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Month 10* // Month 10*


Week 1: Food

10/1--Reflect on Luke 12:22-32 or Matthew 6:25-33. Don't worry about what you'll eat or what you'll wear. That sounds like encouragement to live more simply.

  • Voluntary Simplicity Study/Action Guide Session 8: Halloween--I was Sick and You Visited Me

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.08/20--Leaving Superpower Ways for Earth-Size Living (08/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Champions of Simple Living Today 10/5/13
    10/2--Learn about the power of "cheap food." Resist using foods that deprive other countries of food and have little or no nutritional value, such as coffee. Caffeine is an addictive drug. Other beverages, like fruit juice, can be just as socially inviting.

  • Start SLW! Non-Consumer Christmas Campaign early this year. SLW! Legacy Podcast 'WHOSE Birthday?' mini-series #5, Episodes #104-107

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.09/20--So Much We Learn from Outsiders: Immigrant Advocacy (09/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Fundamentalist Does Not Equal Evangelical 10/7/13
    10/3--Reduce your consumption of red meat by 10%. It takes many gallons of water and many pounds of grain to make one pound of beef for our table.

  • Wes Howard-Brook Will Teach Us More about Biblical Jubilee at October 16 Gathering of Circles. Register for free 90-minute Zoom event with

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.10/20--Scott Klinger: Maximizing Justice Over Profits Is Possible (10/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--CONSUMO Must Go! 10/31/13
    10/4--Vertical integration of food is the process in which the most powerful resource becomes monopolized. The people who sell the food also control distribution, processing plants and production. We can vote against it with our dollars by shopping at Farmers Markets, by supporting community-based agriculture, by refusing to buy out-of-season fruits and vegetables.

  • Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.11/20--How Empowering Women Changes the World (11/1)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go 10/9/13
    10/5--Consider fasting one regular meal time or one day per week. Use the discomfort to deepen awareness of poverty. Offer the savings to the poor.

  • Please join in an hour with filmmaker Michael Johnson and his forthcoming documentary "Prairie Prophecy" on the regenerative agriculture and land use work of Wes Jackson and The Land Institute, Salina, Kansas.
    Saturday, October 5th, 9-10am Pacific time.

    Meeting ID: 898 9809 4475
    Passcode: 379822

  • Legacy and more recent OneEarth Jubilee Blogs by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee // The Collapse of Civilization Created by Egos

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.12/20--Will O'Brien: Peace on Earth and the Politics of Christmas (12/1)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Indigenous People's Day (instead of Columbus Day) 10/12/13
    10/6--Help supply soup kitchens by gleaning unsold produce from grocery stores. Find out if you have a local Food Bank. Visit The Nation's Food Bank Network. Who do they help? Can you help too?


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.01/21--Grace Dyrness: Planning Economic Revitalization WITH Poor People instead of FOR Them. Wow!

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 6: Whose Birthday? -1 10/14/13
    10/7--What "bottom line" do I use to decide what something is worth? Do I eat my food slowly and reflectively, or do I most often eat on the run? How could I buy more of my food from farmers in my area? (from Trek)


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.02/21--Economist Barry Shelley: Economic Assumptions and Initiatives for Change

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--UNPLUG the Christmas Machine 10/18/13
    10/8--Food Co-ops like Blooming Prairie provide nutritious food. If you don't have a retail store in your area, you may have a buying co-op which takes orders once a month and delivers the following week. Be cautious of some "health food stores."

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.03/21--Mike Little: Faith and Money Network

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Alternative Radio Podcast (David Barsamian)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Self-Starters Needed! 10/21/13
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week Two: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation

    10/9--Cook with the World Community. Investigate recipes from other countries, especially developing countries. Obtain at least one alternative cookbook, such as the Mennonite's World Community Cookbook series: More-with-Less Cookbook; Extending the Table; the more recent ones Simply in Season and Simply in Season for Children. Hear an interview with the series editor on SLW! Podcast


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.04/21--Arborist Robin Rivet on Reversing Climate Crises through Informed Tree Actions

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 7: Whose Birthday? -2 10/23/13
    10/10--Vegetarians come in several flavors: those who eat no red meat; those who eat no meat; and Vegans, who eat no animal products (no milk, no eggs). Contact The Vegetarian Resource Group: Vegetarian Journal at, or Personal Food Choices: Global Results.

  • World Mental Health Day

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.06/21--Carrie Radloff: Midwest Environmental Activism

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Abstract Expressionist Halloween 10/26/13
    10/11--Reduce processed food by at least 10% at each meal. Cooking "from scratch" takes more planning and time but is more nutritious and fun when done together. Make menu planning and shopping a social event, instead of a chore.

  • International Day of the Girl

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.08/21--Brenda Wyss: Feminist Economics Is Creating Just Systems That Meet Current Crises

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Help to Convince, Then to Promote 10/28/13
    10/12--Serve and take only what you and your household can eat. Go back for seconds if you're still hungry. Focus on flavor, not quantity. Try to throw nothing away. Develop clever ways of using left overs. Proudly eat chicken backs!

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Indigenous Peoples' Day (Columbus Day)

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.09/21--Eric LeCompte: Forgive Us Our Debts--Woes and Wins in Canceling Student Debt

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #37--Fall Festival Helps 10/1/14
    10/13--Research indicates that a typical in-home American father has only three minutes a day of direct conversation with his child. Also, an American couple that are still married only have five minutes a day of meaningful verbal exchange.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.10/21--Encuentro: A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Is Simple Living Libertarian? 10/9/14
    10/14--We can learn more about community by doing meal preparation and clean-up together. Vow to eat at least one meal a day together. Often we allow the school, the community, the TV, even the church to take away our common meal.

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization-- Becoming Minimalist (Joshua Becker)

    10/15 | International Day of Rural Women
    10/16 | World Food Day
    10/17 | International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--What Might a Prophet Look Like? 10/15/14
    10/15--We Americans now eat a great deal of expensive convenience food - at home or in restaurants. Many of its nutrients are processed out. We work more hours so we can afford more expensive food that's fast so that we can work more to buy more expensive, hollow, highly processed food. Can we find ways to stop the cycle?

  • Worthwhile Podcast series: 'What Could Possible Go Right?' with Vicki Robin and the PostCarbon Institute

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.11/21--Lauren Van Ham: Radical Inter-religious Cooperation Is Working to Save Life on Our Planet

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--'Extending the Table' World Community Cookbook Updated 10/19/14
    10/16--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: World Food Day (Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 188-191; To Celebrate, p. 146). Contact U.S. National Committee for World Food Day at

  • Legacy ALERT, Fall '23

  • SLW! Legacy Blog--Alternate End Times 10/25/14

    For more information, read Food and Celebrations, Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 57-69; To Celebrate, Chapter 4, pp. 71-86; Living More with Less, pp. 245-268 (Eating Together).

    Other October holidays include: Second Monday-Indigenous Peoples' Day; Columbus Day (To Celebrate, p. 145)


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Spirit of Simplicity:
    Quotes & Art for Simpler Living and Global Justice

    More ART

    Return to Table of Contents

    Week Three: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming

    10/17--Shop at Farmer's Markets. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area. Most Americans are far removed from the source of their food and from the people who grow it. Our food travels an average of 1300 miles to reach our tables.

  • Legacy Nudge: A New Way to Avoid the Military/War Tax

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.12/21--Della Duncan, Renegade Economist, Tells about Doughnut Economics and Other Economic Models Being Put to Work

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Three-Fold Sharing Plan: A-C-E 10/29/14
    10/18--Children's Sabbath. Children's Defense Fund ( publishes CDF Reports and sponsors Children's Sabbath. Take a stand for children in worship services, educational activities, community service and advocacy efforts.

  • Start SLW! Non-Consumer Christmas Campaign early this year. SLW! Legacy Podcast 'WHOSE Birthday?' mini-series #6, Episodes #116-119

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.01/22--Chuck Collins on the Industry That Protects Wealth and How It Hurts Everyone

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #49 -- Paul Canavese on Pope Francis' Encyclical and US Visit 10/1/15
    10/19--Top 10 reasons to buy organic: 1. Protect future generations, 2. Prevent soil erosion, 3. Protect water quality, 4. Save energy, 5. Keep chemicals off your plate, 6. Protect farm worker health, 7. Help small farmers, 8. Support a true economy, 9. Promote biodiversity, 10. Taste better flavor.

  • Call for Whose Birthday? 2024 Submissions

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2011?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly 10/9/15
    10/20--We are endangered by the pesticides that have been banned in this country but exported to and used in poor countries. Write a letter to a government official protesting the dumping of toxic chemicals in Developing World markets.

  • Legacy and more recent OneEarth Jubilee Blogs by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2012?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Author David Shi -- SLW! Weekly 10/20/15
    10/21--Investigate sustainable agriculture; also sustainable economic development, which is opposed to perpetual economic growth. Investigate Jubilee OneEarth Economics.

  • Read Food and Celebrations, in Treasury of Celebrations.

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2013?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--WHOSE Birthday? #27 -- SLW! Weekly 10/26/15
    10/22--Biodiversity protects our food supply. Famines can result from monocultures. Extinction is forever. Contact Organically Grown Seed (888/762-7333) and Seed Savers Exchange at

    For more information read Living More with Less, pp. 245-268 (Eating Together).

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2014?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #61, 10/1/16 -- author, blogger, podcaster, social critic James Howard Kunstler
    10/23--Landmines make farming a very dangerous business in many parts of the world, particularly Southeast Asia. Petition the federal government to work for the elimination of the use of landmines that cripple, maim and kill civilians.

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2015?

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) is committed to helping children thrive in an increasingly commercialized, screen-obsessed culture, and is the only organization dedicated to ending marketing to children.

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/5/16
    10/24--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: United Nations Day--Treasury of Celebrations, p. 191; To Celebrate, p. 146

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration, Oct. 24--Take-Back-Your-Time Day: Improving lives by eliminating the epidemic of overwork

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2016?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/8/16
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week 4: Gardening

    10/25--Worth Reading: To Till It and Keep It: New Models for Congregational Involvement with the Land (715/294-2831). Or other resources from


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Center for a New American Dream // All Simplify-the-Holidays resources

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/12/16
    10/26--A weed is called "a plant out of place." A weed is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Guest blog--Our Nation in Grave Danger

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Creation Justice // CAPSULES: News and Opportunities for Christians Doing Creation Justice
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/15/16 -- Lee Van Ham, Exec. Dir. of Jubilee OneEarth Economics; speaker, blogger, podcaster; author of 'Eden in the 21st Century' trilogy, previews vol. 2, 'From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable.'
    10/27--Organic gardening involves the use of natural herbicides and pesticides. Composting vegetation from the garden and the kitchen (no meat!) builds up the soil. Low maintenance composters work slowly. Adding worms and natural enzymes speeds up the process.

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Reformation Sunday
    500th Anniversary SLW! Podcasts:
  • Order of Lutheran Franciscans
  • Reformation Historian Bishop Guy Erwin

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/19/16

  • Blog by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee // Changing Climate + Growing Population = Collapse
    10/28--Gardening in an urban environment can be accomplished successfully in the total absence of land. Create rooftop gardens, especially on office buildings. Usually there's plenty of space, plenty of sun and access to water.


  • 40% of All Food in America Is Wasted! Visit:

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/22/16
    10/29--Subscription farming is a cooperative effort between a farmer and a group of subscribers. The subscribers put up the capital for the crop and help in the busy season. In return they get their share of the crop each week during harvest.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Guest Blog/Podcast: GrowthBusters: Sharing the Journey to Sustainability

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/26/16
    10/30--"Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." -from Matthew 6:19-21. Do my gadgets make me more or less fully human? What makes something designed to help me cross the line into weighing me down? (from Trek)

  • Guest Article--The End of Growth by Richard Heinberg

  • Worthwhile Guest Podcast: The Overpopulation Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Monthly Digest 10/17, Complete
    10/31--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Halloween (Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 192-196; To Celebrate, pp. 147-150).
    Blog: Abstract Expressionist Halloween

  • Reformation Day, 10/31 (To Celebrate, p. 150).

  • Legacy SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/22/17

    SLW! BONUS Legacy Blogs

  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/25/17 -- HEALTH #11
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/18/17 -- HEALTH #10
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/15/17 -- Kathy McGinnis of The Peace & Justice Institute
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/11/17 -- HEALTH #9
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/8/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/4/17 -- HEALTH #8
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/22/18--Simplify the Holidays & Advent Conspiracy
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge (eNews #85) 10/15/18--WHOSE Birthday? part 2: Non-Commercial Christmas Campaign podcast mini-series
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/8/18
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/1/18 -- Bonus Episode: Casady's at the Calif. Climate Summit
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/22/19--Collapse of Capitalism or Change of Business Model?
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/15/19--eNews #97: A New Way to Avoid the Military/War Tax
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/08/19--SLW! Podcast Ep. 10/19--Margaret Bullitt-Jonas–Are Faith Communities Mobilizing for the Climate Emergency?
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/01/19--Unplug the Christmas Machine
  • Simpler Living Nudge 10/15/20--eNews #109: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1020--Scott Klinger: Maximizing Justice Over Profits Is Possible
  • Simpler Living Blog 10/15/21--eNews #121: SLW! Ep. 1021--Encuentro: A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #73, 10/17 -- Meghann Jarchow of Sustainability Program, Univ. So. Dakota

    For more information this week:

  • Spirit of Simplicity QUOTES: 10. Faith
  • Spirit of Simplicity ART: Faith
  • [ Thom Hartmann book series The Secret History of. . . ]
    Return to Table of Contents

    Return to Table of Contents
    Month 11*--More Celebrating

    Celebrating QUOTES

    11/1--Let's Talk About Christmas! How are we going to celebrate Christmas this year? What is really most meaningful? Who's going to do what? Are we willing to spend less on ourselves and give more to the truly needy? Ask your family, relatives, friends questions like these. Write down your decisions and post them.

  • Voluntary Simplicity study/action guide Session 9: Thanksgiving--I was Hungry and You Fed Me

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 8: Whose Birthday? -3 11/4/13
    11/2--For help, use "Let's Talk About Christmas!" Worksheet. Consider using the widely read resource, the annual Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Timeless past editions are available online.

  • Prepare for International Buy Nothing Day ( Yes, it's the day after Thanksgiving!

  • Quarterly Digest

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--How We Celebrate Says a Lot About How We Live 11/9/13
    11/3--Simplicity is a disciplined life - disciplined, not punished or deprived or joyless. We are given great freedom to care about all of God's Creation, rather than nurturing the perversions and idols that our society has created and worships - our "stuff." Stuff exists to meet our needs. But if we spend our time, energy and money nurturing it instead of our relationships with God, others and ourselves, it will own us, control us and ultimately destroy us and the Earth.

  • SLW! Month 11 ALERT

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--EarthTalk/E-The Environmental Magazine

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--A Mustard Seed Advent 11/12/13
    11/4--The Jesse Tree -- Many meaningful symbols help us focus on preparations for Christmas during Advent... the Advent wreath, Chrismons, and the Christmas tree. When so many commercial symbols try to distract us from the real meaning of the season, the Jesse Tree is a lesser known but also powerful, visual focal point. (Continued)

  • Lee Van Ham OneEarth Jubilee Blog--How to Talk about Population amid Collapse

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Earth Island Journal (Earth Island Institute): Latest News // Current Issue

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Free SPANISH Resources 11/16/13
    11/5--At the beginning of Advent (no later than four weeks prior to Christmas) cut a branch from a lilac or forsythia just above a bud and place it in a vase filled with water. Make the cut clean and at an angle. A vase filled with clear glass beads and water will provide support for the Jesse Tree. Maintain a water level above the cut and the Jesse Tree will blossom by Christmas. Lilacs, regardless of their blossom color, will bloom white when forced this way. (Continued)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 8 NEW: Whose Birthday? -3 11/18/13

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resource:
  • Adult Discussion & Activity Guides, such as

  • 11/6--Isaiah foretells the end of the Assyrian rule over Jerusalem as God "hack(ing) down the thickets of a forest with an ax," razing it to stumps. The Israelites - David's line - had been so razed. Then comes the promise in Isaiah 11: 1-2, from which the Jesse Tree gets its name - "A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots." And from that line will come the Messiah... a new branch from a stump... a branch stronger and more fruitful than the original tree. (Continued)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 9: Whose Birthday? -4 11/22/13

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resources:
  • Adult Discussion & Activity Guides, such as

  • 11/7--The Jesse Tree is beautiful by itself. But it can also hold ornaments, symbols of the season of Advent, the season of waiting... a scroll to remember the prophecies... a dove to remind us of the peace that comes with Messiah... a crown for David's son, Solomon... a rose with twelve petals, one for each of Jesse's sons from whom sprang the twelve tribes of Israel. (Continued)

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resources:
  • Adult Discussion & Activity Guides, such as
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--New from Earth Mama 11/26/13
    11/8--As we hang the ornaments - usually one per day - we tell the related story. The prophecies come to life with the appearance of blooms - new life from an old branch - as they did with the birth of Jesus Christ. For more information about possible designs of the ornaments, contact your public or church library.

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resource: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas video and study/action guide

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Frugal Rules: Freedom Through Frugality

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Explaining Santa to My Granddaughter 11/29/13
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week 2: Preparations

    11/9--For our widowed fathers who live far away we produce a simple video Christmas card. While our children are home for Thanksgiving, we take an hour and put together a 20 minute greeting on tape. We use parts of Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? We sing some carols, including Carols with Justice. We avoid anything showy. (Continued)

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--The Good Stuff: your dose of what's working in the world from The Story of Stuff Project!

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #38 -- new 'WHOSE Birthday?' online and podcast 11/1/14
    11/10--For a video Christmas card, we try to model the things that are important to us, things we really do and believe in - like delivering poinsettias as a fund-raiser for the Battered Women's Shelter - not things we want others to think we do and believe. The sound isn't professional, the production's not slick - no editing, no special effects - but it's us! It is relatively easy and a lot of fun. Everybody gets their say, though not everybody gets their way.

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resource: Let's Get off the Christmas Roller Coaster audio // script

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Frugalwoods: Financial independence and simple living featured on PBS NewsHour, Sun., 3/11/19
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Light Shines in Deepest Night 11/6/14
    11/11--Veterans' Day--Classic SLW! blog: Non-Conform Freely Veterans' Day

  • Read and use this Advent--The Liberating Birth of Jesus: A Birth Story Able to Reverse Our Planet's Perils by Lee Van Ham. Read more here. // SLW! Podcast #1120: Lee's new book: The Liberating Birth of Jesus

  • Invitation to Read and Sign OneEarth Jubilee Covenant for the 2020's

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Alternate Veterans Day, 11/11 (11/8/14)
    11/12--View, share and discuss Alternatives' classic video The Celebration Revolution of Alexander Scrooge: A Modern 'Christmas Carol'. // Discussion Guide


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Live Simply (Third Way Cafe)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 11/12/14
    11/13--"We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish... all ate and were filled." -from Matthew 14:13-21. Do I miss the chance to do what I can because I can't do it all? (from Trek)


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Lutheran Peace Fellowship: Simple Living Resources // SLW! Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Celebrating Thanks-a-weenie 11/18/14
    11/14--For your church or group consider using one of the following. Focus on an appropriate or interesting theme. (Dates are given only for reference.)
  • Guidelines for Alternative Giving
  • Models for Prayer and Worship
  • Resource Packets
  • Bulletin Inserts
  • Calendars
  • graded Activity Guides
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Come Ye to Bethlehem 11/22/14
    11/ distributes the exceptionally attractive Global Calendar and greeting cards of color pictures of people from around the Earth.

    MORE--For your church or group consider using one of the following. Focus on an appropriate or interesting theme. (Dates are given only for reference.)

  • Guidelines for Alternative Giving
  • Models for Prayer and Worship
  • Resource Packets
  • Bulletin Inserts
  • Calendars
  • graded Activity Guides
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Podcast #33: Susan Vogt, Meg Cox, Art Simon, Betsy Taylor 11/24/14
    11/16--Start saving Sunday comics to use for wrapping paper for gifts. Recycle Christmas cards by cutting at the fold. Write a personal message on the back and use as a post card. Save envelopes.

    MORE--For your church or group consider using one of the following. Focus on an appropriate or interesting theme. (Dates are given only for reference.)

  • Guidelines for Alternative Giving
  • Models for Prayer and Worship
  • Resource Packets
  • Bulletin Inserts
  • Calendars
  • graded Activity Guides
  • 11/24/23--World Vasectomy Day ( is an international awareness event held in many countries across the world. Its main goal is to raise global awareness of vasectomy as a male-oriented solution to prevent unwanted pregnancies. November is Men's Reproductive Health Month.

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--God Is Coming! (11/27/14)

    For more information this week:

  • Month 2
  • Voluntary Simplicity Study Action Guide Session 4: Valentine's Day: I Was in Prison And You Came to Me
  • Worship Alternatives: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany
  • Spirit of Simplicity QUOTES: 3. Celebrating
  • Spirit of Simplicity ART: Celebrating Advent & Christmas

  • Return to Table of Contents
    Week 3: Unplug the Christmas Machine (Leader's Guide)

    11/17--The Christmas Pledge

    Believing in the true spirit of Christmas, I commit myself to:
    Remember those people who truly need my gifts
    Express my love in more direct ways than gifts
    Examine my holiday activities in the light of my deepest values
    Be a peacemaker within my circle of family and friends
    Rededicate myself to my spiritual growth


  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Advent Conspiracy -- SLW! eNews 11/1/15
    11/18--Make a Plan. Set small and specific goals. Want to minimize Christmas preparations? To feel more relaxed this holiday season? To spend more relaxed time with the children this Christmas? Want to give less commercial gifts? (Continued)

  • The Thom Hartmann Hidden History Series
    The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--NorthWest Earth Institute's discussion course ebook, Sustainability Works: Rethinking Business As Usual // Change Is Our Choice: Creating Climate Solutions // Voluntary Simplicity // SLW! Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--New SLW! Blog Index--SLW! Weekly Digest 11/9/15 // Worth Revisiting: WHOSE Birthday? by Richard Rohr, Tony Campolo and Meg Cox
    11/19--Look at your goals and think of one, two or three activities that will help you accomplish them. Unless you are assured of other people's cooperation, it's best to focus on activities that you can do by yourself. (Continued)

  • Red Shawl Day--Wearing Red Shawls to Bring Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples

  • The Thom Hartmann Hidden History Series
    The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--PostConsumers: Find the Satisfaction of Enough

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--WHOSE Birthday? Podcast Series, part 1--Simple Living Works! Weekly 11/18/15

    November holidays include: Fourth Thursday-Thanksgiving Day

  • Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 178-188
  • To Celebrate, pp. 155-160
  • Bulletin Inserts

    11/20--Next describe these activities in simple written sentences - what you are going to do and when it should be done, for example: Goal: I want to simplify my gift giving. Activity 1: I will write letters to Aunt Carol and Aunt Rebecca suggesting that we give gifts only to the children and mail those letters by October 1. (Continued)

  • Free Classic Alternatives' Christmas Resource: Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go! Workshop

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Share Spend Save: Money+Meaning (Nathan Dungan)
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simple Living Works! Weekly 11/26/15 // Worth Revisiting: WHOSE Birthday? by Lyle A. Miller and Sandi Baete

    November holidays include: Fourth Thursday-Thanksgiving Day (MF)

  • Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 178-188
  • To Celebrate, pp. 155-160
  • Bulletin Inserts
  • Friday after Thanksgiving-Buy Nothing Day on 'Black Friday.' (MF)

  • 11/21--Share your plan with your family. Choose your time carefully. Wait until they are in a relaxed and accepting frame of mind. Be nonthreatening. Unless the other family members have done a lot of thinking about Christmas, introduce the topic gently. Take the time to explain your reasons for wanting to make changes. Once they know your sincere motives, they are likely to be more supportive. Finally, talk to others as soon as possible. Many like to plan for Christmas early.

  • Quarterly Digest

  • Lee Van Ham OneEarth Jubilee Blog--New Creation Follows Collapse/

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #62, 11/1/16 -- 'WHOSE Birthday?' Podcast series
    11/22--Brainstorming is fun! It requires withholding judgment on any idea, letting ideas come out from other ideas. Linear thinkers may be more goal oriented and circular thinkers may be more creative. Both are necessary. A balance of both is optimal

  • Prepare for Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Friday after Thanksgiving-Buy Nothing Day ('Black Friday')

  • Worship Alternatives: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany

  • Lee Van Ham OneEarth Jubilee Blog--A New Economy Based in Spirituality and Earth/

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/5/16
    11/23--Simplicity is the greatest peace making tool we have in the war between the have's and the have-not's.

    Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Thanksgiving

  • Read and discuss Isaiah 58 as part of your preparation for observing Thanksgiving.

  • Latest UPDATE from Jubilee OneEarth Economics

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Simplicity Collective - Let us be pioneers once more (Samuel Alexander)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/8/16
    Return to Table of Contents
    11/24--A Birthday Gift for Jesus - When we celebrate a birthday, we are careful to give what the person really wants or needs. Is there any doubt what Jesus wants from us? He insists that in order to give to him, we must find him in the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned. By helping to provide a goat for a farmer in Honduras, a decent home for a family in rural Mississippi, or food for those who are victims of war, we can give Jesus a birthday gift he really wants.

    Contact organizations listed in Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? for more information on how to give money, time and skills to those in need.


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Spirit of Simplicity:
    Quotes & Art for Simpler Living and Global Justice

    More ART

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/12/16 -- Post-Election Survival Guide

    Week Four: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?

    11/25--Use Alternative's Christmas Budget Worksheet (Cost Analysis Form), to estimate how much you spent on each item last Christmas. Then total it. This is private. Don't feel guilty about how much you spent or proud about how little. Decide what percentage of that amount your family is willing to give to truly needy people this year. We recommend 25%. You may decide on 10% or 50%. (Continued)

  • Classic Alternatives' Resource: What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? pageant + Carols with Justice

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Simplicity Parenting (Kim John Payne): because it is a beautiful world
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/15/16 -- 'WHOSE Birthday?' part 2
    11/26--Now we may feel we have just as many things to buy and people to buy for, but with less money. We have several options. We can drop some folks or activities from the list. We can buy less expensive items. We can draw names instead of everyone giving something to everyone else. Or we can practice Alternative Giving. That's done in various ways. The first is deciding how much of last year's budget to give away and to whom.

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Smart and Simple Matters podcast (Joel Zaslofsky of Value of Simple: Liberate Your Time, Money and Talent) // SLW! Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/19/16
    11/27--Say to yourself, out loud while looking in a mirror. "I'm OK. I'm enough. I don't have to prove how good or strong I am by using my purchase power. I don't need to own or show-off my stuff to be accepted or loved. I'm forgiven for my past waste and extravagance."

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Teach Peace Now
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/22/16
    11/28-Giving Tuesday

  • The Thom Hartmann Hidden History Series:
    The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back

  • The Thom Hartmann Hidden History Series:
    The Hidden History of Monopolies: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/26/16

  • 11/29--Surprise is a key element of gift giving. To avoid bad surprises, do not rely on mind reading. Instead, help your family members and friends select appropriate gifts - and also reveal some fascinating personal preferences. Ask each person in your gift exchange circle to fill out the questionnaire. (Continued)


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--TreeHugger: Finding a Greener Future
    [ ]

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Monthly Digest
    11/30--Voluntary simplicity is not Scroogism. Gift giving IS appropriate, especially if it is not just habitual, not based on catalogue shopping and mall hopping. Add meaning to your giving by giving appropriate gifts... gifts based on information about the recipient, not what interests the giver or what the giver would like to receive.


  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #74, 11/17 -- Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?

  • 11/30--Cyber Monday: Another marketing ploy to tempt us to focus on wants and desires instead of needs--ours and others.

    For more information this week:

  • Advent: Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 198-206; To Celebrate, pp. 27-48.
  • What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? pageant + Carols with Justice
  • Let's Get off the Christmas Roller Coaster audio
  • More Worthwhile Colleague Organizations

  • Simple Living: the Good Life (Janet Luhrs) - Time, Finances, Home-Work, Health
  • Simple Times (Debi Taylor-Hough): Saving Your Time, Money & Sanity
  • BONUS SLW! Legacy Blogs

  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/25/17 -- 10 Tips #4
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/22/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/18/17 -- 10 Tips #3
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/15/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/11/17 -- 10 Tips #2
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 11/8/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 11/4/17 -- 10 Tips #1
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/22/18
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/15/18 (eNews #86): WHOSE Birthday? part 3
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/8/18: Post-Mid-Term Elections
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/1/18: Small Jubilee Circles Bring Changes in Mexico
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/22/19--Rooted and Rising
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/15/19--eNews #98: SLW! Podcast Ep. 11/19: Lee Van Ham--The Liberating Birth of Jesus: A Birth Story Able to Reverse Our Planet’s Peril
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/08/19--Lee Van Ham's new book
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 11/01/19
  • Simpler Living Nudge 11/15/20--eNews #110: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1120--How Empowering Women Changes the World
  • Simpler Living Blog 11/15/21--eNews #122: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1121--Lauren Van Ham: Radical Inter-religious Cooperation Is Working to Save Life on Our Planet
  • [ Activist Carrie Radloff maintains a 'one-stop shop' GoogleDoc of environmental webinars. With COVID and the cold, events and educational programs have moved online, and finding and keeping up with all of them can be challenging, so this makes it easier for people to stay informed and engaged. ]
    Return to Table of Contents
    Month 10* // Month 10*


    Week 1: Food

    10/1--Reflect on Luke 12:22-32 or Matthew 6:25-33. Don't worry about what you'll eat or what you'll wear. That sounds like encouragement to live more simply.

  • Voluntary Simplicity Study/Action Guide Session 8: Halloween--I was Sick and You Visited Me

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.08/20--Leaving Superpower Ways for Earth-Size Living (08/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Champions of Simple Living Today 10/5/13
    10/2--Learn about the power of "cheap food." Resist using foods that deprive other countries of food and have little or no nutritional value, such as coffee. Caffeine is an addictive drug. Other beverages, like fruit juice, can be just as socially inviting.

  • Start SLW! Non-Consumer Christmas Campaign early this year. SLW! Legacy Podcast 'WHOSE Birthday?' mini-series #5, Episodes #104-107

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.09/20--So Much We Learn from Outsiders: Immigrant Advocacy (09/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Fundamentalist Does Not Equal Evangelical 10/7/13
    10/3--Reduce your consumption of red meat by 10%. It takes many gallons of water and many pounds of grain to make one pound of beef for our table.

  • Wes Howard-Brook Will Teach Us More about Biblical Jubilee at October 16 Gathering of Circles. Register for free 90-minute Zoom event with

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.10/20--Scott Klinger: Maximizing Justice Over Profits Is Possible (10/20)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--CONSUMO Must Go! 10/31/13
    10/4--Vertical integration of food is the process in which the most powerful resource becomes monopolized. The people who sell the food also control distribution, processing plants and production. We can vote against it with our dollars by shopping at Farmers Markets, by supporting community-based agriculture, by refusing to buy out-of-season fruits and vegetables.

  • Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.11/20--How Empowering Women Changes the World (11/1)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go 10/9/13
    10/5--Consider fasting one regular meal time or one day per week. Use the discomfort to deepen awareness of poverty. Offer the savings to the poor.

  • Please join in an hour with filmmaker Michael Johnson and his forthcoming documentary "Prairie Prophecy" on the regenerative agriculture and land use work of Wes Jackson and The Land Institute, Salina, Kansas.
    Saturday, October 5th, 9-10am Pacific time.

    Meeting ID: 898 9809 4475
    Passcode: 379822

  • Legacy and more recent OneEarth Jubilee Blogs by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee // The Collapse of Civilization Created by Egos

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.12/20--Will O'Brien: Peace on Earth and the Politics of Christmas (12/1)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Indigenous People's Day (instead of Columbus Day) 10/12/13
    10/6--Help supply soup kitchens by gleaning unsold produce from grocery stores. Find out if you have a local Food Bank. Visit The Nation's Food Bank Network. Who do they help? Can you help too?


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.01/21--Grace Dyrness: Planning Economic Revitalization WITH Poor People instead of FOR Them. Wow!

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 6: Whose Birthday? -1 10/14/13
    10/7--What "bottom line" do I use to decide what something is worth? Do I eat my food slowly and reflectively, or do I most often eat on the run? How could I buy more of my food from farmers in my area? (from Trek)


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.02/21--Economist Barry Shelley: Economic Assumptions and Initiatives for Change

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--UNPLUG the Christmas Machine 10/18/13
    10/8--Food Co-ops like Blooming Prairie provide nutritious food. If you don't have a retail store in your area, you may have a buying co-op which takes orders once a month and delivers the following week. Be cautious of some "health food stores."

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.03/21--Mike Little: Faith and Money Network

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Alternative Radio Podcast (David Barsamian)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Self-Starters Needed! 10/21/13
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week Two: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation

    10/9--Cook with the World Community. Investigate recipes from other countries, especially developing countries. Obtain at least one alternative cookbook, such as the Mennonite's World Community Cookbook series: More-with-Less Cookbook; Extending the Table; the more recent ones Simply in Season and Simply in Season for Children. Hear an interview with the series editor on SLW! Podcast


  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.04/21--Arborist Robin Rivet on Reversing Climate Crises through Informed Tree Actions

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 7: Whose Birthday? -2 10/23/13
    10/10--Vegetarians come in several flavors: those who eat no red meat; those who eat no meat; and Vegans, who eat no animal products (no milk, no eggs). Contact The Vegetarian Resource Group: Vegetarian Journal at, or Personal Food Choices: Global Results.

  • World Mental Health Day

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.06/21--Carrie Radloff: Midwest Environmental Activism

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Abstract Expressionist Halloween 10/26/13
    10/11--Reduce processed food by at least 10% at each meal. Cooking "from scratch" takes more planning and time but is more nutritious and fun when done together. Make menu planning and shopping a social event, instead of a chore.

  • International Day of the Girl

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.08/21--Brenda Wyss: Feminist Economics Is Creating Just Systems That Meet Current Crises

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Help to Convince, Then to Promote 10/28/13
    10/12--Serve and take only what you and your household can eat. Go back for seconds if you're still hungry. Focus on flavor, not quantity. Try to throw nothing away. Develop clever ways of using left overs. Proudly eat chicken backs!

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Indigenous Peoples' Day (Columbus Day)

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.09/21--Eric LeCompte: Forgive Us Our Debts--Woes and Wins in Canceling Student Debt

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #37--Fall Festival Helps 10/1/14
    10/13--Research indicates that a typical in-home American father has only three minutes a day of direct conversation with his child. Also, an American couple that are still married only have five minutes a day of meaningful verbal exchange.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.10/21--Encuentro: A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Is Simple Living Libertarian? 10/9/14
    10/14--We can learn more about community by doing meal preparation and clean-up together. Vow to eat at least one meal a day together. Often we allow the school, the community, the TV, even the church to take away our common meal.

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization-- Becoming Minimalist (Joshua Becker)

    10/15 | International Day of Rural Women
    10/16 | World Food Day
    10/17 | International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--What Might a Prophet Look Like? 10/15/14
    10/15--We Americans now eat a great deal of expensive convenience food - at home or in restaurants. Many of its nutrients are processed out. We work more hours so we can afford more expensive food that's fast so that we can work more to buy more expensive, hollow, highly processed food. Can we find ways to stop the cycle?

  • Worthwhile Podcast series: 'What Could Possible Go Right?' with Vicki Robin and the PostCarbon Institute

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.11/21--Lauren Van Ham: Radical Inter-religious Cooperation Is Working to Save Life on Our Planet

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--'Extending the Table' World Community Cookbook Updated 10/19/14
    10/16--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: World Food Day (
    Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 188-191; To Celebrate, p. 146). Contact U.S. National Committee for World Food Day at

  • Legacy ALERT, Fall '23

  • SLW! Legacy Blog--Alternate End Times 10/25/14

    For more information, read Food and Celebrations, Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 57-69; To Celebrate, Chapter 4, pp. 71-86; Living More with Less, pp. 245-268 (Eating Together).

    Other October holidays include: Second Monday-Indigenous Peoples' Day; Columbus Day (To Celebrate, p. 145)


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Spirit of Simplicity:
    Quotes & Art for Simpler Living and Global Justice

    More ART

    Return to Table of Contents

    Week Three: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming

    10/17--Shop at Farmer's Markets. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area. Most Americans are far removed from the source of their food and from the people who grow it. Our food travels an average of 1300 miles to reach our tables.

  • Legacy Nudge: A New Way to Avoid the Military/War Tax

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.12/21--Della Duncan, Renegade Economist, Tells about Doughnut Economics and Other Economic Models Being Put to Work

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Three-Fold Sharing Plan: A-C-E 10/29/14
    10/18--Children's Sabbath. Children's Defense Fund ( publishes CDF Reports and sponsors Children's Sabbath. Take a stand for children in worship services, educational activities, community service and advocacy efforts.

  • Start SLW! Non-Consumer Christmas Campaign early this year. SLW! Legacy Podcast 'WHOSE Birthday?' mini-series #6, Episodes #116-119

  • Legacy Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--Ep.01/22--Chuck Collins on the Industry That Protects Wealth and How It Hurts Everyone

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #49 -- Paul Canavese on Pope Francis' Encyclical and US Visit 10/1/15
    10/19--Top 10 reasons to buy organic: 1. Protect future generations, 2. Prevent soil erosion, 3. Protect water quality, 4. Save energy, 5. Keep chemicals off your plate, 6. Protect farm worker health, 7. Help small farmers, 8. Support a true economy, 9. Promote biodiversity, 10. Taste better flavor.

  • Call for Whose Birthday? 2024 Submissions

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2011?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly 10/9/15
    10/20--We are endangered by the pesticides that have been banned in this country but exported to and used in poor countries. Write a letter to a government official protesting the dumping of toxic chemicals in Developing World markets.

  • Legacy and more recent OneEarth Jubilee Blogs by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2012?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Author David Shi -- SLW! Weekly 10/20/15
    10/21--Investigate sustainable agriculture; also sustainable economic development, which is opposed to perpetual economic growth. Investigate Jubilee OneEarth Economics.

  • Read Food and Celebrations, in Treasury of Celebrations.

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2013?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--WHOSE Birthday? #27 -- SLW! Weekly 10/26/15
    10/22--Biodiversity protects our food supply. Famines can result from monocultures. Extinction is forever. Contact Organically Grown Seed (888/762-7333) and Seed Savers Exchange at

    For more information read Living More with Less, pp. 245-268 (Eating Together).

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2014?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #61, 10/1/16 -- author, blogger, podcaster, social critic James Howard Kunstler
    10/23--Landmines make farming a very dangerous business in many parts of the world, particularly Southeast Asia. Petition the federal government to work for the elimination of the use of landmines that cripple, maim and kill civilians.

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2015?

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) is committed to helping children thrive in an increasingly commercialized, screen-obsessed culture, and is the only organization dedicated to ending marketing to children.

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/5/16
    10/24--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: United Nations Day--Treasury of Celebrations, p. 191; To Celebrate, p. 146

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration, Oct. 24--Take-Back-Your-Time Day: Improving lives by eliminating the epidemic of overwork

  • Legacy Enough! blog. What was hot in 2016?

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/8/16
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week 4: Gardening

    10/25--Worth Reading: To Till It and Keep It: New Models for Congregational Involvement with the Land (715/294-2831). Or other resources from


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Center for a New American Dream // All Simplify-the-Holidays resources

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/12/16
    10/26--A weed is called "a plant out of place." A weed is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Guest blog--Our Nation in Grave Danger

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Creation Justice // CAPSULES: News and Opportunities for Christians Doing Creation Justice
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/15/16 -- Lee Van Ham, Exec. Dir. of Jubilee OneEarth Economics; speaker, blogger, podcaster; author of 'Eden in the 21st Century' trilogy, previews vol. 2, 'From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable.'
    10/27--Organic gardening involves the use of natural herbicides and pesticides. Composting vegetation from the garden and the kitchen (no meat!) builds up the soil. Low maintenance composters work slowly. Adding worms and natural enzymes speeds up the process.

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Reformation Sunday
    500th Anniversary SLW! Podcasts:
  • Order of Lutheran Franciscans
  • Reformation Historian Bishop Guy Erwin

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/19/16

  • Blog by Lee Van Ham: Let's Think & Act Jubilee // Changing Climate + Growing Population = Collapse
    10/28--Gardening in an urban environment can be accomplished successfully in the total absence of land. Create rooftop gardens, especially on office buildings. Usually there's plenty of space, plenty of sun and access to water.


  • 40% of All Food in America Is Wasted! Visit:

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/22/16
    10/29--Subscription farming is a cooperative effort between a farmer and a group of subscribers. The subscribers put up the capital for the crop and help in the busy season. In return they get their share of the crop each week during harvest.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Guest Blog/Podcast: GrowthBusters: Sharing the Journey to Sustainability

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/26/16
    10/30--"Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." -from Matthew 6:19-21. Do my gadgets make me more or less fully human? What makes something designed to help me cross the line into weighing me down? (from Trek)

  • Guest Article--The End of Growth by Richard Heinberg

  • Worthwhile Guest Podcast: The Overpopulation Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Monthly Digest 10/17, Complete
    10/31--Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Halloween (Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 192-196; To Celebrate, pp. 147-150).
    Blog: Abstract Expressionist Halloween

  • Reformation Day, 10/31 (To Celebrate, p. 150).

  • Legacy SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/22/17

    SLW! BONUS Legacy Blogs

  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/25/17 -- HEALTH #11
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/18/17 -- HEALTH #10
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/15/17 -- Kathy McGinnis of The Peace & Justice Institute
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/11/17 -- HEALTH #9
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 10/8/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 10/4/17 -- HEALTH #8
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/22/18--Simplify the Holidays & Advent Conspiracy
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge (eNews #85) 10/15/18--WHOSE Birthday? part 2: Non-Commercial Christmas Campaign podcast mini-series
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/8/18
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/1/18 -- Bonus Episode: Casady's at the Calif. Climate Summit
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/22/19--Collapse of Capitalism or Change of Business Model?
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/15/19--eNews #97: A New Way to Avoid the Military/War Tax
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/08/19--SLW! Podcast Ep. 10/19--Margaret Bullitt-Jonas–Are Faith Communities Mobilizing for the Climate Emergency?
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/01/19--Unplug the Christmas Machine
  • Simpler Living Nudge 10/15/20--eNews #109: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1020--Scott Klinger: Maximizing Justice Over Profits Is Possible
  • Simpler Living Blog 10/15/21--eNews #121: SLW! Ep. 1021--Encuentro: A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee
  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #73, 10/17 -- Meghann Jarchow of Sustainability Program, Univ. So. Dakota

    For more information this week:

  • Spirit of Simplicity QUOTES: 10. Faith
  • Spirit of Simplicity ART: Faith
  • [ Thom Hartmann book series The Secret History of. . . ]
    Return to Table of Contents

    Month 12*

    Responsible Celebrating

    Celebrating QUOTES

    Week 1: Advent

    12/1--Begin using Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Use the calendar of your choice every day, the Biblical reflections each week and the services and other activities as appropriate. Some editions have an audio version. Review the User's Guide.


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Worship Alternatives: Art
    More ART

  • Guest Resources--Advent Conspiracy

  • World AIDs Day

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--WHOSE Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2013 12/3/13

    Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas

    12/2--Tip #1. Plan ahead. Instead of going on auto-pilot the day after Thanksgiving, hold a family meeting to decide what the group really wants to do and who's going to do what. Use Alternatives' "Let's Talk About Christmas!" Worksheet to guide your discussion.

  • Worship Alternatives: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany

  • Walter Brueggemann's Advent Reflections 12/5/13
    12/3--Tip #2. Avoid debt. Refuse to be pressured by advertising to overspend. Use credit cards wisely. Avoid cash advances. They have no grace period, interest accumulates immediately.

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: First Sunday in Advent

  • Relish 'Celebrating' ART

  • Peace Podcast from John Dear on Apple and Google
    Author of 'They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and NonViolence in a Time of Climate Change' -- SLW! #114: Part 1 // TCGP #98: Part 2

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Joan Chittister's Advent Reflections 12/7/13
    12/4--Tip #3. Avoid stress. Give to yourself... a peaceful space, for example. Don't assume that things have to be the same way they've always been. For more on stress, see August.

  • Voluntary Simplicity study/action guide Session 3: Christmas: For I Was Naked And You Clothed Me

  • Patheos--Progressive Christian blogs

  • Legacy SLW! Blog-- Episode 10: Whose Birthday? -5 12/11/13
    12/5--Tip #4. Draw names rather than everyone giving something to everyone else in your giving circle. Set a ceiling for each recipient.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Worthwhile Colleague Podcast Ralph Nader Radio Hour

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Advent Abundance! 12/13/13
    12/6--St. Nicholas Day (To Celebrate, pp. 34-40). Tip #5. If you need a symbol for giving (in addition to Jesus and the Wise Ones), learn about St. Nicholas. Santa Claus has been completely taken over by commerce. Read, share, use Alternatives' "St. Nicholas: A Puppet Play" or "A Saint Nicholas Day Celebration."

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Second Sunday in Advent

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Tom Sine's Advent Reflections 12/17/13
    12/7--Tip #6. Give appropriate gifts. Get to know the recipient. Give what they want to receive, not what you want to buy. For help, use the "Appropriate Gift Questionnaire"

  • Voluntary Simplicity study/action guide Session 11: Alternatives National Christmas Plan

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Bill McKibben's Advent Reflections 12/18/13

  • 12/7-15/23-Hanukkah (Jewish Festival of Lights) (Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 196-197; To Celebrate, pp. 161-162)

    12/8--Christmas Is More Than Gifts and Glitter - The effort to celebrate a simple Christmas is led by a small, ecumenical nonprofit group originally called Alternatives. Organized in 1973 to protest the commercialization of Christmas, Alternatives (now Simple Living Works!) provides encouragement and support for those who want to celebrate Jesus' birthday. The group emphasizes relationships and traditions over things, hoping to avoid stress and debt.

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Ron Sider's Advent Reflections + Free eBook 12/19/13

    For more information see Month3* and Month 11* and read Living More with Less, Celebrations, 188-208.

    Other holidays in December include

  • 12/7-15/23-Hanukkah (MF) (Jewish Festival of Lights) (Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 196-197; To Celebrate, pp. 161-162)
  • 15th-Festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe (To Celebrate, p. 162)

  • Return to Table of Contents
    Week 2: More Advent

    12/9--Tip #7. Give alternative gifts. Give 25% of what you spent last year to the truly needy... individuals or groups locally, nationally or internationally. For help, use Alternatives' Christmas Budget Worksheet (Cost Analysis Form).

  • Legacy Guest blog--Eco-Justice: O Come, Emmanuel

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 11: Whose Birthday? -6:: FINALE 12/20/13
    12/10--International Human Rights Day. Contact your denomination's Human Rights Association and find out what they do. [ Learn about the UN's Declaration of Human Rights. ]

  • Simpler Living Blog/eNews

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--GodSpace (Christine Sine) // SLW! Podcast

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Michael Crosby's Alternative A-C-E Reflections 12/21/13
    12/11--More Tip #7. Buy crafts and clothing from developing countries at alternative gift markets, not from commercial importers, so that the artisans receive a fair price for their work. For more, see June.

  • Relish Celebrating QUOTES

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Living Lightly (Susan Vogt on living more simply but abundantly): 365+ Days of Give-Aways -- Finding good homes for no longer needed items rather than just putting them in the trash // SLW! Podcast // SLW! Podcast: Lent

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Megan McKenna's Alternative A-C-E Reflections 12/23/13
    12/12--Yet More Tip #7. Give of yourself, not just "stuff" - a coupon book for future services (such as baby-sitting or an "enchanted evening") or something baked, sewn, handmade, composed, etc. For more, read "Gift Giving" in Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 39-56, or To Celebrate, Chapter 3, pp. 49-70

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--New Changemakers: Join the Changemaking Celebration! (Tom Sine)

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--George Johnson's Alternative A-C-E Reflections 12/24/13
    12/13--More on Giving of Ourselves... giving something more meaningful than stuff for the giver and the receiver - giving ourselves, not our money or things bought with our money, but our time and our special skills. (Continued)

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Third Sunday in Advent

  • Worthwhile--Living on Earth:
    PRI's Environmental News Magazine

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Displacing Santa from the Top 12/24/13
    12/14--Baking, sewing, woodworking, composing poetry or playing music. The point is not just to find a substitute for a thing-gift at Christmas but to build and strengthen a relationship that will nurture and be nurtured all year long. (Continued)

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Resilience is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the world transition away from fossil fuels and build sustainable, resilient communities.

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--12 Days of Christmas START on Christmas Day 12/25/13
    12/15--Hand-made coupon books for promises of time or services at the convenience of the receiver, not the giver, are both generous and well received. Coupons for child care, for a special meal, for lawn mowing... you name it.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Simple Living Forum

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--40th Anniversary: Non-Sentimental Journey 12/28/13
    12/16--Tip #8. Give children ONE thing they really want, rather than so many gifts. If need be, pool funds.


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--The Forum for Sustainable
    and Responsible Investment

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #39 -- Send a Message! Be the Message! 12/1/14
    Return to Table of Contents
    Week 3: Yet More Advent

    12/17--Tip #9. Take turns opening the gifts around the tree, so that each gift can be admired and each giver thanked. To avoid the emphasis on gifts, don't put them under the tree until after attending worship service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

  • Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? #34 online edition for 2022

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Charity Navigator

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Remember 'Joy Is Like the Rain'? 12/8/14
    12/18--When I was a child many of the relatives would gather on Christmas Eve for a grand meal. Then we would gather around a tree that always reached to the ceiling. It was surrounded by a mountain of gifts. Everybody gave something to everybody else. With little fanfare I would start ripping into all my stuff. It seemed that no one paid much attention to what others were getting. After an hour or so it was over. (Continued)

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration--International Migrants Day #WithDignity

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Beyond Pesticides

  • Legacy SLW! Blog-- SLW! Podcast #34 -- Daniel Berrigan, William Sloane Coffin and more! 12/11/14
    12/19--One year I asked my dad if we could go to church on Christmas Eve. He agreed. But I didn't ask until Christmas Eve. When we got back, the others were pretty unhappy. We had changed the plan. We hadn't considered the group. Now, after we all go to church, we gather for some favorite foods. We take turns opening our gifts with considerable fanfare for each one. Though we are only four, it is more meaningful than when there were a dozen!

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration--Las Posadas Treasury of Celebrations

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--EarthShare

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Reflections from Institute for Peace and Justice 12/14/14
    12/20--Tip #10. Make changes slowly but persistently. Don't try to change everything and everybody all at once. The resistance will make you feel defeated and lonely. For more help, read the classic Unplug the Christmas Machine, especially Chapter 9: "Christmas Revival", or "Getting Started" in Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 70-87.

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration: Fourth Sunday in Advent

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Appalachia--Science in the Public Interest

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Going to Church on Christmas Eve 12/19/14
    12/21--First Day of Winter (To Celebrate, p. 163)

  • Legacy Guest blog--Eco-Justice: Christmas Is NOT Cute

  • Real Goods|Solar

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Episode 35: Susan Briehl, Jill Miller and more! 12/22/14
    12/22--We have much better symbols of Christmas and giving than Santa, who has been completely taken over by commercial interests to sell us more stuff. We have Jesus giving himself to us and the Three Wise Ones giving gifts to Jesus. We have St. Nicholas, who gave gifts to the needy. Let's not confuse our children with stories about Santa. Let's tell the real stories of our faith.

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--The Simple Way

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--'Tis the Season 12/28/14
    12/23--One Christmas my mother bought a new plastic Santa to put on the top of the tree. I didn't think much of it. When my Dad saw it, he quietly insisted that it come down. After all, he was Sunday School Superintendent. Mother replaced Santa with a Christmas star. That incident had a profound effect on me. As greedy as I was as a youngster, I got the point that we celebrate Jesus' birth, not the coming of Santa Claus.


  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Intentional Communities

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Having an Epiphany for New Years 12/30/14
    12/24--Share memories and stories besides gifts and food. Play Alternatives' "Christmas Game."

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Fellowship for Reconciliation: FOR-USA

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews 12/15 // WHOSE Birthday? podcast series


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Worship Alternatives: Art
    More ART

    Return to Table of Contents

    Week 4: Christmas begins (12 days till Epiphany)

    12/25--Christmas Day (birth of Jesus observed). Treasury of Celebrations, pp. 207-225.

  • Worthwhile ColleagueOrganization--Pax Christi-USA

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest 12/8/15 // Worth Revisiting
    12/26--First Day of Kwanzaa. For more information read To Celebrate, pp. 163-164.

  • Boxing Day (Canada)

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--The Sanders Institute

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest 12/15/15 // WHOSE Birthday? Podcast, part 3
    12/27--Keep your tree and decorations up until Epiphany, 1/6/23, when the Wise Ones arrive with their gifts.

  • SLW! Quarterly Digest

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Transition Towns USA

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest 12/22/15
    12/28--Holy Innocents. Read, share, use Alternatives' "Remembering the Holy Innocents: A Service for December 28th." And A Poem for Holy Innocents Day, Dec. 28

    The Holy Family escaped the slaughter by their Flight into Egypt, a good time for us to think and talk about immigrants and welcoming the stranger.


    Graphic from Alternatives' collection Spirit of Simplicity:
    Quotes & Art for Simpler Living and Global Justice

    More ART

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Earthlight

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! eNews #63, 12/1/16 -- 'WHOSE Birthday?' Podcast series
    12/29--There are three levels of working toward justice.

    1) Symbolic acts, like giving up a meal, help change us though they do not alleviate another's hunger. Education and worship are largely symbolic acts. Though they don't make any thing, they feed our spirits and minds. Symbols are powerful!

  • Legacy Guest blog--Eco-Justice: US Shutdown and the Innocents

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--New Internationalist: Magazine and books

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/5/16
    12/30--2) Sharing our resources of time, money and energy are small steps to alleviate another's situation.

  • Relish Celebrating QUOTES and ART

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Seeds of Hope

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/8/16
    12/31--3) Systemic change, which is more complex, requires recognition of a need for change by communities and governments. It requires conversation, negotiation, a commitment to cooperation, and constant pressure from caring people.

  • Non-Conform Freely Celebration--New Year's Eve

  • Worthwhile Colleague Organization--Salt of the Earth: online resource for social justice

  • Legacy SLW! Blog--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/12/16

    BONUS SLW! Legacy Blogs

  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/26/16
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/23/16
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/19/16
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/15/16
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/25/17 -- 10 Tips #10
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/22/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/18/17 -- 10 Tips #7
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/15/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/12/17 -- 10 Tips #6
  • SLW! Weekly Digest, 12/8/17
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge, 12/5/17 -- 10 Tips #5
  • SLW! eNews #75, 12/17 -- Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? parts 3&4
  • SLW! Monthly Digest 12/17, Complete
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/22/18
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/15/18 (eNews #87): WHOSE Birthday? part 4
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/7/18: Year-end Giving under the New Tax Laws
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/1/18: Fair Trade in Schools and Congregations
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/22/19: Planning for 2020
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/15/19--eNews #99
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/08/19--Ruth Ann Angus, Yes We Can PeaceBuilders
  • Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 12/01/19--Advent Conspiracy
  • Simpler Living Nudge 12/15/20--eNews #111: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1220--Will O’Brien: Peace on Earth and the Politics of Christmas
  • Simpler Living Blog 12/15/21--eNews #123: SLW! Podcast Ep. 1221--Della Duncan, Renegade Economist, Tells about Doughnut Economics and Other Economic Models Being Put to Work
  • SLW! Nudge 12/22
    Simpler Formats for 2022 and beyond--Simpler Living Weekly Nudge becomes monthly. New subscribers, send NUDGE to
    SLW! Blog/eNews/ALERT. To subscribe send BLOG to

    Subscribers to SLW! Podcast and The Common Good Podcast (TCGP) have received 'Simpler OneEarth Living' Podcast, which I produced and co-hosted. Lee Van Ham of Jubilee OneEarth Economics contributed interviews. This makes good sense since the missions of both SLW! and Jubilee OneEarth Economics are so complementary and the two work together closely. The podcast is on pause after the 01/2 episode. All 250+ episodes are still available through the index at, window #3 and also in the Daily Nudge, one at a time.
    Your comments on these changes are welcome.
    Peace, Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, SLW! Chief Activist

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    MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.