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Quantity Cooking for Churches
Edited by Grace Winn
Cover art -- GRAPHIC Simply Delicious in Other Graphics folder
- Introductory Materials
- Preface: Lifestyle Security
- Introduction
- Helping the Church Make Changes in Food Service
- New Approaches to the Church Meal: Some Menus
- Kool-Aid(tm) and the Cookies Have Had Their Day
- The Ministry of Serving Meals to Persons in Need
- The Fast as a Way of Identifying with the Hungry
- The Common Meal as Celebration
- Hints, Tables, Resources, Index
Introductory Materials
Preface: Lifestyle Security
Security, ultimately, comes not from what we have, but how we live. During the later part of the 1970s a quiet revolution began to unfold. People from virtually every walk of life began to experiment with alternative life-styles. These explorations have to do with a spirit of self-sufficiency. Prominent among the life-style changes has been how and what we eat. Eating has become a subtle source of many, many other awarenesses, some that even reach down into oil wells and others that connect us with our undernourished neighbors.Each day most of us sit down three times to eat. Thus we are almost continually reminded of our "selves" and that which "goes into us" to make us what we are as healthy, functioning organisms. But it does not stop there. Many are also being reminded at the table that the source of food - how it is grown, where it comes from, how it gets here, its energy determinate - is now an important stewardship question. We are thinking both "upstream" into our bodies, and " downstream" into the source of food. In such thinking we are continually reconnected to the Earth's life support system.
This book is the result of loving concern about our relationship to all with whom we share this earth. It is meant to be a practical guide to nutritional and ethical eating. The book is one of many steps towards "lifestyle security." Our security does not depend upon forces external to us, but upon the internal acceptance of who we are as children of God, acknowledging our interdependence on finite planet earth. Such an acceptance can enable us to shift our style of living to take into consideration all who inhabit God's grand creation. The future depends not upon nature (which is more than plentiful for all on earth if we are not greedy) but upon whether we decide, or fail to decide, to act as stewards of our bodies and of the Earth itself. This can begin with what and how we eat.
-Ed Lindaman
Ed Lindaman was a pioneer in making persons in this country aware of world hunger. As president of Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington, he helped to launch the "Nutrition '85" program, which provided education about hunger and nutrition and offered students alternative meal plans. We grieve his death in August 1982, but are encouraged to see the spread of his work.
The purpose of this book is to encourage local churches to be responsible about serving food. Churches may not realize that serving food is an important activity, but in most churches, meals are a part of many of the activities. From daily snacks for preschoolers to the annual loyalty dinner, including a schedule of church breakfasts, luncheons, suppers and "covered dish" dinners throughout the year, the church is offering food to members and guests.Why should the church take this food-serving activity seriously'? There are two important reasons: In a world where so many are hungry and malnourished, the church dare not be complacent about how much we eat, about how much we waste, and about the relationship between our greed and our neighbor's need. Also, in a nation where so many of us have serious health problems from eating too much and from eating unwisely, the church must call us to be good stewards of our bodies.
The introductory sections of this book are designed to help hunger task force members, meal planning committees, simple lifestyle study groups, or any group in the church willing to examine the food service and to consider changes. This will not be an easy task. Eating habits, both individual and institutional, are resistant to change. Perhaps some ideas here will "prime the pump" and contribute to a plan which suits your particular church.
The recipes were chosen from many sources. All have been tested-some in family-size versions, some in quantity--size versions, some in both. These, too, are starters. Each committee will think of menus that their congregation will enjoy and adapt its own favorite recipes. There is a real challenge in planning meals that meet the criteria of being less expensive, using less meat, using less sugar and saturated fats, using more grains and legumes, while at the same time being nutritious and tasty.
The bibliography includes resources for further study about food and nutrition, simple lifestyle, and world hunger. It also lists cookbooks with recipes similar to the ones given here, some in amounts to serve a family, and a few in amounts to serve a crowd.
The church has an excellent opportunity to model good stewardship of our bodies and of the earth's food resources at all those coffees, lunches, receptions, snack times, youth banquets, and dinners. The good news is that the process of making changes can be interesting, the variety in menus and recipes can be pleasing, and the joy of sharing food can be more complete when we remember sisters and brothers around the world who also need food.
Helping the Church Make Changes in Food Service
Changes in church food service require careful planning, patience, and perseverance. One church's partial success in initiating changes in food service may suggest useful avenues of approach and point out some pitfalls to be avoided. Preparing for Change A large affluent urban church has an annual church family camp on Labor Day weekends. Two summers ago the retreat theme was "a simpler lifestyle - living with less." About 60 people - families, children and singles - attended the retreat, representing approximately seven percent of the church's active enrollment.The planning committee established the following goals: 1) to help retreat-goers really get to know one another better; 2) to find out how their eating habits, financial practices, and energy usages correspond to the Christian values they held; and 3) to figure out ways to live more simply and responsibly in God's world.
The committee called the weekend "Stone Soup Retreat" after the old French folk tale. Friday evening the youth dramatized the story, adding their own improvisations. On Saturday the children made and served real "stone soup" from vegetables they had brought from home. Films, learning centers, small group discussions and Bible study treated the issues of food and hunger, ecology and recycling, reduction in energy use, alternative gift-giving, and overconsumption.
The weekend ended with a worship service held out of doors. During the service, retreat participants signed a common covenant representing some of their resolutions:
We, as participants of this retreat, agree that our individual lives and church life should move from the habit of limitless consumption to a deliberate policy of using only what is sufficient. We believe that this policy is a logical extension of Biblical teachings, and will free us to become more people-oriented than thing-oriented. We would like for the monies freed from consuming less to be used in a special project decided on by our church. We would like to extend the learnings of this retreat experience to others of our church and influence through letters and contacts our legislators concerning limiting our consumption of non-renewable resources.
The retreat-goers left with a quickened interest in simpler lifestyles and a growing knowledge of what sorts of changes would be involved. Extending the Experience to the Congregation Several participants in the retreat had prepared learning centers for the retreat which were later used by Sunday School classes and other groups interested in learning about the experience and the issues it raised. The Stone Soup alumni, honoring the third paragraph of the covenant, decided to support a food-oriented project with the monies freed by consuming less. The group called the project "Less for the Loaf," meaning they would live with less in order to give bread to someone else. They decided to give the money they saved to a food bank just getting started in the central part of the state.
The group also proposed one meatless meal per month at weekly church night suppers, and suggested that the first program deal with food and hunger. Going Through Channels for Change Not too surprisingly, the idea of a meatless meal was not met with uncontested enthusiasm. However, the Wednesday night program committee agreed to a presentation on food and hunger.
A Stone Soup Retreat representative approached the church hostess informally about the possibility of a meatless meal, and also sent a letter giving reasons for this kind of meal and enclosing several meatless recipes. Copies of the letter were also sent to the two church ministers.
The hostess and the cook were reluctant about the meatless meal for several reasons: The suggested casserole dishes required too much chopping, whereas conventional meat dishes were easy to fix. They were concerned that some of the ingredients in the recipes wouldn't be available at a regular supermarket. And, finally, the cook couldn't read and would have to be taught to prepare the new dishes.
The ministers, too, were divided on the issues. One thought it was a good idea, but did not actively promote it. The other thought it would kill Wednesday night suppers. Others claimed that too many elderly people depended on that meal', they thought that a meatless meal would be too indigestible or insufficiently nutritious for senior citizens.
Despite these expressions of resistance, the program was planned and the hostess and the cook decided to cook something they already knew how to fix - cheese soufflι.
The experimental Wednesday night supper proved a success. The cheese soufflι. and the program were well received. Copies of the recipe were distributed on each table. The Stone Soup Retreat was explained, and participants offered facts about hunger and read quotations. A filmstrip, "Charlie Cheddar's Choice," was shown, and the food bank coordinator spoke to the group. At the close of the evening, the group voted 51 to 17 to continue the meatless meals once each month. The senior minister affirmed the vote.
However, the hostess and the cook were still reluctant to try new recipes. After the second meatless meal, the hostess went to the Women of the Church Council and said that she did not want to cook any more meatless meals for Wednesday night suppers. Meatless meals were not pursued any further. Overcoming Resistance to Change As a result of the controversy, the Women of the Church began to study the issue themselves. After much discussion they decided to make a simple leaflet cookbook explaining the rationale for alternative cooking and offering several meatless recipes for distribution to church members. After the idea of a meatless Wednesday night meal failed, the "Less for the Loaf" project emphasized living with less at home, and offered a study course to those interested in simpler life-styles. About a dozen people attended the course for six weeks. Change for the Future? Those who want to profit from this church's experience should consider the following concerns: Winning over the hostess and cook is very important to the success of such endeavors. Those recommending changes should be backed by a committee and have some support from the church congregation. Planning sessions among committee members, the church hostess, the cook, and the ministers might be helpful in anticipating and solving problems raised by any proposed changes in menus.
Despite setbacks and the committee's inability to fully realize its plans, significant learning and a resulted from their efforts. The seeds of change have been planted, and now, two years later, there are rumors of planning a meatless Wednesday night meal.
Dorothy Gilliam Thomason
New Approaches to the Church Meal: Some Menus
[click here]Kool-Aid(tm) and the Cookies Have Had Their Day
Handing out sugar-filled snack foods and drinks is like giving a stone when your child asks for bread. Sadly once a child gets used to sugary snacks s/he may no longer ask for bread. --Doris Longacre, More-With-Less CookbookChurches serve food for snacks, coffee breaks, and refreshments all through the week and on Sundays, too. Perhaps because these snacktimes occur so often, there is little variety in the menus.
Kool-aid and cookies are the typical tare usually offered to children-a sweet, artificially flavored, powdered drink and a sugary cookie. Such a snack satisfies the hunger of the moment, but supplies no nourishment. It is sometimes referred to as "toy food" in contrast to real food like bread, fruit, and vegetables.
What to Serve Instead?
Some churches have discovered that there are many wholesome foods to serve children that are tasty, fun to eat, easy to prepare, and inexpensive. Here are a few ideas:
celery and carrot sticks
apple wedges and cubes of cheese
munching food such as pretzels, bread sticks, whole wheat crackers
orange sections
dried fruit
cookies made with nourishing ingredients
banana bread
Foods Children Like to Prepare
Children enjoy fixing snacks for themselves and to share with other groups in the church family. Here are some favorites:
People Sandwich: Cut slices of bread with cookie cutters. Spread with peanut butter. Make eyes, nose, mouth with raisins, dates, carrot curls.
Pizzas: Split English muffins. Spread with tomato sauce. Add slices of mozzarella cheese. Heat in oven.
Popcorn: Pop. Serve plain or with a little Parmesan cheese, For more ideas on snacks children can make themselves, see nine additional recipes in the Snacks and Refreshments section. There, for example, you can find out how to use popcorn in Peanut Butter Balls (p. 93).
Alternative Beverages
What shall we serve children to drink in place of drink mixes? Here are some suggestions:
apple juice (a gallon jug is the best buy)
tomato juice
pineapple juice
V-8 juice
mixtures of frozen juice, squeezed fruit juice, and unsweetened canned juices
Children enjoy mixing their own fruit juices. Young children enjoy seeing lemons, limes and oranges cut. Then they can remove the seeds and squeeze the juice on a hand squeezer. Add water, a little honey, and ice cubes-and they have a natural drink they made themselves. There are more ideas for drinks in the Snacks and Refreshments section.
Snacks for Adults
Coffee and sweet rolls are almost as much a routine for adult snacks as drink mixes and cookies are for children. Like the routine snacks for children, the adult snack foods fail to supply any real nourishment. But many alternative foods are available including some already suggested for children.
A good way to introduce new foods is to offer them as choices along with familiar ones. For a start, offer one non-sweet and one noncaffeine beverage whenever refreshments are served.
Some non-sweets
assortment of fruit sections
crackers and cheese spread
assortment of raw vegetables and dip
mixture of peanuts and raisins
Some non-caffeine beverages
herbal teas
cider - hot or cold
fruit juice punches
tomato and V-8 juice
The section of this book on snacks and refreshments includes recipes for dips, cheese spreads, homemade wheat crackers, hot tomato juice, and punches. Browse through the sections on breads and desserts, as well, for ideas on refreshment foods. There are no-sugar or low-sugar cookies, bar cakes, and fruit and nut breads.
The Ministry of Serving Meals to Persons in Need
Time was when most church meals were served to the church's own members. Today an increasing number of churches are serving meals to "street people." In many cases more food is served to the hungry than to church members.Who are the "street people"? There are several kinds, if one observes closely If persons have places to stay (where they get a bath and use a washing machine) they are probably clean though shabbily dressed. If they have no place to stay and everything they have is on their backs or in a paper bag, the people are probably very dirty. Their behavior may be unusual. They may have a tic that is fairly constant, a limp, or too much fat. They are more than likely out of cash. These people are unpleasant to see. They are lonely or hungry, and probably both.
With fear we realize that their situation might happen to us. Once someone remarked, "I don't like these people. I can't tell the difference between them and me!"
Often people think, "Lazy people, why don't they clean up and go to work?" Upon questioning them, we find that these people would gladly go to work if they could find a job, could have transportation to the job, and were able to do the job. The crippled, the obese, the old, the peculiar, the disturbed are quickly eliminated from the job force.
Some people today cannot read and write. There are also the physically disabled and the epileptics, the people who have had terrible automobile accidents with an injured arm or leg. Some are on alcohol or drugs.
It is important to give more than food to these "least" of our brothers and sisters. One church regularly uses fourteen volunteers to serve a meal. Only two of these actually put out the food. Two direct the traffic, open the doors, set up the food line, and manage the seating. Two are responsible for a Bible story, group singing, and the blessing. Eight are there to mingle, greet guests, rejoice with them on birthdays, and ask them about special subjects for prayer. These eight serve on the food line as needed.
The food itself is obviously important. It needs to be nourishing, appealing, easy to eat and digest, and inexpensive. Many of the menus in this book will be useful and can break the monotonous pattern into which meals for "street people" often fall.
Feeding the poor can become a sacramental act of worship. The director of a large inner-city feeding operation writes: "Knowing that we all hunger physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually, we strive to just
"Be" --feeding, listening and being there with each one we serve. In feeding we are fed, in listening we hear and are heard, and in being we experience the presence of Christ."
From material submitted by Lila Bonner-Miller, Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, and Bill Bolling, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Georgia
The Fast as a Way of Identifying with the Hungry
Fasting is a way of experiencing in our own bodies some of the pain of those who are hungry, We can learn by fasting alone, but we can learn more by fasting with others. Here is an account of how one group made fasting a community experience.Members of the Hunger Task Force arranged a workshop-fast during which they could study, worship, and play. They planned to examine their experience and present their ideas to the congregation in the form of a detailed agenda to be carried out during the coming year.
Arriving on Friday evening after work and school were twelve people of all ages, dragging sleeping bags and sundry toilet articles to headquarters for the fast, which was set up in the Church House, women in the parlor, men on the floor of the pastor's study. Using Bible references as a starting point (Isaiah 58), we established the basis of our Christian commitment to care for the hungry of the world. Each person decided the limits of his or her fast. Some abstained totally from all food and beverages. A few agreed to partake only of water. one allowed herself the luxury of one cup of coffee! Still another, because of medical requirements, accepted a limited quantity of fruit juice. Our contracts were for 24 hours. We prayerfully entered this pact to try to make ourselves more aware of a situation about which we had heard and read so much, but of which we really had no first-hand experience-hunger.
Folk dancing in the dining room was our evening entertainment. We did not have to set tables, prepare food or do dishes-a "plus" of going without eating. However, before long we noticed that our energy lagged and we requested slower numbers. Aside from this, our lack of food seemed to have made little impression on us. Sleep for most was restless, however. Whispered conversations and stomach rumblings kept us aware of our fellow-tasters for some time, but sleep finally overtook us.
To awaken early with no prospect of coffee or breakfast provoked negative reactions and some headaches, but we were committed to exploring these feelings and the subject of hunger. Toward that end we brainstormed for some time. What did we really know about hunger, hunger in our own country, in our own city'? Where in the world were the greatest needs? What areas did we hope to present for consideration to concerned people in the church? What new ideas did we wish to offer the unchallenged who felt no call to "feed the hungry"? Based on our findings, we planned a hunger awareness meal during which we would present our outline of events for the year.
We divided into special groups. Some were assigned the task of making posters to enlighten our congregation about the areas of concern we wished to consider and to publicize the hunger awareness meal. Others planned the meal, suggested alternate-to-meat menus, and delegated the responsibilities for preparing, serving, and presenting the idea of a hunger meal. Speakers were chosen to give presentations and topics were assigned. Learning centers would be available at the dinner to illustrate some of the facts collected about hunger. We investigated games to educate the younger children about hunger. We decided to set aside one Sunday a month to collect canned goods for distribution to the needy in the community. All morning we refined and redesigned our plans. The hungrier we became the more excited we were about presenting our findings to our church family!
In place of lunch we served ourselves the food of the word through a short worship service and prayer meditations. Having received refreshment, we encircled a large table to play BALDICER (Balance Diet Certificates), a game which all too graphically illustrates the inequities of food and money distribution in the world and how it feels to be on either side. The one woman who rapidly gained control of all the assets was so torn between "winning" the game and depriving her friends of food, that the game had to be terminated before her frustration led to tears. Concentration for all of us had become difficult, and some tempers threatened to flare. Headaches became more numerous. Only eighteen hours had passed! How magnified would our emotions be if this state were our common lot all the time, every day, day after day, generation after generation? In a somewhat painful manner we were uncovering the side effects of lack of food-one fails to operate at his or her top capability without proper nourishment. . The two teenagers in our group volunteered to purchase food for our closing meal. They reported that it was agonizing to view all that food on the shelves of the store and not be able to enjoy it. Every one seemed eager to help in the preparation of the meal. As the time drew near to break the fast, realization and anticipation engulfed our senses: anticipation of the end of our hunger pangs, but, more keenly, realization of a one-ness with folk all around the world and around the corner who approach each offering of food with even greater anticipation. Our desire to help had certainly been intensified. Prayerfully and thankfully we bowed our heads to accept this gift of food.
Hard bread dipped into a bowl of delicious tomato soup, in which a lump of butter slowly melted forming a golden circle, made a most enjoyable and meaningful meal. It was truly a common meal of celebration. It was eaten in silence around a table with eleven other people who were experiencing the same glow. Savoring each mouthful, we became more aware of the sound and smells of the food-fruit and cheese in addition to the bread and soup. We were breaking -our fast. During the previous twenty-four hours we had learned a lot about ourselves, gained a small insight into what it means to be hungry, and developed some plans for action to alleviate this blight on our world. -- Jean Bailey
Fasting in Richmond
FAST is an acronym that stands for an effort to raise consciousness about hungry people. Doing without food is not just a form of masochism. It helps one to understand what hungry people feel. It purifies one's motives. The money saved can be used to provide food for poor people.
Four churches in the Richmond Downtown Cooperative Ministry urged their congregations to fast just before Thanksgiving as a counterbalance to the emphasis on food at that time of year. November is also the time to take up collections for many denominational hunger programs. Money saved from fasting then could be used to make significant contributions to these programs.
To break the fast, participating members from the four churches joined together the Thursday before Thanksgiving for a simple meal of soup and bread. Each church brought a large loaf of homemade bread which was broken with a brief prayer and shared.
FAST has also proved effective as an ecumenical undertaking and a way of deepening relationships among the participants. --Bill Stickle
The Common Meal as Celebration
Feasting, as well as fasting, is part of the Christian life. When the congregation gathers for a meal, however simple, it is a joyful occasion. Simple, as we define it in this book, does not mean dull or glum or deadly serious.Some congregations celebrate their common life with a weekly meal. The "church night supper" on Wednesday nights is an enduring tradition. Others follow common worship with a common meal on Sundays. We visited a church in California that has a celebrative meal each Sunday without causing anyone to miss church school or worship service. One member comes early and puts a soup bone on to cook. As others come, they add to the soup pot prepared vegetables brought from home. All during the church school and worship hours, the soup is cooking. When the service is over, lunch is ready. Bread and fruit are set out and the congregation enjoys a family meal. Simple, but a celebration!
Even if you cannot have a weekly celebration, you can celebrate special times and seasons in the life of the congregation. In addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas, how about the opening of the fall church school season? Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, celebrates with a Promotion Day Breakfast for the whole church. The chairperson of this event asks ten or twelve people to prepare casseroles of Governor's Eggs (see recipe in Main Dish section). Doughnuts, coffee, milk, and juice round out the menu. Another church begins the season of Lent with a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.(see the recipe for Whole Wheat Pancakes with suggested variations and toppings in the section on Breads). Children and adults learn more of the true meaning of Lent through learning centers and instructional games. The reception of the Confirmation Class into membership can be the occasion for a party meal, with the new members as guests of honor at the head table. Birthdays are important; some churches have a monthly birthday celebration for all who have birthdays during that month.
How do we make such occasions celebrative? Our culture has taught us to think of large quantities of expensive food, with an emphasis on sweets and delicacies-the steak, lobster, champagne, and chocolate cake syndrome. But the most celebrative thing about a church meal is the PEOPLE who are there: old and young, men and women, retired persons and students, grandparents and infants, church officers and new members - all mingling and enjoying each other. The food, which can be simple as well as delicious, brings us together to enjoy our differences while affirming our unity.
Those who plan congregational meals can capitalize on this time of enjoyment by adding festive touches:
place mats made by some of the children's classes
centerpieces made by a craft class
a play put on by members of the Youth Group
an art show exhibiting works by members of the congregation
music from some of the retired members
exhibits from a part of the world which is being studied or where gifts are being sent
Sharing a simple meal in keeping with good stewardship and good health is an affirmation of Christian community. It is an affirmation that goes beyond the unity and diversity of our local congregation. It affirms our community with all our fellow-Christians around the world. It affirms our human solidarity with all our fellow human beings, many of whom are hungry, The horizons of our church dining room or fellowship hall become global.
For such celebrations, the prayer of thanksgiving is no longer perfunctory We are thankful for the food we eat together. We are thankful that the money saved makes offerings possible so that, in a way, unseen guests sit at table with us. We are thankful that God is Creator and Provider, whose hand feeds us all.
Bran MuffinsMakes 50 (more if smaller pans used)
2-1/2 c. whole wheat flour
2 c. unbleached, plain white flour
1-1/2 t. salt
4 t. soda
1-1/2 c. sugar
Mix separately:
3-3/4 c. buttermilk
3 eggs (more for richer batter)
1 c. vegetable oil
Add liquid ingredients to dry mixture.
4-1/2 c. all-bran
Stir gently. Do not stir more than it takes to mix ingredients. Put into greased muffin tins. Bake at 400 for 25 minutes. Batter may be stored in refrigerator up to 6 weeks.
Option: Add nuts or raisins to batter for special occasions.
Adapted by Cherry Clements, North Decatur United Methodist Church Decatur, Ga.
Whole Wheat Corn Bread
Serves 60 people
Mix together:
7 c. cornmeal
7 c. whole wheat flour
1/3 c. baking powder
3/4 c. brown sugar
2-1/2 t. salt
3 c. dry milk powder (Optional. See note on milk below.)
Make a well and add:
12 eggs (beaten)
7 c. milk or
7 c. water (if dry milk powder used)
3-1/2 c. oil
Stir just until smooth. Pour into greased pans and bake for 30 minutes at 400. Serve hot with butter and honey.
Food for Thought Option: This batter can also be baked in muffin tins.
Whole Wheat Pancake Batter
Makes 100
Beat well:
30 eggs
Add and mix in:
6 qt. buttermilk or milk
10 oz. margarine (2-1/2 sticks)
Stir into egg and milk mixture.
5 T. honey
Sift together:
10 c. whole wheat flour
11-3/4 c. unbleached white flour
1-1/2 oz. baking powder (3 T.)
2 oz. baking soda (4 T. + 2 t.)
1-1/2 oz. salt (2 T.)
Mix dry ingredients into liquids. Drop batter by large spoonsful onto hot oiled griddle.
Add chopped apples and cinnamon to batter for whole wheat apple pancakes. For 100-pancake amount of batter, add 2-1/2 c. apples and cinnamon or nutmeg to taste. Blueberries may be used instead of apples.
plain yogurt
fruit preserves
crushed pineapple
honey (thinned) and cinnamon
peanut butter
apple sauce
mashed fresh berries
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Tested by SAGA FOODS, Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington
Interesting Information: 1 pancake by this recipe = 100 calories and contains 3.2 grams of protein
Three-Grain Peanut Bread
8 loaves - 80 slices
Combine in mixing bowl:
4 c. whole wheat flour
4 c. unbleached white flour
4 c. quick cooking oats
4 c. yellow corn meal
4 c. dry milk powder
8 T. baking powder
8 t. salt
Cut in:
5-1/3 c. peanut butter
8 eggs
3 qt. milk (12 c.)
2 c. honey
Add liquid mixture to dry mixture.
Mix well.
Divide dough into 8 greased and floured 9 x 5" loaf pans. Bake at 325 for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Cool 10 minutes and remove from pans.
This bread is excellent sliced, spread with butter or margarine, and toasted under broiler.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Tested by Trinity Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, Va.
Menu Planning Tip: This is a high-protein bread. Cut 10 slices to the loaf-home style. Each slice has 9.5 grams protein. (1 egg = 5.7 grams protein). Include this in a menu with salad and vegetables to round out the meal.
Whole Wheat Baking Mix
Makes 15 cups
In a large bowl, mix together:
9 c. whole wheat flour
2 c. powdered milk
1/2 c. soy flour (optional)
1 c. wheat germ
5 T. baking powder
Cut in with pastry blender or 2 knives:
2 c. butter or margarine
Refrigerate until use.
For Biscuits (Makes 12)
3 c. mix
3/4 c. milk or water
Stir until just blended. Form a ball. Knead lightly 10 times. Shape into a log about 2" in diameter, and cut 12 equal slices. Place on ungreased baking sheet, patting into even, round shapes. Bake at 4250 for 10-12 minutes. These do not brown because there is no sweetener in recipe.
For Pancakes (Makes 8-10 medium) Combine:
1-1/2 C. mix
1 c. milk or water
1 egg
Blend well and cook on griddle.
For Muffins (Makes 12)
Measure into medium-sized bowl:
3 c. mix
1 t. cinnamon (optional)
1 egg
1 T. honey
1 c. milk
Add liquid to mix all at once, stirring just enough to moisten. Fill well greased muffin tins. Bake at 4000 for 15-20 minutes. (These are good, plain muffins. For more variety, add other spices and up to 112 c. raisins, nuts, chopped apples, drained pineapple, etc. Add with the dry ingredients.)
For Coffee Cake:
2 c. mix
2 T. honey
1 egg
2/3 c. milk or water
Beat until smooth. Pour into greased 8- or 9-inch pan. For topping combine:
2/3 c. mix
1 t. cinnamon
2/3 c. chopped nuts
Toss lightly with:
2 T. honey
Sprinkle topping over batter. Bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes.
We recommend making this recipe with half whole wheat flour and half unbleached flour.
(Adapted by editor. Tested by Patrick Huss, aged 12, Hillside Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.: "I made the recipe with all whole wheat flour and found it heavy. So I changed to half and half. I like all the recipes, especially the coffee cake.")
Adapted from Organic Gardening, Emmaus, PA 18049, January 1982. With permission of Rodale Press, Inc., Copyright 1982.
Home Made Pita Bread (Pocket Bread)
Makes 24 pitas
2 T. dry yeast (2 pkg.) in
2 c. warm water
Blend in:
1 T. shortening
Stir together:
6 c. whole wheat flour
2 t. salt
Add yeast mixture to flour mixture. Work dough until no longer sticky, adding additional water or flour as needed. Put dough into greased bowl, turning once to grease surface. Cover. Let stand in warm place 30-40 minutes until double. Divide dough into 24 pieces. With floured hands work pieces into very smooth balls. Place on floured surface; cover and let rest 20 minutes. Flatten balls, keeping them rounded. Roll each ball to 7-in. circle. Place-as space allows-on ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 4500 for 3 or 4 minutes till dough is puffed and set. Turn over with spatula. Bake 2 minutes more till brown. Cool on wire racks. Store in plastic bags, tightly secured, in refrigerator for as long as one month. To serve, let stand at room temperature about 15 minutes. Halve pitas crosswise and fill with vegetable or meat filling.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Pita bread may now be purchased at most grocery stores or at a farmers' market.
Pumpkin Bread
6 loaves
3-1/2 c. whole wheat flour
3-1/2 c. unbleached white flour
4 t. soda
3 It. salt
2 t. cinnamon
1 It. nutmeg
3 c. sugar
Make a well and add:
2 c. oil
4 c. cooked, mashed pumpkin
8 eggs
1-1/3 c. water
Mix. Add:
3 c. chopped nuts or sunflower seeds (or 1-1/2 c. of each)
Put into greased pans. Bake at 350 until done (about 40 minutes).
Flavors of Stony Point
(Tested by Deonne Barkley, Food Service Supervisor, Stony Point Center, Stony Point, New York)
Easy and Good French Bread
4 loaves (15 inches long)
4 pkg. dry yeast (4 T.) in
1 c. warm water
1 It. sugar
4 T. sugar
4 T. fat
4 t. salt
4 c. boiling water
Cool to lukewarm and add yeast mixture.
Stir in:
3 c. unbleached flour
2 c. Cornell mix*
2 c. rye flour
4 c. whole wheat flour
1-2 c. (additional) unbleached flour
Knead 10 minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl, turning once. Let rise until doubled.
Punch down and let rise 15 minutes.
Divide dough in fourths on floured surface, roll each fourth to a 12 x 15" rectangle. Roll up, starting at 15" edge. Place loaves on greased cookie sheets and make 4 or 5 slashes diagonally across tops. Let rise until double.
Mix and brush on:
1 egg, beaten
2 T. milk
Sprinkle on, if desired:
poppy or sesame seeds
Bake at 400 for 20 minutes.
More-with-Less Cookbook, tested and adapted by editor
*Cornell mix:
1/3 part wheat germ
1/3 part soy flour
1/3 part dry milk
Keep a large jar of this in the refrigerator. Replace 1 out of each 5 c. flour called for with this mix to add extra protein. Or put 3 T of mix in bottom of 1-cup measure and fill cup with flour.
Egg Bread (Challah)
3 loaves
2 pkg. dry yeast (2 T-) in
1/2 c. lukewarm water
1-1/2 c. lukewarm milk
1/4 c. honey
1 T. salt
3 whole eggs
1/4 c. oil or melted butter
7-1/2 c. unbleached white flour
Mix all together. Knead until elastic and not sticky. Leave to rise 1-1/2 - 2 hrs. (until double in size). Divide into 9 pieces, Make each into a strand, about 12-14 inches long. Join 3 strands together at one end and braid loosely. Pinch both ends together and turn under. Leave to rise again. Beat together well:
1 egg yolk
1 T. water
Brush gently on the risen loaves. If you wish, sprinkle on loaves:
sesame or poppy seeds
Bake in loaf pan, 425 for 25-30 min.
Adapted by Mary Hetzel Demonstrated by Mary at a December meeting, Northside Food Coop Richmond, Va.
Hints for bread making from Mary Hetzel:
ΆGrease pans with solid shortening.
Try using tall juice cans or other containers for different shapes.
Potato water is very good for part of the liquid in bread recipes.
Keep an open plastic bag handy when kneading, in case of the inevitable phone call.
No Knead Whole-Wheat Bread
8 loaves
Place in a large bowl:
30 c. whole wheat flour (71/2 qt.)
Set the bowl in a very low oven for about 20 minutes, to warm flour and bowl. (Set oven at lowest temperature.)
6 T. dry yeast in
4 c. lukewarm water
4 T. honey
Mix together:
12 c. warm water
1 c. molasses
Combine yeast mixture with molasses mixture. Add:
4 T. salt
Combine the warmed flour and the liquid mixture. Add enough water to make a sticky dough. Oil 8 large loaf pans, put mixture directly into pans. No kneading involved. Let rise 1 hour. Meanwhile preheat oven to 400. Bake for about 50 minutes or until crust is brown.
Flavors of Stony Point
Advice That's Hard to Heed: These homemade breads are delicious-pleasing to look at, fragrant, often still warm from the oven. There is a temptation to eat more than we need. Homemade whole wheat bread usually has 90-100 calories per slice. Enjoy a moderate amount.
Pinto Bread
8 loaves
Scald, then place in large bowl and cool to lukewarm:
2 qt. milk
8 pkg. dry yeast (8 T.) Blend.
2 qt. cooked, mashed pinto beans (unseasoned)
1/2 c. sugar
3 T. salt
1/2 c. shortening
Stir into that mixture:
5 lbs. flour (about 5 qts.)
Turn onto floured board and knead until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl, turning once. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in size, about 1 hour. Punch down, cover, let rise again until almost double. Divide dough into 8 portions and shape into loaves. Place in greased pans. Cover, let rise 45 minutes. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Whole Wheat Bread - 100% or 50%
3 loaves
Combine and stir:
1/4 c. sugar
1 c. lukewarm water
Stir in:
2 pkg. dry yeast (2 T. dry yeast)
Let stand for 15 minutes.
Stir together:
2-2/3 c. milk, slightly heated
1/2 c. molasses
1 T. salt
Blend thoroughly the milk mixture and the yeast mixture. Add:
2 T. butter, melted
One cup at a time, add:
8 c. whole wheat flour or
4 c. whole wheat flour plus
4 c. unbleached white flour
Stir briskly until smooth after each addition. Remove dough to lightly floured bread board and knead 10 minutes or until elastic. With dough placed in covered, greased bowl, let rest in warm location for 1 hour, until risen to twice former bulk. The top of the range makes a convenient place for this. The bowl may also be stood over a covered pan of hot water to expedite a quicker rising. Return the raised dough to board, make 3 even sized balls and let them stand at least 15 minutes, covered with a clean dry cloth. Shape balls into 3 good-sized loaves of even width and place in greased loaf pans. Cover and allow to stand in warm place until they double in bulk again. Bake for 35 minutes at 325. Remove from pan to let bread cool uniformly.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Whole Wheat Rolls or Bread
(1 slice = 64 cal., 2.6 gm. protein)
8 loaves
Melt and set aside:
1-1/2 c. shortening
Combine and stir together:
8 c. lukewarm (not hot) water
8 T. dry yeast
When yeast has dissolved, add:
4 T. salt
1 c. honey
Stir again. Add to the water mixture:
12 c. whole wheat flour
Stir well. Then add the cooled, melted shortening. Stir well. Add as much as needed of:
12 c. unbleached flour
Place in a greased bowl and cover with a towel. Let rise 2 hours. Punch down. Shape into rolls or loaves and place in greased pans. Cover and let rise 1-1/2 hours. Bake rolls at 400 for 20 minutes. Bake loaves at 350-375 for 35-45 minutes or until nicely browned.
Add 2 c. of wheat germ, 7 grain cereal, or sprouted bulgar wheat to the dough when mixing in the first flour.
For darker bread, replace honey with molasses.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Bulgar Wheat Salad (Tabouli)A Middle Eastern Salad Treat
Serves 25
Double for 50
6 c. boiling water over
3 c. bulgar wheat
Let it sit 2-3 hours until fluffy and relatively dry Use slotted spoon and spoon into mixing bowl. Add:
3 c. finely chopped parsley
1-1/2 c. chopped green onion
4 large tomatoes, chopped
4 T. chopped fresh mint
Make a dressing of:
2 T. salt
1 t. ground black pepper
2/3 c. fresh lemon juice
2/3 C. olive oil
Pour dressing over all and toss well. Serve in a bowl lined with endive or lettuce. May be fixed a day ahead. Better it allowed to sit in refrigerator several hours.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Carrot Raisin Slaw
Serves 100
Put in a bowl:
2 qt. raisins
Cover them with boiling water. Let plump, then strain. Add:
1 c. honey
1 c. lemon juice
Mix well. Add:
32 lb. carrots, shredded
Toss. If you wish, garnish with soy nuts or peanuts.
Pitted dates can be substituted for raisins.
A Guide for Nutra Lunches and Natural Foods
Carrot Salad
Serves 30
Grate or shred:
50 large carrots
Cut in slivers:
5 green peppers
Combine for dressing:
2-1/2 c. mayonnaise
2-1/2 c. yogurt
Mix vegetables with dressing.
Cooking with Conscience,
Adapted by Editor.
Cole Slaw
Serves 50
Mix together:
4 medium heads of cabbage, shredded
4 large carrots, grated
1 green pepper, chopped
Mix together for dressing:
2 c. mayonnaise
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
1/2 t. dry mustard
1/2 t. pepper
1 T. celery seed
1/3 c. vinegar
Mix vegetables with dressing.
Wilma Lee House, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Va.,
Peanut Coleslaw
Serves 25
Prepare and mix together:
10 c. shredded cabbage (2-1/4 qt.)
2-1/2 c. raw peanuts, chopped
10 grated carrots
Mix together for dressing:
2-1/2 c. mayonnaise
5 T. lemon juice
5 t. celery seeds
Mix vegetables with dressing. Add more mayonnaise to taste.
In either of these recipes for coleslaw dressing, substitute yogurt for half of the mayonnaise. It will reduce calories and add a nice tang.
Try adding one or several of the following to the slaw:
toasted sesame seeds
toasted sunflower seeds
minced celery
Cooking with Conscience,
Adapted by Editor.
Fresh Spinach Salad
Serves 25
Double for 50
Clean thoroughly and tear into bite size pieces:
4 large bunches fresh spinach (allow 1/2-1 c. per person)
Slice thinly:
2 large onions
Separate into rings.
Mix together:
3 c. salad oil
1 c. wine vinegar with garlic
8 t. soy sauce
4 t. sugar
4 t. dry mustard
4 t. salt
2 t. pepper
Fry until crisp:
1 lb. bacon (optional)
Hard boil and chop:
8 eggs
Arrange spinach in large salad bowl. Add onion. Pour dressing over spinach. Top with chopped eggs and (if using) chopped bacon.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Tossed Salad
Serves 24
Wash, dry, and tear in small pieces:
4 heads lettuce
3 bunches romaine
6 bunches curly endive
4 pints cherry tomatoes
2 medium red onions, thinly sliced
2 c. cucumbers, sliced
Garnish with:
2 c. croutons
2 c. green onions, cut in thin rounds
2 c. Parmesan cheese, grated
2 bunches radishes, sliced thinly
2 c. fresh mushrooms, sliced
Serve with Italian Dressing
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Tip: Make croutons for salad by brushing several slices of stale bread with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with basil, oregano, or garlic powder. Cut in cubes. Put in biscuit pan and toast at 250 for 30 minutes.
Kidney Bean Salad
Serves 30
1 No. 10 can kidney beans (3 qt.)
6 medium onions, chopped
18 stalks celery, chopped
1-1/2 c. vegetable oil
1-1/2 c. cider vinegar
6 T. sugar
1 T. + 2 t. salt
3 t. black pepper
Mix all and refrigerate for several hours or, preferably, overnight.
Cooking with Conscience
Tomato Aspic
Serves 48
1 c. plain gelatin (16 T.) in
4 c. cold water
7 c. tomato juice (1 No. 5 can)
Dissolve gelatin in hot juice.
14 c. tomato juice
2 c. lemon juice
1/2 c. prepared horseradish
1/4 c. grated onion
4 c. tomato catsup
2 T. salt
Mix all ingredients. Pour into 4 oz. molds or into pans. Chill until firm.
Add to the aspic one or more of these ingredients -- chopped ham, celery, or hard-boiled eggs.
Frances Virginia Tea Room Cookbook
Layered Spinach
Serves 20-24
Wash, dry, and tear into pieces:
2 bunches fresh spinach
Layer in order given in 2 dishes 9 x 13", dividing, or in 1 pan 12 x 18":
prepared spinach
1 lb. sliced, fresh mushrooms
4 medium tomatoes (thinly sliced)
12 hard boiled eggs, chopped
20-24 slices crisp bacon, crumbled
1 lb. sour cream
1 pint mayonnaise
2 T. sugar
Spread this on top of other ingredients. Refrigerate several hours or overnight.
Janice Clifford, Brookhaven Christian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Lentil Salad
Serves 30
10 c. chilled boiled lentils
5 onions, finely chopped
5 c. grated carrots
2-1/2 c. chopped radishes
Combine for dressing:
1-1/4 c. vinegar
2-1/2 c. oil
salt, pepper, garlic salt to taste
From a Monastery Kitchen,
Adapted by Editor.
Frozen Pea Salad
Serves 24
Two hours before serving, combine
4 20-oz. pkg. frozen peas (16 c.)
slivers of purple onions to taste
4 green peppers, chopped
4 c. chopped celery
Combine for dressing:
1 c. mayonnaise
1 c. yogurt
6 T. sugar
Place vegetables in large serving dish. Top with dressing. Refrigerate.
It is best to serve this with a slotted spoon since it sometimes becomes soupy.
Flavors of Stony Point
Morna's Fruited Gelatin
Serves 12
6 T. (6 envs.) plain gelatin in
1 c. cold water
2 c. apple juice
Dissolve gelatin mixture well in hot juice. Add:
1-1/2 c. orange juice
1 c. light syrup from canned fruit
10 T. lemon juice
1 c. pineapple juice
2 c. gingerale
Mix well. Let stand 1-2 hours until it becomes thicker. Stir in:
1 No. 303 can peaches, drained
1 No. 303 can pears, drained
1 banana, sliced
1 apple, unpeeled and diced
1 No. 303 can crushed pineapple, fruit and juice
Let set overnight in refrigerator.
Adapted by Morna K. Moore, Montreat, N.C.
When purchasing canned fruits, be sure to get those labeled "packed in light syrup." In the case of pineapple, get the cans labeled "Packed in its own juices. No sugar added. "
Pineapple-Orange Congealed Salad
Serves 50
10 T. plain gelatin in
10 c. cold water
5 T. honey
Warm mixture in saucepan on stove until gelatin is dissolved and honey softened. Add:
6-1/4 c. unsweetened pineapple juice
Cool until the mixture thickens. Add:
7-1/2 c. unsweetened canned pineapple, drained
10 medium size oranges, peeled and separated in segments
5 bananas, sliced
Chill until set.
Note: Fresh pineapple will not work in congealed salads.
A Guide for Nutra Lunches and Natural Foods
When purchasing canned fruits, be sure to get those labeled "packed in light syrup." In the case of pineapple, get the cans labeled "Packed in its own juices. No sugar added. "
Tofu Salad
Serves 50
2 No. 10 cans kidney beans (6 qt. total), drained
4 c. drained & dried tofu (diced small)
3 c. diced green pepper
3 c. sliced fresh mushrooms
3 c. diced celery
3 c. onions, sliced thin
Combine for marinade:
3 c. cider vinegar
1 c. water
1/2 c. oil
1/4 c. sugar
Marinate the salad in the dressing overnight. Before serving add:
fresh tomato wedges
A recipe similar to this is served at Assembly Inn, Montreat, N.C. and is a popular dish at the salad bar.
Garden Cottage Cheese Salad
Serves 25
Double for 50
1-1/2 c. chopped green peppers
1-1/2 c. chopped celery
3/4 c. chopped chives or onions
3/4 c. chopped olives, green or black
12 c. cottage cheese (6 lb.)
Serve on lettuce leaves for a high protein luncheon or salad.
From a Monastery Kitchen, Adapted by Editor.
Waldorf Salad
Serves 20
Core, but do not peel:
2 lb. apples (will make about 9 c.)
Cut in 1/2 " dice. Marinate in fruit juice to prevent browning.
Cut into 1/4 " dice:
10 oz. celery (will make about 2-1/2 c.)
Drain apples and combine with celery. Mix:
1-1/2 c. mayonnaise
1 T. lemon juice
Add dressing to apple mixture and stir. Serve with lettuce.
Add raisins, chopped dates, chopped walnuts, sliced bananas, halved grapes, drained pineapple tidbits, any dried fruit.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Vegetable Salad
Serves 32
Cook separately:
4 10 oz. boxes (8 c.) frozen green peas
4 10 oz. boxes frozen baby limas in
4 c. salted water each
Cook for 7 minutes. Drain. Run under cold water. Combine cooked vegetables with:
8-12 carrots, diced
1/2 c. finely diced onion
1 c. chopped celery (optional)
1/4 c. lemon juice
1-1/3 c. mayonnaise
1-1/2 It. salt
1/2 t. white pepper
4 t. sugar
3 t. dried dill wood (or handful fresh)
Cover vegetables with dressing. Refrigerate 3-4 hours.
Marion Cannon
Tested at Women of the Church Luncheon, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Blender Mayonnaise
Makes 1 pint
Whirl in blender:
2 eggs
1-1/2 t. salt
1 t. dry mustard
1/2 t. paprika
Clean down sides. Add:
2 T. lemon juice
Start blender, remove cover, and very slowly pour in:
1/2 c. salad oil
2 T. vinegar
Slowly, with blender running, add:
1-1/2 c. salad oil
More-with-Less Cookbook
Cooked Mayonnaise
Makes 3 cups
Combine in saucepan.
1/3 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1 t. salt
3/4 c. water
1/2 c. vinegar
Cook over low heat, stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and pour into small mixing bowl or blender. While beating, add:
1 clove minced garlic (optional)
2 whole eggs or 4 yolks
Continue beating and slowly add:
2/3 c. salad oil
Chill before serving.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Cool Carrot Salad
Serves 32
Peel, slice, and cook until medium done:
8 lb. carrots
Rinse in cold water. Drain.
Drain and slice, it necessary:
8 1-lb. cans carrots
Slice thinly or chop (as you prefer):
4 small green peppers
4 medium onions
Arrange layers of carrots, peppers, and onions in serving bowl.
Combine in pan:
4 cans (10-1/2 oz.) condensed tomato soup
2 c. vegetable oil
3 c. sugar
3 c. vinegar
1 T. prepared mustard
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste
Pour marinade over vegetables and refrigerate over night. Marinade may be refrigerated and used again.
Anne Wood, Greenwich Presbyterian Church Cookbook, Adapted by Editor.
Frozen Fruit Salad
Makes 3 1-Gallon Molds
1/2 c. plain gelatin (8 envelopes) in
1 c. cold water
3-1/2 c. unsweetened orange juice
3-1/2 c. unsweetened pineapple juice
Heat to a boil:
2 c. juice from mixture
Combine the hot juice with the soaked gelatin. Dissolve, stir, and allow to cool. Add remaining cold juice. Place in a chilled mixing bowl:
1 qt. ice water
1 c. lemon juice
Sprinkle on top:
1-1/2 qt. dry milk powder
Whip to a consistency of whipped cream. Fold into the whipped mixture:
2 c. mayonnaise
Fold in:
1-3/4 qt. diced pineapple
1-1/2 qt. orange sections
1-1/2 qt. peach slices
2 qt. sliced bananas
Pour into molds or pans. Place in freezer.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Cooked French Dressing
Mix in a saucepan:
2 c. sugar
5 t. salt
2 t. dry mustard
4 t. celery seed
4 cans tomato soup (5 c.)
6 c. Wesson oil
6 grated onions
6 T. Worcestershire sauce
3 c. vinegar
Stir until mixture boils. Let simmer a few minutes to cook the onion. Store in the refrigerator.
M. Hockenberry, Atlanta, Ga.
Oil and Vinegar Dressing
Yields about 8 cups
Combine and blend well:
5 c. oil
2 c. vinegar
1 c. sugar
1 small onion, shredded
5 t. celery seed
5 t. salt
5 t. dry mustard
Living More With Less
Thousand Island Dressing
Yields about 12 cups
Combine and blend well:
6 c. mayonnaise
1-1/2 c. chili sauce or ketchup
3/4 c. green pepper, finely chopped
3/4 c. onion, finely chopped
3/4 c. pickle relish
2 T. paprika
1 T. salt
Living More with Less
Fresh Fruit Salad Dressing
Makes 4-1/2 cups - Serves 25
Beat well:
6 eggs
Pour into pan. Add:
1-1/2 c. sugar
2 c. pineapple juice, unsweetened
4-1/2 T. fresh lemon juice
Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thick. Chill.
More-With-Less Cookbook, Adapted by Cherry Clements.
Yogurt Dressing
Makes 1 quart
1 pt. plain yogurt
1/2 c. onion, chopped fine
1/2 c. celery leaves , chopped fine
1/2 c. parsley, chopped fine
1 T. garlic salt
1-1/2 t. honey
Mix well.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Zero Dressing
Makes 1 quart - 3 calories per tablespoon
1-1/3 c. tomato juice
1/2 c. vinegar
2-1/2 T. chopped onion
1 T. parsley, chopped fine
dash of salt
dash of pepper
Mix well and store in tightly covered container. Shake well before using.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Hearty Vegetable SoupServes 100
1 lb. margarine Sautι:
2 lb. celery, large dice
2 lb. onions, large dice
In a large pot boil:
3-1/4 gallons water
sautιed vegetables
2 qt. tomato puree
1 qt. tomatoes, fresh diced (or canned)
2 lb. potatoes, large dice
2 lb. carrots, large dice
2 lb. cauliflower buds (optional)
6 T. salt
2 t. pepper
Cover and simmer for 50 minutes
2 lb. peas
Cook just long enough to heat peas.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Universal European Winter Soup
Serves 40
Peel and chop:
10 onions
10 carrots
20 stalks celery
10 potatoes, cut up fine
Add vegetables to:
2-1/2 gallons vegetable stock (can be made with bouillon cubes)*
salt and pepper to taste
Bring to a boil and simmer 1 hour.
*Use 1 bouillon cube to 1 quart of water.
From a Monastery Kitchen
Basic Lentil Soup
Serves 60
Combine in kettle:
5 lb. lentils
15 qt. water
Cook 30 minutes or until lentils are tender.
20 carrots, chopped or sliced
5 c. sliced green onions
10 cloves garlic, crushed
4 qt. tomato juice
5 c. minced parsley
1/2 c. + 2 T. margarine
4 T. salt
1/4 t. pepper
4 t. dried oregano
Bring to boil, reduce heat, and simmer just until carrots are tender.
Check seasonings and serve.
Add diced bacon or ham cubes. Stir in 1/2 c. wine vinegar just before serving.
More-with-Less Cookbook, Adapted by editor.
Split Pea Soup
Serves 25
Pick over and wash:
7-1/2 c. green split peas
Put in large pot. Add:
7-1/2 qt. water
Put heat on high. Add:
5 medium onions, quartered
5 medium carrots, cut in large chunks
10 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped or
1-1/2 T. dried parsley
Lower heat and simmer, covered, for 1 hour. Add:
4 T. tamari (soy) sauce
1 t. salt (taste)
Simmer 5 minutes longer. Mash carrots. Serve.
Cook with ham hock or add diced, leftover ham before serving.
Kay Calvert, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Tested by Women of the Church, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church.
Serves 100
Sautι in just enough oil to keep from sticking:
8 c. chopped onions
2 bunches of celery, chopped
10 cloves garlic
Add these sautιed vegetables to:
6 gallons water
8 c. shredded cabbage
1/2 c. whole black peppers
12 c. sliced carrots
Simmer 1 hour or until tender.
12 c. julienne or sliced beets (cooked)
8 t. dill seed
vinegar to taste
Bring to a boil and serve hot.
Flavors of Stony Point
Cheese and Corn Chowder
Serves 50
Combine in a large kettle:
4 c. water
3-1/2 qt. potatoes, diced
2 qt. carrots, sliced
2 qt. celery, chopped
2 T. salt
2 t. pepper
Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Add:
3-1/2 qt. cream-style corn
Simmer 5 minutes. Add:
3-1/2 qt. milk
1 lb. cheese, grated
Stir until cheese melts and chowder is heated through. Do not boil.
Living More with Less
Tested at Mennonite Central Committee, Dining Hall, Akron, Pa.
French Onion Soup
Serves 60
Combine in large skillet:
2-1/2 c. margarine (6 sticks)
10 lb. onions, sliced thin
Cover and cook slowly about 15 minutes. Blend in:
3 T. salt
1/2 c. + 2 T. flour
2-1/2 gallons beef broth or stock
Heat to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer about 1 hour.
Toast slices of French bread in slow oven until dry and crisp. Put 1 slice in each soup bowl. Sprinkle with grated cheese and ladle hot soup over. Add some peas and carrots to the soup.
More-with-Less Cookbook,
Tested by Morna K. Moore, Montreat, N. C.
Note: Tester found that using bouillon cubes for stock made the soup salty. Canned bouillon gave better results. If you use bouillon cubes, we suggest making the broth half-strength.
Navy Bean Soup
Serves 50
5 lb. dried navy beans
Soak overnight and drain.
Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes:
5 lb. dried navy beans
4-1/2 gallons cold water
Remove from heat, cover, let stand for 1 hour and then drain.
Put together in a large pot:
soaked and drained beans
1 lb. salt pork or ham hock
water to top of large pot
4 carrots, diced
Cover and simmer for 1-1/2 hours.
3 large onions, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 t. Texas Pete
1/3 c. brown sugar (optional)
Cook until beans are getting mushy (about 1 hour). If soup gets too thick, add a little water.
Serve plain or topped with:
chives, parsley, or croutons
Mary Ekert, Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va.
At Second Presbyterian Church, Mary Ekert's bean soup is a favorite.
Serves 30
5 qt. cold tomato juice
5 small onions, well-minced
2-1/2 qt. freshly-diced tomatoes
5 c. minced green pepper
2 T. (scant) honey
5 cloves crushed garlic
5 diced cucumbers
10 scallions, chopped
juice of 2-1/2 lemons
juice of 5 limes
1/2 c. + 2 T. wine vinegar
4 t. tarragon
4 t. basil
1/4 t. ground cumin
1-1/4 C. freshly-chopped parsley
1/4 t. Tabasco sauce
1/2 c. + 2 T. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Chill for at least 2 hours.
(This soup may be pureed, if desired.)
Moosewood Cookbook
Tested at Moosewood Restaurant, Ithaca, NY
Serves 30
1 c. oil
Add and sautι:
10 minced cloves garlic
10 onions, chopped
1 t. cayenne
3 T. oregano
2 T. salt (taste)
3 T. soy sauce
1/2 c. + 2 1 chill powder
1/4 c. Brewers' Yeast*
20 large tomatoes, diced
5 qt. cooked kidney beans
Cook 20 minutes. (Serve with brown rice and whole grain crackers.)
*Can be purchased at a health food store. optional.
Mary Hetzel, Former Food Columnist of Equinox, newsletter of Northside Food Coop, Richmond, Va.
Cream of Peanut Soup
Serves 40
About an hour before serving or early in the day, melt in large pot:
2-1/2 c. butter or margarine
5 c. thinly-sliced celery
5 medium onions, minced
Cook until lightly browned, while stirring. Stir in:
1/2 c. + 2 T. flour Blend well.
Gradually stir in:
2-1/2 gallons chicken broth
Bring to a boil. Stir in:
5 c. creamy style peanut butter
Simmer about 15 minutes.
If soup was made early in the day, reheat it over very low flame. Just before serving, stir in, if desired:
5 c. light cream (optional)
Prepare as toppings:
1-1/4 c. snipped parsley
1-1/4 c. coarsely chopped peanuts
Top each cup of soup with parsley and peanuts.
Learning to Share, First Presbyterian Church, Durham, N.C.
Yankee Bean Chowder
Serves 25
Soak overnight:
2 pkg. (1 lb. each) dried navy beans
12 c. water
Drain. Add:
8 c. water
4 beef bouillon cubes
Cook until beans are tender.
4 onions, thinly sliced
4 potatoes, pared and diced
Cook until potatoes are done.
2 T. margarine
2 T. flour
Add to bean mixture. Add:
8 c. milk
1 t. salt
1 t. dried thyme
1 t. dried parsley
Simmer 15 minutes. Serve hot.
Cherry Clements
Turkey-Barley Vegetable Soup
3 Gallons (50 Servings)
1 c. margarine
vSautι in margarine:
1 lb. 4 oz. carrots, chopped (4 c.)
1 lb. 4 oz. celery, chopped (5 c.)
1 lb. 4 oz. onion, diced (2-3/4 c.)
Combine in large pot:
5-1/2 qt. vegetable stock
1 qt. tomato puree
2 T. salt
1 t. pepper
Fold in:
sautιed veggies
2 c. barley
Cook for 1-1/2 hours.
2 c. green peas, defrosted
3 c. tomatoes, cubed
3 c. turkey, cubed
Simmer until heated through.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Fillings for 50 SandwichesPrepare approximately 2 quarts of a filling for 50 sandwiches, allowing 1-1/2 to 2 tablespoons for each sandwich for average bread slice.
Suggested Fillings:
1) Egg, hard-cooked, chopped, with stuffed chopped olives and a spread of mayonnaise.
2) Minced dried beef, mixed with mayonnaise, seasoned with horseradish, and spread on rye bread.
3) For a sweet sandwich, use finely chopped nuts, cream cheese and chopped dates, thinned with a little lemon juice. Serve on raisin bread.
The Church Supper
Pimento Cheese Sandwiches
50 Sandwiches
1-1/2 c. finely chopped pimento
3-1/2 lb. Swiss cheese, ground or grated
2 c. cooked salad dressing or mayonnaise
1/4 t. Tabasco sauce
Spread between two pieces of bread. Grill, serve plain, or heat in 4500 oven for 20 minutes. Serve immediately.
The Church Supper
Super Tacos
Serves 50 (2-3 tacos each)
6-7 lb. ground beef
Add and cook together 10 minutes:
6 c. chopped onion
6 medium green peppers, chopped
2 qt. diced celery
4-1/2 qt. tomato sauce or juice
6 T. chili powder
4 T. cumin
2 T. each garlic salt, paprika, oregano
Add and cook till tender:
24 medium potatoes, raw, grated
To prepare taco shells (100-120):
Fold warm tortilla in half and use as is or fry each tortilla briefly in shallow hot fat, turning once and then folding in half before tortilla becomes too crisp. Drain folded shells on absorbent paper and keep warm until ready to use. Spoon the filling into shells. Serve with bowls of
3 heads shredded lettuce
4 - 4-1/2 lb. grated cheese
24 diced tomatoes
Living More With Less
Tuna Burgers
Serves 50
50 buns
6-1/2 - 7 lb. drained, flaked tuna
3 small onions, minced
3 c. finely chopped celery
5 c. mayonnaise
Spread on split buns. Bake on cookie sheets in 350 oven for 20-25 minutes, or until topping is hot. Top each with slice of cheese and return to oven for another 50 minutes or until cheese melts.
Living More with Less
Makes about 35 sandwiches
4 c. peanut butter
1/2 c. applesauce
Spread between slices of bread.
Use raisins instead of applesauce. Or use mashed banana and a little honey. Mix tofu or cottage cheese with peanut butter. This will need to be kept in the refrigerator.
A Guide for Nutra Lunches and Natural Foods
Peanut Butter "and" Sandwiches
-Give a crunch to a peanut butter sandwich by adding a sprinkle of wheat germ.
-Spread both halves of toasted bun with peanut butter. Cover with a thick layer of alfalfa sprouts and serve open face.
-Spread any whole grain bread, sweet or plain, with peanut butter. Top with slices of banana, pear, or pineapple, and sprinkle with wheat germ.
The simple peanut butter sandwich is especially high in protein value when served on whole grain bread and accompanied by a glass of milk.
Children Cook Naturally
Tuna Soufflι Sandwiches
Serves 24
(This is a make-ahead dish)
Place in 2 greased 12x20x2" steam table pans (or adjust to pans available):
12 slices bread, spread with mayonnaise, in each pan Combine in bowl:
6 7-oz. cans tuna, flaked
1-1/2 c. chopped onion
1-1/2 c. chopped celery
4 t. salt
3 t. paprika
Spread tuna mixture over the 24 slices of bread. Add:
24 slices Swiss cheese (about 1-1/2 lb., sliced thin)
Top with:
24 slices of bread
Combine in bowl:
18 eggs
2 qt., + 1 c. milk
Pour over sandwiches. Refrigerate 2-12 hours. Bake at 3750 for 45 minutes.
More-with-Less Cookbook
"This is so simple, yet often over-looked in favor of two slices of white bread sandwiching two slices of Processed American 'cheese food.' The flavors of the cheddar, whole grain bread, and seasonings combine to make this version not only more nutritious, but also more flavorful."
Potted Cheddar Spread
Mash together with a fork:
4 c. grated Cheddar (about 1 lb.)
2 T. yogurt
1 t. nutmeg
pinch cayenne
1/2 c. apple juice
Make a stiff paste. Pack into small, wide-mouthed containers, cover with foil, and refrigerate. Spread on crackers or use to fill celery and other vegetables.
From The Supermarket Handbook: Access to Whole Foods, Revised and Expanded Edition by Nikki and David Goldbeck. Copyright 1973, 1976 by Nikki Goldbeck and David Goldbeck. Reprinted by arrangement with New American Library, Inc., New York, New York.
Open-Faced Sandwich
24 sandwiches
Place on baking sheets:
24 slices whole grain bread
Top each slice with:
2 slices tomato (about 10 medium tomatoes in all)
1/2 c. grated Cheddar cheese (3 lb. of cheese in all)
Sprinkle each sandwich with:
Bake at 350 for 15 minutes until cheese melts. Serve right away.
Food for Thought
Baked Cheese Sandwich
24 servings
Grease two 12x20x2" steam table pans. (Or work this out with pans available.) In each pan lay out: 12 slices of bread (24 slices in all)
Squeeze together if necessary. Place on each slice of bread:
1 slice Cheddar cheese (about 1-1/2 lb., sliced thin)
Cover each slice of cheese with a second slice of bread (24 additional slices) Combine:
3 dozen eggs
3 qt. milk
1 T. + 1 t. salt
1-1/2 c. sugar
2 t. vanilla
Beat until well combined but not foamy. Pour 21/4 qt. of egg-milk mixture evenly over each pan of sandwiches. Allow to stand 1-2 hours under refrigeration. Bake in 3500 oven for 45-50 minutes or until lightly browned and all liquid is absorbed. Cut each pan to separate sandwiches before serving. Have jelly and maple syrup available.
Add 2 t. nutmeg or cinnamon to egg-milk mixture for Spiced Baked Cheese Sandwich. Or add bits of ham.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Cheesy Spread
25 servings
Mix together:
5 lb. cottage cheese
1-1/2 lb. Cheddar cheese, grated
1 c. salad dressing
1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce
2 T. garlic salt
pepper to taste
Season to taste.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Melted Cheddar Cheese on English Muffin
48 sandwiches (open-face)
Break into halves:
24 English muffins
Spread on cookie sheets. Top each half muffin with:
2 T. grated Cheddar cheese (This will take 6 c. grated cheese, about 1-1/2 pounds)
Melt under broiler until cheese bubbles. Serve immediately.
Food for Fellowship, Antoinette Kuzmanich Hatfield, copyright 1972, p. 104; used by permission of Word Books, Publisher, Waco, Texas.
Sesame French Bread
Serves 36
Sprinkle on cookie sheet or sheets and toast in 350 oven for 5 minutes:
1/3 lb. sesame seeds
Cut into 1/2" thick slices:
4 loaves French bread
Brush one side of each slice in melted butter. Place each slice on top of the toasted sesame seeds, buttered side down. Transfer bread, buttered side up, to another cookie sheet. Toast under broiler and serve immediately. This is a good accompaniment to soup.
Food for Fellowship, Antoinette Kuzmanich Hatfield, copyright 1972, p. 104; used by permission of Word Books, Publisher, Waco, Texas.
Peanut Butter-Carrot and Raisin
25 servings
Mix together:
1 lb., 12 oz. peanut butter
1/2 lb. margarine, softened (2 sticks)
1 t. salt
Mix until well blended. Add:
12 oz. raisins (2-1/4 c.)
14 oz. carrots, shredded (about 3 c.)
Blend well. Place 1/4 c. each on:
25 slices whole wheat bread
Spread evenly. Sprinkle with small amount of alfalfa sprouts or finely chopped romaine. Top with:
25 slices whole wheat bread
Cut sandwiches in half diagonally. Serve 2 halves.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Soybean Sandwich Spread
Makes 6 cups
Combine in large mixing bowl:
3 c. cooked, mashed soybeans
1 c. sunflower seeds
1 c. pureed tomatoes or tomato sauce
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 T. pickle relish
4 T. ketchup
1 c. wheat germ
2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
1/2 t. thyme
1/2 c. finely chopped celery (optional)
Mix well. Will keep in refrigerator several days. When ready to make sandwiches, add a little mayonnaise to desired consistency and spread a thick layer on whole wheat bread.
More-with-Less Cookbook
MAIN DISHES Stir-Fried Green Beans
Serve 25
Double for 50
Combine in bowl and set aside:
2-1/2 t. salt
5 t. sugar
5 t. cornstarch
5 T. soy sauce
2% c. water or soup stock
Heat in large skillet
10 1 cooking oil
1 lb. raw beef chuck, thinly sliced in bite-sized pieces. (Freeze partially to facilitate cutting.)
10 cloves garlic, minced
2-1/2 c. onion, diced
Stir-fry over high heat until beef begins to change color. Remove beef, onions, and garlic from skillet and set aside. Add:
5 lbs. fresh French-cut green beans.
Stir until beans become bright green. At once add reserved soy sauce mixture and cook, stirring until clear. Cover skillet and cook over medium heat until beans are just crisp-tender. Return beef to skillet, stir well and remove from heat. Serve immediately with rice.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Adapted by Cherry Clements, Tested by Mary Lynch, First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, S.C.
Mary Lynch writes: "My favorite recipe was the Stir Fried Green Beans."
Baked Beans
Serves 50
Rinse and soak overnight:
5 lbs. navy or kidney beans
Drain and cover with fresh water.
5 medium onions, chopped
5 T. salt
2 t. pepper
5 t. dry mustard
1 c. + 2 1 vegetable oil
Bake at 325 about 2-3 hours, checking to see that the beans stay covered with water. Add:
2-1/2 c. molasses
1 t. cloves
Continue to bake 1 hour or till tender. Serve with whole grain bread or corn bread to complement the beans.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Bulgar Wheat Pilaf
Serves 25
Double for 50
3 carrots
3 ribs celery with leaves
6 green onions
1-1/2 green peppers
1 c. mushrooms
Sautι vegetables in oil in covered pan with bay leaf. Add:
5-1/4 c. stock
Simmer 10 minutes and add:
3 c. bulgar wheat
2 t. salt
Bring to fast boil. Simmer 15 minutes.
Add (optional):
3 c. gardens peas
1 c. slivered almonds
This dish goes well with chicken or turkey.
From Laurel's Kitchen: A Handbook For Vegetarian Cookery & Nutrition, p. 269, by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flanders and Bronwen Godfrey by Permission of Nilgiri Press, Petaluma, CA. Copyright 1976.
Nutrition Note: If this is served at a meatless meal, include a bean dish or a dish with milk products to complement the bulgar wheat. A bean salad or a cottage cheese salad would be good.
Chicken Curry
Serves 50
Stew and cool, then bone and dice:
8 small frying chickens (2-1/2 lb. each)
Cook in a large pan until apples are done:
1 c. oil, heated
12 onions, chopped
8 tart apples, chopped
Stir in:
12 c. chicken broth (saved from cooking)
Cook until broth thickens. If needed add:
small amount cornstarch
Stir until blended. Add:
diced chicken
3 T. curry powder (or to taste)
1 t. cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste
18-oz. can mushrooms
1 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced and sautιed briefly)
Cook 10 minutes more. Serve over hot rice.
Wilma Lee House, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Virginia
Chicken Pilau
Serves 50
The day before using, salt and boil until tender, cool, and store in refrigerator:
3 hens
The day of the dinner, boil until water nearly disappears (about 20 min.):
4 c. rice
8 c. water
1 t. salt
Turn the fire out, put lid on tightly, and leave for 30 minutes or longer.
Using this same method, prepare:
2 additional boilers of rice
Chop fine and braise in butter until glazed:
4 large onions
3 whole bunches of celery
Remove meat from hens and chop into 1/2 cubes. Grease 1 large container and layer until all ingredients are used
a layer of rice
a layer of onion & celery
a layer of chicken
Pour over the layers
4 c. of chicken broth
Cover with foil. Bake in 300 oven for 1 hour.
Lila Bonner-Miller
Tested at Druid Hills Presbyterian Church Community Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia
Chicken Tetrazzini over Spinach Noodles
Serves 25-30
3 medium onions
3 green peppers (3 c.)
3 c. celery
3 c. fresh mushrooms
Sautι. Add:
3 T. flour
3 c. sharp cheese, grated
6 c. chicken broth
3 t. salt
1-1/2 t. celery salt
Stir and cook till thickened and smooth. Add:
8-9 c. chicken, chopped (2 medium-sized hens)
1 c. slivered almonds (optional)
6 oz. pimento, chopped Cook according to pkg. directions:
3 8-oz. pkgs. spinach noodles
Pour chicken mixture over noodles in 12 x 20" pan and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes, until bubbly and firm.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Tested at North Decatur United Methodist Church, Decatur, Ga.
Cook hens on top of stove in big boiler or in pressure cooker till legs move very easily when touched.
Crescent Hill Pizza
Serves 8-12.
Double to serve 16-24.
Pie Crust
Mix together:
3-3/4 C. sifted flour
1-1/2 t. salt
Make a paste of:
1/2 c. cold water
1/2 c. taken from flour-salt mixture
Set aside. Cut into remaining flour-salt mixture:
1-1/4 c. Crisco Continue to cut until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add flour-water paste to flour-Crisco mixture and Mix with a fork until it holds together. Roll pastry on lightly floured board until it fits a cookie sheet 17-1/2 x11-1/2 x 1/2 ". Grease cookie sheet lightly and fit dough into it crimping the edges between fingers and thumb. Prick lightly but thoroughly and bake in 4000 oven until lightly browned. Set aside until meat filling is prepared.
Meat Filling
Fry slowly, carefully, breaking into small pieces:
2 lbs. ground round
Fry until cooked but not too brown.
Add and mix:
I T. Worcestershire sauce
1 10-1/2 oz. can tomato sauce to which
1/2 t. of sugar has been added
salt and pepper to taste
Add and blend well:
2 T. crushed oregano
One half hour before pizza is to be served, spread meat mixture on baked pie crust and cover with:
1/2 lb. sharp Cheddar, thinly sliced
Pour tomato sauce over cheese and bake in hot oven (400) about 30 minutes or until filling is bubbly. Serve as soon as possible.
Sarah Taylor
Tested at Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky.
The thicker the tomato sauce the less chance of making the crust soggy.
Chinese Sweet and Sour
Serves 40
Core and cut in thin strips:
10 green poppers
20 medium onions
Fry pepper and onions until just tender in:
1-1/4 c. vegetable oil
Drain and discard liquid from:
10 (16 oz.) cans of bean sprouts
Drain into saucepan liquid from:
10 (16 oz.) cans kidney beans
10 (8 oz.) cans crushed pineapple
1-1/4 c. cornstarch
Beat smooth with wire whisk. Add:
3-1/3 c. brown sugar
3 T. salt
2-1/2 c. cider vinegar
2-1/2 c. soy sauce
Bring to a boil while stirring. Reduce to a simmer and add peppers, onions, bean sprouts, kidney beans, pineapple, Mix, heat, and serve.
Cooking with Conscience, Adapted by editor.
Nutrition Note: Serve with grains to complement beans. Cooking with Conscience suggests serving this with fried rice. A whole grain bread would also be a good choice.
Saucy Meatballs
50 meatballs
I lb. ground lean beef
2 T. bread crumbs
1 egg, slightly beaten
3/4 t. salt
dash black pepper
Shape into 50 balls Place in shallow 13x9x2" pan.
Broil until brown, turn once (don't over brown).
Remove meatballs to 3-quart casserole which has a cover.
In saucepan melt:
2 T. butter
Add and sautι until tender:
1/3 c. finely chopped onion
1/3 c. finely chopped green pepper
Stir in:
1 can (10-1/2 oz.) tomato soup
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
1 t. steak sauce
1 T. prepared mustard
1 T. vinegar
Mix thoroughly. Pour over meatballs. Cover and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Food for Fellowship, Antoinette Kuzmanich Hatfield, copyright 1972, p. 21; used by permission of Word Books, Publishers, Waco, Texas
This recipe can be doubled. It can also be frozen. To use after freezing, let thaw, then reheat in chafing dish or electric skillet.
Lentils Plain and Varied
Serves 30
Basic Cooked Lentils
Bring to a boil and simmer 30 minutes:
5 c. lentils
3 qt. + 1/2 c. water
10 bouillon cubes (Homemade beef stock may be substituted for all or part of water and bouillon cubes.)
4 bay leaves
1 T. salt
Serve with whole wheat bread or rolls
Flavor Options:
Curried Lentils
Sautι together:
1-1/4 c. margarine
5 large onions, chopped
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. salt (or more, to taste)
4-8 T. curry powder
Fry briefly. Add to Basic Cooked Lentils with:
1 c., + 2 T. lemon juice
chopped parsley
Serve over rice.
Sweet-Sour Lentils
Reduce water by 2-1/2 c. in preparing Basic Cooked Lentils
When lentils are cooked, add:
1-1/4 c. apple or pineapple juice
1-1/4 c. cider vinegar
1-1/4 c. brown sugar
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 t. (scant) ground cloves
sautιed onion, if desired
Heat to bubbly. Serve over rice.
Easy Lentil Stew
Add to 5 C. uncooked lentils:
2 lb. diced ham, browned sausage, or browned, ground beef
3-3/4 c. tomato paste
10 c. water
1 t. oregano
4 t. salt
5 onions, chopped
10 stalks celery, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 30-40 minutes until vegetables are tender. Serve plain or over rice.
More-with-Less Cookbook, Adapted by Editor.
Sausage-Sweet Potato Bake
Serve 25
Double for 50
Break into small pieces and brown in large skillet:
4 lb. sausage
Drain off excess fat.
Arrange in baking pan (12x18" or equivalent):
8 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced. (Use cooked or canned if desired.)
12 medium apples, peeled or unpeeled, and sliced
browned sausage
Combine and pour over:
1/2 c. sugar
5 T. flour
2 t. ground cinnamon
1 t. salt
2 c. water
Cover with foil and bake at 375 for 50-60 minutes or until potatoes and apples are tender.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Adapted by Cherry Clements. Tested by Jo Ann Parker, Peacemaking Fair, Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Suggestion from Jo Ann Parker. Try adding raisins or a few chopped onions for variety.
San Francisco Fish Stew
Serves 25
Double for 50
Sautι in Dutch oven or large saucepan:
4 T. oil
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 c. chopped onion
1-1/3 c. chopped green pepper
1 lb. mushrooms, sliced (optional)
8 c. cooked tomatoes (4 No. 303 cans)
3 c. tomato paste
4 c. chicken broth
4 T. lemon juice
4 small bay leaves
2 t. dried oregano
4 t. sugar
3 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
Cook uncovered 20 minutes. Add:
4-5 lbs. flounder or other white fish, cut into large pieces
Cook 10-15 minutes until fish flakes easily. Serve over rice or spaghetti.
More-with-Less Cookbook, Adapted by Cherry Clements.
Soybean Hamburger Casserole
Serves 25
Sautι in a large skillet:
1/2 c. oil
2 onions, chopped
2 c. chopped celery
1 c. chopped green pepper
Remove from pan. Add:
1 lb. hamburger
Brown hamburger and then add:
10 c. cooked soybeans
5 c. tomato sauce
2 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
4 c. broth (or enough to make moist).
Serve over hot brown rice or mix with rice and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese if desired.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
In other recipes which include ground beef, substitute cooked soybeans for part of meat. This will decrease cost without decreasing protein content. The soybeans also add a richness to the flavor.
Soybeans in Gourmet Cheese Sauce
Serves 35
Soak overnight and cook*:
6 c. soybeans
4 large onions, chopped
1 lb. mushrooms, sliced, in
1/2 c. oil
When onions are transparent, add:
cooked, drained soybeans
Keep warm.
Cheese Sauce
Mash with fork in saucepan,
2 lb. cream cheese, at room temperature
Gradually add:
3 c. milk
Blend until smooth. Heat. Add:
1-1/2 t. Salt
1-1/2 t. garlic salt (optional)
1 c. grated cheese (sharp cheddar or Parmesan)
Pour sauce over beans, stirring to mix. Heat through. Turn into serving dish. Top with:
1 c. grated cheese
*See section on Cooking Hints for methods of cooking beans.
Adapted by Editor
A member of the Northside Food Coop in Richmond, Va., brought this dish to a potluck supper. It has become our "company" bean dish.
Spanish Rice
75 Main Dish Servings
Sautι in enough oil to prevent sticking:
3 cloves garlic
1/2 dozen green peppers, diced
1/2 dozen medium onions, diced
Prepare according to package directions (or by suggestions in Cooking Hints)
4 lb. brown rice
Add to sautιed vegetables:
2 No. 10 cans crushed tomatoes in puree
1 - 2 T. oregano (to taste)
salt to taste
1-1/4 c. vinegar
1/4 c. sugar
Simmer, stirring frequently to prevent sticking, until sauce is savory and slightly thickened (about 1/2 hour). Combine cooked rice with sauce. Add:
1-1/2 lb. grated Monterey Jack or Colby cheese
Stir thoroughly. Turn mixture into large baking pans. Cover tops of pans with:
1-1/2 lb. grated cheese (same as above)
Bake at 350 until cheese is bubbly and slightly browned on top, depending on your oven, about 30-45 minutes.
Beth Quist, Food for Thought
Used frequently enough by Beth Quist to be called "a good standby."
Tofu Stroganoff
Serves 25
Double for 50
10 T. butter
Sautι and remove from pan,
5 medium onions, chopped
1 lb. mushrooms, sliced
1-1/2 t. salt
1 t. pepper
8 T. chives
4 t. garlic powder
Drain on paper towel to remove excess water:
3 lb. tofu
Slice tofu in long strips (3" long by 3/4" wide by 1/2" thick). Fry tofu in butter till golden brown. (Use more butter if needed.) Add mushroom mixture to tofu.
1 qt. sour cream
1 c. tamari (soy sauce)
4 T. cooking sherry (optional)
Blend all and let cook 5 minutes. Serve over noodles or rice.
Sara Cogswell Wells, Spencer Presbyterian Church, Spencer, W Va.
Note: Tofu (bean curd) can be purchased in some super-markets and in health food stores.
Tacos with Bean Filling
Serves 25
Sautι in large skillet:
1 c. vegetable oil
10 c. chopped onions (about 4 lb.)
10 No. 303 cans red kidney beans (about 20 c.)
Stir in:
5 T. chili powder
1 t. garlic powder
1 c. catsup
I T. oregano
Simmer 10 minutes, stirring. Spoon into warm tacos. Top with:
5 c. shredded cheese
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Turkey Pita Pockets
Serves 25
Double for 50
8 c. cooked turkey meat
1 lb. carrots (about 6)
4 T. fresh chives
1 c. sunflower seed in
1/4 c. oil
4 medium tomatoes
Marinate tomatoes in French dressing. Drain. Combine turkey, carrots, sunflower seeds, chives and add: mayonnaise, enough to hold together. Add tomatoes. Toss lightly. Fill pita bread halves. Top with watercress.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Tested at Presbyterian Center, Atlanta, Ga.
Tomato Baked Eggs
Serves 50
1 c. butter or margarine
1 qt. onion, chopped (1-1/4 lbs.)
Add and blend:
2 c. flour
1-1/4 T. salt
1 t. pepper
1/2 c. sugar
9 No. 2-1/2 cans tomatoes (8 qt.), heated
Cook while stirring until mixture thickens. Pour thin layer of tomato mixture over bottom of 2 shallow baking pans (12 x 18").
Cut in halves and divide between pans:
75 hard-cooked eggs (less, if desired)
Pour remaining tomato over eggs.
1-1/4 lb. American Cheddar cheese (5-c.)
Sprinkle over eggs. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Garnish with parsley.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Governor's Eggs
Serves 24
6 T. margarine
1-1/2 c. chopped onion
Cook until onion is tender but not brown. Blend in:
6 T. flour
3-3/4 c. milk
Cook over low heat stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Add:
3 c. shredded sharp cheese
Stir until cheese melts. Grease lightly 2 casseroles 13x9x2". in each casserole place a layer of:
9 hard-cooked eggs, sliced or quartered (18 eggs in all)
Cover eggs with cheese sauce, dividing it between casseroles Top each dish with:
2-1/4 c. crushed potato chips (4-1/2 c. in all)
15-18 slices of bacon, fried crisp and crumbled (30-36 slices in all)
Bake at 350 about 30 minutes or until mixture is bubbly.
Sarah Taylor, Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, Louisville. Kentucky
Note: This dish can be prepared the day before, covered with foil and refrigerated, to be baked the next day. Remove foil and allow dish to set on the counter about 15 minutes to reach room temperature. Longer holding in refrigerator results in loss of some flavor.
Origin of Recipe: On Derby Day in Kentucky the Governor of the state and his wife entertain in the Executive Mansion or the Kentucky Horse Park with a breakfast to which are invited all the visiting dignitaries, movie stars, and horse owners. Mrs. Louis Nunn is credited with the origin of what we in Kentucky call "Governor's Eggs" while her husband was governor of the state.
IntroductionThe recipes in this section are for vegetables as side dishes, not as the main dish. For main dishes featuring vegetables, see Main Dishes. While vegetables alone are not an important source of protein, they contain many vitamins and minerals crucial to good health. They also add variety and color to the menu.
Everyday Veggies
-Choosing and Preparing. Choose the freshest vegetables possible. Peel vegetables that have been waxed, some cucumbers, for example. Otherwise wash well but don't peel.
-Raw Veggies. Cut in pieces for snacks-with or without a dip. Use in salads. Keep a jar of ready-to-eat raw vegetables in refrigerator.
-Steamed Veggies. Cut harder vegetables like carrots, celery, winter squash, or broccoli stems in smaller pieces, softer ones like summer squash, most greens, broccoli florets can be left in larger pieces. Steam in small amount of water or in steamer basket until just tender. This will take from 2 to 20 minutes, depending on type of vegetable. Add herbs and serve hot.
-Stir-Fried. Have your choice of vegetables cut up in small pieces first. Heat a little oil in a large wok or frying pan on medium-high to high heat. Add veggies one at a time-onions first, longest cooking ones next, shortest cooking ones last, stirring constantly until just crispy tender. Add seasonings during cooking and/or a little soy sauce toward the end, Serve hot.
-Sautιed. This method gives vegetables which are more tender and juicy, less bright and more mellow than stir-tried. Vegetables may be cut into larger pieces- Onions are especially good. Heat 1-2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan on medium heat, add onions, if used, stir for about 2 minutes. Add other veggies. Stir, add a bit of salt, and stir again. Reduce heat to low, add a bit of water if needed to prevent burning, cover. Cook covered until done. Add herbs or spices of your choice at beginning of cooking time and soy sauce near end.
Natural Recipes, Boston, MA
Serving Vegetables to a Crowd
It is best to cook vegetables--by whatever method--in small quantities. This is the best way to conserve color, texture, flavor, and nutritive value. It takes special planning to prepare vegetables for a crowd and to serve them HOT. Here are some suggestions.
-Find a person who is willing to keep on cooking the vegetables in batches until everyone is served.
-Keep vegetables hot on steam table, hot tray, or chafing dish.
-Cover vegetables with very hot sauce just before serving.
-Cover vegetables with sauce and heat through in the oven.
You will find recipes in this section for preparing vegetables by each of these methods. (At the end of the section are some recipes for sauces).
Baked Eggplant Slices
Serves 25
12 medium eggplants
Slice abut 1/4 " thick. Spread in a single layer on oiled biscuit pans. Spread each slice with oil on both sides. Sprinkle tops with:
salt (lightly)
basil or lemon juice
Bake at 400 about 12 minutes until soft. Add:
Parmesan cheese, grated
other cheese, grated
Return to oven until cheese melts
Adapted by Mary Hetzel
Yellow Summer Squash
Serves 25
Freezes well
15 squash, sliced
2 c. diced onion, in
3/4 c. margarine
When soft, add mixture to:
2 t. salt
1 t. pepper
3 c. grated cheese
6 eggs
1 can evaporated milk
If mixture seems dry, add more milk. Turn into oiled casserole and top with:
3 c. cracker crumbs
3 c. seasoned bread crumbs
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Adapted by Mary Hetzel
Asparagus Supreme
50 Servings
1 lb. butter or margarine
2-1/2 c. flour
Mix until smooth. Add gradually:
2-1/4 qt. hot milk
Stir until thick. Stir in:
1-1/2 lb. Cheddar cheese, grated (1-1/2 qt.)
3/4 c. chopped onion
Stir until cheese melts.
yolks from 18 medium eggs
Add small amount of hot mixture to egg yolks while stirring. Add egg yolk mixture to hot mixture. Add:
4 lb. 10 oz. chopped, cooked asparagus (4-1/2 qt.)
1 T. salt
1 t. pepper
Fold in:
stiffly beaten egg whites from 18 eggs
Divide between two greased 12x20x2" steam table pans. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Broccoli-Noodle Parmesan
Serves 30
Wash, drain, and break into florets:
6 bunches broccoli
Chop as much of the stems as you wish to use.
Heat in a very large frying pan (or several) on medium heat:
3/4 c. of oil, divided for several pans.
Sautι for a few minutes:
3 medium onions, chopped
prepared broccoli stems
Stir about 1 minute. Add:
3 lb. mushrooms, sliced (about 6 qt.)
2-1/2 t. salt
3 t. rosemary, crushed
1-1/2 t. thyme, crushed
1/8 t. pepper
3 c. sunflower seeds
Stir for another minute. Add:
1/4 c. water (to each frying pan)
broccoli florets, divided
Reduce heat and steam covered about 15 minutes, until florets are crunchy-tender. Remove from heat and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Serve over noodles.
Natural Recipes. Inspired by menu of Unicorn Restaurant, N. Miami Reach, Florida.
We first tasted the delicious corn pudding, which is a specialty of the Greenwich community, when my husband was pastor of the Greenwich Presbyterian Church. It has been a family favorite ever since. (Editor)
Buttered Carrots
50 servings
Wash and trim:
10-12 lb. fresh carrots
Drop into:
3 qt. boiling water
1 T. salt
Cover and cook about 30 minutes or until tender. Drain, cool, skin, and split lengthwise into uniform slices. Put into baking dish an sprinkle with
1/2 c. sugar
Pour over them:
1 c. butter or margarine, melted
Bake at 425 for about 20 minutes. Garnish with chopped parsley.
The Church Supper
Fool-Proof Corn Pudding
Serves 30
12 c. fresh grated corn, chopped canned corn, or frozen corn
18 eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. melted butter
3 qt. scalded milk (heated to just before boiling)
4 t. salt (or more to taste)
3/4 t. pepper
Divide mixture between 2 large casseroles. Set casseroles in pan of hot water. Bake at 325 until firm (about 45 minutes).
Reba Hopkins, Greenwich Presbyterian Church Cookbook
Layered Spinach Supreme
Serves 20
Grease 2 baking pans 9x13" or similar rectangular size.
2 c. biscuit mix (commercial or your own)
1/2 c. milk
4 eggs
1/2 c. finely chopped onion
Beat vigorously for 20 strokes. Divide between the 2 prepared pans, spreading to cover bottoms. Mix:
2 10-oz. pkg. frozen chopped spinach thawed
1 c. Parmesan cheese, grated
3/4 t. salt
4 cloves garlic, crushed
4 eggs
1/2 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, in 1/2" cubes
2 12-oz. cartons creamed cottage cheese
Spoon the mixture evenly over batter in baking pans, dividing. Bake at 375 until set--about 30 minutes. Let stand about 5 minutes before cutting.
Marion Cannon, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Pickled Beets
Serves 25
Double for 50
Cook until skin will slip off:
8-10 fresh beets
Cool, peel, and slice. Put slices in large bowl. Sprinkle over them:
2 t. salt
1 t. pepper
2 T. sugar
Pour over all:
1 c. apple cider vinegar
Let set overnight.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Serving Tip: This adds color and taste contrast to menu with chicken casserole or creamed chicken as main dish.
Skillet Eggplant
Serves 25 Make twice for 50
Heat in a large skillet:
I stick butter Add:
8 c. diced unpeeled eggplant (about 4)
4 c. thinly sliced scallions, green tops included
4 large green peppers, cut in thin strips
4 large tomatoes, diced
1 c. water
2 t. salt
1 t. ground allspice
4 t. sugar (optional)
Mix well, Simmer, covered until eggplant is tender, about 20 minutes. Add additional water if necessary.
Option: Substitute 4 c. tomato sauce for fresh tomatoes and water.
Serving Tip: Skillet Eggplant is delicious served over cooked brown rice.
More-with-Less Cookbook
25 servings
Double for 50
5 medium eggplants
8 medium green peppers
5 medium onions
5 zucchini
Heat in large skillet or pot:
2 c. olive oil
Add prepared vegetables. Sautι until crisp-tender. Add:
2 qt. tomatoes
8 fresh tomatoes, chopped
Simmer briefly. Add:
2/3 c. wine vinegar
6 cloves garlic, crushed
4 t. salt
1 t. black pepper
2 t. basil
Simmer till seasonings are mixed. Serve hot.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Mock Hollandaise
Makes about a quart
Melt in saucepan:
1/2 c. margarine
Blend in:
1/2 c. flour
1/4 c. sugar
1 t. salt
Stir in:
1 qt. water
1/2 c. vinegar
Cook until thickened. Cool slightly. Add:
8 egg yolks, beaten
4 whole eggs, beaten
Blend. Heat briefly before pouring over vegetables, but do not boil.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Puffy Green Bean-Cheese Bake
Serve 40
Grease 2 pans 12x20x2" or equivalent. Break directly into the pans dividing between them:
20 large eggs
30 medium eggs
Beat with rotary beater.
Add, dividing:
2-1/2 qt. milk
2 t. salt
5 c. fine cracker crumbs
1/2 c. + 2 T. finely chopped onion
10 c. Cheddar cheese cubes (about 3 lb.)
Stir well. Arrange on top, dividing:
3 qt. fresh green beans, cut in small pieces (about 3-1/4 lb.)
3 qt. frozen or canned beans
Drizzle over:
1/2 c. + 2 T. melted margarine
Bake uncovered at 350 for 60 minutes.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Cheese Sauce
Serves 50
1-1/2 c. butter or margarine
1-3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1-1/2 1 salt
1 t. pepper
4 qt. hot milk (added gradually, stirring)
1 lb. cheese, cut in small pieces
Cook on low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Use over vegetables or over cornbread squares.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Scalloped Tomatoes
Serves 25
12 c. fresh bread crumbs
Cut into thick slices and remove some of the seeds from:
15 lb. fresh tomatoes, peeled
15 lb. canned tomatoes (about 7 1/2 q t.)
1 c. grated onion
Mix together:
1/3 c. sugar
2 T. salt (scant)
1 T. pepper
Sprinkle over bottom of buttered 12x18" baking pan, or equivalent.
3 c. bread crumbs
Arrange tomato slices in pan in three layers, sprinkling each layer with 1/3 c. onion, 1/3 of seasonings, 3 c. bread crumbs. Dot each layer, using:
2 sticks butter
Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes or until bubbling and browned.
Adapted by Editor
"Tarten's" Buttered Corn
Serves 20
Place in 2 large kettles of boiling water:
20 ears of freshly picked corn
Cook for 8 minutes. Cut quickly from the cob into HOT covered dish, sprinkle lightly with salt, cover well with:
1-1/2 c. melted butter
Stir and serve very hot. Meanwhile, prepare to repeat the ritual for second helpings.
Mrs. Ewing McMichael, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Va.
I still have this recipe in Mrs. McMichael's handwriting along with this notation: "In the old days at Woodside (old Berkeley home in Virginia) I can still see Tarten in my mind cutting madly so the corn would be hot. A feast for the gods. This is a very old Berkeley recipe, well over 100 years old." Editor
All-Bran Pie CrustMakes 6 9-inch pie crusts
Stir together:
4-1/2 c. all-bran
6 c. whole wheat flour (or regular)
3/4 c. milk
Press into 6 pie pans. Prick with fork. Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes.
Cherry Clements
Dieter's Pie Crust
Makes 1 9-inch crust
Squeeze in cloth, then put through sieve:
1/2 c. cottage cheese (small curd)
Discard liquid. Combine:
1/3 c. sifted all-purpose flour
1/8 t. salt
Cut into the dry ingredients:
2 T. shortening
Add cottage cheese, mixing with fork until dough forms ball. Turn out onto lightly floured pastry cloth and roll.
Dot Gentry, The Greenwich Presbyterian Church Cookbook
If the crust is divided into eighths each wedge = 57-1/2 calories
Squash Pie
Makes filling for 3 unbaked pie shells
9 small squash
9 beaten eggs
3 c. sugar
3 T. milk
1-1/2 sticks butter
1/2 t. Salt
1 T. flavoring (coconut, lemon, or vanilla)
Mix together. Pour into 3 unbaked pie shells. Bake at 350 for 1 hour or until set.
Adapted by Mary Hetzel
Applesauce Cake with Lemon Sauce
Serves 50
Cream together:
1 c. soft butter
2 eggs
2 c. honey
Cream until smooth.
3 c. whole wheat flour
1 c. wheat germ
1/4 c. carob powder
2 t. cinnamon
1 t. cloves
1 t. nutmeg
2 t. soda
I t. baking powder
Mix well and add:
2 T. vanilla
2-1/2 c. raisins
2 c. nuts
3 c. thick applesauce made with dried apples*
Pour into 2 pans (9x13") or 1 baking sheet (1 8x26"). Bake at 325.
1 hour for 9x13" pans
45 minutes for 18x26" baking sheet
*Use dried apples (12 oz. package) and cook as directed until thick. Have apples cold before mixing in batter.
A Guide for Nutra Lunches & Natural Foods
Tested in Nutra Lunch Program, Fulton County Schools, Greater Atlanta, Ga. Area.
Lemon Sauce
Combine and boil, stirring until thick:
1/2 c. fresh lemon juice
1 t. grated lemon peel
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. honey
1 T. arrowroot or cornstarch
A Guide for Nutra Lunches & Natural Foods
Elegant Yogurt Compote
Makes about 3 quarts
Stir together in the order given:
5 c. plain yogurt, preferably homemade*
2/3 c. honey
1-1/2 c. toasted unsweetened coconut
4 c. sliced apricots (fresh, soaked-dried, or canned)
2 c. grated apples
4 drops almond extract
2 c. broken nuts (walnuts are best)
Have ready for garnish on each serving:
1/2 c. toasted unsweetened coconut
Chill several hours before serving.
Adapted by Mary Hetzel
*Make Your Own Yogurt
See section on Hints and Suggestions for directions for making yogurt. A small investment of time and low-cost ingredients will result in delicious yogurt which is good to eat in many different ways!
Banana Cheese Pie
3 pies (9-inch)
Crumb Crust
2-1/4 c. whole wheat bread crumbs
2 t. cinnamon
3/4 c. granola
1-1/2 c. melted margarine
3/4 c. dried skim milk
2 T. honey
Press into 3 greased (9-inch) pie pans.
In blender, mix:
6 eggs
3 c. yogurt
3 c. low-fat cottage cheese
juice of 11/2 lemons
3 t. vanilla
Add, keeping blender on low:
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. + 1 T. honey
6 medium bananas, ripe
Divide filling into the 3 prepared crusts. Bake at 3500 for 25-30 minutes. May be sprinkled with toasted coconut.
Note: For a lighter dessert, omit crust and dust pie pan with wheat germ.
Reprinted from Laurel's Kitchen: A Handbook For Vegetarian Cookery & Nutrition, p.286, by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flanders and Bronwen Godfrey by permission of Nilgiri Press, Petaluma, CA. Copyright 1976.
Adapted by Mary Hetzel and Editor
Carob Brownies
Makes 50
8 eggs
1-1/3 c. safflower oil
1 c. honey
1 t. vanilla
Sift together:
2 c. carob powder*
1 c. whole wheat flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Stir in:
1-1/2 c. nuts, chopped
Pour into 2 buttered 9x9" pans. Bake at 325 for 25 minutes. Cut while still warm, making 25 pieces to each pan.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
*Carob Powder (or St. John's Bread)
This is a chocolate-like flour made from carob pods, which are ground and roasted to produce a cocoa-like substance. Carob is sweeter than cocoa, has a fruity flavor, lacks the caffeine-like stimulant found in chocolate. Carob powder can be purchased at most health food stores.
Date-Nut Bars
70 Servings
1 Bar = 157 Calories
Cut into small pieces:
12 oz. pitted dates
Cover with water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Put into mixer bowl:
12 oz. margarine (3 sticks)
1 lb., 12 oz. brown sugar (4 c. less 1 T.)
Cream on medium speed for about 5 minutes. Add:
4 medium eggs
2 t. vanilla
Continue to cream until light.*
Sift together
14 oz. unbleached flour (31/2 c.)
8 oz. whole wheat flour(I 3/4 c.)
2 It. salt
2 It. baking soda
2 t. ground cloves
2 t. cinnamon
Add dry ingredients gradually to batter alternately with:
2 c. orange juice
Mix at medium speed.
8 oz. nuts, chopped (2 c.)
drained dates
Mix only until well blended. Pour into greased and floured pan (1 pan, size 18x26x2" or 4 pans, size 9x13x2"). Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Cool. Cut to make 70 servings from large pan or 18 servings each from smaller pans.
* Bars may be mixed this far in home-size mixer.
Substitute peanuts for dates and nuts to make Peanut Bars.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Tested at Advent Festival, North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, Ga. Tested also by Doris Tippens, Waynesboro, Va., who gave good advice on adjusting the recipe. "Only crumbs were left!"
Dried Fruit Compote
Serves 25
14 oz. dried prunes
8 oz. raisins
1 lb. dried apricots
12 oz. dried peaches, figs, or apples
Cover these with:
2 qt. hot water
Soak 3 hours. Add:
2 oz. lemon juice (1/4 c.)
12 oz. brown sugar (2 c.)
Simmer 20-30 minutes or until tender. Do not overcook or fruit will fall apart. Chill.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit
Everyday Fruitcake
40 Servings
1 slice = 113 calories
Preheat oven to 325.
Combine in bowl:
2 c. whole wheat flour
1 c. brown sugar
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
Mix 1/2 c. of this mixture with:
4 c. dried fruit assortment*
Set aside. Stir together in large bowl:
6 eggs, beaten
1/2 c. honey
1 t. vanilla
1/4 c. orange juice, concentrated
Add dry ingredients. Mix well. Fold in fruits and nuts. Grease well 4 loaf pans size 9x4" and line bottoms with wax paper. Spoon mixture into the pans. Bake 50-60 minutes or until well browned. Cool on rack 10 minutes, then turn out loaves and remove wax paper.
*Combine three or four kinds of dried fruits: apples, apricots, figs, peaches, pears, dates, and golden or dark raisins. Snip larger fruits into smaller pieces.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Pumpkin Pie Filling
Fills 3 pie shells
Beat until foamy:
9 eggs
3 cans (1 lb. size) pumpkin
2-1/4 c. brown sugar
3 t. cinnamon
1/4 rounded t. allspice
1/4 rounded t. ground cloves
1 rounded t. ground ginger
3 c. evaporated milk
Beat until thoroughly mixed. Pour into 3 prepared pie shells. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Let the Good Times Roll, adapted by Editor
Snowball Citrus Cup
Serves 50
Peel, seed, and section:
24 oranges
12 grapefruit
6 cans (No. 2) pineapple chunks
Mix the 3 fruits. Chill. Spoon fruits into sherbet glasses or dessert saucers. Top each with small scoop of lemon sherbet. (Takes 1-1/2 gallons.)
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Fruit Sherbet with No Sugar
Mash in a bowl:
4 (6-oz.) cans or 2 (12-oz.) cans frozen concentrated grape juice
2 qt. plain yogurt
8 t. vanilla
Stir to mix thoroughly. Pour into 2 loaf pans, place in freezer, and turn freezer control to "High" or "Colder" setting. Check on progress of freezing. When it is frozen to a firm mush, return to bowl. Stir thoroughly. Pour back into pans, Let freeze until hard. Turn back freezer control to regular setting.
Pour prepared sherbet mixture into the metal cream can of an ice cream freezer and freeze according to directions.
Add 3 mashed bananas to the sherbet mixture before freezing. Make sherbet with orange juice frozen concentrate instead of grape. Experiment with your own changes.
Editor's recipe
When Ed Lindaman was at Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Va., he sampled this sherbet and found it to his liking. Most people are amazed to hear that it contains no sugar.
Hot Fruit Compote
Serves 25
Divide each item listed between 2 large baking dishes:
(All cans are No. 2 size, 21/2 c. each)
2 cans sliced peaches, drained
2 cans pears, chopped, drained
2 cans purple plums, pitted, chopped, & drained
2 cans pineapple chunks, drained
2 small jars cherries
4 bananas, sliced
Combine separately in heavy pot:
1-1/2 c. brown sugar
2/3 c. margarine
2 cans applesauce
Heat until margarine melts. Pour half of this sauce over each baking dish. Bake at 300 for 30 minutes. Serve as dessert or meal accompaniment.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Never-Fail Ginger Bread
Serves 64
Beat together:
3 c. molasses
4 c. sugar
4 eggs
1-3/4 It. ginger
1-3/4 t. cinnamon
1-1/2 It. salt
8 c. flour
Stir well.
In a 1 qt. measuring pitcher put:
2 c. shortening
2 c. boiling water
Add to mixture in pitcher:
4 t. soda
Add mixture in pitcher to egg and flour mixture. Stir. Divide batter into 4 well-greased 9x9" pans. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.
Evelyn Paugh, Greenwich Presbyterian Church Cookbook
Adapted by Editor
Serve warm with applesauce blended with yogurt. Serve with Lemon Sauce (above)
Whipped Topping
Makes about 2-1/2 cups
Chill mixer bowl and beaters several hours before using. Put into bowl:
2 c. ice water (may be chilled in bowl)
2 c. dry milk solids
Beat at high speed until peaks form, about 5 minutes.
3/4 c. lemon juice
Beat in gradually:
3/4 c. sugar
Chill 1 hour.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Oatmeal Apple Squares
80 Servings
Sift together:
1 lb. flour (4 c. sifted)
2 t. salt
2 t. baking soda
1-1/2 lb. oatmeal, uncooked (7 c. + 2 T.)
2 c. brown sugar
2 c. oil
4 eggs, slightly beaten
4 t. vanilla
1 c. nuts, chopped
2 lb., 8 oz. apples, canned or raw
Pour into well-greased pans. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Tested by SAGA Corporation.
Apple Crisp
28-30 Servings
Put into 1 baking pan (10x15x2"):
5 qt. fresh apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
5 qt. canned apples
1 c. water (only if fresh apples are used)
Mix together:
1 c. flour
2-1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs (35 square graham crackers)
3 c. brown sugar
1 t. salt
Sprinkle dry ingredients over apples. Dot mixture with:
3/4 lb. butter or margarine (3 sticks)
Bake until apples are tender and crust is slightly brown in oven set at 350 (about 30 minutes).
The Frances Virginia Tea Room Cookbook. Adapted by Editor
Tested by Gwyn Baker. "Delicious and easy. Children like it as well as adults."
Enjoyed by three generations of Southerners in the tea room on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Ga.
Quick and Easy Cobbler
Serves 50
Use 4 pans, 8x12"
Melt in each pan:
1-1/2 sticks margarine (6 sticks in all)
6 c. milk
6 c. self-rising flour
Add 1/4 of this mixture to each pan. Place in a bowl:
15 c. canned sliced peaches and juice (6 No. 2 cans)
24-30 fresh peaches, peeled and chopped
Divide the peaches between the 4 pans, placing on top of batter. Do not stir. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes-until golden brown. Serve while warm. (Top with whipped cream, ice cream, or with dessert topping below.)
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Dessert Topping
Put in blender:
2 c. cottage cheese
2 T. honey
2 T. lemon juice
Set on "blend" and mix until smooth. Try your own variations. This is good with fresh or frozen fruit and with cake.
Editor's recipe
Cottage Cheese DipMakes 2 c.
Combine in blender:
1 lb. creamed cottage cheese
1 t. onion juice or minced onion
pepper to taste
Whirl until smooth. Vary flavors and serve with crackers or vegetables.
More-with-Less Cookbook
No Sugar Cookies
Makes 48 or 50
Stir together:
4 c. whole wheat flour
4 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
Beat together:
1 c. orange juice concentrate
1 c. butter or margarine, softened
2 eggs
Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients and blend lightly.
Stir in:
2 t. grated orange peel
1 c. chopped walnuts or pecans
1 c. raisins
Drop from tablespoon 2" apart onto greased cookie sheet. Bake about 20 minutes at 350 until lightly browned. After cooling, store in tightly-covered container. These cookies have a soft texture and are surprisingly sweet tasting.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Wheat Thins
Makes 100 small crackers
Combine in mixing bowl:
2 c. whole wheat flour
2 T. wheat germ
1 t. salt
1 t. baking powder
2 T. brown sugar
2 T. dry milk solids
Cut in with pastry blender:
6 T. margarine
Combine separately and stir in:
1/2 c. water
1 T. molasses
Knead a little until smooth. Grease two cookie sheets (10x15") and sprinkle each with cornmeal. Divide dough in half. Roll out half of dough directly onto cookie sheet with floured rolling pin, rolling dime-thin. Sprinkle lightly with paprika, garlic, onion, or seasoned salt. Run rolling pin over once more. Prick with fork. Cut into squares or triangles. Bake 10 minutes at 350' or until lightly browned.
More-with-Less Cookbook
Cheese Cookies
Makes 6 dozen
1 lb. cheddar cheese, grated
2 c. whole wheat flour
6 T. vegetable oil
pinch salt
pinch cayenne
Mix until there is an even crumbly texture. Add:
2/3 c. milk
2/3 c. chopped nuts
Mix well. Drop from teaspoon on cookie sheet and flatten slightly with a fork. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Cinnamon Crisps
Makes 4 dozen 2-inch round cookies
Beat together:
1/3 c. oil
1/3 c. maple syrup
1/3 c. yogurt
1/2 c. whole wheat pastry flour*
1 t. soda
1 t. cinnamon
Fold dry ingredients into oil mixture. Blend well. Place a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Drop dough by level teaspoonful onto paper, about 2-1/2 inches apart. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Allow to set for about 3 minutes, then transfer from paper to wire rack to cool.
*Can be purchased at health food s tore.
Reprinted from Rodale's Naturally Delicious Desserts And Snacks, copyright 1978 by Rodale Press, Inc. Permission granted by Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA.
Russian Tea Cookies
Serves 100
Mix until well blended:
2 lb. butter
1 lb. 10X sugar
Blend in:
2 lb. unbleached flour (8 c.)
1-1/4 c. rolled oats
1-1/2 c. peanut granules
Drop onto greased cookie sheet balls of dough the size of a walnut. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes until light brown.
Wilma Lee House. Tested at Brentsville High School, Nokesville, Va.
Simple Molasses Cookies
Makes 6 dozen
2 c. vegetable oil
2 c. molasses
2 c. rolled oats
2 c. unbleached flour
2 c. whole wheat flour
2 t. vanilla
1-1/2 t. salt
Blend well. Drop by spoonful on greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook
Mt. Everest Nourishment Crackers
Makes 24 squares
2 sticks butter
2 t. honey
1/2 t. (scant) salt
4 c. quick oats
1/2 c. wheat germ
1 c. brown sugar
1-1/2 c. chopped walnuts
Mix well. Press down in buttered 9x12" pan. Bake in 350 oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven and turn oven off. Cut into squares but leave in pan. Return pan to oven overnight or until cool.
Editor's recipe
Made for members of Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va., who participated in CROP Walk, to take along for extra energy.
Hot Spiced Tomato Juice
Serves 100
Combine and heat:
8 46-oz. cans tomato juice
4 bay leaves
8 small onions, chopped
10 whole cloves
8 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
1/2 t. celery salt
Strain and serve.
The Randolph-Macon Cookbook
Serving Suggestions: This is good served with Wheat Thins.
Cherry's Fruit Punch
Serves 50
2 12-oz. cans frozen orange juice, mixed as directed
2 12-oz. cans frozen apple juice, mixed as directed
2 46-oz. cans unsweetened pineapple juice
Just before serving, add:
2 qt. gingerale
Delicious. No sugar needed.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Camp Meeting Cider
Serves 30
Combine in large pot:
2 gal. apple cider
1 c. brown sugar
Tie into cheese cloth bag:
12 whole cloves
8 cinnamon sticks
8 allspice balls
Add to cider. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 1 hour. Remove bag of spices and serve.
Editor's recipe
Date Cookies (No Sugar)
Makes 5 dozen
Combine in saucepan:
1 c. raisins
1/2 c. snipped dates
1 c. water
Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool. Cream together:
2 eggs
1/2 c. margarine
1-1/2 t. honey
1-1/2 t. maple syrup
1 t. vanilla
Sift together
1/4 t. cinnamon
1 c. flour
1 t. soda
Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternately with date mixture. Beat well. Chill several hours. Drop from teaspoon onto greased baking pan 1-1/2" apart. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.
More-with-Less Cookbook. Adapted by editor
Cheese Dates
2-3 dozen
Set out of refrigerator to soften for an hour:
1 3-oz. package cream cheese
Mash cheese with fork. Add:
1/2 c. finely chopped nuts
With dull knife open up:
2-3 dozen pitted dates
Fill each date with 1 teaspoon of cheese-nut mix.
This a naturally sweet snack that children and adults will both enjoy.
Loaves and Fishes
Fruit Juice Popsicles
Choose a favorite unsweetened fruit juice Pour into popsicle molds or empty ice cube trays. Freeze.
Christmas Cranberry Punch
Combine in a large pot:
2 qt. cranberry juice
2 qt. unsweetened pineapple juice
2 c. orange juice
2 c. water
2/3 c. brown sugar
2 lemons
Stick into lemon slices.
24 whole cloves
Add to juices. Bring to a boil, Simmer for 10 minutes. Serve hot.
Loaves and Fishes
Peanut Butter Balls
Mix together
1/2 c. peanut butter
2 c. moist, shredded coconut
1/2 c. chopped raisins
1/4 c. chopped nuts
1 t. vanilla
Form into little balls. Roll in more coconut if desired. Chill to make firm.
Pam Wilson, Northside Food Coop, Richmond, Va.
Ants on a Log
Serves 10 children
Wash and cut into 2" pieces:
celery to make 20 pieces
Fill each piece with:
peanut butter
Dot each piece with:
Family Food Ideas, North Decatur-Medlock Food Fair, April, 1979
Mock Gingerale
1/4 part concentrated frozen apple juice
3/4 part mineral water
This gives a naturally fizzy drink that is cooling and delicious.
Adapted by editor
Nature's Munch
1 c. roasted peanuts
1 c. sunflower seeds
1 c. raisins
Peanut Butter Popcorn
Serves 30 children
Pop enough popcorn to make:
4 qt.
Cook to a rolling boil:
1-1/2 c. honey
Remove from heat.
1 c. chunky peanut butter
1 t. vanilla
Pour honey mixture over popcorn, stirring to coat. Form into balls while still warm.
Food for Thought
Carob Balls
Mix together:
2 c. carob powder
2 c. powdered milk
2 c. crunchy peanut butter
2 c. honey
Add one or all:
1/2 c. sunflower seeds
1/2 c. coconut
1/2 c. raisins
Roll into balls. Refrigerate.
Adapted by Cherry Clements
Hints, Tables, Resources, Index
Oven Cooked RiceServes 25
Place in a greased pan 12x18x2":
2 lb. white or brown rice (4 cups)
2 qt. boiling water
2 t. salt
1/4 lb. margarine (optional)
Pour salted water over rice. Stir. Cover pan tightly with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes without stirring or disturbing.
Food for Thought
Steamed Brown Rice
Serves 25
Combine in large pot or in turkey roaster (a wide container is better than a deep one):
6 c. brown rice
2 t. salt
10 c. water
Bring to a good boil. Stir thoroughly. Reduce heat. After heat on unit has cooled, cover tightly and cook for 40-45 minutes. Water will be absorbed and rice should be fluffy. Leftover brown rice keeps well. Reheat in colander over hot water.
Cherry Clements
Protein for Pennies: Dried Beans
Eight to ten servings, rich in protein, iron, and B vitamins, may be obtained from one pound of dried beans. Here are some suggestions about preparing dried beans:
Buy dried beans in bulk, if possible, from a health food store or in a large quantity in the supermarket. They keep well on a kitchen shelf.
When ready to use, pick over the beans, discarding any that are cracked or discolored. Wash beans.
Split peas need only 2-3 hours soaking, though longer soaking won't do any harm. Lentils need no soaking, and only 30-40 minutes cooking time. Keep lentils on hand for preparing a bean meal in a hurry (See Lentils Plain and Varied). For all other beans, soak by one of these methods.
1. Overnight Method. Place beans in kettle in which they will be cooked and cover with 4 cups of water to 1 cup of beans. Cover and let stand 8 hours or overnight. Use soaking water for cooking-do not discard it.
2. Quick Method. Follow directions for overnight method but instead of soaking, bring water and beans to a boil and cook 2 minutes. Cover, remove from heat, and let stand 1 hour. Beans are then ready to cook.
v Cooking.
One cup dried beans yields about 21/2 cups cooked beans.
Cooking time varies according to size of bean and length of time in storage. Peas and smaller beans usually need less than an hour, larger beans 2 to 3 hours, and soybeans 3 to 4 hours. Bring beans to boiling in soaking water, cover, and reduce heat to simmer. Test for tenderness by tasting. When nearly done, add seasonings and simmer until ready to serve. Or follow directions in recipe which uses cooked beans.
For a wonderful browned-in flavor, cook beans just until they begin to tenderize, then add seasonings and liquid and bake slowly for 4 to 8 hours.
More-with-Less Cookbook, Mary Hetzel
Making Your Own Yogurt
Yogurt is a food that is high in protein value and relatively low in calories. (One cup of yogurt contains 8.3 grams of protein and 122 calories.) You may want to try making yogurt, since it is much more economical than buying it. If a recipe you are using for a church meal calls for yogurt as an ingredient, you could make that amount ahead of time. Here are some ways of making yogurt that have proved satisfactory:
With an electric yogurt maker.
For around $15 you can purchase a l-quart electric yogurt maker. Follow the directions that come with the yogurt maker,
Without yogurt maker.
Preheat an insulated picnic cooler with 120-125 degree water. Combine in saucepan:
1 13-oz. can evaporated milk
2-2/3 c. dry milk powder (instant)
4 c. water
Heat over medium heat until bubbles form on top of milk (about 120 degrees). Cool to 110 degrees and stir in:
1/4 c. plain yogurt
Put yogurt mixture into 3 pint jars with tops. Place the jars in the cooler in a 120 degree water bath for 3 hours. In very cold weather it may be necessary to add hot water. This recipe makes 3 pints.
Susan Benke, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church
Deonne's Yogurt
2 c. milk
Let cool. Add:
1 c. powdered milk
Mix thoroughly. Add:
2 T. unflavored yogurt
Stir thoroughly. Set container with mixture in a pan of warm water in an 96 oven with a pilot light for about 3 hours or until yogurt is set.
Flavors of Stony Point
Ways to Use Yogurt
- Add honey, preserves, or other flavoring and serve as dessert or snack.
- Add as a topping to fresh, canned, or dried fruit.
- Use as a topping for cake, apple crisp, or other desserts.
- Use in place of sour cream in many recipes.
- Use as dressing for fruit salad or vegetable salad.
- Consult recipes in this book for additional ways to use yogurt.
Tips for Making Traditional Recipes More Economical and Nutritious
In Baked Foods:
- Use unbleached flour instead of bleached flour when a recipe calls for white flour.
- Replace half the amount of unbleached flour with whole wheat flour. This can be done cup for cup
- Replace sugar with honey in this way:
*Use only 112 as much honey as sugar
*Since honey is liquid, cut down on liquid in recipe by 1 T. for each cup.
- Replace sugar with pure maple syrup by following the procedure for changing to honey.
- Replace milk or water plus the sugar in a recipe with natural fruit juice.
- Replace chocolate with carob
*As a substitute for cocoa, use equal amount of carob powder
*As a substitute for baking chocolate, use 3 T carob + 2 T water for each square of chocolate.
In Meat Recipes:
- In most recipes that use ground beef, you can substitute soybeans for part of the beef. In a favorite recipe for stuffed, baked green peppers, we found that the dish was improved by using part soy beans.
- In recipes using stew beef, replace part of the amount of beef with whole, cooked beans (lima beans, pintos, or whatever you prefer).
- In soup recipes, use some beans and some grains (for instance, brown rice and black-eyed peas) in place of some of the meat.
Suggestions on Purchasing Foods
- Buy bulk yeast at a health food store or bakery supply house. The cost will be about one-tenth the cost of the one-tablespoon packages in the supermarket. Keep refrigerated.
- Buy spices and herbs in bulk from a health food store. They are cheaper and fresher.
- Try making a monthly shopping trip to buy staples in bulk: whole wheat flour, brown rice, barley, honey, oil, rolled oats, etc.
To Change a Family-Size Recipe to a Quantity Recipe:
Multiply the number of persons the recipe serves by whatever it takes to make it serve 50 (or the number you plan to serve). A recipe for 8 should be multiplied by 6.
Increase all amounts by multiplying by 6. THEN adjust amounts as follows:
*salt - use only about 3/4 as much
*sugar - use less than full amount spices - use less than full amount
*herbs - use less than full amount
Note: It is better to use less of the above ingredients and taste-, then more can be added, if necessary.
If possible, find a dietitian who has had experience in serving crowds and get help on adjusting recipes.
EquivalentsDairy Products / Weight yields / Approx. Measure
nonfat dry milk solids / 1 lb. / 4c.
cheese / 1 lb. / 4 c. shredded
cottage cheese / 1 lb. / 2 c.
cream cheese / 8 oz / 1 c
butter or margarine / 1 lb / 2 c
Approx. Measure cooked
Dried Beans 1 lb.
kidney 1-1/2 c / 6 c
lima 2-1/3 c / 6 c
navy 2-1/3 c / 6 c
soybeans 2-1/3 c / 6 c
split peas 2 c / 5c
lentils 2-1/3 c / 6c
Rice and Pasta 1 lb. dry = cooked
rice 2 c / 6 c
macaroni 4 c / 8 c
spaghetti 5 c / 9-10 c
noodles 6 c / 10-1/2 c
Eggs Approx. Measure
7 small eggs = 1 c
6 medium eggs = 1 c
5 large eggs = 1 c
Weight yields Approx. Measure
Flour and Grains
enriched while 1 lb = 4 c sifted
enriched cake 1 lb = 4-1/2 c sifted
whole wheat 1 lb = 3-1/2 c sifted
rye 1 lb = 4 c
soy 1 lb = 6 c
cornmeal 1 lb = 4-3/4 c
oatmeal 1 lb = 4-3/4 c
granulated 1 lb = 2 c
brown 1 lb = 2-1/4 c
confectioners 1 lb = 3-1/2 c
honey 1 lb = 1-1/3 c
molasses 1 lb = 1-1/3 c
1 pkg dry yeast 1/4 oz = 1 T
1 env unflavored gelatin 1/4 oz = 1 T
(gels 2 c liquid)
1 lemon
juice 2-3 T
rind grated 1-1/2 - 3 t
1 orange
juice 1/3 - 1/2 c
rind grated 1-2 T
bananas (3-4) 1 lb = 2 c mashed
dates 1 lb = 2-1/2 c pitted
raisins 1 lb = 2-3/4 c
potatoes, raw 1 lb = 2 c cooked & mashed
More-with-Less Cookbook
(For a more complete listing see Food for Fifty.)
Container Sizes
Weight Size / Approx. Measure
Can Sizes
6 oz frozen juice, tomato paste = 3/4 c
10-1/2 oz No 1 or picnic = 1-1/4 c
14-1/2 oz evaporated milk = 1-2/3 c
15-1/2 oz No. 300 = 1-3/4 c
1 lb No 303 = 2 c
1 lb, 4 oz No 2 = 2-1/2 c
46 oz juices & fruit drinks = 5-3/4 c
6 lb, 9 oz. No. 10 = 3 qt
Frozen Food
6 oz frozen juice concentrate = 3/4 c
10 oz box of vegetables = 2 c
20 oz bag of vegetables = 4 c
More-with-Less Cookbook
(For a more complete listing, see Food for Fifty)
A Guide to Purchasing Food for 50
Food / Amount (Yield or information)
Coffee 1 - 1-1/2 lb (50 6-oz cups)
Tea, hot 2 oz (50 6-oz cups)
iced 6 1-oz bags (50 1 2-oz glasses)
Juices, fruit for punches 7 46-oz. cans
Orange juice (frozen) 5 12-oz. cans (50 4-oz glasses)
Tomato juice 2 No 10 cans (50 1/2 cups)
Cereal & Cereal Products
Cornmeal 2-1/2 lb
Grits 2 lb
Pasta & Rice 3-4 lb
Dairy Products
Butter, margarine 1 - 1-1/2 lb
Cheese 4-5 lb. (for sandwiches)
Cottage cheese 6-7 lb. (for salads)
Milk 2-1/2 gal. (50 8-oz glasses)
Fruit, canned 2-3 No. 10 cans (as dessert)
Beans, green 10-12 lb
Cabbage 12-14 lb
Carrots 12-14 lb
Cauliflower 18-20 lb
Celery for relishes 3-4 lb
Eggplant 12-15 lb
Lettuce, wedges 8-10 heads
for garnish 3-4 heads
The Church Supper
(For a more complete listing, see Food for Fifty.)
Baking Pans - Sizes and Servings
Size of Pan Approximate Servings
12x20x4" 50
12x20x2" 25
18 x 26" 50-60
12 x 18" 25
15-1/2x4x4 50 1/4" slices
10" pie pan 8 slices
4 x 9" loaf pan 14 slices
5 x 9" loaf pan 14 slices
Food for Fifty, Nutrition 85 Program Kit
Titles are most likely available from libraries, denominational Resource Centers, internet independent book sellers. Most are out-of-print.Food and Nutrition
Diet for a Small Planet: Tenth Anniversary Edition by Frances Moore Lappe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1982. Paper. 479 pp.
Contains simple rules for a healthy diet, helpful tables on sources of protein, and tasty recipes for protein-rich meals without meat.
Keep It Simple: 30-Minute Meals from Scratch by Marian Burros. New York: Pocket Books, 1981. Paper. 369 pp.
The well-known food editor of The New York Times advocates the use of natural foods and avoidance of additives, offering recipes which can be prepared quickly and easily.
More-with-Less Cookbook by Doris Longacre. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1976. Paper. 315 pp.
Includes a discussion of eating patterns in North America as compared with those in other parts of the world, a discussion of food requirements, and suggestions about changes in our diets, as well as helpful charts and tables.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit by Students of Whitworth College in Association with Saga Corporation. Spokane, WA: Whitworth College, 1979. Paper. 200 pp. (Order from Whitworth College, Spokane, WA 99251.)
Designed to help an educational institution begin a nutrition program offering students the option of natural foods, meatless and meat-stretching dishes, and less processed foods,
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook: Recipes for Alternative Eating by participants in the Nutrition 1985 program at Whitworth College. Spokane, WA: Whitworth College, 1981. Paper. 161 pp. (Order as above.)
Condenses some of the material in the Program Kit and offers more recipes.
The Supermarket Handbook by Nikki and David Goldbeck. New York. The American Library, 1973. Paper. 430 pp.
Discusses the purchasing of various foods in the supermarket. Emphasis on reading labels, understanding additives, and searching for whole foods. Brand names are given and rated. The final quarter of the book is devoted to recipes.
Simple Lifestyle
To Celebrate: Reshaping Holidays and Rites of Passage. (Alternative Celebrations Catalogue 6th edition) edited by Milo Thornberry. 1987. $5 Paper. 224 pp.
Treasury of Celebrations: Create Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don't Cost the Earth. 1997. $15. Paper. 288 pp.
A selection of the best resources from the first six Alternatives Catalogues. Free at > archives
Beyond the Rat Race by Arthur G. Gish. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1981. Paper. 208 pp.
This classic on responsible living has been revised and enlarged.
Congregational Lifestyle for Lean Years, edited by Dieter T Hessel. New York: United Presbyterian Program Agency, 1981. 233 pp.
A study guide for the congregation which focuses on the actual experiences of congregations.
A Covenant Group for Lifestyle Assessment by William E. Gibson and the Eco-Justice Task Force. New York: United Presbyterian Program Agency, 1981. Paper. 121 pp.
This guide enables small groups to assess and alter their lifestyles in the context of Christian community
Enough Is Enough by John Vernon Taylor. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1977. 114 pp.
A biblical call for moderation in a consumer-oriented society.
The Freedom of Simplicity by Richard J. Foster. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1981. 185 pp.
Stresses God's concern for the poor. "Compassion and justice blended call us to simplicity of life," writes Foster in the chapter on the old covenant.
Living More with Less by Doris Janzen Longacre. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980. Paper. 288 pp.
A pattern for living with less and a wealth of practical suggestions from the worldwide experiences of Mennonites. Includes a brief section with very good recipes for feeding 50 persons.
World Hunger
Food First: The Myth of Scarcity by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins with Cary Fowler. New York: Ballantine Books, 1977. Paper. 579 pp.
Examines the policies and politics that keep starving peoples from feeding themselves at home and all over the world.
Hungry Decisions; Making Life and Death Choices in Africa, Asia, or Latin America by Charles R. and Pauline E. Kishpaugh. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1982. Paper. 62 pp.
To work through this book is to gain a greater sensitivity to those trapped by poverty and injustice.
Primer on Food Stewardship by John C. De Boer and Joetta Handrich Schlabach. New York: Joint Strategy and Action Committee, 1981. $3.75. Paper. 66 pp.
The authors discuss such issues as food production, distribution, and consumption.
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger by Ronald J. Sider, 20th Anniversary Edition. New York: Paulist Press, 1997. Paper. 333 pp.
Ronald Sider Contrasts the "billion hungry neighbors" with the "affluent minority." Focuses on biblical teachings about the poor and possessions. Offers down-to-earth suggestions about sharing our money, simplifying our lives, and working for structural change.
World Hunger: The Responsibility of Christian Education by Suzanne C. Toton. Mary Knoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1982. 224 pp.
Helps to clarify the role of Christian education in changing the systems and values that prevent the poor from feeding themselves.
Quantity Cookbooks
The Church Supper: New Trends in Cooking for Crowds by Sarah Morgan. St. Louis: Bethany Press, 1976. Paper. 244 pp.
Includes excellent guides on purchasing, preparing, and serving food for fifty people. Gives suggestions for planning potluck meals and almost 200 pages of traditional recipes.
Extending the Table: A World Community Cookbook by Joetta Handrich Schlabach. 336 pp. $19.
Food for Fifty by B. B. West et al. 6th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979. 676 pp.
The standard textbook on planning, purchasing, preparing, and serving food for a crowd. An excellent resource for any church that serves meals regularly.
Food for Fellowship Cookbook by Antoinette Kuzmanich Hatfield. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1972. Paper. 140 pp.
This attractive book includes menus and recipes for many church functions. The recipes are from the files of Mrs. Mark 0. Hatfield, who has had wide experience as a hostess.
Food for Thought by Elizabeth Hiller Quist. Cherry Hill, N.J.: Task Force on Energy Conservation and Faithful Living. The Southern New Jersey Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church. Paper. 48 pp.
Contains recipes to feed a crowd and brief essays on simple lifestyle.
The Frances Virginia Tea Room Cookbook by Mildred Ruff Coleman. Atlanta: Peachtree Publishers, 1981. Paper. 173 pp.
Includes recipes from the Tea Room, which operated in down town Atlanta from the 1920's until 1962, with a 50-page section of suggestions, tables, and recipes to serve groups.
A Guide to Nutra Lunches and Natural Foods by Sara Sloan. Atlanta. SOS Printing Co., 1979. Paper. 186 pp. (Order from author, P.O. Box 13825, Atlanta, Ga. 30324. 10% discount to churches. A portion of all profits are donated to the church.)
Includes a description of the Nutra Lunch Program in the Fulton County (Georgia) Schools. There are 150 pages of menus and recipes for Nutra Lunch Meals (a lunch menu serving natural foods).
Living More with Less. See entry under Simple Lifestyle above.
Includes a brief section with very good recipes and suggestions for serving a crowd.
Nutrition 1985 Cookbook. See entry under Food and Nutrition. 115 pages of recipes given in amounts to serve 6-10 and 25 or more. The emphasis is on natural foods, "from scratch" cooking, and a variety of protein sources including many meatless recipes. An excellent addition to the church kitchen.
Nutrition 1985 Program Kit. See entry under Food and Nutrition. 75 loose leaf pages of recipes for serving groups. A fine resource for conference centers, camps, and churches. Main dish recipes feature meat-stretching dishes and alternate protein dishes.
Simple Meals for Slim Budgets by Arlene G. Mann. Atlanta: Presbytery of Atlanta, 1978. 24 pp.
Booklet of quantity recipes prepared for the Presbytery of Atlanta and its Task Force on World Hunger. (No longer available)
Family Cookbooks
Cooking with Conscience by Alice Benjamin and Harriett Corrigan. New York: Seabury Press, 1975. Paper. 94 pp.
Gives 52 menus for alternate protein meals with recipes for ail the major dishes.
Favorite Recipes by Women of the Church, Fieldstone Presbyterian Church in Mooresville, N.C. Lenexa, Kansas: Cookbook Publishers, 1982. Paper. 155 pp. (Order from the Church, 804 Fieldstone Road, Mooresville, N.C. 28115.)
Traditional recipes and many useful tables. All profits from the sale of the book go to World Hunger.
Flavors of Stony Point 11 by Deonne Barkley. Stony Point, N.Y.: Stony Point Center, 1982. $3.50. Paper. 71 pp. (Order from Stony Point Center, Crickettown Rd., Stony Point, N.Y. 10980.)
Contains nutritious and flavorful recipes which are served at Stony Point Center (conference center of the United Presbyterian Church). The author has also done the charming illustrations. A nice gift book.
From a Monastery Kitchen by Elise Boulding with the assistance of Brother Victor Avila. New York: Harper and Row, 1976. Paper. 124 pp.
This vegetarian cookbook organizes recipes by the four seasons. Designed and illustrated by Daniel Marshall.
The Greenwich Presbyterian Church Cookbook by Circle #2, Women of the Church, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Va., 1980 (3rd edition). Paper. 98 pp. (No longer available)
Traditional recipes from a community with a tradition of excellent cooking. The book contains a 6-page section on "Dieter's Desserts, " which is a welcome gift to diabetics and others on no-sugar diets.
The Joy of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1982. 850 pp.
An excellent basic cookbook.
Laurel's Kitchen: A Handbook for Vegetarian Cookery and Nutrition by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flanders and Bronwen Godfrey. Berkeley, California: Nilgiri Press, 1976.
A good collection of vegetarian recipes.
Learning to Share by Task Force on World Hunger, First Presbyterian Church, Durham, N.C., 1977. 89 pp.
A guide to simpler living, including recipes.
Let the Good Times Roll by Sr. Karel Jackowski. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1980. Paper. 91 pp.
Recipes and quotations with a light touch. Good recipes for refreshment foods.
Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen. Berkeley: The Ten Speed Press, 1977. 221 pp.
Vegetarian recipes adapted from quantity recipes used in the Moosewood Restaurant, Ithaca, N. Y Charming illustrations and hand lettering by the author.
More-with-Less Cookbook. See entry under Food and Nutrition above. Contains nearly 500 practical and consistently good recipes in all categories. If your church can purchase only one book from this list without hesitation I would recommend this one, which has served as the primary resource for Simply Delicious.
The New York Times Natural Foods Cookbook by Jean Hewitt. New York: Avon Books, 1971. Paper. 421 pp.
A very complete natural foods cookbook which includes sections on Meat and Poultry and on Vegetarian Main Dishes.
The Randolph Macon Cookbook, collected by the New York City Alumnae Chapter. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Science Bookcrafters, Inc., 1965. 247 pp.
Good traditional recipes.
Children's Study Books and Cookbooks
Children Cook Naturally by Sara Sloan. Atlanta: SOS Printing Company, 1980. Paper. 241 pp. (Order from author as above.)
Includes lesson plans for teaching nutrition to elementary children, recipes, classroom activities, and suggestions for field trips.
Eclipse of the Blue Moon Foods; A Guide to Teaching Food Education by Ellen Weiss and Nance Petit. Nashville, Tenn.: The Cooperative Food Education Project, 1979. Paper. 104 pp.
Lesson plans focus on food and on children's active involvement with food (growing, preparing, and tasting food).
Eclipse of the Blue Moon Foods; by Ellen Weiss and Nance Petit. Paper. 33 pp.
A food education student workbook. Includes recipes.
Hunger Activities for Children by The Brethren House Team. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Brethren House, 1978. Paper. 121 pp.
An excellent collection of activities for children to help them understand how people live in third world countries.
Lifestyle Change for Children by Doris Shettel. New York: United Presbyterian Program Agency, 1981. Paper. 63 pp.
Six-session resource designed to help older children (grades 3-4 and 5-6) adopt lifestyles more faithful to the gospel.
Loaves and Fishes by Linda Hunt, Marianne Frase, and Doris Liebert. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980. Paper. 168 pp.
This attractive cookbook for children includes recipes for snacks, celebration foods, picnic food, and foods from other lands. Many of the illustrations are drawn by children.
(To find these entries, open your computer's "finder," copy and paste (or enter) the item into your "finder" and press Return. Your finder may find several entries before it finds the exact one you want.)
Ants on a log (stuffed celery)
Apple crisp
Applesauce cake
Asparagus supreme
Aspic, tomato
Baked cheese sandwich
Baked eggplant slices
Banana cheese pie
Basic lentil soup
Beans, green
puffy cheese bake
stir-fried green beans
Beans (legumes)
See also Lentils
chinese sweet and sour
filling for tacos
kidney salad
navy bean soup
soybean hamburger casserole
soybeans in gourmet sauce
split pea soup
yankee bean chowder
Beets, pickled
Biscuits, whole wheat (from mix)
Bran muffins
egg (Challah)
French, easy and good
no-knead whole wheat
pita, home made
sesame cornbread
three-grain peanut
whole wheat, 100% or 50%
Broccoli noodle Parmesan
Brownies, carob
Bulgar wheat pilaf
Bulgar wheat salad (tabouli)
Buttered carrots
carob brownies
date-nut bars
everyday fruitcake
ginger bread, never-fail
oatmeal apple squares
Camp meeting cider
Carob balls
Carob brownies
cool carrot salad
raisin slaw
Celery, stuffed (ants on a log)
Challah (egg bread)
Cheese and corn chowder
Cheese cookies
Cheese dates
Cheese sandwiches
melted Cheddar
Cheese sauce
Cheesy sandwich spread
Cherry's fruit punch
pilau for 50
Chinese sweet and sour (beans)
cheese and corn
yankee bean
Christmas cranberry punch
Cider, camp meeting
Cinnamon crisps
Cobbler, quick and easy (peach)
Coffee cake (from baking mix)
Cole slaw
carob balls
cheese dates
peanut butter balls
peanut butter popcorn
cinnamon crisps
Russian tea
simple molasses
Cool carrot salad
chowder, cheese and corn
pudding, fool-proof
Tarten's buttered
Corn bread, whole wheat
Cottage cheese
cheesy spread
garden salad
Crackers Mt. Everest nourishment
wheat thins
Cream of peanut soup
Cream cheese sandwich filling
Crescent Hill pizza
Date cookies
Date-nut bars
Dip, cottage cheese
Dried beef sandwich filling
Dried fruit compote
Egg bread (Challah)
Egg sandwich filling
baked slices
sandwich filling
tomato baked
Fish, San Francisco stew
French bread
easy and good
French onion soupFrozen pea salad
Frozen salad
Fruit deserts
dried, compote
elegant yogurt compote
hot compote
sherbet with no sugar
snowball citrus cup
Ginger bread, never-fail
Hamburger meat
Crescent Hill pizza
saucy meatballs
soybean hamburger casserole
Hearty vegetable soup
Homemade pita bread
Kidney bean salad
Layered spinach salad
Layered spinach supreme (cooked)
Lemon sauce, dessert
basic soup
easy stew
Mayonnaise. See Salad dressings Meatballs, saucy
Melted Cheddar cheese on muffin,
Mock gingerale
Mock Hollandaise sauce
Morna's fruited gelatin
Mt. Everest nourishment crackers
whole wheat (from baking mix)
Nature's Munch
Navy bean soup
Oatmeal apple squares
Onion soup, French
Pancake, whole wheat batter
Pancakes, whole wheat (from baking mix)
Peach cobbler
Peanut butter
"and" sandwiches
carrot raisin sandwich
Peanut cole slaw
Pickled beets
Pie crust
Pie filling
banana cheese
Pilaf, bulgar wheat
Pimento cheese sandwich filling
Pineapple-orange congealed salad
Pinto bread
Pita bread, homemade
Pizza, Crescent Hill
popsicles, fruit juice
Potted Cheddar spread
Pumpkin bread
Pumpkin pie filling
Cherry's fruit
Christmas cranberry
mock gingerale
Rice, Spanish
Rolls, whole wheat
Russian tea cookies
Salad dressings
French, cooked
fresh fruit
mayonnaise, blender
mayonnaise, cooked
oil and vinegar
thousand island
Salads, gelatin
Morna's fruited gelatin
pineapple-orange congealed
tomato aspic
Sandwich fillings and spreads
cheesy spread
cream cheese-nuts-dates
dried beef
peanut butter "and"
peanut butter, carrot, raisin
pimento cheese
potted cheddar
San Francisco fish stew
Sauces, dessert. See Toppings
Sauces, for vegetables
gourmet cheese
mock Hollanclaise
Sausage-sweet potato bake
scalloped tomatoes
Sesame corn bread
Sesame French bread
Sherbet, fruit
Simple molasses cookies
Snowball citrus cup
hamburger casserole
in gourmet cheese sauce
sandwich spread
Spanish rice
layered supreme (cooked)
salad, layered
salad, fresh
Split pea soup
Squash, yellow summer
Squash pie
Stir-fried green beans
Tabouli (bulgar wheat salad)
with bean filling
Three-grain peanut bread
Tofu salad
Tofu stroganoft
Tomato aspic
Tomato baked eggs
Tomato juice, hot spiced
Tomatoes, scalloped
Toppings, for desserts
lemon sauce
Tossed salad
Tuna burgers, hot
Tuna souffIe sandwiches
Turkey barley vegetable soup
Turkey pita pockets
Universal European soup
Vegetable salad
Vegetable soup, hearty
Veggies, everyday
Waldorf salad
Wheat thins
Whole wheat
baking mix and recipes
bread, no-knead
bread, 100% or 50%
corn bread
pancake batter
rolls or bread
Yankee bean chowder
Yellow summer squash
Yogurt, elegant compote
"Security, ultimately, comes not from what we have. but how we live. This book is the result of loving concern about our relationship to all with whom we share this earth. It is meant to be a practical guide to nutritional and ethical eating. The book is one of many steps towards "lifestyle security." Our security does not depend upon forces external to us, but upon the internal acceptance of who we are as children of God, acknowledging our interdependence on finite planet Earth."'-Ed Lindaman
About the editor: Grace Winn. staff person with the Presbyterian Hunger Program in Atlanta, Georgia and former chairperson of the Hanover, Virginia Presbytery Hunger Task Force. sees an integral connection between food consumption in the U.S. and hunger both at home and abroad. Visits to four African countries and concern about domestic hunger issues convinced her of the importance of changing our eating habits.
"The local church can lead the way," she says. "in serving food that is simple and nutritious."
Grace, who likes to cook, worked in collaboration with Cherry Clements to collect, adapt and test these recipes. A graduate of Agnes Scott College in English, Grace now lives in Decatur, Georgia with her husband, Al. They have four children and four grandchildren.
Copyright @ 1983, Alternatives
Publication of this book was made possible by a grant from the Office of World Service and World Hunger of the Presbyterian Church in the United States.
To my husband, Albert Curry Winn, who has eaten my cooking for 38 years, who actually likes to try new dishes, and whose generous praise keeps me trying.
Thanks for permission to reprint and adapt recipes from the following sources:
CHILDREN COOK NATURALLY by Sara Sloan, copyright @ 1980, Sara Sloan. Nutra Program, P.O. Box 13825, Atlanta, Georgia, 30324. THE CHURCH SUPPER, New Trends in Cooking for Crowds by Sarah Morgan, @ 1976, The Bethany Press, St. Louis, Missouri. The following recipes, "Sesame Cornbread ... .. Chinese Sweet and Sour," "Carrot Salad," "Peanut Coleslaw," and "Kidney Bean Salad," have been adapted from COOKING WITH CONSCIENCE by Alice Benjamin and Harriet Corrigan. Copyright 1975 by Vineyard Books, Inc. Used by permission of The Seabury Press, Inc. FLAVORS OF STONY POINT by Deonne Barkley. Food Service Supervisor, Stony Point, New York. Antoinette Kuzmanich Hatfield, FOOD FOR FELLOWSHIP, copyright @ 1972. Used by permission of WORD BOOKS, PUBLISHER, Waco, Texas 76796. FOOD FOR FIFTY by B.B. West, et. al., fourth edition, @1961, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. FOOD FOR THOUGHT by Elizabeth Hiller Quist, Task Force on Energy Conservation and Faithful Living, The Southern Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. THE FRANCES VIRGINIA TEAROOM COOK BOOK by Mildred Ruff Coleman, @1981, Peachtree Publishers, Ltd., Atlanta, Georgia. Adapted Recipes "Garden Cottage Cheese Salad" (page 93), "Lentil Salad" (page 94), and "Universal European Winter Soup" (page 13) from FROM A MONASTERY KITCHEN by Elise Boulding, with Br. Victor Antonio Avila and Sr. Jeanne-Marie Pearse. Copyright @ 1976 by Elise Boulding. By permission of Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. THE GREENWICH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COOKBOOK by Circle # 2, Women of the Church, Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Virginia. A GUIDE TO NUTRA LUNCHES AND NATURAL LUNCHES AND NATURAL FOODS BY Sara Sloan, copyright @ 1977 by Sara Sloan. Nutra Program, P.O. Box 13825, Atlanta, Georgia 30324. LAUREL'S KITCHEN: A HANDBOOK FOR VEGETARIAN COOKERY & NUTRITION by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flanders, and Bronwen Godfrey by permission of Nilgiri Press, Petaluma, CA 94953. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL by Sr. Karel Jackowski, 1980, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana. LIVING MORE WITH LESS by Doris Janzen Longacre, copyright 1980, Herald Press, Scottdale, PA. 15683. LOAVES AND FISHES by Linda Hunt, Marianne Frase and Doris Liebert, copyright @ 1980, Herald Press Scottdale, PA. 15683. THE MOOSEWOOD COOKBOOK by Mollie Katzen. Copyright 1977. Used with permission. Available from Ten Speed Press, Box 7123, Berkley, CA 94707. $8.95 (paper) $11.95 (cloth) + $.75 for postage and handling. A number of recipes are used by permission from MORE WITH LESS COOKBOOK by Doris Janzen Longacre, copyright @ 1976, Herald Press, Scottdale, Pennsylvania 15683. NUTRITION 1985 COOKBOOK and NUTRITION 1985 PROGRAM KIT by participants in the "Nutrition 1985 Program" at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, Christie Bryant, Program Coordinator. ORGANIC GARDENING, Emmaus, PA 18049, January 1982. With permission of Rodale Press, Inc., Copyright 1982. RODALE'S NATURALLY DELICIOUS DESSERTS AND SNACKS (~~) 1978 by Rodale Press, Inc. Permission granted by Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18049. SUPERMARKET HANDBOOK: Access to Whole Foods, Revised and Expanded Edition. Nikki and David Goldbeck, Copyright @1973, 1976 by Nikki Goldbeck and David Goldbeck. Reprinted by arrangement with New American Library, Inc., New York, New York.
Cover Art by Tom Peterson
Design by Kathie Klein
My very special thanks to
Cherry Clements, who took much of the responsibility for the recipes, who wrote the section on Menus, and who gave generously of her time and encouragement. Without her help, the book could not have been written.
Mary Hetzel in Richmond, Va., who allowed the use of recipes and comments from her nutrition column in Equinox, newsletter of the former Northside Food Coop.
Harriette Grissom, who gave excellent assistance in editing the manuscript.
To the authors:
Jean Bailey, superintendent of the Church School at Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va., and member of the Consulting Committee of the Presbyterian Criminal Justice Program (a joint committee of the Presbyterian Church, U.S. and the United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.).
Bill Boiling, Director of Community Services at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Ga., where he has directed the Community Kitchen for 8 years. He has assisted other churches in opening feeding programs and started the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Cherry Clements, who serves on the Work Area on Missions of the North Decatur United Methodist Church in Decatur, Ga., where she has also served as president of United Methodist Women, member of the Administrative Board, and Council on Ministries. She teaches classes on nutrition and cooking for community organizations and is active in a food cooperative.
Lila Bonner-Miller, a psychiatrist in Atlanta, Ga., is an elder emeritus at Druid Hills Presbyterian Church. She was instrumental in beginning the Druid Hills Presbyterian Church Community Fellowship, a ministry to street people, and she still prepares large quantities of food for this meal. (See her recipe for Chicken Pilau.)
Father William A. Strickle, pastor of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church in Richmond, Va. He is active in the Down Town Cooperative Ministry in that city.
Dorothy Gilliam Thomason, head of the cataloguing department at the Library at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. She serves as deacon and chairperson of the Christian Education Committee at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond and as chair of the Ecumenical Relations Subdivision of Hanover Presbytery.
To these, who gave advice:
Deonne Barkley, Food Service Supervisor, Stony Point Center, Stony Point, N.Y.
Susan Benke, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Christie Bryant, Program Coordinator, Nutrition 85 Program, Whitworth College, Spokane, Wash.
Elizabeth Miller, School Dietician, Lexington, Ky.
Sara Sloan, orginator of Nutra Lunch Program, Fulton County Schools, Atlanta, Ga.
Naomi Sundly, Oakhurst Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga.
To these, who tested recipes:
Gwyn Baker, Knoxville Presbytery, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kay Calvert, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Patrick Huss, Hillside Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Mary Lynch, Church Hostess, First Presbyterian Church Greenville, S.C.
Morna K. Moore, Montreat, N.C.
Jo Ann Parker, Church Hostess, Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Doris Tippens, Waynesboro, Va.
Mrs. Connie Whitmore, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg, Va.
To these, who contributed recipes:
Marion Cannon, Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Janice Clifford, Brookhaven Christian Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Mary Ekert, Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va.
M. Hockenberry, Atlanta, Ga. Sarah Taylor, Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky.
Sara Cogswell Wells, Spencer Presbyterian Church, Spencer, W Va.
Pam Wilson, Richmond, Va.
Virginia Bear, Dot Gentry, Reba Hopkins, Wilma Lee House, Mrs. Ewing McMichael, Evelyn Paugh, and Anne Wood from Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Nokesville, Va.
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