By becoming a member of Alternatives, you help us challenge the way our consumer society continues to usurp our holy days and exploit people and the environment. With your help, more people can experience the joy that comes from celebrating and living in ways that affirm all God's creation.
All members receive:
See inside the back cover of any Resource Guide for details on BENEFITS, or visit http://www.simpleliving.org/main/Membership.php
"The Simple Liver"$35. ($25 for students and fixed income) MEMA "The Non-conformer"$50. (family) MEMB "The Co-operator"$100. MEMC "Responsible Celebrator" $250. MEMD "The Downscaler" $500. MEME "The Community" Institutional Membership$75 or more. MEMJ Extended Memberships Extended memberships are made once.
Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com