Carols with Justice
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
It may not be as trumpet sound
Resounding 'cross the skies,
But in the form of fallen ones
From whom we turn our eyes:
The stranger standing at our door,
The child unclothed, ill fed.
God once again appears in flesh
Without a roof or bed.
(Densley H. Palmer)
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
God rest you weary laborers,
You need a living wage
And fact'ries healthy, safe and clean
And just eight hour days
To save us all from corporate power
And values gone astray.
O tidings of justice and rights, human rights,
O tidings of justice and rights!
(Jeff Borg, Denver Justice and Peace Committee)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Remember the poor, the sick and the old;
Your love for all people is worth more than gold.
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year!
(Rae E. Whitney)
Simple Living Works! *
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.