NOTES: This index is in reverse chronological order, i.e. the newest posts are at the top by year.
These blogs are in process of being moved from their original home to SLW! site. Graphics are coming.
2016 // 2015 // 2014 // 2013 // 2012 // 2011
Positive Signs from Central Coast Calif. Making Applesauce 2014
Supply Shock Green Fire Animal Industrial Complex Cecile Andrews, Champion of Simplicity Circles & Community Conversation Mutagenesis? SLW! Podcast Episode #14 features Simple Living 101: Tools for Activists (shy or bold)--Share the Joy of a Simpler Lifestyle Through Speeches, Workshops, Events, Study/Action Groups, Simplicity Circles and Social Media+Social Media Supplement- Jerry's Excellent Adventure, Free coaching for groups on the internet + Living 101 Introduction: Guidelines for Change - How to Influence Others + Spirituality and Gratitude Vicki Robin: Blessing the Hands That Feed Us Perennial Design The Future of Civilization IPCC Report & "Sixth Extinction" Point to Jubilee Economics NAFTA at 20 -- Fair Trade vs. Free Trade Media and Consumer Capitalism "Slow" Democracy? Dynamic Mother-Daughter Duo: Francis Moore and Anna Lappe Why Are Danes So Happy? 2 Degrees? 4? U.N. Report Details Concrete Steps to Counter Global Warming Paul Ehrlich: Distress Signals from Earth Cli Fi? This Changes Everything + Updates Seeds of Influence, part 1 Seeds of Influence, part 2
Jan. 31Positive Signs from Central Coast Calif.
[This blog supplements the Feb. Episode of The Common Good Podcast.]
When the Paris attacks caused the French government to cancel demonstrations, the planned 200,000 person demonstration for the Climate Change Conference (COP21) became global. Over 2000 local demonstrations occurred around the globe, mostly on Sat. and Sun., Nov. 28-29.
I was involved in the rally and march in San Luis Obispo, Calif., on the Central Coast, half way between San Francisco and Los Angeles, about ten miles inland from the Pacific ocean.
Although possibly less known than beautiful, pricey Santa Barbara, San Luis is has been called 'the happiest place in the world,' after some acclamations from Oprah a few years ago. I grew up in San Luis my first 15 years and now have returned home in retirement with spouse Rita, a native of the San Diego area.
I was truly touched by the rally. Let me tell you about the city and county first. San Luis Obispo County is the second largest county in California geographically. The home of Cal Poly, a Calif. State University, San Luis has a population of about 50,000, and a much acclaimed Farmers Market every Thursday night that stretches ten blocks with music entertainment in almost every side street.
One notable downside is gender equity. My pastor, Amy Beveridge of Bethel ELCA, Templeton, gave some startling stats in a brief sermon 'The Happiest Place in America' recently. Catch it at
San Luis Obispo County has a split personality. The county seat, San Luis Obispo, is a progressive town. The mayor, Jan Marx, is a heroic person. She and the city council guided the county and then the state to ban styrofoam a couple of years ago. Last year they banned most single-use plastic bags county-wide. This is an exciting place to live!
The City of San Luis Obispo is doing a lot to address the climate crisis.
--We divested the City of any investments in fossil fuel three months ago.
--We unanimously opposed the Phillips 66 rail spur project
--We are upgrading its Water Resource Recovery Facility to save energy, save water and save a million pounds a year of carbon emissions.
--We have signed the Compact of Mayors and pledged to implement our city Climate Action Plan which we adopted with mitigation and adaptation measures in 2012.
1. The Compact of Mayors is a global coalition of mayors and city officials pledging to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions and enhance resilience to climate change and track their progress transparently.
2. The city of San Luis Obispo has fulfilled the following pledges to the Compact of Mayors.
* In 2009 we conducted our greenhouse gas emissions inventory. It is consistent with the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) and addresses all categories listed in the Compact.
* We have inventoried the climate hazards faced by our city and county. Working with then supervisor Jim Patterson, I enlisted the expertise of the California Local Government Commission to identify climate hazards and potential adaptation strategies for the entire county.North county and extreme south county are much more conservative. The county has over 300 vineyards. When I was growing up here, my town of Paso Robles was known as the almond capital of the world. Now it's all about wine, which as been excellent for tourism, not so much for water conservation during a severe drought.
The problem is that the county supervisors are now split. On one side are the 'Lands Rights' folks who feel they can do whatever they want with their land. They fail to realize that the aquifer stretches beyond the borders of the property, so they keep sucking away at the scarce water and resisting any attempt at quotas or water districts. On the other hand we have the towns where citizens live with rigid restrictions in this the most drought prone part of the state. We're in the midst of a vote to accept or reject a Water District plan for north county.
Into this situation comes the Climate Change rally. . . what I prefer to call the Creation Crisis. The organizer and spokesperson was Heidi Harmon, one-time Green Party candidate for state assembly. Mayor Jan Marx spoke. Eight-year-old Lucas gave a brief, stirring appeal to the adults to stop burning fossil fuels and to get behind renewables. Then farmer Bill Ostrander spoke about the perspective of Climate Change from an agricultural view. Read his excellent, brief paper Agriculture and Climate Change. Bill is an outside candidate for US Congress to take the place of retiring excellent representative Lois Capps. Bill has agree to be a guest on The Common Good Podcast in 2016. (Up until a few years ago, Paso Robles unfortunately fell into the same District as Bakersfield in the Central Valley so we suffered under the divisive 'leadership' of Kevin McCarthy. Thanks to redistricting, we have Rep. Capps, one of the most progressive in the nation.)
After the rally we march through the main business district for a dozen blocks to the Bliss Cafe to hear Mr. Eco, a young rapper who educates school children about climate change. Then the stirring songs of the guitar/recorder duo, Ranchers for Peace.
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Making Applesauce
Sat., July 23When Native Americans would kill a buffalo, they would thank the spirit of the buffalo for giving up its life so that they could continue to live. That was part of their spirituality.
I feel a little like that with my apple tree. I talk to her in the morning light. And when I squeeze past her branches that crowd our small backyard, I thank her for her enormous generosity.
The main way I thank her and her Creator is by making applesauce. It's not a small job. We must have some 500 apples this season! They're cooking apples, tart and crisp.
This isn't the first time I've dedicated hours of time to making applesauce but this year we got serious enough to buy a peeler/slicer/corer. It's scary. It looks like a little torture device. Purely mechanical, no motor, shiny red, only $10 at World Market.
The process is pretty basic. Impale an apple on the three tongs of the peeler, crank the screw till the apple goes through, drop the slices in a bath of orange juice to keep them from turning brown, then into the crock pot with a bit of water, sugar and cinnamon, cook on low for six hours, cool, freeze.
We now have a dozen bags of deep red, delicious applesauce for breakfast, desserts and sharing. I was able to give away four big bowls of the best apples at church. I grieved when I had to put the last dozen rotten apples in the green waste bin.
Toward the end of the crop year the apple skins get a bit tough. Or if they fall off the tree they bruise, or the birds peck on them or they get a worm. Few of the apples are perfect. With a little extra care, even these 'ugly' ones make great sauce. There has to be an allegory in this story somewhere.
I do a similar thing with the Thanksgiving turkey carcass. Cut every bit of meat off the bones and freeze it. Cook the bones in vinegar water and save the stock. Add some vegetables and seasoning and what magnificent soup! And I thank God, not just for Her bounty, but for this specific bird that gave up its life that we can go on living.
This summer our little congregation, Bethel Lutheran (ELCA), Templeton, CA, is Celebrating Ugly Food with guest speakers and videos, all capped with an Ugly Food Banquet. We explain it as 'exploring the intersection of water, food and faith in a time of drought.'
Part of the month-long celebration is a focus on gleaning through GleanSLO, the gleaning program of the San Luis Obispo County Food Bank. We plan to help glean surplus produce in fields, backyards, grocery stores, maybe even restaurants.
For me, waste is disrespect for our Creator. Yes, it takes effort, even some planning and determination to utilize fully the resources for which we've taken responsibility. We can't take care of everybody's food but we can care for that which we've taken into our lives. When we buy food--raw or cooked--we accept responsibility for it. It will not go to waste!
I love left-overs. We carry a 'take-home' carton in our trunk to avoid single-use restaurant containers. Just another of those little habits that add up to Caring for Creation.
Image: Spirit of Simplicity #9-A1348
Ugly Food Podcast [LINK]
You totally drew me into the process. I was reliving applesauce-making time in my boyhood home. We'd pick up 'drop apples' from our neighbors. A bushel for $1.50. Waste was/is immoral. Disrespectful of the divine, as you say too.
For me, it's the best blog I've ever read by the likes of Gerald Iversen!!
Lee Van Ham
Return to Table of Contents2015
Supply Shock
Through Saturday (1/11), Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Crossroads and the Steady State Solution is available wherever eBooks are sold for only 99 cents
Read more about Supply Shock in my Jubilee-Economics blog.
I urged my public library to buy and catalog a hard copy, which they did. Then I urged my friends and colleagues to read it. I hope you'll do the same.
Participating suppliers include Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and others.
Why promote Supply Shock? Because Jubilee Economics, as a collaborator with the Center for Advancement of a Steady State Economy (CASSE), also promotes a Steady State Economy. CASSE's mission is "to advance the steady state economy, with stabilized population and consumption, as a policy goal with widespread public support." And Supply Shock is all about the mission.
Supply Shock is the culmination of 13 years work by Brian Czech, CASSE's founding president and best-selling author of Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train. Leaving no stone unturned, Czech has covered the environmental, historical, economic, sociological, and political aspects of economic growth and the transition to a steady state economy. Neil Patterson (past president, W.H. Freeman and Company) calls Supply Shock "clear, cogent, honest, stimulating, free of clutter, and often amusing; it's boredom-free."
See what other people are saying about Supply Shock here, or by checking Amazon reviews here.
Brian Czech works for the US Government and is Visiting Professor of Natural Resource Economics in Virginia Tech's National Capitol Region. Czech is listed among the Post-Growth Institute's "Top 100 Inspirational Leaders" Publisher's Weekly has called Czech "as good at popularizing economics as Carl Sagan was science."
"Czech's vision of 'steady statesmanship' is impressive and convincing, and this book easily qualifies as one of the key manuals for those who care about the world and its inhabitants." Lynn Greenwalt, former director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Aldo Leopold is the John Muir of the Midwest. Although he didn't start something as influential as the Sierra Club, he has the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.
Hear my two-part interview with Mark Rasmussen, Exec. Dir. of the Leopold Center on in Jan. and Feb.
We get into some pretty controversial subjects, such as industrial ag's overuse of soil and water, the use of antibiotics in animal feed and robotics in farm fields. In part 2 we go further -- the detrimental effects of biofuels and GMO's. This guy's worth your time!
The term Green Fire, if I recall correctly, comes from Aldo Leopold's moment of epiphany when he saw something so amazing, so stirring in the forest that he called it Green Fire. He pledged to dedicate his life to preservation of the natural environment.
Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time. This EMMY Award-Winning documentary film about Iowa native and legendary environmentalist Aldo Leopold highlights his extraordinary career, tracing how he shaped and influenced the modern environmental movement, and how his ideas remain relevant today.
Animal Industrial Complex
Coordinating with our two-part The Common Good Podcast in Jan. and Feb. (interviewing Mark Rasmussen, Exec. Dir. of The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture), I will be blogging some about food, agriculture and the Earth environment.
Many have heard of the military-industrial complex, maybe even the prison-industrial complex, but the animal industrial complex? Probably not. But you should. It's huge. Meat consumption per capita in the U.S. exceeds all other countries except for Luxemburg. The U.S. with its ubiquitous fast food outlets might be called Burgerstan.
But the love affair with meat may be waning. The Hindu-Buddhist roots of vegetarianism have gone way beyond their origins in South Asia. Today, adherents of vegetarianism can be found everywhere and in ever growing numbers.
Concern about cruelty and violence to animals and the impact of meat eating on the environment are all contributing to heightened awareness as to how we treat other creatures. We share our homes and lives with dogs and cats. We lavish care and affection upon them. But other animals endure pain and suffering on their way to our dinner plates.
David Nibert, a former tenant organizer and community activist, is an award-winning writer and professor at Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH. He is the author of Animal Rights, Human Rights and Animal Oppression and Human Violence.
SPOILER ALERT! David Nibert and Mark Rasmussen probably don't agree on everything.
Animal Industrial Complex, Alternative Radio Program #NIBD001, recorded in Cleveland, OH, July 25, 2013. Hear an audio sample at, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may either buy the CD ($14) or MP3 ($4) of this speech there or subscribe to the FREE podcast series (on iTunes, for example).
Cecile Andrews, Champion of Simplicity Circles & Community Conversation
GERALD IVERSEN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19Enjoy the Latest Offerings from Collaborating Organization
Simple Living Works!![]()
Author Cecile Andrews
Champion of Simplicity Circles and Community ConversationHear Cecile on SLW! Podcast Episode #15
A community educator, Cecile is active in the transition movement in the United States. Cecile and her husband are founders of Seattle's Phinney Ecovillage, a neighborhood-based sustainable community, which has morphed into Sustainable Greenwood-Phinney.She's the author of. . .
The Circle of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life(1998)
Slow is Beautiful: New Visions of Community, Leisure and Joie de Vivre(2006)
Less is More: Embracing Simplicity for a Healthy Planet, a Caring Economy and Lasting Happiness(2009)
NEW Living Room Revolution: A Handbook for Conversation, Community and the Common Good (2013)
Cecile's site is, NOT
To LISTEN or see more Details, visit theSLW! Podcast Episode Index.
COMING next episode: Alternative Rites of Passage
RELATED: Reimagining America: An Evening with Gus Speth & Juliet Schor
Watch these videos to hear Speth and Schor discuss innovations in collaborative consumption, ways the sharing economy is changing our country, and opportunities to define a new American Dream.
Also, SLW! Podcast Episode #14 features
Simple Living 101: Tools for Activists (shy or bold)
Share the Joy of a Simpler Lifestyle Through Speeches, Workshops, Events, Study/Action Groups, Simplicity Circles and Social Media
+ BONUS: Social Media Supplement - Jerry's Excellent Adventure, including
- Free coaching for groups on the internet
- Simple Living 101 Introduction: Guidelines for Change - How to Influence Others
- Spirituality and Gratitude
To LISTEN and read Details, visit the Episode Index.
Also, visit SLW! Blog.
Coordinating with our two-part The Common Good Podcast in Jan. and Feb., I am blogging some about food, agriculture and our Earth environment.
We've heard of the Green Revolution, and now the second Green Revolution underway in Africa and India. Norman Borlaug (above) was the creative mind behind the first Green Revolution between 1940s and 1960s. The initiatives, led by the "Father of the Green Revolution," credited with saving over a billion people from starvation, involved the development of high-yielding varieties of cereal grains, expansion of irrigation infrastructure, modernization of management techniques, distribution of hybridized seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides to farmers.
But then yields leveled off and we became aware of issues not initially seen. Example: many technologies were too big, heavy, and expensive to be appropriate for small farmers to afford, maintain, or fuel them; too many inputs of artificial, expensive fertilizers and pesticides. Big profits resulted for the multi-national ag corps, not the independent farmers. Wikipedia: Green Revolution
What's next?
Beyond the Green Revolution and GMO's may lie mutagenesis.
Mutagenesis is a process by which the genetic information of an organism is changed in a stable manner, resulting in a mutation. It may occur spontaneously in nature, or as a result of exposure to mutagens. It can also be achieved experimentally using laboratory procedures. In nature mutagenesis can lead to cancer and various heritable diseases, but it is also the driving force of evolution. Mutagenesis as a science was developed based on work done by Hermann Muller, Charlotte Auerbach and J. M. Robson in the first half of the 20th century.
Agribusiness Turns from GMOs to Mutagenesis [RT America]
Related Materials
Is Monsanto Giving Up On GMOs?Perennial Design
In stark contrast to the destruction of farmland presented in the current episode of TheCommonGoodPodcast, the Land Institute in Wichita, KS, cultivates perennial grains.
The Land Institute
Confronting the realities of resource depletion usually involves a grim tale. And understandably so. Which is why this graceful, eloquent article by Wilson Miner on why agriculture must change" and how "is so deeply rewarding to read.Perennial Design from My grandfather was born not far from where I'm standing. This is his land, his wheat. A few years from this moment, it will be my father's responsibility, and eventually, maybe mine.
Green American, Jan.-March
PAGE 12: GMOs & the Case for Precaution
PAGE 16: Uncovering Deadly Research Suppression and Bias Toward Biotech
PAGE 19: Farmers vs. the Corporate Seed Police
PAGE 20: 4 Big Problems With GMOs
PLUS Web-exclusives!Seeds Of Death - Full Movie on In preparation of the global March Against Monsanto, watch the award-winning documentary Seeds of Death to see the deep corruption surrounding GMOs and the nefarious deception being perpetrated against the world.
Renowned NYU Professor: GMOs Could Literally Destroy the Planet
Vicki Robin: Blessing the Hands That Feed Us
In stark contrast to the misuse of farmland to produce biofuels presented in the current episode of TheCommonGoodPodcast, Vicki Robin presents a vision of locally produced food and strong community in Blessing the Hands That Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us About Food, Community, and Our Place on Earth.
Hear an interview with Vicki produced by the co-host of The Common Good podcast through Jubilee Economics' collaborating organization, Simple Living Works!
With Joe Dominguez, Vicki Robin wrote one of the most enduring, influential books to have come from the sustainable living movement, Your Money or Your Life.
Vicki has blogged about the hyperlocavore eating experience with YES!
"Vicki Robin has helped millions of Americans reshape their lives in sound and beautiful ways, but this may be her most important project yet, and a crucial one for our tired planet, too!" Bill McKibben.
"Vicki Robin is a national treasure, a source of wisdom and uncommon sense now directed at the most basic of basics: how and what we eat and how that connects to our health, prosperity, and prospects. The ten-mile diet should be national policy!" David Orr, Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics at Oberlin
::Ted Talk - Seattle - 14 minutes of heart, head and humor on Relational Eating
::Book: Your Money or Your Life
::Blessing the Hands that Feed Us Facebook page
::Local Food Lab - restoring local food systems
Vicki's touching personal story: Liberating Limits
Enjoy five foods killing the planet.
Tending the Concept of Urban Agriculture
The Future of Civilization
In preparation for The Common Good Podcast in April, listen to Lester Brown's forecasts [audio info below]. Then Brian Czech's appeal for The Steady-State Economy will make perfect sense.
Lester Brown is the president of the Earth Policy Institute. The Washington Post calls him "one of the world's most influential thinkers." In 1974 he founded the Worldwatch Institute, the first research institute devoted to the analysis of global environmental issues. He is the recipient of many awards including the UN Environment Prize. He is the author of numerous books including Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization; World on the Edge; Full Planet, Empty Plates and Breaking New Ground.
The Future of Civilization, Alternative Radio Program #BROL003, recorded in Seattle, WA, November 11, 2013. Hear an audio sample at, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may either buy the CD ($14) or MP3 ($4) of this speech there or subscribe to the FREE podcast series (on iTunes, for example).
A man of this calibre is well worth an hour, maybe while driving or on the treadmill exercising, as I do.
Related Material
NASA Scientists: Civilisation Irreversible CollapseScientists Sound Alarm on Climate.
My own positive Vision of the Future
Just Published! "Pastoral Economic Struggles: Facing Together Global Capitalism's Domination in Daily Life" by Lee Van Ham GERALD IVERSEN - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9Jubilee Economics is gratified that its partner organization -- Simple Living Works! -- has published a NEW addition to its Featured Writers -- Pastoral Economic Struggles: Facing Together Global Capitalism's Domination in Daily Life, an essay by Lee Van Ham.
Lee wrote this essay a few years ago as a contribution to an anthology on pastoral responses to the unfairness people were having foisted upon them by social and economic injustices. The anthology, a Mexican-U.S. collaboration, was abandoned by its editors. Given that origin, Lee wrote this essay before his recent book Blinded by Progress: Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us. The essay sets out some of the current crises in a way that pastoral leaders can begin to deal with them. As used in this essay, "pastoral" does not mean only clergy, but anyone who behaves and intervenes pastorally.
This Present Moment as a Kairos Moment
Poor-Rich Apartheid
Pentecost and the Early Church
Prayer and Protest
Pastors and Prophets
Principalities and PowersEXCERPTS
In pastoral work, we need to address the systemic causes of the tragic and grotesque separation between poor and rich. We must never imply in our teaching and practice that this apartheid can be overcome by good, ethical business choices within the system of domination. Nor that a change of attitude is all that is needed. Transformation of apartheid is not just about the rich becoming less greedy and more compassionate, nor about the poor becoming less docile and more assertive. It is about changing the gulf of apartheid which is held in place by an institutionalized complex of governments, trade agreements, the World Bank and all the international development institutions, the militaries, arms sales, intelligence networks, and the transnational corporations that seek cheap commodities, cheap labor and large profits without giving a hand up to the 50% of the world's people living on $2 (US) or less per day.
Our pastoral work needs the Holy Spirit because she will conceive in us a new creation, empowering us to live it amid global capitalism's pernicious web of entrapment that enslaves most while privileging few. We need daily to perceive that global capitalism's promises are false. In addition to its empty promises for the poor, we can see that its track record is grim, even though it formulates ever new products and new promises. In contrast, the Holy Spirit's fruit includes love, joy, and peace (Gal. 5:20) -- 'products' on which life thrives.
Four strong elements converge this week.
Lee's essay brings together four related publications from Jubilee Economics and Simple Living works! -- all in one week. These four elements fit together to help us maintain a right relationship with God's Creation. They show how faith-based and secular efforts complement each other.
First, in the current SLW! Podcast, Peter Sawtell of Eco-Justice Ministries discusses a new initiative -- Not Ordinary Times. This challenging call to "be the church in this time of environmental crisis is backed up with a comprehensive set of resources and background materials that will guide churches through a six-month season of worship and preaching that takes seriously the devastation of the global environment.
In the second half of the current SLW! podcast is an overview of the resources from Worship Alternatives for Pentecost and Ordinary Time (the non-festival half of the church year that runs from Pentecost to Advent, June-Nov. Some of us like to plan ahead. By the way, Worship Alternatives has little to do with the rites and practices of the pentecostal denominations.)
The third element is Lee's Pastoral Economic Struggles. This faith-based essay focuses on changes that can be made thanks to the Holy Spirit. It is an inspiring piece for Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is a force for change, an agent for transformation.
In the fourth element, Brian Czech of the secular Center for the Advancement of the Steady-State Economy (CASSE), explains not only why our growth-oriented capitalist economic system is destroying the Earth but also how a steady-state economy could bring our relation with the Earth back in balance. Creating a Strong Economy That Does Not Grow:, episode 46.
You may want to see my earlier blog Ready for Pentecost?
WINDFALL: The Booming Business of Global Warming presents a contrast to The Steady State Economy presented in this month's TheCommonGoodPodcast by Brian Czech.
This fascinating investigation into how people around the globe are cashing in on a warming world also contrasts with Richard Smith's Green Capitalism - The God That Failed.
McKenzie Funk has spent the last six years reporting around the world on how we are preparing for a warmer planet. Funk shows us that the best way to understand the catastrophe of global warming is to see it through the eyes of those who see it most clearly as a market opportunity. Global warming's physical impacts can be separated into three broad categories: melt, drought, and deluge.
Funk travels to two dozen countries to profile entrepreneurial people who see in each of these forces a potential windfall. The melt is a boon for newly arable, mineral-rich regions of the Arctic, such as Greenland, and for the surprising kings of the manmade snow trade, the Israelis. The process of desalination, vital to Israel's survival, can produce a snowlike by-product that alpine countries use to prolong their ski season.
Drought creates opportunities for private firefighters working for insurance companies in California as well as for fund managers backing south Sudanese warlords who control local farmland. As droughts raise food prices globally, there is no more precious asset.
The deluge, the rising seas, surging rivers, and superstorms that will threaten island nations and coastal cities has been our most distant concern, but after Hurricane Sandy and failure after failure to cut global carbon emissions, it is not so distant. For Dutch architects designing floating cities and American scientists patenting hurricane defenses, the race is on. For low-lying countries like Bangladesh, the coming deluge presents an existential threat.
Funk visits the front lines of the melt, the drought, and the deluge to make a human accounting of the booming business of global warming. By letting climate change continue unchecked, we are choosing to adapt to a warming world. Containing the resulting surge will be big business; some will benefit, but much of the planet will suffer. McKenzie Funk has investigated both sides, and what he has found will shock us all.
To understand how the world is preparing to warm, Windfall follows the money.
RELATED: Mother Jones excerpt and discussion
WINDFALL: The Booming Business of Global Warming GERALD IVERSENWEDNESDAY, APRIL 16
WINDFALL: The Booming Business of Global Warming presents a contrast to The Steady State Economy presented in this month's TheCommonGoodPodcast by Brian Czech.
This fascinating investigation into how people around the globe are cashing in on a warming world also contrasts with Richard Smith's Green Capitalism - The God That Failed.
McKenzie Funk has spent the last six years reporting around the world on how we are preparing for a warmer planet. Funk shows us that the best way to understand the catastrophe of global warming is to see it through the eyes of those who see it most clearlyas a market opportunity. Global warming's physical impacts can be separated into three broad categories: melt, drought, and deluge.
Funk travels to two dozen countries to profile entrepreneurial people who see in each of these forces a potential windfall. The melt is a boon for newly arable, mineral-rich regions of the Arctic, such as Greenlandand for the surprising kings of the manmade snow trade, the Israelis. The process of desalination, vital to Israel's survival, can produce a snowlike by-product that alpine countries use to prolong their ski season.
Drought creates opportunities for private firefighters working for insurance companies in California as well as for fund managers backing south Sudanese warlords who control local farmland. As droughts raise food prices globally, there is no more precious asset.
The delugethe rising seas, surging rivers, and superstorms that will threaten island nations and coastal citieshas been our most distant concern, but after Hurricane Sandy and failure after failure to cut global carbon emissions, it is not so distant. For Dutch architects designing floating cities and American scientists patenting hurricane defenses, the race is on. For low-lying countries like Bangladesh, the coming deluge presents an existential threat.
Funk visits the front lines of the melt, the drought, and the deluge to make a human accounting of the booming business of global warming. By letting climate change continue unchecked, we are choosing to adapt to a warming world. Containing the resulting surge will be big business; some will benefit, but much of the planet will suffer. McKenzie Funk has investigated both sides, and what he has found will shock us all.
To understand how the world is preparing to warm, Windfall follows the money. RELATED: Mother Jones excerpt and discussion TagGREEN CAPITALISM, TagMCKENZIE FUNK, TagTHE STEADY STATE ECONOMY
IPCC Report & "Sixth Extinction" Point to Jubilee Economics
Here's a helpful summary of the latest Intergovernmental Panel report on Climate Change, i.e. Crisis.
If you or a friend or relative or colleague question (or even deny) the progress of the current Climate Crisis, view or hear one of the following.
On Book TV author Elizabeth Kolbert explains the current Sixth Extinction.
The entire March 08, 2014, program of Sierra Club Radio (podcast) is devoted to a conversation with Elizabeth Kolbert on her new book, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.
Elizabeth Kolbert argues that we are currently undergoing a sixth mass extinction (five others have occurred over the past 500 million years). She says that it is likely that this one, the result of human action, will be the most devastating. Ms. Kolbert is a staff writer at The New Yorker. She is the author of Field Notes from a Catastrophe.
Both the latest IPCC report and Sixth Extinction affirm the need for the types of systems presented by Jubilee Economics. For a quick preview, listen to Jubilee Economics in 90 seconds. For a bit more in-depth, click Jubilee Today in the menu at the top of any page. For a 30-day immersion in Jubilee Economics, click "30 Days" above. Read about Blinded by Progress at
Read and hear about The Steady State Economy on The Common Good Podcast.
NAFTA at 20 -- Fair Trade vs. Free Trade
Free Trade agreements are the opposite of Fair Trade practices. The results of 20 years of "free trade" between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. (called NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement) are devastating to all players except the corporations. See the excellent report entitled NAFTA: 20 Years of Costs to Communities and the Environment.
That report greatly adds to how important it is (1) for us to use Fair Trade whenever we can and (2) the work of Diane Nesselhuff, Founder and Exec. Dir. of the Fair Trade organization Sharing the Dream in Guatemala. She's our guest on this month's The Common Good Podcast.
Among other conclusions, this report finds that NAFTA:
Facilitated the expansion of large-scale, export-oriented farming that relies heavily on fossil fuels, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms; Encouraged a boom in environmentally destructive mining activities in Mexico; Undermined Canada's ability to regulate its tar sands industry and locked the country into shipping large quantities of fossil fuels to the United States; Catalyzed economic growth in North American industries and manufacturing sectors while simultaneously failing to safeguard against the increase in air and water pollution associated with this growth; and Weakened domestic environmental safeguards by providing corporations with new legal avenues to challenge environmental policymaking. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18
GRAPHIC: Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art #7-A810
Media and Consumer Capitalism
Media and Consumer Capitalism stand in sharp contrast to Fair Trade, the subject of this month's The Common Good Podcast. Fair Trade's goal is that everyone in the supply chain benefits well. In Consumer Capitalism the benefits are uneven. Most of the benefits go to those at the top and the producers benefit little.
Justin Lewis explains that orchestrated wants driven by sophisticated advertising techniques have created a culture of consumption. Instead of, today we may say, "I buy, therefore I am." Appetites for the latest hot thing are engineered. Media campaigns sell cool and sexy. Marketing is key. Data are collected. People are profiled, then targeted. Cell phones. Have to get the latest one with all new features, faster processor and design. We can't be left behind. More sales means more profits.
The capitalist economic system is predicated on making money and barely considers the environmental effects down the road. That's problem. In the U.S., consumerism is connected to ideology. Freedom is equated with the ability to buy things. But the pattern of endless consumption is not sustainable.
In their own ways, both of these two contrasting podcasts encourage us to put our time and money into Fair Trade products instead of those promoted by commercial media.
Diane Hesselhuf, Founder and Exec. Dir. of Sharing the Dream in Guatemala, tells her compelling story.
Justin Lewis is Professor of Communication at the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, and Dean of Research for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Cardiff University in the UK. He has written widely about media, culture and politics. His books includeConstructing Public Opinion, Shoot First and Ask Questions Later, andBeyond Consumer Capitalism.
"Media & Consumer Capitalism," Alternative Radio Program #LEWJ001, recorded in Northampton, MA, July 02, 2013. Hear an audio sample, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may either buy the CD ($14)iTunes, for example).Related
More Jubilee Economics blogs on CapitalismMore Jubilee Economics blogs on Fair Trade
Update on Monday, December 8 by Gerald Iversen
Justin's book (2013): Beyond Consumer Capitalism: Media and the Limits to Imagination
Justin's DVD (2014): Consumerism and the Limits to Imagination (as seen on LinkTV)
"Slow" Democracy?
On this month's The Common Good Podcast, Frances Moore Lappe' promotes Living Democracy. In this blog, I call attention to Susan Clark, who promotes Slow Democracy on Alternative Radio Podcast. Slow democracy, like dining in the Slow Food movement, releases flavors that speedy efficiency can never know. Give a listen to both podcasts to hear how they complement each other.
Susan Clark is certainly one who practices what she writes and teaches. Just look at what she's doing! As a writer and facilitator, she focuses on community sustainability and citizen participation. Her democratic activism has earned her the Vermont Secretary of State's Enduring Democracy Award. She served as coordinator of the University of Vermont's Environmental Programs In Communities project. She chairs a committee in Vermont that encourages citizen involvement, and serves as town-meeting moderator. She is the co-author of All Those In Favor and Slow Democracy: Rediscovering Community, Bringing Decision Making Back Home.
Susan says conventional democracy is being eviscerated. Frustration is mounting with business-as-usual models dominated by centralized institutions. But there are new initiatives. Local solutions to local problems which incorporate decision-making processes that are inclusive, deliberative and citizen powered are growing increasingly popular. From control of utilities to water, from school issues to resisting fracking, communities are asserting themselves. Instead of seeing politics as something remote and out of reach, possibilities closer to home get engagement on issues impacting us. Slow democracy allows for space to find common ground and compromise. It empowers communities to make choices that are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable. The old "take-no-prisoners" attitude may be emotionally satisfying but often results in nothing more than bombast. Local citizen participation gives not just insight and knowledge in addressing community matters, it also gives a sense of owning the outcomes.
"Slow Democracy"--Susan Clark: Alternative Radio Program #CLAS001, recorded in Saratoga Springs, NY on March 18, 2013. Hear an audio sample at, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may either buy the CD ($14) or subscribe to the podcast series (oniTunes, for example).
Dynamic Mother-Daughter Duo
I have been so moved by the work of Frances Moore Lapp' and her daughter Anna that my spouse Rita and I traveled to South Dakota to hear mom speak recently about her new book Eco-Mind. "Frankie" agreed to an interview.
Their accomplishments and influence for the Earth are so deep and profound that you too will want to hear the interview.
The current episode of The Common Good Podcast features Frances Moore Lapp', author or co-author of 18 books including the three-million copies sold, Diet for a Small Planet.
Daughter Anna Lapp' has written numerous books and articles, the most recent Diet for a Hot Planet, a current play on Frankie's original best-seller.
"Frankie," as she likes to be called, is the cofounder of three organizations, including the Oakland based think tank Food First and, more recently, the Small Planet Institute, a collaborative network for research and popular education seeking to bring democracy to life, which she leads with daughter Anna. Frances and her daughter have also cofounded the Small Planet Fund, which channels resources to democratic social movements worldwide. Currently, she and Joseph Collins are rewriting their classic World Hunger: 12 Myths, to be published by Grove Press in 2015.
Anna is a dynamic speaker and a regular on radio and television.
Frankie's most recent work, released by Nation Books in September 2011, is EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want, winner of a silver medal from the Independent Publisher Book Awards in the Environment/Ecology/Nature category.
Worthy Related Items
Frankie appeared recently on a segment of Spring of Sustainability with Vicki Robin, author of the best seller, Your Money or Your Life, and more recently, Blesssing the Hands That Feed Us. Hear my recent interview with Vicki. University of South Dakota Sustainability Program, sponsor of Frankie's recent presentation.
Why Are Danes So Happy?
Rita and I are proud to be Danish-Americans. Both of us come from Danish stock, so we paid tribute to The Motherland by visiting Copenhagen with daughter Elysha for a week this spring.
[Photo: We three share an ice cream with Ron Rentner, a school mate of mine at Concordia, Oakland, Calif. in the '60's. Ron -- in the black shirt -- serves as pastor of the International Church of Copenhagen.]
Our experience was mentioned in the current Common Good Podcast.
The Danes are considered to be the happiest people on Earth. Outwardly they don's because their happiness is not a shallow veneer. Their's is an inner contentedness.
And why? Largely because Denmark is a Socialist Democracy. They have little of the gross economic inequality that America has. They willingly pay high taxes and it really works. Copenhagen is on track to be the first carbon neutral capital by 2020!
Prices seem higher there than in the U.S. They pay a 25% VAT (value added tax) on everything. Ouch! you may think. The VAT is already in the price, not added to it, as our sales tax is. We in the U.S. also pay additional fees that they don't pay. An obvious example is tipping. Here we pay 15-20% for service. Tipping is not expected in Denmark because SERVERS ARE PAID A LIVING WAGE.
I recommend my interview with John De Graaf, co-author and producer of the Affluenza videos and books. He is co-founder of the Happiness Initiative. Though he focuses on Bhutan, his insights are relevant to Denmark as well. (Read my blog posts on The Geography of BlissGlobal Happiness Initiative.)
Why be concerned about happiness? One big reason would be that we Americans need to redefine happiness, away from consumerism toward contentedness. Why? Human civilization will go through immense trauma (some say extinction) by 2100. Let's prepare ourselves, our children and grandchildren for the change now. Yes, we can mitigate some of the worst effects through simple, green living but we cannot reverse the inevitable through geo-engineering or magical, wishful thinking. (See my blog post Vision of the Future.)
So, Denmark may not be the fulfillment of the Jubilee Economy, but it is a pleasant taste. And the response to this blog (which first appeared in Simple Living Works!), was quite amazing.
What's NOW with Simple Living Works!
Tony and Shane UncutTony Campolo & Shane Claiborne's complete dialog on simpler living and global justice. Frances Moore "Frankie" LappeShares Her Co-Creative Way to Ecological Healing -, episode48.
Simpler Living Alternative Daily Calendar July Alternatives' Seasonal/Thematic Index What's Happened
Easter in Grand Canyon A Personal View of the Ascension Alternative Pentecost & Ordinary Time What Others Are Doing
Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice and SustainabilityNorthwest Earth Institute Interviews, Book Groups, etc. - Spreading theBlinded by Progress: Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us, by Lee Van Ham., episode 42Lee's new Slide Show
2 Degrees? 4? U.N. Report Details Concrete Steps to Counter Global Warming
A new U.N. report gives a direct and ultra-relevant tie-in with the current The Common Good Podcast featuring geoscientist Jeff Severinghaus!
Global experts have submitted a report to the United Nations on how the world's top economies can help avoid climate disaster. The study for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon details specific steps that countries can take to help keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius, the target level for staving off devastating global warming. The Pathways to Deep Decarbonization Project is being billed as the most comprehensive of its kind to outline practical measures to counter climate change. Project member Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia University's Earth Institute, said that if countries do not adapt, the world is on pace for a temperature hike of 4 degrees or higher.
*Jeffrey Sachs: "What's concerning about this report is that we are way off track, and to get on track will require major cooperative efforts that are right now not in place.* Two degrees Centigrade limit is not easily achieved. We are on a trajectory of some 4 degrees Centigrade or more, depending on exactly the assumptions that one makes. And all of the evidence is that the business-as-usual path would be an absolutely reckless and unforgivable gamble with this planet."
The United Nations will hold a climate change summit in New York in September as part of negotiations for a global agreement by the end of next year.
[as reported July 16, 2014, by Democracy Now!]
July 28Paul Ehrlich: Distress Signals from Earth
Paul Ehrlich presents the convincing case for the necessity of Jeff Severinghaus' research in this month's The Common Good Podcast: How 800,000 Year Old Antarctica Ice Confirms Earth's Changing Climate & How to Respond.
Ehrlich says: A steady stream of reports on the deterioration of the environment is issued. There is a brief flurry of media coverage. The corporate-funded climate change deniers make counter claims. We wake briefly to the crisis then most of us lapse into a couch potato stupor. Neoliberal dogma and an almost mystical belief in capitalism makes almost certain that little will be done to avert coming calamities. Charades called climate summits offer nothing more than photo ops of smiling world leaders and vacuous press releases. We blithely turn our heads away from reality. As the ice caps melt it is not just penguins and polar bears that are in danger. The wider implications for the planet and humanity are profound. What level of catastrophe is it going to take for business as usual policies to change? Will we hear the distress signals from Earth?
Paul Ehrlich is Bing Professor of Population Studies in the Department of Biology and president of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University. He is a MacArthur Fellow, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has received numerous honors including the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, given in areas where the Nobel Prize is not awarded, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, and the Blue Planet Prize. He is active in the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. He is author of over 40 books.
Distress Signals from Earth -- Alternative Radio Program #EHRP001. Recorded in Fort Collins, CO on February 17, 2014.: Hear an audio sample at, but no link to this specific complete podcast. You may buy the CD ($14) iTunes, for example).
Sept. 16Cli Fi?
Here's an episode of one of my top-ten favorite podcasts -- Inquiring Minds -- that sets the scene for Jubilee Economics' current episodes of The Common Good Podcast featuring Colin Richard on sustainability. Using climate science fiction -- or Cli Fi -- the authors weave a cautionary tale -- with an ominous title -- that gives us the incentive to pursue permaculture.
The podcast of Naomi Oreskes on "The Collapse of Western Civilization" was released July 18, 2014.
You don't know it yet. There's no way that you could. But 400 years from now, a historian will write that the time in which you're now living is the "Penumbral Age" of human history, meaning, the period when a dark shadow began to fall over us all. You're living at the start of a new dark age, a new counter-Enlightenment. Why? Because too many of us living today, in the years just after the turn of the millennium, deny the science of climate change. Such is the premise of a thought-provoking new work of "science-based fiction" by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, two historians of science best known for their classic 2010 book, "Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming." In a surprising move, they have now followed up that expose of the roots of modern science denialism with a work of "cli-fi," or climate science fiction, entitled The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future. In it, Oreskes and Conway write from the perspective of a historian, living in China (the country that fared the best in facing the ravages of climate change) in the year 2393. The historian seeks to analyze the biggest paradox imaginable: Why humans who saw the climate disaster coming, who were thoroughly and repeatedly warned, did nothing about it.
This episode also features a discussion of questionable claims about "drinkable" sunscreen, and a new study finding that less than one percent of scientists are responsible for a huge bulk of the most influential research.
Hear it. . .
Stitcher: week "Inquiring Minds" brings you a new, in-depth exploration of the place where science, politics, and society collide. It's committed to the idea that making an effort to understand the world around you though science and critical thinking can benefit everyone left to discover, and why it all matters with weekly coverage of the latest headlines and probing discussions with leading scientists and thinkers. Produced by Adam Isaak in partnership with Climate Desk, a journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact of a changing climate and consisting of The Atlantic, Center for Investigative Reporting, Grist, The Guardian, Mother Jones, Slate, and Wired.
Sept. 26This Changes Everything
Forget everything you think you know about global warming. The really inconvenient truth is that it's not about carbon--it's about capitalism. The convenient truth is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better.
In her most provocative book yet, Naomi Klein, author of the global bestsellers The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, tackles the most profound threat humanity has ever faced: the war our economic model is waging against life on Earth.
She sets the stage for Jubilee OneEarth Economics and specifically permaculture, the subject of the current The Common Good Podcast.
Klein exposes the myths that are clouding the climate debate. "We have been told the market will save us, when in fact the addiction to profit and growth is digging us in deeper every day. We have been told it's impossible to get off fossil fuels when in fact we know exactly how to do it -- it just requires breaking every rule in the "free-market" playbook: reining in corporate power, rebuilding local economies, and reclaiming our democracies.
We have also been told that humanity is too greedy and selfish to rise to this challenge. In fact, all around the world, the fight for the next economy and against reckless extraction is already succeeding in ways both surprising and inspiring.
Climate change, Klein argues, is a civilizational wake-up call, a powerful message delivered in the language of fires, floods, storms, and droughts. Confronting it is no longer about changing the light bulbs. It's about changing the world -- before the world changes so drastically that no one is safe. Either we leap -- or we sink. This Changes Everything is about to upend the debate about the stormy era already upon us. RELATED
Commentary by Laura Flanders of GritTV (audio and text) about _This Changes Everything_. (Laura interviews Naomi on an upcoming edition of GritTV.) "Naomi Klein: 'We Can't Dodge This Fight' Between Capitalism and Climate Change The author explains what right-wing climate-change deniers understand and liberals don't." by Micah Uetricht (In These Times)
David Harvey and Gar Alperovitz on Capitalism and Cooperation! People Power/Naomi Klein: People's Climate March Is Glimpse at the Movement We Need? (YES! Magazine) Focus: Naomi Klein, "Yep, the Strawmen Do Keep Coming." (Reader Supported News) More comments and critiques of capitalism from Jubilee Economics
More blogs on Climate Change from Jubilee Economics
# # #
Update on Sunday, September 28
Inquiring Minds podcast -- #53 Naomi Klein: Climate Changes Everything
Update on Tuesday, September 30 (20 min) "Capitalism vs. the Climate: Naomi Klein on Need for New Economic Model to Address Ecological Crisis" Democracy Now, Sept 18, 2014
In this interview of Naomi Klein on Democracy Now! goes to the heart of the ecological crisis facing the planet in her book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate."
In the book "Klein details how our neoliberal economic system and our planetary system are now at war. With global emissions at an all-time high, Klein says radical action is needed. 'We have not done the things that are necessary to lower emissions because those things fundamentally conflict with deregulated capitalism, the reigning ideology for the entire period we have been struggling to find a way out of this crisis,' Klein writes. 'We are stuck because the actions that would give us the best chance of averting catastrophe and would benefit the vast majority are extremely threatening to an elite minority that has a stranglehold over our economy, our political process, and most of our major media outlets.' " Democracy Now
When we read 'ecological crisis', we can substitute the same negative effects to industrial agribusiness and the corporate/financial elites that own the World Food Prize and control the world food supply.
3rd annual Occupy the World Food Prize (OWFP), Des Moines IA, Oct 14 - 16, 2014
Tuesday, Oct. 14, Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich to Headline Kick Off OWFP Event, "Beyond GMOs: Feeding the world and reversing climate change with regenerative organic agriculture"!topic/national-cw-e-mail-list/cjHHdgrCZvo
Wednesday, Oct 15, US Food Sovereignty Alliance 2014 Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony!topic/national-cw-e-mail-list/Xf2Knpl2Nic
Thursday, Oct. 16, OWFP Rally and Direct Action 6 p.m. State Capitol building, World Food Prize Awards Ceremony (9 min) Video 2013 OWFP Rally and Direct Action State Capitol
All 3 events are part of our OWFP efforts to redirect the public discourse about our Global World Food System through the use of public programs, an alternative food prize and direct action & nonviolent civil disobedience.
On Facebook: Occupy the World Food Prize 2014,
HIT LIKE, and then invite all of your friends to like our page. As our likes multiply we can extend our reach by boosting posts. By doing this we can reach literally 100,000 people in a very short period of time. Then you all can join us in Des Moines October 14-16 and help us begin the transition from industrial agriculture to restoration agriculture.
OWFP contacts for more info:
Sharon Donovan515-987-5443
Frank Cordaro-515 282 4781 / c 515 4902490
Occupy the World Food Prize campaign http://occupytheworldfoodprize.comAbout the World Food Prize in their own words
About the World Food Prize by Food and Water Watch
3 min video of Frank Cordaro's on Occupy World Food Prize 2013 Oct. Program
2013 Occupy the World Food Prize Summary Report
2012 Occupy the World Food Prize Summary Report
OWFP Flyer.jpg
Update on Tuesday, October 14
Naomi Klein Says Climate Activists Need to Get Comfortable Attacking Capitalism [GRIST]
Update on Saturday, October 18
Can Climate Change Unite the Left? To avoid catastrophe, we must seize corporate polluters' wealth. And to do that, we must change everything. [In These Times]
"We should be clear about the nature of the challenge: It is not that weare broke or that we lack options. It is that our political class is utterly unwilling to go where the money is."
Update on Monday, November 10
Solution Aversion
Conservatives Don't Hate Climate Change, They Hate The Proposed Solutions: StudyNY Times Review
Update on Friday, January 16 In the MAHB blog Paul Ehrlich's Population Redux comments on _This Changes Everything_ in regard to population. (MAHB = Millenium Alliance for Humanity and Biosphere)
Nov. 7Seeds of Influence, part 1
I accepted the responsibilities of "prophetic ministry" when I moved from "pastoral ministry" as a minister of music to head of a national organization some 20 years ago.
I still wonder frequently, "How can I reach more with the message of OneEarth Economics? How can I make a difference?" Influencing others is difficult.
This fall I have several opportunities to plant seeds that I hope will blossom.
I was invited to speak twice in October - at a monthly Northwest Iowa Sierra Club community meeting and at our home church in Iowa for Adult Forum. In both cases I spoke about the five Life Standards of Living More with Less.
My daughter, a park ranger at the Grand Canyon, was visiting and made a brief, touching statement to the Sierrans. She spoke as part of my talk on "Environmental Stewardship as Part of a Life of Voluntary Simplicity," specifically the Life Standard "Cherish the Natural Order."
The meeting at church was typical - 10 folks, mostly retired, the regulars. I focused on the Standard "Learn from the World Community" and the importance of Fair Trade. One mother confided to the group that since her child had left home for college, she and her husband were getting serious about simplifying their lives.About ten minutes before the end, our Youth Pastor came in. I was making a broad suggestion that our church could be doing more to confront the Creation Crisis (also known as "global warming" or "climate change"). I was the head of our congregation's Green Team for several years before we moved to California. When our pastor of 30 years retired, the team lost momentum. Transitions take so much time and energy.
Something I said sparked the young pastor. He called a meeting for the following Sunday with me and the president of the congregation, a young college professor, to discuss the possibilities of getting solar panels installed on our building, which has a perfect, unshaded southern exposure. We met, gathered information and I pray that it actually happens.
Stay tuned for the gripping second installment next week.GRAPHIC: Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes and Art #1-A1409
Nov. 14Seeds of Influence, part 2
This fall I have several opportunities to share the message of OneEarth Economics. Part one = Speaking.
Fair Trade display/sales
Rita and I volunteer for Sharing the Dream, a small Fair Trade organization headquartered in South Dakota. We've visited handicraft co-ops in Guatemala and now we conduct at least four display/sales in the fall -- two in Sioux City, Iowa, and two in California. Each item comes with a story -- a widow who lost her husband in the 30 year civil war, who makes beautiful items so that her children can attend school, or a senior citizen who gets fed because s/he has no other social services available.The response is always heart-warming at the congregations that host the display/sales. The items make wonderful, educational gifts for children and adults.
When we work together, I'm usually the "hawker," encouraging people to come in and look at the display. Rita takes care of sales.
Please listen to my interviews with Diane Nesselhuff, founder of Sharing the Dream, and also with Dan Swanson, who works in Chiapas, and promotes economic justice, including Fair Trade.
Think of ways you can influence others toward the OneEarth Economic.
Message Shirts
At Fair Trade events I wear a lovely indigenous-style shirt. It's just one of many shirts that tell people who I am. Some may consider them silly. I don't want anyone to wonder what I'm about.
Part of my "prophetic ministry" is a pledge I made to wear a "Message Shirt" whenever I'm in public. Some shirts are pro-environment, some promote independent, non-commercial media. None promote a sport or beer! I usually get a positive comment, which I can use to encourage the other person. I wear the shirts less to confront opponents as to build up allies. Sometimes when I speak at events I give a good-natured fashion show of some of my message shirts and tell brief stories about them.
WHOSE Birthday IS It, Anyway?
As Chief Activist of Simple Living Works! -- the successor to ALTERNATIVES -- I offer free Advent-Christmas-Epiphany resources for individuals, families and congregations -- text, audio and video, some in Spanish. The signature publication of this 40-year-old organization is the annual "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?" Probably most accessible are my blog and podcast. You're welcome to participate.
GRAPHIC: One of my favorite Message Shirts from my blog with a couple of my favorite people. Want a "Simplify" shirt? Get one here.
Page updated 14 Oct. 2016