How to Say Merry Christmas in 31 Countries
(You can also search the Web for others)
Argentina: Feliz Navidad (Printed version had Felices Pasquas - but that's Happy Easter, we believe)
Armenia: Schernorhavor Dzenount
Belgium: Vrolike Kerstmis (Flemish - Walloon would be the same as France's)
Bohemia: Vesele Vanoce
Bulgaria: Chestita Koleda
China: Kung Hsi Hsin (Cantonese)
Shèngdàn Kwàilè (Mandarin)
Croatia: Sretan Bozic
Denmark: Glædelig Jul
Estonia: Roomsaid Joulu Puhi
Finland: Houska Joulua
France: Joyeux Noël
Germany: Fröhliche Weihnachten
Greece: Kala Christougena (or Christouyena - that 'g' isn't anything like an English 'g')
Hungary: Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket
Iraq: Idah Saidan
Ireland: Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Italy: Buon Natale
Japan: Meri Kurisumasu
Latvia: Priecigus Ziemassvetkus
Lithuania: Linksmu Kaledu
Netherlands: Vrolyk Kerfeest
Norway: God Jul
Poland: Boze Narodzenie
Portugal: Boas Festas
Rumania: Sarbatori vesele
Russia: S Rozhdestvom Kristovym
Serbia: Hristos se rodi
Slovakia: Vesele vianoce
Spain: Feliz Navidad
Sweden: God Jul
Wales: Nadolig Llawen
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