Response 2017

Testimonial/Response/Comment/Feedback INDEX (other years)

The most current comments are at the bottom of the page.

Jan.-March | April-June | July-Sept. | Oct.-Dec.


Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Sun., Jan. 8

In face of an economic system and an advertising industry that pressure us, we CAN take control of our own buying patterns! We can beat this addiction of overconsumption day by day... and then share ideas of simpler living with others.

Amen to that!


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Jan 1

In the election, people felt the Bern! May as many people feel the Nudge in 2017.

Lee Van Ham

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SLW! Podcast

Gerald, Thank you for this wonderful series! Brilliant interview with amazing Walter B. Great questions and teasing out the finer points. Thank you and God Bless in this new year and crazy post-election nightmare. All Shall Be Well, I keep repeating!

Blessings and Hugs,

Joyce 'EarthMama' Rouse

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​Sat., Jan. 7

Re: Nudge

The first principle is not 'Think about Justice,' or even 'Believe in Justice.' It's 'Do Justice!' Besides our prayers, our contributions, and our pressure on governments, we help the world's poor by consuming less, thereby making more available for others. Biblical justice reflects God's great love for the poor and our parallel call to live in a way that positively responds to their needs.

I love this one! Even on days when I can do no more, consuming less is the foundation.


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Jan 5

I have so enjoyed your e-mails and thank you for all your hard work.


Miriam Confer [Daily Nudge]

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Tues., Jan. 24

'Quality time' can be a myth, an excuse to spend a little time together in order to spend more time working to make more money to accumulate more stuff. Quantity time is also needed for healthy relationships, being there... in sports and fun, worship, talking, the arts. If you find this is a problem, discipline yourself to keep track of relationship time and increase it 10% each month till you reach your goal.

Interesting concept.

Rita Jean

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Mon., Jan. 23

Reading aloud year-round, as well as telling one's own stories, builds relationships. When a parent reads to a child, a grandparent to a grandchild, spouses to each other, the act is as important as the story.

January: Life Principles of Voluntary Simplicity -- Week 3: Nurture People

That's true. I like reading the Bible out loud at breakfast.
Rita Jean

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

​Sun., Jan. 22

A weekly family meeting at a set time helps to coordinate schedules and gives children respect, inclusiveness and empowerment. It can also diffuse arguments. At a time of tension, one can say, 'Let's take this up at the family meeting.' Take turns taking minutes. Follow with family fun-time.

January: Life Principles of Voluntary Simplicity -- Week 3: Nurture People

Nice summary of family meeting procedures.

Rita Jean

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Fri., Jan. 20

Intimacy... getting to know someone well... opening oneself up. When we choose to be intimate with our spouse, things can get in the way. To be intimate we may choose to take something off... to take everything off. Stuff can get in the way of intimacy in other situations as well. We can learn to recycle stuff and put relationships first.

Wow! That was really racy. You must have hot sex with your wife.

Rita Jean

Seems as though mutuality could come along side intimacy. Yes?

Alderson, Warren

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Sun., Jan. 15

What do children say when they want to do something they know is irresponsible? 'But everybody's doing it!' Let's try that in our lives. 'But God, everybody's driving a new car.... But God, everybody builds a big, expensive house that's many times bigger than they need, claiming it's for equity when the kids leave home.... But God, everybody has a yard that looks like a golf course so that nobody complains that we're lowering their property values....' Sounds just as silly and disconcerting as kids' requests to sleep outdoors on a sidewalk overnight to be in line for tickets to a rock concert.

Why can’t I go to church? Everybody's doing it.

Alderson, Warren

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Mon., Jan. 16

Voluntary Simplicity is a consciousness, an awareness. It is a matter of personal responsibility and advocating for just public policy. Before we buy or use something we ask, 'Do I really need to do this?'

That was your best nudge yet !!

Rita Jean

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Jan 13

Today's Simpler Living Nudge

It is good to 'unburden' oneself. Thanks.

Alderson, Warren

I can take my watch off. I take my clothes off, all of them, for one special man.

Rita Jean

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Thur., Jan. 12
Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

For every Christian that North America and Western Europe loses, Africa gains three! We have something profound to learn from our African brothers and sisters.

Maybe we should increase our numbers for losses. . . just a thought? Backwards at that.

Alderson, Warren

I think it has to do with feeling blessed every day they are alive and the joyous dancing, singing, and instrument playing during worship.

Peace, Rita Jean

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Nudge, Wed., Jan. 11

Mid-week Sabbath: take a break, catch up on the latest nudges, relish these Simple Living­ QUOTES || ART

When I read to the end of these things. . . what do I do about the time that has taken from my ministry? Just thinking. That could be unique - me thinking.

Alderson, Warren

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Nudge, Tues., Jan. 10

All things are connected. We want to help those poor people with THEIR problem OVER THERE. However, we need to realize many of their problems are caused by OUR problem OVER HERE, our overconsumption.

Very good point! Rita Jean

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Nudge, Mon., Jan. 9

Reflect. 'And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?' - Micah 6:8.
We have a great deal to learn from people in Developing World countries, most of whom live simply by necessity, not choice.

We saw people living simply, by economics, in Kenya. Yet they still could dance and sing. extra-ordinary!

Rita Jean

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Sun., Jan. 8

In face of an economic system and an advertising industry that pressure us, we CAN take control of our own buying patterns! We can beat this addiction of overconsumption day by day... and then share ideas of simpler living with others.

Amen to that!


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Nudge, Wed., Jan. 18

Create a game with yourself that you can play with your children or grandchildren. It's OK to admire things in stores and say, 'I like that. I like THAT. I LIKE that.' Make it not OK to say, 'I want that,' or even worse, 'I need that.'

Umm? I think 'to need' may in fact be okay; but to 'want' and not 'need' could be a problem.

Alderson, Warren

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Thur., Jan. 19

Think of the mall as a museum. Everything there is on display for your pleasure, but somebody else owns it. As you stroll through the galleries say, 'Thank you store person for putting this here for me to see. I'm so glad you're responsible for all this stuff and I'M NOT.'

Love this idea!!! Thanks! I just had a birthday and didn't get any stuff!!! Hurray!!!

Marti Lindholm

That is a great reminder. I have used it successfully, often, but not always.

Rita Jean

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Re: Nudge, 1/20

Intimacy... getting to know someone well... opening oneself up. When we choose to be intimate with our spouse, things can get in the way. To be intimate we may choose to take something off... to take everything off. Stuff can get in the way of intimacy in other situations as well. We can learn to recycle stuff and put relationships first.

Wow! That was really racy. You must have hot sex with your wife.

Rita Jean

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Re: SLW! eNews


beautiful newsletter - thank you for putting this into the world.

jacinda paschoal

Re: Facebook post on Living More with Less


Now that DC is using 'alternative facts,' we have changed 'alternate celebrations' to 'Non-Conform-Freely Celebrations' until the cult of fake news is banished.

That is my idea of an awesome choice!
Nancy Pietrulewicz

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Subject: SANITY Suggestions + John 'Affluenza' de Graaf: Simple Living Works! eNews

Simple Living Works! eNews #65, Feb., 2017
In This Issue: I Buy Blue // Bye-bye 'Alternate Celebrations' // Simple Living SANITY // SLW! Podcast #86 --John 'Affluenza' de Graaf on Threats to Our National Parks // Our Simpler Living Daily Nudge // Easy-to-share for FEB. // What Others Are Doing - So Much Help! More!
What's NOW with SLW!

We've cancelled our vacation to Alaska and plan to see the fall colors in Vermont instead. More information about 'I Buy Blue. Won't You Too?'

Bye-bye 'Alternate Celebrations.' Simple Living Works! was originally called Alternatives. Since 1973, Alternatives has produced resources to help people of faith 'challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly.' To celebrate responsibly, we provided 'alternate celebrations,' ways to celebrate holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.) and rites of passage (birthday, anniversaries, etc.) that are much less commercial and build relationships.

Now that the new regressive administration in DC is using 'alternative facts' to distinguish themselves from the real facts, we may have to change 'alternate celebrations' to something else to keep from being associated with a web of lies and deception. Using the Fifth Life Standard of 'Living More with Less,' we will use Non-Conform-Freely-Celebrations' for the time being. We hope that we can return to Alternate Celebrations when the cult of fake news is banished.

'. . .when the cult of fake news is banished.'

Do you have any ideas for banishing fake news without abridging freedom of speech and freedom of the press?

Larry - Pastor Larry Trover

The Rev. Larry E. Trover B.A., M.Div., B.T.I.C.A.O.C.A., M.L.S., B.S.C

booking agent for Ohoho the clown, Ohoho.clown@hotmail.com
confidential secretary for Nicholas 'Nick' Claus, jolly.old.Nick@hotmail.com
and occasional supply pastor

See my new weekly blog posts 'Banishing Fake News' at http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=archives/featuredwriters.php#fake.

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Re: Simple Living Works! eNews #65, Feb., 2017

I Buy Blue // Bye-bye 'Alternate Celebrations' // Simple Living SANITY //

We've cancelled our vacation to Alaska and plan to see the fall colors in Vermont instead. More information about 'I Buy Blue. Won't You Too?'

Hi Gerald! I am not your typical reader from a 'blue state.' I am from 'red' Oklahoma. However, we have many generous citizens in our state who roll up their sleeves to help their neighbors here and will travel to help their neighbors in blue states in times of need. We don't refuse help to gay, Muslim and we have a woman governor so we are not anti-woman. This proposed travel ban to red states is promoting more division in our country and between Christian Brothers and Sisters. Jesus wants us to be unified and politics is a divider. Come to Oklahoma and get to know us better. I think you'll find we have more in common than you think.

Debbie Stone Hase, Jennings, Ok

Feb 4


Thank you for replying Gerald. I honestly didn't think you would. There is way too much divisive talk on both political sides. As Christians we have much in common; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, loving God with all of our heart and soul and loving our neighbor as yourself. Our cultures greatly dictate how we do that and that is where our differences begin.

I hope we can go to the place of what we agree on and build on that instead of drawing further divides. Let unity and love for our Savior begin with us.

I look forward to reading your blog.


I am appalled by the campaign to economically harm all people who live in states where a majority voted for a particular political party. It is more irrational, self-righteous, leftist behavior.

Elizabeth Dwyer

Please read my extended 'I Buy Blue. How About You?' response to Debbie and Elizabeth

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Feb 2


Write a letter to the music publishers your congregation uses the most. Urge them to use recycled paper and soy-based inks when they print their music.

Good idea.
Rita Jean

That's right!
Elysha # # #

Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Tues., Jan. 31

We can object when people suggest dress codes for voluntary events, such as company parties or church activities. Must men feel obliged to wear a tie?

It keeps some of the gravy off my shirt. Unlike my clerical collar which is totally useless, except for the announcement of 'Here come power, watch out!'
Alderson, Warren

No to the tie. Just don't wear it!
Rita Jean

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Feb. 1, Wed.


Musicians are not exempt from the call to offer help to the needy and to care for God's Creation. Urge your congregation to put on a benefit concert, including some music of social responsibility. Worthwhile musicals are Lazarus from Bread for the World, and The Race: A Simplicity Musical from the ELCA Hunger Program.

But I tell my prison musicians that when the angels fell out of heaven they landed in the choir. Is that not true? J
Alderson, Warren

Interesting new idea to me! Wonder if my church would do them?
Rita Jean


Dear Chief SLW! Activist Jerry:

I've got four email addresses for you, but rather than overload your inboxes, I'm writing to just this one.

Thank you for what you chose to do in your retirement, and inspiring me in mine. I just forwarded SLW!eNews to a young friend of mine with this note: 'Jerry Iverson does just what I like to do. He sends links to his friends...though on a much bigger scale!' 😊 She had just asked me what fake news was, and here's info on it in your eNews. You are role modeling what I see as untapped potential in our largely youth-oriented society: retirees being super activists through communications!!!

Thank you for writing so accessibly. I've sent your info to friends who are aged 30s to 80s, faith-based and not, city and country around the U.S. I love how SLW is down-to-earth, practical, action-oriented, stance-taking and strong yet not strident.

Thank you for creating your online community which is a movement as well. Simple Living Works! offers such a welcome anchoring effect in these turbulent times with the new administration and its policies. There is always something refreshing in SLW to open my mind and heart to new possibilities, and to share it around.


Lily R.Wu
New York City
a.k.a. an LPF Issues Communicator

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Re: Sanity #3: ZAP the News

I have been so worn out I've been muting the TV during especially tense or emotional moments of M*A*S*H. (Still a daily viewer, just about). ... And some things, I just reflexively change the channel -- that's usually with commercials. As odd as it sounds, those self-defense mechanisms never even occurred to me with news -- partly because I've been a newspaperman for 30 years, partly because I don't watch that much TV 'news' in the first place. But, good idea.

Richard Mize

I see your 'Like,' Gerald Iversen. This inspired a newspaper column. I quote this and attribute it to Simple Living Works, although I felt obliged to quality the advice against 'corporate media' -- no offense! If you'll set Google News Search & Grab or whatever it's called for my name, it'll alert you when it goes online, probably Friday late, or Saturday.

Richard Mize

Re: Banishing Fake News

Good stuff. I have to tell you, my worlds as a career newspaperman in red Oklahoma and red Texas collide with my midlife calling as a liberal/prog minister (ordained UCC, serving a mostly African-American PCUSA church part time).

Richard Mize

This kind of home security is always up to you
by Richard Mize // Published: February 11, 2017 12:00 AM CDT

The most important device in your house for self-defense could be right at your fingertips. http://newsok.com/article/5537324

Re: Sanity #3 at ELCA Clergy on FB

Or just skip TV news entirely and get news through radio and Internet (& if you have a good one, newspapers). Can't stand news anchors, lots of smiling while listing the dead, horrible smarminess, & now YouTube videos, ugh.

Katherine Rohloff, Pastor at Scandian Grove

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Re: Facebook post on Living More with Less


Now that DC is using 'alternative facts,' we have changed 'alternate celebrations' to 'Non-Conform-Freely Celebrations' until the cult of fake news is banished.

That is my idea of an awesome choice!

Nancy Pietrulewicz

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Mar 14

Hello, I'm writing to say thank you for your podcast. I'm a 37 year old guy living on the eastern edge of Austin, TX. I've been interested in simple living since 2006. There have been very few podcasts episodes on the topic outside of SLW. So, I thank you for creating the content. Also, I'm an atheist ( former Christian), and I'm grateful that your podcasts isn't evangelical to the point of driving me away.

I do like the Earth-centered pagan outlook quite a bit, so thank you for giving Red Moon Song the opportunity to be on the podcast. Also, thanks for posting the episode with James Howard Kunstler. I'm a long time listener of Jim, and I know he can be a bit salty and sling cuss words to emphasize a point. Well, thanks for being versatile and including his voice.

There have been many other terrific interviews on the SLW podcast, and I'm appreciative of so many of them.

Oh, as was mentioned on the episode with Red Moon Song, the adherents of minimalism can seem to appear more selfish than the voluntary Simplicity movement. In fact, in my city, they are more likely to be upper middle class and stylish, while the followers of voluntary Simplicity seem to be more spiritual and also more like to use old clothing or accessories even if they are not the latest fashion. Even though the two followings overlap a whole lot, I've often wanted to point out their differences. Yet, the recent mention of minimalism at the end of the SLW podcast episodes is probably very wise. Fashion and travel aside, minimalist strive for many of the same lifestyle goals. In fact, some of the prominent minimalist authors of our time have a lot of wise things to say about deciding on what is 'enough' in our lives.

Well, may you all have a gorgeous spring.

Lee Dufrene

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Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 9:07 AM

Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

Beware of media and organizations that spread unconscious and excessive American nationalism, that suggest that Americans are superior than others because of our great wealth and power, that play on our fear of the unknown.

My mantra: 'Greatness is a by-product of GOODNESS.'

Alderson, Warren

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Sunday, February 26

Subject: SANITY

Gerald: good thinking; maybe we can keep working on getting clarified and understood even if not accepted; I am living with 'I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you because greatness is a by-product of goodness.'

Warren Alderson

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Tue, Feb 21

Hello Jerry,

I hope this finds you well. Thanks for the update.

You may remember me. I work in Lancaster PA with a group called Gifts that Give Hope: Lancaster’s Alternative Gift fair and we are entering our 10th year of alternative giving for the gift fair scheduled for December 9, 2017 which is a long way off, but we’re eagerly anticipating another great event. 2016 was our best year yet-we sold over $36,000 in alternative gifts and then over $10,000 in fair trade/social enterprise gifts and we’re looking to spread the word far and wide about how alternative giving can put purpose and meaning back into the holiday.

Would you be willing to share with us any suggestions you have for us to get the word out? In your publication(s), suggestions for reaching out regionally and nationally?

Ideally, we want to encourage people to come to the fair (We’re not far from DC, NY, Philly and MD) AND/OR consider hosting a fair in their hometown. Our website and mission is set up to facilitate and provide the tools for any group across the US (and even in British Columbia!) to host a fair.

Thank you kindly for your time and consideration,
Jenn Knepper

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Thank you for your work on this. I was lucky enough to meet you and your wife at the Global Mission Event in Amherst, MA that took place years ago (maybe 10+ years ago?). I took your class and learned a lot. I am still learning. Thank you.

Rachel Jackson Hodsdon

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Re: The Common Good Podcast Ep. 79 :: Candace Vanderhoff, Water Conservation/Reclamation | Jubilee Economics

Bravo to Gerald and Candace from a grateful humanity!
Charles Kyle, Ph.D.

Apr 6

Hi, Jerry!

I just finished listening to your episode with Susan Vogt on my way to work, and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it -- both what she had to say about this Lenten adventure she's undertaken as well as your own candid thoughts. It gave me a lot to ponder, and it also led me to Susan's blog, which I've bookmarked to look at later.

Thank you for all you do for Simple Living Works!

Yours in Christ,

Kate Norlander

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Gerald, it is good to meet you. Your life's work is such a blessing to see. Thank you!
Jane Rubietta

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Mar 15

Gerald, I actually like the way you ask questions and speak. Your tone and timing may not be as hip as The Minimalists, Joshua and Ryan, but you do a wonderful job and asks terrific questions. They're good at teasing eachother and sounding smooth, and adding in some less valuable banter. I sometimes get annoyed with podcasts that include lots of banter and snark. It's trendy, especially amongst techy people or young urbanites, but I feel out of the loop at times.

I don't think tone and humor are making their podcast a hit though. First, their blog had a ton of followers and they've had a few years of touring and building a following of readers. I saw them in Austin in 2014. Second, minimalism is more popular with people under the age of 45, in my opinion, than Voluntary Simplicity. I came across simple living through reading about small farms and homesteading. Internet searches soon led to reading about voluntary Simplicity. This was back in 2006 and 2007, before minimalism became as wide spread. Voluntary simplicity seems to have more acceptance for using lower tech ways of doing things than does minimalism. I know it's not about avoiding technology, but minimalist tend to be early adopters of new tech and like a modernist aesthetic. So, I feel that minimalism blends in with modern society more. The followers that I've seen here in Austin are usually middle class, attractive, and fashionably dressed.

Voluntary simplicity seems to people that have less of an interest in fashion. Again, this is just how things seem to me. It's for this last reason that I believe minimalism has been gaining popularity at a fast rate.

There is an organization in Australia that is founded on voluntary simplicity, and has also been popular with people of all ages. Its run by a former lawyer turned philosopher, Samuel Alexander. Their sites are: simplicityinstitute.org simplicitycollective.com

It is possible that Australians feel a greater sense of limits, eco system wise, then Americans do. Or, they've faced hotter summers, and more people are interested in deeper simplicity rather than just having a minimum of the nicest consumer items.

It's neat that you grew up on a cattle and grain farm. What breed of cattle was raised there?

I actually don't live on a working farm, well as far as profitability goes, not yet. I rent on 160 acres. I keep 3 horses here and there are 5 other adults renting back here and sharing the same laundry area in the barn, and workshop.

I chose the email address PlainFarmer a decade ago. I planned to start my own tiny vegetable and herb farm, but I haven't reached that yet. I moved to Austin to apprentice on a well known organic farm, and got discouraged. I still hold that dream though. At this time I have about 100 linear foot of raised beds, and work full-time in habitat restoration and high end landscaping. It's a great job for an environmentalist, but the mileage thatI drive seems to negate some of the good that I'm doing. I end up spending 2 to 3 hours driving per day, and that conflicts with my goals and values.

As for the horses, they sometimes seem to keep me from simplifying further too. I feel conflicted at times, but I grew up riding and training, and it's a skill that is part of my identity.

I'm actually from south Louisiana. Rodeo brought me to Texas. I competed at the amateur and college level. Now, I'm actually trying to learn to ride English instead of western. I don't need to have steers to practice on, just jumps, and jumps don't need to be fed. I even feel conflicted about that at times though because English riding looks fancy and is usually done by affluent people. So.....yeah, making choices in relation to simplicity can sometimes feel complex. Regardless, I still feel that it is the right thing to do......Voluntary simplicity.


I'll have to listen to Nancy Pearlman again. I listen while working and sometimes miss things. On the other hand, I often replay episodes multiple times.

Re: FB Message
Gaston Gonzalez

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Re: Today's Simpler Living Nudge

April 7, Fri.

Take only the number of showers you really need. Try one fewer this week. Need a shower to wake up? Wash your face instead. Install low flow shower heads. A regular shower uses 25 gallons; tub bath, 36. But a wet-down, soap-up, rinse-off shower uses only about four gallons! Turn off the water while soaping. http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge.php#040117


As with most of your nudges, I strongly agree with this one.
When we were kids, we 'washed up' each night , only taking (group) baths on Saturdays. Our neighbors often complimented us and our patents that we were such clean and mannerly kids.

Jeanne Bockholt

May 2, Tues.

Non-Conform-Freely Celebration--May 1-7--Screen-Free Week (formerly TV Turnoff Week and Digital DeTox Week, the last week in April) from the Center for Screen-Time Awareness. Escape the Fantasy - Get Real! No more radiation, laugh tracks or gratuitous violence. And once you try real life, you may never want to go back to the simulated variety again. Visit ScreenFree.org

Amen to that.


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M’s –

Pleased to learn that feedback is appreciated.

Question / issue / problem / service improvement opportunity remains: WHAT are you going to do about it to serve those really interested in simpler living and seeking guidance? Hope springs eternal… – DW

Thanks, Dick--we appreciate your feedback.

Kind regards, The Minimalists

Mar 8, 2017, R.S. Webster

Joshua & Ryan –

Your tours is hardly an authentic effort at minimalism when (1) tickets are $26 to $86 and (2) you use Ticketmaster, with their ridiculous fees, as the ticket agent.

Why not tickets through one or more REAL simpler living groups in each city – offering tickets at (1) MUCH more reasonable prices, and (2) providing them with a reasonable fund-raising margin?

Work still to do on your concept and its publicizing!

Looking for more authentic support of simpler living …

Cordially – Dick

R. S. Webster, Ph.D. Tel. 614-942–6350, eMail 5800 Forest Hills Blvd. – #B-220 – Columbus OH 43231-2998 Resident Trustee – Friendship Village Columbus (FVC). Director – Life Plan Resources (LPR) Program. FVC is a Life Plan Community deeply rooted in friendships, purpose, and peace of mind since 1978. LPR Program: Resources for improved Quality, Performance, and Hospitality Services. Sponsored by PRM Institute (501-c-3 non-profit).

Mar 8, 2017, The Minimalists wrote:


R. S. Webster

To Gerald Iversen, Mar 8,

Greetings Gerry –

You likely know of this group and their work. FYI – just in case.

Appreciate your daily doses of simpler living thought and ideas for action.

Hope you world turns smoothly.

AOK here in the Buckeye State. Best – Dick

R. S. Webster, Ph.D.

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From: Daily Devotional [mailto:dailydevotional@ucc.org]
Sent: Saturday, March 25
To: Rita Swan
Subject: Locavore Faith [by Donna Schaper]

Thank you, Rita, for this thoughtful piece.

Here's a link to Redacted Tonight VIP: [53] ABBY MARTIN & Lee Camp Reveal The Truth Behind The Headlines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Bjmzs2d-c&list=TLGGBn_84Erv0MwyNTAzMjAxNw

It's hard to take but it exposes the apartheid in Palestine from a reporter on-the-ground. Peace, Gerald

Rita Swan

To 'Gerald Iversen' Mar 25

Thank you for caring about the Palestinians. We have Roku on our tv (don’t want to pay for cable) and it provides Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now, which in our view brings out the plight of the Palestinians well. We watch her nearly every night. Rita

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Very good points! Jon Zens

April 4, Tues.

Our water is both precious and finite. While water covers 3/4 of the Earth's surface, 97.4% is salt water; 1.8% is frozen; only 0.8% is fresh water. Let's challenge the wasting and poisoning of our water supply. Over 1.5 billion people lack safe drinking water. Here's an invitation to conserve!

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Kate Norlander

Apr 6 at 8:40 AM Hi, Jerry!

I just finished listening to your episode with Susan Vogt on my way to work, and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it -- both what she had to say about this Lenten adventure she's undertaken as well as your own candid thoughts. It gave me a lot to ponder, and it also led me to Susan's blog, which I've bookmarked to look at later.

Thank you for all you do for Simple Living Works!

Yours in Christ, Kate

Kate Norlander katenorlander.com linkedin.com/in/katenorlander

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April 16 Easter Sunday: Jesus' Resurrection

Read the Story of Noah in Genesis 6-9:17. Reflect on 6:19-22 and 9:8-17. God does not want the Earth harmed. MORE http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge.php#040917

Very nice...'God does not want the earth harmed.'

Peace, Jeanne

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Today's Simpler Living Nudge

April 21, Fri.

The first R is the most important... and hardest for Americans... REDUCE. That's what Simple Living is about. As important as recycling is, it is not an excuse for waste. It's more important to REDUCE consumption and waste.


soooo true!


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April 22, Sat. - Earth Day.

The Earth belongs to God and therefore cannot be held perpetually. -Leviticus 25:23

Russ Gordon

Hi Gerry, I understand that the expanding production of palm oil for chips and other junk food is a leading economic driver for deforesting much of Indonesia - thus adding to global warming. I don't know if you have checked that out yet. Watch 'After the Flood' documentary DVD sometime.

Thanks for all you do to encourage simpler living.


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Ty Krauss

Not a typical Western culture response but essential to first people's thinking!

Alderson, Warren

Apr 23

And the cattle on a thousand hills are his also.

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Today's Simpler Living Nudge

April 23, Sun.

How can I learn to say joyfully, 'Here. Take this. It is the best that I have.' When have I most joyfully given to someone in need? What allowed me to give so joyfully? (from Trek) http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge.php#041717

I have sold items with regret. I have no regrets for that which I have given. Blessings. Warren

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Today's Simpler Living Nudge

April 25, Tues. Think of the implications for the Creation of John 3:16-21 - 'For God so loved the world...' People, animals, plants, all Creation.


Alderson, Warren

Apr 25

Rocks, air, liquids, gases, weeds (weeds ?). The world = weeds.

Be well, do good works, stay in touch.

# # #

April 30, Sun.

Avoid toys and products that use batteries. When batteries are unavoidable, use only rechargeable batteries.


Apr 30

Very good idea. Love, Rita

# # #

May 7, Sun.

Sanity Suggestion #1. Computer Shield. Tape a piece of paper or a large picture of a loved one or a nature scene to your computer monitor. Flip it down to cover three-quarters of the screen when you check your email so that you can't see the news feed of your browser. That way you can still click 'mail' but not be assaulted by the face of a politician who may remind you of so much that's wrong in our society now. Once you're into your mail, flip the paper back up.


May 7

Why should we stay ignorant of evil? Rita Swan

Good to hear from you, Rita. I'm not suggesting ignorance, just helping people maintain sanity and an insane situation. The idea is to avoid looking at Trump's face each morning.

Peace, Gerald

# # #

May 12, Fri.



• Garage Sales and the War Machine

• DoubleDown on Extreme Regressive Red States

• BONUS Resources

I like 'Garage Sales and the War Machine.' Helpful ideas, I think.

Lee Van Ham
Author, 'Blinded by Progress' and 'From Egos to Eden'
The OneEarth Project theoneearthproject.com
Jubilee Economics jubilee-economics.org
The Common Good Podcast
JEM on the web
JEM @Facebook
JEM @Twitter
LeeVanHam @Twitter

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. —Buckminster Fuller

# # #

May 21, Sun.

Simple Living SURVIVAL Suggestions. Californians must be prepared for an earthquake anytime. Now everyone in the US must prepare for emergencies and disasters — natural, political, social, spiritual. #1. Don’t waste time, money or energy trying to convert fundamentalists. They are not open to what you offer. Focus on supporting progressives and other open-minded people.

Rita Swan

May 21 I don’t want to try to convert fundamentalists either but we should be willing to interact with them in a friendly way and not totally isolate ourselves in a leftwing echo chamber.


Yes, Rita, I encourage everyone to be civil to others.

I hear caring people talk about trying to change fundamentalists' minds. I caution them not to get their expectations up, as I did at a MediCare-for-All rally Sat. in front of Steve King's office here in Sioux City. I waved politely to those who jeered us from their cars. Having spent my professional career in communications, I understand how powerful media are and how gullible the majority of Americans are.

# # #

May 27, Sat.

Coming Non-Conform-Freely Celebrations May 30, Mon. - Memorial Day

May 27

The Memorial Day posts are profound. Thank you.
Rita Swan

# # #

Aug. 25
Re: Jubilee OneEarth Blog: Why World Peace Is Possible

Very cool stuff, Jerry!
Damien Garber, LinkedIn

# # #

Aug 7

Unsubscribe e news. Although simple living appeals to us, and we do live that way, many of the social innovations that you champion do not. This is simply not our sort of thing.

Rosalie Deatline

# # #

Re: SLW! Podcast #96: Shane Claiborne
Mark Molter, ELCA Clergy, FB
Sounds like something the Order of Lutheran Franciscans would really dig.

7/24 - FB

Hello, I really enjoy your simple living podcast. I think you might appreciate connecting with the Order Lutheran Franciscans. You can check us out at lutheranfranciscans.org also you might want to talk to one OLF Brothers.. Jeff Brown who might have quite a few things to say about simplicity.

# # #

RE: SLW! eNews June 2017 Jun 9

New format is no inconvenience to me! Thanks again. :)
Lily Wu

# # #

June 9, 2017

Hi Gerald, Your illustrations are fabulous. My LI awards for 'Linked In illustrations that are worth 1,000 words' go to you, Bonnie Pang, and Eric Barker. A big shout out is the reward each of you have earned for your consistently high quality drawings or cartoons. Your ink drawing above looks to me like a depiction of a dinner for the communion of saints that persists in being inclusive in defiance ;of the Muslim ban. Is possible that the young lady to the right of the bearded man with the turban at the head of the table is US Air Force veteran Reality Winner, patron saint of transparency when there are threats to the US governing principal of one person, one vote - free of foreign interference?

Charles Kyle, Ph.D.
Author- Educational Leadership, Policy Studies

# # #

NUDGE: May 2, Tues.

Non-Conform-Freely Celebration--May 1-7--Screen-Free Week (formerly TV Turnoff Week and Digital DeTox Week, the last week in April) from the Center for Screen-Time Awareness. Escape the Fantasy - Get Real! No more radiation, laugh tracks or gratuitous violence. And once you try real life, you may never want to go back to the simulated variety again. Visit ScreenFree.org

Amen to that.

Elysha Iversen

Aug. 18, Fri.

The Talk!
Simple Living Works! series of VIDEO shorts, part 2: Do Justice!

Susan Vogt

Excellent presentation Gerry. Even though we've been communicating virtually for years, I've never had a chance to hear YOU present. Thanks for sharing this video.

# # #

Aug. 29, Tues.

BONUS Blog: Tolerate the Heat

Aug. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#0817

That exchange with the man in Subway left me with a lot of questions, personally. Was he a vet? Was he out of work? Why did he not like refugees? What had happened that he was so negative about helping others? I know I'll never get those answers. Sometimes life is open ended. Rita

# # #

Sept. 10, Sun.

SLW! Weekly Digest – latest posts & podcasts

10-When watching TV, ZAP the commercials (mute the sound). No need to be assaulted by aggressive car and soda pop commercials. Some consider ads 'the price of admission.' That's exactly what advertisers want you to think. The air waves belong to the people. We owe advertisers nothing!

Sept. Theme: Media
This week: Advertising & Public Relations

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#090917

So true! So true!

# # #

Sept. 10, Sun.

SLW! Weekly Digest – latest posts & podcasts

10-When watching TV, ZAP the commercials (mute the sound). No need to be assaulted by aggressive car and soda pop commercials. Some consider ads 'the price of admission.' That's exactly what advertisers want you to think. The air waves belong to the people. We owe advertisers nothing!

Sept. Theme: Media This week: Advertising & Public Relations

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#090917

Warren Herbert Alderson

But I have an appetite! Thanks.

# # #

Sept. 11, Mon.

11-Avoid wearing commercial logos which attempt to convey status and promote overconsumption. Fingernail scissors will cut embroidered logos off of sweaters. Only wear messages that convey values that you truly believe in. Be the Message!

Non-conform Freely Celebrations/Commemorations - 9/11

Sept. Theme: Media
This week: Advertising & Public Relations

SLW! Weekly Nudge https://simplelivingworks.wordpress.com/2017/09/07/simpler-living-weekly-nudge-58/

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#090917

I think its easier to not buy clothes that you don't agree with than to use those fingernail scissors. Love, Agatha Christie

# # #

Sept. 15, Fri.

15-Are you a 'news junkie?' Most commercial news broadcasts and talk shows stress the sensational. Too much stimulation from them can develop cynicism, even paranoia. Yes, we need to be informed, to protect ourselves. But moderate the input from commercial broadcasts and consider the alternative press, including public and independent radio and TV, especially Free Speech TV, LINK TV and Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. Giving up something for Lent? Give up some media input... news and entertainment (wherever the line between them may be)... a-news-ment?

Weekly Nudge: Healthy Political Practices & Spiritual Disciplines #5

Sept. Theme: Media
This week: Advertising & Public Relations

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#090917

Warren Herbert Alderson Well said, our faithful servant of the most high.

# # #

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Sept. 21, Thur.

International Day of Peace ('Peace Day') is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

Sept. Theme: Media This week: Alternatives to TV, Video Games, Movies, Gambling

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#091517

Good to know.

# # #

Sept. 27, Wed.

27-Some pet food is marketed not for the benefit of the pet but for the 'tastes' of the owner. Beware of owner-driven pet food advertising. If you have a pet, consult with a veterinarian or a pet store owner you really trust.

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#092217

I’ve been told by a professional dog trainer that the marketers of pet food have six months by law to make the list of ingredients on their packaging truthful. So you can pay three times as much for a bag of dog chow that claims to have expensive ingredients and none of the cheap ingredients but the dog chow might not really have the expensive ingredients or not in the percentages claimed. — Rita

# # #

Sept. 28, Thur.

28-Help prevent pet overpopulation. If you join your local ASPCA, make your membership specifically for the spaying and neutering of pets.

Take care of your pet if you have one. Pets are not people. They are God's Creatures too. But with people starving around the world it's no better to be lavish with pets than with ourselves. Everybody needs to live more simply, including our pets!

Sept. Nudges http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=nudge17.php#092217

Good sentiments and written well. Love, R


Excellent !!
Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Nov. 27, Mon.
Say to yourself, out loud while looking in a mirror. 'I'm OK. I'm enough. I don't have to prove how good or strong I am by using my purchase power. I don't need to own or show-off my stuff to be accepted or loved. I'm forgiven for my past waste and extravagance.'

Cyber Monday: Another marketing ploy to tempt us to focus on wants and desires instead of needs--ours and others'.

# # #

Ty Krauss
Gerald: we draw names on Thanksgiving and in that spirit donate to a nonprofit organization in that persons name instead of buying a gift. Keep on giving, Ty

Nov. 26, Sun.
Now we may feel we have just as many things to buy and people to buy for, but with less money. We have several options. We can drop some folks or activities from the list. We can buy less expensive items. We can draw names instead of everyone giving something to everyone else. Or we can practice Alternative Giving. That's done in various ways. The first is deciding how much of last year's budget to give away and to whom.

# # #

Greetings, Steve,
You're welcome to use anything copyrighted by Alternatives or Creative Commons, using the credit 'Used by permission SimpleLivingWorks.org.'
If you use the pageant 'What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?' the accompanying 'Carols with Justice' are performed on YouTube. Visit https://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=archives/Articles/Carols.php
If you use songs from our collection 'Sing Justice! Do Justice!' you'll need permission from Selah Publishing.
Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen

On Thursday, November 23, 2017, Steve Rocha wrote:

Thank you for your quick response to Lynne's query regarding the CD. We plan to organise a Christmas pageant based on your script and we concerned about infringing copyrights.
I picked up that we had to purchase these cds to be able to use the same.
We run a little not for profit organisation called PRATYeK that engages children with rights and advocacy.
So am I right in picking up that the resources online our open source materials that we can use without infringing any copyrights.
Steve Rocha

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017, Gerald Iversen wrote:
Greetings, Lynne,
Thank you for your interest. Everything on the CD (plus newer content) is available for free on the site simplelivingworks.org (or simpleliving.startlogic.com). If you know what you're looking for, use the search box in window #4 on the home page. Otherwise, you're find most of our resources at Archives on the menu near the top of the home page.
If you really prefer a CD, order a copy from ELCA Archives, Chicago, IL USA -- full contact info at http://simpleliving. startlogic.com/indexoth.php? place=contact.php#order
Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen

On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Lynne Moten wrote:
Good afternoon,
I am in Australia. Myself, and a friend in India, would love to know where we can buy the CD 'Simply the best: 30 years of alternatives' as mentioned on your website. Many thanks,
'Nothing About Children Without Children'

# # #

Thank you so much! We will definitely include the credit.

Judy MacPherson Schumacher
Presence Health Ministries, Chicago, IL

Subject: Re: The Song of Saint Nicholas by Mark Sherer

Greetings, Judy,
Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, you have permission to reprint, but not to sell, 10+/- copies of the Song of St. Nicholas. In addition to the author's name, please include this brief credit: 'Used by permission of SimpleLivingWorks.org'
Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen

On Monday, November 20, 2017, Judy MacPherson Schumacher wrote:

I would like permission to reprint the lyrics to The Song of Saint Nicholas (or Song of Saint Nick) by Mark Sherer. I’ve been to your website but am unclear whether this song is among the items available for free reprint. I do not see a copyright symbol attached to it. We wish to reprint about 10 copies for a brief worship service to occur on Saint Nicholas Day (December 6) at Presence Resurrection Nursing and Rehab Center.

Please let me know whether we may reprint this song, or what the process is to obtain permission. Thank you for your help.
Judy MacPherson Schumacher
Presence Health Ministries

# # #

If you do this for Christmas, without asking for help or paying for help, you won't take the burden off of yourself. It is better to let go of activities, change or simplify them. or give them up all together. This involves menus, gifts, celebrations, and traditions. Have honest conversations with your family, even your extended family. You, as the primary planner and implementer of Christmas also have the right to enjoy Christmas. The best parts of Christmas for me are being with family and friends, going to celebrations (parties, parades, decorated houses, etc) and the worship and music. I could be happy to let go of gift giving. I am happy to buy for my grandchildren and one adult. Remember, the wise men brought one gift, each for Jesus. The shepherds brought no gifts but their coming and worshiping. If you take the birth of Jesus as the reason fur Christmas, it was very simple gift giving. All the rest has been added on by later generations of people.
Love, Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Nov. 19, Sun.
Look at your goals and think of one, two or three activities that will help you accomplish them. Unless you are assured of other people's cooperation, it's best to focus on activities that you can do by yourself.

# # #

Rita Jean
sounds great !

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Nov. 15, Wed.

ChurchWorldService.org distributes the exceptionally attractive Global Calendar and greeting cards of color pictures of people from around the Earth.

# # #

Rita Jean
Greatt!! Goes along with the 'starfish on the beach' story.

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Nov. 12, Sun.

'We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish... all ate and were filled.' -from Matthew 14:13-21. Do I miss the chance to do what I can because I can't do it all? (from Trek)

# # #

Great idea. Did we do this and I forgot? Peace and joy,
Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Nov. 10, Fri.
For a video Christmas card, we try to model the things that are important to us, things we really do and believe in - like delivering poinsettias as a fund-raiser for the Battered Women's Shelter - not things we want others to think we do and believe. The sound isn't professional, the production's not slick - no editing, no special effects - but it's us! It is relatively easy and a lot of fun. Everybody gets their say, though not everybody gets their way.

# # #

I think cell phones might fall in that category. They soon suck people in to buy the 'latest'.. That never happened with a rotary phone.
Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 30, Mon.
'Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.' -from Matthew 6:19-21. Do my gadgets make me more or less fully human? What makes something designed to help me cross the line into weighing me down? (from Trek)

# # #

We did this. I hoped do a lot of weeding. Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 29, Sun.
Subscription farming is a cooperative effort between a farmer and a group of subscribers. The subscribers put up the capital for the crop and help in the busy season. In return they get their share of the crop each week during harvest. # # #

Rita Swan
From: Daily Devotional [mailto:dailydevotional@ucc.org]
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Subject: 1%
Matthew Laney
October 29, 2017

Abraham said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' - Luke 16: 31

Once there was a man who had everything money could buy: an opulent seaside mansion with an infinity pool, servants, a ten-car garage, helicopter, you name it.

Outside his gate sat a diseased and starving man named Lazarus. Whenever the rich man rolled out of his driveway, there was Lazarus begging for scraps from the rich man's garbage. Each day Lazarus received nothing but licks from the household dogs. Eventually, both men died. Lazarus went to heaven, and the rich man… well, let's just say he never has to worry about being too cold.

Now, before we smugly condemn 'the rich,' consider this: According to the World Bank, those who earn more than $10,000 a year are in the top 14% of the world's richest people. Those who earn $34,000 a year are in the top 1% globally. We are the rich man and there are millions of Lazaruses languishing at our gates. This story has a lot to say about economic injustice and the spiritually corrosive dangers of wealth and privilege …in addition to scaring the hell out of us.

From his place of post-mortem agony, the rich man in the story asks Abraham to send Lazarus back from the dead to warn his brothers. Abraham replies, 'If your brothers do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone rises from the dead.'

The mention of someone rising from the dead at the end of the story is not a throwaway line. The storyteller himself was a man of infinite wealth who became poor and was put to death for attending to the marginalized, proclaiming justice, and announcing God's mercy for all. He was raised from the dead and is still speaking today.

God, grant me the courage and joy of lowering my standard of living by at least 1% to lift someone else up. ddauthormattlaney2014.png
Matt Laney is a United Church of Christ minister and the author of breakout The Pride Wars fantasy series published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for young readers ages 8-12. The first book, The Spinner Prince, will be available in April, 2018.

# # #

Love the nudge. Why not repeat it in the late spring !!
Love, Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 26, Thur.
A weed is called 'a plant out of place.' A weed is in the eye of the beholder.
v # # #

Good petition idea.
Rita Jean
Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 23, Mon.
Landmines make farming a very dangerous business in many parts of the world, particularly Southeast Asia. Petition the federal government to work for the elimination of the use of landmines that cripple, maim and kill civilians.

# # #

So good to hear from you, Vivian. Sorry for the delay. We're preparing to return to Calif. for the winter.

I recommend the Good Gifts catalog from ELCA Hunger Program -- https://community.elca.org/ELCAGoodGifts

Alternatives has published a list called 'What Jesus Wants for Christmas?' at http://simpleliving.startlogic.com/indexoth.php?place=archives/XB/XB2007howto.php#alt
Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen

Monday, October 23, 2017
Hi Gerald!
Do you have a list or catalogue of Alternative Gifts? I want to write an article for our church's December newsletter. In November we are showing 'The Story of Stuff.' A follow-up article in December will reinforce the topic.
Thanks, Vivian Johnson

# # #
Excellent !!
Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 19, Thur.
Top 10 reasons to buy organic: 1. Protect future generations, 2. Prevent soil erosion, 3. Protect water quality, 4. Save energy, 5. Keep chemicals off your plate, 6. Protect farm worker health, 7. Help small farmers, 8. Support a true economy, 9. Promote biodiversity, 10. Taste better flavor.

# # #

Good idea.
Rita Jean

Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 18, Wed.
Children's Sabbath. Children's Defense Fund (ChildrensDefense.org) publishes CDF Reports and sponsors Children's Sabbath. Take a stand for children in worship services, educational activities, community service and advocacy efforts.

# # #

You’re late with this notice—Children’s Sabbath was Oct. 15.
Rita Swan

# # #

Great idea. Do you have an idea about states like Iowa who don't have a year round Farmer's Market?
Love, Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 17, Tues.
Farmer's Markets. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area. Most Americans are far removed from the source of their food and from the people who grow it. Our food travels an average of 1300 miles to reach our tables.

# # #

Oct 12
I think I've sent you this info before.
David Zahrt

# # #

Like these questions.

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 7, Sat.

What 'bottom line' do I use to decide what something is worth? Do I eat my food slowly and reflectively, or do I most often eat on the run? How could I buy more of my food from farmers in my area? (from Trek)

# # #

Excellent ideas. There are hungry people in every community.
Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Oct. 6, Fri.
Help supply soup kitchens by gleaning unsold produce from grocery stores. Find out if you have a local Food Bank. Visit SecondHarvest.org: The Nation's Food Bank Network. Who do they help? Can you help too?

# # #

Good sentiments and written well.
Love, Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Sept. 28, Thur.
Help prevent pet overpopulation. If you join your local ASPCA, make your membership specifically for the spaying and neutering of pets.

Take care of your pet if you have one. Pets are not people. They are God's Creatures too. But with people starving around the world it's no better to be lavish with pets than with ourselves. Everybody needs to live more simply, including our pets!

# # #

I’ve been told by a professional dog trainer that the marketers of pet food have six months by law to make the list of ingredients on their packaging truthful. So you can pay three times as much for a bag of dog chow that claims to have expensive ingredients and none of the cheap ingredients but the dog chow might not really have the expensive ingredients or not in the percentages claimed.
Rita Swan

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Sept. 27, Wed.

Some pet food is marketed not for the benefit of the pet but for the 'tastes' of the owner. Beware of owner-driven pet food advertising. If you have a pet, consult with a veterinarian or a pet store owner you really trust.

# # #

Good to know.
Rita Jean

Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Sept. 21, Thur.
International Day of Peace ('Peace Day') is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

# # #

J.I. this has a nice flavor to it--good food for thought...yes?
Warren Alderson
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Love of Another Kind
To read today's Our Daily Bread online visit www.odb.org.

# # #


Greetings, Daniel,

I hope you're well.

As the executive of the Alternatives Fund, I recently gave the ELCA Hunger Program $8000+ for population control education through the InFaith Foundation.

Can you send me or direct me to a brief report about how your dept. is using such donations?


Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, ELCA Minister of Word and Service



Wow this is unexpected news and very encouraging. I am curious if this has been framed by material from the ELCA or from ELCA World Hunger that has talked about Global Population Control Education. In general this is not a phrase we have been using broadly, at least not recently. We are tending to talk more specifically about reproductive health – into which concerns for child spacing, maternal and child health, and disease prevention all speak to the topic.

So, I'm interested in the connection of ELCA World Hunger to Global Population Control Education, and to make sure that the activities we are supporting are fitting of the gift designation.

Thanks again for the generous response and your leadership in encouraging a just world where all are fed. Thank you for your partnership in this work.

With gratitude,

Daniel Rift, Director
ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal

# # #

Dec 3

Thank you for the update. Today is a wonderful day. Living simple. Park watching and admiring the bravery of some and the modesty of others. A wonderful encumbering of mindfulness at bay it seems when setting aside time to enjoy the fragments of music and nature. All being so the holidays are not without cheer. Blending in the side of Of hope that someone will sing a cheer of holiday spirit without the need for enlightenment that there is a need for attention. Haha the modern world is still to be a beauty to be thankful for as simple as it is. Thank you for simple living notion as it brings back the memories once held to the moment as a reminder that staying connected and sharing is always a bit of care we need not shy away from.

Best wishes

Wallace Lebrun

Today's Simpler Living Nudge: Dec 3, 2017

Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas

Tip #1. Plan ahead. Instead of going on auto-pilot the day after Thanksgiving, hold a family meeting to decide what the group really wants to do and who's going to do what. Use Alternatives' 'Let's Talk About Christmas!' Worksheet to guide your discussion.

Tip #2. Avoid debt. Refuse to be pressured by advertising to overspend. Use credit cards wisely. Avoid cash advances. They have no grace period, interest accumulates immediately.

Forward to friends, who can subscribe by sending NUDGE to SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com

# # #

Kam Dargin


Really good blog, thank you so much for your time in writing this post.

Re: Episode 52 :: Kristina's 'Alternative' Ph.D. Dissertation

# # #

Nils von Kalm


Subscribe to podcast.

GI reply: Sorry, Nils, I cannot subscribe for you. You can subscribe for free at iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast service. I can, however, subscribe you to my blog if you contact at SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com.

# # #

Chris Eyres: Thanks for the trust … – Energion Discussion Network


Just listened to an interview with Walter Brueggemann on the topic of money, and as a result have his book on the subject on my wish list.

Re: Episode 84: Walter Brueggemann on Money & Possessions, part 1

# # #



Not sure how I found you, or how you found me! Who is the person I know in this group? It appears very interesting….but as I live on SS alone at this time I have no extra income to subscribe. ??

GI Reply: Thanks for your interest, Karen. SLW! does not solicit or accept cash donations or memberships. All of our subscriptions, services and resources are free of charge. For more info, visit SimpleLivingWorks.org

# # #



Nice post thanks for sharing.

Episode 91: Hazel Henderson of Ethical Markets Media, part 1

# # #

Gerry Kendell


Thanks for the article.

Re: Episode 18 :: Not Ordinary Times – Eco-Justice Ministries

# # #

re: Episode 97: Shane Claiborne, part 2

americans living in canada


Great post and probably something I have discovered through my own experience. Thankfully In part two we talk about Shane's latest book, 'Executing Grace: How the Death Penalty Killed Jesus and Why It's Killing Us' and numerous other ways he’s spreading the message of simpler, just living. And there are plenty of outlets and forums where people are more than happy to engage in conversation about the subject. I think the resistance comes from the thought that people don't engage with us socially to be sold to. but I think that’s untrue. When I like a brand on Facebook, I expect (even anticipate) offers, special deals, and cool new products from the company.

This page last updated Feb. 16, 2018

Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com | Blog INDEX
VIDEOS: YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks
MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.