Reader responses appear in bold. The most current comments tend toward the bottom of the page.
Jan.-March | April-June | July-Sept. | Oct.-Dec.
Simpler Living Weekly Nudge
Feb. 23, Fri.
Meditate on the concept of 'enough.' 'Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that I need.' - from Proverbs 30:7-9. 'The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little.' -II Corinthians 8:15. Do I think a world where everyone has enough is part of God's vision for humankind?
Happiness lies in the middle of too much and too little!
Thanks and blessings,
Lisa J. Nollette
Feb. Theme: Celebrating More Responsibly
This week: What Is 'Enough'?
Miss a nudge? Check it out here:
Forward to friends, who can subscribe by sending NUDGE to
Feedback welcome. Peace.
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Dec. 30, Sat.
There are three levels of working toward justice.
2) Sharing our resources of time, money and energy are small steps to alleviate another's situation.
Guest blog--Eco-Justice: 4.6B Years in Review
Missed a recent Nudge? Read it here:
Thanks for the update on the changes.
I recently watched a version of the 4.6 billion years in review on one part of a four part series, The Cosmos ( or Cosmos), hosted by Neil deGrass Tyson.
Also, I really appreciated the postcard sized piece on Bethlehem. I'm talking about it to as many people as I can.
Jeanne Bockholt
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Jan. 8, Mon.
In face of an economic system and an advertising industry that pressure us, we CAN take control of our own buying patterns! We can beat this addiction of overconsumption day by day... and then share ideas of simpler living with others.
Always thoughtful and practical, Gerald. Thanks.
Warren Alderson
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Learn from the World Community
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Jan. 12, Fri.
For every Christian that North America and Western Europe loses, Africa gains three! We have something profound to learn from our African brothers and sisters.
So, I get it; we should lose more. Right? Ok. Bad joke.
Warren Alderson
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Learn from the World Community
Miss a nudge? Check it out here:
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Jan. 13, Sat.
Ask yourself, 'What can I live without?' Be uncomfortable. Take something off - a watch, an earring - as a reminder of less. Are you a slave to the clock? Are you burdened by too many clothes or jewelry? Take something off.
Guest blog--Eco-Justice: The Most Dangerous Man
Thoughtful and useable. Thanks.
Warren Alderson
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Jan. 16, Tues.
Voluntary Simplicity is a consciousness, an awareness. It is a matter of personal responsibility. Before we buy or use something ask, 'Do I really need to do this?'
I liked this. Short, simple, to the point. Then I can carry that thought with me during the day.
Rita Jean
Need is usually a good question as opposed to want. Thanks.
Warren Alderson
SLW! Podcast #108: Walter Brueggemann on Abundance + More
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Jan. 19, Fri.
Think of the shopping mall as a museum. Everything there is on display for your pleasure, but somebody else owns it. As you stroll through the galleries say, 'Thank you store person for putting this here for me to see. I'm so glad you're responsible for all this stuff and I'M NOT.'
This is good--brought our laugh for the day!!
S D Irving
SLW! Monthly Digest--links to posts and podcasts from many colleague organizations--Lots of Help!
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Nurture People, Not Stuff
Miss a nudge? Check it out here:
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Jan. 21, Sun.
Cooperative, non-competitive games nurture relationships. Try 'The Christmas Game I,' 'The Christmas Game II,' 'The Anytime Game,' 'Lifestories: a fun board game of telling tales'; 'Futurestories'; and 'Conversation Pieces: Parents, Kids and Other Animals.'
Glad you mentioned my game, LifeStories! Thanks.
Vivian Johnson
NEW--Jerry's Guide: Where to Get Books
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Jan. 20, Sat.
Intimacy... getting to know someone well... opening oneself up. When we choose to be intimate with our spouse, things can get in the way. To be intimate we may choose to take something off... to take everything off. Stuff can get in the way of intimacy in other situations as well. We can learn to recycle stuff and put relationships first.
A sensitive area to address. Thoughtful. Thank you.
Warren Alderson
A little confusing but interesting.
Rita Jean
Guest blog--Eco-Justice: Facts and Alternative Facts
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Nurture People, Not Stuff
Miss a nudge? Check it out here:
Forward to friends, who can subscribe by sending NUDGE to
Feedback welcome. Peace.
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Jan. 25, Thur.
The forces against living simply are extremely powerful and devious. Some of them are quiet, unwritten... like how we dress in church, how our house will look at Christmas time. But many of them can be loud, in-your-face forces that work to get as deeply into our pocketbook as possible.
Rita Jean
Spirit of Simplicity ART: Building Community
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Non-Conform Freely
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Jan. 26, Fri.
Let's say what overconsumption often represents - addiction. As any addiction, it is powerful. It takes great will power, faith, and the right tools to beat an addiction. The addiction of overconsumption is reinforced by our culture. It is encouraged, fed, promoted by peer pressure and by advertising. We are told it is patriotic to buy, that our economy depends on it, that we are 'worth it.' We are worth much more than our stuff! Destroying the Earth in the name of 'economic growth' is not patriotic!
SLW! Monthly Digest--links to posts and podcasts from many colleague organizations--Lots of Help!
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Non-Conform Freely
That's a great bumper sticker slogan. 'We are worth so much more than our stuff!'
Rita Iversen
You do so much good stuff, Jerry. Be encouraged if you need such.
I like being able to announce ahead of time the upcoming podcasts. I've not been geared that way, but I think what's evolving between Jubilee and SLW will make it possible.
Lee Van Ham, Author, 'Blinded by Progress' and 'From Egos to Eden'
The OneEarth Project
Jubilee Economics
The Common Good Podcast
JEM on the web
JEM @Facebook
JEM @Twitter
LeeVanHam @Twitter
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. --Buckminster Fuller
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Jan. 30, Tue.
Shop at Goodwill and other thrift shops. Wear clothes from other cultures. Support others who break clothing stereotypes. Show the great fraud of 'The clothes make the man' and 'Dress for success.' Is wearing 'nice' clothes to church a matter of giving God our best? Wearing expensive clothes is giving our best to ourselves and our clique-mates.
You could break those ideas up into at least 3 different thoughts/ideas.
Rita Jean
Simple Living 101: Toolbook for Activists (shy or bold)
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Non-Conform Freely
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Todays Simpler Living Nudge
Jan. 29, Mon.
'Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?'-from Matthew 6:24-33. How do my clothes reflect my personality and my values? Did the people who made my clothes get a fair wage for their work? Go to your clothes closet. Choose enough clothes to wear a different outfit each day for a week. Put the other clothes aside. Wear only the clothes you've chosen for the next two weeks. (from Trek)
That will work for you, but not for me. My clothes are part of my creative spirit!
Rita Jean
Spirit of Simplicity ART: Voluntary Simplicity
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Non-Conform Freely
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Subject: Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
Jan. 28, Sun.
Small groups could benefit from: Living More with Less Study Guide, Your Money or Your Life Study Guide, Simple Living / Compassionate Life. Alternatives' video 'Break Forth into Joy!: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle' won a Gold Medal at the Houston International Film Festival!
Why not give a review of each of those items so I know more about them. Then I would know whether to recommend them to my pastor or other person looking for new materials.
Rita Jean
Spirit of Simplicity QUOTES: Voluntary Simplicity
Jan. Theme: The Five Life Standards of Voluntary Simplicity
This week: Non-Conform Freely
Miss a nudge? Check it out here:
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Feb. 1, Thur.
Musicians are not exempt from the call to offer help to the needy and to care for God's Creation. Urge your congregation to put on a benefit concert, including some music of social responsibility. Worthwhile musicals are 'Lazarus' from Bread for the World, and 'The Race: A Simplicity Musical' from the ELCA Hunger Program.
Good idea.
Rita Jean
1st-of-Feb. SLW! Bonus Episode: Richard Lawrence, author of 'Light, Bright, Damn Near White' on The Power of White in a Multi-Color Humanity, for Black History Month
Feb. Theme: Celebrating More Responsibly
This week: Worship/Music
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Feb. 3, Sat.
A great, inexpensive hymnal on social responsibility is 'Banquet of Praise' from Bread for the World. Give a copy to your Minister of Music and offer to buy more copies for your choir, youth group or congregation. Visit
Liked today's nudge. Info, action, just the right length.
Rita Jean
Feb. Theme: Celebrating More Responsibly
This week: Worship/Music
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Greetings, Gerald,
Of course I thought of you and your thought-full daily resources for continuing Alternatives' work.
Thank you for all you do--'in retirement!'
Perhaps you get Dr. Mardy's weekly dose of thought-provoking info.
Just in case you do not--this one included info. I thought you might find useful.
Best, Dick
Fwd: Dr Mardy's Quotes of the Week re 'Stuff'
R. S. Webster, Ph.D.
Columbus OH
Director--Life Plan Resources (LPR) Projects. Resident Trustee--Friendship Village Columbus (FVC).
LPR Projects develop resources for improved Communication, Creativity, and Customer Services. A program of PRM Institute (501-c-3 non-profit).
FVC: 'A Life Plan Community deeply rooted in friendships, purpose, and peace of mind since 1978.'
Dr. Mardy's Quotes of the Week
A Weekly Celebration of Great Quotes in History and the History Behind the Quotes
What Role Do Possessions Play in Your Life?
I enjoy my personal possessions as much as anyone, but the quotation in this week's Puzzler got me thinking about just how much I should be valuing them. After all, as many great religious and philosophical leaders have reminded us over the centuries, over-valuing possessions is a highly questionable thing to do. As Abigail Adams, our second First Lady, wrote in a 1761 letter:
'Many of our disappointments and much of our unhappiness arise from our forming false notions of things and persons.'
The biggest false notion when it comes to material possessions is to view them as essential to our happiness and well-being. Yes, it's nice to own and surround ourselves with beautiful, rare, or valuable things. But to view possessions of any kind as essential is to kneel at the altar of Materialism. Such people would be wise to heed the words of Susan Sontag, who wrote in her 1963 novel The Benefactor:
'False values begin with the worship of things.'
This week, think about the role of personal possessions in your own life, and whether you possess them, or they possess you? And, to continue the chiastic phrasing, is it possible that you have made the ultimate mistake of confusing the importance of things with things of ultimate importance? As you approach these questions, let your thinking be stimulated by this week's selection of quotations on the subject:
'People who have few possessions cling tightly to those they have.'
'He who possesses most must be most afraid of loss.'
'Possessions possess.'
'Possessions, for the terminally frightened, bring peace of mind.'
'In our rich consumers' civilization we spin cocoons around ourselves and get possessed by our possessions.'
'Expectation... quickens desire, while possession deadens it.'
'Every increased possession loads us with a new weariness.'
'It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.'
'Many possessions, if they do not make a man better,
are at least expected to make his children happier;
and this pathetic hope is behind many exertions.'
'Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions.'
For source information on these quotations, and others on the topic of POSSESSIONS, visit: DMDMQ
My Thought of the Week 'Shallow people believe possessions give them depth.'
Until next week,
So glad to hear from you, Dick. Thanks for introducing me to Dr. Mardy.
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Feb. 7, Wed.
In Celtic Christianity, the wild goose is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. Wild Goose Songs from the Iona Community in Scotland are very direct and powerful.
A yes, I remember Iona with fond memories. What a beautiful, serene place.
Rita Jean
Interesting info about the significance of the wild good in Celtic Christianity.
J Bockholt
Worship Alternatives: Lent/Holy Week/Easter
Feb. Theme: Celebrating More Responsibly
This week: Worship/Music
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Feb. 10, Sat.
'Freedom from anxiety is characterized by three inner attitudes. If what we have we receive as a gift, and if what we have is to be cared for by God, and if what we have is available to others, then we possess freedom from anxiety. This is the inward reality of simplicity. However, if what we have we believe we have gotten and if what we have we believe we must hold onto, and if what we have is not available to others, then we live in anxiety. Such persons will never know simplicity regardless of the outward contortions they may put themselves through in order to live 'the simple life.' ' --Richard Foster (a Christian theologian and author in the Quaker tradition, best known for his 1978 book 'Celebration of Discipline'; also 'Freedom of Simplicity,' 1981; 'Longing for God' with Gayle Beebe, 2008)
Thanks, Jerry.
Rita Swan
Guest blog--Eco-Justice: Global Community and Hope
Feb. Theme: Celebrating More Responsibly
This week: Preparing for Lent, Easter and Other Spring Festivals
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
April 3, Tues.
3 -Turn the water off when not needed while washing hands, shaving, brushing teeth
A very good idea. Keep up the good work.
Alderson, Warren
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Hi Gerald, I applaud your efforts to raise awareness about simple living to help ameliorate the man made damage to Mother Earth. I am wondering if you and your others like you are interested in getting Steve King out of Congress. Thanks for accepting me as a friend in FB.
I work for a Quaker based non-profit which taught me a lot about simplicity in a conscious way. Thanks to you and others for raising awareness among people like me and others of its global value and for future generations. Keep up the great work!
Sandra Sanchez Comunica
American Friends Service Committee-Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
March 16, Fri.
'Just as you did it to one of the least of these... you did it to me.'-from Matthew 25:31-40. What sense of connection with people in need can unlock my compassion and generosity? Was there ever a time when I really didn't have enough money? How did or does that make me feel about people who are wealthier than me? (from Trek)
Great nudge and topics for discussion !! Lovely Rita Meter Maid
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
March 4, Sun.
'Sexism,' 'racism,' 'ageism' are expressions of prejudice, that we 'pre-judge' people by their age, race or gender. We make up our mind about someone before getting to know them. All of these are very real. They combine prejudice and power. We can't escape prejudice but we can catch ourselves, say 'Ooops,' and instead be open to the person.
Thanks, Gerald, I needed that.
Alderson, Warren
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
March 6, Tues.
Beware of media and organizations that spread unconscious and excessive American nationalism, that suggest that Americans are superior than others because of our great wealth and power, that play on our fear of the unknown.
Let's see 'Deutschland uber alles' led to what? Oh! Now I remember. Thanks, Gerald.
Alderson, Warren
April 18, Wed.
Reduce the use of make-up by at least 10%. Let your natural beauty shine! Be aware of the pressure on women to conform to 'Madison Avenue's' standard of appearance. Read labels. If you must use make-up, only use brands not tested on animals.
Why 10%?
Rita Jean
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April 21, Sat.
The first R is the most important... and hardest for Americans... REDUCE. That's what Simple Living is about. As important as recycling is, it is not an excuse for waste. It's more important to REDUCE consumption and waste.
Yes!! Reduce buying things. Reduce keeping things. Reduce taking things that other people give you that you don't need. Reduce keeping things 'just in case I might need them.' There are all kinds of ways to reduce.
Rita Jean
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April 22, Sun.
Earth Day. The Earth belongs to God and therefore cannot be held perpetually. -Leviticus 25:23
That’s a good thought. My dad told me one time, 'Here, Warren, I am giving you the world to make a living in.' I say 'Thanks.'
Warren Alderson
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April 23, Mon.
How can I learn to say joyfully, 'Here. Take this. It is the best that I have.' When have I most joyfully given to someone in need? What allowed me to give so joyfully? (from Trek)
Guest Blog from The OneEarth Project: Becoming an Eco-Spiritual Guide to Assist Our Relocation from Ego Civilization to Earth's Sacred Community of All Life
Amen. Give of your best to the Master. My seminary Dean of students would say when the parishioners give you stale or moldy food etc just take it and say thank you and then use your shovel. Words of grace for sure.
Warren Alderson
Giving joyfully is a joy in itself.
Rita Jean
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April 23
Simpler Living Weekly Nudge
Hi Gerald,
Just got your email and thought you might like to know about a couple new resources from the Catholic world:
'They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of Climate Change' by Fr. John Dear
'Teaching Kids to Care for God's Creation: Reflections, Activities & Prayers for Catechists & Families' by Sr. Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ
We sell them here:
Hope you're doing well!
Ministry Support at The Pastoral Center
Toll free: 844-727-8672 | 9am to 5pm CDT weekdays | |
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SLO Co. Social Justice eNews—May, 2018
April 30
Thanks a bunch for doing this!
Phyllis Davies
Thank you for sending out this newsletter!
Marlene Clanton
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May 2
Ponder: 'There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.' - G.K. Chesterton
That C.K. Chesterton is one smart guy !!
Rita Jean
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Today’s Simpler Living Nudge
April 26, Thur. Use cloth napkins. Throw a paper napkin away only after it's completely used.
Good 'Nudge.'
J Bockholt
May 25, Fri.
Do you get 'Living on Earth' on your local public radio station? If so, tune in or subscribe to the podcast. Visit If not, petition the local manager to carry it and help find an 'underwriter' to fund the broadcast.
Why would I want to do that? Why would I want Living on Earth?
Rita Jean
May 24, Thur. has developed a rainforest conference center in Belize. With the mission 'Serving the Earth, Serving the Poor,' CEA has service opportunities in 15 countries; a full semester academic program; a retreat center in the Sierras; and field stations in Zimbabwe, Brazil and the U.S. Its Eden Conservancy buys endangered lands.
Do you want me to visit there? Am I to support it with funds? Or am I just to know about it?
Rita Jean
May 31, Thur. produces Earth Letter, its 'mini-Journal of Christian environmental spirituality' and a variety of programs, workshops and resource materials. It's mission is to engage, educate and inspire individuals and congregations to deepen our relationship with creation and with the God of creation.
Gerald: wouldn’t it be great to have a congregation to have the courage to be called
C R E A T O R L U T H E R A N C H U R C H ?
Warren Alderson
Sounds good !
June 2, Sat.
Confused by all the requests for money? Call your denominational office or consider a clearinghouse like IPM -- International Partners in Mission: An ecumenical ministry for justice and hope -- that focuses on small, grassroots efforts around the world ( They do the homework. You choose the organizations you prefer or let them choose.
Good Idea !!
Rita Jean
June 3, Sun.
Most groups now have foundations or endowments that receive tax-deductible gifts while you're living or after you've died. Check with your denomination. Consider bequests in your will for your congregation, for your denomination and for other worthy organizations.
Good idea. I think I know people who have done this !!
Lovely Rita Meter Maid
June 4, Mon.
Some credit cards give you 'cash back,' some charge no annual fee, others have lower interest. The best ones give a percentage of your purchases to charity. Many environmental groups offer these 'conscience cards.' We use VISA. Read Lee's blog 'A Credit Card That Does NOT Use a Mega-Bank.'
Tell us more about Green America !!
Rita Jean
June 5, Tues. Most of us use some criteria to decide who and what to support. Several national magazines investigate non-profits and then publish lists of 'worthwhile charities.' rates thousands of charities according to effectiveness and lists the salaries of the executives.
Tuesday, June 5, is World Environment Day. Celebrated in more than 100 countries, it is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. The theme for 2018 is 'beating plastic pollution.'
Wow! Two nudges in one day !!
Rita Jean
June 6, Wed.
Investigate (formerly Ministry of Money): Discipleship, Compassion, Stewardship, which offers 'Third World pilgrimages,' leads workshops and publishes a newsletter.
Also,, a quarterly from the non-profit Impact Project explores the personal, political and spiritual impact of wealth in our lives. It has expanded now to and
I think you could use information from either of those resources tor you one or two sentence daily nudges.
Rita Jean
Reflect. 'For the love of money is root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.' -1 Timothy 6:6-10.
When Jesus preached 'Blessed are the poor' some guy in the back yelled out 'Wrong!' I think his name was Rump or something like that.
Warren Alderson
June 11, Mon.
Most service agencies (like Lutheran Social Service or Catholic Charities) and service clubs (like Lions and Rotary) welcome and need volunteers. Over 250 fraternal organizations, such as Thrivent Financial, plow their profits back into our communities and congregations by giving challenge grants and encouraging volunteerism.
Great nudge !!
June 10, Sun.
Many denominations have a volunteer youth corps, placing high school and college graduates into places of need for one or two years. The U.S. government's Peace Corps (overseas assignments) and VISTA program (Volunteers in Service to America-stateside placement) do not restrict by age.
Good info.
Rita Jean
June 12, Tues.
NGO's - 'non-government organizations' (like Red Cross) - can be very effective in meeting social needs. Some, like Habitat for Humanity, are heavily volunteer driven. Some, like Big Brothers and Sisters, are very personal and one-on-one.
Nice reminder.
Rita Jean
June 13, Wed.
Learn how to say, 'No, Thanks.' Most volunteer work is meaningful. But most organizations will ask for more and more. We have to set our own limits.
Or you can say 'My plate is full this year. Ask me again next year.' They never ask the second year !!
Rita Jean
June 15, Fri.
Re: Daily Nudge—Relish these Alternative Giving QUOTES and ART.
Lots of awesome quotes.
Rita Jean
June 14, Thur.
Daily Nudge
Non-conform Freely Celebration--Flag Day. Fly an Earth flag to show that our allegiance is first to Earth, then to a country, culture or civilization.
When the neighbor child comes to the door selling posters or overpriced holiday wrap, send a contribution directly to the person in charge at the school or church. That way, your contribution supports the program (not just a fraction of it after the fundraising company has its cut) and is tax deductible. Express your concern to the PTA or official that business interests may be taking advantage of the kids. Offer to help raise funds another more direct way.
I fly an Earth Flag to send that message every day except during rain and storms.
Rita Swan
Wow !! 3 nudges in one!!
Rita Jean
June 16, Sat.
Daily Nudge, 'A Place to Help Save the Earth,' searches hundreds of sites that carry green products.
Very good, and practical nudge.
Rita Jean
June 17, Sun.
Daily Nudge
Prayer for Father's Day: O God, bless fathers to care for their own offspring and those who care for orphans and others' offspring in need. And bless those who choose not to have children to help curb overpopulation for the health of Mother Earth and survival of all her inhabitants. Amen.
Excellent !!! Did you write the prayer?
Rita Jean
June 18, Mon.
Daily Nudge
Translate your environmental tithe into cash. How much money have you saved so far by conserving resources? Give that amount to an environmental organization, preferably a grass roots Christian one.
Very good idea !!
Rita Jean
June 20, Wed.
Daily Nudge
Consider 'giving of ourselves' by volunteering time for groups that help the truly needy... tree planting, public education/information, protest letters and boycotts of polluters, lobbying governments, restoring housing, developing rooftop and community gardens. 'Giving of ourselves' includes our special skills, like writing, carpentry, sewing, making music. What activity has little or no value in our lives? TV? Movies? Could we reduce some entertainment to allow more time for volunteering?
Maybe today's message strikes some ideas as to things 'environmental care' could expand to??
Ginny and George Kinney
June 28, Thur.
Daily Nudge
#3. Organize an Alternative Christmas Workshop at your church. Several churches might work together. Go beyond gift-giving to the purpose of celebrating Christmas. Give people other ways to celebrate. Use support materials like ‘Unplug the Christmas Machine’ and ‘Leader's Guide to Unplug the Christmas Machine Workshop,’ also in audio.
These are always good ideas.
Rita Jean
JULY-SEPT., 2018
July 1, Sun.
Daily Nudge
Meditate on the many kinds of abundance in life. ''I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.''-from John 10:7-18. ''The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy.''-from Psalm 65. ''The mountains and the hills before you shall burst forth into song.''-from Isaiah 55:6-13
Nice Bible verses !
Rita Jean
July 5, Thur.
Daily Nudge
Are garage sales a good thing? Signs of frugality? Promoting reusing? Sharing good stuff with folks who can't afford new stuff? A good fund-raiser for worthwhile groups? What is the intent? To simplify our lives or just to clear out a bunch of stuff we're tired of so we can load up on what's new and exciting?
I would guess that garage sale are all of those things. In fact, they are also a way to say good-bye to relatives who have gone on to heaven. Life is complicated and we can only know why we or even I am having a garage sale.
Rita Jean
July 6, Fri.
Daily Nudge
Is it better to buy in quantity at warehouse markets for economic stewardship, or to support the local small business? Yes. We wrestle. Living more simply is not simple.
Oh yeah...we struggle...
C. Filzer
July 3, Tues.
Daily Nudge
One of the best sources for information about Green Business is Green America's (formerly Co-op America) National Green Pages: A Directory of Products and Services for People and the Planet. Discover thousands of socially and environmentally responsible businesses. Find hundreds of tips to save you money, improve your life and protect the planet. Meet the green businesses that are rewriting the rules of commerce... and succeeding. Call 800/58-GREEN or visit A Green America membership includes a worthwhile journal.
Thank you for acknowledging Green America. I have been a member must be from its beginnings.
Marilyn Schwieterman
July 7, Sat.
Daily Nudge
Worth investigating - The E. F. Schumacher Society ( promotes the ideas of Schumacher's classic Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered and implements those ideas in practical programs that link economics, ecology and culture.
Have we read that book? I think it was one of Ernie C's favorites.
Rita Jean
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July 10
June 15 and July 1 SLW! Podcast Episodes: Bill Ryerson of Population Institute and Population Media Center, part 1—Crises Caused by Exploding Population, and part 2–Reducing Population Using Methods That Work
Can a South American or Central American man filled with machismo ever truly think about the responsibility of global overpopulation and consumption versus his historic ‘right’ to bear as many children in the hopes that he will be taken care of when he is old and dying?
In the farms of old, white people needed children and servants and unfortunately slaves to keep a positive input of basic needs supplied not only for their family but for their neighbors and other commerce.
This is no longer true nor sustainable nor probably economically changeable by the views of your podcast which I enjoy thoroughly.
I am a man married to a woman. Though we have no children, we were graced with the great life and had a home of beauty and acreage. I found this was not sufficient. I needed to lower my carbon foot print and and step down from that pedestal of American dream and began to live within my means as I saw fit. The fitness of our situation now is a life of independence and financial liberty. I do not need that house on the hill in order to survive in this world. I quote Matthew 6:19-21.
The scholars, scientists and great minds that you referred to in your podcast are probably correct in their assessment of what is going to happen to the future of humankind. For the rest of the uneducated only survival matters. This will unfortunately not be something that we can fix.
Hope Springs Eternal!
Steve Ladwig
July 10
Re: Simpler Living Weekly Nudge
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice.
Charles Kyle, Ph.D.
Author—School and Campus Safety, Technical and Vocational Education, Research and Policy Studies,
Daily Nudge--8/3/18, Fri.
'Be still and know that I am God!'-Psalm 46:10. Take a few minutes each day for meditation and prayer, with or without devotional material. Be silent, be still, be open to what God may be telling you.
Very good !! Rita Jean
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Daily Nudge 8/5/18
Let's listen to our bodies and minds. Don't ignore mental, physical or spiritual symptoms. Pain means something. Years of stress may be stored up before symptoms appear. And then WHAM! Reduce stress by exercise and verbalization of feelings. Physical activity alone is not enough. Speak out loud, even if to yourself, while exercising.
Good therapy and good idea.
Thanks. Warren
Great advice.
Rita Jean
Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Working ten hour days and feeling really productive? Or feeling accused or 'not good enough'? It's all stress. The body doesn't distinguish between 'positive' and 'negative' stress. We can't eliminate stress. We can moderate it. Learn the basic techniques of massage. Find a partner who can give a decent back rub.
How about find a good partner who loves sex?
Rita Jean
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8/13/18--FB--Saying Good-Bye To July & August?
a simple way to 'non-conform freely' to imperialism
Thanks for sharing this! I have been looking into Quakerism. I never knew about the practice of using only numbers for months and days. I can begin using this practice immediately. Once again, Thanks!
Nancy Pietrulewicz
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
7 Golden Rules for Good Health - 1. Eat breakfast. 2. Eat nutritious snacks moderately or not at all. 3. Get seven to eight hours of sleep per day regularly. 4. Maintain ideal weight. 5. Exercise aerobically at least three times per week. 6. Use alcohol in moderation or not at all. 7. Don't smoke.
And don't sit more than 8 hours/day. It has the same effect as obesity or smoking.
Here's a little info from Mayo:
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Warren Alderson
Today's Simpler Living Nudge
8/15/18 Nudge
'Time is NOT money' - Doris Janzen Longacre. Many programs about time management and organizing our lives urge us to get the most out of every minute. Why? Who's telling us that we must continually strive to do more, work faster, get better organized, be the best? Those 'values' drive us to be 'successes,' to make lots of money, regardless of the effect on family and Creation. Christian discipleship calls us to make good use of God's gifts, to be stewards of Creation, to put relationships above buying, maintaining and protecting more stuff.
So true>br> Elysha
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9/19/18 Nudge
Play non-competitive, communications games with your family, such as Everyone Wins: Cooperative Games and Activities. Cooperative, non-competitive games nurture relationships. Try The Christmas Game I, The Christmas Game II, The Anytime Game, Lifestories: a fun board game of telling tales; Futurestories; and Conversation Pieces: Parents, Kids and Other Animals.
Very good idea.
Warren Alderson
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9/15/18 Nudge
Are you a 'news junkie?' Most commercial news broadcasts and talk shows stress the sensational. Too much stimulation from them can develop cynicism, even paranoia. Yes, we need to be informed, to protect ourselves. But moderate the input from commercial broadcasts and consider the alternative press, including public and independent radio and TV, especially Free Speech TV, LINK TV and Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman.
THANK YOU, JERRY FOR THIS INFO. I knew about 'Democracy Now!' but not the other two--nice to get real news
Sandy in NC
S D Irving
Well, we love 'Democracy Now!' but it could sure make you cynical about the U.S. govt.
Rita Swan
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9/13/18 Nudge
Some advertisers are trying to capitalize on our desire for simpler lives. An expensive luxury car is hyped with a picture of the shiny vehicle and the word 'Simplify.' A national restaurant chain uses the slogan 'Simplify your life. Eat out more.' The Masters of Doublespeak!
Couldn't be more right!
Darrel Fickbohm
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9/10/18 Nudge
When watching TV, ZAP the commercials (mute the sound). No need to be assaulted by aggressive car and soda pop commercials. Some consider ads 'the price of admission.' That's exactly what advertisers want you to think. The air waves belong to the people. We owe advertisers nothing!
Amen to that!
For true, for true !!
Rita Jean
Remember, even if people aren't responding to what you send, they are still reading it !! Take heart in that !!?
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9/5/18 Nudge
A helpful resource about the media is We Know What You Want. Learn about Screen-Free Week (formerly Turn Off TV Week).
I'd like to check this out. How do I do that?
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9/11/18 Nudge
Avoid wearing commercial logos which attempt to convey status and promote overconsumption. Fingernail scissors will cut embroidered logos off of sweaters. Only wear messages that convey values that you truly believe in. Be the Message!
Very good point !!
Rita Jean
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8/31/18 Nudge
He asked Jesus, 'And who is my neighbor?' - from Luke. When, if ever, do I come face to face with poor people? How does that happen? What values and beliefs are reflected by where I choose to live? The question is both WHO is my neighbor and HOW to be a neighbor.
And so what is your answer to the questions you asked?
Rita Jean
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9/2/18 Nudge
We think of media as ways to receive information or entertainment. But the powers of commercialism see the media first and foremost as ways of delivering customers to advertisers. Through those eyes many other common items become media - anything that can carry a logo, a name - clothes, buses, sports stadiums. An average American sees/hears 16,000 commercial impressions per day!
Jerry, maybe we should develop a Christian media feed and call it Faithbook - of course maybe its already out there. Ty
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9/1/18 Nudge
Most of us know so little about something so powerful and pervasive in our lives: the media. We're familiar with print media (magazines and newspapers), electronic media (television, radio, cable and the internet) and other media (telephone, billboards, direct mail). But do we recognize its effect in our lives, our families, our society, our world?
And what about social media...
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8/26/18 Nudge
Women's Equality Day (To Celebrate, p. 140). In the United States, August 26th, Women's Equality Day, marks the anniversary of women's right to vote, won in 1920. International Women's Day, a day to honor women, is celebrated throughout the world. Set on March 8, the day commemorates a march of women garment and textile workers in New York City in 1857.
Yeah! Go, women!!
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8/21/18 Nudge
A Creation Awareness Center (Green Congregation Program) is your church building, grounds, programs and people. A church that becomes a Creation Awareness Center makes the celebration and care of the Earth a dimension of its total ministry! Visit
Thank you. I shared the link with our congregation's green team. Next meeting is October. Cheers!
Jerry Iversen
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8/17/18 Nudge
Practice 'Eco-Tourism.' Take the Earth, the ecology, into account when traveling... the people, plants, animals, terrain, air and water. Step out of the 'bubble' that most Americans travel in. Shed expectations about food, language, etc. Investigate The Guide to Learning, Living and Working Overseas.
True, very true
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10/2/18 Nudge
Learn about the power of 'cheap food.' Resist using foods that deprive other countries of food and have little or no nutritional value, such as coffee. Caffeine is an addictive drug. Other beverages, like fruit juice, can be just as socially inviting.
I appreciate so many of your thoughts.
But not this one.
Fruit juice has little nutritional benefit AND is very high in sugar. It has been discouraged by pediatricians for children, and it is not a good idea for older folks, many of whom have an issue with their sugar intake.
Whether coffee is beneficial or not yo-yo's back and forth from study to study. What we COULD do, though, is to treat the coffee we make with respect for the people who grew it and processed it. Gallons and gallons of coffee gets thrown away on Sunday mornings in churches because we want to make sure we have 'enough.' Instead, if we gave it value beyond its monetary cost, and valued its environmental/humanitarian cost, we would purchase Fair Trade coffee, at a higher price point, and we would be more sure we didn't make so much that we had any to throw away. I visited the roasting facility of Cafe Justo in Agua Prieto, Mexico, just over the border. I met farmers who, because of the co-op structure, are able to provide medical care and an education to their children. It is not the drinking of coffee as 'cheap food' that is the problem. Instead, it is our purchasing of coffee from the corporate growers, and our prolific waste of it, that is in need of change.
So, just my feedback.
Thanks for all you do!
Melissa Raak
Thank you, Melissa, for your reply. I will post it on the SLW! site.
I promote Fair Trade in another Nudge. I have coordinated sales of Fair Trade chocolate, handicrafts and even coffee. Rita and I have visited indigenous co-ops in Guatemala.
I tried to cover several topics in one Nudge and didn't do a very good job with any of them.
Living in Calif. I see so much wasted food, especially produce in the fields!
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Simpler Living Weekly Nudge 10/1/18
Bonus Episode: Casady's at the Calif. Climate Summit The Common Good Podcast...
Nice reminder of important information.
Rita Jean
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8/16/18 Nudge
We may need to be better organized and to make better use of our time to benefit others and ourselves. But why? If it's to acquire and consume more things, it's bound to be disappointing. Meaning comes from relationships with God, the Earth and other people, not from stuff.
Very true!
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--10/10/18
Vegetarians come in several flavors: those who eat no red meat; those who eat no meat; and Vegans, who eat no animal products (no milk, no eggs). Contact The Vegetarian Resource Group: Vegetarian Journal at, or Personal Food Choices: Global Results.
There are also pescatarians who only eat fish...
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10/13/18 Nudge
Research indicates that a typical in-home American father has only three minutes a day of direct conversation with his child. Also, an American couple that is still married only have five minutes a day of meaningful verbal exchange.
Good grief... how can that be? Meaningful exchange is so important.
Warren Alderson
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11/9/18 Nudge
For our widowed fathers who live far away we produce a simple video Christmas card. While our children are home for Thanksgiving, we take an hour and put together a 20 minute greeting on tape. We use parts of Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? We sing some carols, including Carols with Justice. We avoid anything showy. (Continued tomorrow)
Great idea. Wish we could of done that for Howard and Ray.
Rita Jean
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11/11/18 Nudge
Veterans' Day--Classic SLW! blog: Non-Conform Freely Veterans' Day
Guest blog: Eco-Justice--Hope in a Lost Election
Very thought provoking. Thank you.
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11/13/18 Nudge
'We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish... all ate and were filled.' -from Matthew 14:13-21. Do I miss the chance to do what I can because I can't do it all? (from Trek)
Interesting question. The answer is ''sometimes I do.''
Rita Jean
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11/18/18 Nudge
Make a Plan. Set small and specific goals. Want to minimize Christmas preparations? To feel more relaxed this holiday season? To spend more relaxed time with the children this Christmas? Want to give less commercial gifts? (Continued)
It is lovely to buy one present of $20 and be done with Christmas shopping. I am able to enjoy the lights, the music, and just window shop and look at Christmas decor. It makes the season almost stress free.
Rita Jean
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11/17/18 Nudge
The Christmas Pledge
Believing in the true spirit of Christmas, I commit myself to:
Remember those people who truly need my gifts
Express my love in more direct ways than gifts
Examine my holiday activities in the light of my deepest values
Be a peacemaker within my circle of family and friends
Rededicate myself to my spiritual growth
Ty Krauss
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St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6
Barb Chapman: Growing up in a Dutch household, I came to love this day, a day for delight apart from the hurry of Christmas. When we had kids in the parsonage, it was a great way to have a little time of celebration with them that wasn't impacted by all the busyness of the Christmas rush. If you have children and feel they might get shortchanged at Christmas, this is a great way to adopt a little more grace-filled time with them during the Christmas season. (We also took Epiphany very seriously.)
FB: ELCA Clergy
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11/24/18 Nudge
A Birthday Gift for Jesus - When we celebrate a birthday, we are careful to give what the person really wants or needs. Is there any doubt what Jesus wants from us? He insists that in order to give to him, we must find him in the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned. By helping to provide a goat for a farmer in Honduras, a decent home for a family in rural Mississippi, or food for those who are victims of war, we can give Jesus a birthday gift he really wants.
Contact organizations listed in 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' for more information on how to give money, time and skills to those in need.
Excellent point!
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11/26/18 Nudge
Now we may feel we have just as many things to buy and people to buy for, but with less money. We have several options. We can drop some folks or activities from the list. We can buy less expensive items. We can draw names instead of everyone giving something to everyone else. Or we can practice Alternative Giving. That's done in various ways. The first is deciding how much of last year's budget to give away and to whom.
Cyber Monday: Another marketing ploy to tempt us to focus on wants and desires instead of needs--ours and others'.
Great ideas and reminders.
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11/29/18 Nudge
Surprise is a key element of gift giving. To avoid bad surprises, do not rely on mind reading. Instead, help your family members and friends select appropriate gifts - and also reveal some fascinating personal preferences. Ask each person in your gift exchange circle to fill out the questionnaire. (Continued)
Gerald, we have been selecting names in our family for years. That kept gift buying to a single gift wrapped in the newspaper comics. But 3 years ago we started making a donation in their name instead of buying a gift. Now we excitedly open an envelope to see the charity selected instead of a gift. We do the name exchange on Thanksgiving and a significant number of charities benefit.
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--10/14/18
We can learn more about community by doing meal preparation and clean-up together. Vow to eat at least one meal a day together. Often we allow the school, the community, the TV, even the church to take away our common meal.
This Month: Sustenance
This Week: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation
Sun, Oct 14, 2018
Very good points. We will !! Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--10/15/18
We Americans now eat a great deal of expensive convenience food - at home or in restaurants. Many of its nutrients are processed out. We work more hours so we can afford more expensive food that's fast so that we can work more to buy more expensive, hollow, highly processed food. Can we find ways to stop the cycle?
This Month’s Theme: Sustenance
This Week: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation
Mon, Oct 15, 2018
Sure. Want me to name some? Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--10/19/18
Top 10 reasons to buy organic: 1. Protect future generations, 2. Prevent soil erosion, 3. Protect water quality, 4. Save energy, 5. Keep chemicals off your plate, 6. Protect farm worker health, 7. Help small farmers, 8. Support a true economy, 9. Promote biodiversity, 10. Taste better flavor.
This Month’s Theme: Sustenance
This Week: Recipes (from Developing Countries) & Food Preparation
Fri, Oct 19, 2018
Great summary !
Rita Jean
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Today’s Simpler Living Nudge--10/25/18
Worth Reading: To Till It and Keep It: New Models for Congregational Involvement with the Land (715/294-2831). Or other resources from
Agraria Folks--
Jerry Iversen is a LONG time leader in the world of simple and simpler living.
Perhaps his site and this cite he presents will be helpful.
Perhaps too a linkage of mutual benefit, and for the Earth?
R. S. Webster, Ph.D.
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/14/18
Baking, sewing, woodworking, composing poetry or playing music. The point is not just to find a substitute for a thing-gift at Christmas but to build and strengthen a relationship that will nurture and be nurtured all year long. (continued tomorrow)
Fri, Dec 14, 2018 Good point but not possible for you to give to Jasmine this year, I guess. Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/15/18
Hand-made coupon books for promises of time or services at the convenience of the receiver, not the giver, are both generous and well received. Coupons for child care, for a special meal, for lawn mowing... you name it.
Sun, Dec 16, 2018
Great idea. I did this with Laura and Ashley for babysitting. They did use it.
Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/17/18
Tip #9. Take turns opening the gifts around the tree, so that each gift can be admired and each giver thanked. To avoid the emphasis on gifts, don't put them under the tree until after attending worship service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
Mon, Dec 17, 2018
That worked for us, but Elysha wants the gifts to come early to decorate under her tree for Christmas Eve.
Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/19/18
One year I asked my dad if we could go to church on Christmas Eve. He agreed. But I didn't ask until Christmas Eve. When we got back, the others were pretty unhappy. We had changed the plan. We hadn't considered the group. Now, after we all go to church, we gather for some favorite foods. We take turns opening our gifts with considerable fanfare for each one. Though we are only four, it is more meaningful than when there were a dozen!
Wed, Dec 19, 2018
And this year we'll be 5 and it will be fun!
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/23/18
One Christmas my mother bought a new plastic Santa to put on the top of the tree. I didn't think much of it. When my Dad saw it, he quietly insisted that it come down. After all, he was Sunday School Superintendent. Mother replaced Santa with a Christmas star. That incident had a profound effect on me. As greedy as I was as a youngster, I got the point that we celebrate Jesus' birth, not the coming of Santa Claus.
Mon, Dec 24, 201
That's very amazing. We have been married almost 49 years and I never heard you tell me that incident !!
Rita Jean
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12/22/18--Today's Simpler Living Nudge
We have much better symbols of Christmas and giving than Santa, who has been completely taken over by commercial interests to sell us more stuff. We have Jesus giving himself to us and the Three Wise Ones giving gifts to Jesus. We have St. Nicholas, who gave gifts to the needy. Let's not confuse our children with stories about Santa. Let's tell the real stories of our faith.
Mon, Dec 24, 2018
Amen and again I say AMEN !!
Rita Jean
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SLW! Weekly Nudge (Monthly eNews #87)--12/16/18
Tip #8. Give children ONE thing they really want, rather than so many gifts. If need be, pool funds.
Mon, Dec 24, 2018
Good idea. We did that with Eliana and Evan last year for Christmas. I do think it is important that the kids have input about what they want. That is especially true when more money is being spent.
Rita Jean
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/28/18
Holy Innocents
The Holy Family escaped the slaughter by their Flight into Egypt, a good time for us to think and talk about immigrants and welcoming the stranger.
Fri, Dec 28, 2018
Yes, as Congressman Luis Gutierrez told the Homeland Security Secretary--I'm sure glad there wasn't a wall at the Egyptian border when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt for refuge.
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge--12/29/18
There are three levels of working toward justice.
1) Symbolic acts, like giving up a meal, help change us though they do not alleviate another's hunger. Education and worship are largely symbolic acts. Though they don't make any thing, they feed our spirits and minds. Symbols are powerful!
Mon, Dec 31, 2018
You could make a week long series of 'ways to do justice in your meals' !!
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We have much better symbols of Christmas and giving than Santa, who has been completely taken over by commercial interests to sell us more stuff. We have Jesus giving himself to us and the Three Wise Ones giving gifts to Jesus. We have St. Nicholas, who gave gifts to the needy. Let's not confuse our children with stories about Santa. Let's tell the real stories of faith.
Sun, 12/22/18
Good idea. I was so disillusioned when Santa went away but then he sorta came back. Oh well?
Warren Alderson
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Today's Simpler Living Nudge
Holy Innocents. Read, share, use 'Remembering the Holy Innocents: A Service for December 28th.' And A Poem for Holy Innocents Day, Dec. 28
The Holy Family escaped the slaughter by their Flight into Egypt, a good time for us to think and talk about immigrants and welcoming the stranger.
Good idea for G-d loved the world; not just our nation. Amen.
Warren Alderson
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This page last updated 12/3/18
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.