Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? #12
An Advent and Christmas Resource for Families and Churches
Table of Contents
Alternative Giving: A Birthday Gift for Jesus
More CHRISTmas - Less Consuming: Advent/Christmas Calendar.
The ADVENT & CHRISTMAS CALENDAR gives brief thoughts or actions for each day in Advent through the Festival of Epiphany. The calendar is also appropriate as bulletin inserts and posters. See Spanish version in Archives.
REFLECTIONS Through Advent to Epiphany
Ronald J. "Ron" Sider has written seven new reflections - one for each week in Advent, Christmas Eve, the Sunday after Christmas and Epiphany - based on lectionary readings for Cycle B.
Ron, Ph.D., Yale, is professor of theology at Eastern Seminary, corresponding editor of Christianity Today, President of Evangelicals for Social Action (which includes Prism and Creation Care Magazines and the Generous Christians Campaign) and has published more than 20 books, including the classic Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger.
God, We Await Your Advent Here: Hymn
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