Archives: Christmas Pack #12
Cover Page
What Is a Gift?
Resources for Churches and Groups
- How to Use This Packet
- "What Is A Gift?," a Reflection/Action Resource
- "Celebrating the Good News of Christmas" Workshop
- "A Saint Nicholas Day Celebration"
- "An Epiphany Celebration"
- "The Land of Sharing" Play | Bulletin Insert Sample (available on paper)
- Christmas Gift Card (available on paper)
- Poster (available on paper)
How To Use This Packet
With resources centered on the theme, What Is A Gift?, this packet will guide church leaders to encourage those within the congregation and community to challenge our culture's definition of a gift.
What Is A Gift?, A Reflection/Action Resource encourages individuals and groups to redefine gifts and gift-giving. It can be used in small study groups, church school classes or it can be handed out to individuals for personal reflection.
Celebrating the Good News of Christmas Workshop gives detailed instructions for organizing a three-session, intergenerational workshop that encourages participants to look closely at their Christmas expectations, to consider how to make changes, and to learn to celebrate the good news of Christmas.
A Saint Nicholas Day Celebration can be used during a worship service or special Christmas event to acknowledge December 6th.
An Epiphany Celebration can also be used during a worship service or special Christmas event to acknowledge January 6th.
The Land of Sharing Play can be presented to both children and adults in a Christmas service or event.
The What Is A Gift Poster can be used to remind people to rethink gifts and gift-giving. The Bulletin Insert (sample enclosed) can be ordered in bulk for use any week during Advent or Christmas. The Christmas Gift Card (sample enclosed) can also be ordered in bulk to notify people when a gift has been given in their name.
Many More Christmas Articles
Copyright Creative Commons (original ©1991, Alternatives)
Feel free to reprint parts of this booklet on a not-for-profit basis.
Page updated 11 Sept. 2013
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