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Eco-Justice Ministries
Eco-Justice: “the well-being of all humankind on a thriving Earth”
Guest: Peter Sawtell, Founder and Exec. Dir. of Eco-Justice Ministries, discussing the new emphasis Not Ordinary Times.
Mentions This Episode
Eco-Justice Ministries | Subscribe to Eco-Justice NOTES (weekly email commentary)
NotOrdinaryTimes.org is a challenging call to “be the church” in this time of environmental crisis — backed up with a comprehensive set of resources and background materials that will guide churches through a six-month season of worship and preaching that takes seriously the devastation of the global environment.
My Travel Journal – Denver, where I spoke at Peter Sawtell’s church (scroll to Post #76) | Good Friday Vigil Against Gun Violence: Stations of the Cross
The weeks between Pentecost, 6/8/14, and Advent, 11/30, are traditionally Ordinary Time, the non-festival part of the Church Year.
NEW – Pastoral Economic Struggles: Facing Together Global Capitalism’s Domination in Daily Life by Lee Van Ham (Pentecost theme)
Worship Alternatives: Pentecost/Ordinary Time
- A Pentecost Blessing
- A Pentecost Litany for All Seasons
- The Enormous Language: A Drama for Pentecost Sunday
- Pentecostal Power: A Sermon for Pentecost Sunday (by Ken Sehested)
- Bringing Them to Their Senses: A Brainstorming Session
- Birthday of the Church: A Children’s Sermon for Pentecost
- Beatitudes (Version 2.0) (text)
- Beatitudes (Version 2.0) (PDF)
- Being the Church: Some Thoughts about the Community of Faith
- One in the Spirit: A Program for an Intergenerational Fellowship [+ART]
- Why People Always Bring Food
- Invocation for an Ordinary Congregation
- Being the Church: Some Thoughts about the Community of Faith
- Moving into Ordinary Time: A Call to Worship
- God, Our Souls Are Weary: A Prayer for Servants
- A Prayer for Ordinary Time
- These Stones We Hold: A Service of Release [+ART]
- Pieces of the Puzzle: A Children’s Sermon Idea
- The Body of Christ? It’s a Puzzle: a youth activity [+ART]
- A Rock Garden of Wishes: Brainstorming for a Children’s Activity [+ART]
- Benediction [+ART]
Gifts that Give Hope: Lancaster’s Alternative Gift Fair | Gifts that Give Fairs | A recent survey by the national non-profit, the Center for a New American Dream, revealed that 70 percent of Americans would welcome holidays with less emphasis on material gift giving and spending!
Check out Simple Living 101: Tools for Activists, especially chapter 3: events. You may want to add to it, as several folks have.
SLW! Recommends Literacy Service
Look and see what others can’t see.
Hear what others aren’t able to hear.
Tell what you have seen and heard.
Simple Living is a comprehensive way of living. It’s so much more than its stereotype of growing a few tomatoes and wearing our favorite old clothes!
This service contains books (paper, eBooks, audio), video (DVD, internet), audio (CD, MP3), blogs, podcasts, sites.
These are quite current resources. For classic resources, visit Study/Activity/Action Guides.
Mildly interesting historical note: For most of its 40 years of service Alternatives offered a Book Service. From 1995-2008, Alternatives published and distributed a modest quarterly Resource Guide, i.e. sales catalog. I reviewed hundreds of resources to find the ones ideal for our audience. Since August, 2010, I have continued to review resources, most of which I recommend to my local public library and they add to their collection. I have interacted with each of these titles and sources.
SLW! does not sell anything, but we recommend resources from other sources and publishers, which we urge you to get from your public library or your local, independent bookstore. For help locating a local source, visit IndieBound.org. Some are free on the internet. Most of the links take you to my previews.
Some of the titles are faith-based, most are not. They vary from simple to complex, from friendly to polemical.
Find a TOPIC that interests you; try a few of the entries. Then move to another TOPIC. The titles are not in alphabetical or priority order.
Activism Literacy
Celebrating Literacy
Economic Literacy
Environmental Literacy
Family/Children Literacy
Financial Literacy
Food, Water and Agriculture Literacy
Happiness Literacy
Health/Medical Literacy
Historical Literacy
Media Literacy
Peace/War/Militarism/Empire Literacy
Political Literacy
Spiritual/Faith Literacy
Time and Work Literacy
For more ideas, go to Getting Started. Also see Champions of Simple Living and other worthwhile Links.
Colleague Lee Van Ham of Jubilee Economics is progressing well with his new book Blinded by Progress.
For hard copies of Alternatives’ resources at nominal cost, contact ELCA Archives contact info, 321 Bonnie Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 * (847) 690-9410 * archives@elca.org
YOU may have something to contribute to our on-going collection Who’s Risen from the Dead, Anyway? for Lent/HolyWeek/Easter and to our most widely-read annual resource,Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany. Though it’s no longer printed on paper, “WHOSE Birthday?” is published online since 2012.
All past editions are available on the SLW! site. Thanks to Creative Commons licensing, individuals and congregations can reprint articles without further permission. The articles are carefully indexed — ADVENT/CHRISTMAS | LENT/EASTER.
They’re updated as new material arrives, so send ideas and items anytime. Prepare something now while it’s really on your mind. An item may be new or not, original or not. (If it’s by someone else, include a complete description of the source.) We prefer items of 250 words or fewer (one page double-spaced). We reserve the right to edit.
- ART (line drawing, photo) that depicts the tension between faith and culture, especially at Christmas and Easter.
- PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (especially intergenerational ones) related to simplifying Christmas and Easter and finding meaning and happiness in relationships instead of stuff.
- FAMILY ACTIVITIES, rituals or worshipful ceremonies for Advent/ Christmas/Epiphany and Lent/HolyWeek/Easter.
We reach many through our website, blogs and other media. Sorry, we cannot pay for any submissions.
Read WHOSE Birthday? in the archives | WHO’s Risen? Some also come in AUDIO formats.
Please send your submissions by email to SimpleLivingWorks AT yahoo DOT com. If you need to send something by US mail, email us and we’ll send you a mailing address.
Next episode, you’ll hear info about Alternative Summer Festivals, an overview of Simply Delicious: Quantity Cooking for Churches, and Hunger resources from Worship Alternatives.
In May, I start a series called Tony & Shane Uncut – the complete 3-1/2 hour straight talk between Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne about simple living and global justice. Parts of that dialog became the DVD “Simply Enough,” which has been re-issued by World Vision Canada as “Choose Justice.” [Secret: the complete series — episodes 20-27 — can be previewed now, even with Show Notes.]
Last Episode
Vicki Robin has helped millions of Americans reshape their lives in sound and beautiful ways, but this may be her most important project yet–and a crucial one for our tired planet too! ~~Bill McKibben, author of Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlikely Activist
Vicki Robin is a national treasure–a source of wisdom and uncommon sense now directed at the most basic of basics: how and what we eat and how that connects to our health, prosperity, and prospects . . . The ten-mile diet should be national policy!” ~~ David Orr, Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics at Oberlin College
TedxSeattle talk - 14 minutes of heart, head and humor on Relational Eating | Website: VickiRobin.com | Book: Your Money or Your Life | NEW Book: Blessing the Hands that Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Taught Me About Food, Community And Our Place on Earth | Local Food Lab – restoring local food systems
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Champions of Simple Living Today
For more Simple Living sites, search on Ecosia.org (not Google) for frugal, thrifty, cheapskate, simple living, voluntary simplicity.
Mentions in Recent Episodes
I hope that you can see the values of these free resources and will use them as needed, or even better, acquaint yourself with them now so that you’re prepared for your next event.
Treasury of Celebrations: Create Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the Earth, the last edition of the classic series Alternative Celebrations Catalogs.
Part 4. Rites of Passage, such as birthdays, anniversaries and funerals
Wedding Alternatives: Create Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the Earth (Angela and Pete, above, contributors to Wedding Alternatives Supplement)
Treasury Intro: SLW! podcast episode 4 (the need to simplify all our celebrations)
Overview of Rites of Passage (alphabetical order)
- Adoption Day | An Alternative Wedding Service | Anniversaries | Bequeathal of organs and tissue upon our death | Birth | Birthdays | Death | Divorce | Early Passages, such as tooth rites and starting school | Graduations | Hospice Care | In the Faith Community — Confirmation for Christian youth and Bar or bat mitzvah for Jewish boys and girls | Marriage | Memorial Societies | Puberty | Retirement | Rites of Passage (intro) | The Second Time, remarriage | NEW – Green Birthday Parties
Wedding Alternatives, which also has been published as the Alternative Wedding Book includes:
- Outward Signs of Inner Values: What Matters for Your Wedding? | Create Your Own Ceremony: Beyond “Here Comes the Bride” | Planning an Alternative Wedding: Food, Flowers and Festivities | Wedding Timeline/Checklist | Wedding Budget Worksheet | Supplement
The original version is free online, including a more recent supplement. The Alternative Wedding Book is still in-print from Woodlake/NorthStone Publishing, BC, Canada.
It you think this resource may be out-of-date, read this testimonial for Alternative Wedding Book that I received in late 2013, signed Arizona Bride. She plans to continue giving the book to friends who are preparing to wed. By the way, it’s available free and complete as Wedding Alternatives at SimpleLivingWorks.org; also in Spanish as Nuestra Boda.
I hope you’ll find my blog Occupying the Flagstaff Bridal Fair both humorous and enlightening.
And I’ve added Meredith Gould’s helpful book Getting #Married: Using Social Media to Celebrate the Sacred to the Wedding Alternatives Supplement.
Cecile Andrews | CecileAndrews.com
Champion of Simplicity and Community Conversation Circles
A community educator, Cecile is active in the transition movement in the United States. She’s the author of The Circle of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life (1998) | Slow is Beautiful: New Visions of Community, Leisure and Joie de Vivre (2006) | Less is More: Embracing Simplicity for a Healthy Planet, a Caring Economy and Lasting Happiness (2009) | NEW! Living Room Revolution: A Handbook for Conversation, Community and the Common Good (2013)
To LISTEN, visit the Episode Index.
Helpful Articles on SPRING Festivals
We talked about Lent and Easter (April 20) – in Episode #13. | Passover – Tue., April 15, 2014 – 7 days – Mon., April 21. In the USA, Passover ends one day later, Tues., April 22.
In addition to this podcast and its show notes, we post new SLW! blogs several times a week. We hope you’ll read and subscribe. This BLOG is the companion to our two-times-a-month podcast. The content is different, though the subject is the same. Click on blog at the top of the show notes of any episode.
You’re welcome to share your thoughts on these subjects. Email a message to Feedback AT SimpleLivingWorks DOT org.
Leave a comment on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.
Share your thoughts on this podcast and this episode. Email Feedback AT SimpleLivingWorks DOT org [or SimpleLivingWorks AT yahoo DOT com or SimpleLivingWorks2 AT gmail DOT com], leave a message on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.
To learn more about SLW! – our MISSION, for example — listen to episodes #1 and 2. We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, to educate and inspire you, your family and your congregation or group. We blog several times a week.
Like SLW! on Facebook. | Follow us on Twitter. | Read & subscribe to the SLW! blog. | Follow us on Pinterest.
To LISTEN, click the player at the top or the bottom. To SUBSCRIBE to email notices, click Comments below, then check
SUBSCRIBE for free through iTunes, Stitcher.com or your favorite podcast service. Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review. Send us your email address to receive the free monthly SLW! eNews. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same.
Episode Index: #1-3: Getting Acquainted | #4-5: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle | #6-11: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? | #12: Living More with Less UPDATED | #13: Let’s Get Ready for a Simpler Lent & Easter | #14: Simple Living 101 + Social Media BONUS | #15: author Cecile Andrews | #16: Alternative Rites of Passage | #17: Vicki Robin, co-author of “Your Money or Your Life” | #18: Not Ordinary Time – Eco-Justice | #19: Simply Delicious / Hunger / Summer Festivals | #20-27: Tony & Shane Uncut
Peace, Gerald “Jerry” Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
MORE Mentions in Recent Episodes
- Simple Living 101: Tools for Activists (shy or bold) | Share the Joy of a Simpler Lifestyle Through Speeches, Workshops, Events, Study/Action Groups, Simplicity Circles and Social Media + BONUS: Social Media Supplement – Jerry’s Excellent Adventure | Self-Starters Needed! | Free coaching for groups on the internet
- Themes/Seasons: Alternatives’ Collections Index: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany | Lent/Easter | Other Seasons | Anytime/Non-Seasonal | Music | Art | Audio | Video | Spanish | Living More with Less
- Lent/Easter: 10 Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Easter | Article/ART Index: Easter | Bulletin Inserts are indexed in Articles by season. | En Español (all) | Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes and Art for Simpler Living and Global Justice ( Foreword by Cecile Andrews | Introduction | How to Use This Collection | QUOTES | ART )
- Who’s Risen from the Dead, Anyway? A. Reflection/Activity Guides (two guides for each cycle – total of six); B. Passover and Easter Seders; C. Posters and 40-Day Calendars; D. Bulletin Inserts & Covers (#551-559) | Those Who Speak for God: Household Studies on the Minor Prophets
- Worship Alternatives: Worship Items (Litanies, Hymns, Prayers, etc.)| Sermons | ART for Lent/Holy Week/Easter
- Guides for Sharing These Resources: School of Layout | Reaching Out Through the Media
- Overflow Project 50-Day Challenge | my blog SIMPLIFY + GIVE + CHANGE = WATER
- Bring Simpler Living to Your Group!
- Testimonials/Feedback/Comments/Response
- Simple Living Works! web site home page | Themes/Seasons Index
- 10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Easter | Celebrations | SPANISH: 10 puntas
- For Lent/Easter SEASONAL HELPS, including links to AV and Text resources, see episode 13.
- SEASONAL HELPS from *Treasury of Celebrations: Create Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the Earth: Winter Festivals: Jan.-April | LENT | EASTER | Part 1: Making Choices — Simple Living, Gift Giving, Food and Celebration, Getting Started | Part 2: Gifts | Part 3: Celebrations — Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, Advent, Christmas | Part 4: Rites of Passage
Click ABOUT for Music and Cover Art Credits.
*GRAPHIC: Eco-Justice.org
We do not solicit or accept donations, nor do we sell anything. All our resources and services are free of charge. We’re an all-volunteer organization. Instead, we urge Alternative Giving. Give away 25% of what you spent last year on all celebrations – Christmas, birthdays, etc. — to local, national and international causes.
Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-alike license.
*Treasury of Celebrations: published by Northstone, a division of Wood Lake Publications, BC, Canada, best known for its Seasons of the Spirit curriculum.
Frankly, I think that’s absolutely good stuff.
Thanks for the article.
New to your blog. Stumbled upon it browsing the web. Keep up the great work. I am hoping you update it regularly.