SIMPLY ENOUGH: Straight Talk from Tony & Shane on Simple, Just Living
Now Re-issued as Choose Justice by World Vision Canada.
Order the DVD from The Simple Way for $10US.NOTE: The new version contains a new 40 page Group Conversation Guide and the original six sessions. It does not include the original eight Bonus Segments (see below) nor the original music. BLOG about the new version
Scroll down to see photos of the making of Simply Enough.
HEAR Tony & Shane's complete 3-1/2 hour dialog.
NOTE: The two segments that had been blocked by a hacker, have been reinstated!
- A Brief Introduction - AUDIO (1:21, 1.5 MB)
- A Brief Project Description - AUDIO (6:43, 7.6 MB)
- Shane Talks About the Project - AUDIO (5:01, 5.7 MB)
- Shane Talks About the Project - low resolution VIDEO (5:11, 3.7 MB) | medium resolution VIDEO (5:11, 10.8 MB)
- Tony's Turn to Talk - AUDIO (5:01, 5.7 MB)
Tony Campolo is an educator, author, humanitarian and speaker. He is the founder and president of EAPE -
Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. Visit
Shane Claiborne is an author, speaker, activist and co-founder of The Simple Way community. (photo by Becky Garrison) Visit
Pete Iversen, Producer, and Shane
Dream God's Dream from J-Walking
I'd Just Like to Know from J-Walking
Things the Lord Requires from J-Walking
Written and performed by Bryan Sirchio
Order at
Chant Down the Walls from Try on Life
Written and performed by Jes Karper - Creative Commons
Order from Another World Is Possible -
Heart to Heart from Heart to Heart - Hand to Hand
Written and performed by Jerry Leggett - Jerry Leggett/Better World Music
More information at and
Buy Nothing at All
Written and performed by Joel Kroeker
Not available on CD
Download at or
Learn to Live Simply from Walk Lightly on the Earth
Written and performed by John Pitney
Email to order.
BONUS Tracks - Music That We Wanted to Include
Try on Life from Try on Life
Written and performed by Jes Karper - Creative Commons
Order from Another World Is Possible AWIP.US
Song for the Wise Ones from Walk Lightly on the Earth
Written and performed by John Pitney
Email to order.
Take Off Your Shoes from Spirit Song
Written and performed by Jim Manley (James _ Manley)
Song is included on The Good Life curriculum CD.
Order Spirit Song CD from
Change You Wish to See from Let It Flow Through You
Written and performed by (Doug &) Jude Krehbiel / Road Less Travelled
©Doug & Jude Krehbiel / Road Less Travelled (music & lyrics)
©Mennonite Mission Network (performance)
Order CD from Faith and Life Bookstore, 724 N Main, Newton, KS 67114; phone 316-283-2210.
Yesterday I Saw Jesus from J-Walking
Written and performed by Bryan Sirchio ©Bryan Sirchio
Order at
Jerry Iversen, Executive Producer; Jason Fileta, Alternatives' board member and camera operator; and Shane
ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly
Resources for responsible living since 1973 *
Editors: For more information, contact Gerald Iversen at
SIMPLY ENOUGH: Straight Talk from Tony & Shane About Simple, Just Living
See It! Study It! Share it! Live It!
Tony & Shane's New DVD Shares Simpler Living with Young Adults
Two of the most important voices of the 21st Century church. This is a conversation you do NOT want to miss.
- Jim Wallis, Author of God's Politics & President of Sojourners/Call to Renewal
This video should challenge anybody with a heart.
- Aiden Enns, Geez magazine,
In an ocean of self-indulgent consumerism, an island of sanity and realism. A powerful resource in the move toward well-being.
- Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
Theologically sound, intellectually enlightening, and morally engaging.
- Justo L. Gonzalez, Author of The Story of Christianity
Practical, creative ways you can live more simply in ways that make a real difference for our poorest neighbors and God's good creation.
- Tom Sine, Author, The Mustard Seed Conspiracy
Profound and humorous, full of touching stories, compelling testimonials and prophetic music.
- John de Graaf, Co-Producer and Co-Author of Affluenza: the All-Consuming Epidemic
(See ENDORSEMENTS below for full quotations.)
Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne care about simpler living and about young adults. They share their caring on a new DVD from Alternatives for Simple Living called Simply Enough: Straight Talk from Tony and Shane on Simple, Just Living.
The DVD has six twelve-minute segments of heartfelt and hopeful dialog. Topics include basics like Lifestyle, Money, Stuff, Food, Justice, and Celebrations, including weddings. The DVD has over 30 minites for bonus footage.
Tony Campolo is a well known author, educator, humanitarian and speaker. He is founder and president of EAPE - Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. Share Claiborne is a rising speaker, activist, author of The Irresistible Revolution, and cofounder of The Simple Way community.
The DVD comes with a study/action guide and can be viewed alone or as a group. Video clips are available at >> Services >> Archives, as well as popular internet video sites. Search Shane Claiborne or Tony Campolo.
The DVD is $17. View it free of charge at >> Archives.
The DVD may be used for free public showings, for libraries and resource centers, for classroom use and for broadcast.
To promote showings, posters, post cards, flyers and stickers are downloadable below.
SimpleLivingWorks! >> Archives offers resources to help lead a simpler, more meaningful life for oneself and to share ideas with others, children and adults. Hundreds of free resources are at >> Archives.
Simple Living Works! maintains Alternatives' extensive web site offering hundreds of inspiring articles for individuals and editors to use. Simple Living Works! supports volunteers who are ready to give talks, workshops, help organize events and simplicity circles and study/action groups.
Simple Living Works! continues Alternatives' spirit and mission -- equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly, and celebrate responsibly. Alternatives serves everyone.
Music on the DVD includes: Dream God's Dream, I'd Just Like to Know and Things the Lord Requires, all from J-Walking by Bryan Sirchio; Chant Down the Walls from Try on Life by Jes Karper, Heart to Heart from Heart to Heart -- Hand to Hand by Jerry Leggett, Buy Nothing at All by Joel Kroeker, and Learn to Live Simply from Walk Lightly on the Earth by John Pitney.
The project was funded by American Baptist Churches World Relief, Church of the Brethren, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) Hunger Program, Micah Challenge USA -, Tabitha Fund of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (St. Louis Province), Thrivent Financial Services (Woodbury County, Iowa, Chapter), as well as Members of Alternatives for Simple Living.
Peter Iversen produced the DVD; produced the graphic design.
Signs at the original Simple Way community
Alternatives for Simple Living has done it again, bringing together two of the most important voices the 21st Century church has to offer. Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, two of my dearest friends, are modern day prophets from different generations echoing the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth-a message still transforming lives and changing the world over 2000 years later. This is a conversation you do NOT want to miss. - Jim Wallis, Author of God's Politics & President of Sojourners/Call to Renewal
Don't die rich, party with poor folks, question the charity mentality. These prickly gospel messages somehow sound attractive as Tony and Shane banter back and forth. They talk about difficult compromises and bold actions: gardens in empty inner city lots, a wedding in a derelict church building, an open door policy for the homeless. This video should challenge anybody with a heart. - Aiden Enns, Publisher, Geez magazine; Co-founder,; Former Managing Editor, Adbusters
The ocean of self-indulgent consumerism is about to overwhelm us with commodities that crush our humanness. In such an ocean of goods, Campolo and Claiborne constitute an island of sanity and realism. Breaking the addiction of consumer Christmas and focusing on the reality of human interaction is a tall order. The testimony of this disk is a powerful resource in the move toward well-being. Their witness is as welcome and eloquent as the issue is urgent. - Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
The video Simply Enough is unique in its kind. Repeatedly, one finds in it challenging and refreshing new insights into old biblical texts. It calls us to responsible action, and poses some very radical challenges, but it does this in a way that is loving and hopeful, while also offering concrete examples of such responsible action. I find it theologically sound, intellectually enlightening, and morally engaging. - Justo L. Gonzalez, Hispanic Theologian, Seminary Professor (retired), Author of The Story of Christianity, History of Christian Thought and numerous other books
Tony Campolo has been the leading prophetic voice in the American church for the past 30 years calling Christians of all generations to live more justly. Shane Claiborne represents a new prophetic generation that wants to authentically follow Jesus in a world by making poverty history and reducing our carbon footprint. View this DVD and Tony and Shane will help you learn about practical, creative ways you can live more simply in ways that make a real difference for our poorest neighbors and God's good creation. - Tom Sine, Author, The Mustard Seed Conspiracy and The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time
Simply Enough is indeed straight talk about simpler, just living. I can scarcely think of better speakers for the cause than Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. This is the most effective video in memory promoting Christian voluntary simplicity, especially for young adults. It's profound and humorous in turn, full of touching stories, compelling testimonials and prophetic music. Watch it! Share it! Study it! Act on it! - John de Graaf, Co-Producer and Co-Author of Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic; Coordinator: Take Back Your Time Day and What's the Economy for, Anyway? Conference
Shane at a garden at the original Simple Way community
1. Lifestyle
a. God's Economy = Enough for Everyone - 1 John 3:17-18
b. Are You Living as Jesus Wants You to Live? - Matthew 6: 25-33
c. Will You Be a Merchant Or an Angel? - Revelation 18 and 19
2. Food
a. Guerilla Gardening - Matthew 14:13-21
b. It's a Tomato! - Proverbs 30:8
c. Everybody's Invited to the Party - Genesis 2:15
3. Celebrations
a. Lost in Babylon - Romans 12:2
b. Christmas - the Orgy of Selfishness - Proverbs 11:28
c. Buy Less, Love More, Laugh Harder - Exodus 20:17
4. Stuff
a. The American Dream? - Luke 18: 22-23 (and Mark 10)
b. How Many Jackets Do You Really Need? - 2 Corinthians 8:15
c. Who Owns the Pond? - Matthew 21:12-13
5. Money
a. More Than Enough - Matthew 6:24
b. The Relational Tithe - Luke 12:15
c. Boldly Go - Isaiah 55: 2
6. Justice
a. Small Things with Great Love - Matthew 25: 31-40
b. Beyond Checkbook Charity - Isaiah 5:16
c. The Rock Stars Will Cry Out - Micah 6:8
Wall art at the original Simple Way community
We want to help promote your showing of. . .
Straight Talk from Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne About Simple, Just Living
DOWNLOAD below. . .
POSTERS: full color, 11 x 17 in., includes space to imprint you event date, day of week, time, place and address.
POST CARDS: full color standard size card (4-1/4 x 6 in.), includes space for message on the back. Use regular post card postage, not oversized card postage.
Write, imprint or apply stickers to postcard, such as. . . I love this new video. Watch it for free at >> Archives. OR We are viewing and discussing Tony & Shane's new video [date, day of week, time, place, address, refreshments.] Join us!
FLYERS: full color 8-1/2 x 11 in., includes space to imprint you event time, date and place. Back blank for additional information about your event or agency. Post or mail.
On-line at >> Archives >> Simply Enough Promotional Material / Media Release / Endorsements / Music / Resources / Trailer / More!
Shane with outdoor art at the original Simple Way community
Straight Talk from Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne on Simple, Just Living
Simply Enough is ideal for adults or senior high youth, especially for young adults, 18-40, single or married, with or without children.
Use it. . .
Allow about 30 minutes for each of the six 12-minute segments. Talk together about what you've seen and decide what you're going to do next together. To move deeper, use the BONUS footage.
If the song excerpts are useful, order the full version on CD from the sources listed under credits. Then use them for. . .
For educational resources, visit >> Simply Enough.
God's Economy = Enough for Everyone - 1 John 3:17-18
1. How are we surrounding ourselves with people who look like the people we want to become or who look like Jesus?
2. How do some of us put forth simple living as a legal system instead of an openness to evolving for change?
3. Americans are not always honest about how they spend their money, but people who analyze our trash know the truth about us. What would your trash tell about you?
Are You Living as Jesus Wants You to Live? - Matthew 6: 25-33
4. How can Jesus not being rushed, to serve as a model for us?
5. What personal needs do you worry about most -- clothes, car, shelter, retirement, car, health, income, job security? Why? What steps can you take to let go of those worries?
6. All of us have weaknesses when it comes to living more simply. Share one of yours and how you're struggling with it. What would open you to new suggestions or ideas about your weakness?
7. Answer Tony's question: In what way am I living economically in lifestyle as Jesus wants me to live?
Will You Be a Merchant Or an Angel? - Revelation 18 and 19
8. In what ways does love cause us to share?
9. How would you describe God's dream for the world?
10. How will you be a merchant or an angel in your life?
11. What signs do you see of a New Society breaking loose from the Babylon of consumerism?
12. How willing are you to follow the Share-Save-Spent plan -- giving away at least 10% of your income and saving at least 15%?
13. Why is it so hard to believe and act on Jesus' words that everything belongs to God, that God will take care of us?
14. Music: What are your thoughts/reactions/feelings about the song Chant Down the Walls?
Guerilla Gardening - Matthew 14:13-21
The Simple Way began in Kensington, an economically depressed neighborhood in Philadelphia.
1. Are you willing to engage in guerilla gardening -- opening up vacant lots for community gardens? Why or why not?
2. When the food bank asks for food, do you give canned vegetables or would you consider peanut butter or tuna or fresh vegetables from your garden? Does your church make a list of healthy foods that they would like donated to food pantries or homeless kitchens? Do you give what's needed or just your leftovers, things you don't want to eat?
It's a Tomato! - Proverbs 30:8
3. How do you feel knowing that rain forest is being destroyed to graze cattle to produce fast food? How willing are you to grow some of your own food or to buy locally produced food?
4. Describe your eating habits. Describe your general health. What is the connection between your eating habits and your health?
5. Describe an ah-ha moment about how the food you eat is produced.
Everybody's Invited to the Party - Genesis 2:15
5. Would you consider giving packets of seeds or starts of vegetable plants in the spring to the food bank for low-income people to grow in their yards? Would you volunteer to be a gardening consultant so more people could learn how to garden?
6. The Gospel is lived out at our dinner tables. How does the Eucharist relate to you-are-what-you-eat?
7. Everybody's invited to God's party. Why are middle and upper income Americans so uncomfortable breaking bread with homeless people? Why are we willing serve them at the soup kitchen, but we're not willing to invite them into our homes? What ideas do you have about bridging that gap to make that Gospel reality happen?
8. There's enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed. What does that mean to you? Be specific.
9. Music: What are your thoughts/reactions/feelings about the song Heart to Heart?
Lost in Babylon - Romans 12:2
1. The average American wedding costs $27,850 (New York Times, August 2006). Why do you suppose American weddings have become so lavish? How can we get to the root of this practice and make changes? What kind of courage would it take? What are your feelings about having a potluck at a wedding or about asking people to give gifts to poor neighborhoods instead of to the bride and groom?
2. If you are still married, tell about your wedding. . . what you did, how much it cost, how you made decisions. Do the same for your honeymoon.
3. Describe different weddings you have attended or planned. Were they lavish or simple? What about them was most meaningful?
Christmas -- the Orgy of Selfishness - Proverbs 11:28
4. Brainstorm free or inexpensive gifts to give at Christmas. * Write a poem or song. * Donate to denominational hunger programs. * Make coupon books of services, like cooking dinner, babysitting, etc.
5. How is Jesus at the center of your celebration? Are three gifts (the number Jesus received) enough for your kids?
6. A meaningful gift is not one that you buy but that you create. What do you give to someone who has everything? What non-material gifts could you give?
7. Answer Tony's question. If you hate the holiday, why do you do it? How will you stand up and say No to the obscenity of a commercial Christmas?
8. Since Santa Claus does not come to the poor, what else could he stand for besides giving presents? How might the real St. Nicholas be a better model?
9. Action: Visit >> Simply Enough >> Resources. Read and discuss 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas and Let's Talk about Christmas.
Buy Less, Love More, Laugh Harder - Exodus 20:17
10. How do you think people in your city would react if Shane's Buy Nothing Day group came to your mall on the Friday after Thanksgiving? Why? Would you do something like this? Why or why not? Does Shane's poster, Buy less, love more, laugh harder express your feelings? Why or why not?
11. In what specific ways could your family spend less money and spend more time together?
12. Music: What are your thoughts and feelings about Buy Nothing?
The American Dream? - Luke 18: 22-23 (and Mark 10: 21-22)
1. Simple living is hard in our culture because it is counter-cultural. Share something that you're doing, or would like to do, to make your life simpler. Share a struggle that you have making your life simpler.
2. American culture values things over community. The American Dream brings loneliness. What's one way you can build community in your neighborhood?
3. The privileged people of the Earth (the 20% living in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand) use 80% of the Earth's resources. How does The American Dream perpetuate a global nightmare for the other 80% of the people?
4. With God all things are possible, including simple living. We were created to love and be loved. What can you do for your own health and benefit?
How Many Jackets Do You Really Need? - 2 Corinthians 8:15
5. How may dresses, sweaters, pants, accessories, etc. do you have? How many do you need?
6. Could you follow the one-for-one rule? For every one item that comes into the house, one must go. Would you prefer the January clean up or spring cleaning? Anything that hasn't been used for a year is given away. Was it easier and more rewarding the second year? What challenges and joys have you experienced in reducing the burden of stuff? Has it been easier to give away for a purpose, like for a Women's Shelter fashion show?
Who Owns the Pond? - Matthew 21:12-13
7. Articulate the differences between Fair Trade and capitalism.
8. How do you find out where products come from?
9. Have your ever bought something that was an artificially created want? What part did commercial advertising play in your decision? Was it planned or impulsive?
10. The economy will change for the better when we stop buying stuff nobody needs. How are you willing to be a part of the change toward Earth-friendly foods and products?
11. Workers and masters are people. Have you ever seen the face of sweatshop labor, child labor or taskmasters -- in person or in the media (TV, magazine, movie)? How did you feel?
12. Music: What are your thoughts/reactions/feelings about the song I'd Just Like to Know?
More Than Enough - Matthew 6:24
1. What are your feelings about Tony's advice to young couples to determine their standard of living early and to give away the rest? Do you agree or disagree and why? Could you maintain -- not increase -- a reasonable honeymoon budget lifestyle?
2. It is the responsibility of the Christian to work as hard as he can, make as much money as he can to spend as little as he can in order to give away all that he can. Do you agree with John Wesley? Why or why not?
3. Could you establish one-for-one scholarships, one for your child and one for an at-risk child? Could your church establish a Jubilee building fund to give away $1 for each $1 put into a new building? Do you see any obstacles to such a scholarship or fund in your life or your congregation? How do you overcome those obstacles? Who can help?
4. Are you willing to cap your income? Why or why not?
The Relational Tithe - Luke 12:15
5. Do you think of your church as an urban or suburban church? Can you name what your church is doing for a needy church? In what other ways does your church reach out to the community?
6. What do you think of the relational tithe? Are you willing to give a greater percentage as your income goes up? Relational tithe is not stopping support of your congregation. It's adding support for people who are in need.
Boldly Go - Isaiah 55: 2
7. Are you willing to be or support a different kind of lawyer or doctor?
8. Do you agree with the advice that Tony gave to the young teacher to maximize her life? Why or why not?
9. Music: What are your thoughts/reactions/feelings about the song Learn to Live Simply?
Small Things with Great Love - Matthew 25: 31-40
1. Why might we spend time with Haitians instead of building schools for them?
2. Why do you suppose people who go to Haiti are afraid? Would you be uncomfortable in that situation? Why are people who have traveled to non-industrial countries -- for service or education -- much more likely to be open to and adopt a simpler lifestyle?
3. Would you be comfortable having poor people worship with you in your sanctuary? Why or why not?
4. Have you ever seen Christ in the face of a poor person? Describe the experience.
Beyond Checkbook Charity - Isaiah 5:16
5. How can we be open to holy interactions, interruptions, surprises, miracles?
6. How can we get beyond the insulation of checkbook charity? Be specific.
The Rock Stars Will Cry Out - Micah 6:8
7. Is it our job as citizens of this nation -- and the Kingdom of God -- to hold our leaders accountable to the needs of the poor? How can we do this?
8. Do you think our government and financial institutions (like the World Bank) should cancel debts of non-industrial nations? To what extent? What can we do to make this happen?
9. As the U.S. continues to be the major arms dealer to the world, what small, positive signs do you see to make God's world more peaceful?
10. We're told we're a generous nation. We are. . . in gross amount. But based on GDP or per capita, we're at the bottom of the industrial nations. How can we change this situation?
11. If someone asked you if you were a Christian, what in your life shows that you are? Where do you still have room to grow?
12. Music: What are your thoughts/reactions/feelings about the song Things the Lord Requires?
1. Papa Fest
What can you learn from the Papa Fest about building community? How can you build community where you live?
2. Commercials
What effect do you think advertising has on you? On our society?
3. Cultural Goals
How can you resist the pressures of commercially enforced cultural goals?
4. Willow Creek Shoes
What possessions are you willing to share with the needy? What are you not willing to share? Why?
5. Six Dollar Suit
Are you willing to resist the pressure of name brands and status and search for good-looking clothes at thrift stores? Why or why not? What would you say if friends saw you leaving Goodwill with a bag of clothes? Could you encourage them to shop there, too?
6. Family Rituals
Discuss this pledge: We will not let sports, jobs, school or even the church keep our family from eating five meals together each week. Write your own pledge.
7. GOP Convention & Love Park
How do you feel about making a public demonstration of your Christian values?
8. Tony Gets Arrested
Are you willing to risk arrest for your faith?
Visit >> Archives >> Simply Enough
God's Economy = Enough for Everyone - If we have the means of supporting life and see others in need and close our hearts against them, how can we still be loving God? Dear friends, let us not love only in words or in talk, but let us put our love into action and make it real. 1 John 3:17-18
Are You Living as Jesus Wants You to Live? - Do not worry about the food and drink you need, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And the body more than clothes? Your Father in heaven knows what you need. First keep looking for God's standard of doing right and for God's will and you'll get what you need. Matthew 6: 25-33
Will You Be a Merchant Or an Angel? - She has fallen, the great Babylon has fallen. . . . And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her because nobody buys their loads of goods any more. . . . A great crowd shouted, Praise the Lord! Revelation 18 and 19
Guerilla Gardening - Jesus said, You give them something to eat. The disciples replied, We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish. . . . All ate and were filled. Matthew 14:13-21
It's a Tomato! - Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food I need. Proverbs 30:8
Everybody's Invited to the Party - God put humans in the Garden to take care of it. Genesis 2:15
Lost in Babylon - Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Romans 12:2
Christmas -- the Orgy of Selfishness - Those who trust in riches will wither. Proverbs 11:28
Buy Less, Love More, Laugh Harder - Don't lust after your neighbors' house or spouse, their help, their car or anything of theirs. Exodus 20:17
American Dream -- Global Nightmare - Jesus said, Sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come and follow me. The man became very sad because he was very rich. Luke 18: 22-23 (and Mark 10: 21-22)
How Many Jackets Do You Really Need? - The ones who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little. 2 Corinthians 8:15
Who Owns the Pond? - Jesus drove out all who bought and sold in the temple and said, You are turning it into a den of robbers. Matthew 21:12-13
More Than Enough - No one can serve two masters; you will hate one and love the other; you will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24
The Relational Tithe - One's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. Luke 12:15
Boldly Go - Why do you spend your money on what cannot nourish, and your labor on what fails to satisfy? Isaiah 55: 2
Small Things with Great Love - The King will answer, Let me assure you, anything you did for one of Mine, however humble, you did for Me. Matthew 25: 31-40
Beyond Checkbook Charity - The Lord of hosts is exalted by justice. Isaiah 5:16
The Rock Stars Will Cry Out - And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
71 minute video with extended bonus footage.
2007 Alternatives for Simple Living.
All rights reserved.
Do not duplicate. You may copy and distribute this study/action guide.
You are welcome to use this video for free public showings, libraries and resource centers, classroom use and broadcast.
Materials are available to help promote your event.
Cover design by
Mission: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly.
For suggestions of current educational RESOURCES see below and visit >> Archives.
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Shane with the original Simple Way community icon art
* = Free at >> Archives
1. Lifestyle
*A Vision of Simpler Living DVD
Affluenza and Escape from Affluenza DVDs
How to Build Community (poster, bookmark, postcard)
How to Build Global Community (poster, bookmark, postcard)
Living More with Less (and Study Guide)
Living More with Less (poster, bookmark, postcard)
*Living Simply and Loving It CD
*Simple Living 101
Simple Living, Compassionate Life
Six Week to a Simpler Lifestyle
St. Francis and the Foolishness of God
Sustaining Simplicity: A Journal
*The Good Life curriculum
The Race: A Simple Living Musical
Voluntary Simplicity
Whoever You Are
2. Food
It's Easy Being Green
Living the Good Life on God's Good Earth
More-with-Less Cookbook
Simply in Season
Simply in Season Children's Cookbook
3. Celebrations
*A Vision of Simpler Living DVD
*Carols with Justice songbook | AUDIO (sing-along)
Hundred Dollar Holiday
Unplug the Christmas Machine
*UNPLUG Workshop Leader's Guide | Audio
*Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (published annually)
Dealing Creatively with Death
*Treasury of Celebrations
*Wedding Alternatives
4. Stuff
Beyond Guilt
Climbing the Sycamore Tree
Green Living
How Much Is Enough?
The Better World Handbook
The Better World Shopping Guide
5. Money
7 Deadly Social Sins (Gandhi poster)
Making a Living While Making a Difference
Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference
The Art of Debt-free Living
The Conscious Consumer (Fair Trade)
What Kids Really Want That Money Can't Buy
Your Money or Your Life
6. Justice
Acts of Mercy posters
Faith the Cow
Hunger & Hope: dramas
In the Days to Come: Songs of Peace CD
J-Walking music CD
Kids Creating Circles of Peace
One Good Work at a Time
Silent Killer DVD
Sing Justice! Do Justice! Songbook and CD
The Irresistible Revolution
There Is Room for Us All CD
What Can One Person Do?
Bread for the World:
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Download Postcard - 4 x 6 (front)
Page updated 6 June 2014
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.