
To receive our current monthly email newsletter called 'Simple Living Works!' send us your email address. (It is simple to unsubscribe if you change your mind. Reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject box.)

The following historical documents have been edited to remove some redundancy. They give a feeling for the issues important in their time.

NOTE: Most of the internal links, especially 1999-2004, do not function properly. To return to this index page, click your browser's Return arrow.

Table of Contents

Simply 60 Seconds

The weekly e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr.

2006 & 2007
Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec.

May 3 | April 26 | April 19 | April 12 | April 5 | March 29 | March 22 | March 15 | March 8 | March 1 | Feb. 22 | Feb. 15 |

  • 2004






    February 15, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: NEW Simply :60

    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.


    * * *


    * * *


    A Spiritual Activist's Handbook
    Written by Brooke Shelby Biggs; Conceived by Anita Roddick

    Dozens of spiritual activists in this book are the heirs to that great tradition of faith-based activism. The spiritual activists in this book are environmentalists, peace workers, land reformers, child advocates. The stories of these modern-day prophets of positive change will inspire you, and the resources provided in each chapter will help you put your own beliefs to work in the world.
    250 pp. $19.

    * * *


    Visit www.BuildaVillage.org -- a place for learning, growing, and giving

    A new, animated, on-line resource from Church World Service called Build a Village. Interactive, playful, and informative, Build a Village is a gateway for the whole family to learn more about the world, the work of Church World Service, and ways they can help.

    Imani, the giraffe, serves as narrator and guide. The site contains facts, games, stories, and a catalogue of gifts that make a difference.

    We would very much appreciate your help in spreading the word about Build a Village. Meet Imani, explore his village, and tell us what you think at www.buildavillage.org

    * * *


    Election of At-Large Board Members

    Members, please return the ballot in the Winter Update newsletter. Vote for two candidates for three year terms as At-large Members of the Alternatives' Board of Directors by March 1, 2005.


    The annual face-to-face board of directors meeting is April 11-13. If you have any business that should come before the board, please contact Alternatives now.


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    February 22, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    * * *

    Before Looking at Ours.
    For children or intergenerational gatherings
    " THE GOOD LIFE: 5 Lessons to Nurture Simplicity Within Christian Communities"
    For Vacation Bible School, camps, midweek school, confirmation supplement...

    * * *

    Read your MARCH Daily CALENDAR: Global Justice, at

    * * *

    YOUR OPINION MATTERS to Alternatives!

    Answer a few questions. Get a $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE.
    March 1st deadline.
    Take Alternatives' current STAKEHOLDER SURVEY
    BELOW or at


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973
    109 Gaul Dr. * P.O. Box 340 * Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054
    712/943-6153 or 800/821-6153 * Fax: 712/943-1402
    Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org


    To show our appreciation, we will send responders a $5 gift certificate. One response per person please.

    Please respond by March 1st at <Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org> or <afsl1@longlines.com>
    Sorry, for technical reasons this newsletter's "from" address does not work for replies.

    Thanks to all who have already responded.


    Dear Friend of Alternatives,

    Thank you for sharing our dream of helping people live justly and celebrate responsibly. We need your opinions and comments, as we seek to continue providing quality resources and services.

    Answer as much of this questionnaire as you choose. Including your name is optional. If your household has more than one person interested in Alternatives (a stakeholder), please copy the survey and respond separately.

    NOTE: Some of these questions invite MULTIPLE RESPONSES. Mark as many options as you choose.

    1. We plan to issue some of the following sayings in five formats (flyer, bumper sticker, bulletin insert, stuffer and label) on ready-to-copy paper masters and on our web site so that you can easily spread the word about issues that concern you.
    If some look familiar, they are part of our new "Simple Living Labels" series.

    The slogans I have marked "Y" (for "yes") are worth using.
    Those marked "N" (for "no"), definitely not.

    __ Our time should be used loving people and using stuff -- not the other way around.

    __ Let's love people and use stuff -- not the other way around.

    __ Simpler, Smaller, Slower and Saner

    __ I dream of giving birth to a child who would ask, "Mother, what was war?"

    __ The price of what we buy is much less important than its cost to the Earth.

    __ Let's Have a More-with-Less Christmas!

    __ Buy Me NothingŠ I'll Still Love You.

    __ We wish you a joy-filled, simple Christmas.

    __ We wish you a low stress, no-debt Christmas!

    __ Yes! to Jesus & Joy
    No! to Stress & Stuff

    __ What Does JESUS Want for Christmas? Tend the Sick, Visit Prisoners, Help Widows and Orphans, Feed the Hungry, Clothe the Naked, Preach Good News to the Poor (here and abroad).

    __ This Christmas Let's Share Our Abundance, Not Just Our Excess.

    __ Bearing Gifts Does Not Make Us Wise.

    __ Live Simply. You'll Love It!

    __ Blessed Are Those Who Work for Peace & Justice Without Violence.

    __ Let's Love God's Earth!
    Start by reusing this envelop.

    __ Close the Loop! Use recycled products.

    __ Save Our Precious Resources. Conserve Water, Soil & Air! Don't Pollute!

    __ Give Drink to the Thirsty...
    Safeguard Water Worldwide.

    __ Prevent Water Wars. Conserve Water!

    __ Beware of advertising that sells "wants" as "needs."

    __ Media Alert! Commercial media exist to sell STUFF.

    __ Obesity Alert! Drink real fruit juice, not soda.

    __ Obesity Alert! Play outside - biking, hiking, jumping rope - not video games.

    __ Game Boy or Strong Boy?
    Have fun outside, not at the mall.

    __ Genetically Modified FOODS need LABELS!

    __ Tell the Government. Genetically Modified FOODS need LABELS!

    __ Reconnect with the Land. Pull your own weeds. No garden chemicals.

    __ Avoid debt at all costs.

    __ Overconsumption is not our Fair Share.

    __ Health Alert! Idolizing thin is dangerous.

    __ You can't fool me. I use alternative media.

    __ I use independent - not corporate - media.

    __ I'm OK. I don't need to wear commercial logos.

    __ We only consider offers & requests received on recycled paper.

    __ Simple Living is for Lovers...
    People Lovers & Earth Lovers

    __ Simple Living - the Jesus Style - Is Not Simple.

    __ Simple Living... What Christianity Really Looks Like

    __ Simple Living... What Integrity Looks Like

    __ Simple Living... What Balance Looks Like

    __ Simple Living... Let's Walk God's Talk

    __ Let's Be SMART Capitalists.
    Reject Cannibalism of the Earth.

    __ At Christmas do we follow faith or culture? Let's help the needy, not over-consume. Alternatives for Simple Living (800)821-6153 * SimpleLiving.org

    __ At Christmas do we follow faith or culture? Let's help the needy, not over-consume.

    __ I prefer labels WITH Alternatives' name, 800# & web site included.

    __ I prefer labels WITHOUT Alternatives name, 800# & web site included.

    __ I prefer some of each.

    __ I prefer both.

    Win a $50 Alternatives' gift certificate if your new slogan is selected! Here are my original ideas/slogans:

    3. COMMENTS on Alternatives resources (quality, price, presentation), service, etc.

    4. HELP US NAME OUR NEW MASCOT for The Earth Dome.We're looking for a name that's usually neither male nor female.
    __ Domey (too much like Dumby or Homey?)
    __ Bucky (after Buckminster Fuller, inventor of the geodesic dome. Too much like buckteeth or Bucky the Beaver?)
    __ Happy
    __ Sunny (solar panels)
    __ The Happy Dome
    __ Your suggestions:

    5a. __ I think the "happy dome" is a strong, positive symbol. Use in other ways, such as
    __ on canvas shopping bags
    __ on greeting and post cards
    __ my idea:
    (We do not plan to issue shirts. They require too many sizes!)

    5b. __ I don't think the "happy dome" is strong enough for further development. Keep looking. I'd suggest the symbol ____________.

    6a. __ Yes, reignite the "Consumo" campaign.
    __ Use version A (handsome, the one we've been using).
    __ Use version B (haggard).
    __ The happy dome mascot might become the archrival of Consumo.

    6b. __ No, "Consumo" is a "has been." I'd suggest the symbol __________.

    7. I'm in my: __ teens, __20's, __30's, __ 40's, __50's, __60's, __70's, __80's, __90's

    8. I'm including my name. Send me information about...
    __ remembering Alternatives in my will.
    __ gifting Alternatives appreciated securities.

    9. __ I'm willing to serve in a focus group by phone.

    10. __ Yes, send the $5 gift certificate. (Include name.)
    __ No thanks.

    Mailing Address:

    Daytime Phone:
    Email Address:

    Thanks again! recycled paper

    [END of survey]

    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    March 1, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    " WHOSE BIRTHDAY Is It, Anyway?" for Advent and Christmas 2005 - its 18th year - has a NEW CONCEPT! Instead of one writer for the seven Biblical reflections, we feature seven experienced, dedicated writers, each offering one reflection. (See the names below.)


    We're very pleased to offer your constituents a resource that is so well received, contains so much valuable material and yet costs so little. Over two-and-a-half million copies have now been distributed.

    "Whose Birthday?" is designed for families and small groups. The booklet can be used in many settings - home, school, church. The content is new each year but the mission is the same - to equip people of faith to resist the pressures of a commercialized Christmas and to help them celebrate this season with greater integrity. As in the past, it contains Biblical reflections, activities, an Advent calendar and ideas for alternative giving.

    Please seriously consider participating in this effort. "Whose Birthday?" represents the core of our mission for 30 years. We strive to make people aware of overconsumption and to offer faithful, just alternatives.

    We produce customized versions of "Whose Birthday?" for numerous dioceses, denominations and congregations. We can produce one for you too! THE MINIMUM ORDER IS ONLY 1000 COPIES.

    YOUR LOGO AND NAME APPEAR ON THE FRONT COVER and your name and address on the back cover. This year we've again reserved THREE PAGES INSIDE FOR YOU - one for a letter to your constituents and two pages to list organizations of your choice for alternative giving. We'll fill with appropriate material any space you do not use. We offer color on your pages and mail expediting.

    We provide free support materials to help you interest others in your edition - copies of past editions, flyers, media release and a parish promotion kit.

    THE COST IS ONLY 75¢ PER BOOKLET, plus actual shipping charges and a $25 art charge. Please let us know whether or not you are interested in participating this year by MARCH 10th. Feel free to contact us anytime for any reason.

    We look forward to you joining our Christmas campaign for 2005. If this request should go to someone else, please forward it and notify us so we can contact them directly.

    Even if you don't need a customized version, now's a good time to begin "talking up" "Whose Birthday?" It will be available in JUNE for summer conferences and events.



    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973
    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    P.S. If you would like a free copy of last year's edition, please contact me. To read past editions of "Whose Birthday?" and hundreds of other helpful articles, visit http://www.simpleliving.org/archives/XB/XBindex.php

    WRITERS for "Whose Birthday?" 2005:
    Katerina Whitley, author of "Walking the Way of Sorrows," "Seeing for Ourselves" and "Speaking for Ourselves"
    Susan Vogt, author of "Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference," and editor of "Just Family Nights"
    Susan Briehl, associate with the Valparaiso Project on the Education and Formation of People in Faith
    Art Simon, founder and president emeritus of Bread for the World, and author of "How Much Is Enough?"
    William Sloane Coffin, author of "Credo" and peace activist
    Betsy Taylor, founder and president of Center for a New American Dream, and author of "What Kids Really Want That Money Can't Buy"
    Daniel Berrigan, author of "Testimony: The Word Made Flesh" and peace activist

    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    March 8, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org
    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Spring Membership Appeal


    ** If life is threatened by environmental degradation
    ** If Social Security benefits are threatened
    ** If ....

    You'll be 'way ahead of the curve by adopting and supporting voluntary simplicity NOW!


    Please support Alternatives' work... educating North Americans to the joy of simple living, to its benefits for one's own sake and for the sake of poor people around the world.

    Memberships begin at only $25.

    MEMBERSHIP LEVELS AND BENEFITS are listed inside the back cover of each Resource Guide and at

    ** Select your level of tax deductible giving. Send a check.
    ** Or call us toll-free and make your pledge with your credit card.
    ** Choose your Thank You gifts. Select one of the following resources for each $100 you give. List them or tell us your choice(s) when you call.

    ** "Living More with Less Study/Action Guide"
    ** Earth Dome Tote Bag
    ** "Spirit of Simplicity Guided Journal" & greeting cards
    ** Audio CD (see page 26 in spring Resource Guide)
    ** "Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art" CD-ROM
    ** "Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives" CD-ROM

    Comments, ideas and questions are most welcome!


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973
    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054



    We are a mission driven, not profit driven, organization, but we must make enough to pay our modest bills.

    Here's what we're doing and how you can help.

    1. Our three full time staff members will work four days a week for seven months of the year and receive a 20% reduction in salary during those months.

    2. Appeals will sent by email and mailed in the Resource Guide (catalog), rather than separately.

    3. We are implementing 25 other ideas. We are determined that these cost-saving measures will not interfere with customer service.

    Please give generously and share our service with your friends and relatives.

    Thanks again.

    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents


    March 15, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.



    Celebrate with Us!

    32% off Alternatives' Resources
    10% off ALL other titles -- including New Titles and Specials!

    Yes, Alternatives is 32 years old this year, the last ten years in Iowa.
    You're welcome to stop by The Earth Dome.

    In the spirit of celebrating, we offer a 32% discount on all resources that we produce (those whose item codes end with "-A" for Alternatives). And a 10% discount on all other titles, even specials and new titles.

    Please order before June 15th, 2005. Memberships, magazine subscriptions, shipping and quantity pricing are excluded from discounts.

    * * *

    Earth Day on Palm Sunday, March 20th?
    The founder says so. Visit

    * * *

    Watch for the new TV series ETHICAL Marketplace, airing on PBS stations beginning March 15th. First show is "REDEFINING SUCCESS". Check website for other topics -- www.ethicalmarketplace.com
    Hazel Henderson, The Simplicity Forum

    * * *


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    March 22, 2005 -- Holy Week

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.


    * * *


    Tanya L.K.Denckla

    765 varieties of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and nuts. Formulas and techniques that control 201 pests and diseases organically.
    500 pp. $23.

    * * *



    The new Online Communities Directory website is now open to the public!

    The Directory is a free searchable database of intentional communities. You can browse through our alphabetical community list or search for communities based on location, keyword, and various aspects of community living that are important to community seekers.

    * * *


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    March 29, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.


    " THE GOOD LIFE" New Curriculum under $25!
    " 5 Lessons to Nurture Simplicity Within Christian Communities"

    Inexpensive! $23.80 complete (with Spring Sale discount)
    Interactive! For children or intergenerational gatherings
    Flexible! For Vacation Bible School, camps, midweek school, confirmation supplement...


    1. Curriculum on paper and/or CD-ROM -- 58 pages!
    2. Music CD -- 27 songs!
    3. Music Leader's Accompaniment Edition
    4. Participant's Music Edition

    * * *

    Read your APRIL Daily CALENDAR:
    Voluntary Simplicity Life Principle #5: Cherish the Natural Order
    Chemicals & Waste

    * * *

    Please support Alternatives' work... educating North Americans to the joy of simple living, to its benefits for one's own sake and for the sake of people around the world.

    Memberships begin at only $25.

    MEMBERSHIP LEVELS AND BENEFITS are listed inside the back cover of each Resource Guide and at


    P.S. If you have any problems with our web site or email please call or email us. Some spammers are using our address to send out their own messages. Our messages are safe. We never send attachments with our "Simply 60 Seconds" e-newsletter. Some phoney attachments may contain viruses. So, don't open an attachment purported to be from us unless you are expecting it.

    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    April 5, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.


    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    CLASSIC VIDEOS now on DVD with BONUS Features
    " Affluenza" & "Escape from Affluenza"!
    Same price for VHS or DVD -- $30 each, both for $55.

    * * *


    How to Create the World We Want to Live In -- Stories, Ideas and Inspiration for Change
    Sheila Ellison, ed.

    Poignant personal essays from more than 150 women in this visionary book invite women to take on today's ideas -- from the personal to the political -- and asks that we all rise to the occasion to create a world of grace and humanity. 270 pp. $15.

    * * *

    CALL FOR SERMONS on Justice & Simple Living
    " Simple Living: What Christianity Looks Like"
    " Simple Living and Justice: The Way of Jesus"
    Alternatives plans to publish some 20 sermons in "Worship Alternatives" Vol. 2, in 2006.
    Don't let this chance pass to share a sermon you have (or someone else has) already written or one that you desperately want to write expressing the strong need for justice and how to accomplish that with the joy of simple living.
    We offer rewards. Submissions are due May 1, 2005. Call for guidelines or visit

    * * *


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    April 12, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org

    Magnets and Clings -- Purple, 8" x 4"

    Car Magnet attaches to metal
    Window Cling attaches to and peals off inside of glass, for cars, homes, etc.

    * Magnet (globe) $5. WPM
    * Magnet (cross) $5. CPM
    * Cling (globe) $4. WPC
    * Cling (cross) $4. CPC
    Call for quantity pricing.

    * * *

    CALL FOR SERMONS on "Justice & Simple Living" for "Worship Alternatives." Rewards. Due May 1, 2005. Visit

    * * *

    NEW TITLES at a discount!
    For a listing of the current "bundle" from ALTERNATIVES' RESOURCE CLUB, visit

    * * *

    "THE GOOD LIFE" New Curriculum under $25!
    For Vacation Bible School, camps, midweek school, confirmation supplement...
    For children or intergenerational gatherings
    " 5 Lessons to Nurture Simplicity Within Christian Communities"


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    April 19, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address
    Please share this e-newsletter with friends

    Happy Earth Day from The Earth Dome, Friday!

    * * *

    NEW TITLE of the WEEK

    12th Edition of the Classic
    The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Technology and Sustainable Living
    John Schaeffer, Real Goods

    This bible of independent living and renewable energy has been in print and regularly updated since 1982. Lively, up-to-date articles on all aspects of appropriate technology, written by experts with decades of personal experience, and a knack for sharing. For layperson or professional, novice or longtime aficionado. Latest and newest products. All the information you need to make sustainable living a reality. 600 pp. $35

    * * *

    "I ordered 50 copies of 'The Good Life' curriculum kid's music to use beyond Vacation Bible School. Its 27 songs are the best selections I've ever seen!" - Rev. Phil Hoy, Evansville, IN; Indiana state representative

    "THE GOOD LIFE" New Curriculum under $25!
    For Vacation Bible School, camps, midweek school, confirmation supplement...
    For children or intergenerational gatherings
    " 5 Lessons to Nurture Simplicity Within Christian Communities"

    Music CD now at quantity pricing. A great take-home item!
    1, $10 each; 2-9, $6 each; 10-49, $5 each; 50+, $4 each. VBSMusicCDonly-A

    * * *

    "Simply :60" is bulk mail, not spam. We only send it to our customers and others who have requested it.

    IF YOU PREFER NOT TO GET OUR E-NEWS EACH WEEK, you have the option of receiving one brief issue a month. (We try to send the most important news of the month in that issue.)

    We do not have an automated "unsubscribe" system. We deal with each request personally, just as we do with each order.

    So, if you want to change your subscription to "Simply :60," tell us. Please do not complain to your internet service. That just makes them nervous.


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    April 26, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    " There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less." - G.K. Chesterton

    Read your MAY Daily CALENDAR:
    Voluntary Simplicity Life Principle #5: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restore, Respond

    * * *

    NEW TITLE of the WEEK

    Renewing the Quest for the Good Life
    John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist
    foreword by Bill McKibben
    A Mother Earth News Book for Wiser Living

    Blending inspiration with practical how-to's, Rural Renaissance captures the American dream of country living for contemporary times. Journey with the authors and experience their lessons, laughter and love for the land as they trade the urban concrete maze for a five-acre organic farm and bed and breakfast in southwestern Wisconsin.

    Among the many topics explored in Rural Renaissance are: *"right livelihood" and the good life *organic gardening and permaculture *renewable energy and energy conservation *wholesome organic food, safe water and natural home *simplicity, frugality and freedom *green design and recycled materials *community, friends and raising a family *independence and interdependence *wildlife conservation and land stewardship.

    An authentic tale of a couple whose pioneering spirit and connection to the land reaches out to both the local and global community to make their dream come true, Rural Renaissance will appeal to a wide range of free agents, conservation entrepreneurs and both arm-chair and real-life homesteaders, regardless of where they live. (Ancient Forest Friendly: printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper)
    283 pp. $23.

    * * *

    FINAL CALL FOR SERMONS on "Justice & Simple Living" for "Worship Alternatives." Rewards! Visit

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address
    Please share this e-newsletter with friends.


    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Sergeant Bluff, Iowa 51054

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents

    May 3, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    NEW TITLE of the WEEK

    Jessica Williams

    * A third of the world is at war
    * 30 million people in Africa are HIV positive
    * More than 150 countries use torture
    * Cars kill 2 people every minute

    In this amazing book you'll learn hard facts that will open your eyes and minds to a very different world than the one we've been sold by the media. Crucial information is often missed, glossed over or hidden by the government and the media. Every issue is simply presented with explanation and analysis backed by thorough references. 350 pp. $15

    * * *

    Event Co-sponsored by Alternatives

    To address the critical, urgent and increasingly grim environmental issues that face us, a national, three-day is conference is taking place . . . .

    WHAT: AN INTERFAITH/ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE, presented by the non-denominational, no religious agenda, Resurgence Association

    WHEN: JUNE 9-12, 2005

    WHERE: beautiful Bard College, in New York's historic Hudson Valley

    WHY: The National Council of Churches stated recently that there is a "theological and environmental crisis that has to be addressed."

    EARTH & RELIGION: Crisis, Opportunity, Convergence: Bringing Together People of Ecology and Faith.

    WHO IS SPEAKING: Mary Evelyn Tucker; David Suzuki, Sister Miriam MacGillis, Robert Thurman, Daisy Kahn; Rabbi Larry Troster; Bruce Chilton; Riane Eisler; Chief Oren Lyons; Andrew Harvey; Elizabeth Roberts; John Cronin and Satish Kumar.

    WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Everyone! particularly spiritual and faith-based, individuals and organizations, are particularly welcome -- as are educators, community and civic leaders -- but it is for anyone who has very real concerns about the environmental legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.

    MORE: Keynote talks, plenary panels, practical break-out workshops, a special evening of Indian Classical Music, Conversation Cafe, poetry and yoga.

    Or call the Resurgence Association 845-679-8761.

    * * *


    Sunday May 22nd, I'm pleased to be the guest of Peter Marty on "Grace Matters," the international radio program of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).

    For times, stations and program description, visit www.Gracematters.org. Or listen to the program on your computer via MP3, Podcast or RealPlayer Stream.


    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org

    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Return to Table of Contents


    If you prefer to read our catalog on our Website and not receive a paper copy, notify us and we will stop sending one by mail. Or receive only the Fall catalog on paper. If you're not receiving a paper copy and want to, contact us and we'll start sending it.

    Free Catalog options:

    If you prefer not to receive these occasional messages from Alternatives, just send us an e-mail message that says, "Personal e-mail only."

    Please link your Website to us. For help, contact us.

    Simply at your service, Gerald


    NOTES: If you want to print out 'Simply :60,' post it, then recycle it


    January 2, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - MLK Day Jan. 15th

    In preparation for Dr. King's Day mid-January, click here for alternatives. Also visit the SOCIAL JUSTICE section of our eStore. It includes resources for Peace & Justice, Women, Activism and Media.

    * * *


    Contribute to our most widely-read resource, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007 -- Art, Personal Experiences, Family Activities - by Jan. 15th.

    For Guidelines visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> Whose Birthday Submissions http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=activities.php#11

    * * *

    Please include Alternatives in your giving. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Become a Regular Giver with an automatic monthly or quarterly gift. Pledge a Life membership and meet your pledge over time.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described at SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships or click here.

    You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living through Alternatives' Endowment. For example, if you're at least 70-1/2, you can contribute directly from an IRA without paying taxes on the IRA. Be in touch for more information.

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * I need some powerful new hymns that focus on justice for year-round use. * I need a 40 DAY GUIDE FOR LENT. (Jan. 4th) Link: http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/Lent/LentCalIndex.php

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Reshaping Our Celebrations http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/TreasCeleb/TOCIntro.php#Introduction

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Focus Group at Calvin College * Advise from CROP (January 6th)

    Window 4 - NEW SERIES - Thought for the Day from Alternatives' Calendar: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Life Standard #1: Do Justice http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/Calendar/Calendar.php

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Featured Writer of the Month: 9 Steps to Living Sustainably. (Jan. 6th)

    Window 7 - Your Daily Guide for the Christmas season: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope (Ways to Move Systems -- like businesses and governments -- Toward Sustainability) * NEW SERIES - Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway? - Reflection/Activity Guide (Cycle C): A JOURNEY TOWARD UNDERSTANDING and VISIONS FROM THE CROSS - AN ALTERNATIVE LENT/EASTER CELEBRATION (Jan. 7th) * Four Sermon Lenten Series by John De Graaf, producer of Affluenza, Silent Killer and other videos (Jan. 7th)

    COMING SOON * Life Standard #2: Learn from the World Community (Jan. 9th) * Celebrations: Regaining Perspective (Jan. 9th) * Good Friday Vigil Against Gun Violence: Stations of the Cross (Jan. 10th) * St. Michael's Mall (January 12th) * A Confession for Holy Week (Jan. 13th) * NEW SERIES - Simple Living 101 (Jan. 13th) * Trash Walk (January 15th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visitoften? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2007 4 page color flyer * 2007 Master Resource Guide (48 page color catalog) * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies. . .

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 [ Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org ]

    January 9, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 --

    Canadian Ice Shelf [link]

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * NEED A 40 DAY GUIDE FOR LENT? * Need a beautiful full-color 2007 international wall calendar? Free with $20+ order. (Jan. 11th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Celebrations: Regaining Perspective

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Kim, Barb, Amy & Drew * St. Michael's Mall (Jan. 12th) * Trash Walk (Jan. 15th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Life Standard #2: Learn from the World Community

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Featured Writer of the Month * 9 Steps to Living Sustainably * NEW SERIES - Simple Living 101 (Jan. 13th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? * Lenten Sermon Series by John De Graaf, producer of Affluenza, Silent Killer and other videos * Good Friday Vigil Against Gun Violence: Stations of the Cross (Jan. 10th) * A Confession for Holy Week (Jan. 13th)

    Lenten article of the week * Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway? - Reflection/Activity Guides (Cycle C): A JOURNEY TOWARD UNDERSTANDING and VISIONS FROM THE CROSS - AN ALTERNATIVE LENT/EASTER CELEBRATION

    COMING SOON * Celebration as Identification: Content, Manner & Outcome (Jan. 16th) * A Meditation on Lint (Jan. 16th) * Life Standard #3: Nurture People (Jan. 16th) * Saying What Denominations Can't (Jan. 18th) * I'm concerned about global climate change. I want to share Al Gore's movie with others. (Jan. 18th) * Ten Stations of Suffering: Youth Activity (Jan. 19th) * Simple Living 101: How to Influence Others (Jan. 20th) * Ellen's Odyssey (Jan. 21st) * Journey into Darkness: Tenebrae Service (7 Last Words) (Jan. 22nd)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please include Alternatives in your giving. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Become a Regular Giver with an automatic monthly or quarterly gift. Pledge a Life membership and meet your pledge over time.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described at SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships or click here.

    You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living through Alternatives' Endowment.

    For personal service call toll free

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 10, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- The Art of Debt-Free Living

    Are you or a friend concerned with credit card bills this month? I recommend The Art of Debt-Free Living: Living Large on Less Than You Earn by Deborah Nayrocker. We don't need to go into debt to live comfortably and happily. A practical step-by-step guide for getting on the right track financially. 196 pp. $16.

    In our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click 'New Books' for details.

    * * *

    Need a REFLECTION/ACTIVITY GUIDE for Lent? We offer six 6-week courses on our new CD-ROM: WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($25). No royalty or reprint license needed.

    Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org. Click New CDs & DVDs category on the left, or type the title into the 'quick find' on the lower left. Or call or email us. We'd love to talk to you.

    Other new study options for adult forum or a small group I'd recommend for Lent that relate to food and hunger… * Silent Killer: The Unfinished Campaign Against Hunger DVD by John de Graaf (producer of 'Affluenza' video and co-author of the 'Affluenza' book) -- Click New CDs & DVDs. * Food for Life: The Spirituality and Ethics of Eating -- Click 'New Books.'

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 16, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Hear Walter Brueggemann on Consumerism

    Distinguished theologian and member of Alternative' Honorary Board of Directors, DR. WALTER BRUEGGEMANN was recently the guest on the international radio program Grace Matters. Hear his conversation with Peter Marty at GraceMatters.org, click on Listen to the Program, then January 7, 2007. Or order a CD or transcript at 1-800-NET-ELCA x 2965.

    Dr. B. was a judge for and wrote the Foreword for Alternatives' collection of new hymns 'Sing Justice! Do Justice!' now available on music CD as well as booklet. Peter Marty is contributing to 'Whose Birthday?' 2007. I had the pleasure of being his guest on May 22, 2005, which is still available at GraceMatter.org.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Need a beautiful full-color 2007 international wall calendar? Free with $20+ order. * I'm concerned about global climate change. I want to share Al Gore's movie with others. (Jan. 18th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating Celebration as Identification: Content, Manner & Outcome

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Trash Walk * Saying What Denominations Can't (Jan. 18th) * Ellen's Odyssey (Jan. 21st)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day from Alternatives' Calendar: CARING FOR ALL GOD'S CREATION THROUGH SIMPLER LIVING * Life Principle #2: Learn from the World Community * Life Principle #3: Nurture People (Jan. 17th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - SIMPLE LIVING 101 * Relationships over things * How to Influence Others (Jan. 20th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? * A Meditation on Lint * Ten Stations of Suffering: Youth Activity (Jan. 19th) * Journey into Darkness: Tenebrae Service (7 Last Words) (Jan. 22nd)

    Lenten article of the week * Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway? - Reflection/Activity Guides (Cycle C): A JOURNEY TOWARD UNDERSTANDING and VISIONS FROM THE CROSS - AN ALTERNATIVE LENT/EASTER CELEBRATION (Soup Kitchen, Environment, Homeless, Street Children, Public Policy Advocacy)

    COMING SOON * Making Choices - Simple Living (Jan. 23rd) * Dr. W., Master of IFI's (Jan. 24th) * TONY CAMPOLO and SHANE CLAIBORNE are teaming up with Alternatives to make a DVD FOR YOUNG ADULTS! (Jan. 25th) * Life Principle #4: Non-conform Freely (Jan. 25th) * Pastoral Prayer for Holy Week (Jan. 25th) * Journeying from Anguish to Joy: Youth Activity (Jan. 28th) * Ministry of Money (Jan. 27th) * Motivational Speakers: Three-Part Sermon Series Outline (Jan. 27th) * Easter Catches Me Off Guard (Jan. 31st)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Don't forget The Souper Bowl of Caring on February 4th. Visit www.souperbowl.org

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 17, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Concerned about heating bills?

    Need WORSHIP IDEAS for Lent? We offer some 25 litanies, prayers, responsive readings, dramas, sermons, etc. for the Lent and Easter seasons -- plus many more for the other seasons -- on our new CD-ROM: WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($25). No royalty or reprint license needed.

    * * *

    Don't forget The Souper Bowl of Caring on February 4th. Visit www.souperbowl.org

    * * *

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 23, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- The Souper Bowl of Caring

    See and hear SHANE CLAIBORNE talk about the new DVD that he and TONY CAMPOLO are producing with Alternatives about Christian service, especially for young adults. Shane is the author of The Irresistible Revolution and co-founder of The Simple Way community.

    Click here or visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJxwQzkQ7LA

    If you want to see and hear more of Tony and Shane, just type their names in the search at You Tube. You'll need Flash Player 9 on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it for free from the You Tube site.

    We expect to have this and more video on our site soon.

    * * *

    Don't forget The Souper Bowl of Caring on February 4th. Visit www.souperbowl.org

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * I'm concerned about global climate change. I want to share Al Gore's movie with others. * TONY CAMPOLO and SHANE CLAIBORNE are teaming up with Alternatives to make a DVD for young adults. (Jan. 25th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Making Choices - Simple Living. . . From the Beginning... '

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Ellen's Odyssey * Dr. W., Master of IFI's (January 24th) * Ministry of Money (January 27th) * Mentoring for the Third Quarter of Life (January 30th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Life Principle #3: Nurture People * Life Principle #4: Non-conform Freely (Jan. 25th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * How to Influence Others * Motivational Speakers - Worship: Three-Part Series Outline (Jan. 27th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? * Journey into Darkness: Tenebrae Service (7 Last Words) (Jan. 22nd) * Pastoral Prayer for Holy Week (Jan. 25th) * Journeying from Anguish to Joy: Youth Activity (Jan. 28th) * Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway? - Reflection/Activity Guides (Cycle C): A Journey Toward Understanding * Visions from the Cross - An Alternative Lent/Easter Celebration * A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS (Jan. 25th)

    COMING SOON * Making Choices - Simple Living: We Sell You Our Land, Love It' (Jan. 30th) * Easter Catches Me Off Guard (Jan. 31st) * I need some short dramas that focus on world hunger and give hope. (Feb. 1st) * Children's Sermon for Easter Sunday (Feb. 03rd) * Litany for Maundy Thursday (Feb. 06th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 24, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Souper Bowl

    Don't forget THE SOUPER BOWL OF CARING on February 5th. Visit www.souperbowl.org

    * * *

    Need SERMON IDEAS for Lent? We offer a sermon series by John de Graaf of 'Affluenza' fame -- plus sermons for the other seasons -- in our new collection WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES (paper and/or CD-ROM).

    Need a study for adult forum or a small group for Lent? I recommend another new DVD by John de Graaf -- SILENT KILLER: The Unfinished Campaign Against Hunger. It shows us the face and causes of hunger around the world, and what is being done and what can be done to end hunger forever, if we have the will. 57 minutes. Grades 10-12, college, adult. $30.

    * * *

    TREES FOR LIFE JOURNAL (www.tfljournal.org) will be a free, open electronic forum, to bring together international articles from traditional wisdom, small-scale field studies and scientific investigations. It will expand global knowledge about beneficial, health-boosting plants and trees. It could improve the lives of millions of people.

    Anyone may publish an article -- from peer-reviewed field and clinical studies to informal essays or ideas for possible new uses of plants and trees.

    Founded in 1984, Trees for Life is an international nonprofit movement in which people join hands to break the cycle of poverty and hunger and care for our Earth. Visit www.treesforlife.org.

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 30, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Sustaining Simplicity


    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * TONY CAMPOLO and SHANE CLAIBORNE are teaming up with Alternatives to make a DVD for young adults. * Short dramas that focus on world hunger and give hope. (Feb 1st)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Making Choices - Simple Living: If We Sell You Our Land, Love It.

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Mentoring for the Third Quarter of Life * Cedar Rapids Peace Center (Feb. 2nd)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day from Alternatives' Calendar: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Life Standard #4: NON-CONFORM FREELY

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * Three-Part Sermon Series * Featured Writer of the Month: Living Within One's Means (Feb. 3rd)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? * Easter Catches Me Off Guard (Jan. 31st) * Children's Sermon for Easter Sunday (Feb. 3rd)

    Lenten article of the week * A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS: Temptations in the Wilderness * The Wings of the Savior (Jan. 31st) * Getting One's Own House in Order (Feb. 2nd) * Who God Is and Who We Are (Feb. 4th)'

    COMING SOON * Litany for Maundy Thursday (Feb. 6th) * A Way In The Wilderness: The Time for Perfume (Feb. 06th), Confronting the Powers (Feb. 8th), The Third Day (Feb. 9th ???) * A cookbook for children that focuses on eating seasonal and local foods (Feb. 8th) * Sharing the Wounds of Christ: Litany for Holy Friday (Feb. 9th) * Passover Seder (Feb. 11th) * Easter Seder (Feb. 13th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    January 31, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- New Web Site Ready!

    Hi, Although you're not a regular subscriber to Alternatives' e-Newsletter, please don't be alarmed by this one-time, brief announcement. Since you have expressed interest in Alternatives, please do not report this bulk mail as spam.

    You're welcome to subscribe to our free eNewsletter (called 'Simply :60' because it's meant to be read in under a minute). You choose to receive it once a week or one issue per month. Simply say 'subscribe' or 'subscribe monthly' when you reply.

    * * *


    You'll find something new almost every day on Alternatives' new home page. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to you list of Favorites. Share it with others.

    Some of the features we have planned…

    * Simpler Living Tips * Inside Info * New Resources * Freebies * Try This! activities and simplicity success stories * Golden Oldie articles from our treasure trove archives * What people are saying about us * What Simpler Living Looks Like / The Faces of Simpler Living Sharing personal struggles, solutions, pledges (Alternatives' version of a blog). * Audio downloads (MP3s) * Member, board and staff profiles * Serendipity

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Need NEWSLETTER & BULLETIN GRAPHICS for Lent? We offer many in our new collection WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES on paper and/or CD-ROM -- plus many more for the other seasons. No royalty or reprint license needed.

    * * *

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    February 6, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Lent Alert! Ash Wednesday is Feb 21st.

    Need a FREE 40-Day Guide for Lent?

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Short dramas that focus on world hunger and give hope. * A cookbook for children that focuses on seasonal, local foods. (Feb. 8th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Reverence of Life: A view from the First Nations http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/TreasCeleb/TOCSimpLiv.php#ReverenceofLifeAViewfromtheFirstNations

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Dialog at Cedar Rapids Peace Center * Micah 6 Action Team (Feb. 8th) * A Child's Greatest Need (Feb. 11th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Celebrating More Responsibly: Music & Worship * Preparing for Lent, Easter and Other Spring Festivals (Feb. 9th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Featured Writer of the Month: LIVING WITHIN ONE'S MEANS * Simple Living 101: Sermon for Any Worship Service (Feb. 10th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter * Litany for Maundy Thursday * Sharing the Wounds of Christ, 2: Litany for Holy Friday (Feb 9th) * What Wondrous Love: Drama for Easter Sunrise (Feb 12th) * A Way In The Wilderness: The Time for Perfume (Feb 6th), Confronting the Powers (Feb 8th), The Third Day (Feb 9th) * Passover Seder (Feb 11th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/XRisen/PesachSedar.php * Easter Seder (Feb 13th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/XRisen/EasterSedar.php

    COMING SOON * Ten Reasons for Choosing a Simpler Lifestyle (Feb. 13th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/TreasCeleb/TOCSimpLiv.php#TenReasonsforChoosingASimplerLifestyle * Sermon: Durable Thomas (Sunday after Easter) (Feb. 15th) * NEW SERIES: Daily Guide for Lent (Feb. 18th) * Selecting Earth-friendly, healthy food and products (Feb. 15th) * Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (Feb. 14th) * Institute for Peace and Justice (Feb. 17th) * Rites of Passage (Feb 17th) * Flex Talk: Living More with Less & Celebrating Responsibly (Appendices and More Resources) (Feb 17th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 A 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization -- All donations are tax deductible.

    February 7, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Food for Life

    Lent Alert! Ash Wednesday is March 1st.

    Need Lenten resources for yourself or your group? We offer an abundance on our new collection WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES (on paper and/or CD-ROM), plus hundreds for the other seasons too.

    * * *

    YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW ALMOST EVERY DAY ON ALTERNATIVES' NEW HOME PAGE. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to you list of Favorites. Share it with others.

    This week learn more about Valentine's Day gifts, write your own words to the classic 'Simple Gifts' ('Tis a gift to be simple. . .) and much more.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Composer and singer Linnea Good contributed 'O Great Earth' and 'Turn the World Upside Down' to Alternatives' curriculum 'The Good Life.' She and her family will be touring the U.S. from September 8 to December 10. * SEPTEMBER - MIDWEST * OCTOBER - EAST * NOVEMBER - SOUTH * DECEMBER - WEST For information about hosting a concert, workshop or worship leadership, visit her web-site LinneaGood.com.

    * * *

    Need a personal study guide for adult forum or a small group for Lent? I recommend 'FOOD FOR LIFE: The Spirituality and Ethics of Eating Creation, consumption and life abundant - for everyone' by L. Shannon Jung

    Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, authors of 'Spiritual Literacy' and editors of 'Spirituality and Health,' call it, 'A clarion call to Christians to heed the ethical and spiritual connection among food, eating, health, community, work, addiction, the environment, and globalization.' 185 pp., $15.

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 13, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- April 22 is Earth Day Sunday

    Looking ahead: April 22 is Earth Day Sunday. This year's theme is 'The Food that Sustains Us.' For more information and resources visit www.nccecojustice.org/faithharvestworship.html.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * A cookbook for children that focuses on eating seasonal and local foods. * Practical help selecting food and products that are Earth-friendly and healthy. (Feb. 15th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating

    0213=>Making Choices - Simple Living
    Ten Reasons for Choosing a Simpler Lifestyle http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/TreasCeleb/TOCSimpLiv.php#TenReasonsforChoosingASimplerLifestyle

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * A Child's Greatest Need * Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (Feb. 14th) * Institute for Peace and Justice (Feb. 17th) * World Relief (Feb. 20th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Preparing for Lent, Easter and Other Spring Festivals * Rites of Passage (Feb. 17th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * Sermon for Any Worship Service (Feb. 10th) * Flex Talk: Living More with Less & Celebrating Responsibly (Appendices and More Resources) (Feb 17th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 21st. * What Wondrous Love: Drama for Easter Sunrise * Sermon: Durable Thomas (Sunday after Easter: John 20:19-31) (Feb. 15th) * 40 Day Guide for Lent (Feb. 18th) * Easter Seder 0213 http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/XRisen/EasterSedar.php * Passover Seder (Feb. 15th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/XRisen/PesachSedar.php

    * Easter Seder (Feb. 17th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/XRisen/EasterSedar.php * NEW SERIES: Daily Lenten Guide (Feb. 19th)

    COMING SOON * Voluntary Simplicity: Lifestyle with a Future? (Feb 20th) * More info on the progress of that new video of Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. (Feb. 22nd) * What Is Enough? (Feb 23rd) * Blue Christmas (Feb. 23rd) * Bible Verses for Motivational Speakers: (Feb. 24th) * Meaningful Christmas Tradition (Feb. 26th) * Fundamental Change in Values (Feb. 27th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 13, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Looking ahead: April 22 is Earth Day Sunday. This year's theme is 'The Food that Sustains Us.' For more information and resources click here or visit www.nccecojustice.org/faithharvestworship.html.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * A cookbook for children that focuses on eating seasonal and local foods. * Practical help selecting food and products that are Earth-friendly and healthy. (Feb. 15th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating Ten Reasons for Choosing a Simpler Lifestyle

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * A Child's Greatest Need * Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (Feb. 14th) * Institute for Peace and Justice (Feb. 17th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Preparing for Lent, Easter and Other Spring Festivals * Rites of Passage (Feb. 17th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * Sermon for Any Worship Service * Flex Talk: Living More with Less & Celebrating Responsibly (Appendices and More Resources) (Feb 17th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Lent and Easter? * What Wondrous Love: Drama for Easter Sunrise * Sermon: Durable Thomas (Sunday after Easter: John 20:19-31) (Feb. 15th) * 40 Day Guide for Lent (Feb. 18th) * Easter Seder * Passover Seder (Feb. 15th) * NEW SERIES: Daily Lenten Guide (Feb. 19th)

    COMING SOON * Voluntary Simplicity: Lifestyle with a Future? (Feb 20th) * New video of Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. (Feb. 22nd) * What Is Enough? (Feb 23rd) * Blue Christmas (Feb. 23rd) * Bible Verses for Motivational Speakers (Feb. 24th) * Meaningful Christmas Tradition (Feb. 26th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 14, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Unclutter Your Life

    Planning ahead for (or dreading) spring cleaning? I recommend 'UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE: Transforming your physical, mental, and emotional space' by Katherine Gibson.

    Are you ready to move into a bright clutter-free future? Assess your relationship with your possessions and release turmoil in your mental and emotional environments. 200 pp. $15.

    * * *

    YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW ALMOST EVERY DAY ON ALTERNATIVES' NEW HOME PAGE. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to you list of Favorites. Share it with others.

    This week find insights on President's Day, career helps for young adults and much more.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Our winter Resource Guide is available as PDFs on our web site.

    * * *

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 20, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Simple Living is Rewarding!

    Thanks for your loyalty!

    For details on Alternatives' REWARDS Program, visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Rewards


    Learn about OUR VALUES.

    We offer CUSTOMERS ** FREEBIES. ** Grab Bag BONUS

    We offer MEMBERS and DONORS ** PREMIUMS.

    Some folks ask, 'Why do you sell stuff when you're campaigning against consumerism?'

    We offer hundreds of FREE RESOURCES. Visit Services >> Archives.

    We offer FREE SERVICES. Visit Services >> Opportunities ** Simpler Living Community Network (including SLOW Down Network of speakers and workshop leaders) ** The Earth Dome is a Care of Creation Center.

    Only we can simplify our own lives. Alternatives offers inspiration and practical ideas to help.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Really practical help selecting food and products that are Earth-friendly and healthy.

    Window 2 - Celebrating (Treasury of Celebrations) - Tu * Voluntary Simplicity: Lifestyle with a Future?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * World Relief * Blue Christmas (Feb. 23rd) * Meaningful Christmas Tradition (Feb. 26th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Rites of Passage * What Is Enough? (Feb. 23rd)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * Living More with Less & Celebrating Responsibly * Bible Verses for Speakers: (Feb. 24th)

    Window 7 - Your Daily Guide for Lent

    COMING SOON * Fundamental Change in Values (Feb. 27th) * Feed My People (March 1st) * Global Justice: Hunger & Homelessness (March 1st) * How we can end hunger now. (March 2nd) * Missouri Zen Center (March 4th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living through Alternatives' Endowment.

    For personal service call.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 21, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- 'Simple Living is Rewarding!'

    Thanks for your loyalty!

    For details on Alternatives' REWARDS Program, visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Rewards


    Learn about OUR VALUES.

    We offer CUSTOMERS ** FREEBIES. ** Grab Bag BONUS

    We offer MEMBERS and DONORS ** PREMIUMS.

    Some folks ask, 'Why do you sell stuff when you're campaigning against consumerism?'

    We offer hundreds of FREE RESOURCES. Visit Services >> Archives.

    We offer FREE SERVICES. Visit Services >> Opportunities ** SLOW Down Network of speakers and workshop leaders ** The Earth Dome is a Care of Creation Center.

    Only we can simplify our own lives. Alternatives offers inspiration and practical ideas to help.

    * * *

    YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW ALMOST EVERY DAY ON ALTERNATIVES' NEW HOME PAGE. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to you list of Favorites. Share it with others.

    Coming soon! * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org

    February 27, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Celebrate Alternatives' SPRING ANNIVERSARY SALE

    : Receive a 30% discount on all resources Alternatives produces (for our 34th anniversary). See 'Alternatives' Own' at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Resources with an item code ending '-A' are produced by Alternatives.

    : Receive a 10% discount on everything else (for our 12th year in Iowa) - EVEN NEW TITLES & SPECIALS ‘til May 31st (except subscriptions and memberships).

    : The prices in the eStore and Resource Guide are regular prices. Since our humble eStore does not calculate discounts, your discount will be automatically applied to your order when it's processed by a caring human being. If you choose not to claim your discount, please leave us a note in the Comments Box of the Order Form.

    : We can only honor one discount at a time. Quantity pricing and sets are also a discount. Quantity pricing on bumperstickers, for example, may be greater than the sale price. The sale price may be greater for the individual items in a set, like the Iona worship books, than the price of the set. You will receive the lower price.

    : Shipping charges are based on the discounted prices. Most orders will be shipped Media Mail. If you need something quickly, let us know. There will be small additional charge.

    : Thanks for your support and loyalty to Alternatives' mission.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Progress of Alternatives' new video by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne.

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Fundamental Change in Values

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Meaningful Christmas Tradition (Feb. 26th) * Feed My People (March 1st) * Missouri Zen Center (March 4th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * What Is Enough? * Global Justice: Hunger & Homelessness (March 1st)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Simple Living 101 * Bible Verses for Motivational Speakers: (Feb. 24th) * Featued Writer of the Month: Beign & Doing at Home (March 3rd)

    Window 7 - Your Daily Lenten Guide

    COMING SOON * Church on the Underground Railroad (March 7th) * Kres & Co. (March 10th) * Let's Talk About Christmas (Planner) (March 10th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    February 28, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Green Living

    YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW ALMOST EVERY DAY ON ALTERNATIVES' NEW HOME PAGE. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to you list of Favorites. Share it with others.

    Coming soon! * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * Your Alternative calendar for March * 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Plan ahead for Earth Day in April. I recommend GREEN LIVING: The Ultimate Handbook on Living Lightly on the Earth.

    Featuring the latest information on Earth-friendly living, it's chock-full of information about where to find everything from planet-friendly cosmetics to home-based renewable energy. Some of the invaluable information provided in this one-of-a kind guide includes: * How to maintain a healthy home * Going organic and avoiding genetically modified food * Finding a planet friendly car * Making responsible investments that help the environment * Using personal-care products free of unhealthy chemicals

    Straightforward, jargon free and user friendly. Printed on recycled paper, 320 Pages. $16.

    * * *

    Here's an easy way to help the cause. Hand out our colorful, 32 page Resource Guide at a meeting, conference, book group. . . Order your FREE copies today -- 10 or 100 or more -- by phone or email. (A small donation to cover shipping is welcome but not required.) Want to what it looks like? Download a copy from our web site home page.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    March 6, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Tony & Shane's DVD Project

    Let's Reach Young Adults! Please Support Alternatives' First Video in 12 Years.

    Thanks to friends like you, Alternatives has for over 30 years inspired and equipped people to live more simply for their own good and for the sake of all God's Creation.

    Alternatives needs your help to keep providing resources, speakers, campaigns and support for you, for congregations, for the public.

    Good news about our initiative Reaching Out to Young Adults — Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of 'The Irresistible Revolution') have volunteered to make a video for us!: For more information, visit, SimpleLiving.org >> Membership >> Newsletter.

    : Please donate now. Donations keep us going and they have numerous benefits for you.: Contributions are tax deductible. (Alternatives is a 501-c-3 educational nonprofit organization.): Make a special one-time gift.: Increase your membership.: Become a LIFE member. You're welcome to pay your pledge in monthly or quarterly installments.

    Donating is simple.: We'd love to talk to you.

    Please let us hear from you today. Peace,

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    Donate now and receive Tony & Shane Explore Simpler Living (working title) this fall. *For $1000-$500 - DVD, CD and The Irresistible Revolution (Shane's book) - autographed *For $250 - DVD (video) or other Premiums *For $100 - CD (audio) or another Premium *For $50 or $35 - Choose from many Simple Living Thank You's. *PREMIUMS (for donations of $100 or more) and *FREEBIES (for donations under $100): All donors receive full membership benefits.

    Shane's photo by Becky Garrison

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources: Help with Tony & Shane's new DVD Project!: Celebrate Alternatives' SPRING ANNIVERSARY SALE. (March 11th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating: Making Choices - The Psychology of Consumption

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Missouri Zen Center * Church on the Underground Railroad (March 7th) * Kres & Co. (March 10th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living: Global Justice: Hunger & Homelessness

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions: Featured Writer of the Month: BEING & DOING at HOME: Simple Living 101

    Window 7 - Your 40-Day Lenten Guide

    COMING SOON * How to Live Better With Less - If You Can Stand the People (March 13th) * Peace with Justice Ministries (March 13th) * Soul Desires (March 16th) * Resources for EARTH DAY (March 16th) * Global Justice: Peace/Violence (March 17th) * Simple Living 101: Christmas Budget Worksheet and Alternative Giving Card (March 17th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 7, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- The World That We Want

    YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY ON ALTERNATIVES' NEW HOME PAGE. Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    Now featuring * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * Your Alternative calendar for March * 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter * St. Patrick's Day. What's it all about?

    Coming soon! * The Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Plan ahead for Earth Day in April.

    I recommend THE WORLD THAT WE WANT by Kim Michelle Toft, co-author and illustrator of One Less Fish.

    This cumulative story for grades 1-5 shows the interconnectedness of Earth's air, rain forest, rivers, mangroves, beaches, tide pools, reefs, atolls, and oceans. It warns of the dangers that threaten these fragile environments and the animals that make them their home, encouraging us to preserve the world that we want. $7.

    * * *

    Caring for God's Creation 2 Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Centeer, Lake Junaluska, NC April 20-24 Learn effective ways of being responsible stewards of creation. Plenary and workshop sessions will be practical and inspirational. Send a team! Visit for details.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 13, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Conversation Week, March 25-31

    Dear friend Vicki Robin, co-author of Your Money or Your Life and founder of The Simplicity Forum (of which Alternatives' is a founding member) sends this invitation.

    Dear friends, activists, social change agents and dreamers,

    Please join us in the exciting, innovative work of building the capacity for the people of the world to sit down together and talk about what matters most.

    Through Conversation Week 2007, March 25-31, we are rapidly developing the know-how and networks to host simultaneous face-to-face conversations globally, interconnected by sharing key questions crucial to our common future and a website where key insights from conversation can be shared and synthesized. We will be able to hear ourselves think. Experience our shared humanity and shared concerns. Discover new approaches to rote and tired ideas. Listen, learn and think together.

    We welcome hosts to select their favorite Conversation Week Questions and invite people to consider it with them during CW. Visit www.conversationweek.org

    We have a grant that allows us to offer half price training to anyone who will host a conversation cafe during conversation week, and we are on our way to enrolling 250 hosts worldwide.

    The tide is turning, vicki

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living! Please Support Alternatives' First Video in 12 Years.

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of The Irresistible Revolution) have volunteered to make a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) at SimpleLiving.org >> Donate or click here. Nice Thank You gifts.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Celebrate Alternatives' SPRING ANNIVERSARY SALE. * Resources for EARTH DAY (March 16th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * How to Live Better With Less - If You Can Stand the People

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Peace with Justice Ministries * Soul Desires (March 16th) * Pop Money Would Educate an African (March 19th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living: Global Justice: Hunger & Homelessness: Global Justice: Peace/Violence (March 17th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Featured Writer of the Month: Simple Living 101: Speakers: Let's Talk About Christmas Planner: Speakers: Christmas Budget Worksheet and Alternative Giving Card (March 17th)

    Window 7 - Your 40-Day Lenten Guide

    COMING SOON * Help with SPRING CLEANING. (March 21st) * What Can One Person Do? Spread the Word! (March 20th * Nebraska Peace Activists (March 22nd) * Welcome to the World of Enough (March 24th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * * Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 14, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - More Fun, Less Stuff

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' new home page. VISIT often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    Now featuring * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * Your Alternative calendar for March * 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter * St. Patrick's Day. What's it all about?

    Coming soon! * The Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Plan ahead for Earth Day in April. I recommend the video MORE FUN, LESS STUFF (at a Special Price). The Challenges and Rewards of a New American Dream is hosted by Danny Glover. An entertaining, informative look at the hidden costs of the 'more is better' definition of the American dream. Features inspiring profiles of individuals, companies and organizations that are changing the way they consume to improve quality of life, protect the environment and promote social justice. A terrific tool for schools, faith-based groups, community organizations and the general public to learn more about how to make a difference! 30 minutes, VHS only. Was $12. Now $10.

    * * *

    Earth Day Sunday

    Praising the beauty of God's creation is an essential part of our ongoing faith journey and worship experience and each year we dedicate one Sunday to lift up creation stewardship as a focus through a Earth Day celebration. Each year, the National Council of Churches' Eco-Justice Working Group focuses on a particular environmental theme and highlights a number of ways individuals and congregations can celebrate and protect God's creation. We hope these ideas inspire further thoughts, conversations, and actions in answering God's call to be faithful stewards of creation.

    Our good friends Cassandra Carmichael and Karen Galles urge you to visit http://www.nccecojustice.org/Earth%20Day/index.html

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 20, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - What Would Jesus Buy?

    The voluntary simplicity movement needs a sense of humor.

    Try 'What Would Jesus Buy? Fabulous Prayers in the Face of the Shopocalypse' by the Rev. Billy.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Resources for EARTH DAY next month * Help with SPRING CLEANING. (March 21st)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * What Can One Person Do? Spread the Word!

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Pop Money Would Educate an African * Nebraska Peace Activists (March 22nd) * Doyle's Church in Lincoln (March 25th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Global Justice: Peace/Violence * Global Justice: Advocacy/Boycotts (March 24th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions * Simple Living 101 - Speakers: Christmas Budget Worksheet: Alternative Giving Card * Workshop Leaders: Welcome to the World of Enough (March 24th) * Being & Doing at Home

    Window 7 - Your 40-Day Lenten Guide

    COMING SOON * Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD for Alternatives. (March 26th) * Giving and Receiving Gifts (March 27th) * Simple strategies to win the battle against clutter. (March 31st) * Lifestyle Workshop (March 31st) * Sioux Falls Hospitality (March 28th) * University of Sioux Falls (March 31st) * Gifts in the Consumer Society (April 3rd)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 21, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Faces of Simpler Living

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. VISIT often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    Now featuring * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter * What's spring all about, anyway?

    Coming soon! * Download our spring Resource Guide.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Planning ahead for college?

    I recommend 1000 BEST SMART MONEY SECRETS FOR STUDENTS by Debby Fowles.

    The average college student accrues more than $2,700 in credit card debt while in school. About 10 percent owe more than $7,000. And these statistics continue to increase at a staggering rate.

    This personal finance guide's for college students trying to graduate without an unmanageable level of debt. How to 'find' money, save money and make money. Includes tips for graduate students and other adult students to ensure that they graduate almost debt-free. 464 pages. $13.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 27, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Why Having More No Longer Makes Us Happy

    Alternatives' friend and LIFE member Joyce Weir recommends the article 'Why Having More No Longer Makes Us Happy' by Bill McKibben. The formula of human well-being used to be simple: Make money, get happy. So why is the old axiom suddenly turning on us? Read it at http://www.alternet.org/story/49593

    Bill wrote the reflections for our Christmas booklet in 2001. He's calling for a National Day of Climate Action on Saturday, April 14th. Read more about Step It Up 2007 at www.stepitup07.org.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD for Alternatives. * Simple strategies against clutter. (March 31st)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Giving and Receiving Gifts

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Doyle's Church in Lincoln * Sioux Falls Hospitality (March 28th) * University of Sioux Falls (March 31st)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Global Justice: Advocacy/Boycotts

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions * Welcome to the World of Enough * Being & Doing at Home. * Lifestyle Workshop Outline (March 31st)

    Window 7 - Your 40-Day Lenten Guide

    COMING SOON * Gifts in the Consumer Society (April 3rd) * More Workshop Ideas & Resources (April 14th)

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    March 28, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- There Is Room for Us All

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. VISIT often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    Featuring This Week * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * The Des Moines Miracle * Grace Matters * Simple Activism * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter * What's Holy Week all about, anyway? * Download our spring Resource Guide.

    Coming Soon * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    This week I recommend the new music CD 'THERE IS ROOM FOR US ALL: Songs of Justice / Prayers for Peace' by Lori True.

    A clarion voice rings out a message of justice and peace. True captures the essence of a world unified; infectious gospel rhythm inspires praise and devotion. Heartfelt pleas for relief from pain, poverty, and oppression challenge us to enter into 'a deeper communion with the poor ones here in our midst.' 15 selections. $17.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    April 3, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- And on the Third Day. . .


    Read and Share. . .

    Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter -- http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/MR/10tipEaster.php

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living! Please Support Alternatives' First Video in 12 Years.

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of 'The Irresistible Revolution') have volunteered to make a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) at SimpleLiving.org >> Donate, click here or here. Nice Thank You gifts.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Simple strategies against clutter * Thinking about WEDDINGS and GRADUATIONS? (April 5th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Gifts in the Consumer Society

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Where's Geraldo? Denver area * Ten Thousand Villages * Augie (April 6th) * South Dakota Hunger Activist (April 9th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Environment: WATER * Environment: ENERGY (April 9th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions * Feature of the Month: How to Save Money * Simple Living 101: Lifestyle Workshop Outline

    Window 7 - Your 40-Day Lenten Guide * New Series - Special of the Day (April 9th)

    COMING SOON * How to really WOW! teens about Sustainable Development. (April 10th) * Double Your Gift of Love (April10th) * Trees for Life (April 12th) * More Workshop Ideas & Resources for Leaders (April 14th) * Religion's contribution to sustainable development (April 15th) * The Hidden Price Tag (April 17th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 4, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- The Little Money Book

    * * *

    Featured This Week at SimpleLiving.org

    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Bread for the World Activist * The Spirit Garage Theology Pub * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * What's Holy Week all about, anyway? * Download our spring Resource Guide.

    Coming Soon

    * Where's Geraldo? * Kansas-Oklahoma-Texas * Watch Out, Wichita!

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page.

    Visit often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * * This week I recommend THE LITTLE MONEY BOOK by David Boyle.

    The question of money puzzles almost everyone. What IS money? Is it really worth what we're told? Who decides? The Little Money Book is a provocative view of the way money works and has answers to questions no one is asking, and many banks and governments would rather keep hidden. This highly accessible and easy-to-read synthesis of complex subjects asks some of the obvious questions about money and finance that few of us stop to think about. 190 pages, $10.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 10, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Where's Geraldo?

    I'm on the road speaking in the Denver area, Thursday-Monday, April 12-16. I'd love to meet you.

    * * *

    Request a free 'TV Turn Off Week' organizer's kit CD-ROM with an order of $10 or more. Limited supply. This year it runs April 23rd-29th.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * How to really WOW! teens about Sustainable Development. (April 10th)

    * Religion's contribution to sustainable development. (April 15th)

    Window 2 - Celebrating * Double Your Gift of Love (April10th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=archives/TreasCeleb/TOCGiftGiv.php#DoubleYourGiftofLove

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * South Dakota Hunger Activist * Trees for Life (April 12th)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Environment: Energy

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions * Simple Living 101: Lifestyle Workshop Outline http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=slcomplete/slch2.php#lifestyle * More Workshop Ideas & Resources for Leaders (April 14th) http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=slcomplete/slch2.php#more http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=slcomplete/slch2.php#workshop * New Feature of the Month: How to Save Money

    Window 7 - New Series - SPECIAL of the Day

    COMING SOON * The Hidden Price Tag (April 17th) * Environment: Chemicals & Waste (April 17th) * Alternative Gifts International (April 18th) * More Trees for Life (April 21st) * How to Organize an Alternative Christmas Community Festival (April 21st)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 11, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Where's Geraldo?

    We mailed our spring Resource Guide recently. If you do not receive one in the mail, we'll gladly send one to you. You can also download an expanded version as PDFs from our web site home page.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org * 'Theology Pub Talk' on Faces of Simpler Living, Alternatives' blog * Where's Geraldo? Kansas-Oklahoma-Texas travel itinerary * Your personal alternative daily Lenten guide * What's Holy Week all about, anyway? * What's Earth Day all about, anyway?

    Coming Soon

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Visit SimpleLiving.org often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    This week I recommend HOW TO GO ORGANIC Poster. It's colorful, thought-provoking, 12 X 36 inches.

    It's part of a four poster 'How to. . .' series. Get each separately ($15) or in multiples at a discount.

    To read the powerful text, visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click New Books, etc. category on the left (or click Misc., then Posters), or key 'how to' in the Quick Find.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    First choice - place our promo piece in each participant's packet Second choice - place it on each participant's chair Third choice - place it at a staffed display Fourth choice - place it on a general information table

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *


    First Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, MI Friday, April 28 - Dinner and Keynote Speaker - 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 29 - Plenary Session, Workshops and Luncheon - 8:30 to 3:00 More information at 248.644.2040 www.fpcbirmingham.org Registration by Wednesday, April 12, 2006.

    How does the way America does business impact our Latin American neighbors? What are the educational and medical challenges of South American nations, and how can we be a part of the solutions there? What does ministry look like in areas devastated by war and poverty south of our border? Join us in examining these complex issues as we seek to discover how we can reach out in Christ's love and make a difference in our world.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 17, 2007 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Last Call for Custom 'Whose Birthday?' '07

    If your church or organization would like to have its own customized version of Alternatives' annual Advent-Christmas booklet 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007, please be in touch this week. We are not planning a fall printing this year.

    The minimum order for customization is 1000 copies at $.90 each. Customization includes your name/logo on the front and back and up to three pages inside. This 20th edition is in full color on recycled paper with inspiring reflections and fun activities and a design to appeal to young adults.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living! Please Support Alternatives' First Video in 12 Years.

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of 'The Irresistible Revolution') have volunteered to make a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips)

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Religion's contribution to sustainable development. * A helpful resource on parenting for Mother's Day in May. (April 21st)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating * The Hidden Price Tag

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * More Trees for Life * Alternative Gifts International (April 18th) * Even More Trees for Life (April 21st)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Environment: Chemicals & Waste

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions Feature of the Month: How to Save Money Simple Living 101: More Workshop Ideas & Resources

    * * *

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    * * *


    * How to Organize an Alternative Christmas Community Festival (April 21st) * On Creative Deprivation (April 24th) * Peace Connections (April 24th) * Environment: Consumables (April 25th) * Progress of that new video by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. (Apil 26th) * O-klahoma! (April 27th) * Betty and John Paul (April 30th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 18, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Smart Consumers

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    * 'Peacemakers at St. Martin's Table' on Faces of Simpler Living, Alternatives' blog

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    * What's Earth Day all about, anyway?

    * What's TV-Turnoff Week all about, anyway?

    * Where's Geraldo? Waco - San Antonio - Houston - Austin - Tulsa

    Coming Soon

    * The Hospitality Place

    * Reaching Out to Young Adults

    * What's May Day all about, anyway?

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Visit SimpleLiving.org often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    This week I recommend SMART CONSUMERS: An Educator's Guide to Exploring Consumer Issues and the Environment.

    Since 1950, people worldwide have consumed as many goods and services as all previous generations combined. At the same time, environmental health and biodiversity have declined, in large part as a direct result of our consumer habits.

    In this comprehensive, interdisciplinary guide, middle school students learn about how their consumer choices affect the environment and how they can make a difference by buying differently. The toolkit includes: 1) Educator's Guide with detailed background information, hands-on and creative activities, and an annotated list of resources; 2) Community Action Guide, with project ideas and step-by-step advice on organizing group projects; 3) colorful two-sided 'Your Stuff, Your Planet' poster. 300 pp. color throughout. $30. (Poster alone, $5.)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 24, 2007 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Bread Urges Action on 2007 Farm Bill

    Bread for the World (as part of the Religious Working Group) urges prompt action on the 2007 Farm Bill. For more information about the critical four goals, call 800-3637-BFW. Ask for Tammy Walhof at Bread's Upper Midwest Office.

    Join Bread's 2007 Offering of Letters -- Seeds of Change: Help Farmers. End Hunger.

    Attend 'Sowing Seeds: Growing a Movement,' June 9-12, American University, Washington, DC. Scholarships available. Apply now.

    Visit Bread.org for more information.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living! Please Support Alternatives' First Video in 12 Years.

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of 'The Irresistible Revolution') have volunteered to make a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=donations.php

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Helpful resources on parenting for Mother's Day * Progress of the new video by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. (Apil 26th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating (Treasury of Celebrations) - Tu * On Creative Deprivation

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Peace Connections * O-klahoma! (April 27th) * Betty and John Paul (April 30th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Environment: Chemicals & Waste * Environment: Consumables (April 25th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions * Feature of the Month: How to Save Money * Simple Living 101: How to Organize an Alternative Christmas Community Festival * Planning an Alternative Christmas Workshop (April 28th)

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    COMING SOON * TCU (May 6th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    April 25, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - How to Build Community

    Featured This Week at SimpleLiving.org

    * 'The Hospitality Place' on Faces of Simpler Living, Alternatives' blog

    * What's TV-Turnoff Week all about, anyway?

    * What's May Day all about, anyway?

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    Coming Soon

    * Reaching Out to Young Adults

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Visit SimpleLiving.org often. Bookmark it. Add it to your Favorites. Share it with others.

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    This week I recommend HOW TO BUILD COMMUNITY Poster. It's colorful, thought-provoking, 12 X 36 inches.

    It's part of a four poster 'How to. . .' series. How to End Global Warming How to Build Community How to Build Global Community How to Go Organic

    Get each separately ($15) or in multiples at a discount.

    The series also comes on postcards and book marks for $1 each; any 3 for $2.50; any 6 for $4; any 12 for $7.

    To read the powerful text, visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click New Books, etc. category on the left (or click Misc., then Posters), or key 'how to' in the Quick Find.

    * * *

    Jim Wallis and The Sojourners and Call to Renewal Organizing and Policy Teams officially invite you to come to Washington, D.C., June 26-28, 2006, to help us and our partners launch our next major initiative: The Covenant for a New America. The covenant is a bold, solutions-based anti-poverty vision and platform that transcends ideology.

    * Workshops, inspirational speeches, networking, policy briefings, fellowship An Emerging Leaders Track for participants under 31

    For more information about Pentecost 2006: Building a Covenant for a New America, visit: http://ga4.org/ct/edqxn5M1BROw/Pentecost_2006_Home

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    May 1, 2007 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- GOD BLESS THE WHOLE WORLD

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources * Inspiration to maintain a simpler life. * GOD BLESS THE WHOLE WORLD - NO EXCEPTIONS bumpersticker (May 6th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating (Treasury of Celebrations) - Tu
    * Choosing and Using Toys

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Betty and John Paul
    * TCU (May 6th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * The 4 R's - Reduce
    * *
    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions Featured Writer of the Month: Lay Your Yolk Upon Me

    * * *

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    * Toys ARE Us! A Parent's perspective (May 8th)
    * The 4 R's - Reuse (May 9th)
    * CHRISTMAS in JULY? (May 11th)
    * Making Choices - Food & Celebration: Hunger and the Lifestyle Connection (May 15th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    May 2, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - How to End Global Warming

    Thank you new friends in Texas, Okahoma and Kansas for your wonderful hospitality on our recent trip!

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * School Sisters of Notre Dame
    * Healthy Role Model
    * Working Where We Are
    * What are Weddings all about, anyway?
    * What's Mother's Day all about, anyway?
    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    Coming Soon

    * What are Graduations all about, anyway?
    * Friends in Sacramento

    * * *

    This week I recommend HOW TO END GLOBAL WARMING Poster, Postcard and Book Mark. It's colorful, thought-provoking, 12 X 36 inches.

    It's part of a four poster 'How to. . .' series.
    How to End Global Warming
    How to Build Community
    How to Build Global Community
    How to Go Organic

    Get each separately ($15) or in multiples at a discount.

    The series also comes on postcards and book marks for $1 each; any 3 for $2.50; any 6 for $4; any 12 for $7.

    * * *

    We mailed our spring Resource Guide recently. If you do not receive one in the mail, we'll gladly send one to you. You can also download an expanded version as PDFs from our web site home page.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 8, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Micah Challenge

    Alternatives' Board member Jason Fileta serves as campus organizer for Micah Challenge, a world-wide effort to implement the Millenium Development Goals, such as cutting extreme poverty in half by 2015. Visit MicahChallenge.org to learn more.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * CHRISTMAS in JULY (May 11th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Toys ARE Us! A Parent's Perspective

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * TCU Talk

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Reuse

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Featured Writer of the Month: Lay Your Yolk Upon Me
    * More Resources for Event Organizers (May 12th)

    * * *

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    * * *

    * Hunger and the Lifestyle Connection (May 15th)
    * Helpful resources on parenting for Father's Day (May 16th)
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Recycle (May 17th)
    * PEACE ALSO TAKES COURAGE. bumpersticker (May 21st)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 9, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - How to Build Global Community

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Friends in Sacramento
    Meeting Mike

    * What's Mother's Day all about, anyway?

    * What are Graduations all about, anyway?

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    Coming Soon

    * What's Memorial Day all about, anyway?

    * * *

    This week I recommend HOW TO BUILD GLOBAL COMMUNITY Poster, Postcard and Book Mark. They're colorful, thought-provoking.

    They're part of the 'How to. . .' series.
    How to End Global Warming
    How to Build Community
    How to Build Global Community
    How to Go Organic

    Get each each 12'x36' poster separately ($15) or in multiples at a discount.

    Postcards and book marks for $1 each; any 3 for $2.50; any 6 for $4; any 12 for $7.

    * * *

    Upcoming Conferences

    * Eco-Justice Conference in New Orleans, June 1-4, 2006, at Loyola University. This national conference, which features various learning tracks and plenary speakers Bill McKibbon, Beverly Wright, Janisse Ray and Jerome Ringo, will explore the connections of ecological, economic, and social justice for all of God's creation. For more information or the registration brochure, visit www.nccecojustice.org/conf.htm Cost: $235 by May 15 (deadline extended)includes lodging and meals.

    * Meeting the Sacred in Creation: A Contemplative Retreat for Clergy, Rabbis & Lay Leaders, Presented by Greenfaith & the Garrison Institute, May 22 - 25, in the heart of the Hudson Valley, and led by Kurt Hoelting of Inside Passages. The cost of the retreat is $350, including all meals and lodging. To register for the retreat or for further information, e-mail Fletcher Harper at FHarper@GreenFaith.org or call GreenFaith at 732-565-7740.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 * * May 15, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 10 Tips for Simpler Celebrations

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * CHRISTMAS in JULY - get people thinking early about a simpler Christmas.
    * Helpful resources on parenting for Father's Day in June. (May 16th)
    * 10 Tips for Simpler Celebrations - weddings, graduations. . .

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Hunger and the Lifestyle Connection

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * World Hunger Relief Farm
    * Invest in people, not stuff (May 18th)
    * Religious Satire (May 21st)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Reuse
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Recycle (May 17th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * More Resources for Event Organizers
    * Take My Yolk Upon You

    * * *

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    * * *

    * PEACE ALSO TAKES COURAGE bumpersticker (May 21st)
    * Food and Celebrations (May 22nd)
    * Recycling Pie-in-the-Face Contest (May 24th)
    * CHAOS (May 27th)

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 16, 2006 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Wedding Alternatives UPDATED!

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Meeting Mike
    * Talking to Relatives

    * What's Memorial Day all about, anyway?

    * Thoughtful Quote for the Day

    Coming Soon

    * Family Funeral

    * What's Pentecost all about, anyway?

    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    This week I recommend The Alternative Wedding Book (Wedding Alternatives). It's been UPDATED!

    A Guide to Planning Out-of-the Ordinary Celebrations

    When a couple is bombarded by consumer, cultural and family pressures to have the perfect wedding, their wedding can become a social event rather than a significant religious and personal celebration. This resource offers engaged couples, clergy and others involved in planning weddings practical advice and personal stories from people who chose to incorporate their values into their ceremony and celebrations.

    Included are ideas on vows, location, food, flowers, invitations, and much more.

    Available in four formats - as a soft cover book, three hole punched reproducible packet, CD-ROM, y en espanol.

    Plan a meaningful wedding celebration that reflects your values.

    How do you go about planning a truly fulfilling celebration? The Alternative Wedding Book encourages you to use your imagination to incorporate your values, family, and ethnic traditions to plan a meaningful wedding.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 22, 2007
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Spring Anniversary SALE Ends May 31st!

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * PEACE ALSO TAKES COURAGE. bumpersticker
    * Ending Hunger Now (May 26th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Food and Celebrations

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Religious Satire
    * Recycling Pie-in-the-Face Contest (May 24th)
    * CHAOS (May 27th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Recycle
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Restore (May 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Different Kinds of Groups Discussion Groups
    * '10 Tips' Discussion Series: Christmas, Easter, Celebrations (May 26th)

    * * *

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day

    * * *

    * Do You Serve Feelings or Food? (May 29th)
    * Camp Capers (May 30th)
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (May 31st)

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 23, 2006
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - A Simple Thank You. . . card

    Featured Sometime This Week on SimpleLiving.org Home Page

    * More Fun, Less Stuff
    * Concerned about the Left Behind books and movies? Looking for hope?(May 28)
    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Family Funeral
    * Getting Help
    * Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    I wish I were either rich enough or poor enough to do a lot of things that are impossible in my present comfortable circumstances. --Don Herold (May 27)
    * One in the Spirit: Program for Intergenerational Fellowship' (May 26)

    Coming Soon
    * Why People Always Bring Food
    * Sermon: Christmas in July

    * * *

    This week I recommend our new Thank You note cards.

    A Simple Thank You in lovely shaded blue on white paper. Blank inside. Ten cards and envelopes on recycled paper are only $10

    A little info on the back will introduce Alternatives to the recipients of your gratitude.

    Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click New Books, etc. category on the left (or Misc., then Greeting Cards), or key 'Thank You' in the Quick Find.

    * * *

    New Responsible Shopper Launched

    Visit Co-op America's new ResponsibleShopper.org smart-shopping Web site for the more mainstream conscious consumer. The site features a new section, Green Shift, which profiles the greenest options and directs people to consumer campaigns against problem companies.

    Responsible Shopper reports on global research and campaign information in order to alert the public about the social and environmental impact of major corporations, while providing opportunities for consumers and investors to vote with their dollars for change.

    It focuses on companies with significant influence in their industry that are subjects of consumer and shareholder action campaigns. Getting these companies to change could lead to significant industry wide reform.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 29, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Resources Guide, 'Inside Info' Newsletter and 'Whose Birthday?' ready for you

    June 1st is a big day.

    The summer 8 page color mini-Resources Guide (called 'Pre-Christmas' ) and the summer 'Inside Info' newsletter will be mailed to members, volunteers and donors this week. If you'd like to read the newsletter online, click here.

    The 20th edition of our best known and most widely read resource, our annual 32 page color Advent-Chrtistmas booklet 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' has arrived and is ready to ship to you and your congregation. Summer's a ideal time to plan ways to challenge Christmas consumerism. We can help.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Ending Hunger Now
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (May 31st)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Do You Serve Feelings or Food?
    * Getting Started: Family Transition is Half the Battle (June 5th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * CHAOS
    * Camp Capers (May 30th)
    * Compassion Touches More Than Facts (June 2nd)
    * Alternatives' Longest Congregational Member (June 5th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Environment - The 4 R's - Restore
    * Contributions (June 1st)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * '10 Tips' Discussion Series: Christmas, Easter, Celebrations

    * * *

    Window 7 - NEW SERIES - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Organize for Peace: How to Start a Peacemaking Group in Your Church (June 2nd)

    * * *

    * Quick Stop in Goliad (June 8th)
    * Volunteering (June 9th)
    * Resources for Discussion Groups (June 9th)
    * Can Pastors Learn Simpler Living? (June 11th)
    * Getting Started: One Family's Program for Change (June 12th)
    * Featured Writer of the Month: Beyond Simplicity
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace: Graded Activity Guides for Children (June 9th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    May 30, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Hunger for the Word

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org Home Page

    * Concerned about the Left Behind books and movies? Looking for hope?
    * What can we do that all may be fed? (coming June 4th)
    * Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Off to North Carolina (coming June 4th)
    * Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Life truly is a journey, and the less baggage we carry the easier the ride. --Wally (Famous) Amos (June 5th)
    * What's Shavuot all about, anyway? (June 1st)
    * What's Pentecost all about, anyway? (June 3rd)
    * Christmas in July (June 1st)

    Coming Soon

    What can we do to develop spiritual resistance to the messages of a consumer Christmas that will start this summer?

    What are anniversaries all about, anyway?

    * * *

    This week I recommend HUNGER for the WORD for Year C (begins Dec. 3, 2006). These Weekly Lectionary Reflections on Food and Justice are edited by Larry Hollar of Bread for the World.

    Drawing on the insights and stories of pastors, professors and other theologically grounded people who are active in anti-hunger advocacy, this set explores the scriptural witness with an openness to seeing how God's World can nourish us in the struggle to feed the hungry.

    Hunger for the Word for Years A and B are also in stock.

    240 pp. each. $20 each. All three for $55.

    * * *

    God's People Can Wait No Longer: Twenty Years Since 'Economic Justice For All.' Pax Christi Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, July 28-30. For Info, visit paxchristiusa.org

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    June 5th, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Search begins for new National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation. After my retirement in 2008, I pledge to support Alternatives with a significant commitment of time and funds. I ask all of our members, volunteers, donors and friends to welcome our new leader with a similar pledge and then work to make simpler living a viable movement in the long haul. -- Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator since August, 1995. Please help us find candidates. Visit Simple Living.org >> About Us >> Search.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (May 31st)
    * Next Generation search for a new National Coordinator (June 7th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Getting Started: Family Transition is Half the Battle (June 5th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Alternatives' Longest Congregational Member (June 5th)
    * Quick Stop in Goliad (June 8th)
    * Can Pastors Learn Simpler Living? (June 11th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Contributions (June 1st)
    * Volunteering (June 9th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    Featured Writer of the Month: Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - NEW SERIES - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Organize for Peace: How to Start a Peacemaking Group in Your Church (June 2nd)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides for Young Children (Ages 5-8) and for Older Children (Ages 9-11) (June 9th)

    * * *

    * How we're going to survive after the oil's gone (June 14th)
    * Getting Started: One Family's Program for Change (June 12th)
    * Five Powerful Ideas (June 14th)
    * Concerns for Grandkids (June 17th)
    * More Alternative Giving (June 17th)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace - Graded Activity Guides for Junior & Senior High (June 16th).

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living!

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of 'The Irresistible Revolution') are making a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) -- http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=donations.php

    Place your re-publication order. Serious bulk discounts available.

    How You Can Help
    1. Talk it up! So folks are anticipating its release in Sept.
    2. Support the project with a donation or an early order.
    3. When it's released, distribute the DVD -- show it, give it as a gift. Urge people to view brief segments on the internet.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 6, 2006 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - The Little . . . Book Set

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window #1
    * What can we do that all may be fed?
    * What can we do to develop spiritual resistance to the messages of a consumer Christmas that will start this summer? (June 11th)

    Window #2
    * What are anniversaries all about, anyway? (June 5th)
    * What's Father's Day all about, anyway? (June11th)

    Window #3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Off to North Carolina * BIG Catholic Parish (June 7th) * Sandy & Friends (June 10th)

    Window #4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    The best things in life aren't. --Attributed to Art Buchwald (June 10th)

    Coming Soon

    * Cat's Ideas (June 13th)
    * A New Lifer (June 16th)
    * Welcome to the World of Enough (June 17th)
    * A Rock Garden of Wishes: Brainstorming for a Children's Activity (June 13th)
    * I need to share my love of nature with my children. (June 18th)
    * What's summer all about, anyway? (June 19th)
    * Truthful Prayer Before Meals (June 19th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page.

    * * *

    This week I recommend The Little. . . Book Set.
    Three powerful little books at a discount. $10 each, all three for $25.

    *The Little Money Book
    *The Little Food Book
    *The Little Earth Book
    190 pages each..

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 12th, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * Next Generation search for a new National Coordinator (June 7th)

    * How we're going to survive after the oil's gone (June 14th)

    * Slow Is Beautiful (June 21st)

    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (June 28th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating (Treasury of Celebrations) - Tu

    * Getting Started: One Family's Program for Change (June 12th)

    * Getting Started: Celebrations in Extended, Single Parent, and Blended Families (June 19th)

    * Getting Started: Women and Celebration: The Fable of Maybe-Maybe Land (June 26th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Can Pastors Learn Simpler Living? (June 11th)
    * Five Powerful Ideas (June 14th)
    * Concerns for Grandkids (June 17th)
    * The Christian path is downward mobility. (June 20th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Volunteering (June 9th)
    * More Alternative Giving (June 17th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions

    Featured Writer of the Month: Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - NEW SERIES - Advent Activists (& Art)

    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides for Young Children (Ages 5-8) and for Older Children (Ages 9-11) (June 9th)

    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides (1993) for Youth (Ages 12-14) and for Senior High (Ages 15-18) (June 16th)

    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides (1993) for Young Adults and for Adults (June 23rd)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 13, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 'Whose Birthday?' Arrives!

    Our fresh, new young adult-friendly edition of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' is now in stock.

    Let's start at summer and fall activities to challenge Christmas consumerism.

    This full color, 32 page magazine for Advent and Christmas is available at generous discounts.

    Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click Christmas category on the left, or key 'birthday' in the Quick Find.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * What can I do to develop spiritual resistance to the messages of a consumer Christmas that will start this summer?
    * I need to share my love of nature with my children. (June 18th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's Father's Day all about, anyway?'
    * What's summer all about, anyway? (June 19th)

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? He's heading for the Northwest.
    * Cat's Ideas
    * A New Lifer (June 16th)
    * Eager to Help (June 19th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Earth provides enough for everyone's need, not for everyone's greed. --Gandhi (June 17th)

    Window 5 - Current Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week
    * Unplug the Christmas Machine (June 10th)
    * Welcome to the World of Enough. (June 17th)

    Window 7 - Worship Alternatives

    Coming Soon

    * Meditation and Simple Living (June 22nd)
    * An Alternative Christmas Community Festival (June 24th)
    * Want to help your congregation plan for a simpler Christmas? (June 25th)
    * What's Independence Day all about, anyway? (June 25th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 19th, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- ALL Specials Half Price!

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Slow Is Beautiful

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Getting Started: Celebrations in Extended, Single Parent, and Blended Families

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * The Christian path is downward mobility.
    * The Breakfast Club (June 23rd)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * More Alternative Giving

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - NEW SERIES - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides for Youth (Ages 12-14) and for Senior High (Ages 15-18)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace 6 Graded Activity Guides for Young Adults and for Adults (June 23rd)

    * * *

    * Young Adult Perspective (June 26th)
    * Planning Alternative Christmas Events (June 26th)
    * Women and Celebration: The Fable of Maybe-Maybe Land (June 26th)
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (June 28th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 20, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Inside Info

    This issue is a bit early because I leave Sunday morning for a goodwill tour of the Northwest. My itinerary will be posted at box 3 of our home page. Hope to meet lots of friends of Alternatives.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    Window 1
    * I need to share my love of nature with my children.
    * I want to help my congregation plan for a simpler Christmas. (June 25th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's summer all about, anyway?'
    * What's Independence Day all about, anyway?' (June 25th)

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? He's heading for the Northwest.
    * Meditation and Simple Living (June 22nd)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    How much is enough? Anything beyond sustainability is overconsumption. (June 22nd)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week
    * Welcome to the World of Enough.
    * An Alternative Christmas Community Festival. (June 24th)

    Coming Soon
    * I'm concerned about the impact of high gas prices on our cities. (July 2nd)
    * What are Rites of Passage all about, anyway? (July 5th)
    * Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page.
    Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others?
    We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Check out the latest 'Inside Info,' our newsletter for Members and Volunteers.

    See what others are doing to advance the mission of simpler living. Lot's of photos!

    Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Membership >> Newsletter.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 26th, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- 'Whose Birthday?' Arrives! 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' for 2007 -- with its fresh, full color, young adult-friendly design -- has new reflections and fun activities by dedicated writers such as Tony Campolo (author, speaker and humanitarian), Shane Claiborne (speaker, activist and author of 'The Irresistible Revolution'), Meg Cox (author of 'The Book of New Family Traditions') and brothers John Marty (Minnesota State Senator) and Peter Marty (host of 'Grace Matters' radio program), both sons of prominent historian Martin E. Marty.

    The booklet also comes with an audio CD for visually impaired or for those who prefer to listen, such as in a car.

    For details visit Archives >> Whose Birthday?

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Christmas Campaign Kit
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD (June 28th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Women and Celebration: The Fable of Maybe-Maybe Land

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Young Adult Perspective (June 26th)
    * OHIO - Only Handle It Once (June 29th)
    * Simpler Living, Compassionate Life (July 2nd)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Planning Alternative Christmas Events (June 26th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - NEW SERIES - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace Graded Activity Guides
    * War Toys & Christmas: Contradiction (June 30th)

    * * *

    * Getting Started: Socializing (July 3rd)
    * It's easy being green (July 3rd)
    * Celebrating the Good News of Christmas: Intergenerational Workshop - 3 sessions (July 7th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    June 27, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 'Celebrate Simply' at new price and free shipping

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I want to help my congregation plan for a simpler Christmas.
    * I'm concerned about the impact of high gas prices on our cities. (July 2nd)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's Independence Day all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? He's in the Northwest.
    * A Day at Duke
    * Jesuit Volunteer Corps (June 28th)
    * Discussion at Duke (July 1st)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap. --Spanish Proverb (June 30)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week
    * An Alternative Christmas Community Festival

    Coming Soon
    * Inspiration and practical ideas to simplify Christmas.
    * What are Rites of Passage all about, anyway?'
    * Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    * * *

    This week I recommend 'Celebrate Simply' at a new lower price and free shipping! Was $13, now only $10.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    July 3, 2007 - The Simple Way appeal
    July 10, 2007 - Announce Tour
    July 17, 2007 - 'Vacation' Preview
    July 24, 2007 - TOUR
    July 31, 2007 - TOUR
    August 7, 2007 - TOUR
    August 14, 2007 - Thanks SE hosts

    * * *

    This morning, a 7-alarm fire consumed an abandoned warehouse in our Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia . The Simple Way Community Center at 3200 Potter Street was destroyed as well as at least eight of our neighbors' homes. Over 100 people were evacuated from their homes, and 400 families are currently without power. Despite this developing tragedy, we are incredibly thankful to share that all of our community members and every one of our neighbors is safely out of harm's way.

    This fire will forever change the fabric of our community. Eight families are currently homeless, and in many cases have lost their vehicles as well as their homes. One of our neighbors, the Mahaias Family, lost their three cars as well as the equipment one family member uses for her massage therapy business. Teenager Brian Mahaias is devastated not because he has lost his belongings, but because he fears that this fire will force him to move away from this neighborhood that is his family as well as his home.

    The Simple Way has lost a community center that was home to our Yes! And… afterschool program, community arts center, and Cottage Printworks t-shirt micro-business as well as to two of our community members. Community members Shane Claiborne and Jesce Walz have lost all of their belongings, Yes! And…'s after school studio and library were ruined, and community member Justin Donner's Cottage Printworks equipment and t-shirts were destroyed.

    We are thankful that we are able to help each other during this time of need, and we will continue to keep your informed about today's events.

    We have established funds to support the families who have lost their homes, the Yes! And… afterschool program, and the Simple Way community.

    July 3rd, 2007

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Let's Help 'The Simple Way'

    The Simple Way, the community in northern Philadelphia co-founded by Shane Claiborne, was recently destroyed by fire.

    Please visit TheSimpleWay.org to see how you be a part of their rebuilding.

    A fund to support the families has been established through a partner organization, EAPE. Tax-deductible donations can be made at https://www.tonycampolo.org/simpleway_donation_secure.php

    Donations to the Rebuilding Fund can be made via PayPal at contribute@awip.us (Another World Is Possible).

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * It's easy being green (July 3rd)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Getting Started: Socializing (July 3rd)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Simpler Living, Compassionate Life (July 2nd)
    * Spin the Plastic (July 5th)
    * Raising Children in a Multi-cultural Environment (July 8th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Money & Goods: Green Business (July 1st)
    * Money & Goods: Green Investing (July 9th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * War Toys & Christmas: Contradiction (June 30th)
    * Celebrating the Good News of Christmas: Intergenerational Workshop (July 7th)

    * * *

    * When the Power Of Love Overcomes the Love Of Power, the World Will Know Peace bumpersticker (July 10th)
    * Alternative Checklist: How Much is Enough? (July 10th)
    * Communicating with Young Adults (July 11th)
    * Benefits of Honey (July 14th)
    * I Will Write Peace On Your Wings' Puppet Play (July 14th)
    * Money & Goods: Green Products (July 17th)
    * Welcoming the Prince of Peace' Models for Prayer and Worship (July 21st)

    * * *

    Help Us Find a New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008. Please help us find candidates.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    July 4, 2006 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Thank You, Northwest Friends!

    THANK YOU to the hundreds of members, volunteers and new friends I met in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming and Montana on my recent trip!

    My wife Rita and I will be leaving for the NORTHEAST soon. Watch Box 3 on our home page - Where's Geraldo? - for our itinerary.

    * * *

    Big Oops. So sorry about the multiple copies sent last week.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I'm concerned about the impact of high gas prices on our cities.
    * I need both inspiration and practical ideas to simplify Christmas. (July 9th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    What are Rites of Passage all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Boone
    * Interdependence Day (July 10th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    * My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions but in the fewness of my wants. --J. Brotherton (July 6th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week
    * An Alternative Christmas Community Festival.

    Window 7
    * Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    Coming Soon
    * I need help sharing the effects of our purchasing decisions with Middle Schoolers. (July 16th)
    * What are Birth Rituals all about, anyway? (July 12th)
    * At Katerina's Place (July 13th)
    * Young Family Issues (July 16th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    July 10th, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Where's Geraldo? Alternatives on the Road

    I will be visiting members and volunteers face-to-face and making new friends for Alternatives in Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, July 18th through August 9th. Please check out my itinerary at the bottom of window #3 at 'Where's Geraldo? Alternatives on the Road' or CLICK HERE. http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=travels.php

    A few spots of my itinerary are still open. If you'd like to host a small gathering at your church or home at one of those available times, please contact me immediately.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * When the Power Of Love Overcomes the Love Of Power, the World Will Know Peace bumpersticker (July 10th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Alternative Checklist: How Much is Enough? (July 10th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? Alternatives on the Road
    * Raising Children in a Multi-cultural Environment (July 8th)
    * Communicating with Young Adults (July 11th)
    * Benefits of Honey (July 14th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Money & Goods: Green Investing (July 9th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Celebrating the Good News of Christmas: Intergenerational Workshop (July 7th)
    * 'I Will Write Peace on Your Wings' Puppet Play (July 14th)

    * * *

    * Better World Handbook (July 17th)
    * The Shakertown Pledge (July 17th)
    * Money & Goods: Green Products (July 17th)
    * Corn syrup obesity (July 17th)
    * Sending 'Whose Birthday?' to College Students (July 20th)
    * 'Welcoming the Prince of Peace' Models for Prayer and Worship (July 21st)
    * Incredible Holden Village (July 23rd)

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    July 11, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Simply Living Survey

    My wife Rita and I will be leaving for the NORTHEAST soon. Watch Box 3 on our home page - Where's Geraldo? - for our itinerary.

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I need both inspiration and practical ideas to simplify Christmas.
    * I need help sharing the effects of our purchasing decisions with Middle Schoolers. (July 16th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What are Rites of Passage all about, anyway?
    * What are Birth Rituals all about, anyway? (July 12th)

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Interdependence Day
    * At Katerina's Place (July 13th)
    * Young Family Issues (July 16th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    * Do few things but do them well, simple joys are holy. --St. Francis of Assisi (July 17th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week

    Window 7
    * Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    Coming Soon
    * I could surely use a young adult-friendly resource this Christmas. (July 23rd)
    * What are Early Passages all about, anyway? (July 19th)

    * * *



    If you are trying to live more simply - from cleaning your closets to quitting your job - we want to hear from you!

    Fill out a quick, online, anonymous survey to help us understand the steps you have taken, small or large, to simplify your life. This survey is part of a research project being conducted by the University of South Florida St. Petersburg to assess the impact voluntary simplicity is having on our lives, on the environment, and on our relationships with each other.

    You can access the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=872961927600

    If you have questions concerning the voluntary simplicity project, contact Dr. R. Johns at rjohns@stpt.usf.edu or 727-873-4556. Thanks for helping!

    * * *

    We mailed our summer Resource Guide recently. If you did not receive one in the mail, we'll gladly send one to you. You can also download an expanded version as PDFs from our web site home page.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    July 17th, 2007
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 'Vacation' Preview

    Since I will be on a speaking tour of the Southeastern states through August 10th, 'Simply :60' will be on vacation until then. A long-range preview of our home page is included so you'll know what interesting items are offered while I'm away. My itinerary is at 'Alternatives on the Road' at the bottom of window #3. I hope to meet many of you face-to-face.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Better World Handbook (July 17th)
    * Everyone Wins (July 24th)
    * Progress on the new Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne DVD (July 31st)
    * What Would Jesus Buy? (Aug. 7th)
    * Serve Good and Save the Planet (Aug. 14th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * The Shakertown Pledge (July 17th)
    * Conversion: A Letter from Yola (July 24th)
    * Gift Planning (July 31st)
    * Different Approaches to Gift-giving (Aug. 7th)
    * Plants: A Gift of Life (Aug. 14th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? Alternatives on the Road
    * Benefits of Honey (July 14th)
    * Corn Syrup Obesity (July 17th)
    * Sending 'Whose Birthday?' to College Students (July 20th)
    * Incredible Holden Village (July 23rd)
    * When they don't give me stuff, I love them more. (July 26th)
    * PizzaRio Builds Community (July 29th)
    * Share Implements (Aug. 1st)
    * Mustard Seed Associates (Aug. 4th)
    * Mindfulness Cures Wastefulness (Aug. 10th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Money & Goods: Green Products (July 17th) * Money & Goods: Personal Finance, Credit & Debt (July 25th) * Personal Choices, Happiness, Fulfillment: Work, Stress & Health (Aug. 1st) * Personal Choices, Happiness, Fulfillment: Support (Aug. 9th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * 'I Will Write Peace On Your Wings' Puppet Play (July 14th)
    * 'Welcoming the Prince of Peace' Models for Prayer and Worship (July 21st)
    * 'Gifts of Peace' Guidelines for Alternative Giving (July 28th)
    * Preparing for His Coming: A Study of Gospel Texts by Catherine & Justo Gonzalez (Aug. 4th)
    * Advent Activities for the Family: An Intergenerational Resource (Aug. 11th)

    * * *

    Help Us Find a New National Coordinator
    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008. Please help us find candidates. Visit http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=search.php

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    July 18, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Hello, Northeast!

    My wife Rita and I are visiting friends of Alternatives in the NORTHEAST.

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I need help sharing the effects of our purchasing decisions with Middle Schoolers.
    * I could surely use a young adult-friendly resource this Christmas. (July 23rd)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What are Birth Rituals all about, anyway?
    * What are Early Passages all about, anyway? (July 19th)

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Where's Geraldo? He's headed to the East Coast
    * Young Family Issues
    * Charlotte (July 19th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Medical experts now estimate that 80 percent of diseases are directly linked to frantic living. --Doris Janzen Longacre' (July 22nd)

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week

    Window 7
    * Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    Coming Soon
    * What are Puberty Rituals all about, anyway?

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    July 25, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 'Whose Birthday?' Fall Printing

    So many folks have expressed interest in our fresh, new, Young-Adult friendly edition of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' that we are planning a fall printing.

    If you would like a customized version for your group or congregation, we must have your order and materials before Sept. 1.

    * * *

    Featured Sometime This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I could surely use a young adult-friendly resource this Christmas.

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What are Early Passages all about, anyway?
    * What are Puberty Rituals all about, anyway? (July 26th)

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Lincolnton VBS
    * Montreat (July 31st)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Time with yourself, with your family, and with your God may prove to be the ultimate saving. --Doris Janzen Longacre (July 29th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Volunteer Activity of the Week

    Window 7
    Planning a Hunger Emphasis?

    Coming Soon
    What's Hiroshima Day all about, anyway? (August 1st)
    Rachel's Personal Thoughts (August 3rd)

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973



    August 14, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Thanks for Your Wonderful Hospitality!

    I just returned from my Southeast tour - 24 days, 5670 miles, 42 presentations in nine states. You can meet the wonderful folks I met in our future blog in Window #3.

    In September I visit Wisconsin for a week. To see that itinerary, visit http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=travels.php

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Serve God and Save the Planet (Aug. 14th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Plants: A Gift of Life (Aug. 14th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Hurricane Ridge
    * Friends of the Carpenter - learn from the homeless (Aug. 16th)
    * Morning Song Acres (Aug. 19th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Personal Choices, Happiness, Fulfillment: Support (Aug. 9th); Transportation & Travel (Aug. 17th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Advent Activities for the Family: An Intergenerational Resource
    * Christmas Traditions That Work for You (Aug. 18th)

    * * *

    * Membership Benefits (Aug. 21st)
    * Give a Tree! (Aug. 21st)
    * Remembering the Holy Innocents (Aug. 25th)

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    August 1, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Progress on Young Adult Initiative

    We're making significant progress on the three goals of our new initiative - Reaching Out to Young Adults.

    Recruit more young adults to the board of directors. At the recent face-to-face board meeting we had numerous new, young adult board members. Their energy was rejuvenating.

    Redesign our resources and promotional media to be young-adult friendly. Our Resource Guide, 'Whose Birthday?' booklet and our web site have been redesigned.

    Offer resources and services that meet the needs of young adults. You'll notice already more titles that are on issues of interest to young adults.

    To maintain our momentum, we need your help!

    Become a dues-paying member, renew your membership at a higher level or give a special gift for the initiative. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership

    Send us names and contact information for people who might be nudged into simpler living.

    Use our resources and services and SHARE them with others.

    Send us your ideas.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I could surely use a young adult-friendly resource this Christmas.
    * I want to offer a workshop this fall that will give people a new vision beyond a consumer Christmas. (August 6th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's Hiroshima Day all about, anyway? Where can I learn more about Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Montreat
    * GUEST: Rachel's Personal Thoughts (August 3rd)
    * Lake Junaluska, NC (August 6th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'As my spiritual growth expanded and developed, voluntary simplicity was a natural outgrowth. I came to realize the cost of material accumulation was too high and offered fewer and fewer real rewards, psychological and spiritual. --Duane Elgin (August 3rd)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Congregations
    * #5. A Simple Christmas workshop for your congregation or community (August 5th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    * Animal Barn (play) (August 3rd)
    * Are Your Hands Cold? Children's emphasis for the beginning of Advent (August 6th)

    Coming Soon
    * We'd like some tips and inspiration to live organically. (August 13th)
    * I want a relevant Christmas pageant! (August 20th)
    * What are birthdays all about, anyway? (August 8th)
    * What's Adoption Day all about, anyway? (August 15th)
    * Living Off the Grid (August 15th)

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    August 8, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Thank You, Northeast Friends!

    THANK YOU to the hundreds of members, volunteers and new friends Rita and I met in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New Jersey on our recent trip!

    Featured This Week

    Window 1
    * I want to offer a workshop this fall that will give people a new vision beyond a consumer Christmas.
    * We'd like some tips and inspiration to live organically. (August 13th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What are Birthdays all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Lake Junaluska, NC

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. --Lily Tomlin' (August 11th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Congregations
    # 5. A Simple Christmas workshop for your congregation or community
    # 4. Pulpit Talk or Sermons (August 12th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    * God with Us: a youth led reading for Advent

    Coming Soon
    * I want a relevant Christmas pageant! Click here if you do too. (August 20th)
    * What's Adoption Day all about, anyway? (August 15th)
    * What's retirement all about, anyway? (August 22nd)
    * Living Off the Grid (August 15th)

    * * *

    POLITICS AND SPIRITUALITY CONFERENCE hosted by Sojourners and the Center for Action and Contemplation, Sept. 8 to 10, Pasadena, California.

    Early bird deadline extended to Aug. 14!

    Register at http://go.sojo.net/ct/y1q-e9Y1SRmN/

    Politics and Spirituality Conference: Outer Witness, Inner Faith brings together Anne Lamott, Richard Rohr, and Jim Wallis to engage us on the vital connection between inner spiritual life and outer public witness.

    New opportunities for networking circles and interactive practical sessions include:
    Contemplative Prayer
    Why Christians Should Engage Politically
    War and Peace
    Creation Care
    Poverty and Taking Steps to Make It History
    Engaging the Press

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    August 15, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Free 'Inconvenient Truth' Study Guide

    Featured This Week

    Window 1
    * We'd like some tips and inspiration to live organically.
    * I want a relevant Christmas pageant! (August 20th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's Adoption Day all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Living Off the Grid
    * Youth Guru (August 21st)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'Beware all enterprises that require new clothes. --Henry David Thoreau' (August 20th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Congregations
    #4. Pulpit Talk or sermons
    #3. Sunday School and Adult Forum (August 19th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    * The Packing Around My Hopes
    * Multi-Media Christmas Pageant Extravaganza (August 18th)
    * Responsive Call to Hope (August 21st)

    Coming Soon
    * I'd like some tips on how to build community. (August 27th)
    * What's retirement all about, anyway? (August 22nd)
    * Loaves & Fishes Alternative Gift Market (August 24th)

    * * *

    The new film of Al Gore's presentation on global climate change, 'An Inconvenient Truth,' is helping to inform the public about this urgent issue, and to stimulate conversations. Our friends at Eco-Justice Ministries have prepared a free discussion guide to help church groups talk about the film. Visit http://eco-justice.org/TruthGuide.asp

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    August 21, 2007 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Applications Due Soon

    September 15th is the due date for applications for Alternatives' National Coordinator.

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Membership benefits (Aug. 21st)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Give A Tree! (Aug. 21st)
    * Making Gifts (Aug. 28th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Morning Song Acres (Aug. 19th)
    * Simple Living Network (Aug. 22nd)
    * You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. (Aug. 25th)
    * Take a Picture (Aug. 28th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Personal Choices, Happiness, Fulfillment: Transportation & Travel (Aug. 17th)
    * Homes & Buildings: Construction, Energy Generating, Appliances (Aug. 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Christmas Traditions That Work for You (Aug. 18th)
    * Remembering the Holy Innocents (Aug. 25th)

    * * *

    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD. (Aug. 28th)
    * Perpetual Lent - Schedule Car-less Days (Aug. 31st)
    * Simple Living Research (Sept. 3rd)
    * Woods Treasures (Sept. 4th)

    * * *

    Help Us Find a New National Coordinator My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008. Please help us find candidates. Visit http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=search.php

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    August 22, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Third U.S. Conference on 'Peak Oil' and Community Solutions

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I want a relevant Christmas pageant! Click here if you do too.
    * I'd like some tips on how to build community. (August 27th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's RETIREMENT all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Youth Guru
    * Loaves & Fishes Alternative Gift Market (August 24th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'It is the simple things of life that make living worthwhile, the sweet fundamental things such as love and duty, work and rest, and living close to nature. --Laura Ingalls Wilder' (August 28th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Congregations
    #3. Sunday School and Adult Forum

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    * Responsive Call to Hope (August 21st)
    * Comfort, O Comfort My People (Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent) (August 24th)
    * Who Are You? (Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent) (August 27th)

    Coming Soon
    * International YMCA Service (August 27th)
    * Deliberate conservation in the suburbs (August 30th)

    * * *

    Register Now for the Third U.S. Conference on 'Peak Oil' and Community Solutions

    Hear the latest on Peak Oil and climate change. Understand why many proposed alternatives could do more harm than good. Learn about lifestyle solutions based on conservation, curtailment and community that will lead to a sustainable and equitable future.

    David Orr, author of 'Earth in Mind'
    Richard Heinberg, author of 'Powerdown' and 'The Party's Over'
    Vicki Robin, author of 'Your Money or Your Life'

    Friday-Sunday, Sept. 22-24, Yellow Springs, OH

    The Community Solution
    P. O. Box 243
    Yellow Springs, OH 45387
    937-767-2161 or, toll-free 866-767-2161

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    August 28, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Your Weekly Gentle Nudge Toward Simpler Living

    We can't simplify your life for you. But we can help.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Progress on Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne's new DVD. (Aug. 28th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Making Gifts (Aug. 28th)
    * Woods Treasures (Sept. 4th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Take a Picture (Aug. 28th)
    * Perpetual Lent - Schedule Car-less Days (Aug. 31st)
    * Simple Living Research (Sept. 3rd)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Homes & Buildings: Construction, Energy Generating, Appliances (Aug. 25th)
    * Non-Conform Freely: Media Literacy (Sept. 1st)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Struggles & Solutions
    * Beyond Simplicity

    * * *

    Window 7 - Advent Activists (& Art)
    * Remembering the Holy Innocents (Aug. 25th)

    * * *

    * Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey (Sept. 4th)
    * Jesus' Message Is Radical. (Sept. 6th)
    * Epidemic of Busyness (Sept. 9th)
    * Non-Conform Freely: Advertising & Public Relations (Sept. 9th)
    * Gift Ideas (Sept. 11th)

    * * *

    Help Us Find a New National Coordinator
    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008. Please help us find candidates. Applications due Sept. 15th! Visit http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=search.php

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    August 29, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - NEW Specials

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I'd like some tips on how to build community.
    * We'd like some help organizing an Alternative Giving Festival this fall. (Sept. 3rd)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's LABOR DAY all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Deliberate conservation in the suburbs (August 30th)
    * Urban Observations (Sept. 2nd)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'Simplicity of living, if deliberately chosen, implies a compassionate approach to life. It means that we are choosing to live our daily lives with some degree of conscious appreciation of the condition of the rest of the world. --Duane Elgin' (August 31st)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Congregations
    #2. Bible Study, such as a women's circle or men's breakfast

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    * Who Are You? (Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent)
    * Season for Peace (August 30th)

    Coming Soon
    * How to Build Global Community (Sept. 10th)

    * * *

    This week I recommend NEW SPECIALS.

    The New Ecological Home - was $35, now $25
    The High Price of Materialism - was $18, now $15
    Solar Living Sourcebook - was $35, now $25
    Agape CD - was $17, now $12
    Architects of Peace - was $25, now $19
    Globalization at What Price, was $12, now $9
    Go Before Us CD - was $17, now $12
    The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry - was $14, now $11
    Keeping the Garden 2 CD set - was $20, now $15
    The Quiltmaker's Gift - was $18, now $14
    Raising Financially Fit Kids - was $18, now $14
    Simplicity Lessons - was $16, now $12
    Seeing Red: Anger Management & Peacemaking Curriculum for Kids - was $15, now $10

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    # # # # #

    E-Store Categories / subcategories

    -Family & Home
    -Games & Music
    -Time Management
    -Best Sellers
    -Study Guides/Curriculum
    -Greeting Cards
    -Post Cards
    NEW CDs DVDs
    -Peace and Justice



    September 4 and 11, 2007 - TOUR

    September 18, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Thanks for Your Wonderful Hospitality!

    I just returned from my Wisconsin tour - eight days, 1700 miles, 15 presentations. You can meet the wonderful folks I met in About Us >> Travels or http://simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=travels.php

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Mini Book of New Family Traditions (Sept. 18th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Ideas from Kids (Sept. 18th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Quiet Garden Movement (Sept. 18th)
    * Ecology Adventure Camp (Sept. 21st)
    * Plural Marriage (Sept. 24th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Non-Conform Freely: Alternatives to TV, Video Games, Movies, Gambling (Sept. 17th)
    * Non-Conform Freely: Marketing (Sept. 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007

    * * *

    * Make Your Own Greeting Cards (Sept. 25th)
    * Education and Reminders Needed (Sept. 27th)
    * Sustenance: Food (Oct. 1st)

    * * *

    Register now for the conference and join us to ask the big question!

    See the full schedule and register NOW at: www.timeday.org/economyconference

    WHEN: October 5-7, 2007 - Friday-Sunday

    WHERE: Washington DC Convention Center (part of the annual Green Festival)

    COST: $50 (entire conference or $25 per day). Conference fee includes free admission to Green Festival.

    What's the economy for, anyway? Is it just about having the biggest GDP or the highest Dow Jones Average? Or is it about providing for a healthy, happy, fair and sustainable society?

    Dozens of prominent experts and activists will offer parts of the answer to the big question and offer out-of-the-box ideas about what we can do to make our economy serve us instead of vice-versa. Three tracks include QUALITY OF LIFE, SOCIAL JUSTICE and SUSTAINABILITY.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    September 25, 2007 SIMPLY 60 SECONDS
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - What's the Economy for, Anyway?


    See the full schedule and register at: www.timeday.org/economyconference

    WHEN: October 5-7, 2007 - Friday-Sunday

    WHERE: Washington DC Convention Center (part of the annual Green Festival)

    COST: $50 (entire conference or $25 per day). Conference fee includes free admission to Green Festival.

    What's the economy for, anyway? Is it just about having the biggest GDP or the highest Dow Jones Average? Or is it about providing for a healthy, happy, fair and sustainable society?

    Dozens of prominent experts and activists will offer parts of the answer to the big question and offer out-of-the-box ideas about what we can do to make our economy serve us instead of vice-versa. Three tracks include QUALITY OF LIFE, SOCIAL JUSTICE and SUSTAINABILITY.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Christmas Miracle
    * Christmas: A Candid History (Sept. 28)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Make Your Own Greeting Cards

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Plural Marriage
    * Education and Reminders Needed (Sept. 27th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Non-Conform Freely: Marketing
    * Sustenance: Food (Oct. 1st)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: This Season, Practice Christian Hospitality
    * Fun Activity: Savoring Christmas Letters
    * Inspiring Reflection: The Promise of Advent: Gospel Nonviolence (Sept. 29th)
    * Fun Activity: The Joy of Reading Aloud
    * Bonus Item: A Christmas Prayer Service

    * * *

    * Gift Wrapping Ideas (Oct. 2nd)
    * Short-Term and Long-Term Costs (Oct. 3rd)
    * Beautiful, Meaningful 2008 Wall Calendars (Oct. 5th)
    * Justice & Witness (Oct. 6th)
    * Getting Beyond Christmas Trading (Oct. 6th)
    * St. Nick - The Real Santa Claus (Oct. 6th) * St. Nicholas and the Tax Collectors (Oct. 6th) * Sustenance: Recipes (from Non-Industrial Countries) & Food Preparation (Oct. 9th

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries
    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' and the new DVD 'Simply Enough' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the booklets to students and/or offer a showing of the DVD. We ship the resources. You pay $100 for the booklets and/or $20 for the DVD (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version of the booklet, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!: Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.: Take a 'No Cost Gifts' Tele-workshop at SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    September 5, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - The Best Gift Catalog from CWS

    Featured This Week

    Window 1
    We'd like some help organizing an Alternative Giving Festival this fall.
    We'd like some tips on How to Build Global Community. (Sept. 10th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Simple Living Athlete
    Raising Chickens in the City (Sept. 8th)
    Bay Area Simplicity Circles (Sept. 11th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    'If you are wise, you will dread a prosperity which only loads you with more. --Ralph Waldo Emerson' (Sept. 9th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    #200-Silent Night: Advent reading
    #204-Mary (Sept. 8th)
    #206-Another Prayer for Peace (Sept. 11th)

    Presbyterian Hippies (Sept. 14th)
    Church near Stanford (Sept. 17th)
    New Heavens & Earth (Sept. 14th)
    Rejoice: Advent reading for two people (Sept. 17th)
    Scandal of Salvation: 3 part Advent meditation (Sept. 20th)
    Relevant, graded Study/Action Guides for Sunday School this fall. (Sept. 17th)
    Tips on How to End Global Warming. (Sept. 24th)

    * * *

    Our friend Amy Porter invites us to see Church World Service' new Alternative Giving Catalogue called The Best Gift Catalogue: 'Life is the best gift, the rest is extra.' -African version at https://secure.churchworldservice.org/catalog/display.php Call (413) 583-8355 or toll-free: (888) 297-2767

    CWS are CROP Walk folks.

    * * *

    Tip for Using Alternatives' Web Site: Create an account or not - it's your choice. If you create an account, remember your password. Then you can track your orders. Your order will be handled personally either way.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    September 12, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - FREE 'No-Cost Christmas Gifts Tele-Workshops'

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * Tips on how to build community.
    * Relevant, graded Study/Action Guides for Sunday School this fall. (Sept. 17th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * You can now download our fall Resource Guide here.
    * What's AUTUMN all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Bay Area Simplicity Circles
    Presbyterian Hippies (Sept. 14th)
    Church near Stanford (Sept. 17th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Simplify-organize-delegate - - in that order! (from Simply Organized)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Individuals and Families
    * 5. Christmas planning time or event. Hold a family meeting between now and Nov. 1 to talk about Christmas expectations. What does each of us really want? Who is going to do what? What is really most meaningful? Are we willing to spend less on ourselves and give more to the needy? Write down and post decisions and changes to consider.

    Window 7
    * Another Prayer for Peace
    * Isaiah 65:17-23-New Heavens & Earth (Sept. 14th)
    * Rejoice: Advent reading for two people (Sept. 17th)

    Coming Soon
    * What's ROSH HASHANA all about, anyway? (Sept. 19th)
    * Living Communally (Sept. 26th)
    * Tips on How to End Global Warming. (Sept. 24th)
    * Scandal of Salvation: 3 part Advent meditation (Sept. 20th)

    * * *

    MAKE and GIVE No-Cost Christmas Gifts: Training Workshops, Materials, Advice - All by Phone

    Our friend Dick Haid offers you a free one-hour tele-workshop to learn to lead your own local workshops on 'How to Give No-Cost Christmas Gifts.' His goal is to help you and others have a more satisfying Christmas - and other gift-giving holidays too. This is even better than playing Santa Claus for the family down the block and it works for young and old, those with or without jobs, and those with very little and those with a lot of money.

    His easy-to-lead workshops cover making your gifts more meaningful by giving a gift of yourself. Discover things about your unique ability to create special gifts for others. Some of these gifts may last through the year.

    He offers advice, materials and encouragement plus your own posters and gift certificates that he will send to workshop participants. His no-cost gift to you is the workshop training and materials and no-cost consultation after your training.

    Select your most convenient group training time:
    Wed. October 18, 8 p.m. Eastern Time or Thur. November 13, 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    You'll still have time to schedule workshops before Christmas. Take Dick's workshop without cost or obligation. All you pay for is your phone call. Please register at least two days in advance.

    Send Dick an email at dickhaid@adultmentor.com or call him (513) 868-1488 to sign up for a workshop. For more information visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9. Also read Dick's article on No-Cost Gifts in 'Whose Birthday?' 2006 booklet or hear it on audio CD.

    Dick Haid is an Adult Mentor in Hamilton, OH. Visit www.adultmentor.com

    * * *

    Tip for Using Alternatives' Web Site eStore: If you are ordering for an institution, like a church or school, and want us to bill you, choose the COD option. We will send you an invoice with your order. We will NOT send it COD. (Sorry, our eStore provider does not have a 'bill me later' option.) If you are ordering for yourself, please pay by credit card through this secure site, or call us at 800-821-6153.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    September 19, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Fall Resource Guide

    We mailed our fall Resource Guide recently. It's our master catalog for 2006-2007. If you do not receive one in the mail, we'll gladly send one to you. You can also download a complete version as PDFs from our web site home page.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I'd like some tips on how to build community.

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's ROSH HASHANA all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Church near Stanford
    Christian Ed workshop (Sept. 20th)
    Life in the Valley (Sept. 23rd)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Simplification is another word for the conservation of life's most precious commodity: time. --David Cooper

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Individuals and Families
    4. Extended family gatherings

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    #209-Rejoice: Advent reading for two people
    #210-Scandal of Salvation: 3 part Advent meditation (Sept. 20th)
    #211-Scrooge (Sept. 23rd)

    Coming Soon
    What's YOM KIPPUR all about, anyway? (Sept. 26th) Living Communally (Sept. 26th)

    * * *

    INSIDE INFO - Video Blogging

    We're working on an exciting project that's so new we can't give you the details yet. It's part of our Young Adults Initiative. We plan to promote the project using VIDEO BLOGGING, which is growing more popular among young adults. If you'd like to experience a current example, visit one in progress by one of our partner organizations. More details next week.

    Go to http://ugandadocumentary.blogspot.com
    You need a high-speed connection. Register and 'blogspot' will send you an email notice when new video is posted. Use your real identity. Your comments are welcome.

    Or just lurk.

    * * *

    Your Farmers' Market's Calling

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a local, regional or national event. . . maybe a table at your Farmer's Market.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    I'm more embarrassed than you!

    I'll get on the check request immediately.

    Another matter: I talked to the producer of the Uganda Video Blog, Tim Frakes. A couple of things:

    1. He has worked with Tony Campolo in the past.
    2. I still won't share your proposal with him until he gets back from Uganda.
    3. He's very excited about your sharing this video blog address with your extended network of e-mail subscribers. Here's how you can position the matter:

    A. Because of the interplay of global and local matters in our world today, the 'simple living' of Ugandans in IDP camps * forced on them by the horrors of war * is as close to our doorsteps as the simple living forced on poor people in this country by a different set of circumstances. For many of us, a joyful and purposeful simplicity still remains a choice, one that helps contribute to a more just and sustainable world. In this sense, the IDP camps in Uganda can be powerful reminders of how our lives intertwine with people in other countries.

    B. The ELCA will produce a documentary on the IDP camps, set to air next Spring on NBC. Those who participate in this blog will have the opportunity to listen and watch, certainly, but by their comments on the blog also help shape the content of that documentary.

    C. Alternatives continues to explore more effective ways to reach a growing audience of people excited about necessary changes in their lifestyles, including young adults. Alternatives will benefit from having its members participate in this virtual trip to Uganda, as they assess the value of video blog technologies to bring together people in mutual learning and action.

    You can phrase any of these better than I, Gerry, but those are some reasons that might be helpful to add to your invitation * a special one coming from me as ELCA Hunger Education Director * to add their wisdom to what they see and hear.

    This feels like good news, albeit regarding an unknown future and an intuitive hope about what might come of this. I'm glad you're willing to offer this invitation to your subscribers.

    Let me know if more questions come to mind.


    September 26, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Video Blogging

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Window 1
    * I'd like some tips on how to build community.

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's YOM KIPPUR all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Living Communally
    * Friends in Fresno (Sept. 29th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday

    In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --From the Great Law of the Iroquois Confederation (Sept. 29th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Individuals and Families: 3. Mealtime discussion

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    #213-Advent Meditations (Sept. 26th)
    #214-Music, Sweet Buns, Coffee & Love: Christmas Eve service (Moravian Love Feast) (Sept. 29th)
    #215-4-Part Advent Litany (Oct. 2nd)

    Coming Soon
    What's SUKKOT all about, anyway? (Oct. 3rd)
    #217-Christmas Eve Meditation (Oct. 5th)
    #219-Child's Lessons & Carols (Oct. 8th)

    * * *


    Because of the interplay of global and local matters in our world today, the 'simple living' of Ugandans in IDP camps - forced on them by the horrors of war - is as close to our doorsteps as the simple living forced on poor people in this country by a different set of circumstances. For many of us, a joyful and purposeful simplicity still remains a choice, one that helps contribute to a more just and sustainable world. In this sense, the IDP camps in Uganda can be powerful reminders of how our lives intertwine with people in other countries.

    The ELCA will produce a documentary on the IDP camps, set to air next spring on NBC. Those who participate in this blog will have the opportunity to listen and watch, certainly, but by their comments on the blog also help shape the content of that documentary.

    Alternatives continues to explore more effective ways to reach a growing audience of people excited about necessary changes in their lifestyles, including young adults. Alternatives will benefit from having its members participate in this virtual trip to Uganda, as they assess the value of video blog technologies to bring together people in mutual learning and action.

    Go to http://ugandadocumentary.blogspot.com
    You need a high-speed connection. Register using your real identity and 'blogspot' will send you an email notice when new video is posted.

    Bob Sitze
    ELCA Hunger Education Director

    * * *

    MAKE and GIVE NO-COST Christmas Gifts: Free Training Workshops, Materials, Advice by Phone

    Select your most convenient group training time:
    Wed. October 18, 8 p.m. Eastern Time
    Thur. November 13, 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    Take Dick Haid's workshop without cost or obligation. All you pay for is your phone call. Please register at least two days in advance.

    Send Dick an email at dickhaid@adultmentor.com or call him (513) 868-1488 to sign up for a workshop. For more information visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9. Also read Dick's article on No-Cost Gifts in 'Whose Birthday?' 2006 booklet or hear it on audio CD.

    * * *

    Tip for Using Alternatives' Web Site: Feel free to write instructions, questions, concerns in the Comments Box. Every order is handled by a real, breathing human so we pay attention to what you need.

    * * *

    Are You Having a Workshop or Christmas Fair?

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    October 2, 2007
    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries

    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' and the new DVD 'Simply Enough' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the booklets to students and/or offer a showing of the DVD. We ship the resources. You pay $100 for the booklets and/or $20 for the DVD (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version of the booklet, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Beautiful, Meaningful 2008 Wall Calendars

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Gift Wrapping Ideas

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Short-Term and Long-Term Costs (Oct. 3rd)
    * Justice & Witness (Oct. 6th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Food (Oct. 1st)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: The Promise of Advent: Gospel Nonviolence (Sept. 29th)
    * Fun Activity: The Joy of Reading Aloud
    * Bonus Item: A Christmas Prayer Service
    * Inspiring Reflection: Getting Beyond Trading (Oct. 6th)
    * Fun Activity: St. Nick - The Real Santa Claus
    * Bonus Item: St. Nicholas and the Tax Collectors
    GRAPHIC: John Marty, Prayerful Santa

    * * *

    * Christmas: A Candid History (Oct. 9th)
    * More Gift Ideas (Oct. 9th)
    * The Hug Lady (Oct. 9th)
    * Bucky's Cook (Oct. 12th)
    * Inspiring Reflection: Giving BIG - A Modern Day 'Widow's Mite (Oct. 13th)
    * Fun Activity: Gift of Our Gifts
    * Bonus Item: Can Christmas Cost Too Much?
    * Animal Rights and Eye Contact (Oct. 15th)
    * Sustenance: Recipes (from Non-Industrial Countries) & Food Preparation (Oct. 9th)

    * * *

    Search Update for New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008.

    We've been blessed with many inquiries about our National Coordinator opening. The search committee is following up on applications, conducting telephone and then face-to-face interviews in October. The hope is that a candidate will be confirmed at the next board of directors conference call in mid-November. The new leader is scheduled to take over between January and May.

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!: Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help. Take Dick Haid's 'No Cost Gifts' Tele-workshop at SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >>#9.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    October 9, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - It's Time!

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!: Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.: Take Dick Haid's free 'No Cost Gifts' Workshop. He's offering two identical 1-1/2 hour tele-classes for 2007:
    * Wed. Oct 17, call (641) 594-7500, access code 44952, at 8 p.m. Eastern
    * Wed. Nov 14, same number and time.
    If you email Dick at dickhaid@adultmentor.com by the prior Monday, requesting the training materials, he'll send the materials to you by email.

    Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    *Christmas: A Candid History (Oct. 9th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * More Gift Ideas (Oct. 9th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * The Hug Lady (Oct. 9th)
    * Bucky's Cook (Oct. 12th)
    * Animal Rights and Eye Contact (Oct. 15th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Recipes (from Non-Industrial Countries) & Food Preparation (Oct. 9th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: Getting Beyond Trading
    * Fun Activity: St. Nick - The Real Santa Claus
    * Bonus Item: St. Nicholas and the Tax Collectors
    * Inspiring Reflection: Giving BIG - A Modern Day 'Widow's Mite (Oct. 13th)
    * Fun Activity: Gift of Our Gifts
    * Bonus Item: Can Christmas Cost Too Much?

    * * *

    * The Race: A Simplicity Musical (Oct. 16th)
    * Some of the Best Christmas Gifts (Oct. 16th)
    * Sustenance: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming (Oct. 17th)
    * TOTALLED! (Oct. 18th)
    * Inspiring Reflection - Away in a 'Stank' Manger (Oct. 20th)
    * Fun Activity - Extending the Joy
    * Bonus Item - O Advent Morn / O Troubled Town of Washington / Holy Evening
    * Grace's Car Ministry (Oct. 21st)

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *


    October 16, 2007 - NOT SENT

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Jim Wallis Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    Alternatives for Simple Living has done it again, bringing together two of the most important voices the 21st Century church has to offer. Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, two of my dearest friends, are modern day prophets from different generations echoing the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth-a message still transforming lives and changing the world over 2000 years later. This is a conversation you do NOT want to miss.
    - Jim Wallis, Author of God's Politics & President of Sojourners/Call to Renewal

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * 2008 International Wall Calendar (Oct. 16th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Some of the Best Christmas Gifts (Oct. 16th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Animal Rights and Eye Contact (Oct. 15th
    * TOTALLED! (Oct. 18th)
    * Grace's Car Ministry (Oct. 21st)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Recipes (from Non-Industrial Countries) & Food Preparation (Oct. 9th)
    * Sustenance: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming (Oct. 17th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: Away in a 'Stank' Manger (Oct. 20th)
    * Fun Activity: Extending the Joy
    * Bonus Item: O Advent Morn / O Troubled Town of Washington / Holy Evening
    GRAPHIC: Shane, Baby Banner, Deliver box graphic
    * Inspiring Reflection: Connecting at Christmas (Oct. 27th)
    * Fun Activity: Twelve Days of Christmas Activity Envelopes
    GRAPHIC: Becky, Mexican banner

    * * *

    * Appalachian Forests 2008 Simple Lifestyle Wall Calendar (Oct. 23rd)
    * Holiday Gifts from the Kitchen (Oct. 23rd)
    * New Hope (Oct. 24th)
    * Sustenance: Gardening (Oct. 25th)

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living!

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of The Irresistible Revolution) are making a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) at http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=donations.php

    How You Can Help
    1. Talk it up! So folks are anticipating its release in Sept.
    2. Support the project with a donation or an early order.
    3. When it's released, distribute the DVD -- show it, give it as a gift. Urge people to view brief segments on the internet.

    * * *

    Search Update for New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008.

    We've been blessed with many inquiries about our National Coordinator opening. The search committee is following up on applications, conducting telephone and then face-to-face interviews in October. The hope is that a candidate will be confirmed at the next board of directors conference call in mid-November. The new leader is scheduled to take over between January and May.

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries

    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' and the new DVD 'Simply Enough' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the booklets to students and/or offer a showing of the DVD. We ship the resources. You pay $100 for the booklets and/or $20 for the DVD (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version of the booklet, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as Unplug the Christmas Machine - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.

    : Take Dick Haid's 'No Cost Gifts' Tele-workshop at SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >>#9.

    * * *

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973
    * * *

    October 23, 2007 - NOT SENT

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Jim Wallis Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    Alternatives for Simple Living has done it again, bringing together two of the most important voices the 21st Century church has to offer. Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, two of my dearest friends, are modern day prophets from different generations echoing the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth-a message still transforming lives and changing the world over 2000 years later. This is a conversation you do NOT want to miss.
    - Jim Wallis, Author of God's Politics & President of Sojourners/Call to Renewal

    * * *

    Featured This Week
    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Appalachian Forests 2008 Simple Lifestyle Wall Calendar (Oct. 23rd)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Holiday Gifts from the Kitchen (Oct. 23rd)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Grace's Car Ministry (Oct. 21st)
    * New Hope (Oct. 24th)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming (Oct. 17th)
    * Sustenance: Gardening (Oct. 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007

    * Inspiring Reflection: Away in a 'Stank' Manger (Oct. 20th)
    * Fun Activity: Extending the Joy
    * Bonus Item: O Advent Morn / O Troubled Town of Washington / Holy Evening
    GRAPHIC: Shane, Baby Banner, Deliver box graphic
    * Inspiring Reflection: Connecting at Christmas (Oct. 27th)
    * Fun Activity: Twelve Days of Christmas Activity Envelopes
    GRAPHIC: Becky, Mexican banner

    * * *

    * New Specials (Oct. 30th)
    * Books for Teenagers and Adults (Oct. 30th)

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living!

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of The Irresistible Revolution) are making a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) at http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=donations.php

    Place your pre-publication order. Serious quantity discounts available.

    How You Can Help
    1. Talk it up! So folks are anticipating its release in Sept.
    2. Support the project with a donation or an early order.
    3. When it's released, distribute the DVD -- show it, give it as a gift. Urge people to view brief segments on the internet.

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Search Update for New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008.

    We've been blessed with many inquiries about our National Coordinator opening. The search committee is following up on applications, conducting telephone and then face-to-face interviews in October. The hope is that a candidate will be confirmed at the next board of directors conference call in mid-November. The new leader is scheduled to take over between January and May.

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries

    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' and the new DVD 'Simply Enough' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the booklets to students and/or offer a showing of the DVD. We ship the resources. You pay $100 for the booklets and/or $20 for the DVD (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version of the booklet, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    Call 800-821-6153 to place your order.

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help. Take Dick Haid's 'No Cost Gifts' Tele-workshop at SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >>#9.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    October 30, 2007 - (REVISED below)

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - _____ Endorses Tony& Shane's DVD

    The ocean of self-indulgent consumerism is about to overwhelm us with commodities that crush our humanness. In such an ocean of goods, Campolo and Claiborne constitute an island of sanity and realism. Breaking the addiction of consumer Christmas and focusing on the reality of human interaction is a tall order. The testimony of this disk is a powerful resource in the move toward well-being. Their witness is as welcome and eloquent as the issue is urgent.
    - Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

    The video 'Simply Enough' is unique in its kind. Repeatedly, one finds in it challenging and refreshing new insights into old biblical texts. It calls us to responsible action, and poses some very radical challenges, but it does this in a way that is loving and hopeful, while also offering concrete examples of such responsible action. I find it theologically sound, intellectually enlightening, and morally engaging.
    - Justo L. Gonzalez, Hispanic Theologian, Seminary Professor (retired), Author of The Story of Christianity, History of Christian Thought and numerous other books

    Tony Campolo has been the leading prophetic voice in the American church for the past 30 years calling Christians of all generations to live more justly. Shane Claiborne represents a new prophetic generation that wants to authentically follow Jesus in a world by making poverty history and reducing our carbon footprint. View this DVD and Tony and Shane will help you learn about practical, creative ways you can live more simply in ways that make a real difference for our poorest neighbors and God's good creation.
    - Tom Sine, Author, The Mustard Seed Conspiracy and The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time

    'Simply Enough' is indeed straight talk about simpler, just living. I can scarcely think of better speakers for the cause than Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. This is the most effective video in memory promoting Christian voluntary simplicity, especially for young adults. It's profound and humorous in turn, full of touching stories, compelling testimonials and prophetic music. Watch it! Share it! Study it! Act on it!
    - John de Graaf, Video Producer and co-author of Affluenza; Coordinator: Take-Back-Your-Time Day and What's the Economy for, Anyway? Conference

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * New Specials (Oct. 30th)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Books for Teenagers and Adults (Oct. 30th)
    * Beyond Disney, Toward Shalom with Books (Nov. 13th)
    * Storytelling (Nov. 20th)
    * Prime-time Storytelling (Nov. 27th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Gardening (Oct. 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007

    * Inspiring Reflection: Christmas for Real (Nov. 3rd)
    * Fun Activity: Epiphany Celebration
    * Bonus Item: A Simple Life
    GRAPHIC: Nativity cover

    * Inspiring Reflection: Do Not Conform, But Be Transformed (Nov. 10th)
    * Fun Activities: Simple Candle-Lighting Ritual / Christmas Math: Christmas Poems
    * Bonus Item: More from Anne Basye's Journal
    GRAPHIC: Anne, candle

    * Inspiring Reflection: Recovering Jesus (Nov. 17th)
    * Fun Activity: Breaking the Rules
    * Bonus Item: Making the Holidays Your Own
    GRAPHIC: Tony, Singer

    1124=>'Intro 2001 (?) calendar [CHANGE HEADER to Your Daily Advent & Christmas Guide] GRAPHIC: calendar graphic

    1202=>start calendar (Sun.)
    GRAPHIC: variety of calendar graphics (like Advent Activist), link to Q&A and WA CD-ROMs; change weekly

    * * *

    * Children's Books are Butterflies (Nov. 6th)

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    * * *

    Let's Reach Young Adults with Simpler Living!

    Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of The Irresistible Revolution) are making a video for us! Details (including audio and video clips) at http://www.simpleliving.org/indexoth.php?place=donations.php

    How You Can Help
    1. Talk it up! So folks are anticipating its release in Sept.
    2. Support the project with a donation or an early order.
    3. When it's released, distribute the DVD -- show it, give it as a gift. Urge people to view brief segments on the internet.

    * * *

    Search Update for New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008.

    We've been blessed with many inquiries about our National Coordinator opening. The search committee is following up on applications, conducting telephone and then face-to-face interviews in October. The hope is that a candidate will be confirmed at the next board of directors conference call in mid-November. The new leader is scheduled to take over between January and May.

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries
    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the copies to students. We ship the copies. You pay $100 (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help. Take Dick Haid's 'No Cost Gifts' Tele-workshop at SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >>#9.

    * * *

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    # # # # #

    October 30, 2007 - (REVISED)

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - It's Time!

    It's Time!

    : Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.

    : Take Dick Haid's free 'No Cost Gifts' Workshop - 1-1/2 hour tele-class:
    * Wed. Nov 14, call (641) 594-7500, access code 44952, at 8 p.m. Eastern
    If you email Dick at dickhaid@adultmentor.com by the prior Monday, requesting the training materials, he'll send the materials to you by email.
    Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Beautiful, Meaningful Wall Calendars

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Books for Teenagers and Adults

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Gardening

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007

    * Inspiring Reflection: Christmas for Real (Nov. 3rd)
    * Fun Activity: Epiphany Celebration
    * Bonus Item: A Simple Life

    * * *

    * Beyond Disney, Toward Shalom with Books (Nov. 6th)
    * Inspiring Reflection: Do Not Conform, But Be Transformed (Nov. 10th)
    * Fun Activities: Simple Candle-Lighting Ritual / Christmas Math: Christmas Poems
    * Bonus Item: More from Anne Basye's Journal

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the copies to students. We ship the copies. You pay $100 (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    Home Page Summary

    BOX 1 - Young Adults

    10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas

    I'd like a new idea for our family devotions at supper time, especially with Advent coming. (Oct. 1st) Item: Advent Table Prayers

    I'd like a Christmas card that is multi-cultural and relates my faith to Care of the Earth. (Oct. 6th) Item: Christ Light Greeting Card

    I'd ready for some revolutionary thinking about our faith and our life. (Oct. 11th) Item: The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical

    I've heard that knitting can be a spiritual experience. (Oct. 16th) Item: The Knitting Way: A Guide to Spiritual Self-Discovery

    We want to give a book that will really share our love of the Earth with children. (Oct. 21st) Item: I Love Our Earth

    I'm ready for a really new outlook on food and preparing it. (Oct. 26th) Item: Grub

    I want the girls in my life to see how special they are. (Oct. 31st) Item: Extraordinary Girls

    * * *

    BOX 2 - Celebrations (Treasury of Celebrations) - Th

    What's SUKKOT all about, anyway? (Oct. 3rd)
    What's WORLD FOOD DAY all about, anyway? (Oct. 10th)
    What's UNITED NATIONS DAY all about, anyway? (Oct. 17th)
    What's HALLOWEEN all about, anyway? (Oct. 24th)
    What's a COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL all about, anyway? (Oct. 31st)

    * * *

    BOX 3 - Blog

    Military Recruitment Activist (Oct. 2nd)
    Doing, not talking (Oct. 5th)
    Women's Christian Temperance Union (Oct. 8th)
    Environmental Radio & TV Producer (Oct. 11th)
    Disneyland Mentality (Oct. 14th)
    Beyond Guilt and Powerlessness (Oct. 17th)
    Ecumenical Home Church (Oct. 20th)
    Building Support (Oct. 23rd)
    Ron's Straw Bale House (Oct. 26th)
    Simplicity Forum (Oct. 29th)

    * * *

    BOX 4 - Quotes series

    * * *

    BOX 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    BOX 6 - Read / Hear / Order Whose Birthday?

    Inspiring Reflections of the Week: What Happened to Christmas?
    Why a Simpler Christmas? (Sept. 30th)
    Fun Activity of the Week: There's a Camel in our Bathroom! (Sept. 30th)

    The Spirit of St. Nicholas (Oct. 7th)
    Peace in Any Language (Oct. 7th)

    My Hand-Make Advent Wreath (Oct. 14th)
    Discover NO COST Gifts!'

    I Am a Recovering Christmas Hater (Oct. 21st)
    Reducing Christmas Chaos'

    Strangers Invited in for Christmas (Oct. 28th)
    New Christmas Traditions You Can Share'

    * * *

    BOX 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    #215-4-Part Advent Litany (Oct. 2nd)
    #201-Magnificat (Oct. 5th)
    #219-Child's Lessons & Carols (Oct. 8th)
    #220-My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation: Dramatic Reading (Oct. 8th)
    #117-Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Sermon for Christmas Eve) (Oct. 14th)
    #118-Prophecies Fulfilled (Sermon for First Sunday After Christmas (Oct. 17th)
    #119-Unexpectedly Faithful (Sermon for Christmas Day (Oct. 20th)
    #120-Christmas Resolutions (Sermon for New Years Day: (Oct. 23rd)
    #217-Christmas Eve Meditation (Oct. 26th)

    SPECIAL of the Day (Oct. 29)

    # # # #

    Tips for Using Alternatives' Web Site

    Categories / subcategories

    NEW CDs DVDs

    October 3, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Micah Challenge Sunday!

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    Window 1 - New Resources
    A new idea for Advent family devotions
    A Christmas card that is multi-cultural and relates faith to Care of the Earth. (Oct. 6th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    What's SUKKOT all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Military Recruitment Activist
    Doing, not talking (Oct. 5th)
    Women's Christian Temperance Union (Oct. 8th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Poverty is mean and degrading to the human spirit, whereas a life of conscious simplicity can have both a beauty and a functional integrity that elevates the human spirit. --Duane Elgin (Oct. 5th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Read / Hear / Order Whose Birthday?
    Inspiring Reflections of the Week: What Happened to Christmas?
    Why a Simpler Christmas?
    Fun Activity of the Week: There's a Camel in our Bathroom!
    The Spirit of St. Nicholas (Oct. 7th)
    Peace in Any Language (Oct. 7th)

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    #215 - 4-Part Advent Litany (Oct. 2nd)
    #217 - Christmas Eve Meditation (Oct. 5th)
    #219 - Child's Lessons & Carols (Oct. 8th)

    Coming Soon
    Revolutionary thinking about our faith and our life. (Oct. 11th)
    Knitting can be a spiritual experience. (Oct. 16th)
    What's WORLD FOOD DAY all about, anyway? (Oct. 10th)
    Environmental Radio & TV Producer (Oct. 11th)
    Disneyland Mentality (Oct. 14th)
    My Hand-Make Advent Wreath (Oct. 14th)
    Discover NO COST Gifts! (Oct. 14th)

    * * *

    On October 15, Christians around the world celebrate the Micah Challenge - a global Christian movement that seeks to halve global poverty by 2015. It aligns itself with other movements to overcome poverty, such as ONE, and Make Poverty History. Your church can commit to practical action for the poor by participating on this special day. For everything you need visit http://www.crcna.org/pages/osjha_micahsunday.cfm. There you'll find bible studies, worship resources, and much more.

    * * *

    Alternative Halloween Hand-Out -- 'Whose Birthday?' color flyer

    This half sheet goes well with other items you may be giving.

    Also, please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    October 10, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Take Back Your Time Day! Oct. 24th

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    Window 1 - New Resources
    10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas
    A Christmas card that is multi-cultural and relates faith to Care of the Earth.

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    What's WORLD FOOD DAY all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Women's Christian Temperance Union
    Environmental Radio & TV Producer (Oct. 11th)
    Disneyland Mentality (Oct. 14th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness. Poverty and wealth have both failed. --Kin Hubbard

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Read / Hear / Order Whose Birthday?
    Reflection: The Spirit of St. Nicholas
    Activity: Peace in Any Language
    Reflection: My Hand-Make Advent Wreath (Oct. 14th)
    Activity: Discover NO COST Gifts!'

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?
    Child's Lessons & Carols
    My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation: Dramatic Reading (Oct. 11th)

    Coming Soon
    Revolutionary thinking about our faith and our life. (Oct. 11th)
    Knitting can be a spiritual experience. (Oct. 16th)
    What's UNITED NATIONS DAY all about, anyway? (Oct. 17th)
    Beyond Guilt and Powerlessness (Oct. 17th)
    Ecumenical Home Church (Oct. 20th)
    I Am a Recovering Christmas Hater (Oct. 21st)
    Reducing Christmas Chaos (Oct. 21st)

    * * *

    October 24th is TAKE BACK YOUR TIME DAY, a major U.S./Canadian initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment. For more information, visit timeday.org.

    'Take Back Your Time' is the official handbook of the campaign. A stellar list of contributors. Examines all aspects of the time-famine issue. $15. Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org, click Lifestyle, then Time Management, or key 'time' in the Quick Find on the lower left.

    * * *

    This Week's Tip for Using Alternatives' Web Site eStore

    Look at the wonderful additional topics (called subcategories)

    When you click on a category that has subcategories, click on a subcategory to proceed.

    -Peace and Justice

    * * *

    MAKE and GIVE NO-COST Christmas Gifts: Free Training Workshops, Materials, Advice by Phone

    Select your most convenient group training time:
    Wed. October 18, 8 p.m. Eastern Time
    Thur. November 13, 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    Take Dick Haid's workshop without cost or obligation. All you pay for is your phone call. Please register at least two days in advance.

    Send Dick an email at dickhaid@adultmentor.com or call him (513) 868-1488 to sign up for a workshop. For more information visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9. Also read Dick's article on No-Cost Gifts in 'Whose Birthday?' 2006 booklet or hear it on audio CD.

    * * *

    Going to a fall conference?

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    October 17, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - What's in FAMILY & COMMUNITY at Alternatives' eStore?

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    Window 1 - New Resources
    Knitting can be a spiritual experience.
    We want to give a book that will really share our love of the Earth with children. (Oct. 21st)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    What's UNITED NATIONS DAY all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    Beyond Guilt and Powerlessness
    Ecumenical Home Church (Oct. 20th)

    Window 4 - Quote for the Day - a new thought everyday
    Insatiable Is NOT Sustainable. --bumper sticker (Oct. 20th)

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Read / Hear / Order Whose Birthday?
    My Hand-Make Advent Wreath
    Discover NO COST Gifts!'

    I Am a Recovering Christmas Hater (Oct. 21st)
    Reducing Christmas Chaos'

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?

    Coming Soon
    A really new outlook on food and preparing it. (Oct. 26th)
    What's HALLOWEEN all about, anyway? (Oct. 24th)
    Ron's Straw Bale House (Oct. 26th)
    Simplicity Forum (Oct. 29th)
    Strangers Invited in for Christmas (Oct. 28th)
    New Christmas Traditions You Can Share

    * * *

    -Building Community
    -Family & Home
    -Games & Music

    * * *

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    October 24, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - What's in LIFESTYLE at Alternatives' eStore?

    Featured This Week

    Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * We want to share our love of the Earth with children.
    * Ready for a really new outlook on food and preparing it? (Oct. 26th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's HALLOWEEN all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Building Support
    * Ron's Straw Bale House (Oct. 26th)
    * Simplicity Forum (Oct. 29th)

    Window 4 - Your Daily Quote

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?'
    * I Am a Recovering Christmas Hater
    * Reducing Christmas Chaos
    * Strangers Invited in for Christmas (Oct. 28th)
    * New Christmas Traditions You Can Share

    Window 7 - Planning for Advent and Christmas? How about. . . ?

    * I want the girls in my life to see how special they are. (Oct. 31st)
    * What's a COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL all about, anyway? (Oct. 31st)
    * SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50% (begins Oct. 29th)

    * * *

    -Time Management

    * * * Peace,
    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    LINK Samples

    For more examples, click here.

    for complete text of the carols, click here

    or here

    To LISTEN to 'Go Tell It on the Mountain,' click here.


    How do I Hyperlink a word or phrase in Eudora? (Mac) Document ID: 2483HQ


    How do I Hyperlink a word or phrase in Eudora? (Mac)


    First make sure that in Eudora under the Special menu, Settings, Fonts & Display category, select 'Show formatting Toolbar.' Now compose the message as you wish it to appear. Once the message is completed highlight the word you wish to hyperlink. On the composition toolbar click on the chain link icon, you will have a Link to URL window pop up, in the 'Enter URL Box type in the URL you wish to hyperlink and then click on Create Link.


    October 31, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Only 33 Days Till Advent!

    Yes, Advent begins in only a month! We have copies of all the 'flavors' of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' for immediate delivery. Protect your family, your congregation, yourself from Christmas consumerism with the new edition of our most widely read resource. Visit our home page or eStore at SimpleLiving.org (click here) or call toll free 800-821-6153.

    [PHOTO = cover]

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * I want the girls in my life to see how special they are.
    * I want some soothing contemporary Christian music just with instruments. (Nov. 5th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    What's a COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Simplicity Forum
    * Eco-Justice Ministries (Nov. 1st)

    Window 4 - Whose Birthday?
    Going Beyond 'Whose Birthday?'
    Top 10 Uses of 'Whose Birthday?' for Individuals and Families
    More Exciting, Helpful Ways to Use 'Whose Birthday?'

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?'
    * Strangers Invited in for Christmas (Millard Fuller of Habitat for Humanity)
    * New Christmas Traditions You Can Share
    * A Christmas Cow (Nov. 4th)
    * New Cards from Old

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    Coming Soon
    * What's THANKSGIVING all about, anyway? (Nov. 7th)
    * A touching story about Native American traditions (Nov. 10th)
    * Gifts of Kindness (Nov. 11th)
    * Leadville, Colorado (Nov. 7th)

    * * *

    -Best Sellers
    -Study Guides/Curriculum
    -Greeting Cards
    -Post Cards
    -Bumper Stickers


    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973



    POST #76
    November 1st, 2006

    Eco-Justice Ministries

    POST #77
    November 4th, 2006

    Prospects at Iliff

    POST #78
    November 7th, 2006

    Leadville, Colorado

    POST #79
    November 10th, 2006

    Leadville Talk

    POST #80
    November 13th, 2006

    Yoga in Vail

    POST #81
    November 16th, 2006


    POST #82
    November 19th, 2006


    POST #83
    November 22nd, 2006

    KC report

    POST #84
    November 25th, 2006

    KC Thanks

    POST #85
    November 28th, 2006

    Meeting the Conscience in Independence

    BOX 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    1029 => EARTH WATCH: Protecting Our Planet. David Burnie. (All ages) 60 pp. $17. $14 (cloth).

    1030 => Brave Hearts Rebel Spirits: A Spiritual Activists Handbook. Brooke Shelby Biggs, Conceived by Anita Roddick. 250 pp. $19. $15.

    1031 =>A CAFECITO STORY: Bilingual - A Story for the Americas. Julia Alvarez, woodcuts by Belkis Ramireez. The role of coffee in global trade, environmental degradation, and endangered songbird habitat. 50 pp. $10. $8.

    1101 => The Quiltmaker's Gift. Jeff Brumbeau, Gail de Marcken, illus. This charming fable for our times celebrates the JOY of giving. $18 (cloth). $14.

    1102 =>ECO-FOODS GUIDE: What's Good for the Earth Is Good for You! Cynthia Barstow. From the down side of today's food choices to a fascinating and even humorous tour among the alternatives, helping you to decide the best food solutions for you and your family. $18. $12.

    1103 =>Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes: A Cookbook for Preschoolers and Up. Mollie Katzen and Ann Henderson, author of Moosewood Cookbook — Children 3-8 with adult guide and helper. Explore in the kitchen counting, reading readiness, science awareness, self-confidence, patience, and food literacy. 95 pp. $17. $15. (cloth).

    1104 =>Faith Works: Lessons from the Life of an Activist Preacher
    Jim Wallis. Powerful and meaningful spirituality shows itself through action - faith works. 375 pp. $15. $10.

    1105 =>Recycle Every Day! Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. (Ages 4-8 ) Minna finds the perfect entry for the recycle contest. $17. $14. (cloth).

    1106 =>Simplicity Lessons: A 12-Step Guide to Living Simply. Linda Breen Pierce. 230 pp. $16. $12.

    1107 => STAND UP - SPEAK OUT: A Book About Children's Rights written by and for the young people of the world. A Peace Child International Project celebrating children's rights around the world. 96 pp. $10. $8.

    1108 =>The NEW ECOLOGICAL HOME: Complete Guide to Green Building Options. Daniel D. Chiras. Chelsea Green Guides for Homeowners: How to make your home Earth-friendly, healthy, economical, secure, and beautiful! 335 pp. $35. $25.

    1109 =>Shelterwood. Susan Hand Shetterly, Rebecca Haley McCall, illus. (Grades 3-6) Sophie stays with grandpa to learn about the woods that will one day be hers. $8. $6.

    1110 =>RURAL RENAISSANCE: Renewing the quest for the good life. John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist; foreword by Bill Mckibben, a Mother Earth News book for wiser living. 280 pp. $23. $18.

    1111 =>Tatterhood and Other Tales. Ethel Johnston Phelps, ed. Pamela Baldwin Ford, illus. 17 tales not customarily found in folktale collections. Clever, strong and resourceful females make decisions that shape their own lives. Ideal for boys and girls of all ages. 165 pp. $11. $8.

    1112 =>Selected Poems of WENDELL BERRY. Berry calls us to 'everyday do something / that won't compute. Love the Lord.' A life affirming, faith-filled collection. 178 pp. $14. $11.

    1113 =>TO CELEBRATE: Reshaping Holidays and Rites of Passage. 224 pp. $15. $5. FINAL COPIES

    1114 =>WORLD HOLIDAYS: Watts Child Guide. Heather Moehn. 125 pp. $20. $12.

    1115 =>RAISING FINANCIALLY FIT KIDS. Joline Godfrey. Financial literacy is economic self-defense. 225 pp. $18. $14.

    1116 =>Agapé CD: The Stories and the Feast. Marty Haugen. Music from many cultures and prophetic voices of our day bring alive a story of struggle, hope and celebration. Choirs, soloists, instrumentalists. 14 selections, $17. $12.

    1117 =>ENDANGERED PLANTS. D.M. Souza. (Ages 10-12) Explore the role these hundreds of disappearing species play in our ecosystems and what we can so to save them. Full color. 65 pp. $9. $7.

    1118 =>PERMACULTURE IN A NUTSHELL. Patrick Whitefield; Preface by Jonathon Porritt. 90 pp. $9. $5.

    1119 =>GO BEFORE US: Singing and Working for Justice. Bernadette Farrell. 13 selection music CD. $17. $12.

    1120 =>Heal the Ocean: Solutions for Saving Our Seas. Rod Fujita, Foreword by Peter Benchley. 225 pp. $17. $13.

    1121 =>The Gardener's A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food. Tanya L.K.Denckla. 765 varieties of vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts. Formulas & techniques to control 201 pests & diseases organically. 500 pp. $23. $17.

    1122 =>KEEPING THE GARDEN music CD. Words and music by John Pitney. Let's make a difference! Over 20 musicians, engaging folk styles, 14 selections on 2 CDs with booklet of song lyrics, stories and guitar chords in recycled sleeve. $20. $15.

    1123 =>HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture. Arthur Simon, founder and president emeritus of Bread for the World. Why, in the face of unprecedented affluence, do so many of us feel discontented? Because possessions may capture the heart, but they fail to nourish the soul. Our passion for material things far exceeds our compassion for others. This materialism leads to a spiritual emptiness that can't be filled by the addiction of consumerism. None of us is immune to the seduction of trying to slake what is really a spiritual thirst with things that money can buy, though doing so is like drinking saltwater from the sea. 190 pp. $13. $9. HMIE

    1124 =>SOLAR LIVING SOURCEBOOK: 12th Edition of the Classic, The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Technology and Sustainable Living. John Schaeffer, Real Goods. 600 pp. $35. $25.

    1125 => ONE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Julia Butterfly Hill, author of best-selling The Legacy of Luna. 195 pp. $15. $7.

    1126 => THE PLUG-IN DRUG: Television, Computers & Family Life, 25th Anniversary Ed. Completely Revised & Updated. Negative effects on children's play, imagination, family relations, and school achievement. 350 pp. $14. $11.

    1127 => STORIES FROM BELOW THE POVERTY LINE: Urban Lesson's for Today's Mission. George Beukema. 112 pp. $10. $6.

    1128 => Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth. Lester R. Brown. 335 pp. $16. $10.

    1129 => GLOBALIZATION AT WHAT PRICE? Economic Change And Daily Life. Pamela K. Brubaker — Draws on scripture and explores successful economic justice efforts.140 pp. $12. $9.

    1130 => SEEDS OF DECEPTION: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating
    Jeffrey M. Smith; Foreword by Frances Moore Lappé. How to protect yourself and your family. 300 pp. $18. $12.

    # # # # #

    November 6, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - JIM WALLIS Endorses Tony & Shane's New DVD

    'Alternatives for Simple Living has done it again, bringing together two of the most important voices the 21st Century church has to offer. Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, two of my dearest friends, are modern day prophets from different generations echoing the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth - a message still transforming lives and changing the world over 2000 years later. This is a conversation you do NOT want to miss.' - Jim Wallis, Author of God's Politics & President of Sojourners/Call to Renewal

    Order your copy of ' Enough' DVD today at 800-82106153 or SimpleLiving.org >> eStore.

    * * *

    Featured This Week
    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Christmas: A Candid History

    * * *

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Books for Teenagers and Adults

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living
    * Sustenance: Gardening

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: Christmas for Real
    * Fun Activity: Epiphany Celebration
    * Bonus Item: A Simple Life
    * 'Whose Brithday?' User's Guide
    * 'Whose Birthday?' AUDIO
    * Inspiring Reflection: Do Not Conform, But Be Transformed (Nov. 10th)
    * Fun Activities: Simple Candle-Lighting Ritual / Christmas Math: Christmas Poems
    * Bonus Item: More from Anne Basye's Journal

    * * *

    * Beyond Disney, Toward Shalom with Books
    * Inspiring Reflection: 'Recovering Jesus' by Tony Campolo (Nov. 17th)
    * Fun Activity: Breaking the Rules
    * Bonus Item: Making the Holidays Your Own
    * Special-of-the-Day (Nov. 20th)

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries

    Reach out to Young Adults this fall by gifting 100 copies of 'Whose Birthday?' and the new DVD 'Simply Enough' to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will judiscously distribute the booklets to students and/or offer a showing of the DVD. We ship the resources. You pay $100 for the booklets and/or $20 for the DVD (including shipping). You can select the ecumenical or catholic version of the booklet, or one of the customized versions - ELCA Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), American Baptist or Episcopal.

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as Unplug the Christmas Machine - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.

    : Take Dick Haid's free 'No Cost Gifts' Workshop, a 1-1/2 hour tele-class: * Wed. Nov 14, call (641) 594-7500, access code 44952, at 8 p.m. Eastern If you email Dick at dickhaid@adultmentor.com by the prior Monday, requesting the training materials, he'll send the materials to you by email. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    November 13, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Only 20 Days Till Advent!

    Yes, Advent begins in only two-and-a-half weeks! We have copies of all the 'flavors' of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' for immediate delivery. Protect your family, your congregation, yourself from Christmas consumerism with the new edition of our most widely read resource.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - Enough DVD

    Window 2 - Celebrating
    * Beyond Disney, Toward Shalom with Books
    * Special-of-the-Day (Nov. 20th)

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Inspiring Reflection: Do Not Conform, But Be Transformed
    * Fun Activities: Simple Candle-Lighting Ritual / Christmas Math: Christmas Poems
    * Bonus Item: More from Anne Basye's Journal
    * Inspiring Reflection: Recovering Jesus (Nov. 17th)
    * Fun Activity: Breaking the Rules
    * Bonus Item: Making the Holidays Your Own

    * * *

    * Enough DVD: Lifestyle (Nov. 20)
    * Your Daily Advent & Christmas Guide (Nov. 24th)

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * *

    November 20, 2007 - WOULDN'T GO!

    November 27, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Yes, You Still Have Time to Receive Advent/Christmas Resources

    Although the First Sunday of Advent is Dec. 2nd, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Order copies of our 32 page, all color resource today. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Give a copy to: * your minister, Director of Christian Ed, congregational leaders * your adult kids (an early Christmas gift) * your friends, neighbors and relatives (instead of a Christmas card)

    Audio // Spanish version

    Join Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, Peter Marty (of GraceMatters radio program), author Meg Cox, Aiden Enns (of Geez magazine) and many others in this years' 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?'

    Vaccinate yourself, your family, your congregation against Christmas consumerism with the new edition of our most widely read resource.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - Enough DVD: Food

    * * *

    Window 2 - Special-of-the-Day

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Your Daily Advent & Christmas Guide (Nov. 24th)

    * * *

    * Enough DVD: Celebrations (Dec. 4)

    * * *

    It's Time!

    Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * *

    November 27, 2007 - SEE ABOVE

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Have a Blessed Advent

    * * *

    'WHOSE BIRTHDAY?' NOW HALF PRICE -- Claim some of the remaining copies of our 32 page, colorful family Christmas resource, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2006.

    Although the First Sunday of Advent is Dec. 3rd, 'Whose Birthday?' can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Get 50 copies for only 63¢ each; 20 copies for only 75¢ each.

    Order copies today for
    * Advent and Christmas Eve guests at your church (customize the back)
    * your congregation
    * your adult kids
    * your friends, neighbors and relatives (instead of a Christmas card)

    Audio CD and booklet is now only $6.

    If you order on our web site eStore, mention 'half price' in the order form comments box. The price will be adjusted when we process your order.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Enough DVD: Introduction (Nov. 13)
    * Enough DVD: Lifestyle (Nov. 20)
    * Enough DVD: Food (Nov. 27)
    * Enough DVD: Celebrations (Dec. 4)
    * Enough DVD: Stuff (Dec. 11)
    * Enough DVD: Money (Dec. 18)
    * Enough DVD: Justice (Dec. 25)
    * Enough DVD: Bonus Footage (Jan. 1)

    * * *

    Window 2 - Special-of-the-Day

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living * Sustenance: Gardening (Oct. 25th)

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007

    1124=>'Intro 2001 (?) calendar [CHANGE HEADER to Your Daily Advent & Christmas Guide] GRAPHIC: calendar graphic

    1202=>start calendar (Sun.)
    GRAPHIC: variety of calendar graphics (like Advent Activist), link to Q&A and WA CD-ROMs; change weekly

    * * *

    Search Update for New National Coordinator

    My goal is to pass a healthy Alternatives organization to the next generation when I retire in 2008.

    We've been blessed with many inquiries about our National Coordinator opening. The search committee is following up on applications, conducting telephone and then face-to-face interviews in October. The hope is that a candidate will be confirmed at the next board of directors conference call in mid-November. The new leader is scheduled to take over between January and May.

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    : Consider leading a fall workshop - such as 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' - or an event - like an Alternative Giving Fair - or a 'simplifying Christmas' class. We can help.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * * *

    December 4, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - 'Whose Birthday?' HALF PRICE!

    Yes, the remaining copies of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' are now HALF PRICE. Share 50 copies for only $37.50 ($.75 each). It can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Order copies of our 32 page, all color resource today. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Give a copy to: * each household, congregational leaders * your adult kids (an early Christmas gift) * your friends, neighbors and relatives (instead of a Christmas card)

    Audio CD and booklet is only $12. Spanish version booklet, only $1.25.

    Join Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, Peter Marty (of GraceMatters radio program), author Meg Cox, Aiden Enns (of Geez magazine) and many others have contributed to this years' booklet.

    Vaccinate yourself, your family, your congregation against Christmas consumerism with the new edition of our most widely read resource. For immediate delivery, visit our home page or eStore at SimpleLiving.org or call toll free 800-821-6153.

    * * *

    Wouldn't You Like to Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes?

    As you plan your year-end giving, please include Alternatives. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described inside the back cover of the Resource Guide.

    Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Memberships.

    Alternatives' Endowment is receiving donations. You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living. Be in touch for more information.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * Enough DVD: Celebrations

    * * *

    Window 2 - Special-of-the-Day

    * * *

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * * *

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living

    * * *

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    * * *

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * * *

    Window 7 - Your Daily Advent/Christmas Guide

    * * *

    * Enough DVD: STUFF (Dec. 11)

    * * *

    * * *

    It's Time!: Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * *

    December 11, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - MOVING SALE!


    Specials for Alternatives' Members! Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Join, Upgrade or Renew Now!

    : Share Simple Living educational resources with others.: Help reach out to more Young Adults.: Help reduce our moving expenses.

    These resources will not be reordered until after Alternatives moves to Colorado.

    Support Our New Leaders

    Support Sandy and Michael as they move Alternatives to Colorado in early 2008. Our new co-directors, Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt will be profiled soon in the 'Inside Info' member newsletter.

    Please help us meet our goal of $20,000 to provide the infrastructure that our new leaders will need to keep Alternatives moving forward. More and more people are seeing the connection between lifestyle and global climate change. We're confident that our new leaders can give people hope and an 'attitude adjustment' that simple living is about joy, not deprivation.

    Membership Benefits You

    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .: Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation.: Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008.: Members-only discounts: See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details: Tax deductible donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    : Give $250 and receive a free copy (upon request) of our new DVD ' Enough: Straight Talk from Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne on Simple, Just Living.': Give $500 and receive a free copy (upon request) of the DVD, an autographed copy of Shane's book The Irresistible Revolution and a ' Enough' color poster autographed by both Tony and Shane.

    Christmas peace,

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator since 1995.

    P.S. Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many below and on our web site at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.

    *Sale exceptions: magazine subscriptions, shipping charges, and a few new titles, such as ' Enough' DVD
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    YES! I want to help guarantee that Alternatives' message of simpler living for future generations.

    Extended Membership (one time):
    __ $2500 (M)-Perpetual
    __ $1500 (L)-Dual Life
    __ $1000 (F)-Life

    Annual Membership:
    __ $ __ (G)- Regular Giver (monthly or quarterly)
    __ $500 (E)-The Downscaler
    __ $250 (D)-The Responsible Celebrator
    __ $100 (C)-The Co-operator
    __ $100 (J)-The Community (Institutional)
    __ $50 (B)-The Non-conformer (family)
    __ $35 (A)-The Simple Liver / ($25 for students and fixed income)

    __ I select Autorenewal. Charge my credit card each year for the same membership. Send me no reminders.

    __ To support the Young Adult Initiative, I'm giving an extra donation in addition to my membership. ()

    __ I'm upgrading my membership. I have already invested this year. I'm applying that amount to a higher level.

    I prefer to pay by…
    __ check (Please make checks payable to Alternatives.)
    __ MasterCard __ VISA (Please do not send your credit card info by email. Either call or use our secure eStore.)

    Thank You Gifts

    Send me a FREE copy of one of the resources I've marked for each $100 I'm donating.
    __ 'Treasury of Celebrations' 288 page book
    __ 'Whose Birthday?' Sampler (10 back issues)
    __ 'Break Forth Into Joy' VHS video tape
    __ 'What Does JESUS Want for Christmas?' audio/music CD (includes 'Carols with Justice')
    __ 'Stationery Sampler'
    __ 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' CD-ROM (not audio)
    __ 'Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art' CD-ROM
    __ 'Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art' 200 page book
    __ 'Stories & Songs of Simple Living' book
    __ 'Stories & Songs of Simple Living' audio CD

    More Thank You's

    If you give fewer than $100, you can claim 'Freebies' listed in the Resources Guide or website.

    __ Yes, send me ideas by email about how to be a Simpler Living Community Network activist.
    __ We'd like to host a free speaker or workshop.
    __ Send me information about including Alternatives in my will and planned giving.

    Please fill out and send this form by email, mail or fax, or call.

    Email (for free, helpful e-newsletter):

    __ I want to give a gift membership in the amount of $ _______ to: Enclose Name(s), Address, City/State/ZIP, Phones, Email

    Your comments are welcome.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - Enough DVD: Stuff (Dec. 11)

    Window 2 - Special-of-the-Day

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    Window 4 - Thought for the Day: Caring for All God's Creation Through Simpler Living

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    Window 7 - Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? 2007
    * Your Daily Advent-Christmas Calendar

    * Enough DVD: Money (Dec. 18)

    * * *

    It's Time!

    Before the end of the year, send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *


    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * * *

    December 27, 2007

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes

    Wouldn't You Like to Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes?

    As you plan your year-end giving, please include Alternatives. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well.

    Visit SimpleLiving.org. Click on eStore, then click Memberships. Benefits are also described inside the back cover of the fall Resource Guide.

    Alternatives' Endowment is receiving donations. You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living. Be in touch for more information.

    * * *


    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything!
    * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now!
    * Benefit yourself and your family.
    * Share Simple Living educational resources with others.
    * Help reach out to more Young Adults.
    * Help reduce our moving expenses.


    Our new co-directors, Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, will be profiled soon in the 'Inside Info' member newsletter. Support them as they move Alternatives to Colorado in early 2008.

    More and more people are seeing the connection between lifestyle and global climate change. We're confident that our new leaders can give people hope and an 'attitude adjustment' that simple living is about joy, not deprivation.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation.
    * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008.
    * Members-only discounts
    * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details
    * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others.


    More Thank You's

    Your comments are welcome.

    * * * FEATURED THIS WEEK ON SIMPLELIVING.ORG Simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD: Justice

    * Window 2 - Celebrating

    * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)

    * Window 4 - Thought for the Day

    * Window 5 - Your Comments

    * Window 6 - Friend of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS

    * Window 7 - Your Daily Christmas Calendar

    * COMING SOON: Enough DVD: Bonus Footage (Jan. 1)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    IT'S TIME!
    Send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    P.S. We're having some trouble with our eNews delivery sytem. My apologies if you received this twice.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    # # # # #

    NOVEMBER 7, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Vaccinate Your Loved Ones Against Christmas Consumerism

    Join Millard Fuller (founder of Habit for Humanity), activist Ched Myers, author Meg Cox, theologian Walter Wink, and many others in this years' 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?'

    Inoculate yourself, your family, your congregation against Christmas consumerism with the new edition of our most widely read resource. For immediate delivery, visit our home page or eStore at SimpleLiving.org (click here) or call toll free 800-821-6153.

    [PHOTO = Millard Fuller]

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Soothing contemporary Christian music just with instruments.
    * Share a touching story about Native American traditions. (Nov. 10th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's THANKSGIVING all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Leadville, Colorado
    * Yoga in Vail (Nov. 13th)

    Window 4 - Membership Benefits

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?'
    * A Christmas Cow (Walter Wink)
    * New Cards from Old
    * Putting Christ in Christmas (Nov. 11th)
    * Gifts of Kindness

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    Coming Soon
    * I need to share information about debt and how to take control of money. (Nov. 15th)
    * 21 Alternative Family Holiday Rituals (Nov. 14th)
    * Most people are hungry for friendships that progress beyond gossip. (Nov. 18th)

    * * *

    MAKE and GIVE NO-COST Christmas Gifts: Free Training Workshops, Materials, Advice by Phone

    Thur. November 13, 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    Take Dick Haid's workshop without cost or obligation. All you pay for is your phone call. Please register at least two days in advance.

    Send Dick an email at dickhaid@adultmentor.com or call him (513) 868-1488 to sign up for a workshop. For more information visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities >> #9. Also read Dick's article on No-Cost Gifts in 'Whose Birthday?' 2006 booklet or hear it on audio CD.

    * * *

    * * *

    Beware of spammers using 'simpleLiving.org' as their return address. NEVER open an 'exe' attachment unless you are expecting it. Viruses are carried in 'executable' files.

    Note: Have no concern clicking on a link in our newsletter or web site.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES . Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    The message in the latest scam is 'Putin and Bush starts NUCLEAR WAR! Check the file!' The file is labeled 'never.exe.'

    NOVEMBER 14, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Yes, You Still Have Time to Receive Advent Resources

    Although the First Sunday of Advent is Dec. 3rd, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Order copies of our 32 page, all color resource today. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Give a copy to:
    * your minister, Director of Christian Ed, congregational leaders
    * your adult kids (an early Christmas gift)
    * your friends, neighbors and relatives (instead of a Christmas card)

    It's only $3 (including shipping). Get 50 copies for only $1 each. Audio CD and booklet is only $12 postpaid. The CD has some BONUS tracks not in the booklet! Spanish version booklet, only $2.

    Which Flavor Do You Prefer? -- ecumenical, Catholic, American Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian or Methodist.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (click here)

    (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * Share a touching story about Native American traditions.
    * I need to share information about debt and how to take control of money. (Nov. 15th)
    * I'm concerned about global warming and want to cut down on the use of my car. (Nov. 20th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * 21 Alternative Family Holiday Rituals

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Yoga in Vail

    Window 4 - Membership Benefits

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?' / User's Guide
    * Putting Christ in Christmas
    * Gifts of Kindness
    * Christmas Dinner (Nov. 18th)
    * Giving Circles

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    * What's ADVENT all about, anyway? (Nov. 21st)
    * Posada sin Fronteras: Shelter without Borders (Nov. 25th) / St. Nicholas on Parade
    * KC (Nov. 22nd)
    * I'm not sure I'm ready for life after college. (Nov. 25th)
    * NEW SERIES - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope (Nov. 26th)

    * * *


    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    NOVEMBER 21, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - THANKSGIVING (membership appeal)

    * * *

    As I travel around the country I meet so many wonderful people who really care about simple living. None professes to have it all figured out. They too are struggling for solutions. Read about them in our blog (window #3 of our web site home page).

    We all know that our American lifestyle is not healthy for ourselves or our beloved planet or the future generations or the people around the globe who barely get by.

    I struggle driving my hybrid car. I'm sure you have struggles with lifestyle too.

    We all want to make a difference. We want to give our youth and young adults hope.

    We can change our own lives, even in baby steps. We can share the life-style of voluntary simplicity with others. Since they don't want us to tell them how to live -- whether they're neighbors or our own kids -- we wait for teachable moments. The day after Christmas, the day the Christmas credit card bills arrive, we're there to offer solutions that we have struggled to find and to live out.

    We can give people encouragement and nudges. We can be imperfect examples.

    So, four things you CAN do to help Alternatives live out its mission.

    1. Be aware of our resources -- the ones we offer for sale and the hundreds of free ones in our website archives. Use them, share them, give them as gifts.

    2. Send referrals. We need you to be intentional about sharing names of relatives, friends, and colleagues who could benefit from simpler living. We can't wait for them to respond.

    3. Donate to Alternatives to support our very promising initiative - Reaching out to Young Adults - through membership, gift memberships to others, or regular monthly or quarterly contributions. They're all tax deductible.

    4. Send your ideas about resources and services that we might offer.


    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    P.S. Join our newly energized Simpler Living Community Network. Ideas - from the simple to the challenging - are listed at Volunteers >> Activities to Try.

    * * *

    Yes, You Still Have Time to Receive Advent Resources

    Free NEW Advent calendar poster.

    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * I'm concerned about global warming and want to cut down on the use of my car.
    * I'm not sure I'm ready for life after college. (Nov. 25th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's ADVENT all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * KC (Nov. 22nd)

    Window 4 - Membership Benefits

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities -- Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?' / Users' Guide
    * Christmas Dinner
    * Giving Circles
    * Posada sin Fronteras (Shelter without Borders) (Nov. 25th)
    * St. Nicholas on Parade

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    * NEW SERIES - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope (Nov. 26th)
    * What's ST. NICHOLAS DAY all about, anyway? (Nov. 28th)
    * Meeting the Conscience in Independence (Nov. 28th)
    * I need to keep fit. But I don't seem to have time for exercising. What can I do? (Nov. 30th)

    * * *


    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    NOVEMBER 28, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Have a Blessed Advent

    * * *

    'WHOSE BIRTHDAY?' NOW HALF PRICE -- Claim some of the remaining copies of our 32 page, colorful family Christmas resource, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2006.

    Although the First Sunday of Advent is Dec. 3rd, 'Whose Birthday?' can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Order copies today for
    * Advent and Christmas Eve guests at your church (customize the back)
    * your congregation
    * your adult kids
    * your friends, neighbors and relatives (instead of a Christmas card)

    Audio CD and booklet

    * * *


    Contribute to our most widely-read booklet, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' Send ideas and items before January 15, 2007. Prepare something now while it's really on your mind. An item may be new or not, original or not. If it's by someone else, include a complete description of the source. We prefer items of 250 words or fewer (one page double-spaced). We reserve the right to edit.

    ART (line drawing, photo) that depicts the tension between faith and culture, especially at Christmas.

    PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (especially intergenerational ones) related to simplifying Christmas or finding meaning and happiness in relationships instead of stuff.

    FAMILY ACTIVITIES, rituals or worshipful ceremonies for Advent, Christmas or Epiphany.

    We plan to print over 100,000 copies and reach many more through our website. We translate some of it into Spanish. Sorry, we cannot pay for any submissions.

    To read past editions
    order the 'Whose Birthday? Sampler' (ten issues for $10)
    order them on CD-ROM -- 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15) or 'Worship Alternatives' ($25) or visit SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> Whose Birthday

    Send your submissions by email if possible SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com


    * * *

    Featured This Week

    Window 1 - New Resources
    * I'm not sure I'm ready for life after college. Know someone who feels that way too?
    * I need to keep fit. But I don't seem to have time for exercising. What can I do? (Nov. 30th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations
    * What's ST. NICHOLAS DAY all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog)
    * Meeting the Conscience in Independence
    * Go Forward (Dec. 1st)
    * A Good Life Without All the Things That Can Be Lost So Easily (Dec. 4th)

    Window 4 - NEW SERIES - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?'
    * Posada sin Fronteras: Shelter without Borders (Ched Myers)
    * St. Nicholas on Parade
    * Animal Barn - an Advent pageant (Dec. 2nd)
    * Christmas Year-round

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    * I want to share some contemporary Christian music about peace and justice instead of so much pop music. (Dec. 5th)
    * What's CHRISTMAS all about, anyway? (Dec. 5th)
    * National Simplicity Consultation (Dec. 7th)

    * * *

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973


    * * * # # # #

    December 20, 2005

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes

    Wouldn't You Like to Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes?

    As you plan your year-end giving, please include Alternatives. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described inside the back cover of the Resource Guide.
    Alternatives' Endowment is receiving donations. You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living. Be in touch for more information.

    DECEMBER 5, 2006

    The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Kids Books

    YES, you can still receive your order before Christmas. Please order before Dec. 15th. Free phone consultations, M-F, 9-5 Central Time at 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    'WHOSE BIRTHDAY?' NOW HALF PRICE -- Claim some of the remaining copies of our 32 page, colorful Christmas resource, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2006.

    Although Advent has begun, 'Whose Birthday?' can be used from now until Epiphany, Jan. 6th. Don't worry about being 'late.'

    Get 50 copies for only 63¢ each; 20 copies for only 75¢ each.

    If you order on our web site eStore, mention 'half price' in the order form comments box. The price will be adjusted when we process your order.

    * * *

    This week I recommend CHILDREN's BOOKS.

    Excellent gifts! Share simple living values. Increase your time together.

    Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org and click 'Children' category on the left (or key a specific title in the Quick Find).

    A full quarter of the titles we offer are for children or adults who work with children.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (click here)

    (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    Window 1 - New Resources

    * I want to share some contemporary Christian music about peace and justice instead of so much pop music. * I'd like a new idea for our family devotions at suppertime. (Dec. 10th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations What's CHRISTMAS all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * A Good Life Without All the Things That Can Be Lost So Easily * National Simplicity Consultation (Dec. 7th) * All Things Are Connected (Dec. 10th)

    Window 4 - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order Whose Birthday?' * Animal Barn - an Advent pageant (Dec. 2nd) * Christmas Year-round * How It Happened -- A vision: what simple living looks like (Dec. 9th) * Enough, Already!

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    COMING SOON * What's HANUKKAH all about, anyway? (Dec. 12th) * I feel a need to serve others. I need some simple ideas. (Dec. 15th) * Advent Haiku (Dec. 16th) * Christmas Resistance: Toys for the World (Tune: Joy to the World) * Renee's Place (Dec. 13th) * Web of Creation (Dec. 19th)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas. * * * Please consider renewing your membership or becoming a member. Memberships keep us going and they have numerous benefits for you. Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org and click on Membership.

    Contributions are tax deductible. (Alternatives is a 501-c-3 educational nonprofit organization.)

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Use a credit card or we'll send you an invoice and you can return a check.

    * * *

    Contribute to our most widely-read, family-oriented booklet, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007 -- Art, Personal Experiences, Family Activities.

    Guidelines appear in Box #6 at SimpleLiving.org. Click on 'Write.'

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces.

    Choose. . . * 2007 Master Resource Guide (48 page color catalog) * NEW - Winter New Resources Update (4 page color mini-catalog)

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    DECEMBER 12, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Yes, You Still Have Time to Receive Christmas Resources

    YES, you can still receive your resources and gifts before Christmas. Please order before Dec. 15th. Free phone consultations, M-F, 9-5 Central Time at 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    WHOSE BIRTHDAY? NOW HALF PRICE -- Claim some of the remaining copies of our 32 page, colorful Christmas resource, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2006.

    Hand them out Christmas Eve to visitors. Customize the back with your church name, contact information, worship times and community services. They leave with a substantial gift and a reminder of you.

    Get 50 copies for only 63¢ each; 20 copies for only 75¢ each.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (click here)

    (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    Window 1 - New Resources * I'd like a new idea for our family devotions at suppertime. * I feel a need to serve others. I need some simple ideas. (Dec. 15th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations * What's HANUKKAH all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * All Things Are Connected * Renee's Place (Dec. 13th)

    Window 4 - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?' * How It Happened -- A vision: what simple living looks like * Enough, Already! * Advent Haiku (Dec. 16th) * Christmas Resistance: Toys for the World (Tune: Joy to the World)

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    COMING SOON * What's THE STORY OF JASON all about, anyway? (Dec. 19th) * Web of Creation (Dec. 19th) * I need a study guide that connects my faith and Care of the Earth. (Dec. 20th) * Jubilee Economic Ministries (Dec. 22nd) * Looking for Christmas: a story from Kentucky (Dec. 23rd) * Christmas Exterior Decorating Award

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please consider renewing your membership or becoming a member. Memberships keep us going and they have numerous benefits for you. Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org and click on Membership.

    Contributions are tax deductible. (Alternatives is a 501-c-3 educational nonprofit organization.)

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Use a credit card or we'll send you an invoice and you can return a check.

    * * *


    Contribute to our most widely-read booklet, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007 -- Art, Personal Experiences, Family Activities.

    Guidelines appear in Box #6 at SimpleLiving.org. Click on 'Write.'

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * Winter 2007 4 page color flyer - NEW * 2007 Master Resource Guide (48 page color catalog) * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * *

    DECEMBER 19, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Help Alternatives AND Lower Your Taxes

    What a paradox!

    We believe that voluntary simplicity is the cornerstone for solving our global ills. At the same time we depend of the sale of carefully chosen educational resources (as well and memberships and donations) to keep going.

    We urge people to reduce stress and stay out of debt. To be generous. To live lightly on the Earth.

    If you share our vision, then please. . .

    : Become a member or renew your membership now. (Click here)

    : Use our resources for your own physical, mental and spiritual health

    : Share them with others. Simpler living takes encouragement and support.

    : Send referrals. Be intentional about sharing names of relatives, friends, colleagues who could benefit from voluntary simplicity.

    We are making significant progress on our new initiative — Reaching Out to Young Adults. We have the most promising prospects we've had in over a decade! Details coming soon. We cannot keep it going without you.

    To get people to try something new, we first have to get them to 'open the cover.' We're doing that with our friendly, dynamic web site. There's something new on the home page every day. Our free quarterly Resource Guide and 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' have a fresh new look (and they're still on recycled paper).

    We cannot put our future generations at risk because of consumerism. They are our best resources for overcoming it.

    Let's work for justice by being willing to change our own lives and by nudging others to simplify too. We're a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization. Your donations are tax deductible.

    Work with us for your benefit and the common good.

    Be in touch. . . * Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    P.S. Our Simpler Living Community Network provides support for you to promote simpler living in your community. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Volunteers >> Activities.

    * * *


    Contribute to our most widely-read, family-oriented booklet, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007 -- Art, Personal Experiences, Family Activities.

    Guidelines appear in Box #6 at SimpleLiving.org. Click on 'Write.'

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (click here)

    (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    Window 1 - New Resources * I feel a need to serve others. I need some simple ideas. * I need a study guide that connects my faith and Care of the Earth. (Dec. 20th) * I've heard about how important the Millennium Development Goals are. I'd like to study them more, maybe even with my friends. (Dec. 25th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations * What's THE STORY OF JASON all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Web of Creation * Jubilee Economic Ministries (Dec. 22nd)

    Window 4 - Your Daily Advent-Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Order 'Whose Birthday?' * Advent Haiku * Christmas Resistance: Toys for the World (Tune: Joy to the World) * Looking for Christmas: a story from Kentucky (Dec. 23rd) * Christmas Exterior Decorating Award

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%

    COMING SOON * What's NEW YEAR'S all about, anyway? (Dec. 26th) * Remodeling is a good time to downsize. (Dec. 28th) * I need some powerful new hymns that focus on justice for year-round use. (Dec. 30th) * Just Daily Do the Work I Give You (Dec. 30th) * Enough at Christmas? * An Exhilarating Visit at the CRC (Dec. 31st)

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2007 4 page color flyer * 2007 Master Resource Guide (48 page color catalog) * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    December 26, 2006

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 -- Christmas STARTS December 25th

    Only a few days left to Support Alternatives in 2006 Please include Alternatives as you plan your year-end giving. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Memberships.

    Alternatives' Endowment is receiving donations. You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living. For example, if you're at least 70-1/2, you can contribute from an IRA without paying taxes on the IRA. Be in touch for more information.

    * * *

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent?

    We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to ____ Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    We also offer them on CD-ROM - on WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($25) or on our 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15). No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    Ash Wednesday -- February 21st Easter Sunday -- April 8

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (click here)

    (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    Window 1 - New Resources * I've heard about how important the Millennium Development Goals are. I'd like to study them more, maybe even with my friends. * I need some powerful new hymns that focus on justice for year-round use. (Dec. 30th)

    Window 2 - Celebrations What's NEW YEAR'S all about, anyway?

    Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) Jubilee Economic Ministries Remodeling is a good time to downsize. (Dec. 28th) An Exhilarating Visit at the CRC (Dec. 31st)

    Window 4 - Your Daily Christmas Guide: Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope

    Window 5 - Your Comments

    Window 6 - Inspiring Reflections & Fun Activities - Read / Hear / Write * Looking for Christmas: a story from Kentucky * Christmas Exterior Decorating Award * Just Daily Do the Work I Give You (Dec. 30th) * Enough at Christmas

    Window 7 - SPECIAL of the Day - Save 20-50%


    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please consider renewing your membership or becoming a member. Memberships keep us going and they have numerous benefits for you. Visit our eStore at SimpleLiving.org and click on Membership.

    Contributions are tax deductible. (Alternatives is a 501-c-3 educational nonprofit organization.)

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Use a credit card or we'll send you an invoice and you can return a check.

    * * *


    Contribute to our most widely-read, family-oriented booklet, 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2007 -- Art, Personal Experiences, Family Activities.

    Guidelines appear in Box #6 at SimpleLiving.org. Click on 'Write.'

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2007 4 page color flyer * 2007 Master Resource Guide (48 page color catalog) * Past issues of Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator

    NEW TITLES '06


    LEFTOVERS: Portfolio Prophets: Investing in a Jubilee Economic: Fifty-Two Simple Ways to Make A Difference: Earth Trek: Celebrating And Sustaining God's Creation: Clutter's Last Stand, 2nd Edition: Lose Your Clutter, Change Our Life!: The Art of Debt-Free Living: Living Large on Less Than You Earn: Food For Life: The Spirituality And Ethics Of Eating: The Church Enslaved: A Spirituality of Racial Reconciliation: More Fun. Less Stuff VHS


    365 Smart Afterschool Activities: TV-Free Fun Anytime for Kids Ages 7-12 Sheila Ellison & Judith Gray

    Let kids' imaginations soar with terrifically fun things to do during those valuable afterschool hours and beyond. Perfect for parents, teachers, grandparents, babysitters and youth leaders. Illustrated by children, a terrific variety of adventures await you. 416 pages. $9. 365SAA

    Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World Edited by Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson

    Helps teachers raise critical issues with students in grades 4 - 12 about the increasing globalization of the world's economies and infrastructures, and the many different impacts this trend has on our planet and those who live here.

    Comprehensive. Extensive collection of readings and source material on critical global issues, plus teaching ideas, lesson plans, and rich collections of resources for classroom teachers. 402 pp. $19. RG

    YOU: The Owner's Manual -- An Insider's Guide to the Body that Will Make You Healthier and Younger by Michael F Roizen and Mehmet Oz

    Between your full-length mirror and high-school biology class, you probably think you know a lot about the human body. While it's true that we live in an age when we're as obsessed with our bodies as we are with celebrity hairstyles, the reality is that most of us know very little about what chugs, churns, and thumps throughout this miraculous, scientific, and artistic system of anatomy. Yes, you've owned your skin-covered shell for decades, but you probably know more about your cell-phone plan than you do about your own body. When it comes to your longevity and quality of life, understanding your internal systems gives you the power, authority, and ability to live a healthier, younger, and better life. You: The Owner's Manual challenges your preconceived notions about how the human body works and ages, then takes you on a tour through all of the highways, back roads, and landmarks inside of you. After taking a quiz that tests your body of knowledge, you'll learn about all of your blood-pumping, food-digesting, and keys-remembering systems and organs.

    Just as important, you'll get the facts and advice you need to keep your body running long and strong. You'll find out how diseases start and how they affect your body -- as well as advice on how to prevent and beat conditions that threaten your quality of life. Complete with exercise tips, nutritional guidelines, simple lifestyle changes, and alternative approaches, You: The Owner's Manual gives you an easy, comprehensive, and life-changing how-to plan for fending off the gremlins of aging. To top it off, you'll also get the great-tasting and calorie-saving Owner's Manual Diet -- a thirty-recipe eating plan that's designed with only one goal in mind: to help you live a younger life.

    Welcome to your body. Why don't you come on in and take a look around?

    January, 2008

    January 8th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS: The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Need Resources for Lent?

    Ash Wednesday - the Beginning of Lent - is February 6th. Easter falls really early this year - March 23rd!

    We recommend 'The Power of Enough: Finding Contentment' as a Lenten Study and ' Enough' DVD. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore, scroll down to newest titles.

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent? We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to Lenten Guides.

    Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    See free Lenten Resources highlighted at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #7.

    We also offer Lenten resources on our CD-ROM 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15) and WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($15), which includes a series of Lenten sermons. No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows.) http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD: Bonus Footage * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    It's Time! Send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide - 4 page color flyer * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *


    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. (We'll be closed during the Christmas holidays.) Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.


    Our new co-directors, Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, will be profiled soon in the'Inside Info' member newsletter. Support them as they move Alternatives to Colorado in early 2008.

    More and more people are seeing the connection between lifestyle and global climate change. We're confident that our new leaders can give people hope and an 'attitude adjustment' that simple living is about joy, not deprivation.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.


    * by Phone: 800-821-6153 or 712-943-6153 * by Fax: 712-943-1402 * by Email: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * by Mail: Alternatives, P.O. Box 340, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * at our Website eStore: www.SimpleLiving.org

    More Thank You's are listed at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Rewards.

    Please send us the following information by email, mail or fax, or call.

    Name(s): Address: City/State/ZIP: Phones/Fax: Email (for free, helpful e-newsletter): Amount of donation:

    __ I want to give a gift membership in the amount of $ _______ to: Enclose Name(s), Address, City/State/ZIP, Phones, Email

    Your comments are welcome.

    Only a few days left to Support Alternatives in 2006 Please include Alternatives as you plan your year-end giving. As a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization, contributions are tax deductible.

    Consider giving gift memberships to friends and relatives.

    To support our new Young Adult Initiative, consider a special one-time gift, or increase your membership level.

    Memberships keep us going. And they offer many benefits to you as well. Benefits are described at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Memberships.

    Alternatives' Endowment is receiving donations. You have options both to help Alternatives stay healthy and to reduce your tax burden while you're living. For example, if you're at least 70-1/2, you can contribute from an IRA without paying taxes on the IRA. Be in touch for more information.

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults by our ' Enough' DVD to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will consider showing it to students. We ship the DVD. You pay $20 (including shipping).

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald

    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 A 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization -- All donations are tax deductible.

    * * *

    Subject: Simply :60 - Aiden Enns Endorses Tony & Shane's New DVD

    'Party with poor folks, question the charity mentality, don't die rich. These prickly gospel messages somehow sound attractive as Tony and Shane banter back and forth. They talk about difficult compromises and bold actions: gardens in empty inner city lots, a wedding in a derelict church building, an open door policy for the homeless. This video should challenge anybody with a heart.' - Aiden Enns, Publisher,'Geez' magazine; Co-founder, BuyNothingChristmas.org; Former Managing Editor,'Adbusters'

    * * * * *

    Subject: Simply :60 - Walter Brueggemann Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    'The ocean of self-indulgent consumerism is about to overwhelm us with commodities that crush our humanness. In such an ocean of goods, Campolo and Claiborne constitute an island of sanity and realism. Breaking the addiction of consumer Christmas and focusing on the reality of human interaction is a tall order. The testimony of this disk is a powerful resource in the move toward well-being. Their witness is as welcome and eloquent as the issue is urgent.' - Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

    * * * * *

    Subject: Simply :60 - Justo Gonzalez Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    The video 'Simply Enough' is unique in its kind. Repeatedly, one finds in it challenging and refreshing new insights into old biblical texts. It calls us to responsible action, and poses some very radical challenges, but it does this in a way that is loving and hopeful, while also offering concrete examples of such responsible action. I find it theologically sound, intellectually enlightening, and morally engaging. - Justo L. Gonzalez, Hispanic Theologian, Seminary Professor (retired), Author of 'The Story of Christianity,' 'History of Christian Thought' and numerous other books

    * * * *

    Subject: Simply :60 - Tom Sine Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    Tony Campolo has been the leading prophetic voice in the American church for the past 30 years calling Christians of all generations to live more justly. Shane Claiborne represents a new prophetic generation that wants to authentically follow Jesus in a world by making poverty history and reducing our carbon footprint. View this DVD and Tony and Shane will help you learn about practical, creative ways you can live more simply in ways that make a real difference for our poorest neighbors and God's good creation. - Tom Sine, Author, The Mustard Seed Conspiracy and The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time

    * * * *

    Subject: Simply :60 - John de Graaf Endorses Tony & Shane DVD

    'Simply Enough' is indeed straight talk about simpler, just living. I can scarcely think of better speakers for the cause than Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. This is the most effective video in memory promoting Christian voluntary simplicity, especially for young adults. It's profound and humorous in turn, full of touching stories, compelling testimonials and prophetic music. Watch it! Share it! Study it! Act on it! - John de Graaf, Video Producer and co-author of Affluenza; Coordinator: Take-Back-Your-Time Day and 'What's the Economy for, Anyway?' Conference

    # # # # #

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    January 15th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Three Weeks Till Lent

    Ash Wednesday - the Beginning of Lent - is February 6th. Easter falls really early this year - March 23rd!

    We recommend 'Starting Simple: Conversations on the Way We Live' or ' Enough' DVD as a Lenten Study. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Windows 1 & 2, or eStore (scroll down to newest titles).

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent? We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to Lenten Guides.

    Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    Free Lenten Resources are highlighted at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #7.

    We also offer them on our CD-ROM 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15). 'Worship Alternatives' CD-ROM ($15) has more Lent/Easter resources, including a series of Lenten sermons. No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime. Or order online.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows.) http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD: Bonus Footage * Window 2 - NEW Resources: Starting Simple * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    COMING SOON * Body Sculpting

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide 4 page color flyer * Past issues of Whose Birthday?

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *


    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults by our ' Enough' DVD to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will consider showing it to students. We ship the DVD. You pay $20 (including shipping).

    * * *

    It's Time!: Send an item for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.


    Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * * *

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    January 22th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - One Month Left of MOVING SALE

    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.


    * by Phone: 800-821-6153 or 712-943-6153 * by Fax: 712-943-1402 * by Email: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * by Mail: Alternatives, P.O. Box 340, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * at our Website eStore: www.SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership

    * * *

    Ash Wednesday - the Beginning of Lent - is February 6th. Easter falls really early this year - March 23rd!

    We recommend. . .

    : 'The Power of Enough: Finding Contentment.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore, scroll down to newest titles.: ' Enough' DVD - Straight Talk from Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne abotu Simple, Just Living. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #1.: 'Starting Simple: Conversations on the Way We Live.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #2.

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent? We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to Lenten Guides.

    Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    See FREE Lenten Resources highlighted at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #7.

    We also offer them on our CD-ROM 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15). WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($15) has more Lent/Easter resources, including a seris of Lenten sermons. No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org (CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows.) http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD: Endorsement by Jim Wallis * Window 2 - NEW Resources: Starting Simple * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources


    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide 4 page color flyer * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults by our ' Enough' DVD to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will consider showing it to students. We ship the DVD. You pay $20 (including shipping).

    * * *

    Send an item before February 1st for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, 'how we simplified Christmas' stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    * * * * * Jim Wallis Gerald Iversen Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:35:37 pm CSTRE: Jim's new book

    Dear Gerald,

    We launched my new book this week. It's called The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith and Politics in a Post-Religious Right America.

    Let me tell you what I have learned about the book industry: When enough people buy a book in a short period of time, it makes the best-seller lists. Then, booksellers display that book at the front of their stores so more people see it. Last time, our supporters helped get God's Politics on the best-seller lists, which carried it to the front of stores. This was how that book helped change the discussion on faith and politics.

    Today, I am making a personal request to all our friends and supporters to help make that happen again by going out to buy the book this weekend. Nothing will help get our message out more.

    Click here to help bring The Great Awakening to a national audience.


    God's Politics 'changed the conversation' about faith and politics. Finally the media were covering an alternative voice to the Religious Right, and we used the opportunity to help lift many other voices too. And the success of God's Politics literally doubled Sojourners' subscriptions, online list, revenue, and budget.

    So I am asking you - our friends and supporters - to help us again to amplify and expand our message in the way that has historically been most successful: through the popular reception of our new book.

    Click here to help expand our message.


    God's Politics called upon people to 'take back the faith' from a Religious Right that had'hijacked' the gospel. Well, millions have now done that and this new book isn't about the Religious Right at all-it's about what we can do with our faith. It's about how an awakened faith could make the critical difference in solving the greatest moral issues of our time.

    So if you like what we have done with our new 'microphone' and appreciate the increased public voice we have been able to have ... if you are excited about all the new people we are reaching now (especially young people) ... if you want political leaders to listen to a progressive faith movement ... if you want to help sustain Sojourners and keep us growing ... and if you believe that spiritual movements can actually change politics - I am asking you for practical help by buying The Great Awakening in the next few days. So while you're out this weekend, stop in at a Barnes and Noble bookstore (they are really promoting our book), at your favorite independent bookstore, or online with Amazon.

    Click here to raise our public voice.


    For the record, every penny I get from all the speaking I do (including on book tours) goes directly to Sojourners, as does a substantial portion of the book royalties. Nothing benefited Sojourners more than the success of God's Politics. I do books and book tours in ways that most help Sojourners, our message, and our movement. We call book tours 'movement tours.' So if you help support The Great Awakening this time, you also will be helping to support Sojourners.

    Click here to order The Great Awakening and help support Sojourners.


    Blessings, Jim Wallis


    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    January 29th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Message from Jim Wallis at Sojourners

    We launched my new book last week. It's called The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith and Politics in a Post-Religious Right America.

    Let me tell you what I have learned about the book industry: When enough people buy a book in a short period of time, it makes the best-seller lists. Then, booksellers display that book at the front of their stores so more people see it. Last time, our supporters helped get God's Politics on the best-seller lists, which carried it to the front of stores. This was how that book helped change the discussion on faith and politics.

    This new book isn't about the Religious Right at all. It's about what we can do with our faith. It's about how an awakened faith could make the critical difference in solving the greatest moral issues of our time.

    So if you like what we have done with our new 'microphone' and appreciate the increased public voice we have been able to have ... if you are excited about all the new people we are reaching now (especially young people) ... if you want political leaders to listen to a progressive faith movement ... if you want to help sustain Sojourners and keep us growing ... and if you believe that spiritual movements can actually change politics - I am asking you for practical help by buying The Great Awakening in the next few days at your favorite independent bookstore.

    For the record, every penny I get from all the speaking I do (including on book tours) goes directly to Sojourners, as does a substantial portion of the book royalties. Nothing benefited Sojourners more than the success of 'God's Politics.' I do books and book tours in ways that most help Sojourners, our message, and our movement. We call book tours 'movement tours.' So if you help support 'The Great Awakening' this time, you also will be helping to support Sojourners.

    Blessings, Jim Wallis

    * * *

    Send an item before February 1st for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    Ash Wednesday - the Beginning of Lent - is February 6th. Easter falls really early this year - March 23rd!

    We recommend. . .

    : 'The Power of Enough: Finding Contentment.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore, scroll down to newest titles.: ' Enough' DVD - Straight Talk from Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne about Simple, Just Living. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #1.: 'Starting Simple: Conversations on the Way We Live.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #2.

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent? We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to Lenten Guides.

    Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    See FREE Lenten Resources highlighted at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #7.

    We also offer them on our CD-ROM 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15). WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($15) has more Lent/Easter resources, including a seris of Lenten sermons. No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD: Endorsement by Aiden Enns of 'Geez' Magazine * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    One Month Left of MOVING SALE

    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.


    * by Phone: 800-821-6153 or 712-943-6153 * by Fax: 712-943-1402 * by Email: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * by Mail: Alternatives, P.O. Box 340, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * at our Website eStore: www.SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership


    Our new co-directors, Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, are profiled in the 'Inside Info' newsletter at SimpleLiving.org >> Membership >> Newsletter. Support them as they move Alternatives to Colorado in early 2008.

    More and more people are seeing the connection between lifestyle and global climate change. We're confident that our new leaders can give people hope and an 'attitude adjustment' that simple living is about joy, not deprivation.

    * * *

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults by our ' Enough' DVD to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will consider showing it to students. We ship the DVD. You pay $20 (including shipping).

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide 4 page color flyer * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, retiring National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org

    February, 2008

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    February 5th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Last Call for 'Whose Birthday?' 2008 Submissions

    * * *

    Send an item this week for 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, our Advent/Christmas magazine and most widely read resource. We especially need art and practical, how-we-simplified-Christmas stories. We get many of our best ideas from you!

    * * *

    Ash Wednesday - the Beginning of Lent - is February 6th. Easter arrives really early this year - March 23rd!

    We recommend. . .

    : 'The Power of Enough: Finding Contentment.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore, scroll down to newest titles.: ' Enough' DVD - Straight Talk from Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne about Simple, Just Living. Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #1.: 'Starting Simple: Conversations on the Way We Live.' Visit SimpleLiving.org >> Window #2.

    Need a 40-day guide for Lent? We offer 15 at SimpleLiving.org >> Services >> Archives >> scroll down to Lenten Guides.

    Members make copies for free. Some are still available on paper.

    See FREE Lenten Resources highlighted at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #7.

    We also offer them on our CD-ROM 'Simply the Best: Over 30 Years of Alternatives' ($15). WORSHIP ALTERNATIVES ($15) has more Lent/Easter resources, including a seris of Lenten sermons. No royalty or reprint license needed when you purchase one of these.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD endorsements * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Your Daily Lenten Guide & Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    MOVING SALE Count Down - only three weeks left!

    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.


    * by Phone: 800-821-6153 or 712-943-6153 * by Fax: 712-943-1402 * by Email: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * by Mail: Alternatives, P.O. Box 340, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * at our Website eStore: www.SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership


    Our new co-directors, Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, are profiled in the 'Inside Info' newsletter at SimpleLiving.org >> Membership >> Newsletter. Support them as they move Alternatives to Colorado late this month.

    More and more people are seeing the connection between lifestyle and global climate change. We're confident that our new leaders can give people hope and an 'attitude adjustment' that simple living is about joy, not deprivation.

    * * *

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Let's Reach Out to Colleges & Seminaries Reach out to Young Adults by our ' Enough' DVD to a church-related college or seminary or campus ministry in your area or denomination. How about your alma mater?

    Here's how it works. You let us know which institution(s) you want to gift. We (or you) contact the chaplain (or campus minister) to confirm that s/he will consider showing it to students. We ship the DVD. You pay $20 (including shipping).

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide 4 page color flyer * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, retiring National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    February 12th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Contest: Sermons You'd Never Hear in Church

    One of Alternatives' partners is Geez magazine: 'Holy mischief in an age of fast faith.' The editors provided art for 'Whose Birthday?' 2007 and have endorsed our new DVD ' Enough.'

    Here's a note from them:

    For our summer issue we're holding a contest. We want short, 750-word 'sermons' that you'd never hear in church. And we want photos as well. First prize is $500; 2nd, $400; 3rd, $300.

    See details at geezmagazine.org

    Happy sermonizing, Aiden Enns & Will Braun, Editors, Geez magazine

    To subscribe to Geez, visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Misc >> Magazines.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    MOVING SALE Countdown - only two weeks left!

    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore.


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.


    * by Phone: 800-821-6153 or 712-943-6153 * by Fax: 712-943-1402 * by Email: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * by Mail: Alternatives, P.O. Box 340, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * at our Website eStore: www.SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership

    * * *

    For personal service call toll free M-F, 9-5 Central -- 800-821-6153. Leave a message anytime.

    * * *

    Please help promote Alternatives' mission by distributing one of our FREE pieces at a meeting or conference - at a local, regional or national event.

    Choose. . . * NEW Winter 2008 Resources Guide 4 page color flyer * Past issues of 'Whose Birthday?'

    Whether you can use 10 or 500 copies, email Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org or call toll free - 800-821-6153.

    You may want to keep some copies with you to hand out during conversations.

    We can also provide display copies of resources.

    Thanks for your simple acts of caring.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, retiring National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org

    Beginning March 1st Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, Co-Directors 0038 Deer Path Rd PO Box 1852 Dillon, CO 80435

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    February 19th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Moving Sale Count Down - Final Week!

    Monday, February 25th is our last shipping day from Iowa. Then the discounts go away.

    * Save 25-50% on 'Most Everything Now! * Many Specials for Alternatives' Members. Join, Upgrade or Renew Now! * Benefit yourself and your family. * Share Simple Living educational resources with others. * Help reach out to more Young Adults. * Help reduce our moving expenses.

    Call toll free 800-821-6153. We're here M-F, 9-5 Central. Leave a message anytime.

    Or order on-line at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore. Items will be removed from the site if they go out of stock.

    'How you spend your money is how you vote on what exists in the world.' - Vicki Robin, coauthor, Your Money or Your Life


    Here are several ways to use our rebates to make REAL CHANGE . . .: Pay down high interest credit cards or other debts.: Put your rebate in a savings account.: Donate your rebate to those working to end poverty, promote environmental responsibility, peace, justice, or equal rights for all.: If you must buy something, purchase goods and services that support your local economy or save money, energy and resources in the end:: Locally grown fruits and vegetables: Fluorescent light bulbs: Water heater blankets: Water saving showerheads: Insulation (and a local, self-employed contractor to install it)

    Read more about the 'Don't Buy It! Campaign' at SimpleLiving.net.

    * * *

    Watch this newsletter and our web site for new Membership Benefits, new Services and a new eStore.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Your 40-Day Guide & Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Gerald Iversen, retiring National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973

    SEE DVD endorsement above.

    February 26th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Hello, Colorado!

    This is moving week. We may experience short delays but no interruption of services.

    Watch SimpleLiving.ORG home page for a new, expanded eStore, new membership benefits and much more!

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Resources * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas. * * * Peace, Gerald Iversen, retiring National Coordinator ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Resources for responsible living and celebrating since 1973 Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org

    March, 2008

    March 4th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - NEW eStores!

    Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together!

    Now Alternatives' customers have access to SLNet's many resources and services. Simple Living Network customers have access to resources recommended and produced by Alternatives, many of which are faith-based.

    You have access to two eStores - one for everyone and one especially for Alternatives' members and volunteers.

    To reach our expanded eStore for everyone hosted by Simple Living Network, visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.

    It is critical to Alternatives' survival that you identify yourself as an Alternatives' customer so that we get a share of your order.

    You have three ways to identify yourself:: Visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.: Click on Alternatives at the top of the SimpleLiving.NET home page.: Write 'Alternatives' in the Comments Box of the SLNet Order Form.

    Try the two sites now. They're still in progress, so please be patient.

    Please note:: To talk to a resources consultant at Alternatives and to ORDER by PHONE, call 800-821-6153.: To CHECK on an ORDER placed through SLNet, call 800-318-5725 or 509-395-2323 (Simple Living Network).: To become an Alternatives' MEMBER or renew, or to peruse or order membership premiums and volunteer supplies, call toll free 800-821-6153 (Alternatives). Alternatives' Members receive discounts and premiums from the Alternatives' Member & Volunteer eStore by clicking on Membership at SimpleLiving.ORG.

    Alternatives' new leaders and headquarters are:

    Sandy Olson and Michael Mortvedt, Co-Directors Alternatives for Simple Living 0038 Deer Path Rd PO Box 3804 Dillon, CO 80435-3804 800/821-6153 970/468-AfSL (2375) 970/333-9033 - cell 970/513-6883 - fax

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Services * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Friends of Alternatives - Simple Living LIFERS * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant P.S. Next Week: Gerald's Retirement Plans

    * * *

    March 11th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - New Column, New Services

    In This Issue: * Michael's Column - The Blessing of Bicycles * Gerald's Retirement Plans * New Services - Two eStores and Search * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    'When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the human race.' H.G. Wells

    A bicycle is the most energy efficient vehicle devised to date, perhaps ever. According to Eric Sorenson and the Sightline Institute in Seven Wonders for a Cool Planet, 'A human on a bicycle is more efficient (in calories expended per pound per mile) than a train, truck, airplane, boat, automobile, motorcycle, skateboard, canoe or jet pack. Cycling is more efficient than walking which takes three times as many calories per mile. Pound for pound a person riding a bike can go further on a calorie of food than a gazelle can running, a salmon swimming, or an eagle flying.'

    Bicycles, besides being great fun to ride, are a wonderful vehicle for running short distance errands and shopping, while cars are most polluting on short distance trips because their engines produce up to four times more carbon monoxide while warming up than at normal operating temperatures.

    Commuting to work on a bicycle is also a great way to care for creation and save money. For instance if one million people replace just one ten mile motor vehicle trip with one bicycle trip it world result in the following savings: 500,000 gallons of gasoline, $1,500,000 saved on gasoline @$3.00 a gallon, and 328,000 pounds of carbon monoxide would not be produced. (Colorado Department of Health) Besides being the most efficient vehicle ever made, bicycles are good for the soul and the planet.

    Michael Mortvedt, Co-director

    * * *

    A Note from Member Dick Haid on Gerald's Retirement

    Hi Gerald: I see that in this newsletter you are listed as the retiring national coordinator. When is the transition completed?

    * Sandy & Michael started as our new leaders on January 1. I've pledge to work for Alternatives as a volunteer consultant for 2008. My tour blog (window #3 on our home page) will conclude by the end of July. Watch for these exciting changes: April 1 - new editor for Simply :60 May 1 - new WebMaster

    What are your plans?

    * I plan to have carpal tunnel therapy or surgery so I can start making music again (but not nearly as much as I did during my 25 years as Minister of Music). I plan to express my viewpoint more strongly on social issues now that I'm no longer the face of a 501-c-3 (non-lobbying) organization.

    You have and exercise many gifts and I hope there is a special ministry in some form ahead for you.

    * Beginning this spring I plan to spend more time working at the Soup Kitchen and Food Bank, worshiping with inmates, participating with Sierra Club and Peace Coalition and visiting family members. Since Rita will retire in three years, I plan to relieve her of most of her share of the home chores and to start on a long list of 'as soon as I'm retired' projects. Then in summer of 2011, we plan to return to our roots in Central Coast California (San Luis Obispo County).

    * * *

    Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together!

    Now Alternatives' customers have access to SLNet's many resources and services. Simple Living Network customers have access to resources recommended and produced by Alternatives, many of which are faith-based.

    You have access to two eStores - one for everyone and one especially for Alternatives' members and volunteers.

    To reach our expanded eStore for everyone hosted by Simple Living Network, visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.

    It is critical to Alternatives' survival that you identify yourself as an Alternatives' customer so that we get a share of your order.

    You have several ways to identify yourself:: Visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.: Click on Alternatives at the top of the SimpleLiving.NET home page.: Click 'Support Alternatives' at SimpleLiving.NET >> Resources Directory >> Partners >> Alternatives: Write 'Alternatives' in the Comments Box of the SLNet Order Form.

    Try the two sites now. They're still in progress, so please be patient.

    Please note:: To talk to a resources consultant at Alternatives and to ORDER by PHONE, call 800-821-6153.: To CHECK on an ORDER placed through SLNet, call 800-318-5725 or 509-395-2323 (Simple Living Network).: To become an Alternatives' MEMBER or renew, or to peruse or order membership premiums and volunteer supplies, call toll free 800-821-6153 (Alternatives). Alternatives' Members receive discounts and premiums from the Alternatives' Member & Volunteer eStore by clicking on Membership at SimpleLiving.ORG.

    This information is also given at SimpleLiving.ORG >> Window #2 >> Details.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Services - eStores, Search * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - NEW - Question of the Month: What's Your Opinion? * Window 7 - Free Lenten Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Our Annual Report for 2007 is now posted at SimpleLiving.org >> About Us >> Annual Report.

    * * *

    WE WELCOME YOUR REPLIES at our official address: Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org Or reply to the 'from' address above. Please share this e-newsletter with friends.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973 A 501-c-3 nonprofit educational organization. Donations are tax deductible.

    * * *

    March 18th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - More New Services

    In This Issue: * Michael's Column - A Once in a Lifetime Easter * New Services - Two eStores, Search, Question of the Month * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    A Once in a Lifetime Easter

    Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. This year Easter is on March 23 in the western Church, following the spring equinox on March 20 and the full moon on March 21st.

    Easter this year is the earliest any of us alive today will experience it, unless we can live another 220 years. If you were alive in 1913 this is the second time you experienced Easter on March 23.

    The next time Easter will be a day earlier, March 22 is the year 2285 and the last time it was on March 22 is 1818, so unless you are alive 277 years from now, this is the earliest Easter any of us will experience.

    Sandy joins me in wishing you a blessed and spirit filled once in a life time Easter.


    * * *

    Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together!

    Now Alternatives' customers have access to SLNet's many resources and services. Simple Living Network customers have access to resources recommended and produced by Alternatives, many of which are faith-based.

    You have access to two eStores - one for everyone and one especially for Alternatives' members and volunteers.

    To reach our expanded eStore for everyone hosted by Simple Living Network, visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.

    It is critical to Alternatives' survival that you identify yourself as an Alternatives' customer each time you order so that we get a share of your order.

    You have several ways to identify yourself:: Visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click eStore.: Click on Alternatives at the top of the SimpleLiving.NET home page.: Click 'Support Alternatives' at SimpleLiving.NET >> Resources Directory >> Partners >> Alternatives: Write 'Alternatives' in the Comments Box of the SLNet Order Form.

    Try the two sites now. They're still in progress, so please be patient.

    Please note:: To talk to a resources consultant at Alternatives and to ORDER by PHONE, call 800-821-6153.: To CHECK on an ORDER placed through SLNet, call 800-318-5725 or 509-395-2323 (Simple Living Network).: To become an Alternatives' MEMBER or renew, or to peruse or order membership premiums and volunteer supplies, call toll free 800-821-6153 (Alternatives). Alternatives' Members receive discounts and premiums from the Alternatives' Member & Volunteer eStore by clicking on Membership at SimpleLiving.ORG.

    This information is also given at SimpleLiving.ORG >> Window #2 >> Details.

    * * *

    NEW Search Feature

    Our new search feaure on our home page searches everything on our site - our archives, our blog, our Member/Volunteer eStore, etc. Yes, it's powered by Google® but it only searches our site (unless you click 'web').

    Simply type in a keyboard, like 'Santa' and you'll find all the references on our site. Then click on the articles of your choice one at a time. If you're looking for someone in our blog, we do not use last names there to honor peoples' privacy, so use a city name or an unusual first name or church name as the keyword.

    This new search feature makes our archives so much more accessable and easier to use. Remember, members make copies from the archivrs for free. Just another benefit of being a member.

    To seach for items to buy, click eStore, then use the search at SLNet.

    * * *


    Tell us your opinion with fun new feature in window #7 of the home page. Each month we will offer a question on simple living. You'll get 3-5 possible answers. Sorry, no write-in's at this time.

    When you vote, you can also check the results - how your answer compares to others'. You're welcome to submit questions for future consideration. Email them to Alternatives@SimpleLiving.ORG.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - NEW Services - Two eStores and Search * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - NEW - Question of the Month - What'sYour Opinion? * Window 7 - Your Daily Lenten Guide

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Important Technical Announcement

    Soon our primary email address Alternative@SimpleLiving.org will be going to a different host - not afsl1@longlines.com. If you screen your incoming email, we may not be able to reach you when we switch. We will announce the new address soon. Please watch for it.

    * * *

    Our Annual Report for 2007 is now posted at SimpleLiving.org >> About Us >> Annual Report.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    * * *

    March 25th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - More Tax Rebate Ideas

    In This Issue: * More Tax Rebate Ideas * New Services - Two eStores, Search, Question of the Month * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    Alternatives' long-time colleague Ken Sehested shares that members of his church, Circle of Mercy, have taken the unusual step of voting to give away their anticipated tax rebates.

    Visit circleofmercy.org and click 'in the news' to read their statement on the tax rebate and pastoral suggestions for talking about the tax rebate in your congregation.

    * * *

    Question of the Month

    Tell us your opinion with a fun new feature in window #7 of the home page. Each month we will offer a question on simple living. You'll get 3-5 possible answers. Sorry, no write-in's at this time.

    When you vote, you can also check the results - how your answer compares to others'. You're welcome to submit questions for future consideration. Email them to Alternatives@SimpleLiving.ORG.

    * * *

    Important Technical Announcement

    Soon our primary email address Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org will be going to a different host - not afsl1@longlines.com.

    If you screen your incoming email, we may not be able to reach you when we switch. We will announce the new address soon. Please watch for it.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - New Services - Search and Two eStores * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Question of the Month * Window 7 - New Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant

    Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    * * *

    April, 2008

    Dear gerald, I WOULD LIKE TO share with others what our Grass Valley Friends meeting decided to use the stimulus.or rebate. The Peace and social justice committe was askedto take the idea of using the tax rebates for green stimulus or sustainability projects. Several ideas were considered. However, the following is the Minute or the proposal which was approved by the whole meeting. As part of our corporate intent to 'green' our Meeting, the GVFM encourages members to voluntarily pool all or part of their Federal stimulus rebate checks for reducing the carbon footprint of the Meeting House and associated building at Sierra Friends Center. We thus create a 'Greening Fund' as a line in our budget and propose that both the SFC Buildings and grounds Committee and the GVFM Buildings and Grounds Committee together administer this fund and the projects that result. It is our hope that through our consciousness of our interdependence, an enrichment of our experience as a community will from these efforts. Perhaps ours could be encouraged to share how they have decided to use the rebate. I will continue to update you on the results of our efforts. Hope your spring has been lovely. Sharon Stewart

    * * *

    April 1st, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Yet More Tax Rebate Ideas

    In This Issue: * A Quaker Tax Rebate Idea * New Services - Two eStores, Search, Question of the Month * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    In response to Ken Sehested's ideas at CircleOfMercy.org:

    The Peace and Social Justice Committee of our Grass Valley, CA, Friends Meeting was askedto take the idea of using the tax rebates for green stimulus or sustainability projects. As part of our corporate intent to 'green' our Meeting, we encourage members voluntarily to pool all or part of their Federal stimulus rebate checks for reducing the carbon footprint of the Meeting House and associated building at Sierra Friends Center. We thus create a 'Greening Fund' and projects which both commitees will administer. It is our hope that through our consciousness of our interdependence, an enrichment of our experience as a community will come from these efforts. Sharon Stewart

    * * *

    * * *

    Question of the Month

    Tell us your opinion with a fun new feature in window #7 of the home page. Each month we will offer a question on simple living. You'll get 3-5 possible answers. Sorry, no write-in's at this time.

    When you vote, you can also check the results - how your answer compares to others'. You're welcome to submit questions for future consideration. Email them to Alternatives@SimpleLiving.ORG.

    * * *

    Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org CLICK HERE for all of our home page windows. http://www.simpleliving.org (If the link above doesn't work for you, simply copy & paste SimpleLiving.org into your browser.)

    * Window 1 - Enough DVD * Window 2 - New Services - Search and Two eStores * Window 3 - Faces of Simpler Living (Alternatives' blog) * Window 4 - Your Thought-for-the-Day on Building Community from 'Spirit of Simplicity' * Window 5 - Your Comments * Window 6 - Question of the Month * Window 7 - New Resources

    You'll find something new every day on alternatives' home page. Why not visit SimpleLiving.org often? Bookmark it? Add it to your Favorites? Share it with others? We're counting on your feedback and ideas.

    * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    * * *

    April 8th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Have Your Own Version of 'Whose Birthday?' '08

    In This Issue: * Customized 'Whose Birthday?' '08 * NEW Spring 2008 Resources Guide * New Services - Two eStores and Search * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    If your church or organization would like to have its own customized version of Alternatives' annual Advent-Christmas booklet 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, please be in touch right away.

    The minimum order for customization is 1000 copies at $.95 each. Customization includes your name/logo on the front and back and up to three pages inside. This 21st edition is in full color on recycled paper with inspiring reflections and fun activities and a design to appeal to young adults.

    Your copies will arrive in June - in time for distribution at summer conferences and activities.

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    April 15th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - Spring Resource Guide Now Available

    In This Issue: * NEW Spring 2008 Resources Guide * Customized 'Whose Birthday?' '08 * New Services - Two eStores & Search * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    * * *

    If your church or organization would like to have its own customized version of Alternatives' annual Advent-Christmas booklet 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008, please be in touch right away. The minimum order for customization is 1000 copies at $.95 each. Customization includes your name/logo on the front and back and up to three pages inside. This 21st edition is in full color on recycled paper with inspiring reflections and fun activities and a design to appeal to young adults.

    * * * Peace,
    Gerald Iversen, consultant
    ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living
    'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly'
    Resources for responsible living since 1973

    April 22nd, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - URGENT Changes

    In This Issue: * Urgent Address Change * Free Periodicals * Customized 'Whose Birthday?' '08 * NEW Spring 2008 Resources Guide * New Services - Two eStores, Search, Question of the Month * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    NEW Return Address - Fix Your Filter

    Soon our Simply :60 Seconds eNewsletter will be sent from a different address. IF YOU SCREEN OR FILTER YOUR INCOMING eMAIL, PLEASE ADD: sandyandmichael@simpleliving.org.

    * * *

    FREE Magazines

    As I finish cleaning out The Earth Dome, I'd like to find new homes for Alternatives' wonderful collection of perodicals. Our library of books, DVDs, etc. has moved to Colorado.

    Email me right away for the list and details - geraldiversen@yahoo.com.

    . * * *

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant National Coordinator, 1995-2007 ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living Alternatives@SimpleLiving.org * www.SimpleLiving.org 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    April 29th, 2008

    SIMPLY 60 SECONDS The e-Newsletter on Simpler Living you can read in under a minute.

    Subject: Simply :60 - URGENT Changes

    New INSIDE INFO posted

    In This Issue: * Urgent Address Change * Free Periodicals * Customized 'Whose Birthday?' '08 * NEW Spring 2008 Resources Guide * New Services - Two eStores, Search, Question of the Month * Featured This Week on SimpleLiving.org

    NEW Return Address - Fix Your Filter

    Soon our Simply :60 Seconds eNewsletter will be sent from a different address. IF YOU SCREEN OR FILTER YOUR INCOMING eMAIL, PLEASE ADD: sandyandmichael@simpleliving.org

    * * *

    Change in Procedure Notices

    Web Site (Window #2) - March 1

    Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together.

    : Always identify yourself as an Alternatives customer.: To browse or ORDER resources click on eStore above.: To talk to a resources consultant or ORDER by PHONE, call 800-821-6153.: To CHECK on an ORDER, call 800-318-5725 or 509-395-2323: To become an Alternatives' MEMBER, renew or peruse membership Premiums, click on Membership above or call 800-821-6153.

    * * *

    Spring Resources Guide

    Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together.

    : Always IDENTIFY YOURSELF as an ALTERNATIVES CUSTOMER by entering the eStore through this site - SimpleLiving.ORG or by clicking on the Alternatives customer button at the top of SimpleLiving.NET home page.: To browse or ORDER resources, visit SimpleLiving.ORG and click on eStore.: To talk to a resources consultant at Alternatives and to ORDER by PHONE, call 800-821-6153.: To CHECK on an ORDER, call 800-318-5725 or 509-395-2323 (Simple Living Network): To become an Alternatives' MEMBER, renew or peruse or order member ship Premiums, click on Membership above or call toll free 800-821-6153 (Alternatives)

    * * *


    Receive membership benefits when you donate, including. . .

    * Copying privilege - Make as many copies as you need of anything we've published in the past for your family, friends and congregation. * Free copy of 'Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?' 2008. * Members-only discounts * See SimpleLiving.org >> Memberships for more details * TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation - Remember, we are a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.

    Don't miss this opportunity to support Alternatives, benefit yourself and share resources with others.

    Numerous Thank You gifts are available free with a membership or donation. Share them with others. See many at SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Membership >> Rewards.

    DONATING IS SIMPLE. * by Phone * by Fax * by Email * by Mail * at our Website

    Peace, Gerald Iversen, consultant ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living 'Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly' Resources for responsible living since 1973

    Page updated 29 Aug. 2015

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    MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.