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9 Steps to Living Sustainably

1. Walk, hike, carpool...(drive less)

Taking alternative means of transport for a weekly 20-mile trip represents less than a 10% decrease in the average American's driving, but can reduce your weekly CO2 emissions by more than 18 lbs.

2. Eat less feedlot beef

By replacing one beef meal a week you will save 70 lbs. of grain, 70 lbs. of topsoil, and 40,000 gallons of water each year.

3. Eat eco-friendly seafood

If you stop eating shrimp, you can save 12 lbs. of sea life this year alone, and begin to protect the world's precious mangrove forests.

4. Free yourself from junk mail

If you succeed in halving your personal bulk mail, you will save nearly 1/5 of a tree, 46 lbs. of CO2, and 70 gallons of water each year.

5. Install compact fluorescents

By replacing your standard bulbs with CFLs you can prevent the emission of 5000 lbs. of CO2.

6. Change your thermostat

By turning your thermostat back 10 to 15 for 8 hours, you can save about 5% to 15% per year on your heating bill; a saving of as much as 1% for each degree.

7. Eliminate lawn pesticides

15 oz. Might not sound like much, but consider diazinon, one of the most commonly use home and garden pesticides. One ounce of diazinon is enough to exceed government aquatic life guidelines for 94 million gallons of water.

8. Reduce home water usage

If you install faucet aerators and efficient showerheads, you can save nearly 80,000 gal. Of water and prevent over 450 lbs. of CO2 emissions each year.

9. Talk to your friends!

Hand this off to your friends and start a great conversation about living sustainably.

For more information visit www.myfootprint.org.

Page updated 6 April 2014

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