SLW! Recommends

SLW! Recommends

Literacy Service

Look and see what others can't see.
Hear what others aren't able to hear.
Tell what you have seen and heard.

Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art #2-A2471

For more ideas, go to Getting Started or click Resources Page to left.
For even more ideas, go to Study/Activity/Action Guides.
Also see Champions of Simple Living and Blog Reviews. And Other worthwhile Links.


To help you keep track of resources you have already investigated, resources listed after the start of the service on March 13, 2014, are noted NEW and dated.
Activism Literacy
Celebrating Literacy
Economic Literacy
Environmental Literacy
Family/Children Literacy
Financial Literacy/Consumerism
Food, Water and Agriculture Literacy
Happiness Literacy
Health/Medical Literacy
Historical Literacy
Media Literacy
Organizing/Decluttering/Minimalism Literacy
Peace/War/Militarism/Empire Literacy
Political Literacy
Spiritual/Faith Literacy
Time and Work Literacy

Simple Living Literacy: INTRO

Simple Living is a comprehensive way of living. It's so much more than it's stereotype of growing a few tomatoes and wearing our favorite old clothes!

This list contains books (paper, eBooks and audio books), video (DVD), audio (CD, MP3).

These are somewhat current resources. For a list of classic resources, visit Study Guides (link above). Almost every resource has an accompanying list of additional resources, for example Simple Living 101: Additional Resources, also Worship Alternatives: Resources.

Mildly interesting historical note: For most of its 40 years of service Alternatives offered a Book Service, sales from which usually made up 1/3 of Alternatives' operating income (the rest from memberships and donations, and grants). From 1995-2008, Alternatives published and distributed a modest quarterly Resource Guide, i.e. sales catalog. I reviewed hundreds of resources to find the ones ideal for our audience/clientele/customers. Since August, 2010, I have continued to review resources, most of which I recommend to my local public library and they add to their collection. I have interacted with each of these titles/sources.

SLW! does not sell anything, but we recommend resources from other sources and publishers, which we urge you to get from your public library or your local, independent bookstore. For help locating a local source, visit IndieBound.org. We promote sharing but not collecting, not even books!

Many below are free on the internet. Most of the links take you to my previews.

Some of the titles are faith-based, most are not. Though I list each title only once, some would fit nicely in more than one category. They vary from simple to complex, from friendly to polemical.

Find a TOPIC that interests you; try a few of the entries. Then move to another TOPIC. The titles are not in alphabetical or priority order.

xxx Worship Alternatives: ART 1 #2354


Activism Literacy

Shift Happens: Changing Paradigms to Live Sustainably

Motivation -- SLW! blog

Work the Plan -- SLW! blog

Influencing Others -- SLW! blog

Self-Starters Needed! -- SLW! blog

Creative Community Organizing: a guide for rabble-rousers, activists, and quiet lovers of justice -- Si Kahn

Language Intelligence: lessons on persuasion from Jesus, Shakespeare, Lincoln, and Lady Gaga -- Joseph J. Romm

End-civ: resist or die -- DVD with Derrick Jensen

World on the Edge: how to prevent environmental and economic collapse -- Lester R. Brown

Truths Among Us: Conversations on building a new culture: interviews -- Derrick Jensen

The Progressive's Guide to Raising Hell: how to win grassroots campaigns, pass ballot box laws, and get the change we voted for -- Robert Scheer

Resistance Against Empire -- Derrick Jensen

Overcoming Speechlessness: A Poet Encounters the Horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo, and Palestine/Israel -- Alice Walker

Celebrations Literacy

Advent Abundance! Worthy resources from others -- SLW! blog

Little Insurrections -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Unwrapping Christmas -- Jubilee Economics blogs

WHOSE Birthday? '13 -- Jubilee Economics blogs

WHOSE Birthday? -- Podcast series

Explaining Santa to My Granddaughter -- SLW! blog

CONSUMO Must Go! -- SLW! blog

Displacing Santa from the Top -- SLW! blog

12 Days of Christmas Start on Christmas Day -- SLW! blog

New Year - New Daily Inspiration -- SLW! blog

How We Celebrate Says a Lot About How We Live: Thanksgiving -- SLW! blog

My Birthday Wonder! -- SLW! blog

Occupying the Flagstaff Bridal Fair -- SLW! blog

Abstract Expressionist Halloween -- SLW! blog

Free SPANISH Language Resources -- SLW! blog

Economic Literacy

FREE: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most (Aug 8, 2013) by Mark Scandrette and Richard Rohr

Jubilee Economics in 90 Seconds -- AUDIO

Reading the Bible Economically: A Workbook

Chris Hedges: Corporate Coup d'Etat -- Alternative Radio podcast

Unmasking the Gods of the Economy -- SLW! blog

Plenitude: The Emerging New Economy -- Juliet Schor

Gar Alperovitz: Beyond Capitalism -- Alternative Radio podcast

Socially Responsible Investing: Green Investing, Episode 11 | SRI Challenges Episode 23 -- TheCommonGoodPodcast.com | Will Socially Responsible Investors Turn from Fossil Fuels? -- Jan Schalkwijk blog

Economic Trends -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Indigenous Economics | Fair Trade -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Living Fair Trade -- SLW! blog

Questioning Capitalism | Limits to Growth -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Aftershock: the next economy and America's future -- Robert Reich

Humanizing the Economy: co-operatives in the age of capital -- John Restakis

Microfinance: TheCommonGoodPodcast, ep. #41

Poverty Capital: microfinance and the making of development -- Ananya Roy

Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed and Corruption Led to Economic Armegeddon -- Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism -- Ha-Joon Chang

The Fifteen Biggest Lies About the Economy: and everything else the right doesn't want you to know about taxes, jobs, and corporate America -- Joshua Holland

Economics Unmasked: from power and greed to compassion and the common good -- Manfred Max-Neef and Philip B. Smith

In and Out of Crisis: the global financial meltdown and left alternatives -- Greg Albo, Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch

Blinded by Progress: Breaking Away from the Illusion That Binds Us -- Lee Van Ham

Jubilee-Economics.org: One Earth Economics for the Common Good

One Earth -- Jubilee Economics blogs


The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don't Need -- Juliet B. Schor

The Crash of 2016: the plot to destroy America--and what we can do to stop it -- Thom Hartmann

CASSE -- Center for Advancement of Steady State Economics

Supply Shock: economic growth at the crossroads and the steady state solution -- Brian Czech

Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources -- Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill

ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth

Sabbath Economics -- Ched Meyers

America the Possible: manifesto for a new economy -- James Gustave Speth

Revenue Matters: tax the rich and restore democracy to save the nation -- Berkley Bedell

The Man Who Quit Money -- Mark Sundeen

Inside Job DVD: An analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost of over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research, and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia.

Environmental Literacy

NEW fall, 2014 -- This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. Climate by Naomi Klein -- Jubilee Economics blog

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert (Feb., 2014)

4/10/14--Homegrown Christianity Podcast mini-series // Guests: Randy Woodley (3/5/14), Jen Butler (2/18/14), Matthrew Sleeth (1/30/14), Leah Ostamo (1/18/14)

Resistance Radio with Derrick Jensen

The Climate Cliff: Bill McKibben -- Alternative Radio podcast

Sandra Steingraber: Fracking and Public Health -- Alternative Radio podcast

Earth Focus TV series

Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence -- Daniel Goleman, Lisa Bennett and Zenobia Barlow from Center for EcoLiteracy: Education for Sustainable Living.

Environment blogs -- Jubilee Economics

Simple Living Works! #6 - Earth Care

New from Earth Mama -- SLW! blog

The Nature of Things (Podcast) -- David Suzuki

A Radical Environmental Paradigm (Podcast) -- David Suzuki

Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy and Public Policy -- James B. Martin-Schramm, Professor of Religion at Luther College. Fortress Press, 2010

Merchants of Doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming -- Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

Climate Justice: ethics, energy, and public policy -- James B. Martin-Scramm

HOT: Living through the next 50 years on Earth -- Mark Hertsgaard

Outdoor Parents, Outdoor Kids: a guide to getting your kids active in the great outdoors -- Eugene Buchanan

The Renewable Revolution: how we can fight climate change, prevent energy wars, revitalize the economy and transition to a sustainable future -- Sajed Kamal

Everything under the Sun: toward a brighter future on a small blue planet -- David T. Suzuki

Tropic of Chaos: climate change and the new geography of violence -- Christian Parenti

America's Climate Problem: the way forward -- Robert Repetto

Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet -- Bill McKibben


America's Climate Century: what climate change means for America in the 21st century and what Americans can do about it -- Senator Rob Hogg

Plastic-free: how I kicked the plastic habit and you can too -- Beth Terry

Too Much Magic: wishful thinking, technology, and the fate of the nation -- James Howard Kunstler

The Upcycle: beyond sustainability, designing for abundance -- William McDonough and Michael Braungart

Before the Lights Go Out: conquering the energy crisis before it conquers us -- Maggie Koerth-Baker

EcoMind: changing the way we think, to create the world we want -- Frances Moore Lappé

Nuclear Roulette: the truth about the most dangerous energy source on Earth -- Gar Smith

Ecothrifty: cheaper, greener choices for a happier, healthier life -- Deborah Niemann

The Weather of the Future: heat waves, extreme storms, and other scenes from a climate-changed planet -- Heidi Cullen

Is Sustainability Still Possible? -- World Watch Institute

Family/Children Literacy

Consuming Kids documentary

RAISING KIDS WHO WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Helping Your Family Live with Integrity, Value Simplicity, and Care for Others -- Susan V. Vogt (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002, $13.95)

KIDS CREATING CIRCLES OF PEACE -- Anne Marie Witchger Hansen and Susan V. Vogt (Parenting for Peace and Justice, 2000, $5)

JUST FAMILY NIGHTS- 60 Activities to Keep Your Family Together in a World Falling Apart -- Susan V. Vogt, editor (Elgin, IL, Brethren Press, 1994, $15.95)

CELEBRATING & BECOMING A HOLY FAMILY DVD of Susan and Jim Vogt's presentations (CC Video Productions, 2006, $20)

Living Life Outside the Rat Race -- SLW! blog

New Dream Community Action Kit: Guide to Sharing

Three Green Rats -- SLW! blog


WASTE -- SLW! blog

Deep Change: Metanoia Stories -- SLW! blog

Tyranny of Appearances -- SLW! blog

Addiction -- SLW! blog

A Vision of the Future -- SLW! blog

Story of Stuff Project

Get Satisfied -- PostConsumers

Jubilee Living -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Housing and Property -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Sandy's Incredible Shrinking Footprint -- Femida Handy and Carole Carpenter; illus. Adrianna Steele-Ozard

Get Out! 150 Easy Ways for Kids and Grown-Ups to Get into Nature and Build a Greener Future -- Judy Molland

Going Blue: a teen guide to saving our oceans, lakes, rivers & wetlands -- Cathryn Berger Kaye, Philippe Cousteau and EarthEcho International

A Kids' Guide to Hunger and Homelessness: How to Take Action!
A Kids' Guide to Climate Change and Global Warming: How to Take Action!
A Kids' Guide to Protecting and Caring for Animals: How to Take Action!
All by Cathryn Berger Kaye, grade 6 & up, Service Learning for Kids series

Financial Literacy

Justin Lewis: Media and Consumer Capitalism podcast; Beyond Consumer Capitalism: Media and the Limits to Imagination book; Consumerism and the Limits to Imagination video (seen on LinkTV).

MONEY IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Six Essential Attitudes for followers of Christ -- Susan V. Vogt. (The Word Among Us Press, 2011, $11.96)

Simple Living Works! #4: New Year's Resolution

Simple Living Works! #5: Money

Shopping: Christian Explorations of Daily Living -- Michelle A. Gonzalez

Frugillionaire: 500 Fabulous Ways to Live Richly and Save a Fortune -- Francine Jay. big and grow rich.

Faith And Money Guide -- FaithAndMoneyNetwork.org, especially writing your Money Autobiography

The New Frugality: how to consume less, save more, and live better -- Chris Farrell

The Cheapskate Next Door: the surprising secrets of Americans living happily below their means -- Jeff Yeager

Radical Homemakers: reclaiming domesticity from a consumer culture -- Shannon Hayes

What's Mine is yOurs: the rise of collaborative consumption -- Rachel Botsman

Food, Water, Land and Agriculture Literacy

Food and Water -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Rebuilding the Foodshed -- Philip Ackerman-Leist

Land Use -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Animal Industrial Complex -- David Nibert: Alternative Radio Podcast

Farmer Jane: Women Changing the Way We Eat -- Temra Costa


Blessing the Hands That Feed Us -- Vicki Robin, co-author of Your Money or Your Life

Mark Rasmussen: The Legacy of Aldo Leopold -- TheCommonGoodPodcast, episodes 43-44

Drinking Water: a history -- James Salzman

Genetic Roulette: the gamble of our lives DVD [GMO crops]

Foodopoly: the battle over the future of food and farming in America -- Wenonah Hauter

Folks, This Ain't Normal: a farmer's advice for happier hens, healthier people, and a better world -- Joel Salatin

Diet for a Hot Planet: the climate crisis at the end of your fork and what you can do about it -- Anna Lappe'

The Food Matters Cookbook: 500 revolutionary recipes for better living -- Mark Bittman

A River of Waste: the hazardous truth about factory farms -- DVD

Happiness Literacy

NEW-6/16-Stuff-ocation: Why We've Had Enough of STUFF and Need EXPERIENCE More Than Ever by James Wallman. Although the message is profound, the design of the book, except for some clever subheadlines, is really boring.

The Myths of Happiness: what should make you happy but doesn't, what shouldn't make you happy, but does -- Sonja Lyubomirsky

Shiny Objects: why we spend money we don't have in search of happiness we can't buy -- James A. Roberts

John De Graaf: Affluenza and Happiness -- TheCommonGoodPodcast, episodes 39-40.

What's the Economy for, Anyway? Why it's time to stop chasing growth and start pursuing happiness -- John De Graaf (producer and author of Affluenza) and David K. Batker

Health/Medical Literacy

Just GREEN It! Simple Swaps to Save the Planet and Your Health -- Ron and Lisa Beres, founders of GreenNest.com

Deadly Monopolies: the shocking corporate takeover of life itself, and the consequences for your health and our medical future -- Harriet A. Washington

Living Downstream: an ecologist's personal investigation of cancer and the environment -- Sandra Steingraber

Changing Planet, Changing Health: How the climate crisis threatens our health and what we can do about it -- Paul R. Epstein, MD, and Dan Ferber

Dodging the toxic bullet: how to protect yourself from everyday environmental health hazards -- David R. Boyd

Deadly Spin: an insurance company insider speaks out on how corporate PR is killing health care and deceiving Americans -- Wendell Potter

Historical Literacy

The Untold History of the United States -- Oliver Stone

News for All the People: the epic story of race and the American media -- Juan González and Joseph Torres

Media Literacy

Simple Living 101: Jerry's Excellent Adventure - social media

Frontline: Generation Like (PBS) - social media marketing

Media & Consumer Capitalism -- Justin Lewis: podcast, video, book

The Joy of Podcasts -- SLW! blog

Center for Media Literacy

Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy -- Martin Lindstrom and Paco Underhill (Feb 2, 2010)

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy -- Martin Lindstrom (Sep 20, 2011) [audiobook]

How Many HITS for You Today? (blog)

The Filter Bubble: what the Internet is hiding from you -- Eli Pariser

Social Media Supplement, Simple living 101 -- Jerry's Excellent Adventure (SLW! Podcast Ep. 12)

Social Media Gospel -- Meredith Gould

Organizing/Decluttering/Minimalism Literacy

NEW-5/16-Organize His Way: A Christ-Centered Approach to Organizing Your Life by Eileen Koff, CPO (Certified Professional Organizer), available at EileenKoffMinistries.com

NEW-5/16-The Minimalists--podcast, books

NEW-5/16-Becoming Minimalist -- blog, classes by Joshua Becker

NEW-5/16-Smart and Simple Matters -- blog, classes, network by Joel Zaslofsky // SLW! Podcast #40

Peace/War/Militarism/Empire Literacy

The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program by Jeremy Scahill and the Staff of The Intercept--exquisitely designed with charts, pull quotes and other graphic elements!

The End of War: how waging peace can save humanity, our planet and our future -- Paul K. Chappell

The Goldstone Report: The legacy of the landmark investigation of the Gaza conflict -- Adam Horowitz, Lizzy Ratner, Philip Weiss

Half the Sky: turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide -- Nicholas D. Kristof

War Is Not Over When It's Over: women speak out from the ruins of war -- Ann Jones

Dismantling the Empire: America's last best hope -- Chalmers A. Johnson

Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War -- Andrew J. Bacevich

Political Literacy

Slow Democracy -- Susan Clark: Alternative Radio Program #CLAS001. Recorded in Saratoga Springs, NY on March 18, 2013. Hear an audio sample at AlternativeRadio.org, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may either buy the CD ($14) or MP3 ($4) of this speech there or subscribe to the FREE podcast series (on iTunes, for example).

Third World America: how our politicians are abandoning the middle class and betraying the American dream -- Arianna Huffington

Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country -- Thom Hartmann

The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics -- Derek Wall

Spying on Democracy: government surveillance, corporate power, and public resistance -- Heidi Boghosian

Dollarocracy: how the money-and-media election complex is destroying America -- John Nichols

Transcending Greedy Money: interreligious solidarity for just relations -- Ulrich Duchrow

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: how to steal an election in 9 easy steps -- Greg Palast

Fifteen Steps to Corporate Feudalism: how the rich convinced America's middle class to eliminate themselves: from Ronald Reagan to the Tea Party Movement -- Dennis Marker

The Price of Inequality -- Joseph E. Stiglitz

Republic, Lost: how money corrupts Congress--and a plan to stop it -- Lawrence Lessig

Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt -- Chris Hedges

Share or Die: voices of the get lost generation in the age of crisis -- Malcolm Harris, editor, with Neal Gorenflo

Predator Nation: corporate criminals, political corruption, and the hijacking of America -- Charles Ferguson

Occupying Wall Street: the inside story of an action that changed America -- Writers for the 99%

Rebuild the Dream -- Van Jones

While America Sleeps: a wake-up call for the post-9/11 era -- Russ Feingold

The Short American Century: a postmortem -- Andrew J. Bacevich, editor

Getting Steamed to Overcome Corporatism: Build It Together to Win -- Ralph Nader

Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in Without Going Crazy -- Joanna Macy

With Liberty and Justice for Some: how the law is used to destroy equality and protect the powerful -- Glenn Greenwald

Winner-Take-All Politics: how Washington made the rich richer - and turned its back on the middle class -- Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Surveillance -- Robin Tudge

Griftopia: bubble machines, vampire squids, and the long con that is breaking America -- Matt Taibbi

C Street: The Fundamentalists Threat to American Democracy -- Jeff Sharlet

Colorblind: the rise of post-racial politics and the retreat from racial equity -- Tim Wise

The Crime of Our Time: why Wall Street is not too big to jail -- Danny Schechter

Spiritual/Faith Literacy

NEW-5/16-Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE of NOW by Walter Brueggemann. The basis for SLW! Podcast #69 and The Common Good Podcast #72

Spirituality -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Biblical Perspective -- Jubilee Economics blogs

Renovare' Simplicity Podcast -- Dallas Willard and Richard Foster

Occupy Spirituality: a radical vision for a new generation -- Adam Bucko and Matthew Fox; afterword by Lama Surya Das

Resisting Structural Evil: love as ecological-economic vocation -- Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda

#OccupytheBible: what Jesus really said (and did) about money and power -- Susan Thistlethwaite

Red Letter Revolution: what if Jesus really meant what he said? -- Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo

I Am DVD, and Happy DVD -- Tom Shadyac

Sex, Mom, and God: how the Bible's strange take on sex led to crazy politics, and how I learned to love women (and Jesus) anyway -- Frank Schaeffer

Hope on a tightrope: words & wisdom -- Cornel West

Christians and the Common Good: how faith intersects with public life -- Charles Gutenson

Eternal Life: a New Vision : beyond religion, beyond theism, beyond heaven and hell -- John Shelby Spong

Divine Rebels: American Christian activists for social justice -- Deena Guzder

The Future: Dismal or Reborn? -- Jubilee Economics blog and podcast

Time and Work Literacy


The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline Of Leisure -- Juliet Schor


The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture (1985/2007) by David Shi

BLESSED BY LESS: Clearing Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly -- Susan V. Vogt. (Loyola Press, 2013, $13.95)

Sustainable Happiness: Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference Edited by Sarah van Gelder and the staff of YES! Magazine; Paperback, 168 pages; List Price: $16.95. YES! Price: $14.95

The Circle of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life -- Cecile Andrews (1998)

Slow is Beautiful: New Visions of Community, Leisure and Joie de Vivre -- Cecile Andrews (2006)

Less is More: Embracing Simplicity for a Healthy Planet, a Caring Economy and Lasting Happiness -- Cecile Andrews (2009)

Simple Living Alternative Daily Calendar for Any Year -- inspiration and action

Champions of Simple Living Today -- SLW! blog and podcast series

Another Way of Seeing: Essays on Transforming Law, Politics and Culture -- Peter Gabel

Simple Enough: A Companion for the Journey -- Bob Sitze

Courage to Think Differently -- George Johnson

NorthWestEarthInstitute.org -- group study guides on many of the above topics

Getting a Grip 2: clarity, creativity, and courage for the world we really want -- Frances Moore Lappe'

The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress -- Chris Hedges

All That We Share -- a Field Guide to the Commons: how to save the economy, the environment, the Internet, democracy, our communities, and everything else that belongs to all of us -- Jay WallJasper

Death of the Liberal Class -- Chris Hedges

Authentic Patriotism: Restoring America's Founding Ideals Through Selfless Action -- Stephen P. Kiernan

Living Room Revolution: A Handbook for Conversation, Community and the Common Good -- Cecile Andrews

Living More with Less, 30th Anniversary Edition -- Valerie Weaver-Zercher

Choose Justice DVD with extensive conversation guide -- Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne


Many More Articles: Non-seasonal
Many More Articles: Advent/Christmas
Many More Articles: Lent/Easter
Many More Articles: Other Seasons
Page updated 2 June 2016

Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com | Blog INDEX
VIDEOS [ YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks ]
MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.