Customer Responses, 2002


I love reading your catalogs! I have copied out the "12 Steps to Simpler Living" [Lenten Guide]. -- Sally Ann Keyes, Duluth, MN

I placed my order over the phone. By the way, the woman who helped me was very nice. Thank you, Sheri Haney, Winchester, IN

Your materials are making a huge difference in Central Texas. --Marsha Paisley, St Luke's on the Lake Episcopal Church, Austin, TX

I plan to use "Tell Me a Tale," "The Gardener," "Biggest Hose in the World" and "1000 Paper Cranes" in the church library, display case and Church school. You're prompt and you address needs. --Dennis Union Church, Dennis, MA

I ordered "Like a Garden" from your web site for personal use and group study at church. You bet! I believe in your mission. -- Susan Deaver, Ozark, MO



Your Lenten calendars for kids and adults have good content. We'll distribute them to all families, kids, households. It's the right stuff! --Rev. James Kellaway, St. John's Church, Vernon, CT

I plan to use "Watch & Pray," "The Forgotten Followers" and "Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?" for Lenten devotions, small group discussion and Lenten program. --Westminster Presbyterian, Decatur, IL

My wife and I have been working through your "12 Steps to Simpler Living" guide for Lent. Thank-you for a wonderful resource. I think step two might take me a few years, but with God's help I'll get there. Wes Bergen, North Newton, KS

I plan to use the six different titles I ordered in the library and as curriculum and resource books. Your catalog gives a good representation of the books, they are in good condition and reasonably priced. We have always had excellent service from Alternatives. --Sherry Davis, Indianapolis, IN



Thank you for the "12 Steps to a Simpler Life, a 40-Day Guide for Lent or Anytime." My pastor at King of Glory Tabernacle, shared it with the body. Oh! What a blessing. I request that copy of this same guide be sent to ___ in prison. Thank you, Aldith Diaz, Bronx, NY.

I plan to purchase more copies of "Whose Birthday" to give to each family in our congregation. I plan to use "Marketing Madness" for personal growth and understanding. We embrace the same values. Tery Burki, Hartland, WI

I am very impressed with your customer service! Thank you so much! Sincerely, Mary McKinney P.S. I'm really excited about leading an "Unplug the Christmas Machine" workshop! Thank you for making this available to me!



"The Economic Way of the Cross" is exactly what I was looking for in an Easter retreat with a volunteer community. You carry great titles and selection! Thank you! -- Amy Fabricius, Selma, AL

I plan to use "Learning the Cost of Discipleship," the Lenten calendar and "Watch and Pray" for individual study. Thank you for the prompt delivery. --Catherine Worsley, Elkton, MD

I'm finding good response to your mission and resources. Next week when I lead a retreat for parish nurses on the theme "Ceremonies and Celebrations for Daily Living," I'll be making steady use of "Alternatives." Keep up your great ministry! --Dosia Carlson, Phoenix, AZ



Your "Half the Stuff -- Twice the Joy" [Lenten Guide] has been a real joy for me. I picked up the copy at St. Paul's Passionist Monastery. Thank you very much. I really appreciate this. I am hoping to get other people interested. -- Teresa Dumbaugh, Pittsburgh, PA

Okay, I decided to become a member because I believe in what your organization is promoting, but please do not automatically send me a lot of printed stuff that wastes paper.

Also previously received an order including "How Much Is Enough?" -- excellent!!! That's the reason I wish to order again. Have also received "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" booklet and discussed it in our Bible study group. Also received "Unplug the Christmas Machine" excellent.

Have shared with many our copy of the video "Affluenza." Have also ordered and received numerous other materials. I have long been concerned about the very issues addresses in your materials but only received your catalog beginning in Fall, 1999. I read; I think; I live, but I do not necessarily join for the sake of joining.

By the way, also ordered "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" for our church's child development center library -- it was WONDERFUL.

At this time I am reading and thinking about how to apply to MY LIFE -- "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger" (excellent); "'Tis a Gift to Be Simple," "Six Weeks to a Simpler Lifestyle."

You nurture an ideal I have had for a long time but found little support for. -- Leslye Korvola, Fairbanks, AK



Both "St. Francis and the Foolishness of God" and "Voluntary Simplicity" inspired me to change my lifestyle. I plan to refer back to them. Great books! I like your catalog. -- Mary Ripp, San Jose, CA

Thank you very much for your promptness in getting my order of books shipped to me in perfect shape.

I want to say, too, that I am thoroughly enjoying the "freebie" you chose for me. It is perfect for me at this time of my life. I appreciate it very much. Peace, Sharon Sanford, Sioux City, IA

"Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?" offers a good combination of materials for a variety of settings. I ordered it for personal use (self and family), as resources for work with local churches. I believe in your key principles and you have good stuff. Your prices are always very reasonable. I'm pleased we can now order from the web site. -- David Hodgkins, South Portland, ME



I plan to use "Voluntary Simplicity" and "Making a Living While Making a Difference" in my daily life and in church. Thanks for your great work. Aloha! R.S. Ganden Nebres, Wailuku, HI

I plan to use "Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?" for worship and sermon preparation. Nice variety - helpful texts and ideas. Your resources tie directly into Church of the Brethren values and commitment to simplicity. Thanks for all you do and produce! -- Erin Matteson, Faith Church of the Brethren, Batavia, IL

I plan to read Kids Creating Circles of Peace to children. I wanted material to help children in character building. Your material is good to help make people better and more loving. Glad you're there. --Claire Applegate, Stafford, TX



I plan to use "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art" on my "inspirational" web site. I appreciate your outlook. D. J. Rodgers, Harrisburg, PA

Friends, I read about your organization in the National Green Pages and was wondering if you have a brochure or catalog available. My mother lived a very simple lifestyle and passed away a very content woman at 83 years of age! I would like to do that too. Thanks, Randy Wade, Gower, MO

We're using the Alternative Wedding Book to plan our wedding. We'll share it with friends thereafter. I receive your mailings and check out your web site. I support your efforts and agree with the philosophy. -- Alice Hogan, Arlington, VA



For many years, I have returned to your publication To Celebrate: Reshaping Holidays and Rites of Passage to offer my parish a meaningful and contemporary perspective on our treasured feasts. Thank you. (Rev.) Skip Karcsinski, Associate Pastor, St. Jude Parish, Monroe, CT

A co-worker ordered Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art. Now we ALL want it. I just want to say what a blessing it is to find you! -- Theresa McDermott,

I have such great respect for all you have done and continue to do! Cecile Andrews, author of "The Circle of Simplicity," Tacoma, WA



Thank you for all your past information. We are so glad there are so many Christians left in what seems a very heartless world. Your web site will remain a firm favourite. God Bless you all and give you strength to carry on. With our very best wishes, Andy and Sarah Wright, UK

I will add your web site to my bookmarks. Thank you. I like what you are doing and believe in it! S. Stefanie Weisgram, OSB

I plan to give Faith the Cow as a first communion gift, along with a donation to the Heifer Project. Great product. Great service! -- Macaulay Family, Lake Orion, MI


I just wanted to say a quick "thank you" for processing my order so quickly. (And for the reply to my e-mail earlier this week.) I received my books on Thursday and I look forward to reading them. Peace, J. Scott Perkins

I plan to use TREK in an adult religious education session. -- Friends Meeting (Quakers), Fredonia, NY

We plan to use the resources we ordered from you for family, relatives, church Social Justice Committee. Good, helpful items and service. -- David Schmit, Minneapolis, MN



I plan to use Alternative Wedding Book for ideas with my daughter's wedding -- Patricia Sailor, Andover, MN

I heard about you from a search that I did on "social justice" and "simple living" -- a Yahoo search or on Lycos. I am very pleased to have found your marvelous site; thank you very much for the work that you do. Erin Shoemate, Huntsville, AL

Greetings! I do enjoy receiving your email "Alert!" Peace, Doug Looney, Allegany, NY



I plan to give your resources as gifts. Different, honest, simple. -- Hester Petty, St. Paul, IN

I plan to read "Affluenza" and the bumper stickers and pass the information to other. I like the philosophy being espoused. -- Clayton Pederson, Bellevue, IA

I plan to use your resources in our Christian Ed program. Thanks for getting the items here quickly! -- Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA



I am the Peace and Justice Coordinator for the Sisters of St. Francis. I am enclosing a check to renew my membership. Thank you for all that you are doing to encourage us to live more simply. I appreciate having your many excellent publications as a resource. Peace in all! -- Sr. Bea Leising, OSF, Williamsville, NY

I really would like to keep in touch with your "special ministry," so count me in for the E-mailing. Grace and Peace, Frank "Skip" Danforth, West Chatham, MA

I ordered Joy of Simple Living, Adventures in Simple Living; Voluntary Simplicity by e-mail for information for our family. Practical, thought-provoking materials. -- Carolyn Brewer, Stow, OH


Keep up the good work. We like what you have to share. Betty Freeman, Northwest Baby & Child, Renton, WA

We just received the Spirit of Simplicity notebook. It looks like such a great and generous resource. Many thanks. Blessings Vicki Robin, co-author of "Your Money or Your Life"

I plan to use Kids Creating Circles of Peace with the school age summer program of our child care center. We'll be ordering more copies once we know our enrollment.

I heard about Alternatives through your email newsletter and ordered through your web site. Positive and life changing resources. I already had a copy of the Spring Resource book. I gave the extra one you sent to a co-worker who is trying to live simply with her children. -- Sherry Gutierrez, Corvallis, OR



Extending the Table is a wonderful book. I lend it out to people. I use my personal copy constantly. Our copy from years ago disappeared from our library. Another order is enclosed. You publish or sell good, hard to find resources.-- Francis J. Schuele, Kansas City, MO

I really enjoy receiving your catalogue. Thanks. Helen Beazley, Hill End, Queensland, Australia

I plan to use the Affluenza video in Sunday Church School. Excellent catalog. -- John Faircloth, Carrollton, VA



I look forward to continued email mailings. Thanks again, Candy Montalvo, Fremont, CA

This was a particularly helpful newsletter. Thank you for the good work you and all the folks at Alternatives have been doing for years. It seems critically important, especially now when spiritual truth-telling is not what people want to hear. Peace and Light, Skip [SLondos]

i love the site and all the wonderful insights therein. thanks, lisa ham



Hello Folks! We are new to your organization / catalog; but we sure do admire what you do. Brian Reeves, Santa Rosa, NM

Sing Justice! Do Justice! is attractive and challenging. Good quality poetry and hymnody. -- Louise Carlson, Timenium, MD

I plan to use "Simple Living, Compassionate Life," "Simple Living Guide," "Speaking for Ourselves, "The Christmas Game" for myself and the church. Your resources are helpful, relevant, challenging, spiritual, Christ-centered! Thank you. Karen Hunter, Seattle, WA



I do think we, in the US, live too extravagantly for this small planet earth. I've explored your web site some, and would like to continue to hear from you. M [Martha] K Hafner

Yes, please include me on the less frequent newsletter list. Thank you for all of your work and for your sensitivity to those of us who receive more mail than we can handle! Harriet Bryan

I am a Christian and an Environmental Studies major/Religion concentration at Denison University. It is refreshing and affirming to read the material on your web site. If you have a newsletter, consider me subscribed. Keep up the good work! Sarah Borron



I LOVE your publications. --Dorothy "Dottie" Burnham, Knoxville, TN

The selections from you [in the Resource Club] are great. Your service is great. --Jill Bremer, Olympia, WA

I found you accidentally on the web. I was looking for information about simplifying, and I happened upon you, thank God :) Trish Clark, Troy, NH



Love this! Did not know something like this existed. Please add me to your mailing list. Thank you. Ronah Currey

Thank you for the [email] information. I appreciate your efforts, and I want to be part of them. --Margaret Botch

I don't know who gave you my address but I am happy to be in your list. Alternatives for Simple Living is a great, fundamental idea. I hope to hear from you regularly. Sincerely, Aspasia, Brazil



Yes! Send me your free monthly e-newsletter. I appreciate your work! Lawrence Baylot

Greetings! I don't remember ever responding concerning your newsletter because I love everything about Alternatives! PLEASE sign me up for the total package -- not the shortened version. Thanks for all you do. Joy Crosby

I would be happy to receive your newsletter. Thank you and thanks, too, for your good work. Blessings of peace, Phyllis Turner Jepson, Coordinator, Local/Regional Coordinator's Office, Pax Christi USA - A National Section of the International Catholic Peace Movement



"Whose Birthday," "Faith the Cow," "Whoever You Are" are all excellent. I plan to use them as resources for congregational programs, junior sermons and Sunday School. Keep up the good work. Niskayuna Reformed Church, Schenectady, NY

I plan to use Simpler Living - Compassionate Life to start Voluntary Simplicity group. Sybil Wermert, Marietta, GA

Thank you! We do enjoy your publications. Shalom, Mark Yackel-Juleen, Windom, MN



I plan to use "Can't Buy My Love" and "Affluenza" (the book) in presentations on simplicity and spiritual formation. I heard about them in your email announcement. Alternatives is a good source. --David Fouche, Winston-Salem, NC

"Gifts that Make a Difference," "Earth Score," "Whose Birthday" all exceeded even the descriptions. I plan to use them to simplify gift giving, to help the environment and to assist my spiritual growth. Service was prompt and efficient. -- Iris M. Dreyer, Aransas Pass, TX

Thank you for the resources you offer! As a home-educating family... we integrate the "simplicity" message into our curriculum. The awesome resources make it so much more effective. The Lord has blessed us with a large family and we feel responsible to insure that our children have the necessary tools to change the world! Thank you so much, folks! Your sister in Christ, Wendy Cukierski, Oneida, NY



I plan to share "Whose Birthday" with friends at church. I'm interested in it. --Joni and John Trayer, Columbia, MO

I plan to use Those Who Speak for God, To Celebrate, Simpler living Calendar, Shalom Connections, Treasury of Celebrations for Church programming. I am an Alternatives member and read literature/catalogs. I will most likely use more of your resources. They are useful inexpensive, comparatively. Service was prompt, design is inviting. Ruth A. Clark, Froid, MT

I ordered copies of Money Wise Meditations for our church stewardship team. I have been a regular customer for last 3 or 4 years. You carry a selection of topics I am interested in and can't find elsewhere -- like "Mustard Seed Vs. McWorld," "Culture Jam," and "Beyond Guilt." Appreciate fast delivery! Munger, Port Ordane, WA



It looks like there's good info about different holidays and occasions in Treasury of Celebrations and it looks very usable! I plan to use it with our family ministry and adult formation. Community of St. Philip the Apostle, Green Bay, WI

I plan to use your resources as gifts. They're exactly what I wanted. Good quality. You do good work. Keep it going! Julie Taylor, Alexandria, VA

We loan Affluenza, Escape Affluenza, Healing River to churches in Conference. -- North Texas Conference of UMC, Dallas, TX



To all those who listened to my cry for help regarding the Leader's Guide to the Unplug the Christmas Machine Workshop:

My copy arrived a few minutes ago via UPS! That gust of wind you just felt was my sigh of relief!

Thank you so much for all the kind offers for help. It's reassuring to know that cries for help are heard!

Peace and a blessed Advent and Christmastide to all, Pat Bird


SUPER "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" and "Update..." thorough, interesting, so MANY good ideas to consider and act on. Thank you all! -- Richard "Dick" Webster, Worthington, OH

I plan to use To Celebrate: Reshaping Holidays and Rites of Passage; note cards; Those Who Speak for God; and your calendar personally and in my work as pastoral minister. I'm interested in simple living and like your products. -- Carol Kelzer, Sioux City, IA



Please send me a copy of "Whose Birthday is it Anyway?" My family has enjoyed the activities in the calendar in the past, and we are looking forward to another meaningful celebration of Christ's birth. Dara Gjersvik, Alden, MN Thank you.

I plan to use Unplug the Christmas Machine in adult education on Sunday morning in November. I love your ideas. Very impressed with service. I underpaid and you sent it anyway! P.S. I sent the rest! -- St. Matthias Church, East Aurora, NY

I would like to include your Resource Guide on our information rack in my church. I am sensing a discouragement among many with the materialist lifestyle. The recent jump in fuel prices has been an eye-opener for many to see that unchecked consumption is not one of our fundamental rights. Thanks. Rev. Reece Bookout, First Baptist Church of Warren, Warren, IN



I am a member of St. Stephen's in Pearland, Texas. I've been a Lutheran now for three years. I think the "Whose Birthday?" booklet is a great idea. May I order extra for our youth group? I would need about 50. Thank you. Leiloni Gilbert, Manvel, TX

I really support your mission. I try to live simply and tame the Christmas monster too. --Lisa Swanson Faleide, Maddock, ND

I plan to use Voluntary Simplicity, Consuming Passion, 'Tis a Gift to be Simple, and Simple Living Guide as incentives to simplify our lives, to cut down on clothing, etc. We are working to simplify our lives. -- Librarian, Mt. St. Scholastica, Atchison, KS



Thanks for your ideas on alternative Christmas marts. I held one at our church last year and it was a great success. We have also altered our family gatherings, with extended kin, to make the holidays more meaningful and less about materialism. Thanks! Cheryl Hasegawa

I plan to use Whose Birthday with my Adult Sunday School class. It's easy to use. You have quick service. I enjoy the way you present an alternative. It was so easy to use your service. --David Radcliffe, Red Deer, AB, Canada

I ordered Living More with Less to simplify my life in retirement. I'm interested in simple life style. Thank you for quick response. William C. Briggs, Stockton, CA



Thank you for your web site!! I have been simplifying my Christmas for the last 10 years, but it hasn't been received very well by my family. I'm hoping that your catalog will have some helpful ideas. -- Cassandra B. Lista, Santa Rosa, CA

I use Wedding Alternatives to help couples plan weddings. Good stuff! Well written, etc. Quality & price. -- Cathey A. Rennick

Good email. Valuable message. Thanks. Jan Cecil, Berkley, CA



I plan to use "Whose Birthday" for worship ideas. --Leonard Benson, New Carlisle, OH

I plan to use "Buy Me Nothing, I'll Still Love You," "Alternative giving cards' "The Christmas Game," "Simplify and Celebrate," and "The Shoemaker's Dream" for a program entitled "Christ is the Heart of Christmas." I continue to simplify and focus. --Donna Shields, Bethel Lutheran, Winchester, VA

We appreciate all you do to assist the emergence of peace in the world. Grace and Peace, Kathy Miller, Peace Pilgrim Center. Friends of Peace Pilgrim -- INNER PEACE IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME



Yes! I am satisfied with the design and price of The Words of Life note cards. They carry a message we want to convey. I plan to send them in lieu of Christmas cards around Thanksgiving time. Alternatives represents the values/virtues we promote. Thank you for peace with justice themes/simplicity/ecology in your includes resources. -- Bishop Calvin D. and Velma McConnell, Lake Oswego, OR

I love your Advent resource! -- Rev. Cheryl Larsen Lawing

Thanks for all your good work. --Naomi Reynolds, former editor, The American Baptist Quarterly



I plan to use "Buy Nothing" posters at our church and "Whose Birthday" to teach Sunday School. I have been using your resource for years. They speak to us Americans. -- Mike & Victoria Leburg, Star, NC

I plan to use Treasury of Celebrations as ideas for church (1st Advent and Christmas), then to generate interest in more simple, family oriented living. I'll probably order other resources for program ideas. Phyllis Eller, LaVerne, CA

Faith the Cow and A Prayer for Earth books are lovely. Kids 2001 Activity Calendar is helpful for planning global mission experiences. I heard about you through our Resource library for Sunday Church School classrooms. St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Bethlehem, PA



This ($150) donation is in thanksgiving for the work of Mary Knightwrite who led our "Unplug the Christmas Machine" workshop. -- Tom Cordaro, St. Margaret Mary Parish, Naperville, IL

I plan to distribute and display "Whose Birthday" at upcoming church events. You provide good resource in the process of simplifying my life. -- Kathy Frost, Twin Cities, MN

Thanks for the work you do to promote a better world-village. I am participating in the ministry of the Church of the Covenant, Lynchburg, VA (related to the Church of the Savior in Washington, DC) -- Chaplain Dwight Mays, Altavista, VA



"Whose Birthday" helps facilitate discussion about family ideas for volunteering and giving. -- Gerald Frank, Bluemont, VA

Please know how grateful I am for your work, and that I have found resources from Alternatives very helpful in my ministry. -- Laura Cunningham, Washington, DC

To the alternative people -- Thank you for the shipment of Carols with Justice. I have already used them with the Social Justice and Peacemaking Committee of Eastminster Presbytery. They love the songbooks and believe the carols will be just perfect for our 10th Annual peacemaking Awards Dinner, Dec. 9, the day before Human Rights Day. Alternative living can help save our souls and the planet. Thank you. In the peace of Christ, Rev. David E. Brown, Streetsboro, OH



I heard about The Christmas Game from the school nurse and will use them as classroom gifts. I believe in your concept. -- Susan Gittinger, Overland Park, KS

I plan to use "Gifts That Make a Difference" for myself, children and church. Yes, satisfied. --Des Moines, IA

Carols with Justice is a Great Resource! Thanks! -- Joe & Venona Detrick, Seven Valleys, PA



I plan to use "Unplug the Christmas Machine" and "Journal of Simple Living" in Sunday School. Good subject matter. Price is right! --Northminster Presbyterian Church, North Liberty, IA

I plan to use "Yards of Purple" and Sojourners Magazine for personal reading, worship and ministry resources. Great ministry. -- John Dunke, St. Andrew Lutheran, West Chicago, IL

Thanks so much for the "Whose Birthday" booklets. I used them for a United Methodist Women's meeting. Also some of my friends used them for a Home Demonstration program. I used them for our Family Christmas program. They were well worth the money. -- Martha Atkins, Madisonville, TN



Thanks for pricking my conscience. I used to be a member of "Bread for the World," and still am a regular contributor to "Food for the Poor," and sporadically to "Habitat for Humanity." But my full pantry and freezer are daily reminders to not only thank Our Father for His munificence to me and my family, but to do more to share His bounty. Keep after us, because if you don't, who will? Peace, Mary May Melancon

I love getting e-mail notices from you. Your directions for ordering are so easy. I am in a simple living group but we have adjourned for the summer so like your simple living reminders which I can read or delete as I wish. I like having your personal name at the end of the email too. Thanks. Cindy Lytle, Columbus, OH

I plan to distribute "Whose Birthday" at meetings and promote its use. I have used it for several years and want others to use it. I'll tell others about the books "Yards of Purple," "Hundred Dollar Holiday," "For Every Child" and others. Appreciate what you stand for! The service rep was a pleasure! Thanks for the help! --Presbytery of Lake Huron, Saginaw, MI



I plan to use The Christmas Game in Sunday School class, for gifts. Good stuff! -- Lisa Nichols, St. Elmo UMC, Chattanooga, TN

Hi, I would like to receive e-mail from your terrific organization. I already receive your catalogue in the mail. Thanks! -- Abigail McAuliffe, Ruston, VA

I like your focus. --Allison Mead Schultz, Bonduel, WI



Thanks!!! You just made my Advent planning a whole lot easier!!!! Chris Summy, Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, PA

I will be mailing "Whose Birthday" flyer to various churches around town, and hand-delivering it to the four Catholic churches, as well as to churches where I know some members.

Thanks for the good work you do. You have been an invaluable resource to me, my family, and my community over the years. --Kelli Brew, Gainesville, FL

I give The Alternatives Wedding Book as gifts. I had purchased one for myself several years ago. Good ideas using fewer resources. Nanci Burkhart, Camarillo, CA


Thanks be to God for you and all the good you do! Love and Grace, Allen Polen

For your reflection ... kids prayers:

Dear GOD, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool.

Dear GOD, Did You mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it an accident?

Hello, I just got your catalog in the mail Friday & this is the first time I have laid it down. :) Thank you & God bless your work. Ti Whitacre, Harper's Ferry, WV

I plan to use Yards of Purple and your Advent kit for personal study and family reflection. Great work. Thank you! Quick service also. Lance G. Loberg, Salem, OR



I plan to use the Prayerful Santa cards as Christmas thank-you note cards. Good cause, quality products. You are doing great!. Thank you for your valuable ministry. --N Christenson, Champlin, MN

Thanks for the TEN TIPS FOR SIMPLER, MORE MEANINGFUL CELEBRATIONS. Good stuff. We will share it with both congregations with whom we are working. Rev. Phil Hoy

Thanks for being here. I'm glad to know you exist and I appreciate the info you send! Sincerely, Susie Ries



Hello! I have only been aware of your site for a few months. After discovering the site I got a couple of the reference books you recommended from my local library. I also ordered the "Simple Living 101" kit directly from you. My wife and I have both read this material and feel like the Lord has used your ministry to give us a wake up call about our life style.

I teach an adult men's Sunday School at our United Methodist church in a very small town. The class size is six guys plus myself, all middle age to seniors. Most of them are upper middle-class professionals. Half of them are retired. We've been meeting as a group for three plus years. They are very open to explore simple living principles. I believe the Lord has already prepared the way for this opportunity.

Thank you for your help.

In His name, Sam Houchins


I plan to use "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" in adult Sunday School. It tells how to put God in our everyday lives, not just Sunday worship. -- Janet Wearda, Sheffield, IA

The good meditations in "Watch for the Light" provide personal enrichment. I bought three for friends. They liked it. James L Gahan, St. Charles, MO



I learned about the simple lifestyle from my niece. We first talked about it two years ago. Your web site is wonderful and the resources are greatly appreciated. It has been an awakening to learn what "enough" is and to walk in the freedom of it. Thank You! -- Karen Laccone, West Chicago, IL

Thanks for being there--Pat Ireland, Cottonwood Falls, KS

Greetings and thank you for all the fine work you do! I am speaking at a conference at the University of Guelph in July. I am presenting drama workshops to leaders of GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting their Savior) and would absolutely appreciate it if you could send me some resources -- as offered -- for distribution. If you could send me enough for about a hundred people that should suffice. Glynis M. Belec, Drayton, Ontario, Canada. Thanks, again and God Bless your efforts!



We ordered materials by e-mail to use at home as a couple and in Sunday School. You offer nice alternatives to our secular choices. Keep up the good work. -- Jim and Susan Berghoff, Warren, IN

We ordered the Simple Living Library as a "simplicity project" with college students. Like your resources and variety.--Karen Koons, Hattiesburg, MS

I plan to read and share "Why Write Letters," "Stages," "Let's Say Grace," and "Sex, Economy, and Freedom." Been a member for years. -- Dorothy J. Mosher, Nashville, TN



I am interested in ordering your new video "TV Violence & Your Child." Thank you so much for the fine resources you make available. Sincerely, Jane Winters, Interim Resource Center Director, Presbytery Of Susquehanna Valley, Afton, NY (jevans@susvalpresby.org)

Beyond Guilt is excellent. Thanks, especially since I'm taking a Peace Studies course at Univ. I got both sets of the Apoplectic Cards. Can't figure who I dare send it to as yet but . . . All your bumper stickers are good and worthwhile. I recommended The Gift to our public library. The video TV Violence and Your Child was used by parents and teenagers together in church Sunday School for three sessions. Will lend to others also.

Eventually I may find enough interested to give away 10 copies of Whose Birthday. They are definitely good, just live in a very affluent town that likes to shop. Talk of cutting back yields a blank stare. -- Suzanne Gurr, Aiken, SC

I plan to use "Walk in the Light," "Gifts That Make a Difference" "Crafts for Fun" and "A Simple Christmas" with family and friends. Worthy cause. Shared values. Maggie Wollen-Olson, San Jose, CA



We ordered Culture Jam, Cloth for Cradle, Grace at the Table, Natural Capitalism, string bags and Peace Begins When the Hungry are Fed by email for myself and to refer to others to our church group, though some are simply not interested in topic. You provide outstanding resources. Diane Harper, Black Mountain, NC

Thank-you! I have finally met some Soul Mates! -- Ann Bobbit, Stokedale, NC

I appreciate the no paper e-mail form of your newsletter. Brian Jackson



I plan to use Simple Living Guide, Your Money or Your Life and Living More with Less for personal improvement. You have excellent selections. Good prices. Thanks for sending the catalog. I don't know how you got my address but I'm grateful as I've been looking for some of these books and was unable to find them. --Marcia Webb, Pittsburgh, PA

I remember you guys from my college days (mid-1970s), and it's great to know that you're still around, in print and on the Internet. I think you guys (and gals) are doing a great job. I can only hope to straggle behind in your footsteps, trying to keep up. God Bless You All! --JILL MURMAN PAYNE, Long Beach, New York

I ordered Conversation Pieces as a gift. I like your philosophy. -- Mary Ward, Princeton, NJ



Thank you for following up re: my order. It was for resources for celebrating Lent and Easter. You provide a wonderful service for those of us trying to live the Gospel today with some integrity and truth. -- Dan Rocheleau, Our Lady of Mercy, Church, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Please include me on the monthly free e-mail newsletter list. Thank you for your excellent work! Rev. Matthew Arneson

I'd like to take a moment to thank you all, everyone, for your ministry of simplicity.

Christmas has never been my favorite holiday, for it only left me stretched, weary and lacking in peace and joy. I was blessed this fall however to discover your catalog, materials and web site. I especially enjoyed reading about the adaptations people have made over the holidays. How good it was to read about people who felt like I did in regard to Christmas and the grand materialism emphasis the world gives it.

Thank you, thank you for your ministry of Alternatives for Simple Living. It is a blessing to be connected with you. Peace and Power in Jesus, Judy Kozar



Your example prompts me to do some trimming toward leaner commitment to what Alternatives stands for. Use this check toward the Challenge Fund if you'd like. I think it crucial that this fund be expanded. Shalom, Dick Kieffer, Des Moines, IA

For years I have struggled against the commercialism of the Christmas season. I have sought to GIVE to others items which speak of the true reason for Christmas instead of buying 'junk.' Even so, it is very difficult come Christmas day to realize that I did not buy a big, expensive gift for my sister-in-law, for example, when she gave US a big, expensive gift.

I am still trying, gradually, to teach my family and friends through my actions and gifts, that the gift in giving is about the thought put into it, not the amount of money. I Thank You from my soul for what you are doing with your web-site. It helps me realize that I am NOT the only one out here who thinks like this AND who cares enough to try and change my life accordingly.

Although I don't have e-mail yet, if possible, please put me on your mailing list. Thanks again. Sincerely, Laura L. Foster, Allegan, MI


Keep me posted, and keep up the good work! Jim and Cherie Glasse, Orinda, CA



I shall try to donate early next year. I appreciate your printed offerings and hope you will continue sending the catalogues, which I pass on to friends. May God continue to bless your excellent endeavors. -- S.A. Loden, Hanford, CA

Do you have any active groups in the Seattle-Tacoma Area? I like much of the philosophy indicated by the titles of your magazine/catalog. Having spent time in a few Orthodox Monasteries, I can appreciate the peace of mind found by living in community with Godly folks. I wish I could say as much for life in suburbia! Adrian Smith

I love what you folks are doing and do want to keep in touch. Thanks so much for taking the time - it's appreciated very much. Keep up the great work for our planet and life. Kindest regards, Warren Snow, Envision NZ Ltd., New Zealand


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ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living, 109 Gaul Dr. * P.O. Box 340 * Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054
800/821-6153 * 712/943-6153 * Fax: 712/943-1402   E-mail: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org

This page last updated 27 February 2003


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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.