Christmas Budget Worksheet
(Cost/Analysis Form)
How Much Do We Spend At Christmas?
(Use the amounts from last year or estimate this year’s totals.)
1. Gifts
Spouse ____________
Mother ____________
Father ____________
Step-Mother ____________
Step-Father ____________
Mother-in-law ____________
Father-in-law ____________
Children ____________
Step-Children ____________
Siblings ____________
Step-Siblings ____________
Grandmother(s) ____________
Grandfather(s) ____________
Grandchildren ____________
Uncles ____________
Aunts ____________
Nieces ____________
Nephews ____________
Pets ____________
Others ____________
Total Family Gifts ____________
Friends and Others:
Friends ____________
Neighbors ____________
Boss/Supervisor ____________
Co-Workers ____________
Mail Carrier ____________
Trash Collector ____________
Others ____________
Total Friends & Others ____________
Other Gift Expenses
Shopping Trips (gas, etc.) ____________
Wrapping Paper ____________
Ribbons/Boxes ____________
Shipping ____________
Total Other Gift Expenses ____________
2. Christmas Cards:
Cards/Supplies ____________
Postage ____________
Total Christmas Cards ____________
3. Decorations
Christmas Tree ____________
Ornaments ____________
Lights ____________
Home Decorations ____________
Other ____________
Total Decorations: ____________
4. Food/Gatherings
Christmas Dinner ____________
Special Meals ____________
Party Foods & Beverages ____________
Total Food/Gatherings ____________
5. Travel Expenses
Airline/Bus/Train Tickets ____________
Gas/Road Expenses ____________
Other ____________
Total Travel Expenses ____________
6. New Clothes __________
7. Other ____________
Christmas Spending Totals:
1. Gifts ____________
2. Christmas Cards ____________
3. Decorations ____________
4. Food/Gatherings ____________
5. Travel Expenses ____________
6. New Clothes
7. Other ____________
Grand Total ____________
The Christmas Contribution Calculation
1. Grand Total from above ____________
2. Multiply by 25% x .25
TOTAL ____________
This is how much money I plan to divert this Christmas to organizations that promote peace and justice.
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.