The posters [The Way of the Cross Continues]... To say I was spell bound at them was an understatement. I couldn't wait to show them to everyone. The Catholic hospital where I am Protestant Chaplain wanted your address which I gladly gave them. They are now being mounted ready for next year. Keep up the good work. Maxine Harrison, Chaplain and Lay Pastor, Perth, Australia
* I received Pete Seeger's book on storytelling. I hope to tell stories to children I know, my own family, in future sermons perhaps (I'm a seminary studeynt). You have terrific stuff. I especially like your children's resources. I love your resources and appreciate periodic e-mails (though one time every month or two is plenty). -- Pam Stofferahn, Hudson, WI
Thank you. I am excited and scared about this downshifting. I hold you in my heart. Martha McCune, Montague, MI
I used "St. Frances and the Foolishness of God" for Lent, Easter and Advent. Got a great response. Thanks. -- Caroline Leach, Decatur, GA
Enclosed is a copy of our paper, the first issue incorporating some of your material (from "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art"). We so much appreciate having this as a resources for our "home made" publication! Blessings -- Tom Hubers, Gaithersburg, MD
I am a college educated stay at home mom who has had some back ground in public speaking. I came upon your web page and was thrilled to find a group like this exists. About four years ago my husband and I saw the PBS documentary Escape from Afluenza, and that was the beginning of a more frugal, simple life for us. We've come a LONG way and believe strongly in consuming less and preserving the beautiful earth God has given us. In short, I am very interested in volunteering to speak about the issues of simple living and I agree with everything I've read thus far on your website. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Maria Kamara-Hagemeyer, New Britain, Connecticut
I plan to use "The Way of the Cross Continues" posters for Lenten services and adult ed. Different approach. -- Jane Kintzl, Lancaster, PA
We appreciate your work! Peace, Patti McGee & Jon Krieg, Des Moines, IA
Dear People, I'm on a committee to promote an important Save Our Planet day, April 25. We expect about 50 people who represent local churches. Your Alternatives catalog for Spring is SO FULL of good materials that I'd like to make sure every one who attends the program gets a copy. Can you send me 50 catalogs for distribution (and future orders as a result)? Sincerely, Pat Kluepfel, Ledyard, CT
Am astounded. That's the fastest service I've experienced. Two days since my email inquiry. Thanks so much!! I plan to use the book "Were You There?" for a stations of the cross presentation. Marcia Holrod, Watertown, CT
We raised over $1400 for the Nepalese family that we designated for our charity. Thank you for inspiring us with this most successful project. I wish you Godspeed. Martha Engelhart, Hillcrest Congregational Church UCC, Pleasant Hill, CA
I gave your Lenten Guide to my church as an offering. It's easy to use and such good content. Your resources are outstanding. Keep up the good work! --Belinda St. Leger, Rocky River, OH
Let's Say Grace - This book is as good as you said it is. [Your resources are] high quality, excellent focus/perspective. (Although I will be retiring 6/30/03, I will pass the info on to the next pastor.) - William B. Plank, First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc, WI
Thank you for the work you are doing to simplify our lives. -- Donna Noll, Hawley, MN
I plan to use "Lent: Sunday Readings" and "Before and After Easter Activities" for children's ministry and personal use. Your resource fit a specific purpose. Is there a listing of companies which are earth resource friendly? -- Kathi Herrington, Westerville, OH
I ordered Greening Congregations, Speaking for Ourselves and Homelessness video for a variety of small groups mostly and volunteer training (and worship resources). They have already proven to be very helpful. How about more small group devotionals and studies? Keep up the good work! -- St. Stephen Lutheran, Bloomington, MN
Dear friends (Any who choose to live alternatives to consumerism is a friend of mine!)
Another friend sent me a copy of your Lenten Calendar 2003 and I used it during Lent. I am EXCITED for what you are doing and wonder why I've just stumbled on to you. I would be interested in more of you resources. Would you have a catalog you could send? I do not have a computer, so cannot access you on-line. Whatever, blessings on your good work. Sincerely, Mary Ellen Trueman, Willmar, MN
I ordered the Alternative Wedding Book for my daughter's wedding. I do like your resources. We've gotten much help for Christmas. --Joan Huston, Elizabethtown, PA
Thanks! Great work you do! CarolAnne Otto, Washington DC
I ordered Lenten Guide 2003, "Break Forth into Joy" and "Affluenza" videos and "Wedding Alternatives" for congregational distribution and workshop resources. Relevant & well done. You're the only ones doing what needs doing! Thanks! Peace, Rev. Jim Kellaway, Vernon, CT
Thank you for keeping Christ in Christmas and now in Easter too. - Joyce Brennan [email]
Blessings! I am grateful for your faithful witness! --Heidi Worthen-Gamble, Culver City, CA
I ordered three copies of "Were You There? Stations of the Cross" as gifts for my wife and sister-in-law. Quality content and artwork. Am I satisfied with them? Yes!! Everything I have ordered is of high over-all quality and useable. -William Briggs, Stockton, CA
Thank you for raising consciousness! -- Carla Mae Streeter, OP, St. Louis, MO
May God bless you all there with the fullness of joy and peace in Christ during this time of war! I wish more people listened to you. With you in Christ, Ronald P. Liesman, First Baptist Church, Torrington, WY
I received books about living more simply and less wastefully. I bought several books in the past two years for gifts for my grown children. My family enjoys the subjects of your book selections. We like to read about environmental issues and ways to be living in a more simple, less wasteful way. - Sharon Sanford, Sioux City, IA
May your lives continue to bless us through your work for the Kingdom! -- Paula Bonner, Ft Walton Beach, FL
I plan to use Stuff and Consumers Guide to Effective Environmental Choices in the Environmental Science classes that I teach. -Robin Buckallo, Edmond, OK
I ordered three copies of the Alternative Wedding Book for two family weddings. Good products. Excellent service. Filled order quickly. Kathe Peterson, Duluth, MN
I appreciate the work your organization does! Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Kim Browning, Lexington, KY
My warmest blessings and many thanks for your VISION!! Keep it up. Double Thanks. --Fr. John Cockayne, St. Thomas Church, Thomaston, CT
I found The Spiritual Activist and Better World Handbook very interesting. Great ideas! -- Paula Wood Lavigne, Our Lady of the Lady Church, Mound, MN
I LOVE everything I'm reading! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God bless you ALL! --Paula Bonnes, Trinity United Methodist, Fort Walton Beach, FL
I plan to use When Corporations Rule the World as it relates to Outreach Ministries. It advocates for inclusiveness. It gives hope through suggestions/ideas for change. Your resources are clear and plain.
The list and information in Beyond the News: Racism is useful and helpful. I have used these facts to help increase the congregation's awareness to respond to the changes that are occurring in the community (immediate). Your resources are useful and helpful and deviating. Continue the series on Racism that points out arms of it, such as classism, sexism, ableism. -Hilda M. Saulsbury, Philadelphia, PA
I support you with all my heart. You are doing a great, necessary work. Gratitude. Hannelore Klandt, Jamaica, NY
I've taken a seminar called "voluntary simplicity" which principles/tenents I strive to incorporate into my lifestyle every day. Kindly place me on your mailing list to encourage me in this worthwhile divine anointed cause. Thank you. Thank you for the blessings.
I'm interested in being a SLOw Down speaker. This is exactly the type of worthy cause I've been guided towards. I've taken voluntary simplicity class a few years ago & found it valuable & so appropriate during these time when our economy is in a downward spiral. Kindly send me a packet. This'll also support me, my community, family in maintaining those values and oneness w/the ecosystem/creator. Thank you. Katharyne Mensah, Syracuse, NY
I will be leading a one-day pre-holidays retreat to help folks align themselves to meaning paths through the holidays. I'd love to have copies of Whose Birthday Is it, Anyway? Thank you very much. And, God bless you in your ministry.
I LOVE the Alternative Wedding book! Many couples have come to re-think parts of the wedding do's and don't's thanks to that book. The Rev. Kathryn Schreiber, United Church of Hayward, Hayward, CA
My family loves your catalog, and we always laugh at ourselves for coveting $1,000 worth of product on simple living. All the best, Susan Taylor, Louisville, KY
Hey gang at Alt. This is my first order online. The E-Store is very nicely laid out and it walked me through the experience in good fashion. I learned about this book (Brother Eagle, Sister Sky) from the current 60 second email. Greetings to all. Dick Keifer, Des Moines, IA
Keep up the good work. Pastor Vanessa Potter, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, KS
You guys have been great! Everything arrived by yesterday - which was perfect since my first meeting with my team was today. Thank you so much for all the work you are doing. Peggy Barons, Lexington, MA
Thanks for all the great work you folks are doing - we are doing similar stuff here in New Zealand - I've attached one of our info sheets All the best. Warren Snow, Envision New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand
I ordered a selection of books on hunger, globalization issues for Heifer International's Overlook Farm Book Corner. Good selection. Thank you! Keep up the important work! - Kathleen Sheehan, West Boylston, MA
Can I receive your e-zine? If found out about your organization by the Sojourners newsletter. I am the project leader of Time to Turn in the Netherlands. Our goal is quite the same as yours! We try to raise awareness on poverty and environment among youth, based on Jesus' words that we have to find treasures in heaven, and search for his righteousness and kingdom first. Our motto is: enjoy more with enough (I don't know if the translation is as catchy as in Dutch) and this sounds like 'live more with less'. We've developed bible study books for youth groups, teenagers, students, etc., on environment as well as rich / poor.
Encouraging that this idea lives throughout the world! Maybe we can link up in one way or another? Or meet when we happen to cross the ocean? I will write some lines about your organization in our newsletter.
I attached a leaflet about our project. (In the future our website will probably contain English information). Good luck with your work!
Frank Mulder
Project leader Time to Turn
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Time to Turn | Hoofdstraat 51a
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Time to turn: genieten van genoeg!
Thanks for the thoughtful, live-giving work you do. Amy Booker-Hirsch, Ann Arbor, MI
This is to thank you for your activity. I shall give "Treasury [of Celebrations]" to the Religious Education Director at the Universalist-Unitarian Church in Haverhill, Mass. Sincerely, Virginia R. Wright, Groveland, MA
Thanks for the wonderful work that you do to help us be more conscious about who we are and how we live. Peace,+Jeannette Love, Santa Barbara, CA
Yes, I would be grateful if you would add me to the mailing list for the monthly newsletter. Sounds good. Thanks for all the work you do in an important ministry. -- Jim Haas, Wayside Presbyterian, Erie, PA
I ordered Earth Score, One Hundred Dollar Holiday, Downscaling, Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices for classes and personal development. Good selection, reasonably priced, prompt service. -- Deborah Stapelkamp, Wilmington, DE
I enjoy your many publications but have limited financial resources. Keep up the good work. You provide a valuable voice in this materialistic world! - Christina Cowles, Verona, WI
I plan to use Parent TREK with moms in a preschoolers group. -First Presbyterian Church, Waco, TX
Hi, Thanks for staying true to the cause to guide and assist others to live more simply. Thank you. By His Grace, Steve Mayberry, Raleigh, NC
* Hi! Please send me your free e-mail newsletter and just one catalog per year. Our household practices the discipline of simplicity and it informs much of my ministry. Help me keep up with the latest! Thanks! Barb Mittman, Nevada, IA
Thanks for your ministry with Alternatives. Pastor Philip Rohler, The Covenant Church, Aberdeen, WA
I ordered Eating to Save the Earth, Your Money or Your Life and Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental choices. I like your prices, range of titles and service. How about cards emphasizing sustainability, friendship and community? --Jean E. Jackson, La Verne, CA
I really appreciate all of the fine materials that you carry. This world truly needs to hear the messages that you have. Brian Kittelson, Sioux Falls, SD
I have been receiving the Simple Times for a while and this month they spoke very well about Alternatives for Simple Living. I went to the website and really enjoyed what I read; it reflected what my husband and I have been striving to live and teach our two teenage sons. Mrs. Heather Gonzalez, Buena Park, CA
We incorporate Whose Birthday 2002 and your litanies into worship services. Good, economical. Price is excellent, shipping super fast, great content. Thank you! --Friendship Community Church, Treasure Island, FL
I ordered To Celebrate. Information quite useful. I put one of your stickers on my car and to share with family and friends. Play the organ and sing "Justice, Justice" in chapel. Justice hymns wonderful! GOOD PRODUCTS - NO FLUFF. GOOD SENSE! I plan to order more of your Simple Living techniques and ideas. Please carry more stores or companies who are HUMANE. -- Sandra Peterson, Braintree, MA
I need to order some books for a Christian Education class that I am taking. We are presenting some of the Alternatives material as a resource to our class. Christine Leonard-Osterwalder, Murrieta, CA
We gave one set of Whose Birthday to each of our married (w/kids) children. -Ralph E. Fogg, New Paltz, NY
I ordered Whose Birthday as a resource for ministry. The service on the phone was very good. -- Judith Anne Beattie, CFP, South Bend, IN
I've loved everything I've ordered from you. All are quality, respectful books! You offer wonderful, much needed topics (like simplicity) that are hard to find in mainstream culture. I ordered a variety of simple living study type resources for a simplicity study circle. Thanks! -St. Mark United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA
Your materials are truly great! -- Margaret Bisel, Charlotte, MI
I ordered Leader's Guide for Unplug the Christmas Machine Workshop to lead a workshop. Your resources are good quality. I like your world view. - Kathryn Veres, Woodland Park, CO
I knew I was not alone! Thank you! -- Suzy Berschback, Grosse Pointe, MI
* I have read about you (catalog, etc.) on the Simple Times website. Sounds very interesting!!! I, too, am trying to bring some simplification into our lives -- and am amazed at how "consumerism" meets me at every turn!!! Would you please send me your catalog to the following address. I'm grateful for all ideas and suggestions. Thank You!!!!! Nancy Ramsey, Lakewood, CO
I ordered the Christmas Campaign Kit and cards for the Advent season. I've been a member a long time. Good values. How about more Wild Goose Resources? Keep up the good work!! -- Marilyn Lines, Clarkston, MI
I ordered Whose Birthday and Leader's Guide to Unplug the Christmas Machine to lead a workshop. Your resources reflect and enforce my values. Marjorie Needham, Concord, MA
We have visited your website previously as we are often hunting for helpful resources to encourage/enable simple living, particularly when living in an urban environment. We are Mennonites so practices of simplicity and justice have been central for many years in our tradition. Most recently, we saw a brief blurb in The Other Side magazine noting the availability of an e-newsletter and thought we would give it a try. Peace. Peter and Cheryl Smith, Pasadena, CA
I ordered three versions of Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? for a small group study. Thanks for the ALTERNATIVES to consumerism. -- Clair Cannon, Washington, PA
Hi. I emailed you a few days ago requesting information on the process for ordering your book and CD - Alternatives Spirit of Simplicity. Our pastor has a copy and I have been using his, but I would like one for our church office. Could you please email me or snail mail me the information regarding how to order and the price? Thank you! It's a great collection. I will await your response with bated? baited? some kind of breath. Noel Harshman, Secretary, Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Lansing, MI
Please send your Christmas Campaign Kit. I am interested in the "Bearing Gifts Does Not Make Us Wise" materials. Thanks for your many helps to make life simpler. Today I do not feel victorious -- but I'm determined to "Keep on keepin' on." Peace, friends, Marjorie S. Crossman, San Francisco
We presented your materials at an Alternative Gift Fair through First Unitarian Church. Good service. Good resources. How about more teaching curricula for classes? - Deborah Stapelkamp, Wilmington, DE
I will share "Whose Birthday" and the Spanish version in local congregations and community. Timely, well-written. Thanks and keep on! --Ed Brandt, Dallas, OR
Unplug the Christmas Machine and its Leaders Guide, Let's Talk about Christmas and Whose Birthday 2002 have lots of helpful resources for workshops with hand-outs. I like the materials and received positive comments about the materials at my workshop - Norma Sue White, Salem, IN
I ordered the Advent-Christmas calendar to give to students in college. -- Lutheran Campus ministry, Corvallis, OR
We were interviewed by the Des Moines Register last week. They are working on a feature story about people simplifying their lives. Initially, they were approaching the topic from the vantage point of simplifying to make one's money go further, but, after they talked with our family, they were tipped off to all the other reasons for living more deliberately and simply: spiritual, ecological, connectedness with family, to cut out obligations which rob us of time and money, and so on and so on.
I included your organization in my list of favorite simplicity resources, and sent the reporter home with my copy of the Alternatives catalogue. She said she thought the article would run the 28th, so keep an eye out for it. I hope it garners some good publicity for you all. Warmly, Elisabeth McLaury Lewin in chilly Des Moines
I wanted to let you know that I gave the Unplugged seminar to a church group of 21 women on Sat., and am giving it to our pre-school every Tues night. It is a smashing success, and I think you would be very pleased. Even in an area as affluent as Carmel CA, this workshop is being very well received. I can't thank you enough for this resource, and look forward to future purchases and products. Blessings,
The Rev. Suzanne Watson, St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, Carmel Valley, CA
I ordered The Christmas Game as a conversation starter at gatherings. Beth Bennett, Milton, TN
I ordered "Trading Democracy," "Living Simply" and "National Green Pages" for our Resource Center patrons. Vital topics and helps. You do very well in areas of need for the rest of us! -- Congregational Resource Center, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN
I am a member of our parish's social justice committee and would like to have access to resources to raise our awareness. Your organization seems to address that need. Peace be with you, a fellow pilgrim, Scott Earsley, Soldotna, Alaska
I own the book Unplug the Christmas Machine. Couldn't find the Leader's Guide. I plan to use it during Advent, 2003. We need help living simply. Fr. Richard Norman, Church of the Redeemer, Episcopal, Greenville, SC
I ordered Tracks in the Straw, Cloth for the Cradle, Beatitude posters for Sunday Church School. I like your quality. I plan to share these resources with my parish Faith and Environment Committee. -Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester, MA
Finally getting to reply to some of my email. Thanks for putting me on your email list. You have a very interesting catalog. The alternative Christmas carols look fantastic. Real poetry in them, they don't sound "cheesy". -- William Small, Seattle, WA
We plan to use Whose Birthday in church and Sunday School. Your resources help us live a simpler life. I like what they say and the price. - St. John's Episcopal, Brooksville, FL
Thanks for the wonderful resources. Our South Conference is planning an "Advent-Simply-Peacefully" Celebration on Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 23rd. As Director of the Sunday School, I am very impressed with the 10 Commandments posters. Thanks for your prompt service, Karen Bukedal, Viroqua, WI
We give Whose Birthday 2002 to parish families. It's great stuff. How about more good revelatory stuff like "The Merchants of Cool" video. -Rev. Jim Kellaway, St. John Episcopal, Vernon Rockville, CT
We will use The Christmas Game with all the family. It looks like fun. -Sherry Bellenfant, Franklin, TN
We just discussed simplifying and affluenza in our Sunday School class and no one knew about Alternatives but us. We would really like it if you could send 20 catalogues to us and we will distribute them to folks in our class. Could you send them to us. Thanks so much.... Cindy and John Lytle Columbus, OH
Hi Gerald and all the great folks at Alternatives....
Thank you so much for the 20 free catalogues you sent to me. I can't waitto share them with my Sunday School class. Thanks again. Cindy Lytle, Columbus, OH
I found you on a search engine (prob. Google) when looking for alternative ways to celebrate Xmas. Quite frankly, my family, mostly Christians, are materialistic and into the commercialized, "traditional" ways of celebrating. I don't like it, and I can't afford it! So I've been advocating, over the last few years, for our family, children included, to change their evil ways! :) Thx for your response! Penelope & Jason Callantine, Quinter, KS
I ordered One Thousand Paper Cranes to encourage others to make cranes for peace. I agree with your philosophy. - M. Kathleen Blanco-Loseda, Alexandria, VA
Like your [Adbusters] calendar! - Bob Plapp, South Boston, VA
I ordered "Fire Salt and Peace" for exploring Christian community possibilities. Great resources. I love "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Very well researched materials! - Karen Taylor, Hayes Center, NE
Please send a catalogue to me. Many thanks! I've just discovered your site, and I can't wait to explore more. Blessings on your work and ministry! Genie Rayner, Rutland, VT
"30 Years of Alternatives" Yes!! I plan to use the CD-ROM with groups of year-long and week-long volunteers. SO sorry we're late paying the invoice. I was so excited to work with the materials on the CD-ROM that I lost rack of the invoice! Excellent service and meaningful issues. THANK YOU! - Jennifer Audretch, Festival Center, Jubilee Ministries, Washington DC
We plan to give Whose Birthday, Stuff, Win-Win and We're All in This to the congregation and as gifts. It's a small box. $14 seems excessive for s/h. -Dave Carver, Pittsburgh, PA
I gave copies of The Christmas Game and Apoplectic cards. I'll use the prophets' study - Those Who Speak for God - for sermon ideas. I'd like to use some of your books with confirmation classes. - Carolyn L. Bittner, Hornick, IA
I plan to use Christmas Campaign Kit at two churches - Church of the Brethren and Unitarian Universalist. Thanks much for the GREAT work you're doing. Juanita Williams, Waterloo, IA
P.S. Thanks for your, listening ear on the phone.
I have used many of your materials in the past and am happy to continue to receive your 60 sec. e-newsletter (a very good idea I would say).
In your most recent edition you were soliciting material for 2004. My wife and I have developed an Advent ritual to be used by families (we have a 3 & 6 yr. old) at the dinner table which includes scripture readings from the lectionary, lighting candles and a variety of activities. It is pretty simple, and we think it tries to wed dimensions of faith, education, activity, service, and relationship together. If for nothing else, it might be a nice template for other families to begin with, then adapt for themselves.
I didn't know if you might be interested in this.
Matt Friesen, Pastor of Albany Mennonite Church, Albany, Oregon
We receive your catalogue and find ourselves much in agreement with your philosophy and purpose. I'm a member of our peace & Justice committee, and I recently place an ad on your behalf in our local paper, the Carroll Daily Times Herald. I hope it produces some response for you. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Glen Braddy, Carroll, IA
We plan to use Whose Birthday in English and Spanish for RCIA, Adult Ed and make available to the general parish. Please include Guadalupe, Dec. 12. - Christo Rey Church, Lansing, MI
Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for the box of "Whose Birthday..." inserts; we will send them out early December along with the Christmas Joy Offering mailing. Thank you. Mary Pat Brennan, Pittsburgh, PA
Wilfred Gordon is outstanding in illustrations and content, A++. Because Brian Hugged His Mother, A. I plan to give the children's books to my grand children. The Joy of Not Working is for me, being recently retired. Looks great, haven't read it yet. Good stuff. --James and Frances Swartz, Framingham, MA
I ordered "Cosmic Dance," "Kids Creating Circles of Peace," "Because Brian Hugged His Mother" for Christmas gifts and for our kid's group. Excellent service. Pence, Gakona, AK
Really nice books and thoughtful gifts without the phony, tinny glitter. Thank YOU. Nancy Thompson, Avoca, IA
We plan to use the Christmas Campaign Kit to give Advent and Christmas suggestions to the families of the church. Excellent. - Dr. Martin Luther Church, Shiner, TX
I ordered Hundred Dollar Holiday to plan for the holidays. I've ordered before and like the resources. Keep up the good work! - E. McAvoy, Madrid, NY
I plan to use The Tree, Beatrice's Goat and Kid's Peace in Sunday school class and with grandchildren. Good selections and topics. - Ann Stevenson, Fort Worth, TX
I plan to give Living Simple with Children as a gift. Speedy delivery. I like your mission! How about monologues? Thanks! - Vern Strempke, Albany, CA
I used Whose Birthday for ideas for services and sermons. How about DVDs and songs for worship with lyrics? -St. Peters UCC, Owensville, MO
Thanks for your prompt reply. I am a Presbyterian Pastor and have been receiving "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" for a number of years through our denomination and have used it for worship and sermon prep. I ordered the Viet Namese Christmas Card (Gift of Love) and look forward to seeing your catalogue. Happy Holydays, Dan Whitfield, Carbondale, IL
Thanks Gerald for the reply to my query re: gift wrap. I believe I began receiving your materials, probably from the outset of this great idea. At that time I was on staff of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church working in New York City. Thanks for your commitment to this focus for all of us. We do get so swallowed up in the materialistic lifestyle it is difficult to extricate ourselves. YOU help! With much appreciation, Marjorie S. Crossman, San Francisco CA
Thanks for the good work you do all through the year! You are making the world a better place every day. Good job! --Juanita Williams, Waterloo, IA
Just a thank you for your great 60 second ezine and the catalogue you sent is fabulous! Keep up the great work! Janice Springer, Susanville, California
Thanks for your emails - I love the 60 second idea!! --Janice Springer, Red Bluff, CA
Thanks for the continued weekly emails. Sorry I haven't contributed lately. I was upgrading my home for use of less fuel and safety and it used all my expendable income. Keep up the good work! - Alice Ann Glenn, Monterey, CA
Heard about you on the internet. I feel there has to be a better way to do Christmas than spend, spend, spend. When we were small children, Christmas was all about church and Jesus. We would not receive gifts until Jan. 6th. This was supposedly when the kings came to visit the baby and brought him gifts. I'm trying to get my family back to those times. Janie Medina, San Angelo, TX
Your catalogue offers such wonderful resources. Thank you so much. --Jane Holloway, Granville, OH
Yes, I am satisfied with your 30 Year CD. Different, good materials. -Nerink Hall, Webster Groves, MO
Thanks. Enjoy your issues very much. --Georgene Blankley, Piqua, OH
A friend recommended your site to me in my annual holiday depression *S* It has helped tremendously :) Thank you. Stephanie Matteson, Granville NY
I ordered Food & Faith for a study group. Alternatives offers good quality and values. - Deacon Larry Cummins, St Matthew Parish, Windham, NH 03087
I was pleased to read on the SimpleLiving.org site that you are still around. Would you believe that on my bookshelf at home I still have some of the early "Alternatives" catalogs from the 1970's? And that's after three moves! (grin) I understand you have a free catalog that you will send me. I'd enjoy it. Thanks! Linda L. Alley, Harrisonburg, VA
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ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living, 109 Gaul Dr. * P.O. Box 340 * Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054
800/821-6153 * 712/943-6153 * Fax: 712/943-1402 E-mail: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org
This page last updated 22 December 2003
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.