Simple Living Works! Monthly Digest
This complete digest, formerly posted weekly, is now updated at least weekly. It contains posts from both SLW! and other simple living sources.
The SLW! Weekly Nudge (focus on SLW!) comes as a free subscription to SLW! Blog (When you arrive, click +Follow in lower right, add your email address, then confirm when email arrives.)
The free Daily Nudge is available by email -- send SUBSCRIBE to SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com -- or by Twitter @GeraldIversen.
Simple Living Works! Monthly Digest
Updated Weekly
March, 2018
In This Issue:
Simpler Living Daily Nudges for FEBRUARY
Relish These QUOTES // ART //
What Others Are Doing - So Much Help!
What's NOW with SLW!
What Others Are Doing - So Much Help!
I gladly pass along links from simple living bloggers, podcasters, coaches and others. Some faith-based, some not. You needn't read them all. Choose FIVE links -- including SLW! -- to investigate.
- Alternative Radio Podcast (David Barsamian)
- Becoming Minimalist (Joshua Becker)
- Center for a New American Dream
- Ideas to get more involved, both on an individual and a community level. From helping with hurricane relief efforts, to confronting racism in your community, there are plenty of ways to make a difference, with a couple pledges and challenges as well.

- Hurricane Relief: Another Way to Help. Did you know you can use SoKind to deliver the most-needed contributions – both material and non-material – to those who could use a helping hand?
- Confronting Racism
Casey Williams, New Dream's Director of Operations and Outreach, makes the case for confronting racism through personal change, individual action, and community connection.READ MORE
- Yes to Waiting
The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least 8th grade. Research shows why kids are better off without the internet, social media, and games constantly at their fingertips.
Likable Links
+ The dis-ease of being busy & how to pause
+ Bookmark this: Simple Rules for Living
+ How to make positive changes stick
+ Americans under 25 are bringing a new era of tolerance
+ Well-being for people & the planet happens through "purpose in action"
Susan Salterberg Interview
Susan Salterberg, from Univ. of Northern Iowa’s Center for Energy & Environmental Education, spoke with us about her work guiding K-12 educators to create lessons for their students around consumption, well-being, and sustainability.
- All Simplify the Holidays resources
- The Common Good Podcast - Check out the new site.
- Community Solutions: Founded in 1940, this non-profit organization advocates for small communities and the benefits of face-to-face relationships. Since 2003, the focus has been to provide resources for low-carbon living and to inspire collective, cooperative solutions in the face of peak energy and climate change.
- Creation Justice CAPSULES: News and Opportunities for Christians Doing Creation Justice
- E-The Environmental Magazine
- Earth Island Journal (Earth Island Institute): Latest News // Current Issue
- Earth Mama (Joyce Rouse) NEW -- Made for These Times song for Ladies Sewing and Resistance Society
- Lead sheet with melody line (downloadable PDF @ http://www.earthmama.org/)
- Full lyrics (downloadable PDF @ http://www.earthmama.org/)
- video (1 minute) of singing and sewing
- video (6 minute) including wonderful short interviews with sewers explaining WHY they will be marching, some for the first time ever in this kind of activism. Song plays the last minute. https://youtu.be/IJiNZcYc428
Blessings, Joyce (Earth Mama) //
Website, Songbooks, YouTube videos; Whole Enchi-Mama on a USB Thumb drive, Standing on the Shoulders music video, sheet music offerings // SLW! Podcast
- Eco-Justice Ministries (Peter Sawtell) // Voluntary Simplicity archive // SLW! Podcast // SLW! Podcast #66
- NEW--Frugalwoods: Financial independence and simple living featured on PBS NewsHour, Sun., March 11
- GodSpace (Christine Sine) // SLW! Podcast
- The Good Stuff your dose of what's working in the world from The Story of Stuff Project!
- Green Child eMagazine: Simplify for Happier, Calmer Kids
- The Homesteading Guide Daily: Exploring life off the grid.
- Jubilee Economics / Casa Jubileo (Lee Van Ham & Gerald Iversen)
- A Living Earth Economy (David Korten - Yes! Magazine): How we can make peace with nature, realize the value of living wealth, and return to local, self-organized rule.
- Living Lightly (Susan Vogt on living more simply but abundantly): 365+ Days of Give-Aways - Finding good homes for no longer needed items rather than just putting them in the trash //SLW! Podcast // SLW! Podcast: Lent
My summer blog posts focused on letting go of troublesome emotions. My Fall posts return to more practical concerns.
- Plastics – Do's & Don'ts - Being a virtuous recycler, you may already have most of these tips in muscle memory, but here's a way to keep them all in one post. Plus, a nugget I just learned today - Grocery stores generally accept thin plastic bags for recycling but NOT the PE-LD #04 plastic wrapping.
- Letting Go of Worry - This is a continuation of letting go of negative emotions since I realized that I needed to do this. It differentiates between productive worry and non-productive worry.
- Feel Good Giving - Pay attention to bad news and needs. Where is there a fire, a flood, a homeless shelter. Often these are places that need stuff you've been hanging on to "just in case." Turn your waiting in to something that will help someone now.
- Temporary Gifts--Have adult kids who are moving? We did. Our daughter knew we are constantly looking for places to give extra odds and ends. She offered us a win/win opportunity. We give her stuff until her overseas possessions arrive. She would then pass on our extras.
- How Much Is Enough?--This age old question is never completely answered but it is a good one to keep in front of us during the Christmas shopping season (or whenever). Enjoy the 3 inspiring short videos.
- Going Beyond My Bubble - Why and how I became motivated to reach out to those who voted differently than me
Although I haven't written it yet, my mind has been working on the idea of "Letting Go of Hate." It's a follow up to my "Political Conversations" post. Stay tuned.
Live Simply (Third Way: Celeste Kennel-Shank)
Lutheran Peace Fellowship: Simple Living Resources // SLW! Podcast
The Minimalists podcast (Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus). Getting us past the things so we can make room for life's most important things -- which actually aren't things at all.
Mustard Seed Associates (Andy Wade)
New Changemakers: Join the Changemaking Celebration! (Tom Sine)
NorthWest Earth Institute's latest discussion course ebook, Sustainability Works: Rethinking Business As Usual // Change Is Our Choice: Creating Climate Solutions // Voluntary Simplicity // SLW! Podcast
The OneEarth Project (Lee Van Ham) // SLW! Podcast
The Pastoral Center/Gospel Living (Paul Canavese) // SLW! Podcast
PostConsumers: Find the Satisfaction of Enough / Full Article Library
Prayer & Politiks (Ken Sehested): At the intersection of spiritual formation and prophetic action (weekly)
Share Spend Save: Money+Meaning (Nathan Dungan)
Simple Enough (Bob Sitze) // SLW! Podcast
Simple Living: the Good Life (Janet Luhrs) - Time, Finances, Home-Work, Health
Simple Times (Debi Taylor-Hough): Saving Your Time, Money & Sanity
Simplicity Collective - Let us be pioneers once more (Samuel Alexander)
Simplicity Parenting (Kim John Payne): because it is a beautiful world
Smart and Simple Matters podcast (Joel Zaslofsky of Value of Simple: Liberate Your Time, Money and Talent) // SLW! Podcast
NEW--Teach Peace Now
TransitionNetwork.org: Transition Towns--A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world // TransitionUS.org
TreeHugger: Finding a Greener Future
For links to earlier entries, check the previous SLW! blog.
Upcoming Non-Conform-Freely Celebrations: Sept.-Dec. // Jan.-April
What's Happened
- SLW! Podcast #104-107 -- WHOSE Birthday Is It, Anyway? (11/1, 11/15, 12/1, 12/15) //
- SLW! Podcast #103 -- Kathy McGinnis of The Institute for Peace and Justice (10/15) //
- SLW! Podcast #102 -- Meghann Jarchow of the Univ. of So. Dakota Sustainability Program (10/1) //
- SLW! Podcast #101 -- Paul K. Chappell of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- In the 500th year of the Reformation SLW! Podcast #100 -- Reformation History Scholar and ELCA Bishop Guy Erwin
- SLW! Podcast #99 -- Order of Lutheran Franciscans
- Review of Lee Van Ham's new "From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable," vol. 2 of the "Eden for the 21st Century" Trilogy. Available on Amazon in print and ebook and other locations where you can get the ebook (Nook, iBooks, Kobo). He says, "Hope the book stirs you to write a review, to converse with others, and to help me tell better than I currently do a story for OneEarth living. Wanting to show Earth more love!"
- Post-Election Emergency/Disaster Preparedness and Survival Guide
- Our Simpler Living Weekly Daily Nudge // Easy-to-share for Feb.
// March
- Previews of Simple Living Blogs, Podcasts and Sites // Collaborators & Champions
- Our Simpler Living Weekly Daily Nudge // Easy-to-share for Feb.
// March
- Recent Responses to all SLW! media, including links
- New Year's Resolution: I will focus on what I CAN change. I will focus on voluntary simplicity, my choices to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly.
Activities of the Chief Activist
Podcast Reminder
You can access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes either at SimpleLiving.startlogic.com/SLW-PODCAST or at SimpleLivingWorks.org (then click window #3). Complete Episode Index. Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent).
SUBSCRIBE through iTunes, Stitcher.com or your favorite podcast service. To SUBSCRIBE to email notices, click Comments at the bottom of Show Notes, then check 'Notify me of new posts by email.' Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review.
Send us your email address to receive the free monthly SLW! eNews. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same. Do your friends a favor. Share our blog and podcast.
Like SLW! on Facebook. | Follow us on Twitter. | Follow us on Pinterest.Share your thoughts on our podcast and blogs. Email: SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com, leave a message on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.
Peace, Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
For hard copies of Alternatives' resources at nominal cost, contact ELCA Archives, 321 Bonnie Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 // (847) 690-9410 // archives@elca.org
We do not solicit or accept donations, nor do we sell anything. All our resources and services are free of charge. We're an all-volunteer organization. Instead, we urge Alternative Giving. Give away at least 25% of what you spent last year on all celebrations -- Christmas, birthdays, etc. -- to local, national and international causes.
Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-alike license.
*Treasury of Celebrations: published by Northstone, a division of Wood Lake Publications, BC, Canada, best known for its Seasons of the Spirit curriculum.
Through social media, we extend the mission and resources of the non-profit organization Alternatives, 1973-2011. Simple Living Works! web site home page | Theme/Seasons Index. To learn more about SLW! MISSION, for example -- please listen to our getting-acquainted episodes, especially #1 and 2 We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, hopefully educational and inspiring for you, your family and your congregation or group .We blog each week.
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Page updated 31 March 2018