This complete digest, formerly posted monthly, is now updated at least weekly. It contains posts from both SLW! and other simple living sources.The SLW! Monthly Nudge/Blog/eNews (focus on SLW!) comes as a free subscription to SLW! Blog (When you arrive, click +Follow in lower right, add your email address, then confirm when email arrives.) The free Daily Nudges is available by email -- send SUBSCRIBE to -- or by Twitter @GeraldIversen.
2022-- Winter // Spring // Summer // Fall
2023-- Winter // Spring // Summer // Fall
2024-- Winter // Spring // Summer // Fall //
In This Issue:
February 2025
December 2024
November 2024
What's been happening on my Living Lightly blog lately.
How Much Is Enough? Part 2 - What household stuff do you and I hang on to 'just in case'?
Uber Recycling #5 - Reviewing some recycling basics and adding a few you may not have tried yet
Lightening Your Heart #2 - Check out the 6 ways I avoid being a 'Debbie Downer.' Do any of these work for you? What's our PLANET got to do with it?
Wondering What Is True - One person's fake news is another person's truth. How to tell the difference.
What Is Mine To Do? - As Lent began, I had a 4 point plan. Do any of my resolutions match yours?
Going Into Hiding - Looking behind, underneath, and inside to find what's hiding
Vogt LIVING LIGHTLY Quarterly Blog Alert (Sept., Oct., Nov., 2023)
1. Am I Doing Enough
2. Love the Hub
3. Good Waits, Fasts, Problems
1137. Mar. 3: With Lent about to begin for Christians on March 5, regardless of your religion, consider what personal pleasure you might be willing to limit for a time in order to offer deeper love to your beloved spouse. Fasting from criticism, self-righteousness...
1138. Mar. 10: With our country and world amuck in political disharmony, what have you learned through working through marital differences or squabbles about making peace? How might you share this insight with society?
1139. Mar. 17: St. Patrick Day is March 17, sooo...what difference might that make to your marriage. St. Patrick is famous for driving the snakes out of Ireland. Are there any snaky riffs currently in your marriage? Sure, wear green if you like, but also seek ways to compromise (maybe blue-green, yellow-green, or a meaningful marital compromise.)
1140. Mar. 24: "Agree to disagree. Typical couples have 10 irreconcilable differences. When one of those comes up, you won't have to repeat an old argument." (Trudy Costa) Choose one difference to make peace with today.
1141. Mar. 31: (April Fools Eve) Think of a way to be playful with your honey tomorrow. It may sound silly but a little prank my husband has done is to move a rubber ducky around to different spots in the house and wait for me to notice it. Bringing a smile to your beloved's face doesn’t take diamonds, just a little creativity.
1132. Feb. 3: Communication tip #1: If a verbal and non-verbal message conflict, the non-verbal message is always stronger. That’s why if you ask if anything is wrong and she says, "NO" but rolls her eyes, believe the eyes.
1133. Feb. 10: Communication tip #1 again: if a positive and negative message conflict, the negative message is always stronger. (From the other side) That’s why if you compliment your spouse but follow it with a complaint, he’ll focus on the complaint.
1134. Feb. 17: Presidents' Day: What is your marriage founded on? Love, of course. Common beliefs, hopefully. When George Washington became the first president of the U.S. he had little idea how this fledgling country would evolve. So too, most of us are relatively naïve on our wedding day. Perhaps a penny could be a reminder of your wedding vows, "In God we trust."
1135. Feb. 24: Even if you don't consider yourself a spiritual or prayerful person, try praying for your spouse today. It won’t take but a moment after you read this and it can’t hurt. You might even get an answer to an unasked question.
*Marriage Moments go out to individuals on Mondays. For Sunday bulletins use the Sunday immediately before the above date.
1137. Mar. 7: Although we should respond to those in need all year round, Lent can be a time when parents teach their children about the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy. The first two are to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty. Of course, as parents you do this for your family every day, but what about eating more simply during Lent?
1138. Mar. 14 Review the classic Kahil Gibran poem & song, On Children. ( (Skip ad.)
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts." Reflect.
1139. Mar. 21: March 21 is Single Parent Day. Single parents do double duty. It’s hard but it’s not impossible. Your children will eventually appreciate your sacrifices. If you’re not a single parent, find one and give them a break.
1140. Mar. 28: Enjoy this additional rendition of Gibran’s On Children poem & song. ( "Your children are not your children...You may strive to be like them, But seek not to make them just like you. For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday." Reflect further.
1133. Feb. 7: Black History Month: Few people think of themselves as racist, but do you or your children have friends of a different race? It may feel awkward, but find a way to meet someone who looks different than you this week. Perhaps go to a church, store, or neighborhood where people who look different from you gather. Of course if you are in a minority race...relax.
1134. Feb. 14: Valentine's Day: Although Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day, your young, unmarried child(ren) may be passing around special cards to each other at school. Loving your child is worthy of remembrance. Do something loving for your younger "valentine(s)" today.
1135. Feb. 21: "Anything which parents have not learned from experience, they can now learn from their children." (Anon.) Learn something new from your child today (a song, a joke, how to program a cell phone, how to download a printer driver…)
1136. Feb. 28: The average U.S. child is exposed to approximately 8½ hours of media a day. Sure, some of that is at school and some is multitasking, but it’s still way too much. Do you know how much time your child watches a screen or has something in their ear? Try counting the hours for one day.
Parenting Pointers go out to individuals on Fridays. For Sunday bulletins, use the closest Friday.
I offer you these Eco-Tips as a resource for those you serve.
My own faith tradition is Catholic and thus Pope Francis' teaching in Laudato Si' inspired these ways of Living Laudato Si'. Of course caring for creation transcends religions and is indeed a universal undertaking. It cannot be done alone.
You are welcome to reprint these in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit, "By Susan Vogt,"
For related articles go to my Living Lightly Blog:
Since those we reach may be in many different places regarding environmental efforts, I offer 2 options each week:
161. Mar. 3: CLUTTER
EASY: What’s the messiest place in your home? Perhaps the entry way or kitchen? Choose one category of items (hats, kitchen notes…) to review. Dispose or recycle extra ones.
CHALLENGING: In the spirit of the upcoming season of Lent, declutter not only your material possessions but also your mind. What grudges, angers, are you holding on to. Declutter your mind.
162. Mar. 10: SHOPPING
EASY: When shopping take reusable bags for your purchases (canvas bags or reuse paper/plastic bags.)
CHALLENGING: Contact your local supermarket or other stores. Encourage them to minimize packaging at checkout, subsidize returnable packaging, etc.
163. Mar. 17: MONEY
EASY: Saving our environment can sometimes cost money. Make a donation to a worthy environmental cause.
CHALLENGING: Research the most environmentally responsible cleaning, car, or energy efficient products. Sometimes the purist products cost more. Weigh carefully where to spend your money.
164. Mar. 24: ENERGY
EASY: Set your computer and/or display to turn off after 15 minutes of inactivity.
CHALLENGING: Ensure that your home is properly insulated to use less energy and reduce heating and cooling costs.
165. Mar. 31: SPRING CLEANUP
EASY: Choose either your home or yard. Clean up extras or debris. Enjoy a cleaner environment. Relax.
CHALLENGING: Invite your neighbors or community to help you clean up winter's residue (cans, bottles, orphan mittens in the street, tree debris, loose stones, miscellaneous garbage...)
157. Feb. 3: PLASTIC
EASY: Reduce use of plastic bags as much as possible by refusing, reducing use, using a paper bag, or (if it's small) just carry it.
CHALLENGING: Additional alternatives to plastic bags are canvas bags, a packing box, or put it in a backpack.
158. Feb. 10: DRINK WATER
EASY: Drink water from the tap. It is by far the cheapest drink in both emissions and money. It also avoids plastic bottles and usually has fluoride for healthy teeth.
CHALLENGING: Consider buying a reusable water filter dispenser to reduce chlorine, lead, mercury… I use the Pur dispensers with a filter.
159. Feb. 17: TRASH
EASY: Walk around your neighborhood with a garbage bag to pick up trash and recyclables.
CHALLENGING: Post your experience on social media or talk with others to multiply your effort.
160. Feb. 24: PAPER
EASY: When possible, avoid unnecessary use of paper by using email, text messaging…
CHALLENGING: When paper is essential, try recycled, post-consumer, acid-free note/office paper or paper from a tree farm.
153. Jan. 6: CLOTHING
EASY: Perhaps you got a new piece of clothing for Christmas. Swap out a similar piece by donating it to a secondhand store - or at least retire it as a rag.
CHALLENGING: If you genuinely need a new piece of clothing, evaluate the fabric it’s made of. Seek natural fibers. Avoid petroleum-based fabrics such as nylon, polyester, and fleece when possible.
EASY: Review your bathroom medicine cabinet for duplicates and out of date medicines. Pick at least one duplicate item to donate to a homeless shelter. Discard expired medications.
CHALLENGING: Count how many plastic containers are in your medicine cabinet. Can you reduce the number by half? Examples: replace bottled shampoo or lotions with bars.
155. Jan. 20: ENERGY USE
EASY: Beyond heating, cooling, cooking, and lighting, count the items in your home that run on electricity. Is there anything you haven’t used in a year?
CHALLENGING: Give away any electrical devices you haven’t used in a year. Consider setting your computer to turn off after 15 minutes of inactivity.
EASY: Use the library or internet to educate yourself instead of buying books (except mine 😊)
CHALLENGING: Encourage others (your office, schools, religious organizations, etc) to recycle. Multiply your personal efforts by motivating others.
I offer you these Eco-Tips as a resource for those you serve.
My own faith tradition is Catholic and thus Pope Francis' teaching in Laudato Si' inspired these ways of Living Laudato Si'. Of course caring for creation transcends religions and is indeed a universal undertaking. It cannot be done alone.
You are welcome to reprint these in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit, "By Susan Vogt,"
For related articles go to my Living Lightly Blog:
Since those we reach may be in many different places regarding environmental efforts, I offer 2 options each week: EASY: Some of us are just starting to awaken to the need to care for creation, or have been busy with jobs, raising a family, or other social justice commitments. We may not have much discretionary time. OR, it may simply be a relief to note, “Hey, I’m already doing this one!” Good.
The 0122 Episode of Simpler OneEarth Living is the last for the present. All 250+ episodes are presented--one at a time--as part of Simple Living Daily Nudges Enhanced. To subscribe, send NUDGE to Free! No ads! Different Theme each month! Different Focus each week!
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Peace, Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
For hard copies of Alternatives' resources at nominal cost, contact ELCA Archives, 321 Bonnie Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 // (847) 690-9410 //
We do not solicit or accept donations, nor do we sell anything. All our resources and services are free of charge. We're an all-volunteer organization. Instead, we urge Alternative Giving. Give away at least 25% of what you spent last year on all celebrations -- Christmas, birthdays, etc. -- to local, national and international causes.
Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-alike license.
*Treasury of Celebrations: published by Northstone, a division of Wood Lake Publications, BC, Canada, best known for its Seasons of the Spirit curriculum.