Current Media Releases

Spring, 2012

Simple Living Works! Formed,
Collaborates with Jubilee Economics

Simple Living Works! has been formed to extend the spirit of faith-based voluntary simple living after the shuttering of Alternatives for Simple Living in early 2011.

Simple Living Works! [SLW!] promotes the same mission as Alternatives, Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly. SLW! serves everyone.

SLW! is an all-volunteer educational organization directed by Gerald Iversen, the National Coordinator of Alternatives, 1995-2007. SLW! sells nothing and solicits and accepts no cash donations.

SLW! maintains Alternatives' Archives of hundreds of free resources -- text, audio and video -- for children and adults, for seasonal and year-round use.

SLW! collaborates with Jubilee Economics Ministries (JEM) - Jublee-Economics.org - to produce a weekly blog and a monthly podcast, TheCommonGoodPodcast.com.

"SLW! and JEM have worked together in the past. Their missions are complementary. " said Lee Van Ham, Director of JEM.

SLW! also produces a free monthly eNewsletter. And Alternatives' numerous videos have been up-dated and uploaded to YouTube.com/JubEcoMinSimple.

SLW! asks its supporters to support JEM financially by becoming a partner.

Contact SLW! at SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com. Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org


Editors: For more information, contact Gerald Iversen at SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com.

You may REPRINT excerpts without further permission. You may REPRINT complete resources or articles on a not-for-profit basis under the Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-and-share-alike license. NOTE: All Alternatives' current media releases are available for easy downloading at SimpleLivingWorks.org. Click on ABOUT US >> NEWS.

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This page last updated 5 October 2012

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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.