"Birthday Gift for Jesus" Giving Calendar

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"Birthday Gift for Jesus" Giving Calendar

Calendar for Advent and Christmas

The following calendar can be used any year. The Sunday reading are given for cycle C. The readings for Cycles A and B are given below. You can easily substitute the readings for the year/cycle of your choice.

Likewise, additional organizations for giving are included at the end. So, you can substitute some of the optional ones for the ones listed. Or you can substitute local or regional organizations.

Since Christmas and Epiphany are fixed dates but Advent always begins on a Sunday, you will need to adjust the dates to accommodate the current year.

The point is to encourage people to give more to needy people and to spend less on themselves!

We Will Be Aware!
We Will Act!

Calendar for Advent and Christmas

This year we pledge to refuse to have our holy day subverted by advertising. Instead of shopping and fretting over stuff, we will spend our time becoming aware of real needs and of the agencies that are doing something about those needs.

We pledge to give our money to the agencies that meet real needs instead of to the companies that create/manufacture false needs in us for their own profit.

As a family, investigate the causes and organizations listed in this calendar (and elsewhere) to support with money you collect. Choose a percentage early in the season (from 25% to 100%). Then give that amount every time you spend any money for Christmas (even if it's for food, decorations, etc.) … in addition to the amount you normally give away. Decorate a can to hold the money. Put it on display. 20 bucks on a tree? Then $ __  goes in the can. This money is not a penalty but a way to help our need to help others. Donate the money on Epiphany, the day the Magi offered their gifts to Jesus.


Oct. 1 or Nov. 1 -Call a family meeting talk about Christmas expectations. What do each of us really want? Who is going to do what? What is really most meaningful? Are we willing to spend less on ourselves and give more to the needy? Write down and post decisions.

Oct. 24 - Participate in Take Back Your Time Day. Visit TimeDay.org

Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Day (USA)

Nov. 28 - Participate in International Buy Nothing Day on this, the biggest shopping day of the year, by doing no shopping, by writing a letter to the editor promoting sustainability. Visit www.Adbuster.org or call 800-663-1243.


Ecumenical Agencies Week

Sunday, Advent 1. Read & meditate on Jer. 33:14-16; Ps. 25:1-10; 1 Thess. 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Monday - Bread for the World promotes education and legislation on issues of international and domestic hunger and justice. Visit www.Bread.org or call 800/822-7323. 

Tuesday - Church World Service works in partnership with the needy while providing immediate necessities. Visit www.ChurchWorldService.org or call 219/264-3102.

Wednesday - Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with poor people around the world to build simple, decent houses. Visit www.Habitat.org or call 800/HABITAT (422-4828).

Thursday - Ten Thousand Villages provides fair income for Third World artisans through a nonprofit marketing program. Visit http://www.tenthousandvillages.com or call 717/859-8100.

Friday - Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) works to achieve a just and peaceful world community. Visit www.forusa.org or call 914/358-4601.

Saturday -SERRV International, Inc. provides a fair market for the producers of crafts in 40 countries. Visit www.SERRV.org or call 800/423-0071.


Catholic Agencies Week

Sunday, Advent 2. Read & meditate on Mal. 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79; Phil. 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Monday - Pax Christi USA works for peace for all humankind. Visit http://www.paxchristiusa.org or call 814/453-4955.

Tuesday - Catholic Relief Services assists the poor and disadvantaged outside of this country. Visit www.CatholicRelief.org or call 410/625-2220.

Wednesday - Center of Concern provides social analysis, theological reflection, policy advocacy and public education on issues of peace & justice. Visit www.COC.org or call (202) 635-2757.

Thursday - Network is a national Catholic social justice lobby which provides advocacy for the poor and disadvantaged. Visit networklobby.org or email network@networklobby.org or call (202) 547-5556.

Friday - Campaign for Human Development provides funding for grassroots organizations working to change the cycle of poverty. Visit www.CHD.org or call (202) 541-3210.

Saturday - Catholic Charities USA provides information and action alerts on issues of poverty and human services. Visit www.CatholicCharities.org or call (703) 549-1390.


Protestant Agencies Week

Sunday, Advent 3. Read & meditate on Zeph. 3:14-20; Isa. 12:2-6; Phil. 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Monday - American Baptist Churches World Relief Office seeks to combat hunger and poverty. Visit www.ABCWR.org or call 610/768-2202

Tuesday - Christian Church (DOC) Disciples Mission Fund (replaces Basic Mission Finance) provides health, healing, education and hope to marginalized people. Visit www.DOCBMF.org or call 317/635-3113.

Wednesday - Episcopal Relief and Devlopment ministers to those who are hurt, forgotten, disposessed, sick or in need of training and education. Visit http://www.er-d.org/erd.htm or call 800/334-7626.

Thursday - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America World Hunger Appeal works toward development, relief and justice. Visit www.ELCA.org/Hunger or call 800/NET-ELCA.

Friday - Presbyterian Hunger Program responds to hunger and poverty through education, direct food relief, development assistance, lifestyle integrity and  influencing public policy. Visit http://www.pcusa.org/pcusa/wmd/hunger/ or call 800/334-0434.

Saturday - Reformed Church World Service responds to immediate relief needs and seeks solutions to long-term problems through development, rehabilitation and advocacy. Visit http://rcws.rca.org or call 800/264-7249.


More Partner Agencies

Sunday, Advent 4. - Read & reflect on the Promises in Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:47-55 or Ps. 80:1-7; Heb. 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 (46-55).  Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Monday - Read and meditate on Luke 1:47-55, the Song of Mary.

Tuesday - United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries Office for Poverty and Hunger seeks to end childhood hunger and provides lifestyle education. Visit www.UCC.org or call 216/736-3290.

Wednesday - United Methodist Committee on Relief responds to Christ’s command to feed the hungry, care for the sick and welcome the stranger in our midst.  Visit gbgm-umc.org/umcor or call 800/841-1235 or 800/554-8583

24 - Christmas Eve. Read and meditate on Isa. 9:2-7; Ps. 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-4 (15-20).  Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

25 - Christmas Day. Read & meditate at dawn on Isaiah 62:6-12; Titus 3:4-7 &/or Luke 2: (1-7) 8-20. Later read & meditate on Isaiah 527-10; Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12); &/or John 1:1-14.

26 - Faith and Money Network (formerly Ministry of Money) helps individuals explore, understand and address issues of money and faith. Visit www.FaithAndMoneyNetwork.org or call 301/428-9560.

27 - [local or regional charity or service agency]

Sunday - Christmas 1 (Holy Family Sunday). Read and meditate on 1 Sam. 2:18-20, 26; Col. 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

28 - Holy Innocents Day.

29 - Mercy Corps International promotes self-reliance, productivity, human dignity among the world’s poor. Visit www.MercyCorps.org or call 503/242-11032.

30 - Oxfam America promotes self-help development and disaster relief projects worldwide. Visit www.Oxfam.org or call 617/482-1211.

31 - New Year’s Eve.

January 1 - New Year’s Day. 

2 - Amnesty International works to free prisoners of conscience and end torture and executions around the world. Visit www.Amnesty.org or call 212/633-4256.

3 - American Friends Service Committee seeks to root out the causes of violence that lie in poverty and imbalance of wealth. Visit www.AFSC.org or call 888/588-AFSC.

4 - Sunday, Christmas 2. Read and meditate on Jer. 31: 7-14; Ps. 147: 12-20; John 1:10-18. If you celebrate Epiphany today, share that reflection in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Sing some carols from Carols with Justice. Discuss… Visit archives…

5 - [local or regional charity or service agency] 

6 - Epiphany. Read & meditate on Matt. 2:1-12; Ep. 3:1-12.  Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"  Offer the money you have been saving to the cause of your choice.


The addresses for these organizations are available at their web sites, by phone, or here.

For a list of other valuable web sites, visit SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives >> Lent Calendar 2003

And SimpleLivingWorks.org >> About Us >> Links


©Creative Commons (originally Alternatives for Simple Living).


Readings for Cycle A

Advent I - Read and meditate on Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24: 36-44. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Advent II - Read and meditate on Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Advent III - Read and meditate on Isaiah 35:1-10; Luke 1:47-55; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11: 2-11. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Advent IV - Read and meditate on Isaiah 7:10-16;  Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

24: Christmas Eve - Read and meditate on Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 (15-20). Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

25: Christmas Day - Read and meditate at dawn on Isaiah 62:6-12; Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2: (1-7) 8-20. Later in the day, read & meditate on Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 98; Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12); John 1:1-14.

28: The Holy Innocents - Read and meditate on Jeremiah 31: 15-17; 1 Peter 4:12-19; Matthew 2:13-18.

Christmas I - Read and meditate on Isaiah 63:7-9; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Christmas II - Read and meditate on Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1: (1-9) 10-18.

Epiphany - Read and meditate on Isaiah 60:1-6;  Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12. Share the reflection for this day in Alternatives’ booklet "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Offer the money you have been saving to the cause of your choice.


Readings for Cycle B

Sunday, Advent 1. Read & meditate on Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Cor. 1:3-9; &/or Mark 13:24-37. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Sunday, Advent 2. Read & meditate on Isaiah 40:1-11; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; &/or Mark 1:1-8. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Sunday, Advent 3. Read & meditate on Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; 1 Thess. 5:16-24; &/or John 1:6-8, 19-28. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"               

Sunday, Advent 4. Read & meditate on 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Romans 16: 25-27; &/or Luke 1:26-38. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

24--Christmas Eve. Read & meditate on Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; &/or Luke 2:1-14 (15-20). Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

25 - Christmas Day. Read & meditate at dawn on Isaiah 62:6-12; Titus 3:4-7 &/or Luke 2: (1-7) 8-20. Later read & meditate on Isaiah 527-10; Hebrews 1:1-4(5-12); &/or John 1:1-14. .

28: Holy Innocents Day - Read and meditate on Jeremiah 31: 15-17; 1 Peter 4:12-19; Matthew 2:13-18.

Sunday - Christmas 1. Read & meditate on Isaiah 61:10-62:3; Galatians 4:4-7; &/or Luke 2:22-40. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

Sunday, Christmas 2. Read & meditate on Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1:3-14; &/or John 1: (1-9) 10-18. If you celebrate Epiphany today, share that reflection in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

6 - Epiphany. Read & meditate on Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; &/or Matthew 2:1-12. Share the reflection for this day in "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Offer the money you have been saving to the cause of your choice.


* [More OPTIONs for Ecumenical Week]

Alternative Gifts International helps organize "alternative giving" events. Visit www.AltGifts.org or call 800/842-2243.

ECHO (Education Concerns for Hunger Organization) provides agricultural information and seeds to those working with farmers in the Third World. Visit www.ECHOnet.org or call 941/543-3246.

Koinonia Partners teaches peace, kindness, sharing and simplicity; sells pecan and peanut products grown by the community. Visit www.KoinoniaPartners.org or call 912/924-1224.

 Mercy Corps International promotes self-reliance, productivity, human dignity among the world’s poor. Visit www.MercyCorps.org or call 503/242-11032.

Jubilee Economics Ministries finds and promotes economic models for our One Earth home for the Common Good. Visit www.Jubilee-Economics.org


[More OPTIONs for Catholic Week]

Catholic Near East Welfare Assoc.(CNEWA) offers opportunities for individuals and parishes to sponsor children in Africa, India and the Middle East. Visit www.CNEWA.org or call (212) 826-1480.

Catholic Social Services provides volunteer opportunities in food distribution, foster care, adoption and emergency assistance. (Contact your parish or diocese for the agency nearest you.)

Holy Childhood Association (HCA) involves North American children in sponsoring seasonal appeals for children around the globe during Halloween, Advent and Lent. Visit www.HCA.org or call (202) 775-8637.

Mary’s Pence funds programs that serve economically deprived women and children in need of shelter, education, legal advice and psychological and spiritual development. Contact www.HCA.org or call (732) 452-9611.

Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) United States Catholic Conference offers opportunities for parishes and individuals to assist newcomers. Visit www.MRS.org or call (202) 541-3220.

National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) co-sponsors with Catholic Relief Services programs which allow parishes and individuals to sponsor poor children around the world and support clean water projects. Visit www.NCCW.org or call (202) 682-0338.


[More OPTIONs for Protestant Week]

Church of the Brethren Emergency Disaster Fund provides necessities and rebuilds resources for victims of disaster. Visit www.Brethren.org or call 800/323-8039.

Mennonite Central Committee provides relief, services and development in 50 countries. Visit www.MCC.org or call 717/859-1151.


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