Simple Living Works! Monthly Digest

This complete digest, formerly posted weekly, is now updated at least weekly. It contains posts from both SLW! and other simple living sources.
  • The SLW! Weekly Nudge (focus on SLW!) comes as a free subscription to SLW! Blog (When you arrive, click +Follow in lower right, add your email address, then confirm when email arrives.)
  • The free Daily Nudges is available by email -- send SUBSCRIBE to SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com -- or by Twitter @GeraldIversen.
  • 2017 // 2018 // 2019 // 2020

    -- Month 1 // Month 2 // Month 3 // Month 4 // Month 5 // Month 6 // Month 7 // Month 8 // Month 9 // Month 10 // Month 11 // Month 12


    Simple Living Works! Monthly Digest

    Updated Weekly

    Month 4, 2020

    In This Issue:

    What's NOW with SLW!

    What Others Are Doing - So Much Help!

    I gladly pass along links from simple living bloggers, podcasters, coaches and others. Some faith-based, some not. You needn't read them all. Choose FIVE links -- including SLW! -- to investigate.

    For links to earlier entries, check the previous months' digests.

    What's Happened

    Podcast Reminder

    You can access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes either at SimpleLivingWorks.org (then click window #3) or Complete Episode Index. Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent).

    SUBSCRIBE through iTunes, Stitcher.com or your favorite podcast service. To SUBSCRIBE to email notices, click Comments at the bottom of Show Notes, then check 'Notify me of new posts by email.' Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review.

    Send us your email address to receive the free monthly SLW! eNews. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same. Do your friends a favor. Share our blog and podcast.

    Like SLW! on Facebook. | Follow us on Twitter. | Follow us on Pinterest.Share your thoughts on our podcast and blogs. Email: SimpleLivingWorks@yahoo.com, leave a message on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.

    Peace, Gerald 'Jerry' Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist

    For hard copies of Alternatives' resources at nominal cost, contact ELCA Archives, 321 Bonnie Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 // (847) 690-9410 // archives@elca.org

    We do not solicit or accept donations, nor do we sell anything. All our resources and services are free of charge. We're an all-volunteer organization. Instead, we urge Alternative Giving. Give away at least 25% of what you spent last year on all celebrations -- Christmas, birthdays, etc. -- to local, national and international causes.

    Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-alike license.

    *Treasury of Celebrations: published by Northstone, a division of Wood Lake Publications, BC, Canada, best known for its Seasons of the Spirit curriculum.

    Through social media, we extend the mission and resources of the non-profit organization Alternatives, 1973-2011. Simple Living Works! web site home page | Theme/Seasons Index. To learn more about SLW! MISSION, for example -- please listen to our getting-acquainted episodes, especially #1 and #2 We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, hopefully educational and inspiring for you, your family and your congregation or group .We blog each week.

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    Page updated 4/25/20