The Jesse Tree

Archives: Whose Birthday Is It? Anyway? #9

The Jesse Tree

Many meaningful Christian symbols help us focus on preparations for Christmas during Advent. . . the Advent wreath, Chrismons, and eventually the Christmas tree. When so many commercial symbols try to distract us from the real meaning of the season, the Jesse Tree is a lesser known but also powerful, visual focal point.

At the beginning of Advent (no later than four weeks prior to Christmas) cut a branch from a lilac or forsythia just above a bud and place it in a vase filled with water. Make the cut clean and at an angle. A vase filled with clear glass beads and water will provide support for the Jesse Tree. Maintain a water level above the cut and the Jesse Tree will blossom by Christmas. Lilacs, regardless of their blossom color, will bloom white when forced this way.

At the end of chapter 10, Isaiah foretells the end of the Assyrian rule over Jerusalem as God "hack(ing) down the thickets of a forest with an ax." Razing it to stumps. The Israelites - David's line - had been so razed.

Then comes the promise in Isaiah 11: 1-2, from which the Jesse Tree gets its name - "A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots."

And from that line will come the Messiah. . . a new branch from a stump. . . a branch stronger and more fruitful than the original tree.

The Jesse Tree is beautiful by itself. But it can also hold ornaments, symbols of the season of Advent, the season of waiting. . . a scroll to remember the prophecies. . . a dove to remind us of the peace that comes with Messiah. . . a crown for David's son, Solomon. . . a rose with twelve petals, one for each of Jesse's sons from whom sprang the twelve tribes of Israel.

As we hang the ornaments - usually one per day - we tell the related story. The prophecies come to life with the appearance of blooms - new life from an old branch - as they did with the birth of Jesus Christ.

For more information about possible designs of the ornaments, contact your public or church library.

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This page last updated 20 October 2012

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