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Siouxland Social Justice eNews

  • The SLW! Blog/eNews comes as a free subscription to SLW! Blog (When you arrive, click +Follow in lower right, add your email address, then confirm when email arrives.)
  • Free Daily Nudges are available online -- send NUDGE to -- or by Twitter @GeraldIversen.

  • Simpler Living Daily Nudges ENHANCED--Read a nudge each day or once a week, at your pace. For 2023, each day is enhanced by having two bonus links. Throughout the year, the entire archive of podcasts from Jubilee OneEarth Economics and Simple Living Works! is offered. Also, since SLW! monthly blog is on pause, a legacy blog is incorporated into each daily nudge. Forward to friends, who can subscribe by sending NUDGE to
  • --free and open to the public. Held at the First Unitarian Church, 2508 Jackson St, Sioux City, IA. Social hour in basement from 5-6 PM; meeting/presentation, 6-7 PM

    Monthly Book Introduction from 5:30-6:30pm each 2nd Wednesday

    Please continue to visit our website where you'll find links, inside the "Get Involved" and "Events" pages, to webinars, videos and citizen science activities for everyone regardless of where you call "home." Check out our "official" Facebook page, and never hesitate to reach out to us directly.

    Recent Facebook Posts--Like us on Facebook. Find "Events" calendar and "Get involved" tabs Engage in our local area virtual community:

    Call us: 712.986.6210

    No matter where you live, we encourage you find your nearest Sierra Club chapter We all can benefit from community. Also going on....Katie Rock wrote the Beyond Coal, Iowa Op Ed:


    Jeanne Bockholt
    Northwest Iowa Group Sierra Club

    Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet

    Loess Hills Wild Ones

    Explore the world of bees and learn from experts to build your skills as a community scientist every third Friday from May through November.

    Register just once to attend all sessions here: Leath Tonino, The SUN Magazine 12/20
    Connect here.

    RECENT Progressive TITLES at the Sioux City Public Library

    Permanent distortion: how the financial markets abandoned the real economy forever by Nomi Prins

    When McKinsey comes to town: the hidden influence of the world's most powerful consulting firm by Walt Bogdanich

    Starry messenger: cosmic perspectives on civilization by Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Trigger points: inside the mission to stop mass shootings in America by Mark Follman

    The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture [sound recording (CD)] by Wendell Berry

    "How the word is passed: a reckoning with the history of slavery across America" by Clint Smith

    "The tantrum that saved the world" by Megan Herbert

    Coronavirus criminals and pandemic profiteers: accountability for those who caused the crisis by John Nichols

    Gangsters of capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the making and breaking of America's empire by Jonathan M. Katz

    The 1619 Project: a new origin story by Nikole Hannah-Jones

    Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah-Jones--Juvenile Book

    Dirty work: essential jobs and the hidden toll of inequality in America by Eyal Press et al.

    Not "a nation of immigrants": settler colonialism, white supremacy, and a history of erasure and exclusion by Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne


    Four Foundations for Earth Care: Solidarity, Sustainability, Sufficiency & Democracy
    By Rev. Peter Sawtell (recorded 10/18/21)--Remember him from First Congregational Church, Sioux City, then Eco-Justice Ministries!?

    The Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition of KC, the Environmental Action Committee of Village Church, and Earthkeepers of Heartland Presbyterian co-sponsored a presentation focusing on Earth Care and Environmental Ethics.

    See it now at

    Univ.So.Dakota Sustainability Newsletter
    Center for Social Ministry's Programs
    Our programs are now open for registration including some NEW options! Visit our online catalog for more info and to register. Courses include:

    Moral Mondays IOWA (virtual)
    Join Moral Mondays IOWA on Zoom (register here) or Facebook on the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa or Moral Mondays IOWA pages at noon. Moral Mondays IOWA is a collaborative project designed to highlight the progress at work in the Iowa legislature. As a coalition of over 30 progressive Iowa organizations, including MFSA, Moral Mondays IOWA proactively supports the moral good sought through policies that span a range of progressive issues and works for the advancement of Iowa values like equality, fairness, and justice.

    Siouxland Coalition Against Human Trafficking

    Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking and Slavery

    Want a curated list of anti-human trafficking news? Read our latest blog with over 40 links to news and research.

    Invitation to Read and Sign OneEarth Jubilee Covenant for the 2020's

    Jubilee Blog -- Let's Think & Act Jubilee
    First Thursday of the Month--Loess Hills Audubon Society monthly meeting at Pecaut Nature Center, 7 pm (not 7:30). Visit

    At Pecaut Nature Center the naturalists will be leading nature programs for kids and families. Check the events calendar to learn more about these programs!

    Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (DPNC), 4500 Sioux River Rd., Sioux City. Most events are free and held at DPNC. To register, contact 712-258-0838 or 

    Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast Recent Episodes

    The podcast is currently on pause.

    1/22 -- Chuck Collins on the Industry That Protects Wealth and How It Hurts Everyone

    12/21 -- Della Duncan, Renegade Economics

    11/21 -- Lauren Van Ham: Radical Inter-religious Cooperation Is Working to Save Life on Our Planet

    10/21 -- Encuentro: A U.S./Mexico Conversation on Living the Alternative Worldview We Call OneEarth Jubilee

    Simple Living Works! Latest Blog/eNews #120 -- Eric LeCompte: Forgive Us Our Debts -- Woes and Wins in Canceling Student Debt

    Simple Living Works! Blog--eNews #119 -- Brenda Wyss: Feminist Economics Is Creating Just Systems That Meet Current Crises

    Simple Living Works! Blog--eNews #118 -- Matt Brennan: An Advocate for Your Congregation and Nonprofit on How to Install Solar Power

    Simple Living Works! Blog--eNews #117 -- Carrie Radloff on Midwest Environmental Activism

    All of SLW! and OneEarth Jubilee Economics' 250+ podcast episodes and SLW! legacy Blogs are offered--one at a time in the Daily Nudge. If you do not already receive the email that links to the Daily Nudges, subscribe for free by sending NUDGE to
    Activist Carrie Radloff is maintaining a "one-stop shop" GoogleDoc of environmental webinars at With COVID and the cold, events and educational programs have moved online, and finding and keeping up with all of them can be challenging, so she hopes this makes it easier for people to stay informed and engaged.

    Watch: The Update on Racial Profiling in Iowa

    ICYMI, CCI members Lori Young and Harvey Harrison presented a detailed webinar that included robust data and information about the history of racial profiling in Iowa.

    You can access the recording of the webinar hereSlides are available at this link.

    This political education meeting discussed how this global pandemic has only exposed just how bad our communities have been hurting, and challenged us to think bigger about the scale of solutions we should be fighting for in response to the Covid-19 crisis. We examined the neoliberal policies that got us here and what it will take to get us out of the hole we’re in.

    Access the recording of the webinar here.

    How to be in better relationship with the oppressed of the oppressed

    Rev. Vance Blackfox--"Truth & Healing for the Sake of Indigenous People" Series

    Indian 101 // Movements in Indian Country // Indigenous Thought & Theology

    Questions? Contact Vance@OtherWise.Red

    For previous workshops in this series, visit "Truth and Healing for the Sake of Indigenous People" Series.

    Solving the Climate Crisis with No-Growth Economics

    To get a worldview very different from the greed and profit-oriented politicians and corporatists, visit these solution-oriented resources:

    1. GrowthBusters // GrowthBusters Podcast
    2. Post-Carbon Institute // CrazyTown Podcast — SLW! Ep. 109–Richard Heinberg
    3. CASSE: Center for the Advancement of the Steady-State Economy // Steady-Stater Podcast // The Common Good Podcast Ep. 46: Brian Czech (use player)

    To participate in the monthly OneEarth Jubilee (JEM) Circle ZOOM Conference Call and/or the monthly Forum call, contact

    "Jubilee Circles" is now available also as an audiobook, at iTunes, Nook Audiobooks, Google Play, and, which offers a free sample. It includes 20 actions to take to help keep our planet livable. is the LINK to the audio version of the little book "Jubilee Circles: Help Save Life on the Planet." Please share this audio version with all who'd like to listen while jogging, walking, etc.

    Simpler Living Daily Nudge (updated weekly)

    Send 'Nudge' to to receive a free, brief monthly email.

    We must remember the "Triumvirate of Evil" -- T****, McConnell and Paul Ryan -- who brought us the Republican Tax Scam of 2017 that gave away billions to large corporations and the wealthy. We must work to reverse that immense inequality and instead to Tax the Rich!

    We can pay for so many essential social programs by having a just redistribution of wealth.

    Worthwhile Podcasts

    What Could Possibly Go Right? with Vicki Robin

    CrazyTown: Post-Carbon Institute

    Fallon Forum with Ed Fallon of Iowa

    Ralph Nader Radio Hour

    Imagine with Us (,

    Patheos--Progressive Christian

    Jesus for Everyone

    Peace Podcast from John Dear on Apple and Google. Author of 'They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and NonViolence in a Time of Climate Change'; SLW! #114: Part 1 // TCGP #98: Part 2


    Options for Curbing the Two Primary Drivers of the Climate Crisis: Overpopulation and Overconsumption

    10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations

    SLW! Blog--Nudge [click "+Follow" to subscribe]

    Simpler Living Daily Nudges - brief, available by email [send Nudge to] and/or Twitter [follow @GeraldIversen]

    Also connect with SLW! at

    FacebookSLW! Blog | Twitter | YouTubePinterest

    Gerald "Jerry" Iversen, host/producer


    Betty Strong Center offers "must see" programs Sundays, 2 p.m. Call: 712-224-5242, visit:  NOW find them on Facebook.

    IA Legislation tracking, a drive to amend Citizens United, water quality improvement action items and more can be found at Sierra Club-Iowa Chapter:

    Sign up as a Friend of Prairie Fire. Visit  or find them on Facebook and Twitter. 

    Listen to "Living on Earth" Sun., 10 am on KWIT-FM90.3, online @, or subscribe as podcast at iTunes.

    Find details of Sierra Club activities and others on our website at the Events and Meetings tab:

    "Explore, enjoy and protect the planet!"

    Click here for quick access to our Facebook site: "Like" Us on Facebook

    Click here to visit our new website: iowa/northwest-iowa



    Like on Facebook. | Follow me on Twitter.

    Free Subscription: Daily Simpler Living Nudges Receive brief nudges toward Simpler Living, such as the ones here, at no charge. Simply reply to with NUDGE at the top. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying Unsubscribe Nudge.

    Jubilee After CoronaVirus


    Snapshots: How Money is Turned into Jubilee Actions  

    We protect ourselves from Climate Crisis deniers, through such series as:

    You can access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes at (then click window #3). Complete Episode Index. Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent). To SUBSCRIBE to email notices, click Comments at the bottom of Show Notes, then check 'Notify me of new posts by email.' Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review. Send us your email address to receive the free monthly SLW! eNews. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same. Do your friends a favor. Share our blog and podcast. Like SLW! on Facebook. | Follow us on Twitter. | Follow us on Pinterest. Share your thoughts on our podcast and blogs. Email, leave a message on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.

    You're welcome to forward this monthly eNews to your friends and contacts. If you received this from a friend and want to continue receiving it directly from SLW! send a "SUBSCRIBE-SSJeNews" notice to Thanks.Open document settingsOpen publish panel

    Courses from Pace e Bene--REGISTER HERE

    Population Matters is hosting a virtual live-screening of the population segment of the important new documentary ENDGAME 2050. Watch the full film for free at the link.

    Featuring musician Moby along with top scientists, and created by physician-turned-environmentalist Sofia Pineda Ochoa, ENDGAME 2050 is an urgent call to action to tackle the existential crises bearing down on the planet.

    Mondays--Unlearning Racism/Oppression Classes
    Racism is a construct made in the mind of the oppressor and projected into the minds of the oppressed; to be experienced in Fear, Anger, Grief, Boredom and Guilt... Creating self hate and sickness and bad habits.
    Weekly series of classes, Mondays via Zoom. Free Introductory Lecture (45 minutes) provides details about continuing class format, costs and materials.


    ONE-STOP SHOP of environmental webinars at .  With COVID, events and educational programs have moved online, and finding and keeping up with all of them can be challenging, so this makes it easier for people to stay informed and engaged.

    Worthwhile Colleague Organizations

    Extinction Rebellion US // NAACP



    One Planet, One Child Campaign from Population Balance and The OverPopulation Podcast

    Recent Helpful Article
    12 of the Best Plant-Based Proteins Even Non-Vegetarians Should Eat
    peas / soybeans / plant-based beverages / pumpkin seeds / almonds and walnuts / beans / chickpeas / lentils / grains / chia seeds / nutritional yeast / plant-based meats /

    The OneEarth Project

    Subscribe to Jubilee OneEarth Economics email list and receive a free copy of Jubilee Circles. Click on the Download link in your Welcome Email. Paperback copies are available from Amazon for $5.99.

    Lee Van Ham's "Jubilee Circles" is available now also as an audiobook, at iTunes, Nook Audiobooks, Google Play, and, which offers a free sample. It includes 20 actions to take to help keep our planet livable. THAT'S THE LINK to the audio version of the little book "Jubilee Circles: Help Save Life on the Planet." Please share this audio version with all who'd like to listen while jogging, walking, etc.


    Options for Curbing the Two Primary Drivers of the Climate Crisis: Overpopulation and Overconsumption

    Jerry's Guide: Where to Get Books?  //  The OneEarth Project

    10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations

    SLW! Blog--Nudge (click '+Follow' to subscribe)

    We're Inviting Sierra Club to Rethink Overpopulation--Issue of Magazine Rife with Misassumptions

    The Nov./Dec.'19 issue of Sierra Club's magazine, Sierra, attempted to dissuade readers from concerning themselves about population's role in the damage we're doing to the life-supporting ecosystems of our planet. The writers and editors recommended focusing on our behavior instead. But if behavior is the problem, isn't the number of people misbehaving part of the sustainability equation? Of course, so The Overpopulation Podcast team recorded this episode to set the record straight. We can't afford to ignore either one.

    You won't want to miss this episode! Read more and hear the podcast here.

    Family Safety Guide for Immigrants / Guía de Seguridad para Familias de Inmigrantes --

    This eNews is a personal project, not an official publication of any organization. Opinions are those of the editor.

    NOTE: Report additions, changes and corrections within one week of publication. They will appear online, not by email.

    Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast, co-production of Simple Living Works! and Jubilee OneEarth Economics.

    SLW! Blog/Nudge: Monthly Digest, Daily Nudges. Also connect with SLW! at FacebookSLW! Blog | Twitter | YouTubePinterest

    Comments welcome.

    Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, Chief Activist, co-host/producer

    Simple Living Works! -- (or

    Equipping People of Faith to Challenge Consumerism, Live Justly and Celebrate Responsibly

    Daily NUDGEs * Legacy BLOGs and PODCASTs * Monthly eNEWS * Free Simpler Living VIDEOs * Hundreds of Free Personal and Educational RESOURCES -- all online, all free of charge

    Extending the mission and resources of Alternatives, promoting voluntary simplicity since 1973

    You're welcome to forward this eNews to your friends and contacts. If you received this from a friend and want to continue receiving it directly from SLW! send a SUBSCRIBE-Siouxland notice to Thanks.

    If you choose to unsubscribe from this monthly eNewsletter, simply reply UNSUBSCRIBE-Siouxland.

    Return to Table of Contents

    Page updated 12/29/24