Need help urging/persuading/nudging family members, friends, congregation members to consider a simpler lifestyle, especially at Christmas time?
Most of Alternatives' free simpler living educational and inspirational resources have an introduction that will help you introduce it to them.
Each also has a MEDIA RELEASE that was originally meant to promote the resource in newspaper, magazines and on the internet.
Since they're already in electronic form, those releases can also be used in your church newsletter or web site; as an email blast to members, friends, relatives; or as a helpful face-to-face introduction -- one-to-one or at a committee meeting.
Click the MEDIA RELEASE link near the top of the page of any of the resources that you'd like to use. Read it, use it to help introduce the resource, then to promote it after it's adopted and before the event.
Most Recent Media Releases
For More Media Releases, please scroll down to Table of Contents
Media people, any of the following releases are the basis for an interesting story. For up-to-date information, contact Gerald Iversen at 805-400-0182 or by email. REVIEW COPIES and art are available on this site. If you would like to REPRINT parts or all of one of our resources, do so using the Creative Commons attribution, non-commercial, share-and-share-alike license.Volunteers, Please take one or more of the following releases to you local editor(s) and identify yourself as a supporter of Jubilee Economics and/or Simple Living Works! Your outreach efforts help. Or we will send the release to your local editor in your name if you send us the publication's name, editor's name and editor's mail and email address.
When you see or hear about Simple Living in the news -- local, regional, national (church or secular) -- please send us a copy or report it to us with a brief description (content, time, place, date). Thanks!
Table of Contents:
- Two Audio CDs Focus on Meaning of Christmas
- How to Have Less Stress and More Joy This Christmas!
- Send a Message! with Christmas Campaign Resources
- Let's Sing Carols with Justice!
- Help Build Community with an Alternative Christmas Event
- "Unplug the Christmas Machine" Still Sparks the Movement for a Simpler, More Meaningful Celebration
- 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas
- "Consumo" -- Overlord of Overconsumption -- Calls All to Celebrate "Consumas," the REALLY Big Con! Worshippers of Consumo, we have Alternatives.
- Alternatives Challenges "Consumo"
- Can Christmas Be More Than Gifts and Glitter?"
- Let's Play "The Christmas Game"
- Let's Talk About Christmas!
- Simplify & Celebrate: Embracing the Soul of Christmas
- "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Radio Show
- Bring Your Family and Church Together This Chrismas!
- 10 Tips for a Simpler More Meaningful Easter
- Alternatives Offers 40 Day Guide for Lent
- A Time to Reassess
- Taking More Time to Reassess
- Tony & Shane DVD Shares Simpler Living with Young Adults. Releases, photos and much more information.
- Worship Alternatives Focuses on Justice
- Website Focuses on Social Media
- The Good Life Curriculum
- Audio Series Expands to Social Media
- National Figures Help Alternatives Celebrate 30 Years!
- Over 30 Years on One CD!
- Spirit of Simplicity - Quotes and Art Collection
- Resources in SPANISH for Christmas, Easter & Weddings
- Speakers & Support for Simpler Living
- "SLOw Down" Network Empowers Volunteers for Simpler Living
- Living More with Less: Study/Action Guide
- 10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations
- Simple Living 101
- Three Versions of Alternative Wedding Book
- Stories and Songs of Simple Living available as book, CD and cassette
- The "Simpler Living Alternative Calendar" Works ANY Year!
- Treasury of Celebrations
- Sing Justice! Do Justice! book and CD
- Break Forth Into Joy! Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle VIDEO
- What Is Voluntary Simplicity?
Page updated 19 May 2016
Simple Living Works! *
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Podcast INDEX
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.