Stakeholder Survey 2002

Archives: eZine / Review Survey

Dear Friend of Alternatives:

Thank you for sharing our dream of helping people live justly and celebrate responsibly. We need your opinions and comments, as we seek to continue providing quality resources and services.

Answer as much of this brief questionnaire as you choose. Then return by May 1st. Please do it now if at all possible. Including your name is optional.

Thanks for your cooperation! To show our appreciation, we will send all responders a $5 gift certificate. One response per person please.

If your household has more than one person interested in Alternatives (a stakeholder), please copy the survey and respond separately.


Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator



Please read through and respond to each item.  Then, at the end of the survey, press 'Submit'.  Thank you.


1. As a member and/or volunteer (SLOw Down Network) I receive the semi-annual "Update."

I read most of each issue.

I am glad to receive it, though I don't read it all.

I would prefer not to receive it.

My comments/ideas to improve the Update...

My ideas for other membership benefits that would meet my needs...

2. In regard to an annual report from Alternatives, including financial data...

I would definitely appreciate receiving/having access to such a report.

I would scan such a report but it's not a high priority.

Preparing and distributing such a report is unimportant to me. Use your time and money for something else

3. I have read [approximate number] editions of "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" in the last five years (1997-2001). I have read editions of "Whose Birthday" in the last 16 years (1986-2001).

4. The part of "Whose Birthday" that I usually find the most useful:

Biblical Reflections

Advent-Christmas calendar

Worship Aids

Family activities

Alternative giving

Other articles and stories

5. I feel the focus / balance of the booklet:

is just right.

needs to be more child oriented.


6. Here are activities or articles for children that I think should be added to "Whose Birthday"?


7. The following past resources and activities of Alternatives are worth reviving.

Best & Worst Christmas Gift Contest

Congregational Christmas packets

Quarterly Magazine (see #21)

Other (please enter your suggestion):

8. Instead of looking to the past, I feel that Alternatives needs to:


9. I would like Alternatives to provide these resources:


Other ideas and dreams for resources and services...


10. In the interest of environmental stewardship, I am willing to receive regular announcements by email and receive fewer by mail. Here's my email address:


11. I have visited Alternatives' web site --www.SimpleLiving.org -- and found to be the most interesting/helpful for the following reasons:


12. I have visited Alternatives' web site and found to be the least necessary/helpful for the following reasons:


13. I have visited Alternatives' web site archives and would describe my experience as:


14. In regard to the proposed resource "30 Years of Alternatives" (1973-2003) -- hundreds of pages of text and many graphics for personal inspiration and for use in my publications (paper or electronic) -- all on one CD-ROM, I am

definitely interested

somewhat interested.

not interested.

I would be willing to pay up to $15, up to $20, up to $30.


15. Send me information about remembering Alternatives in my will. (Include name at the bottom of this form.)

16. Send information about gifting Alternatives appreciated securities. (Include name at the bottom of this form.)

17. I am associated with Alternatives' SLOw Down Network. I would describe the experience as...


18. I am associated with Alternatives' ASSIST program. I would describe the experience as...


19. Comments on Alternatives resources (quality, price, presentation), service, etc.


20. I think the slogans I have marked are worth using on a bumper sticker, poster or otherwise:

Buy-Buy means Bye-Bye!
Debt Is Death [...Personally and Nationally]
Just Say NO... to Easy Credit
Save the Earth -- Lower Your Consumption... a Lot!
Help Save the Earth -- Cut Your Consumption in Half!
Stop Corporate Welfare -- Help People, Not Profits.
Resist Globalization -- Over Development Leads to Over Consumption
Simplify or Die!
Stop the Lie, Simplify!
More Stuff Is Death
Overconsumption is Slow Death
Helping Hands, Not Commercial Brands
No Commercial Logo Zone


Here are my ideas/slogans:


21. In regard to the free New Alternatives Quarterly Review (e-zine) on the web site at http://SimpleLiving.org/Review/Review.php

Although I have not yet viewed it, I think it's a great idea and plan to give it a try.

The idea of an e-zine does not interest me.

I have viewed Issue #1 and

would definitely view future issues.

am undecided about it.

it does not interest me.

It would be a real benefit also to have the text sent by email to members.

22. My age is:

[This question was not included in the last Stakeholder Survey. We need this information to get a better picture of our customers and supporters.]

23. I think sending membership renewal requests by email is an idea. [choose 1]

Gift Certificate

Yes, send the $5 gift certificate.

No thanks.


Personal Information



Mailing Address:

Daytime Phone:

Email Address:

Thanks again!

Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.