Christmas Pack #15
Cover Page
Reclaiming Christmas
Resources for Churches and Groups
How to Use This Packet:
- Discussion Guides for Adults. Explore priorities, gift-giving practices, traditions and Santa Claus with an adult discussion group using these guides. Use one each week in Advent or use during a Christmas workshop, encouraging participants to attend the session they are most interested in.
- Guidelines for Alternative Giving. With suggestions and a worksheet, this resource can lead individuals, households and small study groups to explore gift-giving practices. It makes a good handout for participants of the "giving" discussion group.
- St. Nicholas: A Puppet Play. This short puppet play tells the story of St. Nicholas, a third century bishop who gave to the needy. Present the play during an Advent children's service or special event.
- "Reclaiming Christmas" Models for Prayer and Worship. With a litany or prayer for each of the four weeks of Advent, Christmas Eve/Day and Epiphany, as well as a sermon illustration, this resource can be used during a worship service or with a prayer group.
- "Remembering the Holy Innocents." A Service for December 28th. Using this example, church leaders can design a service and activities to remember the holy innocents of Bethlehem and children at risk in your community today.
- "Traveling to Bethlehem" Advent and Christmas Calendar. With daily suggestions for thought and action, this calendar helps individuals and groups as they travel the road to Bethlehem.
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Page updated 11 Sept. 2013
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