Want Help Getting Started in Voluntary Simplicity?
Classic Titles to get from your public library or your local independent bookseller
Those in BOLD are free on this site.
Living More with Less -- Doris Janzen Longacre; 30th Anniversary Ed., Valerie Weaver-Zercher, ed.Your Money or Your Life -- Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Break Forth into Joy VIDEO
'Tis a Gift to Be Simple -- David A. Sorensen and Barbara DeGrote-Sorensen
Voluntary Simplicity -- Duane Elgin
Unplug the Christmas Machine -- Jo Robinson; Workshop Leader's Guide
More-with-Less Cookbook -- Doris Janzen Longacre
Wedding Alternatives in English (with Supplement) and Spanish
Affluenza (book and video) -- John De Graaf
Simply Delicious: Quantity Cooking for Churches | SLW! blog | Podcast Episode #19Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives CD-ROM (available from ELCA Archives)
Visit SLW! Recommends for worthwhile recent resources.
Also, visit our Study/Discussion/Activity Guide page for yourself or your group.
Page updated 4 April 2014
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The audio version "Whose Birthday?" contains two radio program demos -- :90 seconds and 28:00 minutes. We hope you'll suggest to your local radio stations (religious and secular) that they broadcast one or both programs. They'll be more receptive if you have a list of prospective sponsors. We'll provide the full series FREE to the station upon request.
You can listen to the demos of both programs on our Home Page if you have a Real Time Players installed on your computer. If not, download the application for free at RealTimePlayer.com
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.