Customer Responses, 2003

Customer Responses (for all of 2003)


I admire what you are doing. Affluenza has entered my vocabulary several months ago thanks to your emails.

My lady friend and I love simpler living. I want to reduce the physical clutter of my home. I am telling myself not to buy when I am out. I am turning off TV and listening to classical music on the radio, or the Beach Boys on CD. Nancy and I are juicing fruits and vegetables, instead of buying processed junk food. We are vegetarians and don't clutter up the landscape with the corpses of animals. Nancy and I like to watch deer and rabbits in our yard. We don't go to the movies and almost never rent videos. We don't have cable TV. We are both driving older cars. I am not buying very many clothes, just using what I have.

Keep up the good work, Gerald. You are part of the solution and not the problem. Hip hip hooray! -- Kit Slitor, Bethesda, MD

Good Morning! Enclosed is our check for the use of your Lenten Guide. We dated the days for use by our congregation and did a reprint. Thanks for making this resource available -- along with many other helpful ideas and materials. Cordially, Phil Lersch, Pastor, First Church of the Brethren, St. Petersburg, FL

I haven't finished exploring your web site yet. It's a great site, by the way! I heard about you via an email list I am subscribed to about simple living. Thanks for everything. I look forward to your newsletter.

I want to get the SlowDown info. I would love to spread the message of voluntary simplicity in my community and as far as 100 miles away. I am VERY excited about what you are doing and understand the need to connect with others. I hope to hear from you soon. Good luck with all your efforts. -- Sam McFarland, Turlock, CA. PS I am female, I just happen to have a guy's name!



We are enjoying your bulletin insert calendar during Lent. Thank you. I plan to give your bumper stickers for birthday gifts. My funds are very limited. I give what I can give to environment causes. -- Priscilla Holmes, St. James Episcopal Church, Keene, NH

I ordered Cloth for Cradle, Stages on the Way, Before and After Easter on your web site to use at home, in home church, at local church. I want to support your ministry -- Bakersfield, CA

Hello there. Please add my name to the list. Have used some of your materials before. Good emphasis...tough road however! Thank you! -- Ken K.



I visited your web site and now have it on my favorite list. -- Rev. Joel Westby, Williston, ND

Thank you for your ministry. -- Larry K. Nelson, Pastor, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Pleasant Hill, CA

I heard about The Seven Last Words, Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway? through Your web site and ordered them for Small Group Study. The Christmas study during last year's Advent using "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" was very inspiring and it had many good discussions about the true meaning of Christmas. I have enjoyed using your materials and like your web site and the nice people on the phone who answer my questions about the books you have available. -- Jeanette Daniel, Empire, MI


Thank you for the work you do! -- Cheryl Friddle, Olympia, WA

We're using "Breaking Bread" and "Feasting with God" in a course and "Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?" in a Sunday School program. Wedding Alternatives was requested by our pastor.

We have purchased from you throughout the years I've worked in the church (20+ years). Your materials go hand-in-hand with many of my teaching interests, and provide needed perspectives in our congregations. Thank you! -- New Hanover Lutheran Church, Pottstown, PA

I plan to use Affluenza, Escape from Affluenza, The Joy of Simple Living, and Simple Living Guide with small groups of consumers, in news articles and newsletters. You fit my needs for information in this area. Reasonable pricing, very good service and helpful when calling 800# -- Jan Wahl, Washington, IN


Thank you so much for all the helpful information. -- Ann Broom, Greenville, SC

Love your work. Thanks! Be well. -- Nancy Meehan Yao, St. Augustine, FL

The Simple Living Library and Resource Club is an excellent idea!!!! -Christine Leonard-Osterwalder


Your work has been used to free my spirit from consumerism -- and I had gone so far down that road that it will take time for me to get back. Blessings on you, Barbara Winters, Huntington, WV

We are using Living More with Less Study/Action Guide in adult Sunday School. Very helpful. I like the concept of Alternatives. Thanks! - Lori Esslinger, Allentown, PA

I plan to use Inviting God In (Rupp) for worship and meeting devotionals. - Kathi Heath, Shrewsbury, NJ



We plan to share "Whoever You Are," "Win-Win Games for All Ages" and the bumper sticker "We're all in this together" with our daughter and her friends. The bumper sticker is to raise the consciousness that America is NOT the center of the universe. Your products support the way we live and the values we are trying to teach our daughter. - Michael Ellis, Bath, NY

We heard about your video Break Forth into Joy from the United Methodist School of Christian Mission. - John Vaughan, Calvary UMC, Iola, KS

I ordered "Ishmael" and "My Ishmael" for a book discussion group through your e-mail newsletter. - Gisela Bahr, Oxford, OH



I plan to use Affluenza for adult Sunday School and parenting class. I saw the film in seminary class. Thankful you offer it! You are only source of such resources I have found. Thanks for prompt, friendly service! - M. Wolfe, Reformation Lutheran Church, Reading, PA

I ordered "Unclutter Your home," "Joy of Simple Living" and "Utne Reader Almanac" to get organized. So far the books seem helpful. - I. M. Willison, Sitka, AK

I ordered Permaculture in a Nutshell for self-education. Good knowledge. - Ann Edwards, Doylestown, PA



I plan to use "Simply the Best: 30 Years of Alternatives" CD-ROM with my Peace Group and my family. How about small Earth flags that are easy to carry in demonstrations or at vigils? - Patricia Gehr, Reno, NV

Thanks for your response. I was emailed your web address by a friend as we prepare for a church service on the subject of simplicity. The thoughts and ideas presented on your site resonate strongly with my own. Thanks for putting it together. Phil Croot, Karawara, Australia

I plan to use Simple Living; Simpler Living, Compassionate Life; Unplug the Christmas Machine; and Simplicity for stewardship workshops. I'm just getting familiar with the whole concept. - St. James Episcopal Church, Potomac, MD



I plan to use Wedding Alternatives as a resource for enhancing wedding ceremonies, suggestions for couple to personalize. Alternatives has good reminders for avoiding the expansive and expensive way of doing things. How about vacations? - Marshall, Denver, CO

Greetings. I recently purchased the Spirit of Simplicity binder with CD. We used the clipart to produce a Ministry Booklet. Everyone loved the clip art. I use the clip art and the text to create bookmarks as we are having budget cut backs. I enjoy matching artwork and quotes. Thanks for a great resource. Gerlinde Lamer, Pastoral Care Minister, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Tigard, OR

Thanks for the "Simply 60" email messages! - Jennifer L. Ball, Peyton, CO



Hopefully I can use Spirit of Simplicity (Quotes & Art) in the congregational newsletter. I like what you offer. - Lucile Vaughn, Bridgewater, VA

I'll take your materials to our Annual Conference (downstate Illinois United Methodists) and put extra flyers in our mailings. Our media center serves United Methodists, Presbyterian Church (USA) Churches and a handful of other churches. - Jill Stone, Bloomington, IL

I order for a special program with student, friends, and myself. You guys are the BEST. - Diane Harper, Chapel Hill, NC



I just picked up this book, It's Not Fair, to use with my freshman CCD classes. They are studying social justice and it is perfect!! Actually, everything I ordered is perfect for what we are focused on at the present. Any other good ideas for this age group? Thanks! Jill Sanders, Wapakoneta, OH

"Because Brian Hugged His Mother" is a gift. "Unclutter Your Home" is for me. I heard about them from your 60 second email newsletter. - anon.

Thank you for your philosophy and your encouraging people in this way. Barbara J. Stagner, Kingman, AZ



I ordered the 2003 International Calendar, "Kids Creating Circles of Peace" and bumper stickers. I teach and advise high school an middle school youth groups. We need an orientation to PEACE and Simple Living. You have a good selection. Thank you for finding me. I always need IDEA books for school. - Laura Marie Chaney, Cross Village, MI

Thank you for the permission to use your material in our newsletter. I quoted your litany "Strengthen our faith and renew our hope." Also a quote from "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway." I'll give you the credit you so richly deserve. You have some powerful ideas. I found you by browsing on the web, looking for Christmas ideas.Merry Christmas to you! -- Mary Reynolds, Troy United Methodist Church, Communications Director, Troy, MT

Thanks for your message, and for adding me to your mailing list. I learned about your group when reading an interview of Bill McKibben. I wholeheartedly support and aspire to ASL's tenets and am looking forward to learning more. Again, my thanks! -- Lexy Adams, Red Lodge, MT



What wonderful work you and your organization do! Thank you. Marilyn Welker, Columbus, OH

Hello to the Folks at Alternatives! I'm enclosing a small donation for your organization. Every time I receive something from you, I am encouraged to know there are folks out there committed to educating others about simple living. Keep up all the good work. I wish I had more to give to help support Alternative. For now I'll give what I can monetarily and focus on spreading the word and educating. Thanks! Emily Sly, Moscow, ID

I plan to use "Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organization" for personal study. The content and all is very good, very informative. How about children's book on unlearning racism, starting in the home? Miss Hildam Saulsbury, Philadelphia, PA



I misplaced the donation form/questionnaire... oops... it's on the back!! Thanks. It's on the back because you were saving paper!! I should have known!! It's a "crime" how much paper is wasted because of one sided copying. - Mrs. Joel Lehman, West Liberty, OH

Thank you for this website and for doing what you do. Christine Klein

I'll make personal and household use of "Watch for the Light" and "Simple Living Investments." I may try to start a neighborhood study circle with the Earthscore booklet. Northwest Earth Institute has terrific guides for study circles on several topics which fit with your mission. Great service - fast! --Greg Heberlein, St. Paul, MN



I just found your website. WOW! Just what I've been looking for. Please add me to your mailing list. Margaret Campbell, Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada

If you have a few copies of your resource guide left, please send them to me at the following address, and I will put them out in our two churches -- it's not too late for at least some of the many ideas you present. Thanks. Keep up the good work and a blessed holiday season to you. Marliss Rogers, Port Washington, WI

I ordered "The Man Who Plated Tress" and "Kids Creating Circles of Peace" as gifts. I'm interested in ecology/conservation, etc., and books you've suggested seem helpful. A lending library service would be great. -- Illinois



I am a hotel worker at the Rainbow Lanai Restaurant in the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I am interested in the slow down network because I think the philosophy of simple living is a valuable tool for the human race. I would like to be a part of the network and do my best to connect with others to spread the good news. --Lisa Wong

I plan to use Win Win Games as a volunteer adult Girl Scout. - Terri Jarina, Charlotte, NC

I ordered for personal reference and gifts. I cannot find the titles elsewhere. I like Alternatives. I appreciate being able to order by phone and pay by check. - K. Samson, Milwaukee, OR



Greetings, "Simple People,"

I have enjoyed your e-mail newsletter and want to respond to your recent appeal for financial support. Enclosed is $100 for the CD "Best 30 Years of Alternatives." Keep up the good work. Pat Foley, Lodi, CA

I am a Benedictine Oblate and I participated in a panel on simple living. Yours was one of the publications I passed around and many folks wrote down your e-mail address and asked about your publication. I'm trying hard to publicize your work. We'll hope it works! -- Blessings, Jana McBride

I hope to use "Joy of Not Working" And "Money & Faith Study Guide" for some groups in the parish. Good solid material. - St Joseph Catholic Community, Sykesville, ND



We send your "Whose Birthday" flyers in an InfoPak to each church [in our presbytery]. The flyers and catalogs will be distributed at our fall presbytery meeting. I'll use promo kit ideas in my Resource Center newsletter and for promotion at presbytery meeting. - Betty Duncan, Lancaster, PA

You have a great website and I love the products. Sandra Mueller, Director of DMH Youth Programs, Comtrea, Inc. - Youth Services Dept.

I found out about you through a search on "simple living" I believe. We recently moved from the city (Greensboro, NC) to 5 acres out here in Chatham County, NC. Ever since the Y2K "scare", we'd been wanting to make some changes in our lifestyles. We were able to do some things in the city, like getting rain barrels and landscaping organically, but it's hard to make some changes in certain environments.

All the reading I did at Y2K and since enlightened me on just how dependent we were on others, i.e., grocery store, public water. I realized I didn't even know how to grow food! Anyway, we've made changes. We moved from one of those "upscale" neighborhoods and downsized our living quarters. I got rid of a lot of "clutter." I use all non-toxic products. We have a well and septic system. I got a late garden in and harvested my first two squash yesterday! I get rid of a lot of stress! Now I watch deer in the yard and listen to bird songs instead of my neighbor's weed eater... Cindi Straughn, Siler City, NC



The bumper sticker "We're All in This Together" is perfect. Says what we feel. --Ann Cotrupi, Burnt Hills, NY

I am moving to a new email location and do not want to lose "simply 60." Pleace change my address. Thanks. --Donna P Bessken

I heard about you from Toni Lee Curry who is involved with a group of women meeting once a month who belong to a larger county wide coalition of faith community members meeting to address the problems of hunger, abuse, etc.

I will be happy to share information with my church community. This comes at an especially critical time when our nation faces such a serious future. Perhaps we can take a serious look at how we live our lives. Thank you for what you are doing. -- Marion Johnson, Aloha, OR



We live "simple." Even in a retirement community we raise 80% of our food! - Mary Emma Hibbard, Des Moines, WA

Please send 100 Whose Birthday flyers. We will be having some 600 people gather for our Church Conference from across the Panhandle of Texas in early June. To use this tool - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? - is such a good way to introduce Simplicity/Alternatives to consumerism. Thank you!! - MaryLynn Bell, Post, TX

Hi: I would like to request to be added to your regular mailing list for newletters and articles pertaining to Voluntary Simplicity. It looks like you have an excellent website and I have enjoyed reading the archives. Thanks, John Buffett



My adventure with VS [Voluntary Simplicity] started about 2 years ago when I was unhappy with my job and reading resources on investing (as a way to earn money outside of the 9-5 daily grind) when I found (& read) Your Money or Your Life. I started tracking down every VS resource I could find. This was what I had been looking for.

After lots of soul searching and clarifying my values I quit the full time job and started part-time work. Since I had started to cut back on all areas of expenses, I was still earning enough to live on. Last summer I offered a VS class using (Northwest Environment Institute materials) at my church which went quite well. And I hope to do it again -- but my schedule doesn't permit it at the moment.

Currently I am exploring aspects of homesteading and food independence to incorporate into my "simpler" lifestyle. My interest in VS extends beyond economics and enjoyment of life into environmental stewardship and responsibility to future generations. -- Polly Peterson, Arlington, OH

"Living More with Less" and "The Women's Book of Money and Spiritual Vision" are helping me get my priorities straightened out and to live what I say I believe. I would rather support smaller publishers and sellers than giant book chains. Thank you! --Sarah Dahl, Minneapolis, MN 

I plan to use Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? with our Missions Committee. - Rimbach, Woodbine, MD



I plan to use "Eco-Fun" and others in our children's library and for ecology during Vacation Church School. Quality products on important topics. Brenda Hembury, Educator, Wadsworth United Methodist Church, Wadsworth, OH

Hi! I would like to propose to our church (King of Kings Lutheran in Fairfax, Virginia) that we have a speaker and/or workshop this fall about alternative ways to celebrate Christmas. Would you please provide names of speakers and other information so that I can pass it on to our new Minister of Education?

My husband and I have been involved in Alternatives since the 1970s. You've made a big difference in a lot of lives, including ours, and we thank you! Marti Martin

Thank you for your wonderful company/ministry an your speedy service! Easter Blessings, Marci M. Meyers, Springfield, MA



We plan to give Whose Birthday Is it, Anyway? to interested members of the congregation. Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, PA

Hi, I like these 60 second newsletters! They're great! Hope you're doing well these days. Christine Leonard-Osterwalder

I can't believe it - I have finally found people like myself - Christian and interested in simple healthy living!! Thanks. Lana Brooks, Deer Park, NY



I plan to use the Leader's Guide to Unplug the Christmas Machine in a workshop/retreat. It arrived in a very timely manner. Mary W. Van Buskirk, Harrisburg, PA

I am very impressed with your website and was hoping to obtain copies of your booklet for our Community of Faith. We are a small group of four families living in Brisbane, Australia, working to make links with other members of our local community.

We were hoping to use the booklet Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? as a focus for our Christmas discussions. Is it possible to receive a copy via email which we could copy ourselves? We are happy to pay royalties. Or if sending a hard copy is the only way you sell the booklet, could you assist me with the calculating of costs, including postage to Australia. I would like to purchase 8 copies.

Hope you can be of some assistance. Many thanks, Anne Myatt, Brisbane, Australia

I will use "Selected Poems of Wendell Berry" and "Like a Garden" in preparation for a workshop at a Chicago Women's Conference. I have given "Shalom Connections" to our church activity coordinator. I believe in living lightly on the Earth, respecting people and creation. You have a selection I can use. -- Marjorie Vanderwagen, Downers, Grove. IL



Just received my denominational Whose Birthday Is It. Great, as usual. In Christ, David Carlisle, Springdale United Presbyterian, Springdale, PA

We are starting a small study group on Simply Living, using the book by Michael Schut. We also plan a series of adult forums at our church this fall, hoping to use some of your materials to help people truly prepare for Christmas! - Barbie Pietz, St. John's Lutheran, Madison, WI

Hi there, I spoke with Jerry this morning and he referred me to your website. What a wonderful resource! I'm so glad I found your organization. I'd love to find out more about becoming a member of the SLO network. I live in Chatham, Ontario. I am frequently in Windsor, London and Toronto. If there is a need in Southwestern Ontario, I'd be very interested in volunteering. If you could send me some information, that would be great! Thank you for your help. Jen (Jennifer) Carter



I just found your website. WOW! Just what I've been looking for. Please add me to your mailing list and send me a paper copy of your catalogue. Margaret Campbell, Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada

I plan to use Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? with my church's Missions Committee. I've been a member for years. - L. Schoen, Cozad, NE

I plan to use "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art" (book and CD), posters, bookmarks for personal prayer, retreat talks and with grandchildren. Excellent content, 'do-able" lifestyle suggestions. Bumper stickers are especially good! Please offer more greeting cards and prayer services. Thanks for the quick delivery. --Madonna Haigh, Plano, TX



We plan to give out Whose Birthday 2002 at our church. I am interested in alternatives to our consumeristic society. Keep up the good work! --Lynn Turk, Santa Fe Springs, CA

I plan to use "Dealing Creatively with Death" and "Cotton Patch Parables of Liberation" personally and at church. Outstanding service. -- Janet Storts, Fellowship Congregational Church, Tulsa, OK

I plan to use The Ungame with family and friends. The school where I taught had the game and I used it with the students who were in the redirection school for "disruptive and unruly" junior highs. I believe in what you're doing. -- Miriam Prichard, Raleigh, NC



I ordered your Advent-Christmas Calendar bulletin insert and Cloth for the Cradle. We order from Alternatives if we need items for ecology and stewardship. -- Sea Island Presbyterian Church, Beaufort, SC

Neat way to do things. Keep up the great work! God's peace. Dale Higgs, Americus, GA [in response to e-newsletter about Whose Birthday being on web site]

I will share the materials and ideas in Wedding Alternatives with couples in pre-marital visits. Thoughtful content, quality material. --Our Savior's Lutheran Church



I plan to use Christmas Campaign Kit and Simple Living 101 in church related education programs - helpful and healthy. - Barbara Barth, Auburn, ME

I have always been inspired by Alternatives and am grateful for this year's copy [of Whose Birthday]. Thanks. Paige McRight, Presbytery of Charlotte, NC

Thank you for the amazingly fast delivery of Culture Jam and Can't Buy My Love, another book about how advertising changes the way we think. Much appreciated for the school project. Thank you again. Amanda Sturrock, Perth, Australia



Tracks in the Straw looks like it will make a real difference in how we worship and celebrate. I want to share it with my congregation throughout Advent and *Christ*mas. Thank you. Shalom, Verna Myers, United Methodist Pastor

I plan to use Whose Birthday in a discussion group. I like your company. -- Gay Nell Conley, Corbin, KY

Want you to know these e-mails are very effective! Peace, John Rodenberg, Stockton, CA



Thanks for all you do to help those of us working in parishes. Mary Kelley, St. Edward Church, Richmond, VA

I plan to use Christmas Campaign Kit with teenage Sunday School class. Reasonable price, excellent teaching material. I stand for the same issues Alternatives does. How about more on Easter and Thanksgiving. Service was fast and efficient. Excellent Service! - T. Ruzzo, Ocean Gate, NJ

I've come to the conclusion that Americans in general, and my family in particular, have way too much STUFF!!!! And we are too busy to really enjoy life, also. I think living more simply is part of God's plan for me. Kathie Galicia, Modesto, CA



I plan to distribute Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? in Sunday School and for pick-up after church. - David Crowle, Auburn, PA

I plan to share the information in the Christmas Campaign Kit with family and church members. I know them to be good resources. Consider things dealing with responsible social and environmental concerns as espoused by Co-op America. - Eldon Moelling, Edmond, OK

"Fire, Salt and Peace" is a very informative book to study voluntary Christian communities. I need and desire to simplify my life. Keep up the good work! Ian Cruse, Dubuque, IA



We plan to distribute Whose Birthday (from the Christmas Campaign Kit) to the congregation. There is nothing else out there like it. - Rosemary Davis, Claremont, CA

We'll use "Cloth for the Cradle" and "Heaven Shall Not Wait" in planning for worship services and singing during worship. They are good resources. You are doing a great job picking things. --Rev. John Ward-Diorio, First Parish Church Congregational, Freeport, ME

I plan to use your videos, "It's Not Fair," "Stations of the Cross" on retreats and in the classroom with high school students. I really agree with your philosophy. Keep up the great work! Your web site is wonderful! Thanks! Julie Otto, Skutt Catholic High School, Omaha, NE



We distribute "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" booklets to church school families. I have known of and used it for many years. They are helpful and prophetic. (You already have more resources than we can use.) Thanks for your ministry! - Community Congregational Church UCC, Pinckner, MI

We plan to use "Simpler Living, Compassionate Life," "Kids Creating Circles of Peace," "Ocean Watch," "One Less Fish" and "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" for personal and family reading. You are advocating the life which appeals and feels right to me, but there is so little support. Thank you. Mary Coble, Keller, TX

I use your good resources in workshops with students and personal growth. I like the products and organization.-- Peter Bredlau, Allentown, PA



Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? bumper sticker. YES! Great products, great service. I left a voice message order. I was afraid that it wouldn't be filled as my message was rambling. But my order was filled! Great! --Gigi Blanche, Fullerton, CA

I plan to use "Money Wise" and "Women's Book of Money and Spiritual Vision" personally, in teaching and in small groups. I am moving in this direction. Patricia Mangis, Wheaton, IL

Thank you for providing an alternative voice to our materialistic society and for providing resources that help encourage me in my journey of finding simpler alternatives to living God's Kingdom here on earth. Monica Hochstedler, Dallas, TX



Thank you for being here and affirming the ideas and values I believe in, that seem to be so "unpopular" in my community. I am so encouraged by your website! Thank you, and Happy Easter! God's Peace, Rachael Seavey

I plan to use Whose Birthday as a congregational December devotional. I also received Sing Justice, Simple Lifestyles Calendar, cards, etc. Simple lifestyle is in harmony with Christ. - Carl Miller, Bellefonte, PA

We give The Christmas Game (part of the Christmas Campaign Kit) to families who participate in a study about Christmas traditions. Good materials. Service was friendly and prompt. Thank you! - Park Hill Congregational Church, Denver, CO



"Living Simply," "Watch for the Light," "A Country Far Away," "Stories from Below the Poverty Line" are truly of Christ. I plan to use them for community Christmas service readings, Christmas Eve services and sermon prep resources. This is the growing edge in my life, the place where Christ is calling my husband and me to follow. You're doing an excellent job. - Amy Jelensperger, Kane, PA

I put Whose Birthday and Adviento on the holiday resources table at church and give it to friends. High quality. Appropriate for our times! I wish I had more time to read more of your publications! Reasonable prices. Excellent service. THANK YOU! - Ed Brandt, Dallas, OR

So enjoy your literature and mission. Thank you. Frances Evans, Charlotte, NC



I plan to use "Yards of Purple," "Tracks in the Straw" and "Cloth for the Cradle" in worship services. The catalog has accurate descriptions. Do continue the emphasis on simple living. --Walden and Bonita Paige, Clarinda, IA

We will distribute your "Whose Birthday" booklet through the Mission Committee to each family. Thanks for the fast service. Good selection. - William Wieck, Marshall, IL

I plan to use "Spirit of Simplicity" CD-ROM in newsletters and worship bulletins primarily. It is very complete and easy to use. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN



We will place Whose Birthday Is it, Anyway? at our welcome center for visitors and members. Last year every single copy was taken. This year we are also having an Alternative Gift Fair! I'm committed to Simple Living. I am a former Lutheran Volunteer (LVC) -- "a year of service a lifetime of commitment." You have a great assortment. God bless you and your ministry. -- Jenny Lanning, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Lawrenceville, GA

I plan to give the Christmas Game to all United Methodist pastor in our district, also to family members. I appreciate the philosophy. - Rachel James. Bowling Green, KY

I plan to use Parent Trek for more thoughtful parenting. It offers interesting, thoughtful ideas on a subject I'm interested in. I continue to be very pleased with the selections. You're great! -- Elaine Waxman, Chicago, IL



I plan to use "Sing Justice," "Carols with Justice," "Whose Birthday bumper sticker" and Advent bulletin insert series in my parish. The music seems very usable. I believe in justice, mercy, simplicity. - Church of the Epiphany, Allendale, NJ

I read and share your resource with friends. They are unique. -- Sharon Stewart, Grass Valley, CA

Your catalogue arrived just when I needed new material. God works in wonderful ways! Thank you, Ellen Young, Ardmore, PA



I plan to use Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2002 for voluntary distribution at the church. It contains a lot of meditation AND activities for involvement. - Gum Creek Presbyterian, Oxford, GA

I ordered "Pete Seger's Storytelling Book," "For Every Child," "The Biggest House in the World" and "Because Brian Hugged His Mother" to be checked out by individuals from our Presbytery's Resource Center. You have good resources at a good price. I'm always looking for good children's books. --Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Resource Center, Charleston, SC

I received several sale titles on economic justice and democratic participation to educate myself and to share with others in conversation as appropriate. Excellent resources for sale prices. They help increase my activism. You offer some resources on the connection of simplicity and justice that are otherwise hard to find. -- Claire Schosser, St. Louis, MO



I did read with great interest Remembering the Holy Innocents from Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Thanks for bringing such an important part of Christian history to the forefront. I wrote my own reflections regarding this and shared them with our pastor. It was shared with the congregation during our December 31st service. -- Jill S. Vancara, Bay United Methodist Church, Bay Village, OH

I plan to use Carols with Justice for Community Prayer. Keep up the wonderful ministry. - Sr. Elizabeth Weber SCSJA, Milwaukee, WI

Hi! I was just visiting your website, and would like to receive the newsletter. We used the "Whose Christmas in it Anyway?" material at our church this Christmas (with the youth and in a worship service), but we need all the help we can get to seek to visualize and live an alternative to rampant consumerism. So thank you, and I look forward to receiving the newsletter! Bryan Moyer Suderman, Winnipeg, Manitoba



I ordered Whose Birthday to give to church families. Yes. Always do! (order from Alternatives) - Wekiva Presbyterian Church, Longwood, FL

I plan to use the children's books I ordered in church school lessons and then put them in the church library. I really appreciate the children's books you carry and your annotated catalogue. -- Cathy Carlson, Waupun, WI

Dear Friends: Thank you for this catalogue. I am planning to give several series of meditations and will be using your resources that I just ordered. You are terrific. Please keep up the good work. Sincerely, Ray Fleming



When I was employed at Gilroy (CA) Presbyterian Church, being able to use "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" as a starting point for our family resources was truly a blessing. We reprinted it twice that year. The congregation was really appreciative. Thank you. As for myself, I was able to put everything together in a way more useful to our particular congregation. Again, thanks! Blessings and peace, Margaret (Peg) Jones, Seattle, WA

We plan to send "Home for Christmas" and "Unplug the Christmas Machine" to our daughter and granddaughter. Ruth Keller, Cogan Station, PA

I sent out approximately 300 of your Christmas Game. The following are some comments -- "inspirational pamphlet... unique... loved your Christmas game... put the Christmas game away with Christmas things... enjoyed playing it... learned some important information concerning family's likes and dislikes... helped me shorten my gift giving list." -- N. Weeder, Taft, TX



I plan to donate "Unplug the Christmas Machine" and "One Makes the Difference" to libraries. - Donna Olsen. Fremont, CA

I am a storyteller. Pete Seeger has been a longtime favorite. The part of the book Story Beginnings is priceless. The storytelling book & tape Stories and Songs for Simple Living was excellent. Keep up the great work! -- Dennis and Dorothy Duncan, Port Angeles, WA

I plan to use Home for Christmas in Adult Forum. --St James Episcopal Church, Potomac, MD



I plan to use Home for Christmas at church for story time and decaffeinated coffee at coffee time. I love your book reviews. Wish I could afford more. --Theresa Simonson, DePere, WI

Thank you (for "Simply 60 Seconds" e-newsletter)! I appreciate both your recognition of my limited time AND the wonderful information you provide. Mary Pat Brennan, Pittsburgh, PA

I've been using your resources for almost twenty years and am so grateful for your presence in the world. Thank you. --Rev. Pamela J. Tinnin, pastor of Partridge Community Church-UCC, only church in Partridge, Kansas, population 250



I plan to use Home for Christmas during the Christmas season for devotions and sermons. The stories in the book aren't found elsewhere. Your catalog carries a good variety of unique resources. - Fredonia, NY

Thank you, and blessings upon your vital ministry! In peace, Jennifer Amy-Dressler, Saron UCC, Linton, IN

We used several ideas in your Christmas Campaign Kit to promote alternative giving. -- Barbara Schick, Dubuque, IA



We will probably use "Kids Creating Circles of Peace" and "Christmas Angels" with church school class and their parents. Your service has always been good and selection varied. -- Jacqueline D. Haaf, Whiting, NJ

I like your Simply 60-seconds [e-news] and in particular today's Media Musts - thank you! --Sherry Whitney, Poughkeepsie, NY

The website is fantastic! Thank you!! -- Julie Otto, Omaha, NE

Warmest blessing and many thanks for your vital and life-giving efforts and energy!! Double thumbs up, my friends. Shalom and joy always. John Cockayne, St. Thomas Church, Thomaston, CT



I like your Simply :60 messages. They are short, to the point and interesting. Thank you for this new way to give information. Marge Vander Wagen, Downers Grove, IL

God bless you & the faithful work that you do in the name of our Lord Jesus. Rev. Janet Gasbarro, Joy Lutheran Church (ELCA), Waretown, NJ

I used "Whose Birthday" with my family for Advent. Excellent. I plan to order for church next year. They're good! -- Jolaine Watson, Manorville, NY



I plan to use Treasury of Celebrations in my own family and with the children I teach at school. Great book!! Your resources are excellent materials to combat commercialism or consumerism in today's world, teach simple values and celebrate in a simple more grounded way! -- Sharon Kuban, Algonquin, IL

I plan to use some resources for small groups, some for the church library. You sell great, meaningful stuff. Mark Seifried, United UCC, Worcester, MA

We are using Alternative Wedding Book to help our daughter plan a memorable and affordable wedding. Many good ideas. It's nice to know that there are other non-conformists around. Lots of interesting things in your catalog. The person who took my order was very pleasant and helpful. The book arrived much sooner than expected. --Elizabeth Wrona, Youngstown, OH



Yes! I am satisfied with How the Children Became Stars. I plan to read through it and answer the follow-up questions myself, memorize a few to share as the occasion arises, to share with a friend who does therapy for kids with stories and to give to my friend and her son. You deal with meaningfulness and values. I like to support Alternatives because of advocating for anti-consumerism, and your books are affordable. -Michelle Shelley Schou, Eaton, NH

I really am enjoying your 60 second newsletter - it fits my computer time better than the bigger version... thank you and cheers. Gary A. McCaslin, First Baptist Church of Painted Post, New York

I plan to use "Seven Last Words," "St. Francis and the Foolishness of God, "Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?" in preparation for Lenten preaching. You are the only place I know of to get these resources. I appreciate you carrying such a variety of resources for responsible living. -- Sara Powers, Basin, WY



I ordered Voluntary Simplicity and Treasury of Celebrations. I believe in this ideal. - Darlene Strand, Iron Mountain, MI

I plan to use "Growing Compassionate Kids," "Let's Say Grace," and "Parent TREK" with my family bible study group. There are many young families in it. I like the catalog and limited selection. I've also ordered Unplug the Chrisms Machine, a great study guide. - Sabrina Shin, San Francisco

I ordered "Seven Last Words of Christ" and "Beatitudes" posters for senior high Bible study. Your resources are effective and inexpensive. --Kathy Bomba, Mt. Vernon, OH





Dear Friends,

I am anxious to start receiving the ems you might be sending to folks. I will soon be a pastor in a Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and I know already that I will depend a great deal on the resources of Alternatives for Simple Living. Carl Diederichs, St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, WI


Please send me a catalog. I'm interested in organizing a simplicity group through my church, and this looks like it would be a great resource. Sandra Lawrence, Bayside, CA


I received your catalog in the mail and am very interested in the 40 day study guide. I would like to post this study guide on two e-groups that I belong to that are private and limited to 10-15 members each. I read that you are willing to supply an email of the text with a payment of $10 or more. Would you permit me to use this material online with my extended family and a group of friends? I would be happy to contribute $10. Nancy Riffer, DeWitt, NY


I am impressed with your new e-zine. Well designed and easy to navigate. Nice. -- Carroll Lang, Fort Dodge, IA


Just saw our first NOW - WOW! It was great! Thanks for the recommendation. --Susan Giesecke, Hoston, TX

I have been receiving your catalog and am very much in sympathy with your goals and strategy. However, at age 85, I am no longer have the energy to take an active part in suggested projects, etc. So please remove my name from your mailing list. I pray daily for the success of your efforts as of all groups and individuals trying to bring greater justice to our world. In Christ, Barbara Greed, FSPA, Spokane, WA

Book annotations are very helpful -- Charlene & Richards Watts, Tucson, AZ

Thanks for the phone message. Keep up the good work. Good bumper stickers! Please send me a PBWH. Shalom, Joyce Weir, Newport, WA


"Before and After Easter" and "Before and After Christmas" for personal use. Alternatives is my kind of thing -- ecological, environmental, simplicity, etc. Just add more new titles of everything. Great work! Keep it up. -- R.S. Ganaden Nebres, Wailuku, HI


Please add me to your mailing list. I am happy to find faith based simple living information. I belong to a Simplicity Group through my Friends Meeting. --Stephanie Lansing, Bethlehem, PA


I used "Watch for the Light" and your Advent pamphlet at church and personally. Right cause, useful. I tried to order on-line -- ugh!! --Heidi Willis, Salisbury, VT


I plan to use your resources to apply to everyday life. Please provide more links to other like-minded people and groups, organic farms, etc. Keep up the Great work. -- Barbara Mullin, Lake Bluff, IL


Our public library has your catalog. I plan to use "Hundred Dollar Holiday," "Shoemaker's Dream," and "Gifts That Make a Difference" in Sunday School and as resource material. The books in your catalog are unique and support my values. -- Eileen Meade, Newton, NJ


I plan to use Alternatives for personal resources, gifts ands teaching aids. I believe in what you're doing. Could you provide analyses of particular companies/products in terms of ecological and social responsibility? Web links to similar resources? -- Marilyn McEntyre, Santa Barbara, CA


I ordered "Ungame" as gift for my family. Thanks for the Free Gifts. Gail Goretsky, Orlando, FL


I plan to use "Tell Me a Tale" and "Pete Seeger's Storytelling Book" personally and with storyteller's group and in the classroom. You're a source for unique resources. --Janet Krouskop, Shreveport, LA


I appreciate you! I plan to use "When Brian Hugged His Mother" sand "Growing Compassionate Kids" with grandchildren and as teaching aids. You could include "enviro tips" when you have room. Consider including all and not just people "of faith." I also use the library. THANK YOU! --C. Sheff, Denver, CO


I have enjoyed LIVING MORE WITH LESS, it is one of my all time favorite library books. I do my part to identify knee jerk consumerism and it detrimental effects on our society. Peter Hoy


Thanks for your wonderful service. Shari O'Bannon, Storm Lake, IA


I heard about your organization in a local free publication distributed in our town called Wholelife Magazine. It's wonderful....the publication and your site. -- Julie Fisher, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada


I read about your site in "The Lutheran," a magazine put out by the Evangelical Luthaeran Church in America. I enjoyed your site - you have some very useful information. Dori Rogers,Convoy, OH


The package came this morning! Looks like great material. I'm pleased to say that I will lead a four-week Lenten Series called "The Gift of Simplicity" as part of out adult education curriculum here at First Presbyterian of Kirkwood, MO. The new resources will be most helpful. 2002 Blessings, Cathy Yost


Please include us on your mailing list. We (my son and I) are organic farmers living with what God gave us. We named our farm "lit'l shepherd's farm", because we care for God's creatures and creations. We all need to be shepherd's of God's beautiful earth, a precious gift that he gave us, and we need to start taking better care if it and all the creations on this earth. Thank you for speaking out on what is really important, during our journey on this earth. Sue and Michael Aschbacher, Lit'l Shepherd's Farm, Spooner, WI


I'm sending you my e-mail adress because I enjoy what you have to offer. Keep up the good work!!! Phyllis Jones, Grand Haven MI


The January 2002 issue of "The Lutheran" has several good articles including this one about Simple Living The Lutheran | January 2002 | Arts & Books: Alternative ideas for '02 http://www.thelutheran.org/0201/page28a.html and within the article this link: ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Home Page http://www.simpleliving.org/

Coincidentally, the Arizona Republic has this article today: In time of plenty, consider getting more - simple http://arizonarepublic.com/smartliving/articles/1226simplify26.html

Lyn Dunham Sun City, AZ 85351-2729


May peace prevail in our hearts and throughout the world! T. B. (Theodore) Pratt, Black Mountain, NC


I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that I really think your site is refreshing. I am not a Christian, though I am very concerned with the principles that our nation, and other developed nations seem to have adopted about Christmas. I grew up in what I suppose was a "Christian" environment, but I was never forced into any religion. I was allowed to choose my own way and faiths in life. I respect and cherish all faiths of this beautiful Earth. We all can live in peace and harmony if we just try and remember that faith is all just relative to the natural world we live in. Thank you for offering a voice and a forum to all individuals who are concerned about the state of our world. I don't beleive most people understand just how important it really is to take Christmas and every other day that is special to someone, somehow, somewhere, as it should be taken--with PEACE, HAPPINESS, and most of all LOVE. I thank you and respect you all who are behind this website and it's principles tremendously. Sincerely, Lauren S. Weaver, Willow Street, PA

Actually, I was just frustrated with some of the things of have seen over the past few weeks, and I was looking on the Internet for encouraging sites like your organization's. Thanks again, and thanks for responding-it means a lot. Peace and Love -- Lauren


Thank you. It is so so nice to do business with you. Clare McBrien, Diocese of Richmond, VA


It's nice to have alternative products available. I hope to place future orders from your catalog. Elaine K. Ritzka, West Milwaukee, WI


Thanks for your prompt and helpful response. I am glad to know that your group is inclusive of all Christians. I would love to receive your catalog. I found your website while searching in Yahoo for a book I was trying to locate: Seven Times the Sun (about raising children). Your catalog apparently used to carry it. I have been interested in voluntary simplicity as a faith practice for some time so I was excited to find your site.

Thanks again and God bless you in your work. Pam Pilch, Saline, Michigan


Happy Holidays to all there too - thanks for all you are doing to help realign priorities in this world. Lori E. Swanson Nemenz, Program & Operations Assoc., PaxChristiUSA

Fostering a reverence for all creation.


Greetings all! I love your website and your ethic. I'm a midwife, homeschooling mother of 4 and and an urban homesteader etc. Episcopalian Vestryperson and small group facilitator, etc. When looking over some of the books and offerings on your site, I see the term "community educator" used to describe some authors. What does that mean and how does one go about becoming one? It sounds like something I want to pursue; I have a vague

notion of what the work would be like but what about preparation i.e. degrees (I don't have any, I'm afraid) but I have lots of liberal arts coursework and midwifery courses/apprenticeship and tons of life experience; I'm willing to get any "credentialing" necessary) I would like to offer workshops, teach and help people integrate the idea that life can be fulfilling, compassionate and lived outside the box of consumerism, education-as-we-know-it i.e. here's your degree- go fill an available slot....as I said, it's in nascent form at

present but I feel a genuine calling to do something in this area. Any help you can offer would be so very appreciated. Thank you. In Peace, Michelle E. Wilbert, Detroit, Michigan.

Hi- I'm a homebirth midwife/childbirth and family life educator near Detroit, Michigan. I'm very interested in your work and in developing my own skills to teach and lead workshops on V.S. and Faith/Justice topics. I have taught at Midwifery Conferences and led small groups at my Parish (Christ Church-Detroit ) where I currently serve on the Vestry (Episcopalian) with a Priest who has become very interested in this topic; we are co-leading a workshop during Lent using Simple Living; Compassionate Life and I think you're packet of information and my involvement with the SLOwDown network would be a great help. Thank you and I'll look forward to receiving my packet. In Peace, Michelle Wilbert, Ferndale, Michigan


i've taken this approach to living and trying to do more i love your concept... please can you inform of website ....thank you gabby [SLOw Down Network]


Whose Birthday 2002 is especially good this year with McGinnis' "Family Pledge of Non Violence." I plan to give it to clients and colleagues in counseling ministry. We are long time supporters of Alternatives. - Holtz, St. Petersburg, FL


I knew Alternatives way back when, and got reintroduced when I graduated from Seminary. I'm always late on dues but have renewed at least twice. I read most of the catalog but am not aware of other materials. I order occasionally, but just receiving it reminds me of that part of the "call." It's not frequently considered as part of discipleship in rural Kansas. Conservation here means SOIL. I do purchase from Alternatives deliberately when I have a choice of items - meaning I get it from you rather than someone else. I don't need financial data - I trust you. Pat Ireland

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ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living, 109 Gaul Dr. * P.O. Box 340 * Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054
800/821-6153 * 712/943-6153 * Fax: 712/943-1402   E-mail: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org

This page last updated 1 January 2004


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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.