Our Simpler Living
Daily Nudge
Table of Contents
NOTE: The months themselves are arranged in reverse order, December first, January last, though I can't remember why.
Note: MF = Moveable Feast, such as Mother's Day, in contrast to Fixed Feasts, such as Christmas, always 12/25.
- Month 1*: Life Principles of Voluntary Simplicity--Week 1: Do Justice || Week 2: Learn from the World Community || Week 3: Nurture People || Week 4: Non-conform Freely
- Month 2*: Celebrating More Responsibly-- Week 1: Music/Worship || Week 2: Preparing for Lent, Easter and Other Spring Festivals || Week 3: Rites of Passage || Week 4: What Is 'Enough'?
- Month 3*: Global Justice--Week 1: Language || Week 2: Hunger & Homelessness || Week 3: Peace/Non-Violence || Week 4: Advocacy/Boycotts
- Month 4*: Earth Care--Voluntary Simplicity Life Principle #5: Cherish the Natural Order--Week 1: Water || Week 2: Energy || Week 3: Chemicals & Waste || Week 4: Consumables
- Month 5*: Earth Care // Week 1: Reduce // Week 2: Reuse // Week 3: Recycle // Week 4: Restore
- Month 6*: Alternative Giving // Week 1: Contributions // Week 2: Volunteering // Week 3: More Alternative Giving // Week 4: Planning Christmas Festivals Early
- Month 7*: Money & Goods // Week 1: Green Business // Week 2: Green Investing // Week 3: Green Products // Week 4: Personal Finance, Credit & Debt
- Month 8*: Personal Choices, Happiness, Fulfillment // Week 1: Work, Stress & Health // Week 2: Support // Week 3: Transportation & Travel // Week 4: Homes & Buildings: Construction, Energy Generating, Appliances
- Month 9*: Non-conform Freely // Week 1: Media Literacy || Week 2: Advertising & Public Relations || Week 3: Alternatives to TV, Video Games, Movies, Gambling || Week 4: Marketing
- Month 10*: Sustenance // Week 1: Food || Week 2: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation || Week 3: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming || Week 4: Gardening
- Month 11* // Week 1: More Celebrating || Week 2: Preparations || Week 3: Unplug the Christmas Machine || Week 4: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?
- Month 12*: Responsible Celebrating (Advent) Week 1: Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas, #1-6 || Week 2: 10 Tips, #7-8 || Week 3: 10 Tips, #9-10+ || Week 4: Christmas, Kwanzaa, Holy Innocents
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NOTE: SLW! ENHANCED Simpler Living Daily Nudges contain all of the legacy episodes of The Common Good Podcast, Simple Living Works! Podcast and Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast--mostly in chronological order.
Page updated 10/28/24
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.