Treasury of Celebrations: List of Agencies to ContactCover Page | Rites of Passage | Resource Index
Index for this Section
- Central America Week
- Children
- Crafts and Trade Goods
- Death- and Bereavement-Related Services
- Economic Development and Alternatives
- Environment
- Hostels and Elderhostels
- Housing
- Hunger Programs
- List of Agencies to Contact
- Overseas Development
- Political and Social Justice
- Tourism
From Alternatives' Treasury of Celebrations, published by Northstone Books. The entire 288 page book is available for $12.
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List of Agencies to Contact
The following is a list of agencies you may wish to contact for more information on a specific area of concern, for the purpose of making a charitable donation, or for finding the branch nearest you.
Central America Week
Inter-American Task Force on Central America
475 Riverside Drive, room 563
New York, NY 10115
Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America
129 St. Clair Ave. W.Toronto, ON M5V 1N5
Cooperative Disaster Child Care Program
P.O. Box 188, 500 Main St.New Windsor, MD 21776
Crafts and Trade Goods
The Desert Homestead
c/o the Family McCardel3175 State Rt. 3
Loudonville, OH 44842
Friends of the Third World
National Resource Center611 West Wayne Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
MCC Self-Help Crafts - USA
Department A704 Main St.
Akron, PA 17501
MCC Self-Help Crafts - Canada
Box 869, 65 Heritage DriveNew Hamburg, ON N0B 2G0
Mountain Maid
Box 1386Port-au-Prince, HAITI
U.S. Forwarding Address:
Box 15650
West Palm Beach, FL 33416
Pueblo to People
A Non-profit Organization1616 Montrose
Houston, TX 77006
Self-Help Handcrafts500 Main Street
P.O. Box 365
New Windsor, MD 21776-0365
Third World Handarts
4151 La Linda WaySierra Vista, AZ 85635
Death- and Bereavement-Related Services
The Compassionate Friends
Canadian National Office685 William Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0Z2
The Compassionate Friends
P.O. Box 3696Oak Brook, IL 60522-3696
Continental Association of Funeral and Memorial Societies
(includes Canadian Memorial Societies)2001 "S" St. N.W., Suite 530
Washington, DC 20009
(or check your phone book for your local Memorial Society listing)
National Hospice Organization
1901 N. Fort Myer Dr., Suite 402Arlington, VA 22209
Economic Development and Alternatives
Green America (formerly Co-op America)
2100 M Street, NWSuite 310
Washington, DC 20063
Evergreen Society
Box 222
Grand Rapids, MI 46588
Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
P.O. Box 95Epes, AL 35460
Or: 100 Edgewood Ave., NW
Suite 1228
Atlanta, GA 30303
Heifer Project International
HeadquartersP.O. Box 808
Little Rock, AR 72203
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
475 Riverside Drive, room 566New York, NY 10115
Peace Corps Partnership Program
806 Connecticut Ave., NWWashington, DC 20526
Heschel Memorial Forest Fund
211 Florida Ave, NWWashington, DC 20036
Jewish National Fund of Canada
National Headquarters1980 Sherbrooke St. W., Ste 500
Montreal, QC H3H 1E8
Save the Redwoods League
114 Sansome Street, room 605San Francisco, CA 94104
Scoutrees for Canada
Scouts CanadaP.O. Box 5151, Station LCD-Merrivale
Ottawa, ON K2C 3G7
Sierra Club
730 Polk St.San Francisco, CA 94109
Hostels and Elderhostels
75 Federal St.Boston, MA 02110
Elderhostel Canada
Bajus Building308 Wellington St.
Kingston, ON K7K 7A7
Hostelling International Canada
400-205 Catherine St.Ottawa, ON K2P 1C3
Hostelling International USA
American Youth Hostels733-15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Habitat for Humanity International
121 Habitat St.Americus, GA 31709
Hunger Programs
Bread for the World
802 Rhode Island Ave., NEWashington, DC 20018
ELCA Hunger Appeal
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America8765 W. Higgins Rd.
Chicago, IL 60631
Hunger Action
United Church of Christ3rd floor, 700 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
Oxfam America
26 West StreetBoston, MA 02111
Presbyterian Hunger Program
100 Witherspoon St.Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Society of St. Andrew
P.O. Box 329Big Island, VA 24526
United Methodist Committee on Relief
General Board of Global MinistriesWorld Program Division
475 Riverside Drive, room 1307
New York, NY 10115
Overseas Development
Church World Service
28606 Phillips St. 219-264-3102Pax World Foundation
4400 East-West Hwy.Suite 130
Bethesda, MD 20814
Reformed Church World Service
475 Riverside Dr.New York, NY 10115
United Methodist Church
General Board of Global MinistriesWorld Program Division
475 Riverside Drive, room 1516
New York, NY 10115
Political and Social Justice
Agricultural Missions, Inc.
475 Riverside Drive, room 624New York, NY 10115
Amnesty International
214 Montreal St., Ste. 401Vanier, ON K1L 1A4
Center for Global Education
Augsburg College2211 Riverside Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Commission on Religion in Appalachia
P.O. Box 10867864 Weisgarber Road, NW
Knowville, TN 37919
Fellowship of Reconciliation
523 N. BroadwayBox 271
Nyack, NY 10960-0271
The Gray Panthers
3700 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104Institute for Peace and Justice
4144 Lindell #122St. Louis, MO 63108
Koinonia Partners
Americus, GA 31709National Farm Worker Ministry
1337 West Ohio
Chicago, IL 60622
Rural Advancement Fund (RAF)
National Sharecroppers Fund (NSF)
2124 Commonwealth Ave.Charlotte, NC 28205
Rural Crisis Issue Team
Domestic Hunger and Poverty ProjectNational Council of Churches of Christ
Division of Church and Society
475 Riverside Dr., Rm. 572
New York, NY 10115
United Farm Workers
La PazKeene, CA 93570
The Center for Responsible Tourism
2 Kensington RoadSan Anselmo, CA
P.O. Box 11-357Bangkok 10110
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