
LINKS to Other Worthwhile Internet Sites/Blogs/Podcasts

If you know of an organization that has a web site that you feel needs to have a link from this page, contact us.

We want to carry out Alternatives' GOALS.
1) "Heightening awareness in an increasingly larger audience about the implications of consumerism and commercialization in the celebrations of Christmas and other holidays."

2) "Diverting persons and institutions from over-consumption to a more just distribution and stewardship of funds and other resources."

3) "Providing a bridge between those concerned about peace, justice and sustainability of creation whether within religious institutions or outside them."

Faith-Based Resources

Getting Started in Simple Living (Classics)

Study/Activity/Action Guides

Champions of Simple Living (detailed)

Secular Resources

SLW! Recommends Literacy Service (current)

Previews of Simple Living Blogs, Podcasts and Sites


Faith and Money - Making the Connection

The Common Good Podcast

Living on Earth:
PRI's Environmental News Magazine

Good Dirt Radio

Alternative Radio: David Barsamian

The Good Stuff (from Story of Stuff Project)

The Minimalists

Networks, Organizations, Groups

 The Simplicity Collective

 Christian Simple Living

 Resilience is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the world transition away from fossil fuels and build sustainable, resilient communities.

 Green America, publisher of National Green Pages
(formerly Co-op America)

Simple Living Forum

Center for a New American Dream

Business for Social Responsibility

OXFAM America

Why Hunger
(formerly World Hunger Year)

U.S. National Committee for World Food Day

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship

Alternative/Fair Trade

Alternative Gifts International

Ten Thousand Villages

Equal Exchange

SERRV International

Sharing the Dream

Friends of the Third World

 Financial Resources, Responsible Money Practices

 The Forum for Sustainable
and Responsible Investment

Faith and Money Network
(formerly Ministry of Money)

Women's Perspective on Money
and Spirituality

Charity Navigator

Environmental Organizations


E/The Environmental Magazine

Beyond Pesticides


Eco-Justice Ministries (archives): a challenging call to 'be the church' in this time of environmental crisis -- backed up with a comprehensive set of resources and background materials.

Appalachia--Science in the Public Interest

Interfaith Power and Light

International Earth Day


 Earth Friendly Products

 Real Goods|Solar

Churches, Denominations, Religious Groups


American Baptist Church

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

Presbyterian Church USA

United Church of Christ

United Methodist Church

Center for Parish Development

Children, Teens

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood



Community - Intentional, Organizing, Development

 The Simple Way

 Intentional Communities

Base Community

Los Angeles Eco-Village

Peace and Justice Organizations

 American Friends Service Committee

Fellowship for Reconciliation

Pax Christi-USA

Lutheran Peace Fellowship

Political Action

The Center for Democracy and Technology

The Sanders Institute

Other Groups, Organizations, Associations of Interest

Seattle's Phinney Ridge and Greenwood Neighborhoods

Transition Towns USA

Take Back Your Time Day

Buy Me Nothing Christmas

The Fuller Center for Housing

ALTERnativity (Scotland)

 Publications and Other Resources

The Pastoral Center

Gospel Living

The Caretaker Gazette



The Story of Stuff

Seeds of Hope

Salt of the Earth:
online resource for social justice

Business Ethics Magazine

Permaculture Activist

Sojourners Magazine


More Than Money

Marriage & Family

Institute for Peace & Justice /
Parenting for Peace and Justice

Advent Conspiracy

Geez Magazine
contemplative cultural resistance

Independent, Non-Commercial Media

Free Speech TV


Link TV: Television without Borders
Your Connection to the World

Another World Is Possible

The Real News Network

Democracy Now! The War & Peace Report
with Amy Goodman

New Internationalist: Magazine and books

GritTV with Laura Flanders

ORION Magazine and podcasts,
especially Derrick Jensen

 Other Sites Worth Visiting

Prayer and Politiks: Signs of the Times (Ken Sehested)

Christian Simplicity


Ship of Fools: Magazine of Christian Unrest


Men Can Stop Rape: Creating Cultures Free from Violence

Addiction Resource: raising awareness of the dangers of addiction and helping local communities stay drug-free

Champions of Simple Living

Recent Additions: Susan Vogt, Tim Kasser, Joel Zaslofsky, David Shi, Paul Canavese, Janet Luhrs, Simplicity Collective, Jeff Yeager

John De Graaf: Producer and co-author of Affluenza; Co-founder of The Happiness Initiative

Vicki Robin: Simple Living Forum | Vicki's Vision (audio)

Green America: Powerful Online Shopping Guide

Carol Holst: Are You a PostConsumer?

Cecile Andrews: Simplicity Conversation Circles (podcast) | Spirit of Simplicity: Introduction

Bob Sitze - author, Simple Enough blogger

Christine and Tom Sine: Mustard Seed Associates

Lee Van Ham: Blinded by Progress

Duane Elgin: Lifestyle of the Future?

Juliet Schor: Plentitude

Wanda Urbanska - Simple Living (PBS series)

Herald Press: Living More with Less // World Community Cookbooks

Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne

Page updated 7/24/19

Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com | Blog INDEX
VIDEOS [ YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks ]
MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.