Fall, 2013
Simple Living Works! Extends Mission Using Social Media
Simple Living Works! is extending the spirit of faith-based voluntary simple living through social media.
Simple Living Works! [SLW!] promotes the same mission as Alternatives, its predecessor: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly. SLW! serves everyone.
The new Simple Living Works! 30 minute free podcast is posted twice a month. Listen at SimpleLivingWorks.org (window #3). Subscribe through iTunes or Stitcher or your favorite podcast service.
The Simple Living Works! free blog is posted three times each week at SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com.
SLW! is an all-volunteer educational organization directed by Gerald Iversen, the National Coordinator of Alternatives, 1995-2007. SLW! sells nothing and solicits and accepts no cash donations.
Iversen offers free coaching for simple living groups on the internet.
SLW! maintains Alternatives' Archives of hundreds of free educational and inspirational resources -- text, audio and video -- for children and adults, for seasonal and year-round use.
SLW! also collaborates with Jubilee Economics Ministries (JEM) - Jubilee-Economics.org - to produce a weekly blog and a monthly podcast at TheCommonGoodPodcast.com.
"All our services and resources are free of charge on the internet. We print nothing on paper," said Iversen, the Chief Activist of SLW!
SLW! also produces a free monthly eNewsletter. And Alternatives' numerous videos have been up-dated at YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks.
Contact SLW! at SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com. Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org
Editors: For more information, contact Gerald Iversen at SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com.
You may REPRINT excerpts without further permission. You may REPRINT complete resources or articles on a not-for-profit basis under the Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-and-share-alike license. NOTE: All Alternatives' current media releases are available for easy downloading at SimpleLivingWorks.org. Click on ABOUT US >> NEWS.Home | Media Release Index | Resource Archives Index
This page last updated 12 Nov. 2013
Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.