- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- The Alternatives Quarterly (10 years)
- Best and Worst Christmas Gift Contest
- Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? booklet for families (10 years)
- Christmas Campaign for Congregations (packet for church leaders) (10 years)
- Lent/Easter packets (5 years)
- Alternate Celebrations Catalogs (6 editions)
- Various titles: "Voluntary Simplicity," "Simply Delicious: Quantity Cooking for Churches," "Those Who Speak for God." "Guide to World Hunger Organizations" (with Seeds Magazine), "Shalom Connections" and "Wedding Alternatives"
- Book Service Catalog
- A series of Bulletin Inserts for holidays and special occasions
- Three videos: "Alexander Scrooge," "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and "Break Forth into Joy!"
- bought an old general store and moved to Ellenwood, Georgia
- established a membership plan and member newsletter
- Published three titles of reissued material with WoodLake Books: "Treasury of Celebrations," "Alternative Wedding Book" and "Simplify & Celebrate"
- Established a local corps of volunteers, a national Speakers Bureau (SLOw Down Network), and a national Support Service (ASSIST)
- Established an extensive web site: www.SimpleLiving.org
- Opened the Corner Store and Reading Room, and cataloged and organized an expanding library of over 3000 volumes
- Produced and marketed "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" in some 25 customized versions annually, including the Advent-Christmas calendar bulletin insert. Over two million copies have been circulated!
- Produced a Spanish version called "Adviento" annually since 1997
- Produced a 40-Day Lenten Guide in English annually and in Spanish (four years)
- Produced several new titles: "Stories and Songs of Simple Living" book, cassette and CD; "Simple Living Calendar for Any Year," "Sing Justice! Do Justice!" "Simple Living 101: Toolbook for Activists," "Carols with Justice" and "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art" - CD ROM and loose-leaf collection on voluntary simplicity and global justice
- Re-issued from other publishers "Leader's Guide to 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' Workshop" and an updated edition of "Living More with Less Study Action Guide"
- Repackaged and marketed past resources, such as "The Christmas Game," "Christmas Campaign Kit" and "Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?"
- Expanded Trade Book titles and sales, introduced more videos, magazines and sidelines, such as bumper stickers, greeting cards, and Fair Trade items from Developing Countries
- Began distributing some resources by email.
- "30 Years of Alternatives" on CD-ROM
- Worship Alternatives CD ROM and packet
- Funeral Alternatives
- Alternate Celebrations (8th ed.)
Archives: Annual Report 2001
Table of Contents
Annual Report for 2001
Alternatives was founded in 1973 as a protest against the commercialization
of Christmas.
Up till August, 1995, the organization produced:
Also, the organization:
Since moving Alternatives from Georgia, to Sioux City, Iowa, in August, 1995,
the new staff:
We produce a quarterly Resource Guide, a regional newsletter: "Living More Simply" and a member/volunteer "Update"newsletter. We issue about a dozen national media releases per year and a free weekly email newsletter for over 6000 subscribers. We maintain an extensive, growing web site archive that can be used for personal inspiration and by editors. The web site now includes a free quarterly e-zine, "Alternatives' Reader."
Our national Speakers Bureau called the SLOw Down Network has over 800 volunteers who are Speakers, Workshop Leaders, Alternative Event Organizers and Simplicity Circle/Discussion Group Consultants.
In addition to producing the annual booklet for families "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" and "40-Day Lenten Guide," we have at least one major project each year. In the next five years we plan to issue:
Income: | Expenses: | |
1996: | $258,000 | $250,000 |
1997: | $277,000 | $277,000 |
1998: | $300,000 | $289,000 |
1999: | $222,300 | $225,900 |
2000: | $344,000 | $306,100 |
2001 | $334,000 | $344,000 |
Thanks to everyone who helped us meet our FUNDRAISING goal of $100,000 in
2000! However, 2001, was a different picture.
2000 | 2001 | |
Grants | $50,000 | $43,000 |
Memberships | $38,000 | $30,000 |
Donations | $10,500 | $ 6,700 |
Other | $ 2,100 | $ 4,300 |
TOTAL | $100,600 | $88,000 |
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, we receive income from grants, memberships, donations and sale of resources. Since this is a mission-driven rather than profit-driven organization, surplus income goes into projects to advance the mission.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
This page last updated 17 February 2013 (27 February 2003)
Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.