Customer Responses, 2007

Customer Responses (for all of 2007)




I plan to use "Sing Justice!" "Agape," "To Celebrate" and "Any Year Calendar" for church, especially "Sing Justice!" I believe in ecology, stewardship and creating a sustainable future. How about more ecumenical items, possibly prayer books? Keep up the good work! The guy who took my order over the phone could not have been any nicer. --Jeffrey Faust, Brewton, AL

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I am an interim pastor. I'll use "Stages on the Way," "Cloth for the Cradle" and "Present on Earth" for both formal and informal worship services. [Ordering was] quick, easy, great resources. -- Rachael Keefe, Brockton, MA

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I ordered "365 Outdoor Activities You Can Do with Your Child" to get more ideas of non-TV outdoor activities that I can do with my three elementary school age, home-schooled children. I purchased "365 TV-Free Activities" at my local bookstore and the title I bought from you was listed at the back of the book. I support your organization's mission. I have no complaints. Your customer service was wonderful! Your web site is easy to use. You responded to my order promptly. I received the book much more quickly than I imagined I would. I will recommend your web site to others. Thanks! Caroline Velasquez, Grand Rapids, MI

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We ordered a variety of books for college undergraduate students. You have unique resources. How about more guides on how to share the information and resources with young populations, like curriculum-type resources? -- Fordham University, Bronx, NY
[Stories from below the Poverty Line, Making Living While Making a Difference, Conscious Consumer: Fair Trade; The Better World Handbook; No Nonsense Guide to World poverty; Simple living 101; Living More with less]

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I plan to use, take into practice and share ideas from "Plug-In Drug," "Eating to Save the Earth," and "Somebodies & Nobodies." Mailing and handling costs too high. How about more simple living, political, economics, and Spanish language books? Hispanics are our largest minority. -- San Juan, PR

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Thank you for your wonderful resources! God bless. -- Jennifer Janes, Le Mars, IA

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I recently found out that I have serious health problems and am in the process of applying for disability. I was really, really depressed but your web site really helped me get centered last night, and helped me realize what my values were and that it is important to get in touch with like-minded individuals. I just wanted to share that I really appreciate what you are doing and what you offer to the community. I would like to receive your catalog. Jane Pollard, Lilburn, GA [voice mail]

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As a woman Religious, my finances are limited. I do what I can and I share your ideas with others and students I teach. Maureen Foy, Dominican Sisters, Sparkill, NY

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I made 50 copies of your 40 day Guide for Lent & Easter and made them available for people to take on Ash Wednesday. I copied it off your web site after I heard about it in your "Simply :60" email. Thanks. -- Martin "Marty" Toepker Floyd, United Methodist Church, Wishek, ND

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Hi folks!
I love your resources, but we are perpetually short of funds. Also, you've been sending the catalog to my parents. I would love to take you up on the free shipping offer for some resources I've been hoping to get for a while now for my work with kids and my own two young ones! But I'd like to help too. Can I round my order up to help with S&H? I do love your resources and I page through the catalog like some probably do dreamy-eyed to JC Penny catalogs or WAL MART Stores. I just usually can't afford to "splurge." But we do have a little extra right now, so here goes! Thanks so much. In Peace, Kim Donaldson, Wilson, MI

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We're using you 40 Day Guide in our first bulletins for Lent. Heard about you on the internet. I just love your stuff! How about more on non-violence? -- Shiloh Presbyterian, Burlington, NC

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I ordered Sustainable Vegetables Garden to improve gardening skills. I like the author. I like your style. How about carpentry and farm animals? --Daniel Delp, Wallawalla, WA

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Enclosed please find check for producing copies of your 40-day Lenten guide, downloaded from your web site. We appreciate the good work Alternatives does and the ability to reproduce such materials for the congregation. -- Carolynn Winters-Hazelton, Associate Pastor, Claremont United Church of Christ, Congregational, Claremont, CA

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I recently received your catalog in the mail, and there are several items in there I am interested in purchasing to be used for an Earth Day-themed event at my church. Our event is April 17, so anything I order I would need in my hands by then, so I was wondering what the typical length of time after placing an order I could expect the shipment to arrive.

I understand the timing could vary depending upon availability of the products requested, but I would appreciate a ballpark estimate.

Aaron Ruhnow
PS – there’s wonderful stuff in that catalog! I’m really excited to see all the things you are offering!

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"The Good Life" curriculum looks very good. I'll use it either as Vacation Bible School or as Summer Sunday School. God calls us to live simply and we forget how to do that! Parkview Mennonite Church, Harrisburg, VA

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Thank you so much for sending me THE IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION. I enjoyed it as much, if not more, than a thriller or mystery (although it seemed to be a little of each!) I found myself hording time just to get a chance to pick it up. This morning I started rereading it so that I could cement the key points in my mind. I feel this will be a pivotal motivator that will encourage me to engage in life, and not just reflect. Please accept this my donation to use any way you wish. Laura Dayharsh, Palo Alto, CA
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Thanks for all the good work you do. We seem to be at critical turning point in human history, and you're helping us prepare for it in a healthy and loving way. Skip Londos, Waco, TX
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I ordered MEAL BY MEAL for daily meditation. It’s great! Heard about your Simple Living website from local paper. You might be the only place I could find them. Website is easily negotiable. Colleen Peterson, Circle Pines, MN
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“Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes &Art” arrived and was a big hit so am ordering two more sets!!! Mary Gail Nagai Jacoblson, San Marcos, TX
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We are excited to see The Good Life curriculum and show it to our teachers. Please send it as fast as possible. Lyda Pierce, First United Methodist Church, Eugene, OR
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Thank you for your prompt response! Janet Brown, Carmichaels, PA
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I am trying to declutter my home--but I think it is getting the best of me.... Marjorie Imel, Anderson, IN
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I ordered the Iona Worship Series to help prepare Sunday liturgies. Economic price, Christian perspective. Please keep doing what you are doing. Simplicity is hard to sell to my congregation. Marjorie Vanderwagen
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We’re using THE GOOD LIFE curriculum in an intergenerational Vacation Bible School. Good theology - clear ­ usable. Keep updating things to reflect the complexity of our world. Lyda Pierce, Eugene, OR
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A call from a volunteer reminded me to renew my memberships. He was gentle and polite on the phone. Emmetri Beane, Bealeton VA
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I’m using UNCLUTTER YOUR HOME to unclutter my home and (I hope) this will lead to a simpler living. Useful, good info, enjoyed your presentation. Frances Vadney, Orange, CT
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I ordered MORE FUN LESS STUFF and ART OF DEBT FREE LIVING to learn more about budgets, so I can help others. Yes, I LOVE your stuff. How about more on budgets for newly weds & college grads. Keep up the good work! Nancy Meyer, Omaha, NE
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I have no work and little $ right now but want to continue to support you as I am able. Thank you for all you do!! Diane Harper, Asheville, NC
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The check enclosed is for the 50 copies I've made of your informative, practical and spiritual Lenten (and other days) guide 10% for Creation. I picked up your Resource Guide at a workshop about Fair Trade. Lots of cool stuff. Thanks, Lois Stazyzewski, Prospect Hts, IL
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So many books! Not enough time! Not enough money! Diane Sosebee, Evergreen, AL
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We’ll use EVERYONE WINS and KIDS CREATING CIRCLES OF PEACE with our kids groups. The web descriptions were very helpful. We like your products & want to support your mission. We recommend adding more descriptions to website. Christine Leonard Osterwald, Hio, HI
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THE GOOD LIFE curriculum, SPIRIT OF SIMPLICITY: Quotes & Art, and WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES are helpful resources. Archdiocese of Newark, NJ
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We have regular showings of justice movies at our church. We heard about The Corporation DVD from Pacifica Radio, from a church friend and your catalog. A good resource for our church and Society Committee! We are interested in all the DVD's. Very useful social awareness tools - spur to find local applications. Your catalog’s very usable and attractive; arranged well by topic, good art and graphics. We are interested in many of the areas you cover. Bette Hurst, Damascus, MD
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I am wondering if you could send me the idea catalog you mention on the website. I can't wait!! Thank-you. Best, Riva Soucie. “Naps are not random. They are strategic necessities.” Thanks for this great email!
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I ordered ALTERNATIVE SAMPLER, THE GOOD LIFE, LIVING SIMPLY, CLIMBING THE SYCAMORE TREE for Sunday School & Wednesday evening dinner. Good ideas! Central Presbyterian, Ft Smith, AR
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I ordered FOOD & FAITH for personal use, the kids books for my grandson. Proud to be active member. Mike Ferrick, Sacramento, CA
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Yes! Love your materials! For classes, church walls (posters), personal study, church meetings. Tillamook United Methodist Church, Tillamook, OR
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I’ll use RAISING KIDS, GREEN LIVING, IF WOMEN RULED THE WORLD, TREASURY OF CELEBRATIONS in prison and parish work. Yes! Great, trusted source. Wedding Book is great! We started long ago with Unplug Christmas Machine. Thank you for all you do! Blessings! Valerie Dixon, Niantic, CT
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I ordered UNCLUTTER YOUR HOME to teach a course Getting Organized-Reducing Clutter sponsored by Simplicity Matters Earth Institute. More videos please. Lore Rosenthal, Laurel, MD
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At our Archdiocesan Assembly 400 picked up a past issue of “Whose Birthday?” They help get out the word about Simpler Living. The rest will be shared with Archdiocesan School of Ministry Formation participants & Holy Family Parish, Chimayo. You have a great mission. Many Thanks! Joanne Dupont Sandoval, Truchas, MN
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Our Social Service Committee has selected your organization after prayerful consideration of your work as it relates to our congregation's goals. Use this donation as you deem appropriate for your organization. We recognize the importance of service-oriented ministries such as yours and pray for God's blessings on your future work. Sincerely, Mary Halaney, Triumphant Love Lutheran Church, Austin, TX
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Thanks for persisting! Bernadette Rixner, Sioux City, IA
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I continue to be impressed (as a former board member) of the outstanding and continuing improvements Alternatives is making. Shalom to staff and old and new board members. Dick Kiefer, Dallas Center, IA
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We hope people avail themselves of the opportunity to be more peaceful and practice non-violence. Peace, Kay & Fred Turk, Rock Falls, IL
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I ordered SILENT KILLER and WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES for Advocacy programs and worship with youth and youth workers, systemic response to hunger and homelessness, and worship on campus. I use your resources for my Daily Walk. I love Holy Day alternatives, environmental sustainability, consumer alternatives. Thank you. You are awesome. Donna Thomas, Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL
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I ordered CLIMBING THE SYCAMORE TREE,THE CORPORATION DVD, GLOBAL/COMMUNITY POSTERS for Bible study group and education sessions. I saw lots I liked when I found & browsed your website. Lots of great resources on simplicity. You're doing great! Heather Carr, St Anthony, NM
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I’ll display HOW TO STOP GLOBAL WARMING poster in the narthex in two churches. Education - Motivate. Stella Petersen, Circle Pines, MN
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I ordered TAKE BACK YOUR TIME, THE ART OF DEBT FREE LIVING, WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES CD ROM to read. Perhaps plan to teach a class. I like your selection & service. Great personal service! Good suggestions. Thanks! Patricia Spooner, Nevada City, CA
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Many thanks for the CD of SING JUSTICE! DO JUSTICE! I am very happy to have it. Thank you! The enclosed pictures might remind you of your visit to Scottsbluff. Every blessing, Rae Whitney, Scottsbluff, NE
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Here's my membership. Thanks for all you do! Sheila Holtgrieve, Castro Valley, CA
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I ordered SMART MONEY & PORTFOLIO PROPHETS for work and for my student son. Natalie Shiras, Lee, MA
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Please note that Bill Gibson has died. I hope to continue his interest in this Alternative. (My future is uncertain, of course, for anyone 85 years old.) Julia K Gibson, Ithaca, NY
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I ordered 3 copies J-WALKING CD to give as gifts. I have enjoyed everything I have ever ordered from you. Carole Grove, Sauquioit, NY
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I plan to use SIMPLER LIVING - COMPASSIONATE LIFE, VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY, SIMPLICITY LESSONS, and UNCLUTTER in a 6 Week Lenten Simplicity Study at our church. How about more books on energy/ fossil fuel environment, Catholic Worker Movement and books by New South Publishers. Great Job!! Church of the Incarnation, Charlottesville VA
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Layout is beautiful and content inspiring of the three volume IONA WORSHIP SERIES. I'm sharing them with St. Aidan's worship committee. We spent 3 days on Iona & joined the community in services during our pilgrimage. Although I'm a book pack rat, at age 89, I'm trying to de clutter my house. Elisabeth Rees, Ann Arbor, MI
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Here is my annual membership contribution. I appreciate receiving information about Alternative Resources which I can pass on to women of the Presbyterian Churches of New York City. Best Wishes, Mary E Martin, Bronx, NY
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Thank you & God bless you for your work. Val Castro, Silverton OR
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Hope all is well with you and your families. Last year we moved from Fort Dodge to North Central Illinois. I think of you and your organization often as we ponder how to raise our children with Christian ideals - which are far different than the world. Keep preaching the simple living message. Shalom, Pastor Kevin and Sarah Weeks, LaMoille IL
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Thank you for visiting Thompson Church. I was very happy with the turn out. I know that one of our elders was going to take the idea of fair trade coffee to session for use during Fellowship time. The issues of consumerism affect so much of our lives and I hope that Thompson is more aware of what we can do to create a simpler life in the church.

Please feel free to use the enclosed check for your ministry. Again we are so glad that you were able to speak with us. We at Thompson pray that your ministry will reach many, many people.

God bless, Debbie Heffernan, Director of Adult Education, New Hope PA
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I ordered the MORE WITH LESS Cookbook to stay alive. Good Reading-Practical-Good Pricing. How about more on Bachelor Cooking. Keep up your good work. Frank Bosakowski, Toms River, NJ
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I'm enclosing a long-overdue check for my Alternatives renewal as a Simple Liver. Thanks for your patience in keeping me in the loop during my delinquency. Simply, Barbara Werdelin, South Berwick, ME
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I’ll use SEVEN SONGS OF CREATION for ideas and inspiration and to introduce our choir director to possibly gain ideas, insight. Hector DeLeon, Corpus Christi, TX
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I’ll use St Francis and the Foolishness of God in a Study Group. I like your ethos. Thanks for great alternatives! Ann Whitaker, St. Albin's Episcopal, Vicksburg, MS
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Gerald, Thank you for your visit to Port Angeles, and for all the time and energy you gave to all of us here. Because of your visit we've been thinking about alternatives to our lawn mower! And I know that you got other people thinking too. We pray for safe and fruitful travels for you, and also that Alternatives for Simple Living will reach and inspire many people in the years to come. Thanks again, Tracy Beals & Bryan Bell, Port Angeles, WA
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Recently our Support Peace magnet was missing from our car. We hope whoever has it is using it! Kindly send us two Support Peace magnets. Thank you...and God bless you with lifting up Alternatives! Myron & Mary Yonker, Walhalla, SC
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I ordered Paul Simon’s book 52 SIMPLE WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE for my husband, who wears bow-ties, admired Paul Simon & turned 52! Children’s books BECAUSE BRIAN HUGGED HIS MOTHER, BADGER'S PARTING GIFTS, EVERYONE WINS, FOR EVERY CHILD, KIDS CREATING CIRCLES OF FUN, WHOEVER YOU ARE for my son’s birthday. He teaches 2nd grade. BREAD AND WINE book for Lenten readings and SHE WHO BRINGS PEACE to read and pass to women friends. All look great! Thank you. That was fast, Rose Ann! Books made it for the birthday. Jeri Lake, Champaign, IL
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Once again, thank you. I received the extra copies of Alternatives Resoure Guide, and yes, here are more names for your mailing list. “Be well, my friend.” Judy Van Reimsdk, Tinley Park, IL
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I ordered HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH: HUNGERING FOR GOD to put into action in my life. I love this type of reading Simply living and unclutter life Can't complain about service. Barbara Breheim, Sedalia, MO
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FOOD & FAITH will be a gift to a friend. I saw it while shopping on line FIRE, SALT & PEACE will be a resource for an upcoming written project of mine. I remembered seeing in your catalog and Gerald emailed me to help me find it. I support your work. My personal interest right now is on Christian communal living. Your new website is very easy to navigate! Amy Scheer, Grand Rapids, MI
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I plan to use MUSKRAT WILL BE SWIMMING in my Title VII Native American program at school. Yes, we support you. Anything on Native American culture. How about broadening to include Buddhist, Shinto, etc. teachings? Laura Chaney, Cross Village, MI
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While surfing the web for Christian simplicity, I ordered FOOD FOR LIFE, AFFUDVD, POSTCARD, BACK ISSUES to Learn to simplify, start a simplicity group at church. It's a movement & group I would like to support. How about a web area for support & to talk with others about the ups and downs. Ron Ruger, Allen Park, MI
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After some consideration, I've decided to give your organization funds for projects at your building, The Earth Dome. I'm sending some now and will send the rest in installments. I appreciate the thought that has obviously gone nto the construction details. I would love to see pictures when it is finished. Sincerely, Imelda Smith, De Kalb, IL
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We’ll use “Whose Birthday?” as an Advent resource for the church. You have the type of products we wish to use. John Losey, Butler, KY
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The LITTLE BOOK series - MONEY, EARTH, FOOD ­ is excellent, full of facts! I plan to give them as gifts. Keep up good ministry for simplicity Mary Louise Ellenberger, Glen Arm, MD
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ERRANT KNIGHT, GOAT LADY, CLIMBING THE SYCAMORE TREE, SHELTERWOOD, SIMPLY IN SEASON are all the high quality we've always seen from your books. Two are gifts for my niece. . . one to supplement a study at church. . . one as a gift for another niece. . . cookbooks are gifts for friends. The subject matter, the excellent quality. . . We believe in your organization and wish to support it! Continue with new books focused on these areas and continue to expand non-book items. We've enjoyed bumper stickers, cards, posters, etc. Kurt & Lorelei Oelschlager, Johnsonburg, NJ
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“Whose Birthday?” has great content. I’m giving it as an early Christmas gift to congregation. I liked the smaller version better. Less intimidating to poor readers. Callie Walker, Check, VA.
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We’re getting GOAT LADY, UNCLUTTER, DEBT FREE LIVING, FOOD BOOK and MR ROGERS for our Church Library. Excellent materials. Charlotte Thomas, Hugoton, KS
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I ordered CLIMBING THE SYCAMORE TREE for personal & group study. I'm committed to God and simple living! How about more on clothing and “How to” guides (ministry start up resources). Peace to you! Michelle Proctor, Huntington, WV
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Keep up your good work and witness. Sisters of St Francis of the Holy Cross, Green Bay WI (membership renewal)
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I became a widow this last year and am on a fixed income but I still want to be a part of this very worth while organization. Keep up your good works. God Bless You All. Sincerely, Lois Hines, Remus, MI
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THE CHURCH ENSLAVED has inspiring text and helpful discussion questions for a group at church. I've had many good experiences with you. I feel torn -- wanting to support and order, but seeking to live simply/not wastefully myself. Barb Dale, Decorah, IA
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I'd like to receive a Christmas Campaign Kit to share with my friends & my family. Gertrude E Sundsted, Women of the ELCA, Plentywood, MT
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THANKS SO MUCH FOR PROVIDING SUCH VALUABLE MATERIAL. I've been a member on and off for years and years. I love your new look. . . and your faithfulness to the journey! Liz Loescher, Covington, GA
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Thank you for your unique ministry! Pauline & Art Vermillion, Indianapolis, IN
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I hope things are going OK at Alternatives. Thanks for what you all do! Mel Luetchens, Murdock, NE
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We heard Mr. Iversen speak at the Methodist Federation for Social Action meeting in Des Moines. I believe this was a thoughtful and interesting presentation, which we need to consider. He said that the developed nations have 20% of the population and consume 80% of the world's resources. We recently saw on C-span and have read the book by John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hit Man which explains at least part of how the U.S at least, is able to acquire its wanted resources. I assume, if we were as efficient and technologically proficient as we believe we are, we should only be consuming approximately the same amount as our percent of the world’s population. Thank you, Rollen Howell, Moravia, IA
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I ordered CAROLS WITH JUSTICE, THERE IS ROOM FOR US ALL, A CALL TO PEACE for Justice & Peace activities at church. (I am head of our Justice & Peace Team.) Good prices, content I care about. Janet Kester, Littleton, CO
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I am so looking forward to being prepared this year. Thank you for the “Whose Birthday?” reminder! Polly Niederloh, Plymouth, MN
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We display HOW TO BUILD COMMUNITY and HOW TO STOP GLOBAL WARMING posters in our front window. Good resource, good work. Thank you! Joyce “Earth Mama” Rouse, Independence, VA
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I ordered LIVING MORE WITH LESS for a church retreat. We appreciate what you are about. Oklahoma City
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I’m going to share “Whose Birthday?” with my family so we can discuss alternatives to Christmas consumerism. Monthly meeting of Simple Living Organization, Bethesda, MD. Kate Prager, Silver Spring, MD
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The WAY OF THE CROSS & BEATITUDES Posters are even better than I expected. I’ll use them as a display in the chapel area of our church building. Absolutely!! I love the variety. My order arrived so quickly! (All the way to Australia) Jeremy Greave, Katherine, NT, Australia
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It was a delight to have you here. Do come back. You have a permanent invitation. Keep in touch. Your organization is doing a very necessary and important work & is deserving of all the support, Balbeir

It was inspiring to have you with us and to hear about your vision for relationships over stuff! Thanks for coming! Treva, Bibelk, Jason Caroline, Karen, Jeffrey, Saras, Daniel

Trees for Life, Wichita, KS
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I like the new look of WHOSE BIRTHDAY. I’ll give them away in my church during an “Alternatives Gifts” fair. Your resources help support my move toward simpler living. I recommend the newest book by Annie Bond. Your evaluation form is a great re-use of “junk paper.” No name, Palatine, IL
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We’re ordering to glean some ideas for organizing our annual Alternative Christmas Market at Germantown United Methodist. We will be hosting a Market and also educating the congregation about alternative gift giving as a way to celebrate Christmas. Your resources look like they will be great tools. I can't wait to check out this first order from you. Amy Moritz, Germantown, TN
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We are glad you came and we came! Valerie & Gregg Dixon, Niantic, CT
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We just want to thank Gerald for coming to the Diocese of Orlando and sharing with us the principles of Alternatives for Simple Living. Your way of life is a great compliment to our work with Fair Trade and Gerald spoke so well on the issues we are passionate about. I hope the lunch was adequate and again, thank you so much for sending Alternatives on the road and allowing us to be a part of your very special mission.

God bless,

Stephanie Bosse
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I’m using WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS IT ANYWAY? as a program for Women of the ELCA. Read about it in Seeds for the Parish. Yes! Lavelva Stevens, Pulaski, VA
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I do thank you for your great kindness to me and the Chicago Temple Church. May God bless you and yours and the company. Peace Always, Grant B Tilford, Chicago, IL
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We received UNPLUG THE CHRISTMAS MACHINE and WHOSE BIRTHDAY? in good time to teach a workshop and use at church. Heard about them at a women's retreat. I like the simplicity of the ideas. Cynthia Prince, Madison, AL
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I ordered “Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?” for my church, Sunday School and Women’s Group. Read about it in Seeds of the Parish. We need Bible Study guides relating to concerns for our world. Linda Taylor, Temperance, MI
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I ordered UNCLUTTER YOUR HOME, UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE and JOY OF NOT WORKING for personal use. Meaningful. John Nelson, Soldotna, AK
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I ordered your ALTERNATIVE WEDDING BOOK for work & for personal wedding in family. I like the philosophy. Update some of the older videos and offer more DVDs. Keep up the good work! Marilyn Lines, Clarkston, MI
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I am using “Whose Birthday?” and teaching a class at church about planning for the holidays. Thanks for your quick response time!!! Patricia Spooner, Nevada City, CA
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I ordered UNCLUTTER YOUR HOME and UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE. I hope they'll be helpful to me. I’ll read them and use the knowledge to get uncluttered and make life simpler. Laurie Reynolds, Rocky Ridge, UT
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I ordered WHOSE BIRTHDAY and ADVENT/CHRISTMAS/EPIPHANY SAMPLER for Christmas/Advent projects. I've been happy with this material in the past. Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mohnton, PA
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We’re showing both AFFLUENZA DVD'S leading to starting a Simplicity Circle after Christmas. We're giving out the WHOSE BIRTHDAY booklets to all we think might like them. I wanted to order over the internet but I had problems, so after three attempts, I gave up. Laurey Solomon, S Boston, VA
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I visited Iona and participated in morning & evening prayer with the community. What a blessing to have the services available in book form! Elisabeth J Rees, Ann Arbor, MI (Cloth for the Cradle, Stages on the Way and Present on Earth)
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We just received your latest Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? It's a very attractive format, plus, it certainly is loaded with readings, good projects and discussion ideas! It inspired me to send you a gift in honor of a friend’s marriage. Peace, Eleanor Yackel, Circle Pines, MN
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Thank you for the 100 free copies of 2006 Whose Birthday? and Pre-Christmas resource guides. I was going to put them an a resource table, but they are so great that we want to give one to each catechist coming to our conference.

Can you please send us 150 more to the address below? I think they will all be so please to receive them.


God bless you,

Emily Ann McCullough
Diocese of Alexandria, LA

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. 2 Cor. 2:14
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Yes! I’m pleased with HUNDRED DOLLAR HOLIDAY. I’ll share it with Churches in the region. Thank you for your quick, thoughtful service! Tanya Burnett, Seattle WA
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I'm hoping to use your materials in a workshop on the first Sunday in Advent. Thanks much for continuing to provide these always excellent resources. Blessings, Rev. Pam Tinnin, Cloverdale, CA
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I ordered WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS IT ANYWAY?for the Rector of the church. Fast and efficient service. I have confidence in good service. St Philip's in the Hill Episcopal Church
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I’ll give “Whose Birthday?” to the Justice-Faith groups at St James. I plan to use your resources to live a simpler life and encourage others too. Carol Bloomer, Liberty MO
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Please send 15 copies spring flyer, Resource Guide and “Whose Birthday?” to share them with my Bible Study group. Thanks for all that you are doing. Denise Powell, Mountain Rest, SC
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I ordered WHOSE BIRTHDAY? to share ideas & use at church. Great! Susan Springer, Tupel, MS
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We ordered WHOSE BIRTHDAY to distribute to our congregation. I’ve known about it for years. Bruce Forbes encouraged our use of the this year. Simple living is a passion for me even if I don't practice it enough. Grace United Methodist Church, Sioux City, IA
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Gerald, Glad to get to meet you at our Parish Family Retreat. We enjoyed Rita's contributions and are glad you arrived home safely. Joe & Fan Jackson, Corpus Christi, TX
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I ordered “Spirit of Simplicity: QUOTES & ART for Simpler Living and Global Justice” because I publish a Simple Quarterly Newsletter for my religious community and am always looking for quotes & art. I like your work & philosophy. Myrtle Keller, Chula Vista, CA
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We’ll probably use CAROLS WITH JUSTICE music and pageant at one Advent service. Thanks for speedy service. R Thompson, Mesa AZ
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We give WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS IT, ANYWAY? to our mom's group. We enjoy the materials. How about more resources for families? MerLynne Byrne, St. Stephen's Church, Edina, MN
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Friends: Enclosed find a check for membership renewal and for a reprint license. I have reprinted several items from the current Whose Birthday? We have about 90 bulletins printed each week. Lois Leidig, Canton, OH
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We’ll give WHOSE BIRTHDAY to congregation through Sunday School, etc. One of the best in years. Love the look and the content. Laurie Farguharson, Wekiva Prsbyterian Church, Longwood, FL
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I want to give a gift membership in the amount of $200 to our friends. Bo Prosser, Tucker, GA
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I am peace and justice representative so I use Alternatives’ items in my Pieces of Peace with Justice column for our monthly newsletter. Living more simply is certainly a peace/justice theme we need to keep before us American Christians. Lois Leidig, Canton, OH
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I ordered WHOSE BIRTHDAY for our educational forum. We believe this is how God wants us to live. Christine Remer, Mount Zion ELCA, Wauwatos WI
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Thank you for sharing your resources with us for use at our Alternative Holiday Fair. May your Advent and Christmas seasons be a blessing for all of you. Sincerely, Pastor Kres Lipscomb, First Church of the Brethren, Springfield, IL
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I will use J-WALKING CD with Jr & Sr High Sunday School Classes and BECAUSE BRIAN HUGGED HIS MOTHER with young Children at church. I have found everything I have ever ordered from you to be useful. Carole Grove, Utica, NY
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“Whose Birthday?” helps us find more meaning in the holiday season. We have one young son. We received an email link from another environmental newsletter. YES - loved the resources you have available and your customer service. Very happy with your selection. Maybe info on starting and maintaining a co-op?? Jane Chrisian, Lakewood, OH
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Gerald, Thank you for your promptness in sending me my books. Also, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your information at Bethel! I'm sure you touched many people & it will mushroom. Jo Ann MacCallum, Omaha, NE
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SIMPLE LIVING INVESTMENTS, SIMPER LIVING / COMPASSIONATE LIFE, VISION OF SIMPLER LIVING, MORE FUN / LESS STUFF, VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY and UNLCLUTTER YOUR HOME deliver what they promise. We ordered them for myself & family to read/watch and be inspired to change. I may show videos to my Pastor for possible Bible Study. Let’s cover new topics or more practical advice. I think I have enough on philosophy of simple living. Maybe books or videos with autobio's or first person accounts of people who are living these principles. Very nice quality products & very reasonable prices. Good job! Warren & Mary Winker, Beltsville MD
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Yes, I like the new cover and the short articles in Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? for our young adult Sunday School class. I appreciate the philosophy. It fits our life style. Web site indicated high handling charge. Glad that was not the case. Thank you! Barb & Jerry Oakland, Dubuque, IA
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I'd like to have about 20 of each, please ­ current mini-catalog, Resource Guide, past Whose Birthday to pass that on to my Sunday School teachers and children/youth workers at a training event. And we have a grant coming to redo our library so they also might be helpful to them as they chose new books, etc. Thank you! Rev. Beth Perry, First Church, Baldwin, NY
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Oregon-Idaho Methodists are focusing on hunger. Please send 250 copies of your Resource Guide. Thanks. Wes Taylor, Tualatin, OR
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We’re distributing WHOSE BIRTHDAY to our congregation. John Backe, Our Savior's Lutheran, Denver, CO
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Last fall I received a call from Alternatives asking for my renewal of membership. At the time, I had been out of work for a couple months and no new job in sight. I explained this to the caller. I don't remember exactly what they said, but I felt heard and they wished me well on my job search. In the five months I was out of work, I received many phone calls asking for donations for any number of worthy causes. Most times I shared my situation and every time I was still further pressed for a donation. . . . except for that one phone call from Alternatives. Thank you for not being intrusive and for treating me like a treasured friend. I have not forgotten your kindness. I've been working for about 6 weeks now and will now renew my membership. Thank you for all you're doing and all you've done to make this world a better and simpler place to live. Terry Burki, Hatland, WI
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Christmas Workshop report. Leader Bruce Forbes was excellent ++. We laughed and shed tears and thought. People attended from four congregations. Then at my Christian Shalom Study group I did a one hour mini-discussion using the GIFT OF GIVING GUIDE. Well received. Both times everyone got Whose Birthday? Stella Peterson, St. Mark Lutheran Church, Circle Pines, MN
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I ordered UNPLUG THE CHRISTMAS MACHINE and TEN AMAZING PEOPLE for personal use and a gift. Great material that I can't get other places. More music - Meditation, Reflection, Peace & Justice. Keep up the Good Work! Rick & Mary Kay Fairbanks, Spokane WA
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I’ll recommend using WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS IT at my church. Prompt service. Karen Gould, Annapolis, MD
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The accumulating years are sidelining me, but here are names and addresses of people who should be interested in ALTERNATIVES. Mary Jo Uphoff, Oregon WI
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I give “Whose Birthday?” and the Christmas Game to church members. I love your Christmas Game and can't wait to play the Anytime Game! Cathy Carlson, Platteville, WI
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Thank you for the important work that you do! Kim Browning, Lexington, KY
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I plan to give this CD Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go: Celebrating an Alternate Christmas to our Presbytery's Resource Center. Lisa Cross, Suffolk, VA
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We handed out Alternative Christmas stuff at both churches that I go to yesterday. Thanks! Susan Presson, Asheville, NC
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Here is the piece that appeared on simple living in THE (TACOMA) NEWS TRIBUNE (in a pull-out section on gardening, as it happens). And I'm enclosing a check as it's been a long time since I've ordered anything, but did appreciate receiving the little Advent guide last December. With thanks for the prods you send for us all to consume less and think more (of which Thoreau would very much approve, I imagine, along with Jesus and a bunch of other thoughtful folks). Susan Kay Donaldson Tacoma WA
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Our tree is loaded with presents, even though there are only three of us: my husband, our son (who's now 13), and me. However, a great majority of those presents are very practical, things we'd buy anyway ­ e.g. boxes of cereal and cans of soup, all wrapped in newspaper. The newspaper article would have been more interesting (and might have inspired more readers to act similarly) with details like that. Susan Kay Donaldson Tacoma WA
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I've been very aware of your influence this Christmas season. There have been several newspaper activities about Alternative giving and at least two Alternative Giving Fairs. I spoke to a local Lions group and set up a table for an Advent Workshop four churches organized. I sometimes feel Alternatives has not gotten sufficient credit. Some groups claim to be the first with this idea. I know differently. Many thanks for your long and steady work. From what I see it paid off! The Lord can do great things through those who don't care who gets the credit. (Helen Pearson) Barb Foster, Frederick, MD
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It's wonderful to see the vast improvements Alternatives is making. This is my first order on the new and improved website and the process is magnificent. Dick Kiefer, Dallas Center, IA
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As our children grew up, I chose to stay at home in order to help them develop values I hold dear. We all made sacrifices in things we wanted, but I believe it was the right choice. At times I was concerned that they dealt with comments and snubs at school for not having the nicest clothes or name brand shoes and jeans. On one occasion, we were driving to an event and the subject of shoplifting came up. A recent incident in the news caught my attention and we discussed how we felt about shoplifting. I suggested that one incident would affect ones record for life and that I would hope that they would realize this consequence and its impact and thus, avoid it. I told them that if there was at any time something that they wanted so badly that they would consider shoplifting for it, they would come to me and tell me. I promised that we would work out a way for them to get it. Alas, none of them ever came to me with such a request. Barb Foster, Frederick, MD
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Excellent feedback on Whose Birthday? and Alternatives we offered to parishioners and guests at our Alternative Christmas Market. THANK YOU all for these HELPFUL & MUCH-NEEDED RESOURCES! Janet Baumgartner, Grand Rapids, MI
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You offer quality books, which I have not seen elsewhere. Pleasant on the phone when I called, helpful, good service. Susan Hagen, First Presbyterian Library, Amarillo TX
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Thank you for your unique ministry and for your attention to this order. Shalom, Art Vermillion, Indianapolis, IN
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Thanks so much for speaking at the meeting in Des Moines. It gave me a lot to think about. I'm working on my family but no great success yet. When I talked about cutting back on Christmas spending, they accused me of spoiling all the fun. Yeah, those credit card bills are LOTS of fun! Thanks again, Carol Leach, Des Moines IA
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Sorry I can't give more, but I am unemployed now. Lynn Travis, Tremont, IL
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Thanks for the good work you are doing! Susan Thompson, Bel Air, MD
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We have been "connected" to Alternatives for a number of years now. Many of our friends & family have been the recipients of books, DVDs; music; the Christmas Game; Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?; the Anytime Game, etc.. It has been exciting to observe the growth and changes in the website, and with the organization in general. We are SO grateful for the work you do, and feel hopeful for our children's future!

Well done good & faithful servants!

Linda Sartore
Alberta, Canada

Hi again, Gerald...

I've been pondering our conversation (earlier today), and needed to share with you the feelings of comfort and "connectedness" when you closed off by saying, "Be well, my friend, be well."

I am experiencing a grave health crisis (I am a cancer survivor - diagnosed at the age of 25 in 1981!), and am now dealing with a devastating recurrence.

I'm not sure if you say that to all folk that you speak with, but I was personally so moved by those simple words.

with a grateful heart,

Linda Sartore

Mystics say that love is the pattern that stitches the universe together.(Frederic Brussat)
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Dear Gerald,

Thank you immensely for your long service and amazing dedication to Alternatives and your enthusiastic passion for simple living. You've been an inspiration to many. I am privileged to have shared work with you in the Western Iowa Synod and wish you the best in your next adventures. May God bless each step and path you choose. Take care.

Kim Shouse Spillers
Atlantic, Iowa
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Make Christmas Last 12 days---use them to DO Good Deeds and bring JOY to others! Margaret Harris, Emporium, PA
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Thanks for all you do. (with membership renewal) The Rev Jim Kellaway, Vernon, CT
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Thank you! We appreciate it when vendors are willing to help us keep shipping costs down while getting materials to us in a timely manner. Many vendors will charge us extra because we are in Hawaii, and even then, the shipping method may be slow. So, thank you very much!!! Janice, Hawaii Kai United Church of Christ
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Warmest blessings and deepest thanks! Double Thumbs up! Fr. John Cockayne, Southington, CT
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I ordered LIVING MORE WITH LESS poster and book and UNCLUTTER YOUR HOME for my grandkids and to deal with my own clutter. I need time to digest them. Mary Seitz-Hart, Boise, ID
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Thank you for sending me a copy of Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? and resource guide. There is so much here that has caught my interest! I've heard the programs on Affluenza on our local public radio (WHAD) station and purchased the books, but more important, have taken steps they have suggested! Thank you for all you are doing. Sincerely, Ray W Stubbe (Chaplain), Wauwatosa, WI
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Dear Alternatives,

At Christmas it is our family tradition for each member to choose a charity meaningful to each one. This year I am celebrating my 10th year as a professional organizer, and as each year passes, I am more passionate to teach my clients the virtues of simple living. As the devotion and prayer leader of Faithful Organizers (A national Christian professional organizer association) I am constantly searching for inspiration to pass on to our 400+ membership combining our organizing profession and God's truth. I'm sure I don't have to tell you the myriad of scriptures that persuade us to live more simply! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to find your web presence and I chose to donate to your organization in hopes that not only will benefit your organization, but that it will also inspire Faithful Organizers. I look forward to seeing how God will partner our two associations in the future. God bless you and may His peace and presence be with you.

Eileen Koff
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I ordered SILENT KILLER while browsing the internet. Affuenza - good price. How about other films about ecology/spirituality/ sustainability/ social justice. Looks great - awesome you exist! Sandra Switzer, Decatur, GA
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My husband and I are now senior citizens but have tried to exemplify the simpler kind of life in a small measure. We began our married life in a low income multi ethnic community and spent the first years of our marriage beginning a body of believers there. We believed that Christ is interested and concerned with the whole person so worked at meeting, spiritual, social and economic needs both in our community and the city. Thanks for your continued interest in providing help so that we may be more committed disciples of Christ and spread love/peace and justice in our everyday lives. Lois Leidig, Canton, OH
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You will find a check that I believe gives me lifetime membership in Alternatives. Since we are actively negotiating retirement and since after that the gravy train will slow down considerably, I figure I should get this to Alternatives now. I am thinking to get a little group together of like-minded souls. Marilyn Feldhaus, San Jose, CA
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I’ll use the 10 COMMANDMENT POSTERS in confirmation and in a sermon series. Sure like your stuff! How about resources on Jesus' parables or I AM statements? Linda Milks, Saron Lutheran, Hoquiam, WA
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Gerald, Thanks for helping out with the panel discussion on a Christian response to global warming. May God bless you in your work with Alternatives. Dr. Sean Cordry, Northwestern College, Orange City, IA
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Everything arrived here just fine and the display yesterday went well. I selected SIMPLY IN SEASON to round out my beloved Mennonite cookbooks. Thank you much. I expressed thanks to Mike Harning for the exhibit space as well. 150 folks attended. A nice variety of books. I enjoyed my time with them. Peace, Gretchen Denton, Detroit area
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I ordered STAGES ON THE WAY as a Lenten worship resource. Great service. Pamela Ford, State College, PA
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I ordered GREEN LIVING for Sunday School Class & personal use. I like your products. They fit my lifestyle. Donna Cotner, Elmira, NY
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I ordered LIVING MORE WITH LESS and 8 other books to read & learn, maybe teach a small group. I like your mission. Rick Artzner, Massillon, OH
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Thank You!

Dear Gerald,
Thanks, again, for the help with the books. Our lenten study, this year will center on CLIMBING THE SYCAMORE TREE, BREAK FORTH INTO JOY, & AFFLUENZA! So, it's a real Alternatives for Simple Living line-up! Thanks again!
David Chilton, St. Francis Episcopal Church, College Station, Texas
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I just discovered your site. It's fabulous! I'll definitely gain much inspiration from your work, life, and writings.

Here's a blog entry you might enjoy. (Jan 23rd post at) http://notspending.blogspot.com

The Simple Living Network is already on board and has created a poster (still in draft form).

I'd love to have you join us in helping to promote the idea! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. I look forward to hearing back from you soon :-)
Peace, Lisa Ottman, Dayton, OH
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Enclosed is a check for $400 that was generated through sales of my self produced Christmas CD. This year the proceeds were made in rural Pennsylvania from mainly non-parishioners.

You guys are one of the coolest organizations that I have ever encountered! I love what you stand for! Christian, social-justice oriented, environmentally conscious, and intensely anti-consumerism focused and you have a very important message to convey. Thank you so very much for the ministry you do for our people and also for our environment!

Sincerely yours in Christ, Father Paul S. Siebert, Pastor, St Mark Church, Emporium, PA
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I ordered SIMPLY IN SEASON, MEAL BY MEAL and FOOD FOR LIFE for cooking, daily readings, and self study at this time. Resources for responsible living and celebrating. Carol Schroeder, DeKalb, IL
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THANK YOU!! Peace, Love and Light. Skip Landos, Waco, TX
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Sorry to see you go. Hope the move goes well. Norman Prather
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Dear Gerald,
Wishing you all the best as you move to this new path in your life. Thank you for all that you have done to plant the seeds of change & hope!!
Lori E. Swanson Nemenz
Pax Christi USA
Fostering a reverence for all creation
Think Green - don't print this email unless you really need to and then try to print it on recycled paper.
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2/23/08 Re: request to copy from Unplug...
Thank you very much for giving me permission to reprint the quote. FYI, here is a link to the post if you would like to look at it.
thanks again,
Katie Malinski, LCSW
Child & Family Therapist/Parenting Coach
www.katiemalinski.com www.beyondbirdsandbees.com

Hi, I'm emailing to ask if I can copy a very short excerpt out of Unplug the Christmas Machine. The authors identify what kids Really want for Christmas--and then list these 4 things: 1. *A relaxed and loving time with their family.* 2. *Realistic expectations about gifts* 3. *An evenly paced holiday > season* 4. *Reliable family traditions*
I am a child & family therapist and have a (new) blog where I write about parenting issues. I'd like to publish a post about this topic--with the 4 items quotes above copied in the p! ost. May I have your permission to do this? thank you! Katie
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Gerald, you will be missed! Thank you for your faithful service. What's next?
Anna Marie, Oakland, CA
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Many thanks
Hi Gerry,
The check is in the mail - yesterday - honest! I had made an entry error and there was way tooo little to cover before. Hope it doesn't make your bookwork worse. Sorry.

Our best wishes to you in your re-fire-ment. Many thanks for all the good conversations and resources.
Judy Isaacson
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Thanks so much!

Hello Jerry...trust your move went/continues to go smoothly. I think it was Feb 20 when I called you about membership/materials. The issue was our Conference (officially, our Classis of Southwest Michigan, RCA) yesterday and my desire to hand out promotional materials. Well, Saturday it was all at my home...and yesterday was in the packet for each church represented. Many thanks! Don DeYoung
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Thanks for all you do

Oops, I see Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art is not a PDF file, but a CD Rom. Even better. Thanks again for this amazing resource and for the fine work you all do.
Virginia Brucker
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I am very happy for your work and the resources you offer. I ordered two small things, but hope to get more resources for myself and my congregation, the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church. All the best in Colorado! Veena* (Kulkarni), pianist, Ann Arbor, MI
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Thanks for the update, Gerald. I hope you're finding joy in the transition of Alternatives to new leadership. Thank you for your decades of work that brought ASL to the point where its essential witness can be taken up by others.
Peter S. Sawtell


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This page last updated 22 August 2012


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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.