a free e-zine from Alternatives
General/Introduction to Series
Excerpts from articles in paper and electronic publications that touch on
Alternatives' mission, articles that we consider worth reading and couldn't
keep from sharing with you.
For over 15 years Alternatives published a quarterly review on paper. Other
organizations are doing so many wonderful things that we want to share them
with you.
How Does It Work?
The Contents lists the articles arranged within topics. If a topic or title sounds interesting, click on it. If, after reading an excerpt, you want to read the whole article, click on the link at the end of the excerpt and you will go to the originator's web site. To return to this site, click your browser's "back" button. Unfortunately, in some cases the entire article is not available on the original site but you may find other articles there on the same subject.
In some cases we provide a link to another article or resource on our web
site that relates to the excerpts you're reading.
How Do I Read It?
Read it on your computer monitor, maybe a little at a time.
Bookmark this site to return later. It won't go away, though it will be moved to the archives when a new edition is issued, probably each quarter. - Click on your "select all" command, then "copy," then "paste" into your text editing software, then "save" in your computer to read at your leisure.
- As a last resort, print it out on recycled or "one-side used" paper.
- Share it with others. Send it to them as an email attachment or send them this web site address with a word of encouragement.
How Will I Know When the Next Issue Is Available?
You can check back from time to time, or you can give Alternatives your email address and we will send you a notice.
Where Do the Illustrations Come from?
Not from the original articles. They are supplied by Alternatives.
What If I'd like to Comment?
Send an email. We promise to read it. Maybe we'll publish it in a future issue.
Where Can I Read Back Issues?
Visit - indexoth.php?place=archives/InsiderInfoIndex.php#WorthReading
#1 -- Winter, 2002
- Organic Gold Rush
- Organic Myths
- Bottled waters claims to purity are bogus
- Natural Mosquito Repellent & Cleaner Air
- Restricting local governments from enact living wage ordinance
- Rogue Agencies Gut State Banking Laws
- Who should make the rules?
- Open Letter to Friends
- Is it possible for a more peaceful, sustainable world to emerge from the ashes?
- Corporate Welfare: A tale of subsidized golf balls and chicken McNugget ads
What's right with this
- This world is not my home
- Unmasking the inevitable
- For God so loved the world: evangelicals and other faithful preach the green gospel
- The tyranny of time
- Reinventing Education: strategies for social transformation: interview with Matthew Fox
- Do you want to be healed?
- Fuel Consumption
- Starving Children
- Car Pooling
- Short Takes
- From World Ark
- Yes Magazine
- Earth Island Journal
- PeaceWork
- The U.S. military plays a large part in the deterioration of the environment and people's health here and abroad.
- How militarism = violence against women
- Boycott Against Taco Bell
- Someone Else's Problem
- Turn the Tide and See the Change
- How Green is E-commerce?
- Losing Signal
- Stop teaching our kids to kill
- Simplicity Marketing
- Turning the Page: informal impacts of the magazine industry
- Empires of the Senseless
- Schools should be commerce free zones
- Really Scary Ads
- Canaries and the coal mine
- Children at risk
- Place making
- The environmental issue from hell
- A Letter to George W. Bush
- Take a parking lot, put up a paradise
- Focus on Global Warming
- Shifting gears
- Country's largest buying groups sign contract
- Life after oil
- Vital Signs: the killing of U.S. alternative energy R&D
- The energy we overlook
#2 -- June, 2002
INTRODUCTION: Alternative Media
NOTES on web sites of a few members of the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA.
- Adbusters: #40 / March-April, 2002
- Baptist Peace Fellowship: Legislation Introduced to Create a Department of Peace
- Business Ethics: The 100 Best Corporate Citizens for 2002
- Center for a New American Dream
- E/The Environment Magazine
- Earth Island Journal
- Earthlight: Issue 44 - Winter 2002: Youth Rising
- Mother Jones: May/June 2002: Unjust Rewards
- New Internationalist
- The Other Side
- Pax Christi
- Peaceworks Monitor
- Prism E-pistle
- Real Money
- Simple Living Oasis
- Sojourners
- SOJOMail
- Utne Reader: No. 111, May-June, 2002
- WorldWatch
- Yes Magazine
Intro | Issue 1 | Issue 2: Part I Part II | Issue 3 | Index
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.