30 Years of Alternatives

Year-Round Releases

Over 30 Years on One CD!

Alternatives has promoted social justice for 40 years. Now the bulk of its educational work is being made available on one CD-ROM.

The collection "Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives" shares the joy of simpler living, the urgency and practicality of sustainability, and the need for social justice.

This collection encourages and equips individuals to live more simply for their own happiness and for the health of Earth and all its creatures.

The CD-ROM allows editors of paper-based and electronic publications to "cut and paste" images and quotations electronically.

This resource has been developed specifically to expand personal inspiration, interpersonal influence and public advocacy. Anyone who is curious or committed to simpler living, sustainability or social justice can use this resource. It offers motivation and hope.

These materials are designed for excerpting in publications (paper and electronic), such as newsletters, church bulletins and web sites. Also, they are suitable for personal inspiration, for sharing with friends and for spreading the word about simpler living... anywhere and everywhere!

"30 Years of Alternatives" includes...

Most of these resources are no longer available in print. Copies of most of these resources -- including the CD-ROM -- are available at nominal cost from the ELCA Archives Office, January 1, 2014.

The collection includes ART done by Alternatives staff or commissioned from others. It does not include art from others' publications or clip art.

It includes resources produced by Alternatives in SPANISH:

It does NOT include resources drawn from others' writings or whose rights are owned by others, such as Alternatives Journal, Stories and Songs of Simple Living, Living More with Less Study-Action Guide, Shalom Connections, Leader's Guide to The Unplug the Christmas Machine Workshop, Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art and Sing Justice! Do Justice!

Most of the items in the collection are available free of charge at SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives.

On the CD-ROM, resolution is 300 dpi, accommodating both Mac & PC formats.

Any of the quotations and images in this collection may be published on paper or electronically (including web sites) on a nonprofit basis to promote voluntary simplicity and social justice.

Alternatives is a nonprofit organization that "equips people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly, and celebrate responsibly." Alternatives serves everyone. Simple Living Works! sells nothing, and solicits and accepts no donations.

Contact Simple Living Works! - successor to Alternatives - at SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com. Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org.

Editors: For more information, contact Gerald Iversen.
If you would like to REPRINT any of Alternatives' resources, including the popular Advent-Christmas annual "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" do so under the Creative Commons attribution, non-commercial, share-and-share-alike license.
NOTE: Media releases and hundreds of inspiring articles are available on our web site for easy downloading! Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org. Click on About Us >> News, or Archives >> Articles.

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This page last updated 3 October 2013 (originally 27 February 2003)

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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.