth Jubilee Blog -- Let's Think & Act Jubilee

    The OneEarth Project

    Subscribe to Jubilee OneEarth Economics email list and receive a free copy of Jubilee Circles. Click on the Download link in your Welcome Email. Paperback copies are available from Amazon for $5.99.

    Lee Van Ham's "Jubilee Circles" is available now also as an audiobook, at iTunes, Nook Audiobooks, Google Play, and, which offers a free sample. It includes 20 actions to take to help keep our planet livable. THAT'S THE LINK to the audio version of the little book "Jubilee Circles: Help Save Life on the Planet." Please share this audio version with all who'd like to listen while jogging, walking, etc.

    For a FREE subscription to the monthly OneEarth Jubilee eNews, send SUBSCRIBE to Ask for a list of gifts that come with a free subscription. Or read the eNews at -> recent events.

    More Worthwhile Podcasts -- Subscribe at or your favorite podcast service for free.

    CrazyTown: Post-Carbon Institute

    Ralph Nader Radio Hour

    Patheos--Progressive Christian

    HopeCast with Jane Goodall

    What Could Possible Go Right? with Vicki Robin and the PostCarbon Institute

    Jesus for Everyone from Renewed Heart Ministries with Herb Montgomery

    Imagine with Us (,

    Peace Podcast from John Dear on Apple // Google Author of 'They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and NonViolence in a Time of Climate Change' -- SLW! #114: Part 1 // TCGP #98: Part 2  


    Options for Curbing the Two Primary Drivers of the Climate Crisis: Overpopulation and Overconsumption

    Jerry's Guide: Where to Get Books?  //  The OneEarth Project

    10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations

    Healthy Political Practices & Spiritual Disciplines // Post-'16 Election Emergency/Disaster Preparedness and Survival Guide

    Tips for Banishing Fake News // Simpler Living SANITY Suggestions

    SLW! Blog--Nudge (click '+Follow' to subscribe)

    We're Inviting Sierra Club to Rethink Overpopulation--Issue of Magazine Rife with Misassumptions

    The Nov./Dec.'19 issue of Sierra Club's magazine, Sierra, attempted to dissuade readers from concerning themselves about population's role in the damage we're doing to the life-supporting ecosystems of our planet. The writers and editors recommended focusing on our behavior instead. But if behavior is the problem, isn't the number of people misbehaving part of the sustainability equation? Of course, so The Overpopulation Podcast team recorded this episode to set the record straight. We can't afford to ignore either one.

    You won't want to miss this episode! Read more and hear the podcast here.

    Family Safety Guide for Immigrants / Guía de Seguridad para Familias de Inmigrantes --

  • Simple Living Daily NUDGES Enhanced
    This eNews is a personal project, not an official publication of any organization. Opinions are those of the editor.

    NOTE: Report additions, changes and corrections within one week of publication. They will appear online, not by email.

    Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast, co-production of Simple Living Works! and Jubilee OneEarth Economics. Episode index at

    SLW! Blog/eNews: Quarterly Digest, Daily Nudges. Also connect with SLW! at FacebookSLW! Blog | Twitter | YouTubePinterest

    Comments welcome.

    Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, Chief Activist, co-host/producer

    Simple Living Works! -- (or

    Equipping People of Faith to Challenge Consumerism, Live Justly and Celebrate Responsibly

    Daily NUDGEs * BLOG * PODCAST * eNEWS/Alert * Free Simpler Living VIDEOs * Hundreds of Free Personal and Educational RESOURCES -- all online, all free of charge

    Extending the mission and resources of Alternatives, promoting voluntary simplicity since 1973

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    Page updated 1/2/25