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Available SLOW Down Newsletters:
Let's SLOW Down!
An Occasional Newsletter for Members of Alternatives' SLOW Down Network - Volunteers who Represent Alternatives and Voluntary SimplicityIssue #4 - Winter, 2000
You are one of Alternatives' 500+ volunteers! Yes, the network is growing by over 100 per year.
You will receive this newsletter about twice per year to give you updates on the SLOw Down Network. Your comments, questions, concerns and funny stories are welcome. Please save this newsletter in your SLOw Down folder.
Progress Report
Thanks to all who reviewed the first draft of the SLO Handbook/Lifestyle Resource. We plan to offer it for sale to all our customers soon.
Its title is Simple Living 101: A Toolbook for Sharing the Joy of Simpler Living through Speeches, Workshops, Events and Study Groups/Simplicity Circles.
NOTE! When we ask you to make a presentation or when you book one for our benefit, the support materials you need are FREE. (We'll loan you videos and display books which you can return or buy from us wholesale after the event.)
Some reviewers thought that we were developing this new resource to sell to our volunteers. You may choose to buy the entire resource, but if you are scheduled to give a speech, we will send you the materials you need for that event.
Please look at your volunteer designation (on your mailing label). Notify
us if it is incorrect. If it says...
S, you are a Motivational SPEAKER
L, Workshop LEADER
D, Discussion Group ConsultantYou may have more than one designation.
Please take the media release "Alternatives Offers Speakers and Support for
Simpler Living" to your local editor(s). It is available from us by mail
or on our website anytime under "Information: Media Releases: Non-Seasonal."
Also, if you do not want to be interviewed when reporters call us, mark such
on the Reply.
When something appears in your area media - print or electronic (TV, radio, cable) - send us a copy or report it to us with a brief description. We can't afford a national "clip service." We need help seeing if our outreach efforts are working.
- See the enclosed reply form. If you have a presentation/outline that you are willing to share, please send a copy. If you have experience forming and/or leading a Simplicity Circle or Study/accountability Group, please mark that on your response form. We're getting requests for help to start such local groups and we would like to refer people to someone in their area.
In summer many conferences and conventions may include a workshop about Voluntary
Simplicity. If you're on a steering committee, suggest one. We'll send you
catalogs and brochures to display at events, even if a workshop is not offered.
Try scheduling a short series (fewer than 13 sessions) about simplifying Christmas in the fall and about year 'round simpler living in the winter, possibly during Lent.
Take the initiative. We'll back you up! If you need "SLO Intro" (Issue #1), call. Thanks again. - Sharene Schwarz, SLOw Down Coordinator, and Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
27 February 2003
Simple Living Works! *
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.