Archives: Christmas Anthologies
A Christmas Reader
- Why this Issue
- * "A Story of Christmas" by Bill Vaughan
- * "A Stranger in Our Midst" by Celestine Sibley
- "If You Had Been There" by Martin Luther
- "Little Jesus" by Frances Thompson
- "The Cratchits' Christmas Dinner" by Charles Dickens
- The Friendly Beasts
- "My Best Christmas Gift" by Raul Quintanilla
- "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry
- "A Hymn of the Nativity" by Richard Crashaw
- "Where Love Is, There God Is Also" by Leo Tolstoy
- "What Can I Give Him?" by Christina Rossetti
- "A Christmas Prayer" by Robert Louis Stevenson
- "Ye Greate Astonishment"
First issued, 1987; reprinted, 1996
A Christmas Collection
- Why This Collection?
- * "Cotton Patch Gospels" by Clarence Jordan
- * "The Holy Night" by Selma Lagerlof
- * "Some Children See Him" by Wihla Hutson
- * "The List of Jeremy Quist" by Carol Greene
- " Cosette" by Victor Hugo
- * "A Wish" by Stephanie Harris
- "O Baby Born in Bethlehem" by Beth Rice Luttrell
- * "Hanukah" by Dalia Hardot Renberg
- * "A Christmas Story" by Katherine Anne Porter
- "Sweet Little Jesus Boy..." by Milo Thronberry
- "Best and Worst Christmas Gifts" (various authors)
Originally published as Alternatives Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4, edited by Heidi Roy and Milo Thornberry, cover art and lay-out by Kathie Klein. Reissued 1997.
A Christmas Sampler
- Introduction
- How to Say Merry Christmas in 31 Countries
- Flower of the Nativity
- *"Christmas in the Stable," by Astrid Lindgren
- *"Jesous Ahatonhia," by Father Jean de Brebeuf. English
text by J.E. Middleton
- but see for better English and French translations, and for Middleton's version (of the verses).
- *"Christmas Day in the Morning," by Pearl Buck.
- *"The Little Clockmaker," by Ruth Sawyer.
- "The Christ Child Who Was Too Poor," by Adelee Wendel.
- *"Carol of the Brown King," by Langston Hughes.
- *"Mary Had a Baby," reprinted from Sing Out! Magazine, vol. 4, #1.
- *"The Three Gifts," by Jane T. Clement.
- *"We Have Seen His Star," by Charles Brady.
- *"There's No Such Thing as a Poor Christmas," by Celestine Sibley.
All of the above items appear in the printed editions, but for copyright reasons, those marked * do not appear here.
Originally produced by Alternatives for Simple Living -- resources (some in Spanish) for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, weddings and other celebrations.
You may reproduce, but not sell, parts of this resource, under the Creative Commons license. Credit Please use recycled paper.
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