Family Fun

Archives: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? #16

Family Fun

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Getting a Clear Picture of the Spirit of Christmas

Uncovering the true spirit of Christmas can be difficult because of all the media hype and consumerism. Also, each person will find something just a little bit different in what Christmas means, usually because of upbringing and personality. Taking time to share feelings and thoughts in our families helps us to celebrate what we all believe about Christmas.

Here's one fun way of helping our families to find and share the spirit of Christmas!

Step #1

Between December 6 (the Feast of St. Nicholas) and the day after Christmas (Kwaanza) each family member is to find and take "pictures" of the "Spirit of Christmas" whenever and wherever they see it. Encourage them to approach the task as creatively as possible. Though capturing the "Spirit" may not be simple, it is fun.

Each person's media might include:

Step #2

After December 26th, take the cameras to a photo developer and have them all developed at the same time. Schedule a family meeting on Holy family Sunday (that is the Sunday between Christmas and New Year) at which each person will be given the opportunity to share their photos, stories and other creations.

Step #3

At the family meeting, each person takes a turn holding up their creation, then passing it around, after they have explained how it symbolizes or is "the Spirit of Christmas." The listeners have the task to listen. They can ask questions of clarification, but are strongly encouraged not to offer any other comments. Everyone takes turns sharing all their creations and the stories that go with them. Discuss why each person chose their particular media.

Step #4

After all the creations are shown, the family can then explore several options.

-Tom Rinkoski, Diocese of Green Bay


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WHOSE Birthday? Contest


Each year we try to show in art the tension between faith and culture. Faith is symbolized by Jesus and culture by Santa Claus and credit cards.

We initiated this "contest" to ask, "What does this picture mean to me?" as a way of getting people to talk about what Christmas really means to them.

People have a hard time testifying to simpler living, even in a Christian context, so we try to provide tools. We offer greeting cards and bumper stickers to help "Send a Simple Message!"

Use this new art for discussions this year. Send us your responses to share.

Discussion Questions

  1. What objects do you see? What names do the credit cards have?
  2. How do you feel about bills overflowing a Christmas stocking? What does that symbolize?
  3. What caption would you give this drawing?
  4. What do you think this picture means or represents? Do you agree or disagree with that meaning?

The art is on page 25 in the 2003 booklet or in Alternatives' Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art for Simple Living and Global Justice #3A-530.

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Word Finds

These word finds are meant to be challenging so children and adults might work on them together. They aren't the same. Read the rules. Circle each word when you find it, then check it off the list to find them all.

Some of these words may be unfamiliar to your child(ren), so be ready to discuss their meaning and their relation to Christmas. The brief definitions are meant to provoke discussion.

What We SEEK at Christmas

Hidden words are horizontal, vertical, diagonal and backwards (right to left and bottom to top). Two or more words may share a letter.

Word List

Advent: The four weeks before Christmas, a time of preparation

Angels: heavenly beings that announced Jesus' birth to the shepherds

Bethlehem: Jesus' birth place,"house of bread"

Candles: the lights on the Advent wreath

Carols: Christmas songs

Changes: doing something differently for the better

Charity: giving time and money to needy people and worthwhile causes

EarthFriendly: living to help - not harm - our home, the Earth

Friends: people you can count on

Generous: giving more than what we have to spare

Giving: not expecting something in return

Happiness: what makes life worth living

Hope: living as if life has meaning and purpose

Jesus: our Savior

Joseph: Jesus' Earthly father

Joy: Wonderful experience� having� Jesus, Others and Yourself in a balanced relationship

Justice: changing government and corporations to help the needy

Magi: the wise ones that brought Jesus gifts

Manger: Jesus' bed at his birth place

Mary: Jesus' mother

Moderation: just right, not too little and not too much, enough

Peace: Personal and world-wide harmony

Relatives: People who are in your extended family'- naturally or by adoption

Relax: Doing nothing or something to reduce stress

Rituals: ways to strengthen ties and help us remember

Sharing: giving so we and others have enough

Shepherds: People who tend sheep, some of the first to visit Jesus after his birth

Simplify: to reduce stress, debt and possessions, using only our fair share

Sing: Using our voice to express feelings musically, different than speaking

StNicholas: a holy man from history that is a model of generous giving

Star: a bright heavenly object that pointed the way to Jesus

Thanks: Ritual or feeling in response to a welcome gift

Traditions: Usefulways of doing things

Volunteer: working for love instead of money

Worship: a ritual that honors God



What to AVOID at Christmas

Hidden words are either horizontal or vertical, none are diagonal or backwards. Two or more words may share a letter.

Word List

Advertising: urging us to buy something, whether we need it or not, whether it's good for us or not

Arguing: disagreeing rather than discussing, usually negative and unhelpful

Beg: To ask for something over and over, even after a decision� has been made

Busy: Always doing something, little time to relax

Charging: buying with credit cards, going into debt carelessly

Credit: borrowing then repaying with interest

Debt: owing someone else money or time

Excess: too much

Greedy: wanting more than our fair share, more than enough, overconsuming

Insincere: pretending to like or care

Malls: Cathedrals of the religion of Consumption

Overspending: using more money, energy or time than we have, carelessly

Rushing: moving faster than necessary, using more energy than needed

Santa: (short for Santa Claus) St. Nicholas' evil twin, an advertising symbol that seems to portray generosity but tends to instill greed in children

Selfish: More concerned with self than others, out of balance

Shopping: spending time looking for and buying stuff

Stress: tight muscles and short tempers brought on by unrealistic expectations of self and others

Stuff: things that are wanted but not really needed

Television: the biggest way to advertise; it seems to be for entertainment and news

Waste: using more than is really necessary; not reusing and recycling

Whining: using our voice and body in an annoying way to get what we want

Worry: Over concern about real or imagined problems


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This page last update 25 October 2015

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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.