Inside Info: Members/Donors/Volunteers

When Simple Living Works! revived Alternatives in 2011, an eNewsletter replaced the traditional newsletter (below). Later, blogs and podcasts were added. To connect, click Social Media in the menu above.

Spring, 2008

Previous Issues of Newsletters

* NEW Services
* LIFE Profiles
* Bill and Ann Shields, Halfway, OR
* Patty and Mike Boyland, Fremont, CA
* Suzanne and Henry Gurr, Aiken, SC
* William and Elaine Simpson, Charleston, SC
* Gerald's Retirement Plans
* Coming Soon on SimpleLiving.org
* Thank You Gifts
* Ways You CAN Help

* * *

NEW Services

* Search

* Question of the Month

Alternatives for Simple Living and Simple Living Network are now working together!

Now Alternatives' customers have access to SLNet's many resources and services. Simple Living Network customers have access to resources recommended and produced by Alternatives, many of which are faith-based.

Our Annual Report for 2007 is now posted at SimpleLiving.org >> About Us >> Annual Report.


Our new search feaure on our home page searches everything on our site - our archives, our blog, our eStore, etc. Yes, it's powered by Google, but it only searches our site (unless you click 'web').

Simply type in a keyword, like 'Santa,' and you'll find all the references on our site. Then click on the articles of your choice one at a time. If you're looking for someone in our blog (we do not use last names there to honor peoples' privacy) use a city name or an unusual first name or church name as the keyword.

This new search feature makes our archive much more accessible and easier to use. Remember, members make copies from the archives for free. Just another benefit of being a member.

To search for items to buy, click eStore, then use the search at SLNet. [Update: SimpleLiving.NET was shuttered Dec. 2010.]


Each month we will ask a question on simple living, a fun new feature in window #6 of the home page. We'd like your opinion. You'll get 3-5 possible answers. Sorry, no write-in's at this time. When you vote, you can also check the results - how your answer compares to others'. You're welcome to submit questions for future consideration.

People a Lot Like You: LIFE Member Profiles

Wouldn't you like to be a LIFE member?

Bill and Ann Shields have served Pine Valley Presbyterian and United Methodist Churches in Halfway, in extreme eastern Oregon, for 17 years.

Bill attended San Anselmo Seminary in San Francisco. Ann is a former Alternatives board member with Milo Thornberry and Grace Winn in 1985. Ann still makes membership calls for Alternatives.

Bill's summer work crew learns work to the glory of God. The program is support by the local Jacob's Dream resale store.

Bill paints and salvages. Ann substitute teaches. They live comfortably on a household income of $35,000. They have a big garden. They leave all their doors unlocked at home and church.

Read more at blog post #182, Sept., 2007

Patty and Mike Boyland of Fremont, CA, have sizable gardens.

They were hippies when they married, dropped out of graduate school, bought a piece of land, built a house and survived by teaching twelve students. They were converted to Christianity by the Jesus Movement. She eventually finished her PhD in Ag Economics. He went to seminary and became a Presbyterian minister. He's British. They home schooled their children. He's a woodworker; she's retired.

He has served as head of a missionary society. She teaches wherever they move. He's about ready to retire. They're parents of two adult frugal children with families, including six grandchildren. All three families have no TV.

Read more at blog post #60, Sept. 14, 2006

Suzanne and Henry Gurr live on 10+ acres of woods near Aiken, SC.

Henry is a retired professor of physics. His website is based on Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. They have Quaker heritage and attend Aiken Unitarian-Universalist Church. He's participated in war protest marches.

Their single son lives simply in Wisconsin. In contrast, their two daughters live in large homes.

When they were younger, Henry and Suzanne participated in a Quaker Free School in Augusta. From the food co-op they got books on solar living. They ate at a natural foods restaurant.

Henry 'learned from the world community' when he lived near a gold mine in South Africa as part of his PhD. thesis. The apartment there had no central heating, so people wore more clothes to keep warm. There was a shortage of wood and people paid fines for wasting water.

Read more in our blog this spring.

William and Elaine Simpson of Charleston, SC, are long-time members of Circular United Church of Christ, Charleston's first fully Green building. A new green educational building has just added to this historic building. It has geo-thermal heat and cooling, a sod roof, independent heating and cooling, wide porches for shading and better air movement. It can be used as classrooms or small dormitories for work parties. It has 25,000 gallon gray water storage and a low energy elevator that will operate in a power outage. It was 30% more expensive than a non-green building but its low carbon footprint will provide savings over the years.

Bill is a medical doctor working at a medical university. He will retire in 2008 and volunteer part-time for National Health Service Corps and Indian Health Service Corps.

He's involved in eLearning with free downloadable lectures for iPod. He's concerned that teleconferencing leads to natural passivity.

He's involved in Ag medicine - 40% of his time is funded by Clemson for the Co-op Extensions service. He advises county agents on insect infestations, for example, and produces educational programs and materials for the public.

In addition to a LIFE membership, they have given generously to Alternatives' Young Adult Initiative.

Read more in our blog this spring at SimpleLiving.org >> Window #3.

Gerald's Retirement Plans

In response to a note from member Dick Haid. . .

Hi, Gerald: I see that in the eNewsletter you are listed as the retiring national coordinator. When is the transition completed?

* Sandy & Michael started as our new leaders on January 1. I've pledged to work for Alternatives as a volunteer consultant for 2008. My tour blog (window #3 on our home page) will conclude by the end of July. Watch for these exciting changes this spring - new editor for 'Simply :60' eNews and new WebMaster.

What are your plans?

* I plan to have carpal tunnel therapy or surgery so I can start making music again (but not nearly as much as I did during my 25 years as Minister of Music). I plan to express my viewpoint more strongly on social issues now that I'm no longer the face of a 501-c-3 (non-lobbying) organization.

You have and exercise many gifts and I hope there is a special ministry in some form ahead for you.

* Beginning this spring I plan to spend more time working at the Soup Kitchen and Food Bank, worshiping with inmates, participating with Sierra Club and Peace Coalition and visiting family members. Since Rita will retire in three years, I plan to relieve her of most of her share of the home chores and to start on a long list of as-soon-as-I'm retired projects. Then in summer of 2011, we plan to return to our roots in Central Coast California (San Luis Obispo County).

If you need to contact Gerald, call 805-400-0182 (cell).

Gerald's presentation Simple Living Struggles & Solutions is available online. The updated version is called Simple Living Works! For the script and video0 visit SimpleLivingWorks.Org >> Archives >> Audio & Video. Besides personal and group inspiration, the video helps train volunteers to be pro-active in their communities.

Now on SimpleLivingWorks.org

[Following NOT CURRENT]

Something new everyday on our dynamic home page!

Window #1 - Enough
Window #2 - New Resources
Window #3 - Blog: Faces of Simpler Living in the Northeast (If you missed CA, NC, KS, OK, CO, TX, NE, MO, MI, OH, IL, ID, WA, OR, UT & WY, they're waiting for you in the Blog archives.)
Window #4 - Your Thought for the Day from Spirit of Simplicity
Window #5 - Your Comments
Window #6 - Friends of Alternatives' Simple Living LIFERs
Window #7 - Lenten Guide and Free Resources

Get a free update weekly (or monthly if you prefer) by giving us your email address. Our 'Simply :60' eNewsletter is meant to be read in under a minute.

FAREWELL to Rose Ann Pridie (also known as Rosie the clown), who has served as Alternatives' Office Manager since January, 1996. Send any greetings to Alternatives and we will forward them to her.

[Following NOT CURRENT]

Member/Volunteer Reply

[4/08] Donations

___ I want to support the Young Adults Initiative, including Tony & Shane's DVD!
$5000 / $2500 / $1000 / $500 /$250 / $100 / $75/$50 / $35 / $25 -- all levels tax deductible
___ I want to pledge per __ month / __ quarter.
___ I want to be a dues-paying member, or renew.
___ I want to be a charter member of Alternatives' endowment. I'm pledging at least $500.
___ Send me information about including Alternatives in my will and about planned giving.


___ Yes, I want to become/continue as a member of the Simpler Living Community Network (incorporating SLOW Down Network).
___ No thanks, I'm no longer interested in volunteering.
___ Contact me about hosting a speaker in my area.
___ I will distribute Alternatives' free Whose Birthday? flyers. Send me __ copies of the half-sheet. Send me __ copies of past Whose Birthday? (I'll pay the shipping for the booklets.)
___ I will distribute Alternatives' free Resources Guide. Send me __ copies of the current mini-catalog.
Thank You's for yourself and to share with others
___ I'm giving $100 or more by check or credit card (include numbers and expiration date). Send me one of the following free resources for each $100 . . .
___ Audio CD 'Alternative Christmas Trilogy'
___ Audio CD 'Living Simply & Loving It!'
___ CD-rom 'Simply the Best: 30 Years of Alternatives'
___ 'Unplug the Christmas Machine' Workshop-on-a-CD
___ 'Living More-with-Less Study/Action Guide'
___ 'Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art' book
___ 'Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art' CD-rom
___ 'Break Forth into Joy: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle' video
___ 'Stories & Songs of Simple Living' book
___ 'Stories & Songs of Simple Living' CD
___ 'Worship Alternatives' CD-rom
___ 'Sing Justice! Do Justice! Music CD

For more choices visit SimpleLiving.org >> eStore >> Misc. >> Premiums. For donations under $100, claim FREEBIES at Misc. >> Freebies.

___ For $250 'Simply Enough,' Tony & Shane's DVD
___ For $500 'Simply Enough' DVD, an autographed copy of Shane's book 'The Irresistible Revolution' and a DVD poster signed by both Tony and Shane.

Ways You CAN Help! (circle your choices)

* Send referrals! Be proactive. Sharing names and contact information of anyone who shows interest in simpler living.
* Be a volunteer for Alternatives in your community. Visit SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Volunteers >> Activities.
* Pledge a LIFE membership.
* Donate regularly -- each month or quarter. We're tax deductible!
* Lower taxes through Alternatives' Endowment.
* Give someone a simpler living nudge. Share Alternatives' resources, give gift memberships.

Read about membership BENEFITS at SimpleLivingWorks.org >> Membership.

Member/Volunteer Reply

Name ________________________________________________
(as it appears on the mailing label)

Address _________________________________

Denominational preference ________________

City/State/ZIP+4 _____________________________________

Day phone ______________________________

Evening phone ________________________

Fax number ______________________________

Email address _________________________

Past Issues of Newsletters

page updated 20 February 2013

Simple Living Works! * SimpleLivingWorks@Yahoo.com
BLOG: SimpleLivingWorks.WordPress.com | Blog INDEX
VIDEOS [ YouTube.com/SimpleLivingWorks ]
MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.