SLW! does not solicit nor accept donations of money.
Your time, energy and commitment are much more important now.
We urge Alternative Giving. Give away 25% of what you spent last year on all celebrations -- Christmas, birthdays, etc. -- to local, national and international causes.
Below see what your help has already done!
Read our annual report.
- The One Earth Project
- Tony & Shane's Young Adult DVD Project: Simply Enough
- Reaching Out to Young Adults
Let's Reach Young Adults!
Thanks to friends like you, Alternatives has for 40 years inspired and equipped people to live more simply for their own good and for the sake of all God's Creation.
Good news about our initiative Reaching Out to Young Adults -- Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne (author of The Irresistible Revolution) have made a video for us!
* MORE Information and photos of the production of the video.
REACHING OUT TO YOUNG ADULTS is a multifaceted initiative to reach high school and college students, young marrieds and families with young children. We want to help them deal with problems in their lives, such as consumerism and over consumption, debt, stress and time poverty.
Why is this initiative so important?
We need to help equip young adults NOW to deal spiritually, psychologically and practically with the consequences of living in a country that saves far too little and spends far too much. Living simply by choice is joyful. Living simply by necessity can be a life of regret.
As people of faith we are clearly shown God’s preference for the poor. Let’s share our abundance with people around the world who barely have enough to survive. By being both more charitable and working for justice, we will also ease the burden on the Earth of our overconsumption. America is the standard bearer of insatiability. We need to change the present 'American Way' to a NEW way of sustainability.
We must offer young adults hope and tools for a simpler life.
We've made significant progress Reaching Out to Young Adults.
Page updated 22 Feb. 2014
Simple Living Works! *
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.