Reader responses appear in bold. The most current comments tend toward the bottom of the page.
Recent Reader Comment
I loved the earlier focus of Simple Living and am dissapointed in the blatant politization of this material. I have stepped away from the site for awhile and hardly recognize it as the same publication. I do not support or endorse your views. Please remove me from your distribution list.
My Reply
This reader may have confused Voluntary Simplicity with '10 Tips to Unclutter Your Closet.' SLW! has for over 20 years been guided by the Five Life Standards of Living More with Less, the classic by Mennonite Doris Janssen Longacre. 'Do Justice; Learn from the World Community; Cherish Natural Order; Nourish People (not Stuff); and Non-Conform Freely' are highly political! If you are put off by one of our blogs or podcasts, please review these Standards. We have expounded on them in text and audio at page last updated 10/8/21
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.