Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go |
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Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go - Celebrating an Alternate Christmas
presented by Milo Thornberry and Harriette GrissomSee Resource LINKS below.
1. Guidelines for Gift Giving (33:17) - Milo Thornberry
2. Santa & Saint Nicholas (28:20) - Milo Thornberry
3. What can you do in your Parish? (25:10) - Milo Thornberry
4. Let Advent be Advent (27:30) - Milo Thornberry
5. What else you can do with your family (26:55) - Harriette Grissom
6. Alternate Christmas activities for the wider community (30:06) - Harriette Grissom
All audio rights are reserved by National Catholic Reporter (NCR) publishing company, Kansas City, MO. Used by permission.
Originally distributed by Credence Cassettes (formerly a division of NCR), now Credence Communications, Kansas City, MO.
Resource LINKS
Although resources are not repeated here, some are appropriate in multiple settings/for multiple purposes. These few suggestions scarcely made a comprehensive list.1. Guidelines for Gift Giving
Guidelines for Alternative Giving I
Guidelines for Alternative Giving II
2. Santa & Saint Nicholas
Christmas & Santa: A Household Resource
3. What can you do in your Parish?
Christmas Packs (1-15)
Unplug the Christmas Machine Workshop Leader's Guide (also AUDIO version)
4. Let Advent be Advent
5. What else you can do with your family
Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (#1-24) Also AUDIO versions, #16-20.
6. Alternate Christmas activities for the wider community
Reaching Out to Others: A Christmas Packet for Parishes (1989)
Many More Christmas articles
Milo (Shannon-) Thornberry is former director of Alternatives, a non-profit organization that produced resources for responsible living and celebrating and sponsors a yearly alternate Christmas campaign. He is an ordained United Methodist minister with a doctorate from Boston University and is the former coordinator for hunger concerns with the National Council of Churches.Get to know Milo at Post #181.
Dr. Harriette Grissom also served on the staff of Alternatives.
She is the co-founder the Atlanta food bank and has a doctorate in Literature and Psychology.
They helped develop some written material on Alternative Christmas celebrations, which is available in the Archives of this site.
Page updated 15 Jan. 2014
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