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Alternative Audio Series
Expands to Meet Needs

The award winning video "Break Forth into Joy!: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle" and  the workshop "Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go: Celebrating an Alternate Christmas" are now available on audio CD and free of charge at SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives >> Audio, according to Gerald Iversen of Simple Livign Works! successor to Alternatives. "Now folks interested in simplifying their lives can listen to and discuss these powerful message in places that may not be appropriate for video, such as cars," Iversen said. "This makes a wonderful gift, or something to share with friends who are still stressed out and in debt."

For more information, contact SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com. Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives >> Audio.

Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go

Index & Audio

The three hour, six session workshop-on-CD "Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go: Celebrating an Alternate Christmas" was recorded by former Alternatives' staff members Milo Thornberry and Harriette Grissom.

The six sessions are: Introduction & Guidelines for Gift-Giving; Santa and Saint Nicholas; What You Can Do in Your Parish; Let Advent Be Advent; What Else You Can Do in Your Family; and Alternate Christmas Activities for the Wider Community.

All the following are available as Podcasts.

Break Forth into Joy

"Break Forth into Joy!: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle" won the Gold Medal at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival (religion and ethics category).

The program is 66 minutes. Both the audio and video versions include a study guide.

The CD also contains an audio study guide. After the main 15 minute segment, the three ten-minute additional topics are freedom and possessions, family and children, and taking action, followed by the study guide.

Either version is ideal for adults or senior high youth in church school classes, workshops, other gatherings, or at home. Every library in every church,  and every church related high school, college and seminary should have a copy.

Alternatives' Audio Series

Other audio releases include "What Does JESUS Want for Christmas?" "Christmas Trilogy," "Carols with Justice," "Living Simply and Loving It!" "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" "'UNPLUG the Christmas Machine' Workshop-on-a-CD" "Stories and Songs of Simpler Living," and "Sing Justice! Do Justice!"

"What Does JESUS Want for Christmas?" is a nontraditional pageant based on the collection of "Carols with Justice." The 55 minute CD includes the 15 carols from the collection and the scenes from the pageant blended into an inspiring program. The CD comes with the carols booklet and the pageant script.

The scenes are: "What Does Jesus Really Want for His Birthday?" "Thoughts While Not Listening to the Christmas Story," "The Story of Jason: Whose Birthday Is it, Anyway?" and "Ten Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas."

"Christmas Trilogy" - three short audio programs about simplifying Christmas - brings together classic and new plays.

"The Celebration Revolution of Alexander Scrooge" is a modern "Christmas Carol" (with apologies to Charles Dickens).

"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" gives both inspiration for simplifying and practical ways to do it.

"Let's Get Off the Christmas Roller Coaster" is a new play inspired by the classic book "Unplug the Christmas Machine."

On the 65 minute CD, the first two programs are wonderful, vintage recordings whose message is as relevant as ever. Discussion questions follow each presentation on the CD.

"All these are an inspiring way to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and the benefits of simpler living year-round. Listen by yourself or with a group or in your car," Iversen said. "Or send a gentle message by sharing the CD with friends and relatives."

For some 25 years, the annual Advent-Christmas family magazine "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" has provided people with ideas to celebrate responsibly. It is a widely read resource. Millions of copies have been distributed. It is also available in audio and on CD-ROM.

To read all editions of "Whose Birthday?" visit

SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives >> Whose Birthday

The popular "Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas" is available on-line at

SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Archives >> 10 Tips #####

Editors: For more information, contact Gerald Iversen.
Alternatives' current media releases and many feature articles are available on our web site for easy downloading! Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org. Click on About Us >> News, and Archives >> Articles.

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This page last updated 3 October 2013 (originally 23 March 2005)

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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.