About Alternatives

Archives: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2006

About Alternatives

Table of Contents

ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living

ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living

Mission: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly

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About Alternatives

Organized in 1973 as a protest against the commercialization of Christmas, Alternatives for Simple Living encourages people of faith to examine and challenge our consumer society. The alluring and seductive yet empty promises of advertising and strong cultural pressures at Christmas and throughout the year lead many to live and celebrate in ways that are neither fulfilling nor joyful.

We proclaim that celebrations and living can indeed be what we hope for. Joy to the World need not be an empty promise.

We welcome people to join us in our efforts by becoming members. See pages 28-31 for information on some of our resources. Contact us for a free copy of our catalog, about membership, about our nationwide volunteer network of speakers, and about our extensive web site.

Alternatives is a non-profit organization that works with numerous Protestant denominations and Catholic dioceses to provide and distribute materials on responsible living, social justice and peace. In addition to this booklet, we offer Christmas resources for church and home; Lenten materials; videos on responsibly celebrating Christmas and challenging consumerism; a wedding packet; a toolbook for activists shy or bold; a collection of graphics and quotations; and books of ideas for celebrations throughout the year. Many of our resources are available on CD or DVD. Our mail-order catalog offers resources for individuals, church leaders and groups.

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Alternatives’ Honorary Board of Directors

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Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com | Blog INDEX
VIDEOS: YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks
MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.