Here are samples of finished resources from us and from others to spark your creativity. Yes, you can use them 'as is,' or take the original elements and add your personality! Most are in PDF format.
NOTE: The name Alternatives for Simple Living and the contact information mentioned in some of the following are obsolete. You may want to line them out on copies you make and substitute
Advent Bulletin Insert series (redesigned by
Consumo, Overlord of Overconsumption
Christmas Packs:
Simple Living 101: Tools for Activists: More Resources for Speakers
Wedding Alternatives:
What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? (pageant) - PDF or TEXT
Also comes in AUDIO.
Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (Advent/Christmas) #16-20 also come in AUDIO.
Worship Alternatives: Sermons, Art, Litanies, Hymns, Prayers, etc. Look for PDF in all Worship Items categories.
Index of Publications by Themes/Seasons
Page updated 1/26/22
Simple Living Works! *
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Podcast INDEX
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.