These resources will be added to our Youth Ministry Resource Center at the college. Our students and the churches we serve are greatly appreciative of the faithful resources from Alternatives we already shelve! We are a private liberal arts college of the United Methodist Church. Thank you for your work and collaboration! We heard about you a LONG time ago! We're Methodist camp friends! We've used your materials all these years! -- Laura Sisson, Office of Church Relations, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL
Shalom!! Warmest blessings and deepest thanks for your vital work!! Double Thanks, my friends in THE SPIRIT. John Cockayne, St. Thomas Church, Thomaston, CT
I've enclosed $10 at this time to continue my support of OUR cause. Please don't send me any product at this time. -- Kathy Jeffers, Omaha, NE
We ordered "The Way of Peace" to put in our conference resource center for congregations to borrow. --Pennsylvania Central Conference, UCC, Harrisburg
I get your e-mails and your catalogue. I think that you guys are great and doing good things so keep it up. I live in Canada. I don't know if you have requests or need someone to do workshops for you up here. However, folks in Canada do need to hear about the stuff you do, so basically I am letting you know that I would be happy to do workshops from time to time for you. Look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Ruth Anderson, EcclesiaX Gallery, Ottawa, ON
Enclosed please find a check for our copying 80 copies of your 40 Day Guide of Lent & Easter: Connecting with God, Others, Myself. We were grateful to make it available to the congregation. --Carolyn Winter, Claremont United Church of Christ, Claremont, CA
I ordered "Simple Living Any Year Calendar," "Best Things in life Aren't Things," "Downscaling," "How Much Is Enough?" "Biggest House in the World" for myself and to share with Sunday School teachers doing financial counseling. I read children's book to grand child. Sure! I want to support this Christian organization that shares my values. It's the best place to learn about other resources. How about more children's items, note cards and post cards. I spoke with Jerry about keeping the catalog visual and not assuming we all use the internet. Mezzie Wolgin, Fairfax, VA
Hi. I am preparing an awareness presentation for a Lenten Soup night at our church. I saw your offer of Ten Tips for Easter and a free catalog of ideas and thought this might give me some good material. Is this offer still open? Is it e-mail'able? Thanks! Bill Crowley, Fairfield, NJ
This 80-year-old memory doesn't work too well! Thank you, too and God bless and reward your efforts for God and others! -- Vivian Coulon, Lafayette, LA
Thank you for my Lenten material and CD-ROM. Glad to know you are in business. Linda Williams, Mexico, MO
Thank you for sending me your excellent Alternatives for Simple Living. This was my first issue and I wish I had known about this from the beginning. Therefore I am requesting "Simply the Best: 30 Years of Alternatives." My son Brandon (17 years) went through his seventh brain surgery at the University of Wisconsin hospital in February 2002 and I am always looking for ways to keep our lives SIMPLE. I am sure I'll learn a lot from this CD. If you could help save time with the medical field. Thank you! Sincerely, Ruth, Bethany and Brandon Martin, Sun Prairie, WI
I've been wanting a bumpersticker that says "We are all in this together," because it's the most spiritual and political truth I can think of. Your organization was the only one I found that had one. -- Aron
I ordered "Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter" for meditative
reading during Lent. I used the Advent/Christmas companion book [Home for Christmas].
Quality books are always a prize. Thank you for prompt response. I especially
appreciate the quality of reflections presented by these volumes. -- Sr. Patricia
Driscoll, Bristow, VA
* * *
I plan to use "To Celebrate," "Whoever You Are," "Pretend Soup," "Earthday Birthday" with
our grandchildren. You have resources we value. -- Frederic Hall, Grants Pass,
* * *
I order Walking the Way of Sorrows to follow the stations [of the cross]. -- Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Maple Grove, MN
* * *
I ordered Cotton Patch Parables for personal use and to share with friends.
I saw the play "Cotton Patch Gospel." Good stuff, great service.
-- Terry Lee Hall, West Brookfield, MA
* * *
I ordered 50 copies of "The Good Life" curriculum kid's music booklet to use beyond Vacation Bible School. Its 27 songs are the best selections I've ever seen! Rev.
Phil Hoy, Zion UCC, Henderson, KY
* * *
Here's a sermon to be considered for Worship Alternatives. The theme is "Justice and Simple Living," specifically
social and economic justice from the Biblical perspective.
Keep up the good work at Alternatives.
"If you do not see God in all, you do not see God at all." (Sikh saying)
Ana & Tod Gobledale
Chaplains, Churches of Christ Theological College
Mulgrave, Australia
* * *
I ordered 7 books as gifts and Bread & Wine for myself. I want to support
Alternatives. -- Nancy Hagstrom, Evanston, IL
* * *
I inserted "Hunger" 40 day guide for Lent in the church newsletter.
I've purchased Christmas inserts previously. Resources are unique and thought-provoking.
-- First Congregational Church, Waukesha, WI
* * *
I heard about "Walking the Way of Sorrows" in Alternatives 60 second
email and ordered it as a Lenten resource. -- Kathleen Kind, Lockhaven, PA
* * *
I ordered "The Vision of Simpler Living" DVD, "Merchants of Cool" video and "Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives" CD-ROM
for youth and adult ed. Good material. -- Eric Moehring, Faith Lutheran, Whitehall,
* * *
RE: Simply :60 -- Lesson from Katrina
As people rebuild from Katrina, let's ask ourselves, "How can we have a good life without all these things that can be so easily lost?" Voluntary
Simplicity. Let's us focus on what has meaning. Mary Ann Van Buskirk, Columbia,
* * *
Thanks for the good reminder about simplicity. It reminds me why I support
Alternatives -- and that reminds me that I don't think I've gotten a "please send money" form lately. It may be that I pleaded poverty last time around but since that is generally the case (I will re-frame it as "simplicity,"),
I think Katrina calls for more rather than less support of your efforts.
Rev. Dr. Sarah Bentley, Associate Pastor
Westlake United Methodist Church, Austin, TX
* * *
"The Good Life" Curriculum. Its Good!
Donna Lindsay, Ladera Community Church, Portola Valley, CA
* * *
We ordered "The Good Life" curriculum and "Everyone Wins" for
an Outdoor intergenerational Vacation Bible School. You have good materials.
Sarah Wojtowicz, Riverdale, MI
* * *
I ordered "Support Peace Ribbons" from your web site for my car and
front house door. Mark Giese, Racine, WI
* * *
I ordered The Gardeners A-Z to Growing Organic Food from your web site. I will learn more about organic gardening. Good stuff. I agree with your philosophy. Thanks for all the great books, and your commitment to seeking to live gently on GODS
GOOD EARTH. Dan Belgum-Blad, Atwater, MN
* * *
I ordered "World Peace Magnet" from your web site for my car. Kate
Burkart, Houston, TX
* * *
I appreciate the Resource Guides and pass them on to my pastor. Marjorie Vander Wagen, Downers Grove, IL
* * *
Everything in my order looks great. (All but the Prayerful Santa Cards -- didn't look real.) I plan to use them as gifts. Very good quality. More of the same. Kathy Redig, Winona, MN
* * *
Dear friends, I wish I could support your work more generously and that I could support you more consistently throughout the year. Please upgrade my membership and make my renewal effective as of this time of year. I prefer not to receive any kind of gift for my gift to you. Your continuing in ministry is gift enough for me. Many blessings on your all as you continue in it.
Sincerely, W. David Holden, Boone, NC
* * *
We enjoy receiving your e-letter and our e-mail address is changing. Please make the changes in your address book so we don't miss anything. Thanks!
God's Blessings,
Linwood United Church, Kansas City, MO
* * *
I just moved from Iowa to Santa Rosa, California; from being a Bible Camp director to an executive pastor. I plan to continue teaching and exploring the simple life. The new look for your website is very appealing and consistent with simplicity. Congratulations and I look forward to seeing the rest of it.
Joel Rude, Redwood Covenant Church
* * *
Dear Mr. Iversen,
Our meeting last Saturday was one of the best district meetings (of United Methodist Women) we have ever had thanks in good part to your presence. I thank you sincerely for your help with the closing worship. I did appreciate your time to select and lead the benediction. I look forward to receiving your publication. I trust your visit with us was all you'd hoped for.
In Christ,
Barbara Kornhaus, Basehor, KS
* * *
Thank you so much for the dedication you have in directing our organization through this very challenging transition.
I got my copy of the catalogue - it is obvious that much attention has been given to offering a catalogue which is modern and yet retains the values of the current organization. I like very much the changes which have been made, have visited the new website and think we are making great strides in having a credible and attractive website.
Thanks again for your commitment and dedication. I remain committed to doing whatever I can to advance the cause of Alternatives.
Dick Kiefer, West Liberty (Des Moines), IA
* * *
Yes, please send the complete VBS kit. I look forward to seeing it. I am inexperienced
in organizing VBS, but your kit and the Habitat for Humanity program are the
only ones that appeal to me on the basis of true values that I want to offer
to our children (and volunteers). Last night I looked at several of the commercial
VBS packages and their message boards. People build volcanoes, arrange for "safari"-type
buggies to be craned onto stage, spend at least 6 months preparing to entertain
the children because they feel that in order for the church to get out its message
it has to use the language of Hollywood. I couldn't disagree more.
I think VBS should be fun and more rousing/rowdy than the usual Sunday school
programs, but that should not be at odds with communicating/developing true love
for God and others and the earth, which should always be the orientation of the
church, in my opinion.
My apologies for venting!
Ruth Kearley, Children's Ministries Interim Coordinator,
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Madison, WI
* * *
I appreciate your work. Pray for you often. And will talk with Christine about
our membership. Grace and Peace, Don Battjes, Presbyterian Camps, Saugatuck,
* * *
Keep up the good work! Peace, Eleanor & John Yackel, Circle Pines, MN (note
sent with large contribution)
* * *
I ordered Little Earth Book through your Web Site for general reading
and parent help. I like the products and goals. Excellent service and quick shipping.
Thanks. Elizabeth Stultz, Castro Valley, CA
* * *
Dear Gerald & Friends,
My warmest blessings and deepest thanks to you and for your vital efforts/energy!!!
Keep it up. It is really needed esp. with the young adults: Great vision for
the future. I have a great interest for reading and reflection with the area
of spirituality and life style. Please keep me posted on materials/resources.
Enclosed a check to help the cause and for my renewal. As I pray for/with you
and your ministry, please do the same for me, especially my health. My health
has limited my active ministry. Making it very interesting and challenging. Double
thumbs up, my friends in the Spirit Shalom & Joy always.
P.S. May the Holy Spirit Inspire, empower, Enable you and your work!!!
(Red ink needed for the Holy Spirit and Gospel Witness)
Fr. John Cockayne, Jr, Southington, CT
* * *
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to acquire an extended membership at long last. Gerald
called last month asking for some names and we are compiling a list.
We are talking with friends about youth-oriented ideas as well.
My neighbor (a non-Christian) is looking for a resource for her son's covetousness. He
is 9 and just really wants stuff and more stuff than
anyone else. I am enclosing an additional $20 to our order to cover the cost
of any resource you might think appropriate. Thank you, Lora Mohr, Barrington,
* * *
I ordered Living Simply for self study. I'm trying to develop a more God-centered
life. Thank you! - Laura Dayharsh, Palo Alto, CA
* * *
The group of bumper stickers I ordered came very quickly. Just what we wanted
for our Sustainability Workshop held March 12th. You have some wonderful things
to share. Thanks for the quick service, good discount and the friendly person
with whom I spoke. You're doing good work. Keep it up. La Providencia, Alpine,
* * *
I am still working with Guatemalan cooperatives. I was in Guatemala in Oct. Several
of the groups we work with were devastated by the mudslides. We are doing some
rebuilding of the area. My journals about the trip are at our web site is
We have created alternative gift cards for the holidays -- the type you give
to someone and then give the money to the rebuilding effort. We have a 501c3
called Friends of Sharing the Dream. 100% of the money goes to the rebuilding
since we are all volunteers.
Thanks for anything you can do. Diane Nesselhuf.
* * *
I listened to your radio interview on "GraceMatters." It was great!
Camille Dunn, NC
* * *
Enclosed is a check for $377 that I generated through the sales of my self-produced
Christmas CD that was released in the autumn. These sales were almost solely
through my little parish, St Mark Catholic Church in rural Pennsylvania. I want
the proceeds to go to Alternatives for Simple Living. So here is the installment
for this year. I am sorry that it took me this long to get this money to you,
but you would not believe how crazy 2005 has been for me.
You guys are one of the coolest organizations that I have ever encountered! I
love what you stand for! Christian, social-justice oriented, environmentally
conscious, and intensely anti consumerism focused and you have a very important
message to convey
I have included a copy of the CD. It is basically modern arrangements of standard
Christmas hymns with a vocal and classical guitar. Some of the songs are also
jazz arrangements. I have been playing guitar for almost 30 years. I hope you
find it very prayerful and peaceful.
I will forward you proceeds with the CDs that I will sell subsequently.
Also, please renew my membership with this contribution! Thank you so very much
for your consideration!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Paul S. Siebert, Pastor
St. Mark Church, Emporium, PA
* * *
Good service, friendly customer service rep. Enjoy the choice of topics that
are current and environmental. Faith Formation Office, Sydney, NS, Canada
* * *
I ordered Your Money Or Your Life and Building Materials for
Life through your web site to read and learn. Good helpful products. Kathleen
Gultz, Monmouth, OR
* * *
Your videos point out the reasons why problems exist. I hope to use them as a
study and to help carry-out a shared vision. I like what Alternatives has written
about celebrations such as Easter, Christmas and Affluence. I would like to see
a special reproducible resources for children and youth. Hilda M. Saulsbury,
Philadelphia, PA
* * *
I ordered Extending the Table & More With Less Cookbook through
your web site for gifts & personal reading. Julie Taylor, Takoma Park MD
* * *
I ordered Cloth For The Cradle, Best Things in Life, Waiting
for the Wonder for personal use &/or programs. No doubt I will purchase
again. I'm a "simple" person! Your catalog does a great job. Anonymous
* * *
Thanks for your newsletters. I will look forward to continuing to receive your
e-mail at this new address. Thanks for all you are doing. Sarah McGee
* * *
I ordered "Shine on, Star of Bethlehem," "Living More with Less
Study/Action Guide," "Recycled Crafts Box," "Stages on the
Way," "Treasury of Celebrations" and "Christmas Campaign
Kit" for church worship, Christian Ed. Committee, my own study, entertaining
grandchildren. I've known about Alternatives for years, maybe at Manchester College.
I'm very much interested in simple living as a Brethren and of useful ways of
giving gifts. I have no complaints. Service is good, prices are good. -- Ruth
Clark, Froid, MT
* * *
Living More with Less and 'Tis a Gift to Be Simple are excellent resources. I'm
preparing to facilitate a women's conference entitled "God's Call and Simplicity." Great
selection, great customer service. Thanks so much for great turnaround time .
--Joyce Mante, Bethlehem, PA
* * *
Dear Gerald and Rita,
Thank you for your wonderful presentation and visit to meet with our small group.
It was delightful to get to meet with you and hear first hand about your wonderful
work. I'm very impressed with your dome!! What a better way to live your message.
I hope the rest of your itinerary has been successful and fruitful and that you
have made connections with young adults everywhere!
I've talked with a few folks about your work and our children have agreed for
me to pass on their email to your organization for the 60-second emails and notices.
They are young adults, so maybe that will add a couple more to your list.
I'll keep sending names as I get folks who are interested.
Peace and blessings to your work.
Sandy and Deane Irving, Raleigh, NC
* * *
I'm using my energy for counter-recruitment. Also wherever possible to share
Alternatives. Gerald D. Haynes, Claremont, CA
* * *
I ordered "More With Less Cookbook" from your web site to use in my
home life. Ill enjoy the cookbook. Thank you for efficient service. Juli
Blanke, Mitako, Tokyo
* * *
I'm a 'fan' of our organization and will continue to purchase from your catalog.
Thanks! Sandie Miller, First Congregational, Oshkosh, WI
* * *
I'll use the "Support Peace" cling on my car, grace book @ dinner table,
Anytime Game in my purse. I was shopping on the website. Love the mission. Prices
are good. Mrs. Elizabeth Stultz, Castro Valley, CA
* * *
I loved meeting you and hearing all that you are doing at Alternatives. You truly
inspired me all over again, and I look forward to crossing paths with you in
a variety of ways in the future. Blessings on all you do. Peace, Susan Moseley
* * *
Subject: Fan mail
This is just a note to say I appreciate your work very much. Please keep it coming.
There aren't many mass mailings that I am happy to receive, but yours is one!
Thank you for sending it. Shay Salomon
* * *
Use where needed most! Keep On! Thanks!
Bill & Anne Shields, Halfway, OR
* * *
The "Ten Commandments Posters" are perfect for visual teaching as well
as Doctrine, Discussion, and Simplicity with 4th grade religion class. Your materials
always on target. How about more visuals (poster like) materials re: Gifts of
the Spirit, Fruits of the Spirit, Books of the Bible? Please stay in business!
Thank you for being here to help us make a positive impact on our world and environment.
Antoinette Vellone, New Castle, PA
* * *
We use "365 Unplugged Family Fun Activities" as ideas for weekly family devotion. Good
stuff. Your staff is a joy to work with. Jim Abbott, Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Brenham, TX
* * *
We are using the churchs recycling money we have accumulated
from recycling paper and ink jet cartridges to raise the churchs membership
level to $250. Also, I have one couple so far who would like to receive information
from you. Weekend Blessings, Cathy Yost, First Presbyterian, Kirkwood, MO
* * *
Thank you very much for your generosity and time spent with our Northwestern
students a few weeks ago, as they visited the Earthdome. It was thought-provoking
and engaging. We hope that a fruitful relationship has begun between Alternatives
and Northwestern College. Please find enclosed a check as a small token of our
Grace and Peace,
Michael Andres, Assistant Professor of Religion, Northwestern College, Orange
City, IA
* * *
The enclosed donation is in honor of my wife, Laurie Barnhart. Thank you for
the work that you do. Blessings, Bob, Okemos, MI
* * *
The enclosed check is a donation to Alternatives for Simple Living that was collected
at the Alternative Gift Market in December.
This was our first experience putting on an event of this nature and we were
thrilled with the response. It was a wonderful event and we were very pleased
to have Alternatives for Simple Living represented.
We look forward to this being an annual event and we are hopeful that Alternatives
for Simple Living will be a part of our Alternative Gift Market again.
May peace and joy come to you in the vital ministry that you provide -- and may
God's spirit move all of us to new efforts for peace and justice in God's world.
Peace and Grace,
Jim Nielsen, Chair, Peacemaking and Social Justice
First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo, CA
* * *
I ordered "Go Before Us" and "Sing Justice" or personal and
community growth in the area of social justice. Valuable resources. Easy to access.
Postage seemed high for items ordered. Sr. Sarah Manchester, Hemingford, NE
* * *
Thank you for your "voice." - Marilyn Vander Weide, Orange City, IA
* * *
Gerald, the new Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? arrived today. It is very nice. It looks great. How many can you send me to share with folks? I think people will be very drawn to it by the color and the contents.
Loy Lilley, Director
Good Word Resource Center
Lake Junaluska, NC
* * *
SIMPLY 60 SECONDS: The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.
This Week's Thought on "Sustenance"
Shop at Farmer's Markets. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area. Most Americans are far removed from the source of their food and from the people who grow it. Our food travels an average of 1300 miles to reach our tables.
Love your weekly email. Can you please provide a source for your claim about 1300-mile trips for food? I'd like to use it in a sermon but need attribution. Tks -- Brint Keyes
Greetings, Brint,
Thanks for your interest in Alternatives.
We developed our 365 day any-year calendar over five years ago, so I can't quickly find my initial reference, but if you Google "food travels 1300 miles," you'll get 679,000 references.
* * *
Keep up the good work. Don't let my "child" die. Bob Kochtitzky, Jackson, MS (founder of Alternatives)
* * *
I ordered Leader's Guide to Unplug the Christmas Machine for the workshop. Heard about you at the Ministry Resource Center, Yale Divinity School. There is nowhere else to find these kinds of resources. Sara Potter, Calvary Church, Stonington CT
* * *
I ordered the "World Peace" Cling from your web site for my car window. Jennifer Winters, Denver, CO
* * *
I ordered "The Good Life" curriculum, "Beatrices Goat," "Faith the Cow," "Sustainable Vegetable Garden" for a display at Presbytery Office and as resources for programs. The 2 Heifer Books Ive used before. I was surprised (pleasantly!) at how fast they arrived at the office. Barbara Howell, Presbytery of Middle TN, Franklin TN
* * *
I ordered "Living More With Less," its Study Guide, and More-with-Less Cookbook. The Cookbook for Vacation Bible School meal. Its an organization and a personal philosophy and way of living that I support. Im just exploring the tip of whats already available and the subjects/topics and number of resources are already fantastic. In a few years, after reading a lot maybe Ill have suggestions! Sarah Wojtowicz, Riverdale, MI
* * *
Price good, Service excellent! Design mostly good -- some need larger, darker print for those of us whose vision is not as sharp as it used to be! Large type available? The 3 sets of posters; 10 Commandments, Beatitudes, and Acts of Mercy will be purchased and donated to our Director of Christian Education at our church. Many Thanks! Ann W Hagan, Huntington, WV
* * *
Thanks for all you do! Melinda Zobel, Sioux City, IA
* * *
We ordered eight books for personal reading. Good topics.
Margaret and William Jacobson, Piscataway, NJ
* * *
Just received The Little Food Book from you -- amazing amount of helpful information in a compact package and eye opening. Lyn Yule, Candia, NH
* * *
Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Lloyd Bach, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Woodbury County, IA, Chapter (note with $1,000 grant)
* * *
I ordered “Whose Birthday?” “What Kids Really Want,” “Book of New Family Traditions,” “The Christmas Game” and “The Anytime Game.” “Whose Birthday?” was given with Advent Wreaths made in church School/other items offered to parents in "De-Stressing the Holidays for Families" class. Great info and resources for families. How about a new video for Christmas to use with parents plus with kids. Stone Church of Willow Glen Presbyterian Church, San Jose, CA
* * *
We are planning for Advent and I have two assignments – A Hanging of
the Greens Ceremony that emphasizes GREEN, ie. Environmental stewardship. A
Pageant that Youth would do along these same lines. Any ideas?
Alan Claassen, United Church of Christ Lake Oswego
Greetings, Alan,
Since you recently ordered our "30 Years of Alternatives" CD-ROM, you may find the following helpful there.
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas
Hanging the Christmas Greens (and More Ideas for Hanging the Greens)
St. Nicholas: A Puppet Play
A St. Nicholas Celebration
What does Jesus Want for Christmas? (pageant)
Carols with Justice
Most of these are also available on paper from us if you prefer, or in our website archives.
Thanks, Gerald,
I appreciate your taking the time to send me that heads up.
Much appreciated,
* * *
Hi. Gonna use the "No Presents" card for a Christmas workshop I'm doing today. Great idea. Thanks. Ana and Tod Gobledale, Australia
* * *
Enclosed find check for the Christmas Kit I have received and for a membership. I understand that with the purchase of the kit one is permitted to copy some materials. We copied the 10 Tips for a Simpler More Meaningful Christmas for our church mailboxes. I've received several good comments from folks who appreciated them. I would like to copy the mobile for several children to make.
We appreciate your emphasis and concern for peace, justice and simplicity of life. We have been long time advocates and promoters of these values, are now ages 74 and 80, so have observed much in these years and continue to work for justice. Thank you, Lois Leidig, Canton, OH
* * *
Our church is planning an alternative Christmas Shopping experience and I
would like to share with them other alternatives for making Christmas and the
Holy season more meaningful. I enjoy all the items on your website but I am
having difficulty discerning what would be best for our congregation. Do you
have any suggestions as to what would be good to share with them? Something
that wouldn't overwhelm them but be informative and maybe/hopefully transform
their way of thinking. Thank you.
Rev. Sarah E. Watkins Davis, Minister of Children
First United Methodist Church, Gastonia, NC
Thank you Gerald,
I've been a frequent visitor of the website for some time and have gathered
your materials at various locations. Thank you for your help! I'll pass it
along to our planning committee!
* * *
Just wanted to say, I was referred to your site from a book called Soultending, and am grateful for the thoughtful insights I have received. I am a teacher of senior high school Sunday school classes. We need simplification. Badly. Thank you! Heidi Denman
* * *
I ordered Simple Gifts CD for personal listening. Good cause. --Catherine Haede, Garland, TX
* * *
I ordered gifts and personal resources. I'm a long time member. I support your mission. -- Anna Schmidt, Oakland, CA
* * *
I ordered the Alternative Wedding Book. I'm looking for ideas for ceremony and decorations, plus general philosophy. Great value, design. My minister read one of your children's stories at Christmas. It's refreshing to have a different options for gift giving. I love that a real, friendly person answers the phone! Keep up the good work. -- Kent Lynne Lefebure, Cincinnati, OH
* * *
I use "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art" with out community of volunteers and our newsletter. Thanks for staying with it. -- Colorado Vincentian Volunteers, Denver, CO
* *
I read about SPINNING TALES, WEAVING HOPE on the internet and ordered it as a gift for family members. Your resources correlate with my values. -- Barbara Dale, Decorah, IA
* * *
I read about you in Sojourners Magazine and ordered bumpers tickers and stationary to raise consciousness. I continue to support the values you embody. How about T-shirts and children's games? All your resources are excellent. -- Shako family, Schoharie, NY
* * *
I saw a bumper sticker on a car and did a Google search. -- Jon Rene Josey, Florence, SC
* * *
I ordered “Affluenza” and “Escape from Affluenza” DVDs to use in workshops & classes on Simple Living. I’ve used them in the past. Your topics relate to my work. Kathleen Kenney, Doswell, VA
* * *
I received the catalogs today. Thank you. I will distribute them as usual at our two churches. I like the new look! It is very attractive. Marliss Rogers
September9/5/06 I ordered 40 copies of “Whose Birthday?” for a St. Nicholas celebration after church, with alternative Christmas suggestions. Yes, I believe in what you stand for. Thanks so much. Julia Dorsey Loomis, St. Andrew Church, Norfolk, VA
* * *
I completely ran out of supplies last night. Bruce Forbes did an excellent job of presenting the History of Christmas. Would you please send and bill me for another 50 copies of the Ecumenical version of the "Whose Birthday is it?" There seems to be a 'market' for them. Oh, also send a good number of the catalogues. We will be having a Fair Trade sale on campus so I will put them out during that. "Plan as if there were no such thing as prayer. Pray as if there were no such thing as planning." John Raleigh Mott, Nobel Peace Prize, 1946 Grace and Peace, Rev. Debra J. Wells, Ecumenical Coordinator, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN* * *
Hi, Gerald:
I wanted to compliment you and everyone else who worked on this year's Whose Birthday is it, Anyway? I really, really enjoyed it and am sharing it with some members in my church. We are talking about doing some sort of holiday workshop. Thank you for the great new ideas and the excerpts from various authors were excellent, plus great marketing tools for Alternatives, as well. Thanks so much! Peace,
Christine Leonard-Osterwalder, Hilo, HI
* * *
I enjoy the email info so don't delete me!
I am using Carols with Justice for the second year as Advent hymns. The congregations I serve enjoy singing familiar tunes and I feel better using words that help us see Christ's coming in a different light. I also use Carols with Justice for the Blue Christmas service. The wording helps those who are hurting know God is in their suffering and also helps them look outward. Thanks for all your organization does.
Pastor Nancy Renfro
* * *
RE: Simply :60 -- Advent Countdown!Thank you dear friends, for your newsletter and for your much needed witness in this complicated world. I would like to print the 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas on the Resource Center page of our Presbytery web site. May I have permission to do that?
With thanks, and prayers that God bless you, your families, your churches, and your ministry real good, Martha Huntley
* * *
I saw your booklet, "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" and was very impressed and inspired.Lynne Calkins, Encinitas, CA
* * *
We are having an Alternative Gift Giving Fair on Dec. 4th which may be a good venue to put some of your catalogs out at. Our event will likely be small but we'll be happy to share your materials there and at other opportunities that become available.Thanks, too, for the great work you do.
Denise Johnston
Social Justice Advocates of Placer County, Co-chair
(Saints Peter & Paul Parish, Rocklin, CA)
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This is an order for Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Ecumenical versionOur CONGREGATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER is an ecumenical resource ministry, offering a great variety of print, VHS, DVD, CD, software, and audio cassette resources free loan to congregations all across Indiana… as well as faculty, staff, and students of Christian Theological Seminary, where we are located.
Our intent is to have a couple of the booklets just for loan… and have the others available as give-aways.
We thank you for caring for this order… and for your extraordinary ministry.
Art Vermillion, Director, CRC
Congregational Resource Center, Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN
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I have ordered from Alternatives before by phone. This is our first online order. We are currently receiving your email newsletter, Simply 60 Seconds, which is great.Lorelei Oelschlager, Johnsonburg NJ
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Dear Friends, I purchased two community in honor of my young adult summer staff at Skyline Camp and one in honor of the staff at the First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham. They were thrilled with their gifts! Part of the 'perks' of the memberships is a discount on store items.In the near future I would love to talk with someone about having someone from your office out at Skyline as a "keynote speaker" for our Senior High Conference this summer. Is this possible?
Christine Gannon, Executive Director
Skyline Camp and Conference Center
Almont, MI
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Our ushers handed out the "Whose Birthday? 2005" resource following worship today. Only one person had ever heard of the resource, and most seemed happy to receive it. We'll see after they read it! This church is not exactly a "green" church, and many of them suffer from Affluenza, as you call it. They are learning more about mission as the months go by, which is great. It's an older congregation and some are on fixed incomes so they may find "Whose Birthday" helpful.I know memberships are important. If I'm in the country, and solvent, I'll try to subscribe.
God's shalom to you and to your wonderful staff,
Susan Herman
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I ordered “Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?” for self & family. Heard about it through our Catholic Newspaper.Esther Zblewski, Madison, WI
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I ordered “Simple Lifestyle 2006 Calendar” & “Hundred Dollar Holiday” personally to help me see and think in more simple and just ways. Thank you for the rapid service! My call was placed Oct 25 and received at my house on Oct 31.Jan Yudt, Valparaiso, IN
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I ordered “Book of New Family Traditions,” “Unplug the Christmas Machine” and “Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference” for Young Parents Sunday School Class. Surprise Me.First Presbyterian Church,
Richardson, TX
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We use CAROLS WITH JUSTICE in Advent serves in lieu of regular carols.Ms Martha Engelbert, Lafayette, CA
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Good News! We need to order 10 more Participant’s Manual: Unplug the Christmas Machine!!Hope you can ship right away, please, so that I can get these to class members who need to work on them before next Sunday.
The class had some newcomers for our first session yesterday, and all seemed enthusiastic; we’re moving the class to a larger area!!
Many, many thanks for your unique ministry…and your excellent service!!
Art Vermillion, Indianapolis, IN
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I cannot believe anyone would deliberately report Alternatives e-mail as Spam -- how rude! I love getting your e-mails, short, easy to read and always with a tidbit of useful information. I just wanted to say "thanks" for doing such a good job!Peggy Pace
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Thank you for all of the wonderful work that all of you do! Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!Marce Wagner, Sioux City, IA
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I think your work is one of the most important in our consumer materialistic "Christian" world/society. We had an "Alternative Christmas" Sunday School Class in November this year and it was meaningful. Your visit to Asheville inspired us.Thanks for Alternatives mission!
Susan Presson
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I have worked up the following summary of my concerns that I would like to share either verbally, email, or regular mail with people that I might call. They express the focus of my intent, and thus I want to run them by you for feedback.I am not impervious to criticism, so please give feedback or other suggestions about our planned effort.
Dick Phalen
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I live in the heartland of the United States near Kansas City and invite you to join me in working for alternatives to a simpler life style. My efforts are on behalf of the organization "Alternatives for Simpler Living" but my concerns are also personal and deeply felt.For some time I have been concerned about the excessive waste and self-indulgent life style of most Americans - including myself. We are living on a planet where our society consumes an inordinate amount of the earth's resources while most of this earth's residents live on a scale far more humble than ours.
My own personal cost to keep my home running and my cars on the road far, far exceeds what most people on this earth have available to them. Last year I visited the Palestinian people and was truly stunned to learn what they earn in a year to support their lives in a land where the costs of food, housing, and fuel is as great or even greater than in this country. Most people in this world share this dilemma.
And we live in the one major country that has not ratified the Kyoto Treaty - this is another global failure that suggests we are failing to recognize the contribution of our wasteful life styles to other citizens of this planet.
Thus I invite you to join in an effort to help change the focus of people in our land from consumption and excessive waste to more responsible, ethical living habits.
I realize that our efforts may be puny, but as Mother Teresa once said, it may be a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that drop.
And for me personally I remember a layman from Scotland, Malcom Hay, who died in 1962, on the eve of the Vatican Council. His words live on for me - "In this world we are not meant to see the truth triumph, but only to fight for it." Those thoughts propel me in my faith tradition to continue to work for Justice and not be discouraged by the results.
I pray that you will join me in these efforts.
Richard Phalen
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Greetings, Dick,Beautifully said. I would like to use your statement in a future publication.
I would suggest that you drop the specific mention of the Kyoto Protocol. Since we are a 501-c-3 non profit, educational organization, we avoid the overtly political.
To clarify, your task as a volunteer coordinator to provide support and encouragement to about 25 Slow Downers (volunteers) on a long term basis. As a Slow Downer yourself, you would perform some of the tasks of a regular volunteer. So, for the time being you are operating on three levels.
We will provide scripts as starting points of your work. You may, of course, modify them.
Thank you for your support of Alternatives.
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Thank you for your prompt--as always!--response to my request. Appreciate your unique ministry.Shalom.
Art Vermillion, Congregational Resource Center
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Beautifully said. I would like to use your statement in a future publication.I would suggest that you drop the specific mention of the Kyoto Protocol. Since we are a 501-c-3 non profit, educational organization, we avoid the overtly political.
To clarify, your task as a volunteer coordinator to provide support and encouragement to about 25 Slow Downers (volunteers) on a long term basis. As a Slow Downer yourself, you would perform some of the tasks of a regular volunteer. So, for the time being you are operating on three levels.
We will provide scripts as starting points of your work. You may, of course, modify them.
Thank you for your support of Alternatives.
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Thank you for your prompt--as always!--response to my request. Appreciate your unique ministry.Shalom. Art Vermillion, Congregational Resource Center
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Thank you! The book and the calendar are both great!Merry Christmas!
Felicia Finneran, Winchester, VA
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I'll put "Earth Trek" and "J Walking" in the center and recommend them for an upcoming event. You are well ahead of me.Loy Lilly,
Good Word Resource Center,
Lake Junaluska, NC
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In regard to Buy Nothing Day
Thank you!
Margaret Botch
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I've been asked to do a Simple Living talk to a group of 25 people at a church in St. Joseph on Dec 6th. It's at a Catholic church but the series is non-denominational. Could I get 25 copies of your current catalog. This should be early enough to get in Christmas orders, right?
Thanks, Karen Boe, Schoenridge Farm, Rowendale, MO
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Re: Simply :60 -- Buy Nothing DayGood morning Alternatives,
Thanks for this helpful, timely message. By the way, my latest blog entry was on Buy Nothing Day - but I'd like to put something up on the PHP site today and some of your message will be helpful, including a link to Whose Birthday. I think I'll also reference the National Labor Committee's latest report on "Disney's Children's Books Made with Blood, Sweat and Tears of Young Workers in China" at
Thanks for your good work and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a looooong weekend,
Andrew Kang Bartlett, Presbyterian Church, USA
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Re: Simply :60 -- Buy Nothing Day
Just sent an order for gifts to Koinonia, Sisters of St. Joseph and getting one ready for UNICEF. Still keeping spending to a low level. AND...really enjoying life. Phil Hoy
Oh, yes. We will NOT be shopping on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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BUY NOTHING DAY is a simple idea with deep implications.
Hello and shalom!
Just reminding all our friends out there that many of us have built in to our week the ultimate "buy nothing day" - a radical innovation over 5000 years old. IT IS SHABBOS!
Marcia Prag
[Ed. Shabbos means "rest." For more information, visit]
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Love you very much. All what you write is so simple and inspiring and encourages me all the time. Thank you so much. I am new on the computer, therefore I will phone and order: I want Amelia to Zora, Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? or may be even the kit and some childrens books.
Lots of love and gratitude,
Hannelore Hanna Klandt
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Good morning,
Thank you for sending a copy of "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" I really like all the different voices. Nice job. And I do hope all is well with you.
Many blessings,
"Journey Into Freedom"
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I have received your catalog for sometime. I have ordered several books from you as well. We are a homeschooling family of three boys and we read aloud to the family frequently. I was wondering if you could suggest a book through your catalog or other on voluntary simplicity that would be something simple enough to read aloud to our kids. Our kids are 15, 11, and 9. We have tried to live a simple lifestyle which we found much easier to do when we lived in Mexico. Sometimes it's easier for our children to hear about something when it doesn't come directly from us. Reading a book is like inviting in a third party. If you could suggest a book or video that might work in explaining the whys and ways of simple living it would be appreciated.
Kathy & Mark Morrison, Asheville, NC
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I recently found your website and if I read it correctly, you print a catalog?
LL "Linda Lee" Manley, Burlington, IA
THANKS SO MUCH. Am looking forward to your new site.
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I ordered two copies of "Beyond Guilt" for a discussion group. Excellent resource. Keep up the work.
-- Rupert Bowler, Green Valley, AZ
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Dear Jerry,
I received my care package from you yesterday. Thank you. I will sort through the binder to gain familiarity, then Ill get a letter off to my list of Alternatives folks. Ill send you a copy.
Should you come to Northern California another time and need a place to rest, sleep, etc. please consider my place. My wife and I would be happy to have you and your wife as our guests.
I thoroughly enjoyed the time we shared in Antelope. It is always an energy booster to meet and share with someone who envisions ENOUGH as a goal and as a pathway to a sensible tomorrow for those that follow us.
I love the rich simplicity of the little gem "Climbing the Sycamore Tree."
Mike Ferrick
PS I've enclosed the "Simple Christmas" brochure I did a few years back.
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I am Minister of Fellowship at First Church Tampa UCC. Several years ago you reprinted a story I had read previously in a magazine entitled The White Envelope. I told the senior pastor of the church about the story and he asked me to read it at this years Christmas Candlelight service. I recently moved from Maine to Florida, thought I had brought my copy but cannot find it. The story was in the Whose Birthday Is It? publication. Can you send me a copy? I hope you can retrieve it--the message in it is so powerful...Our intent is to follow my reading of the story with the offering, to be put in white envelopes and used for a worthy purpose in our community. Thank you.
Rev. Iris K. Burnell, Zephyrhills, FL
Greetings, Pastor Iris,
Thank you for your interest in Alternatives for Simple Living. You will receive our free email newsletter (called "Simply :60" because it's meant to be read in under a minute).
The article is available for the time being at
For other similar articles visit
It is very important to our ministry that you or your congregation become a member. Visit our new eStore at or call toll free 800-821-6153.
Thank you.
Thank you so much! I downloaded the story and will read it at Christmas. I will certainly suggest to the senior pastor that we become members of Alternatives. I can't believe you came through so quickly. Rev. Iris K. Burnell
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RE: Simply :60 -- Thanksgiving Alternatives
Great! Lilia D'Ovidio,
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Thanks. I like all the items! Joan Brian, Sumner, IL
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I plan to give one copy of "Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference" as a gift and use my own copy for counseling parents. I trust your selections. How about more on healthy live and on AIDS? -- Monica Loomis, Norman Wells, NT, Canada
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Dear friends,
Your wonderful resources encourage and inform us. May God continue to bless and multiply your efforts. Thank you for agreeing to send us 12 copies of your new catalog. We'll put them to good use. Enclosed are three checks for you. In and for peace, Maurice and Dondeena Caldwell, COG [Church of God] Peace Fellowship, Anderson, IN
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I ordered "How Much Is Enough?" for a book review in Hunger Network newsletter; "Home for Christmas" for grandchildren. I believe in what you're doing and promoting. Thank you! -- Dee Doughty, Evanston, IL
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I will send in a contribution before the end of the year. I very much believe in what you are about and doing. Thank you, Charlotte Strecker-Baseler, Oberlin, KS
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Hello Gerald.
I am a moderator for an on-line Catholic Discussion Forum ( and I believe a fellow moderator mentioned your site about two months ago. I filed away the link to the Christmas stuff and forgot all about it until now. (I'm constantly looking for information to put in our weekly church bulletin, on the bulletin boards, or in the information pamphlets for the various church groups.)
I assume you've already added my email address to your e-mailing list for the "Simply :60"?
Esther Law, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
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I am disappointed that Alternatives 60 is essentially an ad sheet. I joined because I thought there would be stories, poetry, suggestions, etc. and not just stuff to buy. I get plenty of those.
Rev. Grace Simons
UU Fellowship of Stanislaus County (CA)
Greetings, Rev. Grace,
Thank you for your interest in Alternatives.
The support you are seeking is on our web site. We try to steer our subscribers to it in a very brief way. For example, when you choose the link for the first item in this week's e-news, you'd go to a daily calendar including every day of the year for ANY year.
Scout around in our Archives and you'll find hundreds of complete articles, study guides, etc.
If you need help navigating our site, don 't hesitate to ask by phone, 9-5 Central, M-F.
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Happy Holidays! I owe you a phone call...sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet, but we are quite busy with year end closing and making sure all of our commitments get paid.
I'm writing to you today with some good news. We have a balance in our hunger program which we are sending to you for Alternatives. We don't usually find ourselves with a surplus, but are happy when we do. Please use this additional donation wherever needed most.
Blessings for a very Merry Christmas,
Lisa Rothenberger
American Baptist Church World Relief
Greetings, Lisa,
What a moment of grace to receive your generous news!
We are planning a goodwill trip through your area and hope to meet you face-to-face.
Have a blessed Christmas.
Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
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ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living, 109 Gaul Dr. * P.O. Box 340 * Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054
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Simple Living Works! *
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.